Deuteronomy 1- 3 Preparing to Enter the Promised Land

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let's go ahead and open our Bibles to the book of Deuteronomy and chapter one in the rocky wilderness of Judea Jesus you'll remember from the Gospel accounts became embroiled in a very fierce spiritual struggle with Satan and three times Satan tempted Jesus to pull back from the father and and and operate independently from the the provision and submission to the father and his plan and and and Satan was doing that so that he could try to get Jesus to alleviate his suffering and not have to go to the cross or whatever I want you to know that each and every time Jesus responded to Satan he responded from the book of Deuteronomy you wondered where I was going with this didn't you for a moment you thought to yourself that's not Deuteronomy well actually Deuteronomy interestingly enough is quoted by the New Testament authors almost 200 times I beg your pardon it's not entirely true quoted or alluded to almost 200 times in the New Testament and you know this is a book that Jesus cited often and particularly three times when he was under spiritual attack and you guys know what spiritual attacks are all about and and you know if Jesus quoted from the book of Deuteronomy this is probably a book that we should pay attention to not that any of the books are such that we should not but you'll remember back in the book of numbers which we finished not terribly long ago we saw how the Israelites were released from their Egyptian bondage and they got to the promised land and then promptly rebelled against the Lord in unbelief when they were brought to the to the entrance of the promised land and the result of that was a period of wandering in the wilderness until all of the adults died off saved - and that was Caleb and Joshua but their children those who were less than 20 years of age are the ones who are now ready to go into the Promised Land Moses is giving now in the book of Deuteronomy his final message to the children of Israel before they enter in and this is Moses's swan song this is the last thing he's going to say to the nation of Israel this is the Deuteronomy is his sermon it's a sermon given in parts but a sermon nonetheless where he recounts for them their history gives them an understanding of the Covenant again that they have entered into and renews that covenant and then after the book of Deuteronomy Moses is going to climb the mountain for the very last time look at the promised land and then he's going to he's going to physically die and by the way the last time we went through Deuteronomy was back in 2004 so you can see that it's it's time so Deuteronomy chapter 1 it begins in verse 1 by saying these are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel beyond the Jordan in the wilderness in the Arabah opposite tzuf between Paran and toefl Laban has a Roth and D D sahaba is actually how that's pronounced the emphasis is on the last syllable DS ahaab it's it and by the way it says in verse 2 it is eleven days journey from Horeb by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh Barnea all right what are we talking about why is that statement given in the scripture well because that is they were at Horeb when God gave them the law and it says that it should should have taken them about 11 days and not necessarily them because this was like two and a half million people between two and a half and three and a half million people probably would have taken them longer but a typical travel time of about a hundred and fifty miles from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea which is the doorstep to the promised land takes about you know as as its as he says here 11 days now again you get a nation of people you don't normally clock how long it takes a nation of people to travel anywhere I'm sure it would have taken them longer their animals their children the old people and so forth but typically it would take about 11 days now we know that they spent their first two years in the wilderness hearing the law learning from God the tabernacle was built all those things that happened the first two years were spent in the wilderness and then God brought them to the border of the promised land but they'd been out of Egypt two years by that time okay they came to Kadesh Barnea sent the spies the twelve spies in you know for a period of 40 days they came back with their statement that the land was indeed good but impassable there's no way we can conquer these people they're too strong they filled the whole nation of Israel with unbelief and they all began to murmur and complain Moses is going to go through all of this in a bit and he sent them back out into the wilderness for an additional 38 years bringing their total time in the wilderness to 40 years during which time all of the adults 20 years and older passed from the scene and you'll remember why God allowed the children to go in do you remember what the adults said they said our children are going to die our babies they're going to be they're going to be slaughtered and God said fine I've heard you you will in fact die in the wilderness your children who you were so concerned about they will go in and they will possess the land and it is those children who Moses is addressing now all right he goes on here and he says in verse three