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oh this Diablo for a dead game oh my God people are done with Diablo 4. there's a million Reddit posts about quitting the game because there's nothing to do almost no one on my friends list seems to play Diablo 4 anymore and a lot of big content creators have pretty much moved on from what I've seen on my love context a lot of people were streaming Diablo 4 because it had drops and because the drops ended people stopped streaming it because it like there's like a positive feedback loop where people stream the game and get more viewers so they keep streaming it and they keep getting more viewers but like the drops go away and less people are streaming it and also less people are watching it and it's like a vicious circle thing too Mount Subs too yeah definitely so that that's that's a big reason um I I would say also like I don't think that Diablo 4 is fundamentally a seasonal game it is a fundamentally seasonal game and whenever people like if you compare like how many people are playing Poe one month after the league was over or the league had been released I think not a lot and you see a ton of people moving on past that so I don't think that that in itself is indicative of the game being bad level 100 Druid I can't think of a single reason to log in I mean I hardly wanted to log in to even make this video and it's sort of a downer to be honest to talk about that aspect of creating any sort of alternate character seems pointless when we're less Susan's two weeks away from making another new character for season one right why don't I have anything to do on my druid well it's because I do you want them to give you something to do do you want them to just like create a bunch of like things that you have to farm for the sake of farming them like dailies like I don't want that like I yeah I don't I don't want that it's it's okay to finish the game that's fine Farm best in flawed gear a long time before ever hitting level 100 my Luke I mean again like I have to say disguise level 100 he farmed out his best in slack gear can't you just throw in the towel and say hey guys I had a good time it was fun see in season one that's it like I I played the game enough right I mean [ __ ] I don't know I I just I I find these complaints to be they're so weird to me Brian was over by the time I was level 85 and that is the massive problem that is plaguing Diablo 4's late game content I don't know who tested this I don't know who signed off on the system I don't know how it got past all the reviews for Diablo 4. I do not know how after years of development this is what we were left with let me show you guys why it's bad so the power of an item uses a break point system that determines the tier that the potential range of stats can possibly be when they are rolled on an item the final break point is item power level 725. basically any item with a higher I power level can roll the exact same affix amounts as an ipower 725 item can so a 725 item and an 845 item could have identical affix roles on them which is like the whole part of a system that's broken the only exception to this rule is that weapon damage increases or or the resistance on jewelry goes up or the armor value increases like the very basic stats of the item can go up but the affects themselves stay the same 725 820 doesn't matter the affixes and the amounts that they can roll are identical uh the only exception to this rule apparently is for plus life and plus Thorns which actually do continue to scale with the item power level is that true I never heard of that regardless this kind of makes the whole sacred slash ancestral item thing completely worthless but that's a whole different discussion to help this make sense here's an example for you I have multiple Hunter Zenith Rings here I have a sacred 632 item power level right sacred 701. as you can see from the roll ranges listed on the items both could be identical in stats even though they are 69 item power levels apart only the small plus resistances number is higher on the higher item power version I also have a 705 sacred version that I upgraded past the final break point of 725 item power level which now suddenly makes it fit into the ancestral tier of upgrades right so then I could have done this with the 701 ring as well yeah you can which I found at levels 50 726 pushing it past the 725 Mark actually re-rolls the entire ring stats yeah now imagine if I got some God rolls at level 58 I would have managed to get a nearly best in slot ring I don't want this this [ __ ] I mean have you guys ever gotten an item in like Poe that you used until like late red Maps I have I don't think it's that big of a deal it's so cool whenever that happens yeah yeah I I see what he's saying and I think that if he's making an argument for another break point like an 800 eye level breakpoint I could follow along with that sure wouldn't be possible I want my items and my character to grow in power all the way up to level 100 not just stop dead in its tracks because of some stupid item power mechanics that they created there's a reason people are saying they hit a wall because they literally did you're rolling on best in slot gear in your 50s another quick example is these Tempest Roar helmets that I have I think that for a lot of uh for a lot of the people that play the game they're probably okay with that because I think that Diablo 4 the life cycle of the season I think that Diablo 4 is engineered for the life cycle of a season for an average player to be 50 to 100 hours I I don't think it's engineered to be 200 or 500. I think it's made this way on purpose because Diablo 4 is a casual it's it's babby's first arpg it's not super complex it's not this massively like complicated game coming from blizzard it's cope well I I think so 50 hours and three months is short as [ __ ] yeah I mean I I can see that for sure aren't the seasons three months long I think that's quick I think that the way that a lot of people play seasons is they play the season a lot for the first week or two and then they play it casually for another week or two after that and then they stop playing it until the next season comes out that's what I I mean that's what I do I mean I don't know like I and I think that that's the way that the viewership reflects on Twitch that's the way that the um you know the player base reflects on like steam tracker for like Poe like I don't know I think that's