DETAILED REVIEW EcoFlow River 2 PRO Review & Testing solar generator

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Eh, not my experience. I have a less-than-a-week old unit with very gentle use that’s failed. I’m just getting up to speed with EcoFlow’s customer support but am finding that others aren’t impressed. Great specs, priced right, but for me it’s definitely not amazing.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Evtide 📅︎︎ May 29 2023 🗫︎ replies
hey guys Checkmate easy and thank you so much for clicking on our video today well yep your eyes don't deceive you this is the brand new coming soon River to Pro now guys this thing's got a larger battery than the original Pro it also has a battery that's going to last a whole lot longer okay and a couple more upgrades that we're going to go over in this video look in this review we're going to do our super quick unboxing like you know that we do we're going to do a close look we're going to review the basics we're going to go over specs we're going to do some testing and then don't forget we're also going to do our refrigerator test right how long can this power our refrigerator which is really nice we're going to share some final thoughts and just so you'll know I'll put an image up on the screen we are going to be doing a river Pro versus a river 2 Pro comparison that is coming soon that's what the image looks like and a link will be put in the description at the time that video comes out okay plus we're going to talk about discounts and special Eco flow gifts that you'll be able to get during the launch of this video we're going to put some stuff in the description okay so why don't we go ahead and get this party started foreign Tech Made Easy with a really quick message the video you're about to watch is sponsored we receive this product from the vendor but keep in mind we will be very honest with you as we review the product that is very important to us if you like our video I sure hope you give us a thumbs up I hope you share our video and last I really hope you subscribe and become a part of the family thank you let's go ahead and get this unboxed and there you go mower Joe is hanging out on top but as you can see this is the New River 2 Pro nice and beefy you get a user guide you get Barrel cables DC Barrel cables you get a car charger and you get a pretty thick AC cord I'll tell you this is a 14 AWG power cord so it's really nice and thick you don't get a solar cable we'll put a link in the description if you're going to charge this via solar but that is what you get it's now time for us to go over a nice quick look here and then after this we're going to go over Basics and we're going to go over some detailed specs okay but let's start off here in the front and as you can see you know it's all about output in the front right except there's also some input in the front that's new to the river Pro Series so we'll start here on the bottom and you've got your four AC Outlets they're three prong which is really nice you've got your dedicated power button here when you go over to your DC side you've got your car charger and two barrel ports and again a dedicated DC power button okay now as you can see here on the USB side you know there's no power button right well as soon as you turn the unit on these are powered all right so there's no separate button and it's not controlled by DC and then you've of course got a nice screen here right you've got your input you've got your output you've got your battery percentage and then this is going to be your charge or your discharge time which is really nice a very simple display all right and why did I say that you also have input in the front because the USB type c is now input and output all right so let's go ahead and look at the top real quick and you'll notice a really nice flat top and that can be helpful right where if you're putting this in a tight area and having a handle that goes up to here can be an issue this can slide right in now don't forget make sure you leave room for breathability because you've got your fan here that's going to suck in air and pass it through the unit coming out here on this side all right so really really important now you've also got a really cool handle right you can grab this and take it with you and it works and this is really not that heavy considering it's the pro now let's go to the back let's talk a little bit about the back here so you got your where your AC cord goes right so you can just plug this right in your AC cord and then I don't know if you notice if you're familiar with the river series but that's orange now and there's a reason why it's so Orange it's now an xt60i and it'll be able to handle a little bit more amperage not for solar panels because that's easy on the solar panel side it'll do that but other DC input devices all right but this is the back and then let me just go ahead and lift this up so you can see what the bottom looks like as well so there's the bottom very simple you've got four of these rubber pieces pretty thick to be honest with you they do a good job making sure that wherever you put this you don't scratch whether it's this table or anything where you put it it just does the job there is our quick look let's go ahead and go over Basics like prices stuff like that and then let's also go over some specs time to go over Basics and some good specs right we're going to go over all the specs and by the way starting off this is of course the river 2 Pro but there's a river two and there's a river to Max so this is a 599 dollar unit to