DevOps Comes to Networking on TechWiseTV

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DevOps is a well-known model for increasing the pace of software development but it seems that our carefully crafted networks aren't always keeping up hanck press and easily one of our favorite Cisco definite engineers is here to evangelize net DevOps he's calling us all out with the truth we don't like change all that much no we don't our ability to embrace things like continuous integration continuous delivery is quickly becoming crucial to our success and our ability to play on the team with the software development today's show is all about change it's time for techwisetv [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright guys it's the developer series and Hank Preston is here man how's it going oh it's going great this is this is honestly really an honor for me to be here on techwisetv with you I thought the honor was that we had you on the show because I go past you with crowds and I'm trying to wave in the back maybe catch a Cisco live interview with you you know when we're out there because people just bunch up around whatever topic you're pursuing I started in the network area watching going through CCNA is a wee little network engineer and I had a dream I to dreams work for Cisco beyond techwisetv and so here we have it I've made it to techwisetv pretty much you're saying your careers peaked at this point I it's all downhill from here as well every show kind of feels that way okay specifically you were evangelizing this this notion of net DevOps I'm guessing net DevOps it has something to do with networking understanding DevOps a bit better if I were to guess so I like names it's pretty good guess yeah pretty good guess yeah we talked DevOps here before and have a little clip from when we had Carl from puppet labs on with us curious what you think about his explanation of where we are with DevOps okay all right let's take a look mighty shops you have developers who write code of course and then they pitch it over the wall operations and they say hey works on my laptop have fun you know getting into production and operations usually manages but no it's not a lot of pain and that entire bottleneck that entire animosity between the teams is really just from them not understanding each other and how they do their jobs and what's required in order to get customer value from developers to the customer themselves and so this idea of DevOps came together of being saying we're going to create processes of empathy between the two teams so that they can collaborate and work better together we have different teams with different tasks - we have one pipeline that gets ideas to customers and everything in between needs to be optimized for that puppet does not make for DevOps right I need to just buy puppet and now I've got this DevOps thing done right you got it so good DevOps is about culture DevOps is about how you work together how teams work together to get customer value out there is no such thing as a DevOps tool that's always been our position however tools are sure are important if you need to be able to collaborate with your teams you need to be able to have the tools that can help foster that so things like automation things like continuous delivery things like peer review things like version control all these things are necessary but their insufficient you still have to be able to use the tool to enhance the culture okay so I heard a couple of things their pipeline realized I'm glad I didn't wear the green shirt today because I didn't think about the fact that would have been the same one on that clip but also culture a nice notion of where does culture fit in this role of Technology what yeah it's so culture is really for me what DevOps is about it's about changing the approach to technology the way you go after it and it's not that we don't have a culture today in networking and we do and I refer to it as the culture of fear know the wrong culture I know it's if that's not a good culture to go through we don't want to be happy about it but if we're honest with ourselves so many organizations are afraid of their network which breaks my heart as a network engineer right we're supposed to be excited about technology but the number of organizations that that Etsy a network change come through and they they figure out how can we stop it right I don't want to do it do we have to go through maybe the fear is because I also don't want to alienate anyone in the audience who goes I'm a network professional I don't fear the network but I think what you're saying though is there is a fear that when we get things working there's that that old saying don't don't break don't break it if you can fix it no don't if it ain't broke don't so maybe that's coming into play there yes that's part of it too I think that there's a pride in the networking space and we see them even here at Cisco occasionally going through there's this switch that hasn't been rebooted in six years or ten years and they go through and we should be proud of that but that also means there's been no there's been no change there's been no updates there's been no innovation in six years and today we can't we can't live in that world anymore digitization agility everything that's being demanded at the organization's today demands that we have a culture that allows for these changes that we we go after network changes in the same way that software changes go after so and DevOps I always think about continuous development and such like this so if you're proposing that on the network side are we also saying you know we've seen from a security perspective the fact that attackers are going after infrastructure something that most people never even considered having to update because we always think of applications and in servers on the edge and things like this but you're saying that we that should be just as simple as any other kind of update that we do is what you're saying that change mindset the culture yeah we have to I mean in the in the software space we're used