Deuteronomy 5 (Part 1) :1-21 - The 10 Commandments

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Deuteronomy chapter 5 the the nation of Israel is literally at the doorstep of the promised land and their Moses is giving his final series of messages before they go in but of course Moses isn't going to be able to go in with them so after he's finished speaking these lessons he's going to go up to a mountaintop he's going to view the promised land from there and then the Lord is going to take him home to be with him but Moses is still going over the the things that he wants them to know and it begins here in chapter 5 verse 1 by saying that Moses summoned all Israel and said to them hear o Israel the statutes and the rules that I speak in your hearing today and you shall learn them and be careful to do them we talked about that last week how it's important to not only here but also do and then he reminds them the Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb not with or it should be not only with or not just with our fathers did the Lord make this covenant but with us who are all of us here alive today and the Lord spoke with you face-to-face at the mountain out of the midst of the fire now stop there for just a moment if you would I want you to notice here that first of all Moses is reminding them that they have a covenant deal what's a covenant let's remember it's a pact it's an agreement when two people get married they enter into a covenant that says I'm going to honor you cherish you and love you and be faithful to you until we part by death and the other person says the same that's a covenant it's a pact it's an agreement the nation of Israel entered into a covenant with God and the terms of the Covenant are here's the law essentially the Ten Commandments although there's a great deal more to the law than that but the essence of it is in the Ten Commandment and what was the what was the terms the terms were keep the law and you can stay in the land and I'll bless you in the and in fact you keep my law your enemies won't be able to stand against you I'm going to I'll take care of you I will bless you that was that was the the terms of the government okay I want you to notice something god never said to the nation of Israel keep my covenant and you'll go to heaven you never said that now eventually the Jews began to believe that they truly believed that eternal life was was going to come to them from keeping the Lord doing good being good people you know but God never promised that he never said keep the law you'll go to heaven he said keep the law and I'll bless you in the land today I would say the average American who has no knowledge of the Bible believes the same thing if they believe in God at all and if they believe that there is a heaven they believe the way you get there is by being good right in other words keeping the law doing good things and hopefully you'll have done more good things then you will have done bad things when you die and so when God places all of your deeds on the scale it tips a little bit on the G side for good rather than on the B side for bad and you get your ear in right a lot of people believe that now Bible believing Christians know better we know that the Bible tells us in the New Testament no one will be declared righteous in God's sight by keeping the law no one but and that those were the terms of the Covenant you keep my law I'll bless you in the land so we have a deal here okay now I want you to also notice something here in verse 4 Moses says the Lord spoke with you face-to-face now you might read that and kind of come away scratching your head going really face to face they spoke to a God face-to-face I mean that's what he says but I remember something earlier where Moses actually asked to see God his face he actually requested let me see your face and you know what God said to him no can do that's a paraphrase but he said you can't see my face no man can see my face and live the best I can do for you Moses is let you see the trailing edge of my glory as I pass by in fact I'm going to have to cover you while I pass by because my glory would absolutely vaporize you so I'm going to I'm going to put you in the cleft of the rock I'll put my hand over you that that area and I'll pass by and I will declare myself and we'll talk about that a little bit later here tonight and you will see I'll uncover them for a moment after I pass by so you can see that trailing edge of my glory but my face no man can see now in light of what you just heard as I've recounted that earlier story how in the world can Moses say concerning the nation of Israel that they spoke with God face to face well the reason he says that is because he's using a figure of speech that is meant to convey that God spoke to them directly in other words there was nothing in the way there was nothing that hindered their communication this wasn't through a dream this wasn't through a vision they heard the voice of God they saw the mountain literally on fire and the glory of the Lord there the smoke and the the rumbling of the Thunder and the it says the mountain was shaking and and in that sense they spoke with God face to face and again he's using a figure of speech but he's reminding them that God spoke to them on a personal level and this was the only time they heard the voice of God was when that he thundered the ten commandments from the mountaintop can you imagine what that would have sounded like because you know before that actually took place do you guys remember the story of what happened I mean the mountain literally looked like it was on fire that alone would