Diablo 4 New S-TIER Chain Lightning X'Fals Eruption T100 Sorc Lucky Hit Endgame Build Guide Season 2

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how's it going Diablo friends today I'm excited to bring you my new chain lightning Firebolt eruption build this build is a chain lightning base and it takes full advantage of chain lightning damage ball lightning damage and also burst damage of the XF Falls corroded signant ring the XF Falls is really nice because if you pair it with the Firebolt enchantment and the high attack speed of chain Lightnings and the way that dots and lucky hit chance of dots are stacking you actually get an enormous amount of eruption explosions out of this and these explosions deal up to like 3 million damage each you have permanent up time on unstable currents and the nature of this build with using the B lightning enchant and the explosion damage it also clears a lot of mobs off screen before you can even see them I'm not going to say that it's better than ball lightning it's definitely not like pure ball lightning is pretty much the strongest build you can play right now and I'm not going to argue against that but keep in mind there might be nerves to more lightning coming which might make chain lightning builds strongest sorcerous builds again not saying that it's going to happen or it's not going to happen I'm not going to speculate on Blizzard's patch Behavior but yeah with this build you can do Uber Lis you can do Uber dual you can do tier 100 nightm dungeons within like 2 minutes if you like to nightm dungeons bosses go really fast they don't go as fast as with a pure ball lightning build but still I guess it's fair to say they are still going fast enough and a couple of seconds you will be faster with a pure ball lightning won't really matter at all so before we get into the actual build guide the skill tree and everything let me just explain real quick here again how the build works we are using chain lightning mainly and we are using the recharging aspect to basically give us infinite Mana we are not using any other Mana regeneration mechanics here our chain lightning first of all does a lot of damage but is also our main lucky hit applicator and with lucky hit we do use the ball lightning enchant which triggers quite often you can see the a static ball lightning is pretty much everywhere on and off screen and also we use the Firebolt enchantment to first of all take advantage of our burning Synergy such as devouring Blaze Flame feeder glyph and some Paragon nodes obviously which give bonus damage and damage reduction to burning but also we used the X Falls corroded signant ring here as I already said the Firebolt enchantment lucky hit chance is stacking since we have a very very high attack speed we will apply a lot of Firebolt enchantments stacking on each other and this will trigger the xals explosions quite a lot like if you look at the gameplay in the background you will see the fire explosions pretty much going off all the time also since this is a lightning build we have a very very tanky base build but since this is just the nature of lightning builds that they are pretty much tanky we have a permanent stun on everything we are not using any offensive unique it items other than Asus boots so we can get all our defenses and defensive legendary aspects which makes us very very tanky and as our season 2 mechanics here we use specific vampiric Powers so we are using the aurs touch to apply the urse on all enemies around then we use the prey on the weak to make them all vulnerable so we don't need to have any other specific vulnerable mechanics here and we can take full advantage of the damage modification and then we take the ravenous vampiric power combined with a very very high movement speed which pretty much gives us permanent attack speed together with the accelerating aspect on our gloves if you feel like you don't even need the accelerating aspect you can also put another offensive aspect on your glovs if you want and then just use for example the heav assault Elixir for another 20% attack speed and you're still going to sit at Max attack speed just fine that's it for the short introduction so let's see how we melt on this boss here real quick and then let's let's go into the detailed guide sections after this and remember you will find all the links to the specific sections of this guide in the description down below you will find the link to the planner and also we will find links to my other guides at the very end of the description also at the end of this video I'm going to leave you like two or three nightmare Dungeons and I Leave You Uber Lis and Uber dual footage so now let's get into the sections of the guide all right let's get into the skill tree so since we Ed the Firebolt enchantment we just put two points into Firebolt to be able to take the enchantment and get into core skills then in core skills we basically max out chain lightning with enhanced chain lightning and greater chain lightning this will greatly boost the damage of chain lightning and we don't need the crackling energy from destructive chain lightning in this build because we can get it from other talents we're going to see later then we put one point into devastations three points into Elemental dominance we're going to be above 50 Mana pretty much all the time so this is a free 9% damage increase then we put one point into flame Shield one point into teleport one point into n teleport and one point into shimmering teleport we will have a lot of up time on shimmering teleport because we are using overflowing energy and that will reduce our shock skill coold down so we can pretty much use this teleport here all the time then we put one point into ice armor and one point into element tun man three points into glass Cannon pretty much like always then we go with three points into Precision magic one point into align the elements three points into Mana Shield three points into protection these defensives are just way too good to leave them out and we need to have a barrier up all the time for our offensive aspect so protection will take care of that just fine we use one point into lightning spare one point into in Hearts lightning spare and 1 Point into to invoke lightning spare so our lightning spares