in the fortieth year on the first day of the eleventh month Moses spoke to the people of Israel according to all that the Lord had given him in commandment to them after he had defeated sihon the king of the amorite who lived in heshbon and AAG the king of Bashan who lived in Ashtaroth and in a dream beyond the Jordan in the land of Moab Moses undertook to explain this law saying the Lord our God said to us in Horeb you have stayed long enough at this mountain turn and take your journey and go to the hill country of the amorite and to all the peoples excuse me to all their neighbors in the Arabah in the hill country and in the lowland and in the Negev and by the Seacoast the land of the Canaanites and Lebanon as far as the great river the river Euphrates see I have set the land before you go in and take possession of the land that the Lord God excuse me that the Lord swore to your father's to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob to give to them and to their offspring after them at that time I said to you I am NOT able to bury you by myself the Lord your God has multiplied you and be hold you are today as numerous as the stars of heaven may the Lord the God of your father's make you a thousand times as many as you are and bless you as he has promised you how can I bear by myself the weight and burden of you and your strife choose for your tribes wise understanding and experienced men and I will appoint them as heads and you answered me the thing you have spoken is good for us to do so I took the heads of your tribes wise and experienced men and set them as heads over you commanders of thousands commanders of hundreds commanders of 50's commanders of tens and officers throughout your tribes and I charged your judges at that time here are the cases between your brothers and judge righteously between a man and his brother or the alien who is with him you shall not be partial in judgment you shall hear the small and the great alike you shall not be intimidated by anyone for the judgement is and the case that is too hard for you you shall bring to me and I will hear it and I commanded you at that time all the things that you should do then we set out from Horeb and went through all that great and terrifying wilderness that you saw on the way to the hill country of the amorite as the Lord our God commanded us and we came to Kadesh Barnea and I said to you you've come to the hill country of the amorite which the Lord our God is giving us see the Lord your God has set the land before you go up take possession as the Lord the God of your father's has told you do not fear or be dismayed then all of you came near me and said let us send men before us that they may explore the land for us and bring us word again of the way by which we must go up and the cities into which we shall come the things seemed good to me and I took 12 men from you one man from each tribe and they turned and went up into the hill country and came to the valley of Eshcol and spied it out and they took in their hands some of the fruit of the land and brought it down to us and brought us word again and said it is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us yet you would not go up but rebelled against the command of the Lord your God and you murmured in your tents and said because the Lord hated us he has brought us out of the land of Egypt to give us into the hand of the amorite stew destroy us where are you going up or excuse me where are we going up our brothers have made our hearts melt saying the people are greater and taller than we the cities are great and fortified up to heaven and besides we have seen the sons of anak him there then I said to you do not be in dread or afraid of them the Lord your God who goes before you will himself fight for you just as he did for you in Egypt before your eyes and in the wilderness where you have seen how the Lord your God carried you as a man carries his son all the way that you went until you came to this place yet in spite of this word you did not believe the Lord your God who went before you in the way to seek out excuse me to seek you out a place to pitch your tents in fire by night and in cloud by day to show you by what way you should go and the Lord heard the word your words and was angered and he swore not one of these men of this evil generation shall see the good land that I swore to give your father's except Caleb the son of Jephunneh he shall see it and to him and to his children I will give the land on which he has trodden because he has wholly followed the Lord even with me the Lord was angry on your account and said you also shall not go in there Joshua the son of nun who stands before you he shall enter encourage him for he shall cause Israel to inherit it oh I just love that verse there Joshua son of nun verse 38 he says who stands before you he says he shall enter and he shall cause Israel notice that to inherit a blessing you say well why is that so significant because Joshua is a type just as Moses is a type just as the promised land is a type just as Egypt is a type we have all these wonderful glorious types examples from the scripture Egypt that type of sin Satan you know is is depicted or typifies in Pharaoh who wants to keep us in bondage and and then we we were released from bondage and we go through the waters of baptism and then we come to the border of