be awesome to behold I mean a mountain burning with fire at the top and just billows of smoke and there's thunder cracks and it's shaking but you know there was something else that was going on you guys remember it was a trumpet call they heard a trumpet blast but it was a single note that just kept going and it was because nobody took a breath because it was not any kind of a human means of blowing a trumpet or keeping that thing going I don't know if there was some angel that just you know took a real deep breath or whatever the deal was but they heard this trumpet that just sounded a call and kept going I all those things I mean I don't know about you but it would have freaked me out I mean completely and we're going to find out here that it did them too but Moses is reminding them of the things that they saw and and he goes on here in verse 5 and he says while I stood between the Lord and you at that time to declare to you the word of the Lord for listen look at here you were afraid because of the fire and you did not go up into the mountain and he said this is what he says and the Lord said to you verse 6 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery stop there in other words what's God saying to them I'm your deliverer I'm the one who brought you out of your bondage in Egypt God had already demonstrated his commitment to them by their by the act of delivering them from their bondage in Egypt and now he's going to enumerate for them once again Moses will the ten commandments which is an expression to the people but because God has proven to you his devotion to you by delivering you it stands to reason that your devotion and your allegiance to him should naturally emerge from that act you get it it's just like Jesus saying to you I am your Savior you know speaking to you personally think I am your Savior I'm the one who saved you from your sin now what is that going to elicit in you and I if he says to you hey I'm the on I'm the one who took you out of slavery I'm the one who brought you out of darkness I'm the one who gave you a new name I'm the one who caused you to be born again I'm the one who caused you to be a child of God I am the one who gave you a new heart I am the one who allowed the Holy Spirit because of my shed blood to come and live in you I'm the one I'm the one who set you free from captivity to darkness I mean what does it do inside of us what does that do do we just kind of go oh cool thanks sweet you know which is kind of consistent with that entitled kind of attitude that we hear today out of so many people's like well isn't that what you do I mean you know your your name is Savior so don't you say you know I mean I mean do you understand the attitude rather is the reason God is saying this to his people is to elicit from them the attitude I am your God you are my people you belong to me Paul says that actually in the New Testament he actually comes out and says it he comes out he actually says listen you've been bought with a price you're no longer your own you don't belong to yourself okay that's one of the reasons why Paul would describe himself as a bond servant of Jesus Christ you guys understand what bondservant means it can also be translated bondslave some Bibles just say slave a slave of Jesus Christ but a bond servant was someone who willingly gave themself to their master for life right and the whole idea of a bond servant or a bond slave is the idea that I don't belong to myself it's not my life to simply do what I want with you know my life belongs to him why because he delivered me he delivered me and just as God says to the people of Israel I am yah away your God who brought you out of the land of slavery or the house of slavery he is communicating to them you are mine I purchased you back from death having now made that point he's going to go through and talk about these Commandments first of all the first commandment verse seven and and what a perfect command this is to start with you shall have no other gods before me and and this appropriately flows from the understanding again of who he is and what he's done right who he is and what he's done and so he says this is me here's what I've done for you now don't have any other gods that you put in front of me nothing he says should come before him in our hearts and in our minds you have to remember that the Israelites spent 400 years the last 400 years of their history was spent lived in Egypt and they were living among a culture that believed in many gods the whole pagan sort of a thing and and and if the and so he says to them you shall have no other gods before me in other words don't put any other God in front of me and if that sounds old like that commandment is no longer really pertinent in our lives today then think again because really we can still very much have gods in our lives that we put in front of the Lord and and even though they may not be the same guy we might not call them the same thing but you know what it's the same essence you know what the Jews were tempted by you know what God's tempted them to serve them to be served or I should say they were the gods of materialism the gods of wealth the gods of sexual pleasure does that sound familiar I mean do people run after materialism and wealth and sexual pleasure today heavens of course they do and so in that case those things are there God we may not call them bail when we're talking about you know the gods of who oversees the weather and allows my crops to come in and so I can be rich or we may not call we may not refer to the goddess ashteroth when we're talking about sexual pleasure even though she was the focus