Diablo 4 Made Me Try Path of Exile

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what's up guys I was playing Diablo 4 in the preseason and uh I played Rogue and I was having a lot of fun uh doing that however uh with the new season one changes uh I wanted to try a different class and a lot of the classes seemed a little uh busted or on on some of them unplayable right like I wanted to play a barbarian but it doesn't really seem that fun to play Barbarian right now uh I might have also wanted to try sorcerer but I've been seeing some uh commenting the same thing about that Necromancer it seems like minion builds aren't particularly strong and I if I was gonna play in my Necromancer I'd play that if not I'd just play like a rogue with a bow or something like that or crossbow um so I decided uh while I'm waiting for uh these changes that were talked about in the Fireside Chats uh by blizzard might as well give Path of Exile a try because I really did want to play Diablo 4 more I just wanted to do something else and it seemed like I would probably have more fun if I just waited for the patch and just did something else in the meantime so I was like you know what let me just give Poe a chance uh I've been wanting to try it for a while now uh I've tried in the past I got to maybe the middle of Act 2 before putting it down for one reason or another usually not because I didn't like the game it was just um uh something else came up like Elden ring came out or something like that right so uh I tried uh Path of Exile uh and I gotta say I finished the campaign I played it about 30 hours this week and it was a blast and I wanted to talk about that a little bit so I'm gonna pop it on the game really quick so uh this is my first character in Path of Exile um or more accurately I should say this is my first character that I've completed the campaign with like I said in my previous attempt I've only got to act two this one I've finished uh all 10x um which was really fun uh I I enjoyed it a lot um I purposely didn't want to follow a build guide uh from our first one I wanted to see what it was like just kind of winging and coming up with like something on your own and uh my only real goal well with this build was to finish the campaign because I knew I know that a new league is coming out soon uh and for that I will follow a guide because I want to get a little bit further but for this one I'm satisfied with where I've gotten to uh I did try to do my first map with this build and I died immediately I couldn't clear anything and it was uh hilarious I don't know if that has to do with like whatever modifier I had on my first map but I just did the one that I got from a quest I wish I could see like what I had done before or something that that would have been cool but yeah so tried my first map got completely crushed laughed it off was like yeah that's about what I expected for what I ended up with right uh but I'll just go ahead and like talk about uh the build that I landed on um just so you can see like what kind of experience I what I was going through in my playthrough um so I basically built my entire build around like this first ability that I got uh or this first AOE ability that I saw I was able to grab which is uh this one which was ground slam and I basically played the whole game using almost only this ability the only other abilities that I used were like heavy strike that I stuck like multi-strike on because I wanted to block things really quickly um and like molten shell for a little bit of defensive utility and like leap so I can uh travel around a little faster get myself out of situations uh and I have this one or a pride uh I just wanted to do more physical damage um and so this seemed like a really solid option for me and uh overall I'd say that it worked pretty well there were certainly parts of the game where I felt like I was not doing enough damage there were definitely parts of the game where I felt that I was way way way too squishy but it was interesting like encountering those different walls and like being able to kind of do something about it uh that wasn't just like oh go back and like grind other levels there were reasons why I was like getting blown up and learning what those reasons are and kind of fixing them and seeing like the immediate Improvement uh was like super awesome and so the first thing that came to mind like as a as a new player to this game in in I played a decent amount of Diablo 3. uh I've played maybe I want to say four or five of the seasons that they've had in total over the course of it I know there's been like 20 something of them right but I played it super casually had fun I played it on release and then didn't really revisit it again until they did like the loot 2.0 thing and then I played it for a few seasons after that Reverb of souls was cool I wish they had to did another expansion but that's a whole nother topic so uh for resistances um in Diablo didn't really have to care about that during the campaign at all whether it was in Diablo 3 or Diablo 4 or like resistance and just kind of like dying wasn't really a thing while in Path of Exile not having these resistances capped at 75 which I just finished the uh the I just finished Act 10 right so I just got hit with like the second resistance debuff and I uh I haven't gotten any additional gear since clearing Act 10 so uh that's why I'm not caps right now but uh not having them at 75 percent uh made a tremendous difference in my survivability