my knowledge now that price can change so just be aware that's not bad at all now this is an 800 watt unit that can handle 1600 Watts when you turn X boost on now keep in mind X boost is not made for appliances that have voltage protection so just be aware all right but it can help you in other cases providing that additional wattage now the battery in this is a lithium iron phosphate some people call it lfp as well and this thing has 3 000 charge cycles think about that 3000 that means that you charge it to a hundred percent and then you let it go to zero and that's one you've got three thousand more left this thing can last for years now think about this after the 3000 charge cycles this thing has eighty percent left of the battery you've only gone through twenty percent of the battery so again this thing can last a long time now you can charge this really fast they've got a technology called Extreme and you can charge this up to a hundred percent in 70 minutes and I believe that's around 940 Watts Max which is insanity now let's talk a little bit more about the battery the capacity has been expanded and this is a 768 watt hour battery so that's not bad let's go ahead and talk about the BMS so what is a BMS well this has a battery management system and at a high level what does that do it monitors the current the voltage and the temperature of the unit to protect it all right so just know it's there now this also has a feature called eps now you might have heard UPS right and I'm not talking about your shipper so UPS is uninterrupted power supply now this is not a UPS because it's not that fast it's fast but it's not UPS fast so I'm going to demo the EPS feature in this video so make sure you check out our testing let's go over solar specs so solar specs on this is 11 to 50 volts and 13 amp and this will be able to handle a 220 watt solar panel now this has app control as well so you can use a tablet or a smartphone to actually control it and monitor it which is really nice and you'll be able to do that via Bluetooth at a local range right within your home or your business or you'll be able to control it via Wi-Fi as long as this is connected to your home Wi-Fi and you have the app installed you'll be able to Monitor and control it remotely from anywhere in the world which is cool now keep in mind this is only compatible with 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi and the Bluetooth version wasn't stated so I thought I would mention that now the weight on this is 17.2 pounds and or 7.8 kilograms now the good news here is this includes a five-year warranty and again as we showed you earlier you get the you know the AC cord you get the car charger the DC Barrel plugs and the manual you just don't get a solar cable we'll put one in the description let's continue on with specs and go over our outlets now so let's start off with our AC Outlets you've got four of them okay and they'll handle 800 watts and don't forget certain devices and appliances can handle X boost which will give you up to 1600 Watts so just be aware all right let's talk about our USB type A we've got three of them and these are 12 Watts these three as we go down to this magical USB type c what's special about that is that is a bi-directional meaning that you can actually charge the unit up to a hundred Watts using a USB type-c and we'll show you that in our testing or you can power devices like MacBooks and certain laptops and definitely smartphones right you plug this right in to your USB type c and you charge away so this is a really nice feature because you can charge the unit faster that way you've got your DC Outlet here so the Car Outlet is maxed at 126 Watts right it's 12.6 volts and down here your Barrel plugs are 12.6 volts but they max out at 36 Watts all right let's also talk about the four ways you can charge this so you got AC you've got DC you've got solar and don't forget I just talked about it a minute ago but you now have USB type c so you've got four ways to charge this unit all right now if you want to know temperature notes I'll go ahead and put those on the screen all right operating discharge and charging I'll put those on the screen for you so here are some information on the limited time discounts and Gifts first of all we are going to have a five percent off Tech Made Easy discount on the ecoflow website and on the Amazon website but please use our link support our Channel our links will be in the description all right as you can see the code is Tech River now the discounts are going to be valid from April 3rd all the way to the end of April on both the ecoflow and Amazon websites now be aware there are bonuses some of them are on the ecoflow website and some of them are on the Amazon website as you can see below they're going to be giving discounts out on the 220 watt solar panel but you have to buy it with the river 2 Pro in order to get the discount you can get Eco credits that's something new on the ecoflow website when you purchase using our link and you can also get a free River 2 Pro bag on the ecoflow website again when you make the purchase on that website check out our description for more details as we get closer and be aware the bag quantities can be limited so see the ecoflow website for any kind of details or rules in this next section I'm going to show you some must-have accessories let me go ahead and turn off the light and show you the first one so my first accessory is going to help you when you take this power station out somewhere and you need some light did you know there is no light on the river