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good Monday morning everybody we are finally back from our trip to Spain and then uh I flew back into Charlotte from Spain and we got back on a late Thursday and uh I'd already planned to start this job the the the next Monday so I really didn't have a whole lot going on Thursday and Friday or Friday and Saturday so I called Chris over at let's dig 18 and I was like hey man you mind if I hang out with you for a couple days so instead of driving driving 3 and 1/2 hours from Charlotte back to Myrtle Beach uh after after a 9-h hour plane flight I drove 2 and 1/2 hours to Apex where my parents live and I hung out with Chris let's dig 18 for 2 days so you guys will be you guys are by the time you seen this you'll seen that video so it was a great time uh appreciate him letting me come out and hang out with him but we're back got a busy week this week a lot of mulching work to do so we're out on a project um that I picked up before I went to Spain so let's take a look at what we got and then we're going to get to grinding all right so this is going to be the next few days worth of worth of doing here probably around 3 days or so so basically basically uh these people have this property they're going to be putting some buildings out here um and basically what they want to do is just mulch down so there's an old fence in there we're going to come down this line and mulch basically as close to that fence that old wire fence back there that as we can get um doesn't have to be anything pretty I'm probably going to have to bring the mini over here um they want me to do this ditch and then there's a backline back there that's really tight next to a ditch uh I don't think I'm going to be able to get the the skid steering there and then we got to come down that hole line as well do that so we got a good bit to do here that side is really bad over there this over here is just a bunch of privot and little small stuff it uh should go pretty quick so that's what we got to do they don't care about the mulch being out here cuz they're going to strip off all this grass they're just trying to open this up and get us get a lot more uh space on their property basically like just get a little more square footage there open it up and then they're going to come through here and just strip all this off and put buildings so uh instead of having to rip all this out and haul it off cuz that would be separate than the dirt it all just be Mulch and dirt and they can just scrape it up and off the off they go so I got the skid steer out here with the TMC canella it rained so after all that dry dust before I went to Spain it finally rained and now everything out here is wet so got the ASV got TMC we're going to get to grinding so uh let's get started had to put a little oil in the machine this morning a little engine oil and uh we're ready to go so let's [Music] go [Music] he [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] a [Music] a [Music] w [Music] oh oh w [Music] oh a [Music] what oh a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh wor [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] all right good progress this whole uh I guess it would be the left side if you're coming in from the highway whole left side is done luckily weren't too many problems with that other than I did hit one little thing of wire down there there's a big right where that kind of tree is sticking out down there there's a whole bunch of uh of this fence wire piled up behind one of the trees over there luckily I saw it but there was a little bit of copper wire that I guess was for an electrical fence buried up underneath there a little bit I got a little bit too close to that it wasn't much but it was enough where I had to go get the grinder real quick and cut it out that didn't take too long but the rest of it went pretty easily I did have to reach up and kind of cut some of oh there's so many Vines and stuff in there I really wanted to go in like this the whole way down but uh the neighbor over there's got like a shop yard and he's got some some stuff out there some equipment stuff and I didn't want to blow a bunch of mulch over there um over here I could have done that a little bit but I was making pretty good progress coming through here going this way it seemed to be the most efficient way just run the and you know run the fence line and then a little bit less chance of me kind of hitting the fence I did have to go into it a little bit but luckily I didn't hit it anywhere there's a big old tree that fell right here and kind of crushed the fence I ground out what I could of it um so I'm going to let he's supposed to be coming by he said around lunchtime it's about 1:00 now so really they wanted me just to get the big stuff and then he's the the the the PE the client that hired me they're a construction company and he was like you know if you know the little stuff they weren't too con concerned about and he's like if I have to send my guys back through here with trimmers and stuff to clean some stuff up that's fine so I think this is pretty much what they wanted but I got to have the mini out here tomorrow so I might take the mini through here I'm going to see what he says um and then this Tallow tree I don't know if he wants to take that or not but we can if he wants to so through here I'm going to do this ditch line with the mini tomorrow I'm going to bring little Munch over here