can stun enemies on and off screen for us then we put one point into inner flames and three point into devouring Blaze it's always great if you have plus three or plus two devouring brace on your amulet that's going to boost your damage significantly then we choose Max points into ball lightning we put one point into n ball lightning and one point into Wizards ball lightning this is pretty much our main crackling energy generator we don't really need anything more than this we put one point into static discharge just to get some little bit extra correctl energy if you struggle with Mana regeneration um you can always take some points out of somewhere else and go into invigorating conduit for example to get some more Mana regeneration then we put one point into unst currents one point Prime unst currents and one point Supreme unstable currents this is our main skill here we want to have this up all the time so obviously we choose it and Max it one point into causing currents three point into electrocution for the damage reduction and three three point into convulsion here for the stun on Lucky hit this is going to trigger quite a bit as well we're not using conduction here because we already have way more than enough critical Striker movement speed right here um again this is also probably kind of personal preference like if you want to use conduction you can probably do that as well and then last but not least we use overflowing energy to get our cooldowns redu greatly um so again this works pretty much on our ultimate cooldown and it also works on our teleport cool down and for teleport it's actually quite nice because we get the damage reduction on teleport and we can pretty much use this all the time without using any fancy stuff like Oculus or anything else uh if you do like uber bosses or whatever you pretty much just switch to ver Mastery for some extra damage since you're not going to use the overflowing energy anyway okay here's our skill build so we use unstable car currents um we want to have as much cool down reduction as possible um when we pop unstable currents it is not only going to give us 25% extra attack speed but also cast all these nice little shock skills including ball Lightnings and chain Lightnings which are going to do a lot of damage then the second skill spot here is pretty much optional I use lightning spare um you can also use Frost Nova if you like you could probably use Hydra if you really want to do it um I just don't really have a different skill I would use here so that's why I'm using lightning spare because I can just throw out the lightning spare before I engage a pack of mobs and that is then already going to be stunned when I arrive there if for instance I don't have unst currents up um teleport gives us 30% damage decrease if we teleport for 3 seconds again we try to have this up pretty much all the time um we use flame shield for obvious reasons chain lightning is our main damage spell so this is also going to do a lot of damage but also is our main applicator for Lucky hit so all the lucky hit effects we use in this build are based on the chain lightning pretty much and we use ice armor for a little bit more survivability it's always nice to have ice armor up and running um we used the ball lightning enchant and I'm not going to lie a lot of damage is coming from this um this is probably going to do more damage that chain lightning or pretty much equal at least maybe more but it's just way too good to just not use it like you could try to use something different here but I just feel like ball lightning enchant works like best with this and then we use the Firebolt enchantment as this is a core ability of this build first of all it allows us to get the burning Synergy but also this triggers the X Falls fire explosions all the time and that's going to be a significant chunk of our damage here hey let's let's go through legendary aspects and unique items let's start with the offensive aspects so we use the aspect of The Unbroken tether to give our chain lightning additional bounces I would really like to play without this or at least don't put this on the amulet but you just need it to make the build work it's not going to work without it just gives you so much more Mana regeneration it procs so much more lucky hit the damage is not really matter so it doesn't really do a lot of extra damage just because they ch lightning has more bounces yet it does more damage but you know it's not like it's doing extreme amounts of extra damage no um it's doing a little bit of extra damage but mainly this is for Mana regeneration and lucky hit application then we are using the recharging aspect here this is our for our Mana regeneration um you should try to have 2.5 or three like anything to and below is not going to be great then we use the storm swell aspect this is the the strongest offensive aspect for Sorceress in my mind this just gives you a permanent 30% damage increase um enemies are always going to be vulnerable and we're always going to have a barrier so this is pretty much without any conditions then we use the conceded aspect pretty much the same as the storm swell just a little bit lower um we always have a barrier up so this is also a permanent damage increase and then we use the accelerating aspect here um if you have for example 50 % attack speed on your gloves you can probably use a different offensive aspect like Elementalist for example or maybe the um Elementalist how is it called the aspect of the elements I guess the new one which also gives you a little bit more multiplicative damage um but you can also go with um the accelerating aspect here and then we use Asus as our unique boots um this is pretty much just to boost our crit chance um the Mana cost reduction is nice but this is giving you like around 30 35% crit chance um most important here really is the stat that it evade grants 75% movement speed for 3 seconds because this is always going to put you at 200% movement speed and that is going to give you then the 30% plus crit chance but also it gives you the 60% plus attack speed from the ravenous vampiric power and as for our defensive aspect we use the ever living aspect this is pretty much again a 25% um damage decrease without any conditions because enemies are always going