to Pro right so why not pick up this accessory now check this out this is a USB light and all you do is tap to sides and that thing is adjustable and this thing uses about a half a watt maybe even less all right but I like it because it's adjustable it plugs in to the USB a port and again you could really put this any way you want which is really cool so whatever works for you but I'll put the link in the description on this one that's one of my favorites let's check out the next accessory another one of my favorite accessories is what if you want another car charge port right well guess what you can use your Barrel ports you've got two barrel ports you can go out and get this accessory I'll put the link in the description and it'll give you another car charge port with a cover which is really nice now bear in mind your actual car charge Outlet is 126 watts and the DC Barrel ports will supply about 36 Watts so just know that you know this will be 36 Watts this will be 126 Watts but I'll put these in the description and let's check out the next accessory our last accessory here but let's say you don't use USB type c and you would like to get another USB type A well there's an accessory for that this will actually convert a type c over to a type A and all you do is plug it in and there you go but now what if you actually want the opposite what if you want more type C's again there you go you just buy this accessory that converts a type A to a type c plug it in and now you've got two type C's I'll put these in the description I hope that was helpful okay this is something that I include in every one of my power station videos moving forward it's called No before you buy and my goal with this is that you don't go out and buy something that is not going to work for you all right um I don't want you spending the money I don't want you to have the headache and I can tell you how this started I had a friend that bought a power station and it was a small one and because it was a power station I believe she assumed it would power her coffee maker and so she was extremely disappointed and after talking with her I tried to explain it's more about knowledge and understanding and so that's why I put together no before you buy because I want you to think about a few things that I'm going to go over in this section so let me get started with number one number one is what do you want to power you have to just stop for a minute and say you know what what am I using this for is it for a camping trip is it for a road trip am I buying this in the case of an emergency if my power goes out am I taking this to a cabin that we go to every once in a while right so what do you want to power refrigerators TVs phones you may be the internet you know a laptop LED lights so take a moment write that down what do you want to power number two do you know how much power your appliances and device require you probably don't most people don't I learned so much in the last couple of years and I still don't know everything so I'm going to be showing you an accessory towards the end of this video that I highly recommend you get because it's going to help you you know determine how much power your laptop uses your TV users your phone uses but let's stick to this page here so number two how much power so you need to know that okay um and and the other thing is some of these devices have startup wattage surge wattage if you're going to be powering a refrigerator a refrigerator uses wattage but then it has a compressor that kicks on to make the refrigerator cold and that can use hundreds of Watts especially older type refrigerators let's look at some examples real quick on the bottom LED lights can use five maybe 10 watts those are the newer LED lights right laptops can use a hundred they could use more it just depends on how old it is is it a gaming laptop you know TVs can vary new TVs use 100 to 200 Watts those thin TVs but if you have a larger one it could use 300 watts if you have an older one well those can use like three 400 watts and what about a CPAP right you know if you have to sleep overnight and you have to use a CPAP well those can vary from 50 to 150 watts probably more probably less let's take a look at the next section so here's part three how long right how long will you need to power the appliances or devices now again let's just say it's for an emergency right maybe your power goes out once a year for like eight to twelve hours let's use that as an example all right but you have to know or at least have an idea before you make a purchase because how long really connects with the battery size of the power stations so let's look at the next slide so let's put it all together right number one what do you want to power what devices or appliances have a list of that number two how much power do the appliances and devices require now the tool or accessory I'm going to show you coming up is going to help you do that and number three how long will you need to power them right number three again pertains to the size of the battery right but number one you know and number number two really pertains to the power of the unit because each of these power stations have different power ratings so here's an accessory that I'm going to recommend and the brand don't worry about the brand because sometimes this Brand's not available I'll make sure links are in the description but this device here and I'm going to demo it in a moment so you can see it I'm going to show it to you it's real simple but if you're new to it you know it's intimidating right so this sells