Dewalt Multi -Tool DCS356B - A Real Tool Review

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welcome back to steve rob reviews for you that  have never seen this channel before this is a   real review channel where i buy everything  myself i review it and i give you an honest   review and an honest opinion so today i'm  gonna reviewing this now the first thing   i'd like to say is i bought this about two  weeks ago and i've used it quite extensively   on a project that i'm doing in my  basement and i put down some uh   you know the click flooring you know  like the the fake hardwood flooring   more or less that kind of stuff right so i put  this laminate flooring all the way down and uh   i bought this tool because well i thought it was  kind of neat and i i could use it myself right but   part of this review is i'm going to be brutally  honest with you i've been doing this kind of   stuff for many many many years and i got away  with not using a tool like this so i'm saying not trying to sell this tool that's for sure  because i i got away with not using a tool like   this for over say 40 years so do i really need  this tool that much well absolutely not and for   the vast majority of you watching this video you  don't need this tool either why did i buy it well   because it's just a neat tool cost me 150 bucks  i've got the batteries already now this particular   model comes in various forms you know you can  get it where it's cordless or you have a cord it   comes in various uh styles and kits so the model  number for my particular one is in the description   but i'm gonna just i'm gonna display how this  actually works and the great features and why i   bought this dewalt multi-tool well compared  to the other ones out there and i'm saying all the other ones out there seem to work fine as  well you can get some for like 50 bucks up to 200   it depends what you want right but i'm saying you  don't need this tool i think it's slick i'll get   use out of it and uh so many trades persons  will get use out of a tool like this as well   whether you're doing say renovations on your house  that kind of stuff but i'm gonna i'm just gonna   make a little bit of fun out of some of  the videos that i've seen when i did my   research on buying this tool and uh you know  take a little bit of tongue and cheek there   like don't get so offended about you watching  youtube videos when somebody says something   when they share their opinion because  my channel oh yeah i share my opinion   so let's get to it here i'll show you  some of the great features of this tool   and why i like it and really when it comes down  to it that's it right and i'm going to show you   how neat this tool is and you decide whether you  think this is a tool that would be something that   you would consider buying if you would get the  use out of it so let's take a look well let's   start off with the features that i really liked on  this multi-tool and this multi-tool came with two   cutters one was strictly for wood and the other  one is bi-metal if you happen to get into like   a small little uh nail you know like a brad nail  or that kind of stuff that you could cut it and uh   i'm going to show you a couple of the different  uh attachments that go on something like this   and you know they come with so many attachments  from sanding attachment to cutter attachments to   uh you know there's even blade attachments so i  mean it is a multi-tool and the best thing i liked   about this if i could just demonstrate is the  way that this actually loads and unloads the bit   now if you take a look here and i call it a bit or  a cutter so here's the cutter right here and you   can see all the different splines going all the  way around and you can rotate and i'll demonstrate   this and here's the cutting edge here so that's  just a strictly off for using it for wood   but this is a just an engineering marble  this here so they've got this spring loaded   and you can just load your if i put it in  the right way load it like this and that's   completely straight or you can pick a different  angle like multi every one of them holes are   universal to go in all different ways depending on  you know if you're in a particular spot where you   have to actually you know turn it 90 degrees  and what i do is when i'm storing the tool i just store it upside down like this now  another good feature is the trigger itself   it's got a light so the light goes  on and the trigger works in this   direction here at the bottom or at the top and  also at the bottom here you've got three speeds   one two and three and there are three  more or less power levels or torque levels   for the uh cutting attachments or scraper  attachment or whatever you have on the front   that's what i've noticed i've never really noticed  much difference in speed so there's on three you hear the difference in the sound well  the rpm goes down and also the torque level   goes down as well so depending  on what you're doing right so   that is the unit right there  and another feature is you can lock it on and another feature that i  like as well is you can lock it so that   the trigger doesn't go on when it's in say like  a bag or a tool box or anything just sits there   and vibrates because the trigger accidentally  got pressed on something so that's another good   feature right there now of course i've