Develop The Habit of Prayer | Bong Saquing

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[Music] future or you are not fit to get married or you are not fit for marriage in other words hindi kappa prepared for marriage indica you watch your action they become habits watch your habits they become characters and what's your character where it becomes your destiny indeed we need to keep on growing in the knowledge of god and i pray and hope we grow up from 2021 the more you get to know christ the more we get to know jesus the more we become like him you know i'm challenged we ask ourselves am i growing in the knowledge of our lord jesus christ spend time alone with him we have all the time to pray and worship the lord that we [Music] can we honestly say that the habits we are experiencing and the habits we're developing is our habits that will make us man or woman after god's own heart our habit will determine our destiny determined but never fail to develop godly improved gold medals now available during that time four years later olympics london olympics see bradley wiggins british cyclists 2015 2016 2017 then the guys of british team now five two different victories in six years 1.01 for the next 365 days it's equal to about 37.78 percent improvement graph ambilis for the next 365 days it's 0.03 three steps forward two steps back yes at least again one step a day you know important is over time it becomes a habit and remember habit becomes our character and our character will determine our destiny exercises principle of the past developed remember this path we need to understand that particular unless we see our problems we have a great problem we have to turn and turn to whom turn to jesus and develop the habit that we need objective taking the right path leads you to that jackpot what do i need to develop develop the habit of prayer to fist in the presence of god spiritually don't focus on fasting don't focus on that eating don't focus on what you have given up just no focus on the fisting that is one number one to develop that habit that is a priority in our lives second priority you will enter priority is a singular term and our priority is to spend time with god katina it happened that while jesus was praying in a certain place after he had finished one of his disciples said to him lord teach us to pray just as john also taught his disciples jesus jesus christ for example now peter and john were going up to the temple at the ninth hour the hour of prayer my auras [Applause] oh lord you hear my voice is we need to develop that kind of habit when it comes to emergency when it comes to problems because it reminds us that we're human we're limited the highest activity of the human soul pinaka he comes face to face it tells us our priority when he said to them when you pray when you pray say father we know that we need relationships father hallowed be your name we know that we're people that we are designed to worship your kingdom come we know that this is not our world i praise god but my god is give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins and we are says forgive everyone is indebted to us first of all then i urge that and treat his prayers petition thanksgiving be made on behalf of all men so that you may live a tranquil and peaceful life thank you lord for keeping us and protecting us and for healing us and if ever god will take us home in paris we have hope for eternity but we have to admit hillary amin amin to see jesus christ and he said to them suppose one of you has a friend and goes to him at midnight and says to his friend friend lend me three loaves for a friend of mine has come to me from a journey and i have nothing to set before him now he says don't bother me the door has already been shut and my children and i are in bed and i cannot get up and give you anything justine told my sister jesus christ when you come to me when you come to god when you come to my father come to him as part of the family bother him don't bother me anymore if i say bother me bother me don't worry to come on upon me because we have not done something good i'm thinking that's a joke param boss i'm thinking i'll [Applause] even jesus christ in the days of his flesh he offered up both prayers supplication with loud crying and tears to the one able to save him from death pocket and he was hurt when was the last time we really cried out to god for our country understand the comment indian i'm not practicing what i would like to do i'm doing the very thing i hate it yoga in the same way the spirit also helps our weakness for we do not know how to pray as we should but the spirit himself interested for us with groanings too deep for words the experience has a beginning you will just keep on groaning and praying and crying and crying before god at least you know the holy spirit himself is groaning with us the holy spirit himself is interceding for us with groanings too deep for words because he's helping us but i feel and i thank god but i know that the holy spirit is ministering we have to turn to jesus turn to jesus just like you know so i say to your ass and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and it will be open to you jesus i am the only way to the father no one can come to the father except through me because in jesus name see jesus he is our savior he is not only our savior from hell he is our savior in our daily challenges wretched man that i am who will set me free from this body and you know what once we are one with christ he is at work in us to will and to do quebec and the lord will just give you strength and the grace to be and he's sustaining you hallelujah we need to turn to jesus it's not about us it's all about him then we are to develop the habit start your habit start the habit as the lord works as the lord gives you the will to do start the habit words pastor peter habitualized as a paramaging verb so i say to you ask and it will be given you seek and you will find tina nipah for everyone who us receives and everyone seeks finds and to him who knocks it will be open to you keep on asking until you receive okay you keep on asking keep on seeking until you find sick keep on knocking until the door opens you say what kantiti