for around 25 and you can connect devices and appliances up to 1875 Watts so just be aware or 15 amps now again I don't expect you to know that but I have to tell you that because if you plug in let's say a 3000 watt like toaster oven it's not going to work on this okay but let me let me Demo it for you but what this will do is it will help you understand the wattage that your devices and appliances use so let's check out the demo so we're going to do a simple demo you know so you know what this device is about again it doesn't cost much first of all right I think it's around twenty five dollars and and depending on the brand that's available we'll put a link in the description but just realize also that that you you can't plug everything into this I believe there's like an 1800 watt limit and a certain amount of amps now I know that's complicated but if you want to know how many watts your light is using how many watts your refrigerator is using how many watts your laptop uses your phone this is perfect for it okay so this is plugged into my outlet as you can see on the wall and now I've got this light plugged in here so all I need to do now is turn on the light let's see how many watts it uses now again it is on the watt screen and this does do more than Watts so just be aware okay you can actually figure out kilowatts which is how your electric company bills you but I don't want to get that complicated so let me turn the light on and look at that we're using 6.3 Watts on the LED light that's really good right and again plug in your laptop plug in your phone again you'll learn more about the wattage that your appliances use even your coffee maker but if this was helpful give us a thumbs up it really helps the channel and we're going to continue on with the review all right well I hope that was helpful you know to see that demo especially that is a really cool tool so let's take a moment now and go over estimated run times based on the river 2 Pros 768 watt hour battery pretty nice size all right so let's start off with a small refrigerator a 75 watt college refrigerator right this is a basic refrigerator you could get up to nine hours an estimated nine hours what about a full-size refrigerator now you know keep in mind I'm saying 200 Watts but older refrigerators could use three four 500 watts um you're going to see the testing on our refrigerator later in the video I hope you check it out but a full-size refrigerator if it used 200 Watts consistently you would get about three and a half hours right but understand a refrigerator doesn't always use that much wattage consistently unless it's really old my refrigerator at times uses zero all right but you're going to want to see that test now what about home internet what if you wanted to have your router and your modem and they used about 50 watts and you just wanted to have those connected you could get an estimated run time of 13 and a half hours what about a small fan like a medium-sized fan that you would have plugged in that uses about 60 watts that would give you an estimated run time of 11 and a half hours what about an LED light right they don't use a lot well in this situation you know 10 watts right some of them use 5 Watts you saw in the example just a moment ago that was using six Watts but 10 watts you would get over 65 hours of run time and what about a CPAP this is important right because you know you lose power and if you use a CPAP it needs to stay plugged in now let's just say you have a CPAP that uses about 60 watts you can get around 11 and a half hours but if you have a higher powered CPAP that uses about 100 Watts you can get about seven hours now let's talk about charging your phone I'm going to use two examples an iPhone and a Samsung so let's start off with the iPhone an iPhone 12 a basic iPhone 12. has about 25 watt hours you're talking about being able to charge an iPhone 12 about 28 times and a Samsung S21 well just a basic S21 you can charge it about 19 times I hope this information is helpful let's take a moment and just go over the app that ecoflow has made and you know one thing about an app is there are companies out there that don't have apps for their power stations and listen there's users that don't want apps right now obviously ecoflow allows you to connect via Bluetooth or via Wi-Fi or Internet you can use a tablet you can use a smartphone but it's definitely got its benefits so as you can see here this is the river 2 Pro I'm going to click on that and it's just going to jump right in to show you it is 49 charged I've got 205 watts of solar coming in as you can see right there if I had it plugged into AC it would show wattage if I had it plugged into USBC it would show wattage but that's it now it's not outputting anything so the AC Outlets are off you can turn them on the car charger Outlets are off you can turn them on usba and USBC now when you turn the unit on the USB you know obviously automatically get power now they don't have a power button anymore which is fine but a nice interface now it's showing an hour and 54 minutes until fully charged if we go into the settings you can rename it so that's what we did okay you can share the device you can adjust the charging speed so you know maybe if you're plugging this in at your house and your outlet can't Supply 940 Watts you can actually go all the way down to 100 Watts that's pretty cool I'll leave it all the way up because later on we're going to do a charge test DC mode you can change this you don't really need to I leave it on auto car input mode again that could be helpful