got a  small battery on here for mine which is 1.5 amp   and i've got four amp batteries but you know  what just the smallest battery like this   i'm gonna say i used it constantly for  about uh maybe 45 minutes and you can do   a lot of work in 45 minutes right and this is  still the original battery on it so you know   it doesn't uh you know draw your battery down  all that much but that's the tool right there   and i don't find it heavy at all i do find it on  the third power setting very very well torquey   and powerful now i'm going to show you some things  here about what i've seen on other youtube videos   that i didn't know why i couldn't figure  out why they were trying to make this tool   look like you can do some stuff that just seemed  logical to me so let's let's let's take a look at   uh at some of the youtube videos that uh well  not the youtube videos themselves but just the   the youtube videos that are out there  showing this and tell me if you've seen   one of these videos demonstrating  this so let's get to that next well there you go right there hope you can see  that but i've got three nails here on the back   side and i got three deck screws now nails are  not as hard as a deck screw these are hardened   material and they are super hard to cut through  so i've seen so many videos where they take   a bi-metal tool and i guess they're trying to  demonstrate how great this is for cutting metal   that they will cut through you know some nails  and then they'll come to the screws and it just   most of the time just tears up the bit something  fierce by the time they get through one   well you know some of these bits they're ten  dollars fifteen dollars some are twenty dollars   and they sell a lot of bits with  carbide tips and all kinds of stuff   twenty five dollars thirty dollars to cut metal  i tell you what there's like a million and one   tools out there you know that i have between a  cut off tool uh you know a uh hacksaw or a uh   you know reciprocating saw that i can cut stuff  like this if i need to last thing i'm gonna do   is come out with one of these and another thing  that they do that i find is just incredible   now this is a two by six but they will put a two  by four in their vise and cut the whole 2x4 down   using this tool you know and going back  and forth and i'm thinking okay so what   is the reason behind that i am never going  to use this to cut a 2x4 i guarantee you   no way i mean i can't see that but i guess they're  trying to demonstrate that it will cut a 2x4   you know and it's always suggested that well you  never know what kind of situation you're going to   run into where you're going to need this and i'm  thinking well maybe if you're a house renovator i   could see somebody who does uh house restorations  and that kind of stuff you know i could see that   but how many times can you cannot put you  know like a reciprocating saw in there   and uh do it in you know a much easier  fashion than trying to do something with this   but i am going to show you cutting  me a piece of a piece of wood here   and i'll show you to demonstrate how it is but  first let's just take a look at the difference in   the bits and or the blades or whatever attachment  you're putting on here but let's do that next   so let's just take a look here and you can i'll  just try to zoom down here as close as i can and   you can see this is just a regular one here and  this is the one that came with the kit you know   and this is a bi-metal blade and really it's just  the teeth that are a lot you know closer together   and a different pitch and more likely this is  hardened a lot better than this one and this   is one that i bought the kit just off of amazon  and they have different blades and i got like   20 blades for 30 bucks lasts me a lifetime  and you know they're wood cutting and bi-metal   different sizes you know in widths  and this is it here i mean come on   this is going to last me a lifetime for the  amount of use i'd get out of it for 30 bucks   now this one i really wanted now this is  from dewalt themselves and this one here   is sharp all the way around i mean this is  not flimsy and flexible like well these ones   here like these are pretty flexible you can  see the thickness of it but this one here   is for taking grout out old grout around  windows uh maybe if you wanted to take like a   maybe a piece of flooring up or tile that was  glued down or yeah but mainly this was designed   for grout around windows and you could see how  you know old hard grout you could cut this out   you could cut it down on the sides and then take  the center out yeah this for replacing grout and   man this thing is like pretty tough it's not  flimsy right and this tool here was actually   12 bucks and i thought that was very reasonable  and uh so if you want to just go online   and just you know look at all these different  ones and you can see the different prices   look at the reviews and that kind of stuff but  they're all universal and you know like for most   brands you'll see this labeled as universal  and you could see how the pattern is here   and take a look and see how the pattern is here  so i mean you can tell that you know they tried to   standardize this as much as they can but there are  models out there that don't take this universal   you have a separate ring that comes along and but  one