the promised land but remember something about Moses Moses can't take us in there because the promised land is a picture of our inheritance in Christ as believers it's not a picture of heaven it's a picture of walking with God in our daily life and the law can't bring us there the law can't bring us into the promises of God right Moses is a picture of the law and the law can't take you in who can take you in Yeshua this is the same name as Jesus this is the same Hebrew name and so you this beautiful picture here of the one who can bring you in to the inheritance see you and I we have an inheritance in Christ right and we're to walk it out and claim it on a day-by-day basis it's before us and these are the promises that were given in God's Word it's it's a wonderful inheritance how many of us actually lay hold of it that's probably the real question we need to ask ourselves how many of us have laid hold of the promises and of God regarding the inheritance that desires the victory that is ours in Jesus Christ the victory and our marriages in our homes and you know I mean you name it but those things are apprehended by faith we go into the promised land by faith right what keeps us out of the promises of God unbelief same thing that kept Israel out of the land of promise their unbelief they wandered in the wilderness we have today what we call wilderness Christians who because of their unbelief and recurring unbelief they don't enter into the promises of God's Word and so there's there such beautiful pictures here of the the work that God wants to do in our lives and and look what he goes on to say in verse 39 once again and we made reference to this in the introduction but it says and as for your little ones who you said would become a prey and your children who today have no knowledge of good or evil they shall go in there and to them I will give it and they shall possess it but as for you turn and journey into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea what a what a horrible word that must have been for those adults who responded in unbelief and and and then God says fine you won't go in then your children will go in but you won't go in now turn and go back they've been two years in the wilderness and he says turn and go back and by the way you will live in your own home for the rest of your life those of you who are 20 and older you will live in a tent for the rest of your life and you will die in the wilderness now I don't know how you would have responded if you heard the Lord say that to you but it's interesting how the people of Israel responded look at verse 41 then you answered me we have sinned against the Lord we ourselves will go up and fight just as the Lord our God commanded us and every one of you fastened on his weapons of war and thought it easy to go up into the hill country see they forgot that it was God who went before them and the Lord said to me say to them do not go up or fight for I am NOT in your midst lest you be defeated before your enemies so I spoke to you and you would not listen but you rebelled against the command of the Lord and presumptuously went up into the hill country and then the amur Ickes who lived in that hill country came out against you and chased you as bees do and beat you down in fear as far as hor MA and you returned and wept before the Lord but the Lord did not listen to your voice or give ear to you so you remained at Kadesh many days the days that you remain there the people could not bear to leave for quite some time he says for many days we don't know exactly but for for many days they just camped there at Kadesh they knew they couldn't go in but they just couldn't bring themselves to move back toward the Red Sea they eventually did but for a long time they just stayed there in sorrow and it says they wept before the Lord but notice it says God did not respond to their weeping or their cries why because it wasn't a true godly sorrow number one he told them very clearly and they rebelled against him two times related to this whole process but even then there wasn't true repentance do you guys understand the New Testament tells us there are two kinds of sorrow there's godly sorrow and there's worldly sorrow godly sorrow leads to repentance and leads to life and godly sorrow is true regret true sorrow that that is just will do anything to make it right you know and to do whatever needs to be done worldly sorrow on the other hand is I'm sorry I got caught it was really fun but it's over and man am i sorry that it's over and we didn't get what we wanted we didn't get you know and now it's going to be a big fat inconvenience to me now and that's really kind of where they were at it was you know here they were sitting in Kadesh the land of promise in front of them which they can't enter the land of the wilderness behind them which they don't want to enter and they're just sitting there sorrowful but not truly repentant oh what a horrible place to be just gives me the shakes talking about it terrible thing as we get into Deuteronomy chapter to this chapter continues with Moses recounting passed into history but he's going to jump he's not going to tell every story that happened in 38 years Thank You Moses but he's going to jump 38 years into the present time speaking now and and and here's one of the reasons why he's talking to the people now who are