depending on your car Outlet you might want to drop it down to 4 amp if you have an older vehicle so that's pretty nice obviously X boost you can have it on or off and if you saw our coffee maker test we were able to make coffee with X boost on with an older coffee maker you can adjust the charge and discharge level now why is that important let's say you don't really want to use the top and the bottom level of the battery because you want to prolong the power station the battery itself so a lot of times what I do is I'll say you know what I don't want you to discharge any more than 10 percent and I don't want you to charge any more than 90 percent okay so that can be helpful and I like that and smartphones are starting to do this but they're not they're not really giving you the full capability I have a fold three by Samsung they only allow me to stop charging at 85 percent so it's not adjustable um AC timeout I always put on never because if I got the unit on I don't want it turning off so that's really nice to know you can check your firmware you can check your specifications and there was just a really good look at the ecoflow app and here we are in the tech Made Easy Studio and one of the things that we always talk about is if you're going to spend the money on a power station AKA solar generator right try to make sure you get one that has a pure sine wave inverter right and that just means that the power coming out of the AC Outlets is as clean as it's going to be looking anything cleaner right it's really going to be from the walls of your home that's it you can't get any cleaner um inverters can have modified you know obviously pure sine wave there's there's another I can't think of right now but modified I'll give you an example if I plug the fan into a modified inverter um you'll hear a humming noise and you would think it's the normal you know motor of the fan but it's not because if you take that same fan and plug it into a pure sine wave inverter it's actually pretty quiet so for audio and visual devices um it's definitely recommended and you know especially sensitive Electronics like computers but why don't we turn on AC and just see if this is a pure sine wave inverter I'm going to go ahead and do that let me hold the button down power's coming on and boom that is what a pure sine wave looks like now let's plug in a load real quick too and see if that changes so I've got a 100 watt power brick here I'm going to plug that in to the unit right here 100 Watts on the USB type c and I've got a River 2 up on top so let me plug this into the USB type c on the river 2. and let's see what power we're getting first of all so let's look at that screen and see so we're inputting 59 Watts so we should be outputting here we go we're outputting 63 64. all right this is now being charged at 59 Watts on the USB type c and as you can see here we're still at a pure sine wave which is nice so that is a successful test to see that the river 2 Pro is pure sine wave let's take a moment now and talk about pass-through charging now again another feature I highly recommend that you get when you get a power station so the river 2 Pro offers pass-through charging now what is that well basically you got to charge the power station right so while you're charging it can you use it well the answer is yes with the river 2 Pro now there are some power stations that when you charge them you can't use them until they're fully charged they won't have that functionality again pass-through charging right there are some power stations that only allow you to use your USB while you're charging your power station you can't use your AC you know so let's do a test here all right we've got almost 900 watts coming into this unit so can we actually plug in a USB device right so let's go ahead and plug in a USB device now we have zero output currently so we're going to plug in a USB device we're going to charge our iPhone we're showing some wattage there you go now can I plug in my phone and charge it also using AC all right so I'm going to watch the phone I'm going to plug this in and as you can see I'm now charging my phone what about a light I've got a studio light can I plug a studio light in and watch it's going to light up this corner here on the right hand side all right so as you can see that light lit up I'm using 45 Watts on the outside while I am charging using AC and it now moved it up to 939 Watts so as you can see with the river 2 Pro you definitely get pass-through charging we are now going to be testing the EPS function of the river 2 Pro if you're familiar with UPS uninterrupted power supply it's very similar but because it's not as fast as a UPS the the speed by the way is about 30 milliseconds all right could be a little bit quicker than that depending but because you know of the speed they're not allowed to call it an uninterrupted power supply but it is a similar function we are receiving over 900 watts from the AC cord and then we are powering this little light here this LED light and it is basically controlled by this switch up here in the upper right hand corner and we're going to go ahead and watch the light dim and we're going to watch the display and that will actually show us how fast this thing switches over so I'm going to count to three all right one two three now as you can see you saw it flicker you see it's still powering the light but it's no longer receiving the wattage from the AC outlet because the AC outlet is controlled by that switch all right let's go ahead and turn it on real quick again I'm going to do a one two