of you know the worship of sexual pleasure back in those days we don't we've put those names aside and so we think we'd put those gods aside but those gods are still very much alive in the hearts of men we keep them alive by the things that tempt us remember something a god small G is whatever you focus on as the driving force or the goal of your life it is it is what moves you it's what dominates your thoughts and desires that is your God and what the Lord says to you and I is have no other gods before me put no gods before me the second commandment verse eight you shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth so the second commandment here is this is not only you know to not carve an image of some pagan deity but it include even it included even don't make a carved image of the one true God you know he wasn't just saying don't make an idol out you know of some foreign God he's he's saying don't don't make a carved representation of me you for one thing you don't know you don't have any idea what I look like God never showed himself in that in that sense to the nation of Israel there are references in the in the Old Testament where he appeared in human form to some individuals but in the sense of to the to the nation of Israel at large they never saw any kind of a visual image and so he says anything that you do in terms of trying to fashion an image is not going to be worthy of me so you know don't even try and one of the reasons for this commandment the second commandment you might just say okay we're so we're not supposed to have idols and carved images of things that you know okay cool all right let's move on Abbot there's more to it the reason behind this is because God is a living and personal God to his children and he always wants to encourage a dynamic and a real faith you know that that that comes out of the knowledge of his personality he wants to have an interchange you know with his children you see what happens when when we allow statues and idols to kind of become the norm is that we begin to focus on those things and the rituals that are involved in them and we start serving a ritualistic kind of a connection with God rather than a personal one you understand what I'm saying it all comes down to this God wants to have a personal relationship don't make a picture don't make an idol don't make a statue it's me I want to talk with you I want to have a living dynamic relationship with you so don't get religious on me okay don't get all wacked out and ritualistic about the way you approach me oh and there's just something in us that does it there's something in us that wants to bow and you know when we come into we see a carved something or we come into a room you know the the environment that I was raised in as a as a child we didn't have any carved images or anything like that in the in the church that I grew up in but we transferred that same sort of a mentality to the building or or the sanctuary you know and when we were in the sanctuary I remember my parents told me you know we don't run we don't talk loud we don't do things like that in there and I never really thought to ask why I I'm not really sure what they would have said but it was it was something that they just believed you know you just don't do that and and and because they were ascribing to this place you know something special you know and suddenly we start thinking along those lines like if I'm going to pray I got a I bet people do that I bet and I don't criticize them okay but I've had people actually come here and it's been a long time ago and knock on the door and say can I go into the sanctuary and pray and I've never turned anybody down okay and I never would but can I just tell you something there's nothing special about going into a room one room over a different room and praying to God there's there's there's nothing unique or special you you know I don't care if you're up on a mountaintop I don't care if you're in a temple I don't care if you're you know in a old thousand year old Church God is no more present there than anywhere else and he's not going to hear you better but you see we do that we ascribe these special things to two things statues and buildings and carvings and and the altar and don't touch the altar don't sit there don't touch that you know be quiet in here sort of a thing you know I don't know if you guys have seen the movie yet if you haven't seen it you really should there's there's a new kind of a Christian movie out it's been out for a while now it's out on DVD called the resurrection of Gavin stone Jamie you guys ever see that it was only in the theater for a short time sue and I picked it up while we were in the Midwest and we watched it on the way home it's delightful you know it's a story about a guy who I won't tell the whole thing but you know kind of gets in trouble he's a former child actor gets in trouble has to go back to his hometown and do some community service to satisfy you know the stuff he did wrong and and he's going to go serve it out in church and he decides he goes to church on a Sunday morning and he thinks that you know he's whispering as he walks into the church he's whispering to everybody and they're like dude what are you whispering for he goes cuz it's Church you know and then the next thing you hear some guy on a guitar guan wow you know and he's just he's like what in the world is going on people there's sometimes this expectation that church is this place i had a gal come to me a couple of years ago who had been raised in a very be very sort of a formal you know religious sort of a setting and she came to church here at Calvary