alive we're going into the land and these are the things they need to know and he's going to recount some of the things that have happened here and and this chapter specifically recalls Israel's peaceful passage through the territory of three nations that were distant distant Lee related to them until they come to the land of the amorite where they will actually find themselves in battle prior to getting into the promised land you do that right that they actually bought some battles before they got in the promised land anyway we'll deal with that as we go but first it says in verse 1 then we turned and journeyed into the wilderness in the direction of the Red Sea as the Lord told me and for many days we traveled around Mount Seir then the Lord said to me you traveling around this mountain country long enough turn northward and command the people you're about to pass through the territory of your brothers the people of Esau who live in sere and they will be afraid of you so be very careful they were not to take advantage of the fear of these people and by the way the people of Esau you'll remember also referred to as the are the descendants of Esau the twin brother of Jacob who is later renamed Israel so you can see that this is a close relation their forefather Jacob had a twin brother named Esau these are now his descendants and therefore God says in verse 5 regarding the the do not contend with them for I will not give you any of their land no not so much as for the sole of the foot to tread on because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession right he says you shall purchase food from them with money that you may eat and you shall also buy water from them with money that you may drink for the larger goddess bless you in all the work of your hands he knows you're going through this great wilderness these forty years the Lord your God has been with you you have lacked nothing so don't start getting worried now I threw that in there at the end but that was the point of what he was saying so we went on away from our brothers the people of Esau who live in sere away from the era borrowed from a laugh too easy on Kabir and we turned and went in the direction of the wilderness of Moab and now we come to the people called the Moabites you'll remember that Ruth is the very famous Moabite woman who eventually married a actually married two different Jewish men one who passed away and then one with whom she had a child and so she became part of the lineage of the Messiah so God's grace has been on the Moabites in some respects but boy did they come about through weird circumstances remember when God told Abraham that he was going to get rid of Sodom and Gomorrah literally nuke the place send fire from heaven upon it Moses began to to intercede and he said because he knew his nephew lived there lot and his family and so he said okay Lord uh let me ask you a question if you find this many people there will you still get rid of a police he'll destroy it and you'll remember how that conversation went moses or abraham kept giving him less and less people what if you find this many people what if you find this many people no if I find that many people I'll spare the whole place on behalf of those that I find who are righteous right if you find ten righteous will you will you destroy the whole city just you know if there's ten right now spirit even for them well we get down to is just lost family and so you'll remember that some angels who had been there talking with Abraham went down to Sodom and Gomorrha found lot sitting in the entryway of the city he encouraged them to come into his home for some hospitality and it tells us that the men of the city got together and you know the story they wanted to a cost to these angels and so forth in a in a sexual physical sort of a way and they were struck with blindness and they told lot and his family listen God is going to destroy this place you need to leave and they just I don't know what their deal was but they just kept hesitating until the point that the angels finally grabbed him by the arm and said we're leaving and they pulled him out of the city you'll remember Lot's wife looked back and died because of it and so lot and his two daughters ended up living up in the hill country alone afraid and each of his two daughters on different successive nights got their father drunk so that they would can conceive a child by him and so one of those was the descendants of the or the forefather of the Moabites the other you know you'll you'll hear more about this in a moment we'll get on to the other son here as well but right now we're at the Moabites so what we're dealing with is a people that originated out of incest that crazy and yet as I already mentioned Ruth came out of that that line and became part of the lineage of Messiah talk about God's grace huh talk about God's forgiveness you know anyway so you're going to see here in just a little bit the other son that was born to the the other daughter of lot is going to come up in a bit she named him Ammon and he's the father of the ammonites not to be completely confused with the Amma writes I know that can be difficult so anyway verse 9 says and the Lord said to me do not harass my lab or contend with them in Battlefront will not give you any of their land for a possession because I have given are to the people