Developing Your Groove On Guitar

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[Music] [Music] today we're going to develop your time and your groove my name is kent and we're going to take a look at sixteenth notes what are sixteenth notes this means we split each beat into four equal rhythms so we have 16 notes per bar of four four we like to count this as one e and uh two e and uh three e and uh four e and da i've heard some other ways of counting this as well using tikka tikatika or takadimi or wakachika whatever works for you for this video i'm going to stick with the one e and uh method let's take an e9 chord people know this as the funk chord you may know this shape already but we're going to go over it so it's going to be your middle finger going on the seventh fret of the fifth string your pointer finger is going to go on the sixth fret of the fourth string and then you have two options here the way i'm going to do it which is a little bit harder is i'm going to take my ring finger and i'm going to actually bar it on the 7th fret on strings 1 2 and 3 while keeping this down that's quite tricky so if you can't do that you can just put your ring finger on the seventh fret of the third string and put your pinky on this uh seventh fret of the second string and we'll we'll just mute the first string so if you kind of touch it with that pinky we'll get a muted sound and we'll just do that chord so this will be the alternative for the easy way to do it if you can't do the full bar like this uh i encourage you to work up to getting this shape because it's really useful and then we can uh as you get more advanced you can use this pinky to do other stuff as well but we're not going to worry about that for today all right so we're going to play 16th notes with this chord and we're just going to go down up down up for the 16th note so we're if we're thinking one e and uh that's down up down up so let's try it we're going to do a bar of 4 4 so that's 16 16th notes all down up down up down up holding down just the one chord let's do this slow at first and then we're going to speed it up so the slow tempo will go one e and a two e and a three e and a four e and uh [Music] you'll notice on this chord i'm kind of using my middle finger to touch the sixth string so we mute it [Music] if you happen to play the open sixth string it's totally fine it actually works really well in this chord eventually you're going to want to try to mute it but don't stress too hard about that let's do the same thing but let's speed it up a little bit so one e and a two e and a three and a four e and a [Music] so you're going to work on keeping that going we just did one bar but feel free to extend that out four bars eight bars 16 bars or you can even time yourself so go for one minute or three minutes or five minutes and keep trying to extend that while keeping those 16th notes consistent so this is not super funky so we're gonna funk this up we're gonna mix in muted notes so with the same chord shape we can actually mute the strings by lifting up our fingers so we keep the chord shape looking the same remember you can still use this one if the bar is too hard and you're gonna touch all the strings but not push down okay so we get this muted sound so you if you lift too much you're gonna hear the open strings which we don't want and if you push down too hard you're gonna hear a note which we also don't want and i'm still doing the same cheat with my middle finger where i'm touching the sixth string to mute it okay some people like to bring their thumb up over and grabbing it with kind of the meaty part of your thumb on the side it's not exactly my cup of tea but if it works for you great so let's do the same exercise but we're going to do muted sixteenths so we'll do slow and then we'll do fast and we'll just do one bar so one e and a two [Laughter] let's do it a little bit faster three and a four end so what we're going to do next is combine both of these ideas so we're going to do what i like to call stabs on each of the cords which means we're going to push down and put the cord stab on the downbeats and then we're gonna lift up the chord and mute the remaining like the e and ah of the beat okay so we have the chord hitting on one and then we're gonna lift up and mute for e and ah don't let that change your right hand you're still going down up down up that's not changing at all so let's give that a try so on the downbeat so one e and a two e and a three e and a four e and [Music] now let's move that over to the e of the 16th note so rather than on beat one two three and four we're on the e's this is quite a bit harder so take your time and get used to it start slow get used to that stab coming on the up pick because we're gonna go down up and hit the chord on that second up or the first up pick that we do so it'd be one and two and like that let's put it in context one and a two e and a three [Music] let's move it over one more time so this is now going to be on the and or some people call this the offbeat or the upbeat of the of the bar so we're going to go one e and uh two e and uh three e and uh four and uh so let's give that a try so we got one [Music] now we're going to move it to the last beat the ah of the beat this one is very difficult so take your time with it go slow build up the speed don't get too frustrated it's going to come with time and it's a really tough one to nail but let's give it a try so we're going to three and a four e in so don't move on with this lesson video until you are comfortable with all four placements of that 16th note especially the ease and the odds those are really tough put a metronome on or put a backing track on and play along with that and really get those comfy now let's try to combine some of these rhythms i stole this exercise from corey wong and it's a really great one to work on moving the accents around in the 16th notes so we're going to do four of each one so we're going to do on beat one two three four the next bar we're going to do the ease so e e e and then the ands and then the oz okay we'll have uh we'll have something on the bottom of the screen so you can keep track of what's going on here so four on the on one two three four four on the e's four on the ands four on the oz let's give it a try one eight and two eight and three [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] how did that go pretty good well let's make it a little harder we're going to do two of each this time so two on one two and then shift to the ease then you're going to shift to the ands and then shift to the eyes so a little bit faster this time [Music] nice pretty tough right well we're gonna make it even harder so we're gonna just do one of each so we go beat one and then the next beat on the e and then the next be on the and and the last beat on the ah let's do this one a couple times because it goes by pretty quick two and a three and four and [Music] after you get the hang of this you can start to freestyle it and then throw in stabs wherever you like now we're really funky let's try it if you throw stabs in but make sure to keep that right hand motoring along let's give it a try [Laughter] [Music] the hard part is not letting what you do with your left hand affect your right hand they have to be completely independent of one another our hands really like doing the same thing all the time so it's going to take a little bit of time to get them separated your brain's gonna figure it out don't worry go slow and build up your confidence once you master this your overall sense of time and groove is gonna start to improve you're gonna start to feel your time better and have more rhythmic freedom in your playing take a video of the first time you do this exercise save it and watch it after a week or so of practicing and see what the difference is if you're one of our awesome drumeo students maybe you can take one of your rudiments that you've been learning move it over to the guitar there's a ton of options you can choose from so once you have that down the next step you can do is start to move the cord around don't worry about changing the shape just keep the same e9 shape and just move it around to different frets that can also really help to accentuate some of the stabs instead of always going i can start to move the chord either up a half step or down a half step or a whole step up you can find combinations so why don't we try that so on we'll do beat one two three on the e9 chord and then on beat four we're going to move it up to make it an f9 chord um and then we'll go back we'll do that a couple times so here we go three and a four eight and [Music] and you can start to have even more freedom with this start to make a big jump and slowly work your way back down or combine some downs and going back ups and if you're really advanced you can slide into your stabs so instead of just hitting the cord you can slide into the cord from a fret below like that we can try that the same thing three and a four and [Music] so with these basic exercises once you get the hang of them and you start to combine them it can really take you from a very simple groove and then build you up to way more advanced right hand funk madness once you have these ideas down we can start to combine everything and it can take you from a more simple pattern and then you can start to build up to something that sounds a lot more advanced so why don't we do this pattern to start out with we're gonna go one ah and then three e and up one and uh and three e and ah four e and [Laughter] and then we can build up from there and make things sound a lot more cooler so i'm going to pick up the tempo here i'm going to have some freedom with moving the cord around and maybe i'll throw in some extra stabs and we'll just see how it sounds here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so feel free to have some fun with it the possibilities are endless i'd recommend using a metronome or having a backing track with a drum loop or something like that to play along with to make sure your time is staying solid the whole time i hope you enjoyed this video hope you learned some cool ideas for some more fun funk playing and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Musora
Views: 26,348
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Id: CqZPb_BjqDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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