Forestry Mulcher Clears Overgrown Property

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guys it's day two with this forestry Mulcher let's see how much you can get done today [Music] all down here where all these where these trees are that's we're gonna put some high tunnels eventually I believe the previous owner had a horse Ring here that's why nothing grows here it's super flat and like all the top soil has been pushed off to the edges random trees kind of popping up and it kind of just like weeds and a lot of just Little brambles this tree is probably the one we save it's a bigger tree so it's going to give off a lot of shade for our animals these are persimmon trees and they did give off some fruit this last year a Bradford pear tree definitely we're taking this out Bradford pear trees are so bad that the state of Ohio is making them illegal to grow and plant and these trees do not produce fruit at all they produce beautiful flowers but they also attract flies and they stink like fish we're taking all these sweet gums we are going to keep a lot of these trees but maybe thin them out this is another Bradford Pear we need to take that out we're going to be marking all the trees that we're saving with this orange tape I'm trying not to do too much because I hate to take down some trees and regret it later there's another Bradford pear L how are you doing you all right I see all your kids are here little burritos yeah yeah all right we finally gave in what a good Mama hey pigs hey pigs hey pigs hey pigs the first day of hiring the forestry Mulcher we cleared a lot of our fence first fence line and then also cleared me a path into our woods and then out towards our Creek and then the mulchers coming out again today to do some more fence line clearing and also getting some random trees out in our pasture area nice little weed eater we have all this horse fence line here that the previous Mulcher didn't get the previous day but he's coming in he's gonna basically follow this line that goes all the way around the barn and then you get all this brush here some of that Privet [Music] look at that man destroyed that foreign ER right there corner post of the property the last video that we posted of a Mulcher is so satisfying and we're gonna clear this up because I want to add some fence line right on this spot this has never had a fence I mean the property lines just beyond that but previously we took down a bunch of trees right here because they were all growing on the side here when we first moved so we knocked those down and then follow this fence line all along and then we're gonna go out there and try to knock down some of those random trees that are out gotta be careful because this thing projectile rocks trees golf balls a lot of golf balls in my property for some reason all right all right now the previous Mulcher guy did not get in this section because you can't win up along this fence line and went in but this guy he's gonna try to get in there with this thing go along our property line and meet up with another mulching trail that we already did hair might not be possible no I thought there's a bunch of tires really that's why I'm taking the head up right there okay tires one right there okay yeah there might be too many tires can't suck up the tires don't want to do that so we're just gonna we're gonna do the best we can and just follow that fence line and I really just want to pass so that way we could run a fence line run our animals in together there's a marker here cheapos projectiles you know what if a tree falls Z you grab a wire yeah plant skating right there where wires wound up in there part of an old fence line he got tangled pretty bad now we gotta cut it all out I guess that's one of the drawbacks of these things you know these old horse fence lines or fence lines in general and if you don't see them it just destroy that thing it's all tangled no bueno all right we got it going and now we're gonna do the main pasture area this is probably the more priority so right here we're gonna put a couple High tunnels so I need them to knock down most of these trees foreign [Music] foreign [Music] we're also mulching the wood s trees thank you can't I mean it tears it up a little bit you know the ground it's a little wet and Soggy property better foreign piggies it's early enough in the grass growing 's gonna come back man like Grass Grows so good here especially in this particular spot because the water when it rains it goes it flows in here is basically a creek that comes through here so this is probably the best grass so it's early enough that I could probably still gray some animals in here you know maybe mid-summer late summer that this is all going to grow back if this was Winter and I had this guy come out then maybe um it might be like even just more muddy some of these like this cluster right here I'm just gonna thin out with my chainsaw so he couldn't get like you know in there if there's like a cluster of trees you know we're just trying to keep these we're just trying to keep these trees or shade for our animals we're making our way up the mountain here and it's pretty much done but down there and then just all random trees as we head on up blackberries guys we had a bunch of blackberries last year but I mowed a lot of them down blackberry bush blackberries and so I'm gonna we're gonna leave some here but we are gonna get some this year for sure they're already growing this part of the pasture is definitely a lot more trees and we never really could get in here I didn't I did not run my two steers in here last year because of that as we're working this larger land and we're kind of doing things ourselves like Bare Bones like bootstrapping it just like just getting it done you know slowly we're trying to we're realizing that that we just cannot do it all by hand you know we're gonna need to hire help if we want to get to where we want to be hiring this Mulcher was one of the best decisions we've ever made with our new property before we couldn't run our steers in certain areas and now we can and the amount of work that a Mulcher did in two days with just us I mean it would have probably taken us two years and the only thing left to do is maintain our land and if we maintain it I shouldn't ever have to hire a forestry Mulcher again foreign hardwood trees here I wouldn't be doing knocking down trees if there was more Hardwoods most of the pine we're keeping Cedar there's some cedar in there our bug infested they're falling over they're they're not healthy trees the big boy right there here we go oh we're tearing it up up here Randy everything I never thought he would have tore that one down I know that was the biggest I think that was the biggest tree right there so that was a Bradford pear tree oh okay that's the one that we don't want here is that what this is yeah this is what do you think it's very open it looks good it looks so much bigger I mean we still have trees there's a lot of trees still but not right here yeah if it does look bigger I feel like it helps us see like oh okay yeah well we can put things here we can put something here or we need to mow that area now hey pigs we got rid of all the brass repair trees really all these trees were for shade for Animals this right here is like a Wild Plum Tree we still need to do something with this lines and fix these they need to be tight there's some areas that are broken still haven't touched those yet we left a lot of the trees here I didn't want him to go crazy in here because I don't want to regret you know cutting down some trees so we left some so in here we're just gonna have to come in here with a chainsaw by hand and thin it out this is an oak tree yeah this is Oak so I had them just kind of clear around it so we could get to it and then we got to thin out some of this stuff hopefully that's the last time we ever use that forestry Mulcher now we just have to maintain things fix the line fix the fence and we should be good everything else we could you know no way around it we're gonna have to do stuff by hand six hours that last time six hours today and this is what they've done and he couldn't get in here necessarily because his Mulcher got some wire on it so he was afraid to finish it off um you know I just want him to go along and come out the other side but you know same thing with the other Mulcher guy I think this this is like the unknown and uh you know something might happen to the mulcher but he did get halfway in which I'm super thankful for and I could actually walk in here I'm happy to take you guys along and show you guys what we're doing and maybe give you guys some ideas maybe you guys are trying to figure this stuff out just as much as we are and hopefully give you guys some different ideas as we try to continue to re-establish this old horse property into our family farm of our dreams thank you guys for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Sow the Land
Views: 111,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pgIysHgJl5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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