of lot for a possession all right now as I get ready to read the next two verses you're going to notice if you have a modern language translation that you're holding in your hands that these verses 10 through 12 are in parentheses right you won't find it that way in the old King James but all of the newer modern translations put a parentheses around verses 10 through 12 and that's because they are parenthetical and they were added by whoever compiled some of these documents perhaps after the time of Moses because they speak of things even after Israel came in to possess the land and it says this in verse 10 the mmm former we lived there a people great and many and tall as the Anakim like the Anakim they are also counted as ref am but the Moabites call them EMU the Horrocks also lived in Cyr formerly but the people of Esau disposed them I'm sorry well they did that too but they dispossessed them and destroyed them from before them and settled in their place as Israel did to the land of their possession which the Lord gave to them and there is that anachronistic remark there of Israel past tense possessing the land alright and again that's the reason that some scholars do believe that this parenthetical section was added after perhaps even by Joshua verse 13 now rise up and go over the brook zerud so we went over the brook zerud and the time from our leaving Kadesh Barnea until we crossed the brook zerud was 38 years until the entire generation that is the men of war had perished from the camp as the Lord had sworn to them for indeed the hand of the Lord was against them to destroy them from the camp until they had perished so as soon as all the men of war had perished and were dead from among the people the Lord said to me today you were to cross the border of Moab at our and when you approached the territory of the people of Ammon do not harass them or contend with them for I will not give you any of the land of the people of Ammon as the possession because I have given it to the sons of lot for a possession now this is the other son okay this is the other son born by incest to Locke daughter Ammon and his descendants here's what's interesting not only has God been gracious to these people but they still exist today the land is now called Jordan and the capital of their land is called Amman which is comes from the ancient name Amman so you know these people exist today by God's incredible grace again like the Moabites the ammonites distant relatives and they are told not to accost them in any way nor will any of their land be given them verse 20 it is also counted and again a parenthetical comment as a land of rephaim reppin him formerly lived there but the ammonites called them Zam zoomin a people great and many and tall as the Anakim but the Lord destroyed them before the ammonites and they dispossessed them and settled in their place as he did for the people of Esau who lived in fear when he destroyed the rights before them and they dispossessed them and settled in their place even to this day as for the of em who lived in villages as far as Gaza the cafetorium who came from cast or destroyed them and settled in their place all right verse 24 rise up and set out on your journey and go over the valley of the Arnon behold I have given into your hand Sion the amorite notice that the amorite not ammonite but amirite king of Heshbon and his land begin to take possession and contend with him in battle now stop there for a moment this is not part of the promised land and yet God is going to give this land to the people of Israel and these are descendants of the Amorite so notice that God tells them ahead of time rise up I'm going to give you this land I want you to remember that it says in verse 25 this day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you on the people's who are under the whole heaven who shall hear the report of you and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you look what Moses says after hearing from the Lord that God had given the land of Sidon into his hands it's the so I sent messengers from the wilderness of Kadima to Sion the king of - bond with words of peace saying let me pass through your land I will go only by the road I will turn aside neither to the right nor to the left stop there for a moment I find that very interesting don't you instead of Moses simply saying all right boys strap on your swords God has given the land of Sion the amorite to us so let's go let's just will we'll break up into raiding parties or whatever and we're going to God's done it but what does Moses do he sends a messenger to Sion a message of peace and he says hey let me pass through your land I'll you know we're just going to follow the road and we're not going to turn aside we promise neither to the right nor to the left what I find interesting about that is that you know so often I mean this is this is a picture of God's grace and mercy extending another opportunity yet another opportunity to respond properly Sion did not have to be destroyed he and his people did not have to be destroyed at least not at this time now God knew how they were going to react because he knows everything but that doesn't mean God made him react that way and you'll notice that again Moses puts out that word saying hey we're just going to pass through your land we want we're not going to accost the land we're