gill keep on doing it it becomes a habit something that we need to develop in ourselves i discipline my body and make it my slave so that after i have preached to others i myself will not be disqualified i need to have that discipline i need to develop that habit when we the practice of god shall guard our hearts and mind in christ jesus verse 9 the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me habitualize these things and the god look at the words no longer just the peace of god but the god of peace will be with you diva sir you missed more assurance more the presence of god is with us the god of peace friends peter how he prayed for his father and 20 years of praying for his father's conversion panorim punaten i remember praying for my father i prayed for my father for 20 years you must understand my father did not grow up in any christian environment you can say he is like a practical atheist he's against god he's not for god he's neutral i remember my wife and i especially my wife if my wife would talk about god my father would put his hand up and say change the topic when i will introduce jesus many times my father will change the topic but i kept praying and praying day and night i claimed the promise of god like a child i said father you promise i claim god's promise i said you promise if we ask anything in accordance with your will you'll hear our prayers i say god i know it is your will to save people i want you to save my father my father needs you so lord i am claiming your promise day and night no mist for 20 years can you do you know what happened that's why the habit of prayer is crucial in these 20 years god help me in my life i made sure my conduct my behavior will not turn my father against christianity i made sure i will make jesus attractive in his life in my life i am so careful to bring honor to god i made sure my word my tongue my action will not contradict our testimony but you know most of all i kept praying and praying i was tempted to give up at times i was tempted to say perhaps it is useless but god kept reminding me keep on asking keep on seeking keep on knocking on the 20th year the most amazing thing happened dr bill bright the founder of campus crusade came to visit the philippines since he's a friend we communicated with each other and i requested him if you have time to talk to my father now the way i talk to my father is simply this i told my father dr bill bright is a businessman he was in the candy business he was in the oil exploration business and now he is the leader of campus who said for christ would you like to meet him you know my father got interested in business my father said of course i like to meet this man and when dr bright met him believe it or not the most amazing thing happened my wife was seated in front of me we were together in front and dr bill bright was seated behind the car with my father and we had the whole morning i was touring them around and dr bite asked my father how is your relationship with god and my father being a nice man very political he said 90 percent and dr bright said why don't we make it 100 today and that's what he did he began to share the gospel and believe it or not at the end of the day my father committed this life to jesus and he told us he told me and my wife what he did he said i prayed to receive christ i didn't realize dr bright told him to tell me that he prayed to receive christ and then when my father went to china with paul with my son and you know what my father told paul my father told my son you tell my chinese friend about jesus okay you tell them about jesus in other words my father was so affected by him praying to receive christ that there was a spark of this desire to talk about jesus what's my point my point is develop the habit of prayer don't give up because every action you do will have tremendous consequences in the future amazing imagining know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father father who is in heaven give what is good to those who asked him it is not the change of the situation it is not the change or receiving something that will make us better it is changing our hearts to face our situation and to make things better hopefully do me insatiable know how to give good gifts to your children your evil father you have to turn to jesus understand that god alone must be your priority understand and admit that you need him and turn to him and there my experience let this [Music] [Music] so i turn to you jesus and i accept you as my lord and as my savior [Music] [Music] so i pray lord to help us to start one step at a time [Music] [Music] see you in a while god bless discussion questions [Music] important [Music] m [Music] our relationship we talked with him because we are to develop intimacy with our father he he wants us to be with him he wants to communicate with us he wants us to know him more catholic jesus until now you have not asked anything asked it is not asking god it is fellowshipping or communing with god to develop such intimacy with him about to be back while we were yet sinners enemies of god christ died for us in order for us to be reconciled with him out of habit if you are so in love with and god bless [Music] thanks for watching we would like to invite you to be a christ-committed follower by being part of the movement as we honor god and obey his great commission to find out if there's a csef satellite near you log on to satellites we also want to encourage you to join a small discipleship group where you can deepen your knowledge and love for jesus and others to sign up log on to discipleship group all of csef's video resources are available free of charge and are constantly being improved by our team would you consider supporting ccf through prayer in giving so more people can be blessed you can give securely through our website at for more videos like this please subscribe to our channel thanks and god bless
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 138,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message
Id: MV_hb623Ogk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 19sec (4159 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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