chapel's came up after her first service and she said I had no idea you could laugh in church I mean she heard me doing it from the pulpit you know not just people laughing and she's like I had no idea I had no idea you could do that but that was okay you know well where do those ideas come from they come from this kind of ritualistic traditional sort of a mentality about thinking of certain things as holy you know and that's what God is trying to get his people away from what when he says don't do this don't make carve images and don't get weird on me here by thinking that that is how you're going to relate to God through these holy things you know even the things that God did tell them to build often became a problem to the Jews you know Moses was told at one point during the wilderness journey to fashion a snake a bronze snake and put it up on a pole remember when they were being bitten by snakes in the wilderness you know they eventually started to worship it they had to get rid of it so there was just this tendency you know and God knew it right so he said let's not let's not go there and he goes on with the second command verse 9 you shall not bow down to them or serve them for I the Lord your God I'm a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me don't forget those last few words verse 10 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commands now I need to explain what you're reading here in these two verses this is a statement that is very similar to what Moses heard when the Lord tucked him into the cleft of the rock it's very similar in fact I'll show you exactly what Moses heard the Lord say I'll put it up on the screen for you this is from Exodus chapter 34 goes like this it says the Lord passed before him and proclaimed the Lord the Lord a God merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness keeping steadfast love for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression in sin but who will by no means clear the guilty visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children and the children's children to the third and the fourth generation all right there you go now you heard it kind of from two different places this is where Moses essentially heard it the first time and then he recounts it here in Deuteronomy what is going on here and what is the Lord saying here particularly as it relates to this generational visitation of iniquity upon the the children to the third and fourth generation you know this has really bothered some people and I'll have you know that a whole belief has emerged out of these passages called generational curses I don't know if you've ever heard of it oh I've had people you know write me and ask me about it before you've probably heard people talking about it people want to know about generational curses how do you break a generational curse there's been books written how to break a generational curse is it possible that you and your family are under a generational curse and maybe that's why all the bad things have been happening to you and maybe that's why you've got some areas of sin in your life that you just haven't been able to get past that's what people think and so all this stuff again it gets very involved well first of all I want you to understand something about generational curses and the key is something we've already read here and I called your attention to it briefly in verse 9 look with me again in verse 9 it says you shall not bow down to them or serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children to the third and fourth generation look at these next words of those who hate me those are so important that you understand those because the idea here is that the children are carrying on what the parents started alright and that's why the iniquity is being visited upon them to the third and fourth generation but the breaking of a generational judgment is and always has been repentance okay the breaking of a generational curse or a generational judgment is and always has been repentance coming to Jesus breaks every chain and that is so important for us to see Jesus is the one who sets us free that's why the Apostle Paul wrote what he did in second Corinthians let me show you this on the screen 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 look at this therefore if anyone is in Christ he's a new creation the old has passed away behold the new has come anything there about generational curses no because Jesus breaks it breaks them into pieces if there's anything going on if there's anything going on in your past anything maybe some of your relatives some of your those who came before you did that were horrific and some even strongholds of sin you know people say there's this family stronghold of sin listen Paul makes it clear that when you come to Christ the old is gone the new has come you're a new creation you know what that means that means those things don't have a hold on you anymore you know what that doesn't mean it doesn't mean you can't go back and do those stupid things because you and I can choose to live like those who came before us but we don't have to there's nothing any longer that makes us have to live that way because we've been set free right Paul said to the Galatians it is for freedom that Christ has set us free so be free and don't go back and live a life of a slave because you've been set free from that you don't have to live that way do some Christians go back and live the way their family lived even after they've come to Christ sure we can go back and wallow in the pigsty we can go back and sometimes we can even be convinced that we have to you