not going to cost you you leave us alone we'll leave you alone we're just going where we're going and just let us pass God's grace so many times people will look at the Old Testament and they'll just say you know God just seems so angry in the Old Testament it's all of just judgment there's nothing like judgment and killing and slaughtering and stuff like that well I beg your pardon here's a picture of grace a picture of mercy an opportunity yet again to make the right decision notice what Moses goes on to say you shall sell me food for money that I may eat and give me water for money that I may drink only let me pass through on foot as the sons of Esau who live in sere and the Moabites who live in are did for me until I go over the Jordan into the land the bullard our God is giving us so not only does he say will come through in peace he promises to pay him for anything they eat and anything the water that they drink and you know what you could be get pretty rich from a nation of 2.3 to 3.3 million people eating and drinking off your land I mean you know you know what happens you know in McCall every year when the campers you know come into the city you know the city makes money off of people imagine two to two point three to five to three point five million people passing through your land you can charge pretty much what you want for a cup of water you know and then he even cites the fact that the and the Moabites both let him pass through and there wasn't any problem verse 30 says but sihon the king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him for the Lord your God harden his spirit and made his heart obstinate that he might give him into your hand as he is this day and the Lord said to me behold I've begun to give Sion and his land over to you begin to take possession that you may occupy his land then Sion came out against us he and all his people to battle at jaha's and the Lord our God gave him over to us and we defeated him and his sons and all his people and we captured all his cities at that time and devoted to destruction every city men women and children we left no survivors only the livestock we took his spoil for ourselves with the plunder of the cities that we captured from error which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon and from the city that is in the valley as far as Gilead there was not a city too high for us the Lord our God gave all into our hands only to the land of the sons of Ammon you did not draw near that is to all the banks of the river chibok in the cities of the hill country whatever the Lord our God had forbidden us what is what is Moses doing he's recounting victories he's recounting victories making it so when they get to the again to the promised land a second time they're going to be prepared more by the building up of their faith to finally enter in to the land will go through chapter 3 rather quickly and then we turn went up the way to Bashan and AAG the king of Bashan came out against us he and all his people to battle it a dream but the Lord said to me do not fear him for I have given him in all his people and his land into your hand and you shall do to him as you did to sihon the king of the amur Ickes who lived in heshbon by the way aaaghh the king of Bashan is also an amirite king so the Lord our God gave into our hand AAG also the king of Bashan and all his people and we struck him down until he had no survivor left and we took all his cities at that time there was not a city that we did not take from them 60 cities the whole region of our table the kingdom of aughh in Bashan all these were cities fortified with high walls gates and bars besides many unwalled villages and we devoted them to destruction as we did to sihon the king of Heshbon devoting to destruction every city men women and children but all the livestock in the spoil of the cities we took as our plunder so we took the land at that time out of the hand of the two kings of the amorite s-- who were beyond the Jordan from the valley of the Arnon to Mount Hermon the sidonians call Hermon Syrian while the Amorite Skol itza near all the cities of the table land and all Gilead and all Bashan as far as SEK Celica and Edra cities of the kingdom of OGG in Bashan for only aughh the king of Bashan was left of the remnant of rafaam behold his bed was a bed of iron is it not in RIBA the ammonites nine cubits was its length and four cubits its breath breath according to the common cubit he was a big man or he just had a big bed when we took possession of this land at that time I gave to the rubra nights and the gadites the territory beginning at Aurora which is on the edge of the valley of the Arnon and half the hill country of Gilead with its cities the rest of Gilead and all Bashan the kingdom of OGG that is all the region of our gob I gave to the half tribe of manasseh all that portion of bashing is called the land of rafaam share the Manan site took all the region of our gob that is Bashan as far as the border of the gesh rights and the maca sites and called the villages after his own name have off gyre as it is to this day to makeer I gave Gilead and to the rubra nights and the gadites I gave the territory from Gilead as far as the valley of the Arnon with the middle of the valley as a border as far over as the river chibok the border of the ammonites the Arabah also with the Jordan as