Diablo 2 Resurrected Lightning Sorceress Build - Beginner's Guide D2R

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do you have an infinity an enigma a shaco a 40 all res hotel a 16 inch sweat hog a 30 inch meat salami stick this video most likely will not be for you in this one we are going to cover the absolute basics on how to get into diablo 2 resurrected if you're looking for a super beginner-friendly build on how to build a incredibly budget-conscious light sword that is effective and incredibly cheap to source then this video is for you come on in going to break this video down into five parts and conveniently place timestamps below if you're looking for something in particular the first two parts will discuss gear specifically break points and resistances the third part will be our sweet sweet hazard emilio or durga i guess you could say wahid but that'll be our mercenary component part four will be mf aka magic findings so you can get the sweet sweet loots and we will close this one out with part five the locations you should be farming this guide is for a super noob friendly lightning swork this is going to be covering my week one light sword from like a month and change ago but hey i've been busy with life i want to do videos again so here we are lightning swords are my bae they're my favorite type of sword in the game for pvm that's right player versus monster no pve there's no environment you don't have to battle any rain or inclement weather in this game it's just p v m or pvp but we're not there yet let's get into the break points that are also important for building any character in diablo 2. while i'm discussing these first two parts here i'm going to be putting pieces of gear on the screen so you can take a look to see what i'm using please remember this is week one gear very very underpowered but also very very cheap to get right now you could find this character through in-game trading in like 30 seconds or you could go on jsp get it for like 10 foreign gold but jsp and forums is a topic for another discussion just know this gear is all super easy to self magic find or to trade for we need to discuss break points break points are everything in this game when it first came out it was sort of like a limitation to the technical aspects and i have no idea what i'm talking about because i don't know [ __ ] about coding excuse me shint we're making sure we play with our d2 blizzard censorship approved words so it's shinton a funking joke so you suck my dink all right so uh breakpoints so what are break points i keep saying that word it sounds fancy back in the day this game was technically limited or something with coding i have no idea meant that adding 10 faster cast rate wouldn't just add 10 faster cast rate there were break points they were hidden people had to find them and this means in order to get that sweet sweet higher faster cast rate or faster hit recovery you need to cross certain thresholds otherwise you're going to add fcr or fhr as it will be known for the rest of this video and they will do absolutely nothing the important break points for sorcerer's faster cast rate are 63 and 105 now it's important to remember lightning and chain lightning also have their own unique set of faster cast rate break points which is why the goal for a lightning sword is to hit a 117 percent faster cast rate or 200 percent faster cast rate and that just solves all your problem you fly around the map because you don't give a funk dude realistically though you do want 117 faster cash rate you want to be able to get that lightning off quickly and with fcr you also are coming out of those frames faster if you have a higher fcr with lightning it's a long move you sit there and you cast it and you got zero fcr you're gonna be hanging out with your dink in your hand for far too long in this setup i'm showing i vacillate between 105 and 117 fcr and that's primarily because of gear restrictions look when this game was first out i don't know if i should call it a ladder it doesn't exist yet but when it was new and nobody had anything finding the gear to get to 117 fcr was a bit expensive and hard to find so i was vacillating back and forth trying to squeeze out as much mf and fcr as possible by this point you should have no problem getting cheap cheap cheap loots that can bring you to that sweet succulent 117 fcr so you can zip around the map and have quick attacks with your lightning and chain lightning faster hit recovery is a bit more simple if you are using spirit both shield and weapon you just smash through the 86 fhr break point so that's a good one to try to get if you don't have spirit weapon you're using something like oculus or hoto don't worry about it you can try to go for the 60 which will be 55 from your shield and a 5 fhr sc or small charm really easy to do really inexpensive and 60 is all you need on a sword for pvm you don't really get fhr locked is what i like to call it don't know the technical term whatever funk off and uh 60 is more than enough to get hit and shrug it off and not just get zapped now that you know a little bit more about fhr fcr the important thresholds you need to cross to not suck major nas you need to uh you need to pay attention to the next piece of this video which is all about the resistances on your sorceress basically regardless of what you do you're gonna have poor defense it's a way of life physical attacks will absolutely dismantle you that's sort of the beautiful part about having teleport you really shouldn't be up close and personal we'll get to the merc after this section your mercenary is part of the reason why you don't get punched in the face you absolutely always need good resistance if you're playing on hell difficulty trying to farm some sweet supple succulent loots then uh you're not going to have a good time if you have no resistance ideally you want to have at least 40 all res in hell which sounds difficult but when you get better gear all res is almost everywhere and that threshold is not that hard to cross if you don't have at least 40 30ish all resin hell mode littlest of elemental attacks are gonna really just hurt you decimate you in fact especially if you plan on doing any sort of chaos farming in act four trying to farm