know I've heard of people talk about these generational you know curses like see I don't have any choice in the matter this stronghold in my life that's over me and this is why I this is why divorce in my family is rampant and there's you know all these other you know anger we've just got this spirit of anger over our family and there's this fear that we struggle with as a families or all just fearful people and and they just they talk about this like there's no power in the cross but there's no power in the gospel to them the gospel is like well I guess I got my fire insurance in the sense that I'm going to heaven right I I'm I'm I'm I'm saved well praise the Lord but meanwhile I just got a hang on cuz it's gonna be a rough ride I got all these you know and there's and there's no power there's no there's no victory there's no overcoming the Bible says we are now more than over comers through Christ as it is not what your Bible says and yet how many Christians are living in the defeat of some past family member or whatever and thinking that somehow through DNA this thing just has a hold on me well I Got News for you if you're in Christ you're a new creation do you understand that you've been birthed into a new family and there's a new Supernatural DNA that's coursing through your veins right now and and that can overcome the past greater is He that is in you now then the old man that was in you and you were born and that power of your new heavenly father is the character now that you can you're free to walk after through Christ Jesus you are now free to walk after that new family likeness so stop talking about your old family likeness I could sit and think about my family and just get the shapes thinking about you know some of my people that came before me you know my parents parents and the things that they went through if I sit and think about it long enough and you know you can start you know thing well you know I'm my daughter sure takes after grandma you know so-and-so and great-grandma so I see you know that sort of thing in AH how about we start seeing Jesus in each other and we start saying this is what I'm going to live after all right third commandment we got to get through all ten cities verse 11 you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain here's the reason God was saying this he had given to Israel his name and and and then because of that he commanded them not to misuse it you know it was a it was a very special thing that he gave to them his name and to take the name of the Lord he says don't take the name of the Lord in vain to take it means to utter it alright in however you might uh tur it and could do it in vain means to do it in a meaningless or in a a worthless way how are we to think about the name of the Lord well you remember how Jesus taught us to pray hallow it be your name that's to be a regular part of our prayer hallowed be your name which is just another way of saying holy is your name in other words your name is holy that's the way I want to think about your name I don't want to take it in a meaningless or use it in a meaningless worthless way excuse me I want to I want to honor it the point of this commandment and this is you know when people with somebody swears and uses the name of the Lord will say don't they don't take the name of the Lord in vain well it wasn't just to stop that that's not jus only reason God gave them this idea don't use my name in vain and it does certainly cover that but you have to understand something too again we come back to paganism and in paganism the names of deities were often used in incantations for the purpose of getting what you wanted to get from that God okay so pagans would use the names of their various guys in order to manipulate them to get them to do what they needed or what they wanted or whatever the situation might be and that doesn't work God won't be manipulating there's a couple there's actually more there were seven sons it says of a Jewish priest who heard Paul casting out demons in the name of Jesus now they didn't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ but they heard Paul doing it in the name of Jesus and so what does it say they did it acts 19 it says that they started using that name as kind of an incantation and there's that they finally come up to this demon-possessed guy and they come up to him and ago in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches you know we command you as the leaders and the demoniac you know turns on him and beats the snot out of them all of them and and and so what is the lesson there don't don't use the name of the Lord in a worthless meaningless way that God is not going to be manipulated that's not how we've been given the name to use Jesus told us to pray in his name which means in his authority but were to pray according to his will and were to pray in a submissive attitude Jesus taught us to say thy will be done right not as I will but your will be done so in other words he taught us don't think that I'm giving you some kind of a magical wand that you can wave over your prayer and and manipulate God into getting it done just the way you want to have it done the fourth commandment verse 12 observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy as the Lord your God commanded you and then Moses talks more about this six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God on it you shall not do any work you are your son or your daughter or any male servant or your female servant or your ox or your donkey or any of your livestock or the Sojourner who is within your gates the traveler that is