the border from kynareth as far as the Sea of the Arabah the salt sea under the slopes of Pisgah on the east and I commanded you at that time saying the Lord your God has given you this land to possess all your men of valor shall cross over armed before your brother's the people of Israel only your wives your little ones in your livestock I know that you have much livestock so remain in the cities that I've given you until the Lord gives rest to your brothers as to you they also occupy the land that the Lord your God gives them beyond the Jordan then each of you may return to his possession which I have given you now what's going on here Moses is recounting how the Reuben nights the gadites and the half tribe of manasseh decided to stay on the other side of the Jordan in the land of Sion and OGG those amirite kings so you've got two and a half tribes who decided to not go into the Promised Land yes the land was conquered by Israel but remember again it was never intended to be part of the Promised Land at least it wasn't within the borders of the Promised Land and but these people they saw this land they thought it as a good land let's talk to Moses to see if he'll give it to us so they asked and he said if you you know we'll go into the Promised Land with your brothers armed for battle and fight by their side and help to dispossession then you can live in this land your women and children stay here your flocks and herds stay here you come armed for battle you fight with your brothers and then after they're settled you can go back home and they said agreed so that's what's going on so these men decided to these two and a half tribes decided to settle outside the promised land and by the way it wasn't a good idea it would just wasn't a good idea they suffered for being as far away as they were and these areas fell into paganism sooner than the other areas and it just ultimately was not good to be separated okay did I read through verse 20 I believe I did if nobody says otherwise I'll pick it up in verse 21 and I command to Joshua at that time your eyes have seen all that the Lord your God has done to these two kings so will the Lord do to all the kingdoms into what your crossing you shall not fear them for it is the Lord your God who fights for you why am i emphasizing that so much because once again the promised land is a picture of walking out the promises of God for you and I and yeah there's victories that need to be one and there's battles that ensue and there are times that we get beaten back aren't there just like the Israelites but want you to notice this very important point at the end of verse 22 God says you will not fear you shall not fear why because it is the Lord your God who fights for you and that is so important to remember as it relates to the battles that you and I face as well God hasn't put you in the promised land in the land of promise he hasn't given you his promises let's put it that way for you to walk them out in the flesh right for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose it is God who works in you to willing to act the battle belongs to the Lord I want you to be encouraged if you are in the middle of a battle right now in your life and you're having maybe a struggle some time right now holding on to the promises of God I want to just encourage you with this that the battle belongs to the Lord when we say the battle belongs to the Lord that's not Christian cliche all right that's not something we just say well you know the battle belongs to the large let's make us some t-shirts you know so everybody we can all say it together the battle blows hey remember battle belongs to the Lord listen the battle belongs to the Lord here it is right here it is the Lord your God who fights for you and you might say well pastor Paul this is the Old Testament but this is a picture of what has been given for you and I under the New Covenant in walking out these promises verse 23 Moses gets kind of personal with them them says and I pleaded with the Lord at that time saying O Lord God you've only begun to show your servant your greatness in your mighty hand for what God is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as yours please let me go over and see the good land beyond the Jordan that good hill country and Lebanon but the Lord was angry with me because of you and he would not listen to me and the Lord said to me enough from you do not speak to me of this matter again go up to the top of Pisgah it lift up your eyes westward and northward in southward and eastward look at it with your own eyes but for you shall not go over this Jordan the charge Joshua and encourage and strengthen him for he shall go over at the head of this people and he shall put them in possession of the land that you shall see and once again I the law cannot bring us into the promises of God so Moses was not allowed so it says we remained in the Valley opposite Beth pure you
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Keywords: Bible, Bible teaching, Thru-the-Bible, verse by verse, Calvary Chapel, Bible study, Christianity, New Testament, Old Testament, Israel, Promised Land, Deuteronomy 1, Deuteronomy 2, Deuteronomy 3, Moses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 23sec (2723 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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