diablo for whatever the hell he's never going to drop because i have the worst rng in the game and i never find absolutely anything whenever i mf so i sold my mf so i can make a bozon but we'll get there uh later so if you do like a chaos run you're gonna see a lot of curses and enemy attacks which will lower your resistance and you are going to have a bad time your 20 all res is going to go from 20 to negative 50 and you are going to get absolutely hammered by elemental attacks long range elemental attacks are everywhere in this game unique elite enemies always have special effects that are going to hurt you when you hurt them like lightning enchanted they're going to zap zap zap zippity zip zip zerp and fleur put them with the old syrup and flirt and it doesn't feel good you need those sweet resistances all res is some of the most important gear you can have on your swork which is why i thoroughly recommend you save up trade in game mf whatever you got to do to get a heart of the oak i cannot recommend that enough the oculus is dope and a cheaper option because there's no high runes in inoculus however the oculus does not give you 40 fcr which is vital for our setup here but i'm getting a little bit ahead of myself we're not doing a 200 fcr build video here this is a noob basic setup which requires no higher runes no oculus i realized i forgot a part in our introduction but we do need to go over the class 3 and also the attributes the attributes on a sorceress are incredibly easy all you need to do is have enough strength to wield a spirit monarch which is a humongous strength requirement which sucks but that's the lowest strength requirement possible for a four socket shield in the entire game so you need to use a monarch and that means 156 strength it hurts it sucks but you absolutely need it plus two skills plus fcr plus all that res is bigly after that dump the rest in vitality you're good to go on your stats easy peasy no problem there's a argument for max block to be used but that's more of a pvp thing so we're not going to touch that don't worry about dexterity don't worry about energy this is kind of a tangent but energy shield swords kind of suck for pvm this is because mana burn elites are bugged they didn't change this they hit for like 256 percent multiplier so any one tap from any sort of mana burn enemy is going to immediately delete all of your mana and it will be gone it's not coming back on its own and elites share their attributes with their minions so the little minions can zap your mana it's all bad and if you're playing an escort with nothing in health one tap all managon another little tickle little tickle from something else is going to insta delete you would it heavily advise against doing energy shield and i would advise against putting any points in energy it is not worth it put it in vitality get that health up for our class trees light swords are just damage damage damage more levels equal more damage because of the synergies in the class tree before we get to the lightning part of the tree we need to make sure we put a point into warmth after warmth we need to put a point into one of the frosty boy armors there is merit to putting a point into any of them they all have their own uses but on a lightning sword more levels equal more damage we don't really have points to spare so just go for the first one it'll make it so that melee attacks on you will freeze enemies briefly also buffs up your defense a little bit which is very helpful as well and then we move on to the lightning tree you don't need to put a point into thunderstorm down there it's kind of helpful it's more of an fhr check is what i call it it's gonna put an enemy into a hit recovery frame you're too close man they're going to be staggered briefly and it might give you opportunity to either counter attack the one that's closest to you or to run away but it is a luxury it's kind of cool and normal it'll one shot everything in normal basically in hell mode kind of it's nice i like to use it because it looks cool but if you don't want to use it it's not vital you have a lot of points that you need to allocate to other stuff so if you don't want to put one point in there i totally get it we need to make sure we max out chargeable then we max out lightning then we max out chain lightning then we max out lightning mastery you could do that before chain lightning it's your prerogative and then we max out nova i think this build won't be finished until level 95. so nova is the last one you want to do nova is cool it looks tight not that practical and it only benefits lightning a little bit do the other ones first let's move on to the next part let's discuss our mercenary aka our merc aka my boy on your sources you have a couple different viable options for the mercenary you want to run i personally would never steer away from the act 2 merc because of the auras they are incredibly beneficial but i know a lot of people have a solid argument for using an act 5 barbarian type merc for a little tanky wanky or an act 3 caster merc for a little more range damage both viable options as well but we're going to be focusing on act 2 here because they are my bae my boy hazad is always by my side cannot recommend him enough my recommendation to you is to pick up an act 2 mercenary from either normal nightmare or hell nightmare is going to be holy freeze which is a fan favorite and this is effective because it just gives your mercenary the cold time to chill out aura makes all the enemies that come into contact with your mercenary there's a nice girth to it it's got some good distance on there it'll make them slow down if they're not cold immune where they can't really attack at their normal speed because they're frozen and very slow i personally always run defiance that is going to be in either normal or hell difficulty the action mercenary both defense mercs both are incredibly helpful in their own way but i like defiance because it makes your merc more tanky he's gonna be up in the shint of it so more defense to him is always helpful and also if you're caught sleeping and you don't teleport away and you do get punched in the face by somebody with a huge melee weapon an enemy like the doom knights who really really hurt