right like I was ignoring resistances for the most part then I started getting one shot by like everything I was like okay what is going on um so I was watching a couple Path of Exile videos and uh topic of resistances came up and I realized how important they actually were and it's true uh I was getting completely exploded without resistances and as soon as I had them everything was fine and I could uh like literally just run through Maps like no not maps but like uh acts way faster um and safely uh versus um what I was doing before so what I ended up doing uh with this bill is I mostly just kind of like run around and like Bonk stuff with uh with ground slam and I stacked like a bunch of bleed and like attack speed so I can like sit here and like slam super quick and like put bleed on things and then just kind of like run away and let them bleed out and take damage I need more accuracy as you can see sometimes I don't hit these guys very often um so yeah I guess I'll talk about like what gems I ended up using a little bit or you know what uh for other people who have never tried Path of Exile and since I just flashed it on the screen we can go ahead and talk about it um this although intimidating on first glance is not that crazy right uh I say that as someone who played Final Fantasy 10 and they have the sphere grid and in that game and you can you will basically Traverse the entire sphere grid on one character that is not happening in this game as far as I can tell right uh I believe the level cap is level 100 and as you can see I'm level well am I 67 or I want to say 69 I'm level 69 nice uh but um I'm nowhere near like hitting and as like anywhere near as much of these notes I have like what like maybe somewhere between five and ten percent of these nodes or something like that it's it's pretty intimidating on first open but at the end of the day like it wasn't too crazy right so my thought process while playing through the game was all right I got uh grand slam right what what gems can I get that support uh ground slam um so one of the first ones I came across was a chance to bleed so I was like oh okay I can give my my ground slam a chance to bleed things so that I can hit them with the slam and then put a bleed on them and damage them over time right uh didn't really know how bleed Works in this game when I decided to do that I didn't realize that you deal a whole lot more damage uh with bleed if they're like moving around uh so my initial plan was like oh I would just like stand in place and like just block repeatedly and just keep stacking bleed on them and hitting them with a dog and this and then they'll just slowly die but really what it turned into was like oh I would hit him and and just like move and kite them around a little bit so I'd like hit them and then move and then they'd follow me and they bleed and take extra damage and that's kind of how that ended up um so I was like okay Chance the bleed cool that makes my ground slam cause uh bleed uh I like that idea uh I put melee physical damage support because I'm doing physical damage I want to keep doing physical damage as far as I can tell bleed is considered physical damage um I could be completely wrong about that it might just be like ailment or damage over time and and not physical but I'm not entirely sure uh I want to say yes because it has attack and physical in the gem but I don't 100 know that I just assume that it does right and uh main support uh I figured things uh that are maimed are going to take more damage from physical damage and that's what I'm like building around I'm not building around elements or anything like that literally just hit him with rocks and cause them to bleed and kite them around like a maniac and just kill them like that right and this is just my main strategy this is what I landed on after like just kind of like playing the game slowly over time and so when it came to the tech tree or uh the skill tree or whatever you want to call it um I just look for things that supported like what I wanted to do right so I like oh look at these first three nodes and um melee damage I like Melee damage I don't like being alive so I always started going down that path um and I started to look for things that made sense for what I was trying to do um I wanted I knew that I wanted to use two-handed weapons uh and so I looked for the nodes that gave me increased damage with two-handed weapons which eventually LED towards like oh I specifically want to do two-handed axes so I started it to take that abilities that improved like my damage specifically with x's so I focus on things that gave me improvements to two-handed things improvements to to X's uh I also went down the route of uh grabbing nodes that improve bleed because uh I considerably to be a big part of my build so I just started to take the nodes that made sense to me for what I was trying to do right I wasn't trying to do everything I knew that my my plan is to Bonk and bleed and all the nodes that I looked for on this map kind of facilitated that right uh except for like well I mean even this one right I took accuracy over this one because I noticed that I was just missing a lot and I wanted to hit things more often and so I took some accuracy here and that kind of worked out and so I would just keep investing in things that worked on ground slam and bleed axes um two-handed I have leech Mastery over here because I realized that hey uh it would be nice that if I hit them I would recover