to updating servers every Tuesday a patch Tuesday comes through in the networking space to your point we've kind of been able to avoid that to go through but just this just recently we had this new wpa2 hack that was announced that went through well we have to address those with updates and patches we have to have a procedure that goes through and practices like continuous development and automation pipelines and proper testing that we have in the software space today if we can adopt those in the networking space well then we can be much more aggressive about making these changes going through pushing them out and having a confidence that we don't have to vet changes for months at a time before we push them out we can be much more rapid about it ok we've introduced the concept of dev net in terms of what your group does we certainly see you out on the road and we continue to encourage people to go do it we had Suzy we on the show talked a little bit about how this has come about let's take a look sure ready so we actually said ok let's let's go for it we're gonna create our first developer conference we're gonna have a 24-hour hackathon and we'll have dual tracks of coding sessions you know the deep dive into api's we'll have a coding 101 class to help people learn we put it up in Moscone the same place where you have Google i/o and Dreamforce and people walk by no one knew what Devon it was it wasn't in any of the marketing materials they came by and they just stayed they loved it they were ready Cisco strategy has really evolved over the last you know five years the last 10 years you know we are really embracing software the cloud the role that networks play in all of that so we've changed how we develop products you know so now is we're developing products then for all the products we're thinking about not how do we just make a product how do we make it a platform how do we make it a platform that has api's how do we help our world of networkers infrastructure engineers software developers and app developers how do we help them use those api's in the work they do every day and so definite is really about working with all of our product teams really stressing the api's and building a developer community and a developer ecosystem around that in helping the developers really pick up those skills so that the overall charter of dev net encompasses a lot of different things you're not breaking away from the Charter you're wearing the shirt I guess absolutely not I mean as Suzy was mentioning in addition to the api's that Cisco's putting into our platforms we have to help our audience the network engineers that have kind of worked with Cisco for years and understand how do they take advantage of those api's and so as we're putting out the documentation on Cisco platforms we're coupling those with training classes on coding and ap is and also the enabling material for net DevOps so we can get a culture of change so that we move away from the fear that we show people how to adjust their practices so that they can do continuous development in the network they can have that same type of rapid deployment that we're seeing inside of web and application spaces we want that in the network too and for me that's what excites me the most about being with the definite team is helping in this transition and networking and all of the things that go to it not just the Cisco elements but all of the culture the the supporting technologies the approaches that's really what we're driving for indefinite okay so net DevOps really is part and parcel of dev net it's just another wing of your broad-based attack you guys have got to change a lot of minds absolutely change literally change the whole culture I notice there's some shirts I didn't know if that's for if those are something well so Deb Nets a Developer Program in like all developer programs it's about the schwag it's about the stickers it's about the giveaways and so I could not come without leaving with some shirts for I didn't mean to imply oh no not at all so we've got our dev net shirt and then we've got the often it requested the API shirt that we've got out there and we're I'm with pride we're looking forward to to seeing those sport these ones as they go through so yeah thanks oh yeah and thank you yes absolutely thank you're not done no you're not done actually we need to get this specifics of where we take action so you're gonna be in the lab Laurens gonna be drilling you on exactly how do we what are some specific things we can do to kind of help even if it's in our own individual minds take that next step you're for changing the culture absolutely we're gonna get into the lab and we're gonna see how this works in practice perfect I think he's ready for you all right perfect thank you so much okay take care [Music] Hank I'm so glad I can finally steal you away from Rob oh absolutely I had a great time chat with Rob but this is why I'm here to show some demos do some stuff up on techwisetv it's awesome I'm excited let's just get right to it excellent well let's take a look at it so we're built a demo here around continuous development for net DevOps but it's all about an ecosystem that goes through and changing the way that we actually build manage and monitor our environment yeah we start with the network device and we've been talking about some of these topics for a long time now we've been adding data models and new API interfaces into our devices CLI awesome yeah I know you know it is the original API to the network and it's not going anywhere anytime soon but it's being joined by some of these new ones we've got virtualization platforms so that we can do development and testing of network API is and changes using things like viral or developer tools like vagrant so that we can actually run and manage network devices directly on our laptops just like developers do when they code their pieces out and we're gonna see that in just a couple of minutes absolutely well let's see the rest of the ecosystem going to go through so having the API is is great but we need new tooling new