three so you can actually see how fast it switches over one two three all right you saw the flicker in the light and you now see the wattage coming back in from the AC cord so you do have EPS with the river 2 Pro it works pretty well it's nice to have so one of the new features on the river 2 Pro is the power direct Port right so you can actually charge the unit using this 100 watt USB type-c and when you're not charging it it actually is an output as well meaning you can plug in like a Macbook so let's go ahead and I picked up two I have the u-green 100 watt okay and I picked up the amazon basic and this one is also up to 100 watt but I've already tested the Amazon basic let's go ahead and plug in the u-green and see if we get close to 100 Watts using our USB type c now that you Green's got three USB type C's and then one USB type A but let me go ahead and plug this in over here all right and let's just plug this into the USB type c and see what we get yeah there you go we're getting 94 Watts and the batteries at 56 percent so it says it'll take about three hours to charge based off that 94 Watts all right well we'll put a link in the description if you want to pick up that you green power adapter and there you go charging via USB type c all right good morning it's a little chilly out here it's spring it's early spring but it's early in the morning now I'm going to go over some solar information and then we're just going to do a quick solar test all right it'll give us some information so if you're new to solar take a moment for a minute just listen to this because there's some important information in general so I'm going to talk about the specs of the river 2 Pro right for solar so let's start off you've got two things you and I'm gonna put them in the corner over here so you've got open circuit voltage and you've got short circuit current all right let's start off with the limitations of open circuit voltage the range on the river 2 Pro is 11 to 50 volts that's really not bad so again 11 to 50 volts now short circuit current is 13 amp okay so there you go now what about the panel I'm going to connect well this panel is a 220 watt ecoflow bifacial solar panel which means you can actually get power from both sides and we did a video on that I'll put a image up on the left hand corner real quick so you can see that I'll put a link in the description too if you want to check it out we've done a lot of testing on that but the specs on that panel are 21.8 volts and 13 amp so really works very well right actually to tell you the truth you know because this is limited to 220 Watts you know you could really only have one panel right but we're going to go ahead and test that now let's go over some recommended accessories now just so you'll know to do solar with the rubber Cube Pro you do need a solar cable all right and I'll put a link in the description so you can actually purchase one of those because it doesn't come with the river Q Pro I also recommend some extended cable just get regular cable I'll put a link in the description for different sizes and uh you know you know you really this is a 10 gauge all right so it's nice thickness you can go out 20 feet 30 feet without an issue in this situation easily this is a mc4 you know disconnector tool very inexpensive we'll show you how that works and then this we're going to show you also this is actually going to help us get the right angle with the solar panel all right so let me go ahead and set up the solar panel and let's see what we get with our tests this morning with this beautiful sun so here's the solar panel it's set up pretty much to the best of its ability let me just show you how the solar angle guide works so all I do is well first of all let me just tell you there's a dot in the front that creates a shadow and what you want is you can see that shadow up in the corner there you really want that shadow to be as in centered as possible so let's check that out so as you can see it's not perfect but it is centered now it tells me I need to lift the panel up a little bit more in order to get a better angle all right but as you can see it's pretty cool tool let's go ahead and connect the xt60 to the back of the power station should be a nice snug fit let's go ahead and connect the last of the solar cables and then this thing will wake up and we'll see what kind of wattage it's getting all right all right 180 that's not bad 180 Watts coming out of a 220 watt solar panel that's really good now it tells us the battery is 28 percent it would take three hours to charge the battery in here this is 768 Watt hours not bad 180 Watts coming in batteries at 28 three hours to charge so that is a successful solar test so it's about an hour later we pulled this out we got it angled right with the angle guide we used earlier we've got the extension cord let's see what we're getting here now so I'm getting 208 209 Watts batteries 38 percent it said it'll take two hours to charge the battery that's not bad that's really good now as I said earlier this is a bifacial solar panel so it actually can get power from the back and the front we've done some pretty crazy tests on this one actually did three videos and what I'll do is I'll put up the three images real quick here on the bottom of the screen so you can see all three videos I'll put a link in the description right now if you want to see the first one it'll be in the upper right hand corner right now okay so go ahead and click that right up there and uh check that out otherwise we're going to continue with our review lastly if you're