that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day did you notice here that God basically if you had to sum up what God just or what Moses just gave them regarding the Sabbath day what's the essence of it it's rest isn't it just rest easy and every nurse he doesn't give a whole lot of details he says go work take that one day - in fact not just you but even your animals because there were beasts of burden and he said don't you know set up your beasts even to work on the Sabbath days there's a if there's a excuse me a traveler in the city during the Sabbath make sure he rests on that day as well and the whole purpose essentially was to commemorate the fact that God created everything as six days and rested on the seventh day but as we get deeper into Scripture we learn that there is a more significant prophetic meaning to why God gave the Sabbath and we learn about it primarily in the book of Hebrews in the New Testament let me show you a couple of passages from Hebrews first Hebrews chapter 4 verses 9 through 11 look at this on the screen he says so then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his own works as God did from his let us there for strive to enter that rest so under the New Covenant he says there's still a Sabbath rest that's available for you and I okay let's enter into let's be sure that we've entered into it because if you if you are resting from your works as God did then you're entering into God's rest so how do we do that he goes on look at the next passage Hebrews 4 3 for we who have believed enter that rest ah see here's where the writer of Hebrews gives us this great insight about the Sabbath and Sabbath keeping in the New Testament there's a lot of Christians who believe that we still have to keep the Sabbath in the way the Jews did Paul Beit excuse me the writer of Hebrews makes it very clear here how we keep the Sabbath under the new covenant we do it by believing by faith what's our faith in our faith is in Jesus Christ for what that he did all the work you see the Sabbath this is what we learn as we go through the whole counsel of God's Word we learned the Sabbath was a sign pointing to Jesus Christ and his work on the cross his finished work on the cross and what God was saying there I'm going to do all the work for your salvation all the work did you catch that I'm going to do all the work what I want you to do is rest in that work I want you to rest in it and I don't want you to work your I don't I I don't want you to you'll be thinking okay gotta get busy so God will accept me into heaven that is not keeping the Sabbath for you and I to keep the Sabbath is to rest I know that I know that I know Jesus died on the cross for my sins and I know this too there's nothing more I can do to secure that salvation there's nothing more that needs to be done so I'm going to just rest in what he did he did the work I'm resting now by faith I keep the Sabbath so if you ever have somebody ask you do you keep the Sabbath your church keep the Sabbath you just tell them yes we do by faith we believe Jesus finished the work on the cross and there's nothing more that we can do to be saved we're resting in his finished work and that is keeping the Sabbath the fifth commandment verse 16 honor your father and mother as the Lord your God commanded you that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you now it's interesting with this next commandment the fifth commandment we come to kind of a break or I should say a change not a break a change in the commandments because did you notice that the first four Commandments dealt with our the worshipers relationship with God and now we come to our relations with other humans interpersonal relationships and the first is how we see and respond to our parents and he says honor your father and mother and you might be interested if somebody were to say well what does that mean exactly to honor them well do you know that the word honor translates the hebrew word that when used in the context of God means glorify in other words if this same word is used of God it means to glorify God now that word would be too strong for people to say about their parents we're not to glorify our parents but I think you get the idea that God is commanding a deep respect for parents for how we see how we view our parents and how we respond to them and I believe that the essence of this the fifth commandment is to place people in a situation or in an environment where God can bless them in other words honor your parents so I can bless you there God commands a blessing and and and and it's even mentioned here in this verse in fact here let me show you this passage from Ephesians Paul talks about this Ephesians 6 the first three verses children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor your father and mother and he says this is the first commandment with a promise there's a promise connected to it that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land even though for us there are no promises related to living long in the land you know God hasn't given us the United States of America through the Covenant like he gave the Jews Israel we don't have that kind of a connection but he is telling us here that he commands a blessing for the for where there is that honoring of one's parents and buts and here's what's interesting Paul says that in the last days the opposite of this will actually characterize the attitude of children to their parents the opposite of this let me show you this prophecy from second Timothy chapter 3 look at this it says but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty for P we'll be disobedient to their parents