because like sometimes I'm just like sitting here with like four million attack speed and like cranking out these these slams and uh I don't want to have to move because my HP is getting lower because I'm like running out of potions or anything like that I want to just keep hitting them and keep recovering so that I don't have to move in there if I and ideally I don't or if I'm like sitting here bonking uh an enemy who like doesn't want to move over and over with heavy strike I don't want to move either if he doesn't want to move I don't want to move um unfortunately it didn't work out like that most of the time uh I I had to move almost all the time just because it seems like that's how this game works right a lot of I guess a big difference between this game and Diablo that I saw was that um doing something like this right just kind of like stutter stepping like you would in like an RTS or something like that or like League of Legends or a MOBA or any other MOBA um like this is super effective because enemies attack you but they like turn to attack you they attack like where you are and you can actually just dodge them if you're moving right uh I was laughing because uh I was watching a zizzerine video and he would just showcase this by running around like a boss like this and the boss would just literally never hit him he wasn't hitting them either to be fair um but they couldn't hit him either because he was just strafing around them in a circle and it's very effective and it's something that seems to be just a core part of the game that you can avoid damage um I was watching Aspen gold videos uh about uh Diablo 4 and uh he talked about Poe uh in it and he was talking about like how Diablo Ford has a lot of unavoidable damage and after playing through Path of Exile I Now understand what he means right you can definitely out skill a lot of the stuff in the game uh and in fact there were many times where I would like walk into a situation get one shot and be like okay that was a really stupid of me I shouldn't have just like leaped into like 40 million mobs and and so I'd like respawn and come approach the situation and then I like Bonk and move back Bonk move back and just kind of like Dodge projectiles while I'm doing it and I was able to like clear that content there was a point where I wasn't able to do that anymore because like a single touch would kill me and I just wasn't good enough to like Dodge all that and that's where like resistances came in and that's where I learned about resistances um but it was it was an eye-opening experience for me uh coming and trying this game uh and comparing it to like Diablo that being said uh I don't hate Diablo uh I think Diablo was a great game uh I also don't hate Path of Exile I think that this was a really fun experience and I'm looking forward to the next League that's coming out uh I believe in a couple weeks because uh I would like to try it again on another build uh probably uh try either like a bow build or like a Caster build something that's like very different from what I was doing right which is just be like oh big meaty dude come here and block things until they're dead and move on and like basically play play the whole campaign this way and it sounds like it'd be boring to like just come in here and do the same thing for the whole campaign and at times I wish I did like have more skills but I was so heavily invested and what I was trying to do um that I didn't really want to deviate from that because I was afraid that I just wouldn't do any damage anymore and I wouldn't be able to kill anything so I probably should have tried to do that a bit more uh just to add some variety into my gameplay but um we'll we'll see where that goes when I follow a guide for the the next league so yeah uh I'm looking forward to see uh what changes uh or what the changes that come out of the Fireside Chats from the from the blizzard Developers for Diablo uh like to see how that impacts the game and how it changes my perspective of how that works but I've also gained a newfound appreciation for Path of Exile and I want to continue to try this game and play other league or play like the next League try other classes try like see what a real build feels like because I feel like this is although it got me through the game I feel like it could be way more based and and it's just not because of like my ignorance of the game right and I think that that's a good thing I think that someone who doesn't know what they're doing uh should be should be able to like do a play through learn a bunch of stuff and apply that to their next playthrough of the game and see like significantly different results right like I'd be really disappointed if like this was like the best build in the game and I came up with it like completely like on the Fly and not even really trying or anything like that and I know that that's not what happened I know that this is by far not the best thing that's around and that actually makes me happy uh so yeah that was my experience uh between Diablo 4 and Path of Exile uh let me know uh how you guys like this format if you think I should talk about things like this again in the future um and uh yeah I'll see you guys in the next video thanks
Channel: frankgainsexp
Views: 73,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: path of exile, diablo, diablo 4, diablo iv, poe
Id: iB0rp82hIJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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