Dev Patel talks 'Lion', Aussie slang and his favourite movie

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so congratulations on the film I actually read the story in Vanity Fair about four years ago and was like someone needs to make this into a movie really so I was very pleased to go and actually see it felt like my idea for it well thank you thank you um and obviously I mean you've played a lot of characters in your career you're an actor but playing a real person is it easier or harder it is both there is a there's a lot of anxiety and pressure that goes into it because it's more Sacred Space you're speaking you're speaking lines of dialogue that were once spoken in a very intimate situation between a real mother and a real son you know and when that gets into your brain you're like wow there's a you know there's a lot of weight to these words and I want to do it justice but at the same time that gives you strength when you meet the real individuals which we were lucky enough to do it kind of becomes a win Beneath Your Wings because when you wake up at 4am you're exhausted and there's other stress going on you're like I don't know if I can do it you know I can't open my veins today and just cry and then you think back to that moment when I met kamla the real Indian mother and we couldn't we couldn't talk in the same language I don't speak Hindi but we sat there and cried together and she held my hand I was like okay let's do this that's amazing I mean it is a really emotional film I came out of the screening to find a friend sobbing in the bathroom oh did you oh man a fellow film reviewer he's like this stoic Scottish guy and he was just hanging I'll say okay well that's that yeah what kind of reactions have you been seeing coming out of screenings or um pretty much that there's a there's a lot of wet eyes uh it's it's a it's a heavy film uh but there's a real triumphant core at the center of it but so universally relatable because you're talking about mothers and sons you're talking about brothers and you're talking about identity those three core values is what all of us as you know individuals you know we're you know we're kind of evolving with as we grow up and uh it really is a it's heartbreaking moments when you see a child get ripped away from his family and locked in this train Carriage is that there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of weight there in pain and you have obviously been getting a lot of award season Buzz yeah do you do I listen to it yeah can you do you notice that are you kind of like oblivious to what's going on you know I wish I could be oblivious to it that's a cooler answer the truthful answer is how can you not be you know I'm you know I'm traveling the world for a couple months promoting this and uh you know you you get that call in the morning that you've just been nominated for a Golden Globe and I'm like wow this is cool you know I think I'm the first guy from Rayners Lane to okay yeah love it and if you do get nominated for an Oscar yeah I always am curious about this are you the kind of person who would write a speech in anticipation of winning or that person who gets up and it's like oh my God I had no idea and then says 78 names in a row uh I don't know I'm not even gonna go there right now you're gonna completely yeah I'm gonna melt in this interview just thinking about it I don't know sorry yeah that's right make you have a breakdown yeah um and this is obviously a dream roll alongside Nicole Kidman and it's an incredible story was there any other movie this year in 2016 that you would have also liked to star in like a dream role that is a difficult one mine is the force awakens I'm not an actor but I would have liked to be before so I haven't seen it now there was one what film did I see that I really enjoyed uh oh God why is nothing coming to my brain give me a second oh you're on the spot what what films are there oh there's one called Captain Fantastic yeah I don't know if you've seen that with Vigo oh yeah it's beautiful it's such a lovely film yeah yeah and I mean the Aussie accent in this movie is spot on a lot of people really screw it up I've only heard I think Daniel Radcliffe and the December Boys was the only other person who nailed it as well yeah that's High Praise Harry Potter yeah yeah I didn't even have a wand man I know killing it um how did you sort of perfect that have you done one before in any other films no no no no no no this was a big stretch for me yeah uh it's hard you know you start off sounding like in my first audition I'm sure I sounded like Crocodile Dundee or something and then uh it took eight months with this amazing coach from Sydney Jenny Kent and then we brought her on set to be next to the director yeah and we would just be drilling it again and again and again because to think in a different voice is hard and I'm I don't have a knack for accents at all I think you do like based on the previous movie it just you do it enough and you can then do justice to it yeah so you didn't watch like a lot of neighbors no really not a lot of neighbors no I watched a lot of Australian Master Chef for my audition though really yeah they'll be tough to hear that I love it it's great show yeah it's awesome it's really good um and I mean your career is it's incredible like it really is I was looking kind of back over and I mean everything from Skins yeah Newsroom Slumdog obviously was amazing you're mentioning the good ones which is good yeah look at there's no there's no there's a lot of smelly ones there yeah you're fine um what's the role that you get the most recognition for that you get people stopping you on the straightforward I think this will be a big one but I mean it's not fully out everywhere yet I think probably Slumdog yeah it put me on the map yeah you know and then Garth Davis put me on Google Maps but um some dog was a bigger one it was my first film and it went on and did really well and like internationally and again it's another story of hope you know so yeah yeah and do you have a new Affinity Newfound kind of appreciation for Google Maps Google because I do I actually had to have Google match lessons twice a week because I'm so bad I can't tell if this is a joke no I promise I did there was weight training accent training and then on the schedules devs uh one hour of Google Maps because they'd got they'd gone to the real one of the guys that had created Google Maps and found the 2008 version that he actually used okay but I'm not very good at it and I keep getting lost in all like I'll minimize it and I'm just bad with technology so it's like scrolling training to make sure you scroll scroll yeah all that kind of stuff and then they'd set up things that you click because it has to be over the right place and stuff for the camera yeah that's intense it's really heavy training and last question if you do the Rocky music furiously scrolling yeah and if you do win the Oscar I hope I'm not jinxing you I'm sorry in advance if I do but are you willing to accept it in an Australian accent so that we can all then claim it you have to agree to this on camera I can't because I don't know how to do it anymore man oh thank you so much thank you thanks for your time thank you so much
Channel: Susannah Guthrie
Views: 146,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6fJkk5w8PsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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