to be vulnerable we use the aspect of Disobedience for armor this is most importantly um to reach your armor cap and then we use the exploiters aspect here you could also use the snow veiled aspect instead um I just like the little bit of extra crowd control duration and when when enemies are really running out of crowd control and get Unstoppable I get a nice damage multiplicator here so I have kind of a little bit of an offensive aspect for a defensive gear piece but you could also get the snow W aspect for some extra armor on um ice armor it's also nice um it's kind of a personal preference here and then last but not least let's go over the X fors cored signate here again like this is a really nice ring um for first of all it has nice base stats all stats is a really great stat on a ring um damage over time well doesn't really matter at all but let's face it the damage stats on the Rings don't matter anyway um lucky hit chance would be nice to have a better rooll but it's still a nice uh stat cool on reduction would be nice to have a better rooll but it's still a nice stat and the lucky hit effect is what is most important here um this is going to crit for like two to three millions depending on the situation and your current Buffs but this really really really does a lot of damage here stad priorities for our Helm we want to go for total armor as our most important stat followed by cooldown reduction followed by crowd control duration and then you can for example have a resistance stat so you need one resistance stat on one of your armor pieces pretty much you can also have two which is even better um if you don't have aist instead you can for example have lucky hit here or pretty much any other stat you don't need maximum Mana um I have main stat which is also right I guess um on our armor we want to have again total armor most important damage reduction stats maximum life maybe a resistance de um you see where I'm going here um on our uh gloves you want to have Critical Strike chance lucky hit chance ranks of chain lightning and you can either have um resource restoration here or you could also add attack speed if you have attack speed on here you can probably skip the accelerating aspect but having Critical Strike chance like H chance attack speed and plus four chain lightning is well it's a pretty good piece if you have that let's just say it like that on our armor again we want to have total armor most important stat then we want to have damage reduction stats ranks of more lightning and you can have Max life or a resistance de here something defensive which fits your overall gear set then we have the Asus boots pretty much most important stats here is movement speed and the um Critical Strike chance increased percentage um High roll of Mana cost reduction obviously is nice if you can get it on our weapon we want to have all stats intelligence and ideally damage to burning and for example damage to close enemies is good damage to distance is good um any unconditional damage that pretty much then then on our Focus you want Critical Strike chance lucky H chance you want cool down reduction and you probably want to have Mana cost on hit or main stad um barrier generation is pretty much useless I don't think you need a lot of Mana cost reduction in this build I still have all these stats on my items since they're not perfect but Mana cost reduction shouldn't be very important in this build then on our ring you want to have Critical Strike chance lucky hit chance um you want to have probably Max life and generation is a nice stat as well here I guess then we have the X FS well you can't do anything about the stats as I already said all stats on it is pretty nice um my lucky a chance and cool down reduction are pretty bad so probably at some point I want to farm some better ones here and on your amulet ideally you want intelligence percent movement speed Mastery skills and devouring blaz so this is pretty much almost the perfect piece um you could also have something different instead of intelligence like like um Kon reduction or uh I guess you can have defensive skills that will give you for example some extra skill points in your skill tree you can use then for for example conjuration Master which you're not using um but I guess this piece here is the optimal one you can get so for our gems then you want to have skulls pretty much if you have one resistance stat on your helmet um armor and gloves you want have the missing resistance in here if you can get two resistance stats you can actually put another skull in here and that will really get you to the armor cap like I have like 10K armor that's really nice you can probably get away with like 9.5 but it really helps to max out these armor stats here and remember um if you're looking for the optimal stats just check the planner in the description down below you will find all optimal stats for this build in the planner link okay let's go through the vampiric powers um here again we have like three mandatory vampiric powers and the other ones are optional so mandatory vampiric Powers is definitely a curse touch this is going to make our ghost deal more damage and it's going to apply our vulnerable so this is pretty much you have to use it there's no way around it then we use the um prey on the weak because together with the aurs touch this is going to make all enemies vulnerable who have a vampiric curse and all enemies have a vampire curse all the time on top of this it also gives us a 16% damage increase to vulnerable enemies and then we use the ravers here this gives us a current bonus of 58% attack speed for our movement speed bonus um later when you are in combat situation you get another 9% movement speed from Talons and whenever ever you evade you get 75% movement speed so this is pretty much going to elevate you to maximum attack speed all the time then we have our two optional glyphs the first one here is the anticipation this gives you 20% cooldown reduction and more damage on Ultimate skills honestly I have no idea if this works on unstable current or not um if anybody knows well is good for you um it's just for the 20% decreased cooldown here if you have a lot of cooldown reduction on your gear you probably don't need this you can probably go for a different GFF like 