capabilities new ways of managing these infrastructure changes and so we've got tools like ansible puppet or just writing Python scripts to push these configurations out every organization is doing it a bit different and it's an exciting time to figure out what makes sense for you and it keeps going we're not done yet we've got all of the rest of the ecosystem that DevOps brings for us we've got source control repositories to store that infrastructure is code we've build servers for continuous development that can respond to these actions without us having to manually make the changes as they go through so you'll do versioning where you'll do testing absolutely I guess that falls through automation and speaking of testing and monitoring we have to have a strategy around good test tooling testing is today what is it all about ping ping we can't stick with that in the future we need to have strategies about how to test features and code and what we're actually after we need to understand telemetry so it's more than just a forensics activity what do we want to gather how do we take action off of those yeah just having a ton of data and reacting to it when something goes wrong is it probably very efficient no and it's not helpful at all but I think the biggest change we have to do is around environments most organizations only have a production network and the first time they first changes out is to reduction all of this that if we take nothing else from the the DevOps in the software space is I need good development testing and production environments this leads us far away from the culture of fear right absolutely if I can go and I can make my configuration changes on my laptop and then push them out using tools like viral for large test networks I've got a much higher confidence when I'm ready to push those into production let's see what it actually looks like yep we've seen the slide let's put it into practice and so we're going to start out over here inside of our command now we don't want to push to production so we're going to use our get skills for managing code and github repositories and we're going to create and work inside of a branch and so I've created a branch in my code called dev SNMP because that's what our demo is about we're updating some SNMP information because security we got to stay in compliance I want to work on the master because I can screw up what's actually stable and running right now absolutely masters our production we want to work outside in a safe place that goes through so here in our dev branch what we're going to do is we're going to update our code configuration and now when we're not updating iOS scripts right that part is the code that can stay stable we don't want to make changes there we just want to update the parameters that actually influence our configuration so in this case we're going to update our read in our write communities for SNMP so we'll change it from super to SuperDuper SuperDuper string so our idea here is we're going to make our configuration changes on this side and we're not doing this and copy and paste scripts out a notepad or something like that we're gonna use the ansible playbook framework to make this change now we don't want to push this up and just let it go to production I want to have confidence I don't want my co-workers to laugh at me so let's test this locally or yell at you or you know that's true and so to test it locally I've got iOS XE running on my laptop using a tool from hashey Corp called vagrant so I can run do Vegas SSH and we can see that what vagrant gives me is the ability to manage virtual environments directly on my laptop so vagrant automates the the build of the and that VM could have iOS XE or you know some other OS Windows or whatever yeah absolutely and for us in this case i OS XC but network engineers working in the data center maybe they want nx-os and the lan as x are all of these capabilities that are there so for development testing what I will do is I'm going to run my ansible playbook against that development instance and so ansible playbook - i the inventory file is my dev inventory and then the playbook we run is site yeah Mille and that site Gamal is the entire network configuration that will go through and it will push out these changes that go in now here I'm testing locally there's my local host address so no smoke and mirrors we're actually running this on that iOS device on my laptop and it runs through the orchestration process it's using ansible that says this is how we make these changes and so we'll see in here where it's removing the existing SNMP communities cleaning it up clean up because that's one of those big cases we've seen it's really easy to add new strings but how many people have a good practice to go ahead and clean up behind those so we pull the old ones out we push the new configurations through in addition to polling using SNMP we also remove the information around trapping so which hosts are we sending notifications to we get the new ones set up correctly and we can even manage testing and all these other pieces using the ansible bits that are there and then just this oh there it is so my test run worked in development I feel good about my changes but I need to get this into the system I need to put it into the machine and this is where we go back to our get skills to commit these changes into source control ok and so we'll say git first let's make sure and see our changes are there so will you get diff and we can verify that that's actually all I changed I know that I didn't fat-finger something or mistakingly make a change I didn't mean to and then I can go through git add will add that file that we made the change that was the variables for our configuration same file we used on our local host absolutely will commit this up and we'll say a super-duper SNMP demo we like to document what our commits are yeah that's another big piece right we want to make sure that the people following behind us know what it was that we did and then finally the last step in this process is get push not get push we'll send