the sometimes I even skip Seasons yeah I I think this is normal right I play that way too I'd rather have some uh I'd rather have that than some dailies [ __ ] that's the thing right is like I just this is what I'm worried about I'm worried that people that want to play Diablo like a job will convince blizzard to make it a job I'm worried that blizzard will add in a bunch of weeklies and dailies that give you like these large power increases to just keep you logging on on a regular basis turn it into Lost Ark I don't want to see that happen I do not like I I don't want to have to have like a reason to log in or whatever I just want a list of activities that I can achieve and complete and then move on with three months give everyone a chance yeah definitely if you're quitting after a few weeks what's the big deal then for blizzard coming out with more stuff for people who want to play more it's not I think it'd be great if they came out with more stuff for people that want to play more but all I'm saying is that you have to understand why that's not happening I I get that I I totally understand but my point is that it makes sense why it's not happening whenever you contextualize it around that Blizzard's audience isn't people that are going to be playing it super hardcore like that I've got well I've got three of them here but these two of them are both 780 item power okay both of these 780 item power you'll notice the armor is identical because that's scales except the one that I found at level 87 is superior to the one that I found at level 95. why is this why are the roll ranges the same I don't think that the 95 should just automatically be better but it should have had a higher floor for the stat rolls and a higher ceiling like let's say 10 to 17 for the damage while shape-shifted Apex instead of them both rolling 7 to 14 I think that the level 95 version should have a higher floor and a higher ceiling the odds of you getting a better version increase that way this system should be based off your level and item power should scale with that not using this bizarre ipower 820 maximum that they've come up with here's the system that I would use I tried to visualize it so it would make a little more sense basically as you level up you create a sort of item power bubble and this bubble would move forward each time you level up all the way to a thousand at level 100 this makes not only the base stats of the item better but it slightly increases the floor and ceiling of the rolls for the affixes basically what I just described a minute ago also as the item power maximum increases by 10 it drags the back end of the bubble with it this helps to eliminate another problem which is getting trashed here with low item power level when you're already Way Beyond those when you're level 100 and you're getting sacred ipower 670 items you're never going to use them so why drop them here you are at level one you can get item power I definitely agree with that I think that if your level like 90 or 85 Plus you should not be getting sacreds like there's no reason for you to be getting sacreds like what is this I will also say that if you're doing like nightmare dungeons that are like uh if you do it should be based on Mob level yeah I agree I don't think it should be based on your character level either I I do think it's true based like if you're doing harder content you should get better rewards like the rewards you get shouldn't just be a participation reward from you just playing the game more or ten you hit Level Two it goes up to 20. 30 40 50. you get it okay so right now at level five you could get an item that drops between item power 10 and 50. as soon as you hit level six the item power 10s will disappear as soon as you hit Level Seven the the item power 20s will disappear so it keeps more of the gear relevant to your actual character and you are feeling like you're you're at unlocking or accessing more powerful items because you are you can now get something that's better every single time you level up now early game it's not nearly as much of a problem yeah because you that's kind of how it works it's this section in here the last four rows where it really starts to hurt yeah let's let's just put it at level 100. you know I this bar you you can change and I guess and modify the bubble you know you could make it extend all 10 levels 15 levels whatever you decide is is balanced or whatever I guess the developers decide items go up to a thousand there's a hundred levels multiple by ten ta-da it's easy but you could make the bubble go back five levels ten levels whatever but at level 100 I probably only want to see items in the range of of level 900 to a thousand so this kind of solves that yeah I I think that I I'm just looking at the numbers and thinking to myself like kind of would this really make sense I I think that it should be again it should definitely be based off of like like what content you're doing because there's already a reward to leveling and a reward for leveling is that you get paragon levels and you can use Paragons to make your character stronger I think that it should be based off of like if you're doing nightmare 60s you should get better gear than if you're doing no like like nothing right like nightmare nothing like I I think that for example it would be really cool if there was like I don't know like a percentage chance like let's say you're doing you're fighting monsters over level 100 and if you fight a monster that's over level 100 for every level that it is past over 100 is as a chance to roll for like effectively what would be tier five gear instead of like four Tier gear would be tier five I think that would be better than it just being based off of your level Party play yeah I do think that makes it complicated too yeah nightmare 100 gives 100 drops with no trash affixes of gear yeah or something like that I think there is a problem that there is no incentivization to really chase after high tier and like really really well rolled gear other than like a few challenges like uber Lilith like I think that one of the problems is that they don't have like there aren't really a lot of dedicated loot pools you're not able to like kill a certain boss and get a certain item you just have to continuously play the lottery and hope it drops I think that's really boring and not fun yeah then you make Nightmare scungeon uh nightmare scale infinitely but cap the gear for 100 past year 100 