wondering how this tool works as you can see it's got two pins on the end there right and when you look at the connection on the solar cable you want to just get in between here and then that's it so I'm going to lay this on the bottom all right and it's going to push those two pins in allowing me to just pull this apart and that's it all right we're in the kitchen here and the question is can the river to Pro handle a top of the line Keurig plus smart right this is a supreme I can't even remember the name anymore it's so long but this is the latest version and it's the smart version and I'll tell you this thing uses 13 to 1400 Watts now I have X boost off I'll go ahead and show you that so as you can see here x boost is off let's go ahead and try I'm gonna put the phone down there for a minute let's go ahead and power up the AC outlet all right give it a second the power and then what we're going to do is we're going to open up this coffee maker here all right it is turning on we're gonna not really have much wattage showing and now we're going to hit eight well actually we're going to hit four we're going to do a small cup because we like a small cup of tech Made Easy cup now before I hit the K button we're going to watch and see with X boost off one two three fourteen hundred overload boom so immediately right it just it just couldn't handle it all right let's reset this and turn on X boost now we're going to turn on X boost all right so X boost is now on let me just I would like to go out and go back in just to double check so all right X boost is on and put this aside AC outlet is on coffee makers getting power let's open and close it let's go ahead and reuse the K-Cup all right we're going to do a four ounce we're going to wait till it finishes to see if this is truly successful four ounce all right K-Cup is the K is flashing and let's go ahead and watch this now I'm gonna press it one two three all right I got 800 watts 600 and change I got coffee coming out wait a minute 700 800 so fluctuation 850 842 is the highest I think I've seen just watching now the wattage dropped to zero just now now I don't know what the coffee is done yet so let's just wait a moment I don't see any fail on the river 2 Pro so I'm just going to wait a moment all right let's check the coffee maker too I would like to see all right wait a minute we got an error code nine please wait a few minutes then try Brewing again so it looks like the Keurig coffee makers don't like that lowering of the voltage and you could damage the equipment I hope I didn't I wonder if a basic coffee maker would work this thing can't pull the power of a Keurig well let me go set this up let's try it out all right the AC outlet is on I'm going to hit the switch here in the back and see what happens then we'll watch the wattage all right the light is on 800 and something Watts now I will tell you X boost is off I can swear give me a second um oof okay X boost is on all right X boost is on so this is using 800 watts with X boost on which means that it probably uses more but can it make a cup of coffee I guess we'll find out and I'm going to try it next with X boost off questions all right it just stopped and went to zero we're a little over four minutes into this test so uh yeah this thing worked it's still you know filtering out the water from the reservoir but it worked with X boost at 800 and change well let's go ahead and make a smaller cup of coffee and try it with X boost off next test X boost is off I'll go out I'll go back in next boost is off now the AC outlet is on and the coffee maker is off so we're going to turn that little button and the corner on and see what happens and we'll have to watch pretty quick because if this thing pulls any more wattage well this is probably not going to work one two and three 900 watts 901 I hear coffee so instead of using 800 watts it's using closer to 900 . ah okay it tripped I didn't see the wattage but it does say overload all right so what that tells us is you can make a cup of coffee with an old coffee maker using X boost and that worked fine all right well it's the next morning and I will tell you do not use x boost on new coffee makers Smart Ones like Keurig for sure as you can see they worked fine on a dumb coffee maker right we had no issue actually we're able to make the cup of coffee but um do not use it our Keurig K Supreme plus smart is now damaged and I'm glad I'm able to show you this for our next test we call this our living room test so we've got a 55 inch TV we have a modem we have a Wi-Fi mesh router we've got our smart cameras we've got our Smart Home and we're also going to have our Roku TV control and our fan will this power it I'm pretty sure it will let's take a look so here we are we've turned everything off we've got no lights on the Roku no lights on the TV the the modem router security cameras right mesh router and uh let's go ahead and turn it on and see what we get as far as Wantage the fan is not on as well so let's see what we get the TV will turn on and off it's just the way the Roku does that it's coming on now let's see all right yeah there it goes so we got 130 Watts again it will turn on and off you'll see this go up and down that's what the Roku does I don't know why do you know why all right so the wattage will drop the TV goes back off for a second then it will come back on not just the Roku all right and one's there there you go 130 something so the roku's on this is on the router is going to start turn excuse me the modem is going to start turning on these devices are all starting