DevOps vs. SRE: What's the difference?

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Hey there and thanks for stopping by. My name is  Bradley Knapp and I'm one of the Product Managers   here at IBM Cloud, and the question that we're  going to answer today is what is the difference   between DevOps and SRE? This is a question  that I hear on a fairly regular basis,   not just internally, but from external customers  as well. And it's one that we'd like to help you   walk through so that you can really figure out  what makes sense in your organization and I think   the answer is probably going to surprise you a  little bit. Before we get into the video that I   do want to encourage you to like and subscribe, if  you think that you're going to enjoy these things   just click on those buttons that way you  get notified every time we come out with   something new. So, with that let's get right  into the question and the question is DevOps versus SRE. And so, as we get into this, I think probably  the most important thing to understand   is this isn't a versus question. You don't have  to have one or the other. As a matter of fact,   I would argue and I think that many people would  agree that SRE is actually an essential component   of DevOps. And DevOps, a good properly implemented  DevOps method, leads to the necessity of SRE when   it comes time to deploy. There are two sides of  the same coin. And so, that's obviously going to   lead to a little bit of confusion because DevOps  is the development methodology, right. That's   it's all about integrating your development  teams and your operations teams. It's about   knocking down those silos between them. It's about  ensuring that everybody is singing off the same   song book and that's very important. And SRE is in  charge of automating all of the things and making   sure that you never go down. There are really two  parts of the same group, and so let's look at the   differences, right, because they do have some  differences. Probably the first and largest one   is that when we think about our DevOps site over  here, right, DevOps is about core development.   The DevOps guys, particularly your developers,  they are doing the core development,   they are answering the question "what do we  want to do?", they are working with product,   they're working with sales, they're working with  marketing to develop design and deploy. What is   it that we do? They're working on the core. SRE  on the other hand, they're not working on the   core. What they are working is the implementation  of the core, they are working on the deployment, and they are constantly giving feedback back  into that core development group to say "hey   something that you guys have designed isn't  working exactly the way that you think that it   is." So, if we were to break that down a little  bit more they are helping the DevOps group,   our SRE group is helping the DevOps group to  break down even more of those silos. If you   want to think about it this way DevOps is trying  to develop the answer to how do we solve this   problem, SRE is saying how do we deploy and  maintain and run to solve this problem it's   the theoretical versus the practical, and ideally  they're talking to each other every day, right,   because SRE should be logging defects, they should  be logging tickets back with development, but   probably most importantly they need to understand  that they have the same goals. These groups should   never be aligned against one another. And so,  they do have to have a common understanding.   Let's talk about one of the most important  parts, right, we're going to talk about failure because failure is not necessary failure, it's  just a way of life. It doesn't matter what you   deploy. It doesn't matter how well it  goes, it's going to happen. And so,   when we talk about failure everyone involved needs  to understand that there's going to be some level,   right. There is a failure budget, or an error  budget, where things are going to go wrong.   And what happens when things go wrong that's what  figures out whether or not your organization is   working because your SRE team when it comes  to failure, they're going to anticipate it,   they're going to monitor it, they're going to  log it, they're going to record everything,   and ideally they can identify a failure before  it happens. They're going to have predictive   analytics that are going to say "all right this  thing is going to go bad based on what we've seen   before." And so, SRE is responsible for mitigating  some of those failures through monitoring and   logging, and doing the preemptive parts, right.  So we'll do the monitors, we'll do the logs.   SRE is also going to lead all of your post actual  failure incident management, right. They're going   to get you through the incident to begin with and  then they're going to hot wash it when it's done.   They're going to lead that RCA, that root cause  analysis, and after they have that RCA completed,   and this is the most important part they  have to take that RCA data and bring it back   over into dev and get some tickets open. You  have to get dev online because you've gotta,   these are the guys who are gonna solve the  core problem, some RCAs might be solved by SRE   internally, right. They're gonna spend 50 percent  of their time writing, 50 of their time working,   and so some of that problem they may be able to  fix directly, but sometimes that's not the case,   right. Our RCA may have found a problem  that only dev can fix and that's all right,   that's not a big deal. They're going to get  that over here, dev is going to implement,   and then probably the most important part,  right, so you're going to get that new feature. Dev is going to get that pulled together.  They're going to get that new feature rolled out   and then they're going to pass that back  into SRE and they're going to say "hey   SRE, that problem that we had  we got a new feature for you."   And then our guys on the SRE side, what do  they do? They then have to take that feature and they have to figure out how to integrate it  into their monitoring and their logging efforts   to make sure that we don't get into  another RCA for the same kind of a problem.   So these groups, they are part and parcel  of the same bunch. You really can't have one   successful organization without another. And  when it comes to figuring out a distinction,   it's not something that you should spend a lot  of time with. There are different skill sets,   right. Core development DevOps, these are the guys  that really love writing software. SRE is a little   bit more of an investigative mindset, right. You  have to be willing to go and do that analysis,   figure out what things have gone wrong, automate  all of the things. But there's a lot that they   have in common. Everyone should be writing  automation, everyone should be getting rid of toil   as much as possible because we just don't have the  time to be doing manual tasks. When we can put the   computers in charge of it, right, computers are  not great at thinking on their own, but if you   need it to do the same thing over and over and  over again in exactly the same way you can't beat   computing for that. And so, automation is key,  you just have a slightly different mindset. DevOps   is going to automate deployment, they're going to  automate tasks, they're going to automate feature.   SRE is going to automate redundancy, and they're  going to automate manual tasks that they can turn   into programmatic tasks to keep the stack up. And  so, you know when we talk about DevOps versus SRE,   that's not the question, the question is  how do we build DevOps, how do we build SRE,   and how do we be sure that they are always talking  to each other because the institutional knowledge   that SRE has so much of if that doesn't get passed  back into your DevOps group. You're never going   to be successful, you're going to have a silo  here, and a silo here, and at the end of the day   both of these philosophies core, core component,  is getting rid of silos, freeing ourselves from   those silos is what is going to make us all more  successful. Thank you so much for stopping by   the channel today. If you have any questions or  comments, please feel free to share them with   us below. If you enjoyed this video and you  would like to see more like it in the future,   please do like the video and subscribe to us  so that we'll know to keep creating for you.
Channel: IBM Technology
Views: 15,570
Rating: 4.9260778 out of 5
Keywords: SRE, DevOps, Site Reliability Engineer, cloud computing, IBM, IBM Cloud, Monitoring, IT, Root Cause Analysis, RCA, developers
Id: KCzNd3StIoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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