increases the amount of item drops I actually like being able to finish this here and like not do it infinitely but I think that they should have something that is the same difficulty of nightmare 100 right now because nobody's speed clearing nightmare 100s and I think that's fine like to the extent that like people can speed clear it then yeah they probably should make it a little bit harder but other than that I think it's all right there's no reason to push nightmare dungeons well you're right there's not and I think that's a big issue so yeah I would be okay with this if it was based off of like uh like your actual skill level or your power level as a player problem right we don't have to worry about getting these items over here when we're all the way over here and also we can't I don't think another maybe hot take I don't think it matters that you get the 600 items I think the problem of what matters is that you don't get the 900 items theoretically and in Poe you get tons of garbage like you drop gray gear whenever you're doing a delirium 100 map you just don't see it because your item filter removes it what they should have is they should have an in-game item filter where you can just simply turn off sacred gear you just don't see any sacred gear at all if it drops you don't even see it get these powerful items here one more over here I don't want a perfect rolled level 100 item at level 66. I want to yeah go from level 99 and get to a thousand and be like wow I can now get item power 1000 items and and these are gonna be these are gonna have a chance at being better than anything I've ever seen before in this game that's what that's what we need that keeps the I'm actually okay with like there being kind of a ceiling on the level of gear that you can get and even Poe has this like uh is it it's 84 right for a lot of stats and that's like the break point where you can't get any rolls higher than that it's 86 now okay yeah but gear goes past 86. yeah 85 and 86 is the best 86 for elevated mods okay yeah like I remember back back whenever I looked at it before 100 is the max well I know that yeah because you get the chess piece from the uh uh from like the the cards well I understand that but the one what I'm saying is the 100 doesn't matter I think that it's okay that you can get a ceiling of gear and like you can get maybe a little bit above that and it's all about the same I don't think that that's it's it's that big of a deal and I also don't think that like for Poe for example Poe is a very different game than Diablo because number one Poe has a big trading atmosphere and you're able to like buy and sell items now you can do that in Diablo uh kind of but you can't buy and sell legendaries and there's also crafting it's like a it's a very different game so like what this is what I would like to see I would just like to see if they were able to make it to where there was just like a little bit higher chance to get higher rolled gear if you do dungeons that have monsters over level 100. and I just think that should be the break point because that's what makes sense because that incentivizes nightmare dungeons High tier nightmare dungeons because I think a big problem is that doing harder content doesn't give you better Rewards and I think that is absolute poison for a game because whenever you have that in a game people lose interest in progressing the character because it doesn't matter hunt valid all the way to the end and even then at level 100 you could try and deck your character out in high power 1000 items none of this other junk that they have going on here I always try to provide a solution if I think that there's a problem with something and I hope this solution made some sense to somebody I mean they definitely need to fix the end game Chase somehow uh this this whole system could apply and probably should apply to nightmare dungeons as well because they don't scale at all anyway to challenge myself I've they do scale a bit like whenever you do a nightmare to your 60 dungeon you pretty much only get ancestral gear whenever you're doing a nightmare you know 20 dungeon or something like that you don't like the amount of ancestrals you get does go up but it's not enough to justify the time investment resorted to playing a companion spect Druid which is the worst build in the entire game thanks for watching being the hardest boss in the game doesn't mean anything well it doesn't give you anything that's meaningful and I think that's what the issue is like yes you get a um but you get a horse but the horse doesn't like if the horse was invincible from wow then it would be really cool right but it's not it's not Invincible it's just a red horse but there's already a red horse well what the [ __ ] there's a way to farm up for an invite to live with that I had a chance to give like a really good unique yeah like invitations the same as they have in Poe absolutely I just think that the the problem with Diablo Ford's end game is the fact that harder content doesn't give better Rewards and there's also like there's no break point in which doing a certain level of content will let you break through into getting higher rewards and if you want to say that break point is tier four content I think that's too early it's just way too early you need to have another break point to where people can move in and actually get better gear I got tier 4 on 62 on my druid and I stopped at 70 because it was just boring I'm not mad or anything I'm just playing something else I don't understand why damage modifiers are on aspects in Paragon I don't think that that's it's that big of a deal it definitely feels like they're missing a tier yeah I think so too I just think that they need a little bit more rewarding like I think that it's not even they need harder content because nightmare 100 is hard to do and so is Uber Lilith they just need a little bit better itemization to achieve that and they need better rewards what if the break point was just later like level 90 instead of 70. this is really the truth right is that if you want to look at this chart and you assume that like only one through ten right uh are like one through 100 here like these are the only ones that are on the chart blizzard doesn't care about the people in these last two because most people that are going to play Diablo 4 are probably going to stop playing around 50 to 70. so that's the experience that they're engineering and they're