and the brush cutter we come through here cuz I got to get all these little pins and stuff it's just going to be easier for me to to to selectively go in there and get that stuff cuz what's going to happen cuz the fence is like right there but I got to get these some of these Pines out so little munchie will be perfect for that clean up all this through here these big Pines are all going to stay we got to mow this ditch and then over here there's some big that little cluster of bigger Pines he wants those gone but there's an old shed that's in the ground over there so I may have to actually hand cut those and drag them out into the grass with the mini so I can grind them up with the skid year uh probably the probably on Wednesday but I'm what I'm going to do now we're going to come back around and I'm just going to go ahead and start this line over here and start working that's a really thick line over there it goes way up in there to a ditch uh so but we'll go ahead and start that see how much we can get done of that and be back with the mini tomorrow so let's let's uh crank on [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay everyone we're going to do a little incap commentary here for just a few minutes we're working this right side line it would be the right side if you were looking out from the highway over there and we're making really good progress to this material this side is a little bit wider with the material going back towards the ditch than the other side and it that's about the same thickness we're going to get into some bigger material as we go down I think there's some bigger trees but we're going through it pretty quick the only thing I'm having to do is raise this multure up to get some of these Vines and branches and stuff little bit of a pain but we're getting it done the fence is right down there like in the ditch from that stuff is growing really close and I don't really want to go down in that ditch I think the in is dry but I don't really want to go down into it oh come on don't do that don't do that there we go this privet so this is like a privet these these bushes that are growing out into this field most of this stuff's like a privet it's really common here it likes to grow on the edge of farm fields and uh it just kind of follows the sunlight grows out into the light and uh if you let it go it will take over and just start creeping out into the field slowly but surely it does make a really nice mulch though it is one of the trees or bushes that we mulch that makes a really nice mulch the bottoms can be a little the bottom stem like where it goes into the ground like the stump of them and be a little tough to mulch they they tend to get a little hard at the bottom but other than that uh they make really nice MCH all right so that fence you guys can't see it but that fence is like right there and I got this big old privet right here right Holly whatever this thing is hanging over going I have to raise up and try to trim it back and this is one of the things that I was talking with Chris about uh let's dig 18 when I was visiting with him about my goal is to eventually get about a 15 ton machine uh like a I want a zero tail machine so if you're not familiar with excavators they make conventional and zero tail and like if these are your tracks when you swing over to the side the the butt end on a zero tail doesn't swing out past the tracks and I like that for working in tight areas and it would work really a 15 ton machine an excavator would work really well for this kind of job because all this stuff is hung up in these uh I mean it's just a mess in here with all of this and you know with all the vines and the branches and stuff and having to reach up with this skit stear is not the most ideal thing and if I had a 15 ton machine 14 15 ton machine with a muler on it it would it would be a little slower but it would be a lot more thorough and it would be able to get these Vines and stuff and get some of this material a little better and basically you could come in from over here and just work down this line with the with the arm outo this way and just shave all this back and kind of mulch it top down and that would work really good because of the way it's growing like almost horizontal this stuff's not growing vertically it's growing almost horizontally so when you came through here with the excavator you could open the face of that Mulcher and just shave all this back and it would work really well I could have done this whole job with the mini with little munchie but it would have taken so much longer but it would have been a little bit more thorough of a job probably but it would have just taken so much longer and they didn't really want a super thorough job they just want this stuff cut back as about as best as I can get it as close to that fence as reasonably speaking and uh this skid steer is going through it pretty quick No Lie this TMC is just a beast on this 120 it just takes no prisoners I would like to uh give a quick shout out to my niece sailor I just talked to my sister in-law Misty's sister and her daughter who's my niece has got RSV and the flu right now and she is just not feeling well so I just want to wish her hopefully uh hope she gets better soon and just want to say hey to her and just let her know I'm thinking about her and that I love her and I hope she gets starts feeling better soon so you guys want to drop a link or drop a comment in the