having that extra defense will keep you from getting one shot briefly going over our mercenary gear we want to have insight on there because we are broke in this video we don't want to be using infinity because i know most people don't have bear maul bear east i don't care if you want to hear me say burr it's never going to happen it's bear like a big man with hair on his back he's a bear and uh so we want to run the uh the f thresher on this i know those are a bit pricey you can do f colossus volt f anything really your mercenary doesn't have any items break so ethereal everything if you can't afford it there are some ias break points for the mercenary that i will touch on briefly the reason why thresher is the most important to use and the best besides giant thresher but that's like a mathematical splitting hairs thing it's because you get better ias or increased attack speed break points with your mercenary on the thresher type of weapon the colossus folge and the cryptic acts very powerful good damage dealing weapons are much slower and they don't hit their break points as quick big shout out and thank you to korean bbq on d2 jsp appreciate you doing all the heavy lifting and giving me the brainless information that i don't even have to process and understanding the difference in attack speeds on a merc's regular attack and on their job move this is just the top tier kind of stuff anything will work here the inside is primarily to keep your mana going and also ideally to give you bonus ed not erectile dysfunction but it adds damage on your merc so he can actually punch his way out of his own problems occasionally again some of these weapons f cvs threshers are expensive just get what you can find and count on the armor to keep your merc alive speaking of armor we want to run something on our merc's head with life leech this is the most important part of your merc you can't afford insight you can't afford infinity can't afford f thresher as long as he has a big fat juicy life leech on his head that makes him so much tankier i would recommend tall's mask you can get one of those in games so cheap they're freaking everywhere by this point that gives you 10 life leech on your mark and 15 to all resistances which is big tall's mask is a game changer for your merc especially if you don't have any life leech right now he's probably dying all the time and you're like what the [ __ ] is the problem here boys there are other options of course crown of thieves is a great great option ethereal crown of threes is huge defense huge bonus to gold fine which means if your mark kills stuff they'll poop out more gold and they can roll up to 12 lifestyle per hit which is a fatty bonus so if you find a crown of thieves great mercat for the chest you have so many options here i'm gonna say that if you're watching this you probably can't afford a fortitude with a high rune known as low those are expensive and maybe you don't have those i personally don't bother running 402 because the bonuses are really nominal honestly it's pvm we're not doing pvp here we don't need our mark to do 15 000 damage with a 14 inch hog it doesn't matter so what i like to run you can do stone you can do treachery or you can just honestly find anything ethereal with res and high defense you just want high defense and high res on your mark chest anything else is a bonus as long as you've given him enough life leech he should survive resistances and defense will support this so for your merc chest you really have so many options anything works just remember a higher res higher defense will help keep him alive but because you're playing a sword can you have your beautiful teleport teleport away he will follow you like a sweet puppy dog who i was trying to think of a sexual innuendo for that but i couldn't come up with one he'll follow you so teleport away get him out of the action don't be afraid to hold shift and click and drink a potion for him i like to keep multiple rows of full rejuvenations on my belt so i can pot him up when he's about to get ganked moving on to part four which will cover mf no that's not muff that's magic finding my guy we have a lot that can be said on magic finding percentages i could listen to people argue about mf numbers all day but tldr look at this graph i don't know who made it i can't give credit i don't know if it's accurate i have no proof against this but i don't like talking about rng because it makes me feel physically ill that people find bear runes low runes vector and home runes surrounds jaw runes another pair they find enigmas just on the ground i haven't even found anything higher than a goal i've been playing every day for six weeks so i don't want to talk about rng i've tried high mf i've tried low enough i've tried fast kill speed i've tried it just drives me nuts the goal with magic finding is to be around 200 percent magic find that's where you start to see diminishing returns for uniques and rares that's a sweet number to have if you don't have it that's fine the world will continue to spin focus up on having a high completion speed you want to blow through runs faster this is we're talking like one in 50 000 chance to find it to soj so look it's going to take you a long time to find dope [ __ ] if you excuse me dope shint if you find it great if not that sucks focus on killing stuff focus on surviving if you mf it they will come 200 is a good number anything more than that is kind of a lost cause and you don't want to sacrifice kill speed and survivability just to pump up your mf to a ridiculous amount some people will argue this point till they're blue in the face i'm not going to let's move on to part five locations the cool thing about light swords is that there is a little bit more versatility than i would argue the blizzard swords or the blizzard fire sword combo kind of thing look those those type of builds have their merit and they are very cool and you can make them better than this character if your heart desires but i like light swords because i know what i'm going to get into i'm going to be doing my countess my arcane sanctuary farming my mephisto sorry i forgot about ann daryl in act one like bro you can if you want she has never dropped anything for me ever and dario is the worst