these changes from my laptop up into our repository a system that's there so this goes through it's uploaded those into our distributed system which is represented here by refresh my screen this is some sort of github clone that you have for version control to commit things documentation all that yeah so we're looking at gog gog is as you mentioned it's a github clone we're using in this case because it's easy for me to demo it spin it up really quick and so when the code gets pushed there what's really interesting is that get the the gods notifies drone my build server and it automatically kicked off this build that goes through here and if we go in and we look at it we'll be able to see all the steps that are involved and actually doing this configuration that goes in okay and so the drone is again going to deploy a test network right it will so it does the testing as well as the deployment it does what drone consumes is what's called the the pipeline build file and it says as the network engineers the designers for this we told drone what it is we want it to do we want it to spin up our test environment we want it to run our configurations and our tests that go through okay so in here we're seeing the drone process actually go through we can see that it's starting the test network with viral and so viral is providing us that test infrastructure if i flip over we can see indeed it has started up that test environment for us to go through in order for to run the configuration and actually do the build that test has to be completed which is what we're waiting for here and drone is for it to actually recognize that the configurations are done so in here we can see that we've actually completed the creation of the test network we've got the access to it and we can move on to ansible where we actually push the configuration out and this configuration that's being pushed is the exact same site y amal but now we're actually using host tests to indicate this test environment that's going through so the hosts that are in my viral environment we have two switches right yet see that we'll see those go through so it's processing here now we can aunt Elizabeth the second one should be shortly behind it as they go through because keep in mind this wasn't a test network that was just sitting around waiting it's one that's being spawned kind of on demand by the automation routines and there they are they're both through now once it goes through the the networks available now we can go ahead and we can gather information we can make sure that we clear out the old lesson and P information and drone will take care of all of that for us as it goes in so it's basically doing the same thing is we did our localhost but it's a little better test right it gives you a little more confidence right it's also consistent right as a developer doing this on my laptop maybe I don't do it the same way every time by working through tools like this we can know that every instance every run of these deployments will be exactly the same you can see it continues through we're now setting up the configuration that goes through I remember doing this manually at you know a few jobs ago and it took forever even in a small network so that's true tools like this and you know straight to production of course always straight to production and those routine things like changing passwords or SNMP community strings or all those those are ones that we can't rely on like human beings to do it like that that repetitive thing that can only ever happen at 3:00 a.m. they're gonna change window by using automation routines we can go in alright so inside of our demo here we can see that it completed the actual build and now it's speeding up on me it completed it and then it goes into the network test area and this is a part that we have to keep in mind we can't just deploy configurations we want to make sure the features are successful so inside of our testing we actually do an SNMP query using the new strings and see that we get the actual data back appropriately as we'd expect now with our tests complete the next step is to actually kill the viral network we don't need that simulation anymore save the resources and we've completed successfully 200 200 ok the final bit is in this demonstration right we've been watching it the whole way in real real world we wouldn't be watching it we would sit and we would wait for our notification inside of something like Cisco spark to notify and there it is billed for net DevOps admins successful with links to go check the logs stop play my video games now go back to work if I feel like it but absolutely so show me what exactly went through that right we've seen it all we'll go back and let's take a look at what it is that we did so as our network engineer we were able to create a development branch update our configuration and test it with vagrant locally when we were confident then we pushed it into the automation pipeline the machine we're drone could build the automation start build our test network using viral deploy our changes and then finally notify us through spark that we were successfully completed that's awesome Hank I am so excited for the workshop you're gonna host because you're gonna dive deep on this stuff right right we did a quick demo here but we're gonna be back in the workshop we'll show all this works we'll have all the code available so that folks can actually replicate this demo using the dev nets and boxes so they can learn on their own true dubs absolutely thank you so much as pleasure travelers thank you for having me all right everyone thank you so much for watching again tune in to that workshop it's gonna be fantastic watch us online we're available on all the social media Facebook Twitter you name it thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Cisco
Views: 5,381
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: devnet, netdevops, devops, CICD, developer, cisco, techwisetv
Id: G6V-BMlCjZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2018
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