comment section I'm sure she would enjoy that her name is Sailor all right this is coming along really good see how this stuff is almost growing out horizontally I mean it's it's a pain it really is to try to get down try to get get try to get the machine in there to the base of it is kind of tough I'm try to knock some of these branches down so I can get to the base of that bush this a mess this is a mess ah if all this stuff was standing vertically it just it would be so easy so much easier these were all like vertically standing trees like over there on the other side a lot of that was standing vertically and it went easy this stuff is just all over the place but it's going so I got to go move the tripod so we can finish time lapsing this so I hope that gives you guys a little better explanation of what we're doing here and uh hopefully we'll have most of this line done by the end of the day so let me uh go move the triod and we'll get back to it all righty folks we are done for the day pretty much got all the way to that shed right there so good progress today uh even with the I got a little bit of a late start just trying to get back into the swing of things and then uh this thing was a little low on oil this morning and engine oil so luckily there was a tractor supply about a mile or so down the road so I ran down there and got some oil but got a little bit of a late start but all in all very good progress the owner came by about 3:00 and he's like dude you just gave me like 50 ft of my property back and I was like yeah I know why so he's super happy happy with everything um we're pretty much done with that whole side over there he's he's good with all that except for that Tallow tree we're going to take that down he wants that gone but everything else looks good I don't have to worry about doing any of the hand work he told me he'll have uh if there's any little bit of stuff to clean up he'll have uh his his guys come and do that no big deal uh he did add that he wants that cluster of bigger trees over there taken down and ground up so that'll be tomorrow I have the mini out here we'll saw those down I'll stack them up lay them out over there and uh we'll uh we'll grind those on Wednesday when I come back with the skid so tomorrow we got to take those trees down clean out that corner get those trees laid out cuz there's said I can't get in there cuz there's an old shed on the ground so we'll get that cut down drag that out cut the ditch mow that down that won't take no time and then I'm probably going to come in here and just clean this edge up just a little bit as well and just clean it up a little bit in some spots nothing crazy we'll uh we'll cut that old that China Berry hanging over we'll cut that down and I'll grind that with the skid steer on Wednesday too and then so only thing so Wednesday we'll come back with the skid steer and we'll finish that little section right there from the shed out to the street not too far to go that's 50 ft if that and we'll grind up the trees on the ground and that'll be it and I got to do that back line with the Mini too there's not much there not much with that so yeah so not too much to do with the mini tomorrow but I think it'll be probably close to a full day out here with it doing what we need to do but it should go pretty well so machine did great in here today super happy with the TMC that door that front door like You' come out to this job and not think you wouldn't need a door but cleaning up along this fence line and not H not having to worry about blowing stuff into the neighbor's yard over there worked perfect um like I said they're not looking for anything like super nice through here they just want this opened up and then you know I'm going to try I'm going to bring the mini through here and clean it up a little bit better but they're not looking for it to be like you know beautified they're just trying to get some more space through here and like any of the hand work like I said he's going to have his guys do it any of the Tidy work that that's by hand so just cheaper for them to do it then to pay me you know he they're a construction company he's got an army of guys they just couldn't do this big stuff by hand you know you can't come in here and do the what I was doing with that by hand but they can come through there and clean up the little stuff with trimmers and chainsaws and stuff so but yeah he's super happy he was like man dude you you have just completely given me so much more room for activities in here and I was like yeah man that's what we do so loving the TMC got to get her got to get this this thing's a mess going to get her blown off really quick and uh we'll be out of here so I'll unload this tonight we'll go and get the mini loaded up get ready for tomorrow so all I got to do is pick it up and we'll be back so beautiful afternoon hope you guys enjoyed it and I'm out of here bye everybody
Channel: IDigIt4
Views: 77,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IDigIt4, satisfying, relaxing, transformation, ASMR, time lapse, nightmare, disbelief, mulching, mulcher, forestry, forestry mulcher, outdoors, developer, development, overgrown, TMC Cancela, heavy equipment, operator, skid steer, CTL, ASV, RT-120F, land clearing, field, farm, overgrowth, mowing, landscaping, landscaper, letsdig18, Al Bladez
Id: dzcdjK1Z7rQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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