biggest waste of crap mf time i swear to god i don't know if it's like a meme that developers have coded her to only poop out super potions i don't know but i never find anything from her i don't waste my time on it unless it's day one or two when maybe she'll drop i want to say a v magi but i don't even think that's possible so i don't waste my time with andy ever whatever so i do arcane sanctuary for keys and the countess for terror keys arcane sanctuary is the summoner for hate keys then i like to go to axiory mephisto who also never drops me anything but we hit mephisto we open the chest behind mephisto after killing him it's technically a super chest has a high chance to drop some dope loots then we move on we do chaos it sucks not having infinity for chaos runs because the little wispy boys are all light immune but once you have a strong enough merc weapon like an ethereal colossus volg or an f thresher insight he will be able to murder those things they have no health they're super weak they're the most fragile enemy in the chaos runs just sucks you can't do anything what i would suggest when you're doing chaos runs just give it the old serpent try to fly through there as quickly as possible pop in all the seals and get into diablo as quickly as possible stopping if you see elite enemies because they have a good chance to poop out some cool loots as well for grand vizier the leftmost seal sometimes he's going to spawn freaking physical immune and then your merc can't do anything unless you're god and you bust out the gavel of pain with a little level eight charge of amplified damage it'll break the physical immune so your american just tongue punch their fart boxes right through there no problem my guy dude set him down dude hassan's got this no problem ggnp easy after that everything else is a breeze sometimes uh the guy on the furthest right list i can't even remember his name the winged freaking guy he will spawn lightning immune which kind of sucks but whatever hazard will handle it just always make sure if your mark is in a fight you're supporting by killing everything that is not lightning immune and don't be afraid to heal potion him by either dragging him over to his picture or holding shift and clicking to heal him up nice and plenty so he doesn't get murked after i do chaos i like to farm frigid highlands killing eldritch above to the north and then moving down to kill shank i do this even though i know nothing will drop from either of them at any point in time ever they've never dropped me anything worth a [ __ ] but people find high runes and all sorts of cools worth a shint sorry i'm trying to conform to blizzard's uh censorship rules they never drop anything so go there if you want i don't know i kind of stopped doing it because it was just a waste then we move on we hit our sweet sweet sweet pendle you should hopefully have all the anya quest done on your quests are vital and she leaves the portal up there so you can go back even after you've completed the anya quest and killed nithilayak after killing pindle which he also never drops anything then we move on we go kill nephiliak for d keys sometimes it sucks and he can spawn lightning immune but you got hazaad i would recommend running a nature's piece ring and killing all of the adds that way your mark doesn't kill them because nature's peace will make it so nifalak won't corpse pop or detonate those things which will definitely kill you so if you have nature's peace anything you kill will be safe impossible to corpse explode but again anything your mir kills does not get this privilege and he will still be able to corpse explode your mercenary's kills after nithyak depending on your resistances i really really strongly cannot recommend having at least 75 light res if you're gonna do solo bail runs if you have that light res soles are no problem that's your biggest threat anyway if you see souls though and you don't have an infinity you probably should just quit because your merc is going to really really struggle if you have budget gear to kill all of those freaking souls they're fast he gets decrepified from bale so he moves slows molasses sometimes he'll be cold enchanted then he'll be even slower if there's no souls easy as hell there's no problems with a light sword no infinity if there's no souls waiting for you in the throne room that's your area you live there the only one that could potentially be an issue is the last wave of those orc minion freaking i almost hit sound effects but i don't want to do a pig those guys sometimes the main one there will be light immune but all you have to do is telekinesis him and your merc will handle him bale has the ability to drop high item level stuff item level is important it allows for a greater opportunity to roll some dope shint this includes charms if you find a charm from bale it's a good idea to save it especially if it's a grand charm or a small charm as you can re-roll this in your horadric cube with p gems like i have i'm up to like 3 000 p gems of rerolling a bill grant charm i haven't rolled anything worth anything uh so you can do it it's like a little gamble addiction i have maybe you'll get a 45 life pilot in combat grand charm but i know i won't maybe you will maybe you'll take all my luck after watching this video there is a lot more stuff i'm sure i could talk about there is a lot of things i probably missed i am definitely not the best player in the world i don't ever claim to be i like having fun doing videos i miss doing them it's been a long time since i've done one if you enjoyed this one feel free to like comment click subscribe all of that cool stuff make me feel better about my life i [Laughter] life's good just keeping up with the video schedule is hard i appreciate it hopefully i will see you on the next one until next time we out
Channel: II Made
Views: 2,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, II Made, d2r, diablo 2 resurrected, diablo 2 builds, diablo 2 builds that can solo hell, diablo 2 resurrected guide, sorceress build guide d2, sorceress build guide diablo 2 resurrected, lightning sorceress d2r, lightning sorceress d2 build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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