thing i like about this kit is it it came with   some extra spare parts on the bottom and these  spare parts are actually for replacing this here   and that is the uh the mechanism that goes up  and down to put your particular blades in and   i guess over time this wears but i really can't  see it myself i mean it looks pretty good to me   so they give you this in the kit and they give  you two blades now you can get this in various   other kits out there that come with the batteries  come with other tools so it's up to you if you're   gonna you know decide to buy something like  this so overall what do i think about this tool   so overall you know what i think i would  have loved to have this tool 40 years ago   i don't think it was ever like invented you  know like i could say 40 years ago i don't   think these existed i'm not too sure but i think  this is pretty slick now how much use am i going   to get out of it well i'm going to demonstrate  something that i did at my place when i was using   this tool and i thought how am i going to get  around this because i went and bought you know   one of them entrance way pieces of strips that  goes between one transition of the flooring say   the carpet or in this particular situation  it was a transition that goes in between   the flooring and a cupboard or a closet and  usually you put down a metal strip first   you sink it into the ground and then you take  this piece of material and you snap it in on   top well i couldn't use that transition material  and i'm going to show you the reason why and how   this resolved it and i'm going to demonstrate this  for you and you might find this very interesting   because this just doesn't just cut wood or  metal it cuts plastic it cuts all kinds of stuff   and i'm doing all kinds of interesting projects  and this will come in handy for me so let's   let's just show a little bit of a demonstration  on what i use this for for a transition from one   room to another okay so here's a little scrap  piece of transition material here and you can   see the profile there and you can see where it's  got a track in there and it's got two ribs and   this just snaps into the metal piece  that goes on your floor for a transition   well i looked at mine and i could figure out  okay so if i were to cut one of these ribs   off here then it would work perfectly and all i  did was just set it down and put some silicone   underneath let it drop down let it dry and it's  it's perfect just perfect so how would you cut   one of these and i'll tell you something if you  take a look at that profile there trying to get   a dremel tool in there you're not cutting this  with a knife not unless you want to just like kill   yourself i mean there's no way you're going to  cut that out it's way too thick and way too hard   let's show you what i did with this uh multi-tool  and uh it is slick i'm just gonna do a section of   it now i had to do four feet because this comes  in a uh i believe a six foot length and i did   four feet and uh i'll show you how easy it is  and how fast it was just to do something like   this that is one of them unique situations  where you could use a multi-tool like this and that's all i had to do was take off a strip  like this okay now i promise i'm going to show   you cut me a piece of wood okay i'm going to show  you this thing will cut a piece of wood because   you have to actually if you're going to make a  video about this multi-tool you have to show cut   the piece of wood so let's get cutting a piece of  wood right now okay so let's cut a piece of wood there wasn't that slicker yeah this thing here it goes through wood like  i mean come on i mean that is if you don't think   that's slick well i'm telling you this thing  is slick well thanks for joining me here today   and thanks for uh let me show you this well i'm  saying it's a pretty slick tool right you know   at first i was saying you really don't need it but  for me yeah i i love this thing i think it's just   super slick i wish i had this 40 years ago and  uh thanks for joining me on another a review   a real review of tools that i buy i review them  with my own opinions my own views and uh come   back again next week and we'll have something  interesting for you as well because you know what   i've been upgrading my tools over time and i  have some tools that are so old and wore out   that i just couldn't use them in my renovation  in my basement so i'm upgrading and i'm going to   show some of them in the future too so thanks  for joining me here today come back again   if you haven't seen this channel before  well you're quite welcome to subscribe   and uh have some more fun with me as  we go along with more reviews cheers
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Keywords: Dewalt Multi -Tool DCS356B, best oscillating multi-tool, best oscillating multi-tool blade brand, best oscillating tool blades, dewalt multi tool uses, dewalt oscillating tool 20v, dewalt oscillating tool 20v changing blades, dewalt dcs356b review, dewalt multi tool attachments, best oscillating tool 2022, how to use oscillating tool to cut wood, oscillating tool review, oscillating tool uses, oscillating tool metal cutting, oscillating tool DCS356, oscillating tool hacks, dewalt
Id: vV_Bubzi2Bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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