trying to make as good as possible and I think that's what the issue is it's that Diablo 4 is Catered towards a much more casual audience and because it's catered towards a much more casual audience people like this guy and here's just the truth right is that this guy makes tons of videos about Diablo 4 he did like the cow level stuff all of that he's doing the Race to 100. I mean this is a person who plays the game a lot like this is a guy that's playing he's probably putting in at least probably back then over 40 hours a week into the game and I just don't think that that's the target audience Blizzard's trying to get like they're not trying to compete with Poe for like these super hardcore arpg players because I don't think that they can like blizzard can't make content as fast as grinding your games can and they can't make it that complex either and also Poe has a ceiling like Poe is never going to be as popular as Diablo 4 just because it's too complicated like nobody's going to invest that much time into it like I don't think that escape from tarkov is ever going to be more popular than fortnite that's just how it is now you had some great opinions about the culture a little fat phobia well I don't know about that that's that's something different uh imagine if Diablo 4 just stole Regal exalt and Val orbs it'd be fun slamming some gear I think that they could do more with crafting too I'd like that a lot Silvis and Chad if you want to ask oh yes yeah thanks for making the video like I I even though I think that blizzard doesn't really give a [ __ ] about this stuff I I wish that they cared just a little bit more let me read this real quick it's more of a blueprint definitely agreed nightmare dungeon seem to hold more value and scale they have for nothing yes uh it doesn't really go these two nightmare dungeons for sure yeah yo what's up man thanks for making the video like I do really hope that they do effectively like a tier five or at least like a like imagine if like 800 was the next break point so like you could actually get gear that was above like ancestral and you could upgrade it and actually break that break point and get gear that's even better but like the only issue that I think that that I have with that or blizzard would have with that really is that I think blizzard wants people to be able to finish their gear like earlier and I think that's the and this is I think the big issue is that you're seeing a lot of people that are like very serious arpg players that are wanting blizzard to make the game for them but I don't think they're the target audience that's what I think the truth is why casuals are going to quit at some point anyway it doesn't matter if they quit it matters if they buy the battle pass and play the seasons you think the Normans are going to play season after season I think they'll probably play every two or three seasons that's probably what happens every every season they add new big content they'll do it casuals won't come back every season infinitely yeah but neither will hardcore players casuals never hit level 100 the players that stay are the ones at level 100 end game should be better I think that the end game should be better all I'm saying is that with the end game in mind please understand that blizzard has developed Diablo IV to be a casual friendly version of an arpg so their focus and their goals are not going to be making level 95 player feel better than a level 90 player their goals are going to be making players that are levels 1 to 70 feel like they're making progress with their character and towards the end of that Journey they're able to you know like Plateau out on gear I think that you plateau out way too early way way way too early I agree with you I definitely think that's an issue there's a video by the way make sure to give it a like and uh give the guy a sub I've watched a couple of his videos already I actually appreciate videos that are thought out like this about actual systems in the game they've already accomplished the game being fine until 70 so now they can focus on the rest of it I think that's a very good point yeah I think that you're right but like I I just I wonder if like in Blizzard's mind and like I can't read their mind so I'm not sure they almost don't want to make a higher level of end game because that will make casual players feel overwhelmed it's like a weird like it's kind of like how gentian impact is apparently like gentian impact doesn't really have like a super Omega end game but it's very popular because it caters to casuals so that's what I'm concerned about genshen anxiety I mean it's a thing though right I mean like [ __ ] I it doesn't matter if it's stupid or not it's just that there it is perfect odds for Uber unique should be from the Uber games and Poe listen I've said this before I will say it again I've been very clear with this Uber uniques should drop from Uber Lilith if you do her solo if you beat the hardest boss in the game I think that you should just get all the gear in the game make it more worth going yes and I I don't gig a challenge Giga reward and I think that for a nightmare 100 dungeons it should be the exact same thing pwa is an upside as well where it's so easy to clear t16 maps in Poe yeah it is or at least it is now maybe not 100 drop right yeah yeah you have to farm her a few times Maybe agree yeah it's non-tradable gear who cares wouldn't the Casual player base like that though I can't beat Lilith so I can't get the rarest items in the game thanks blizzard and that's probably why it won't happen and I think that honestly I think that they could keep it like the lottery drop across the entire open world it'll be totally fine I would even be okay with them increasing it by a huge amount but I think that they should also have a dedicated way to get it that's that's focused so like you like it doesn't mean that you have to remove it from the Casual players you just have to give hardcore players a way to achieve it uh deterministically this was always the problem that uh like Warcraft had with Titan forging if you are good enough to kill Uber Lilith you deserve all the gear in the game it's that simple
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 591,632
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Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: eCWrmxVI4LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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