45 for example um and our second option G I use undying for the life Lee on casting skills this is also just personal preference like you can also get um resilence for more damage reduction it's a nice option you can definitely get the um sangu brace for the fortify um this gives you another 8% Critical Strike chance it's also a very nice glyph this is pretty much optional and up up to you um you can pretty much run however you like best let's go through the Paragon board so for the Paragon board again I decided to not use any conditional damage like control glyph or anything like that because I just feel like this is reducing your boss damage and in general I just don't not do not recommend to use any conditional damage stats which are not up 100% of the time they are not significantly better than the unconditional glyphs and you're just going to have so much of a better time if you do not use these so let's just go through the poweron here um we use the non-physical damage nodes here and then we put in the Elementalist glyph here um we mainly focus on multiplicative damage bonuses for our glyphs that is the most important we do not really care care so much about the additive the multiplicative here is the most important unfortunately we don't have any cold damage in this build but still this is going to give us a 10% multiplicative damage modifier and that is still very good moving over to the next board this is the enchantment Master board um we pick up the non-physical damage and the um resistance nodes here and then we put in our tactician glyph tactician glyph again 10% increased damage after casting a defense defensive skill so this is pretty much going to have a 100% up time and it's just another damage multiplier we chose and also we choose the non-physical damage and damage to Elite nodes here then we move over to our next board that is the keyless conduit board um we are going to pick up all these nice Hunter K killer damage to Elite nodes here and then we're going to pick up the destruction glyph here with the maximum of 49 dexterity this is again going to give us 12% multipli netive damage and the Critical Strike damage is 194% additive this is really nice um since we have almost 100% Critical Strike Chance in This build we pick up the lightning damage here and the lightning resistance here and then move over to the next board that is going to be the burning Instinct board since we use the fireball enchant we can take advantage of burning Synergy so what we're doing here is we take the burning and damage reduction to burning more burning damage and here we take the armor and damage reduction from Elite nodes this cluster is not necessary if you feel like you don't need it you can definitely get something else for these I just feel like the extra armor and damage reduction is really nice to get if you're already on this board and as our glyph we use the flame feeder glyph here this is just an 87% additive but again we have another 10% multiplicative damage here which does not have any conditions moving over to the next board this is going to be the frigid fade board we pretty much just used this build for our glyph um we put in the inber glyph here with 44 will power this is pretty much I would say our weakest glyph um but we simply run out of multiplicative damage so this just gives us like an 87% damage increase and we pick up the vulnerable damage nodes here and we pick up the Cod resistance nodes here and then we move over to the next board that is going to be the Searing heat board this one again is just for the glyph we put in the exploit glyph with 39 dexterity again you don't have to take the big dexterity boards for this glyph since the additive damage doesn't really matter at all all we care about again is the 10% multiplicative damage here and we pick up the fire resistance node you don't need the extra 10% doesn't really matter and then we go to our last board this is going to be the static search board this again we just use for the glyph here and our glyph here is the charge glyph again 105% crackling energy does exactly nothing crackling energy literally does no damage but this one gives us another 15% multiplicative damage increase we pick up the um resistance node here and that is pretty much it for a paragon board so if you followed it closely we have six glyphs which give multiplicative damage here and that is pretty much the most optimized Paragon board for multiplicative damage you can get and that's going to be it for this guide I hope you find it useful I'm going to leave you two nightmare dungeons now and I'm going to leave you uba Lis and uur as well make sure to directly skip to the sections you want to like if you want in the description down below I will also stream this build live in the next following days every evening so just tune in if you want to see the build in real life action and that's it for me and I hope you find the video useful and thank you so much for watching and I see you next time I I'm not ready I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I need time to prepare I need time to I'm not ready yet I need time to prepare I need time I need time to I'm not ready yet I need time I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I need time to prepare I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I need time I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I need [Applause] time I'm not ready yet I'm not ready [Applause] yet en h I know un precious man sh [Music] yes I need time to PR
Channel: goldfarmingGUIDE
Views: 26,706
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Keywords: diablo 4, diablo iv, d4, diablo 4 season 2, d4 season 2, diablo iv season 2, diablo 4 sorceress, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4 sorc, sorcerer chain lightning guide, chain lightning sorc, ball lightning sorc, chain lightning, diablo 4 chain lightning, chain lightning build guide t100, diablo 4 tier 100, sorc tier 100, sorcerer tier 100, sorceress tier 100, tier 100 nightmare dungeon, t100 nightmare, tier 100 pushing, diablo 4 tier 100 pushing, sorc tier 100 pushing
Id: LVEgGCrawks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 3sec (2043 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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