in other words there will be a lack of honoring parents and and that will be a you know and what we're talking about here is just that out now just total rebellion we're talking about rebellion okay okay sixth commandment verse seventeen you shall not murder this commandment obviously forbids the taking of life in cold blood it's really not a whole lot we can say about this I mean except that this commandment does not include the taking of life in a military action this commandment does not include the taking of life through the system of justice in a land that is meant to carry out punishment for another murder okay it specifically forbids premeditated killing based on anger and personal grievance and it unfortunately the old King James used to say thou shalt not kill and that's really not you know what it means it's talking about murder the seventh commandment verse eighteen and you shall not commit adultery and I think we all know what this means it speaks of engaging in a sexual relationship with someone who is already married but Jesus of course made us aware that this prohibition was more than just a physical act let me show you Matthew chapter 5 verse 28 for he says I tell you that anyone who just looks at a woman with that kind of a attitude that lustful sort of attitude has already committed adultery in his heart and he says that's that's the the real deal adultery has really taken place so the eighth commandment verse 19 and you shall not steal yeah we all learn this when we're kids hopefully when I was a kid I took some candy from the grocery store and my mom didn't see it I don't know why they do that at the checkout kind of whiny and maybe they don't as much anymore yeah they still do it put candy down there by the where the children are and these kids are still learning things like this you know it's just right there it's like oh hey yay there's nothing stopping me you know and I remember grabbing some you know and the the stores guy saw me do it told my mother and of course you know I had to go through the whole process of repenting in ashes and sackcloth and apologizing to the manager of the store what a drag but you know the whole idea is here respect the property of others if it doesn't belong to you get your mitts off it right and by the way this whole idea of stealing has become much more convoluted in the day and age in which we live in the sense that you know we have all these things on the internet that we have to ask ourselves can i download that is it is it proper you know we've had to be really careful about that and so eventually I I got so confused by all of the copyright stuff that comes our way I made can similarly read it all and understand as it can your charge and I mean he really took to it I mean he became the copyright police you know around here and I'll show something you know that I like an image I used or somebody's like that can use that kind of made me you know not kind of regret a little bit you know putting in charge because there's just so much to think about but it's something we have to do you know as believers we have to be thinking about it you know the ninth commandment verse 20 and you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor now the phrase bearing witness obviously speaks of some kind of legal you know investigation that's underway where you know false testimony would cause someone to be punished for something that they obviously didn't do and it's causing a miscarriage of justice and and and God is saying I want you to care about justice because I am a God of justice I am just so I want you to care about justice right it reflects my character finally the tenth commandment verse 21 and you shall not covet your neighbor's wife and you shall not desire your neighbor's house his field or his male servant or his female servant his ox or his donkey or anything that is your neighbors now what do you notice different about this last commandment it's really interesting isn't it there's something that's different from this commandment from all of the others and if you'll if you'll really look at it here you'll notice that it doesn't talk about anything that you necessarily do outwardly it's talking about what's in your heart this last commandment is about what's in your heart he says don't covet don't desire means don't desire don't desire why well your neighbor's wife or his house or his field or any of his servants or his animals which would be today like his John Deere tractor don't desire those things don't set your heart on those things anything that is your neighbors and so what God is doing here is he's up to the ante of the word related to these commands and he's begun to open things up to the heart of the matter you could imagine for anybody who really truly meditated on this 10th commandment there would be an interesting kind of a revelation that would come to their heart but you know what this is not a commandment that my neighbor would necessarily even know that I had violated I mean if I coveted his my neighbor's wife how would he know unless I took an action in which case would be adultery but if I just coveted that's in the heart you see so what's the whole point we all fall short okay you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Ontario
Views: 14,072
Rating: 4.828794 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Bible teaching, Thru-the-Bible, verse by verse, Calvary Chapel, Bible study, Christianity, New Testament, Old Testament, Ten Commandments, Mosaic law, Law of Moses
Id: ua3gP2lPNbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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