to turn on so look at that I mean really you know you're looking at 130 Watts with a 55 inch TV and you know security cameras and smart home and the router and let's turn on the fan now and see what that does so it's on low all right look at that went up to 183 I'm gonna put that on high all right so look at that 182 Watts no X boost needed by the way it's off and uh you know what would be interesting let's go ahead and plug in a refrigerator and see what that would do there's our full-size refrigerator okay and I'll put up an image in the upper right hand corner so you can see specs on the refrigerator you'll have to hit pause all right but I'm going to go ahead and plug this in now and then we'll go over and plug it into the actual power station so this isn't lit up right now because it's not receiving power so let's just plug this in and check it out on the other side all right the fan is back on low we're using a 168 Watts everything's powered now here is the refrigerator plug now what we're going to see just so you'll know is really just startup wattage the refrigerator has been on for a while so you're not going to see anything extraordinary but let's watch we're at 167 as soon as I plug this in let's watch that screen 173 175 338 and back down so real quick the refrigerator is now powered we'll go take a quick look at that again the refrigerator if you saw a moment ago and I'll put this information back up on the left hand side the refrigerator is a new model it's 2021 it's very efficient all right you could look at the uh information there but it is cold so you know there's nothing that needs to be done right now from time to time obviously it will you know it'll kick on and uh you know cool off the refrigerator that that will use more wattage but I've only seen a couple hundred Watts out of this thing from time to time so it's pretty impressive as you can see we're back down to 169 with the refrigerator connected but let's take a peek I'll show you the refrigerators being powered so there you go it's lit up the refrigerator is being powered and as you can see there it goes oh I got a piece of snicker bars I'm going to have that later but that was successful we are about to test the charging on this we're going to charge it from zero percent to a hundred percent and ecoflow says it takes 70 minutes to go to 100 we're going to test that but one thing I want to talk about is let's say you are going to take this somewhere where your Outlets are maybe older Outlets and your Outlets just can't handle 940 Watts right look at this you see the AC charging speed 940 Watts so what's nice about the app is you can click on the 940 and you can actually bring this all the way down to a hundred Watts all right and you know what if you have older Outlets 100 Watts might be perfect for you or something in between right you can go to 350 Watts so I love having the app and I love this feature and I just wanted to make you aware of it we're going to start our charge test and we're going to see if ecoflow's claim 70 minutes to get to a hundred percent charged let me go ahead and plug the outlet in [Music] it is two o'clock and that means 3 10 p.m this thing should be a hundred percent it is now zero and the wattage is going up I believe it's around 900 and change to charge this unit about 940 Watts I think is the max all right 800. the fan kicked on all right it's creeping up two o'clock 10 minutes after three that'll be the 70 minutes they claim to charge to a hundred percent all right 31 minutes in let's see where we're at 31 minutes in and we are 49 charged not bad that's pretty close 890 Watts going in all right I wanted to do that 30 minute check so 49 percent 31 minutes in 45 minutes what do we have 72 percent in 45 minutes wow one hour let's take a look 95 charged in one hour wow a little over 900 watts being pumped in it says it's got 10 minutes left to be fully charged ain't that something well let's check back we're 305 right five minutes after and you'll see here it starts to slow down a little bit dropping to 600 watts you know not to put too much wattage in for uh the heat right you know what I mean it's all about reducing heat the unit's warm the fan is on so it's doing a pretty good job it looks like it'll make that uh 3 10 P.M because we're 99 right now well someone's got a few minutes before she eats and guess what I waited to hear that sound 307 100 charged well their claim is more than true that was actually 67 minutes to a hundred percent just thought I would measure noise while the fan was on and this thing was working so now you see the comparison of when the fans are on right and this machine is running and when the fans are off we're doing our first DC capacity test and what that means is we're actually draining the battery like you're using it but we're draining it and what's happening is we're draining it out of the DC 5521 you know cord here nice and slow by the way as you can see it's only pulling 33 Watts we've been doing this for over 15 hours and so far we've gotten 618 Watt hours out of the 768 watt hour battery all right we've got a little bit of time left but we'll tell you what we end up with it's a pretty interesting test all right the end of our DC capacity test we just hit zero and uh we got 652 I'm going to round that off to 653 Watt hours out of this 768 watt hour battery all right in a few minutes we're about to start our refrigerator test with the New River 2 Pro and before I do that I want to put some information up on the upper right hand corner I want to give you information on the refrigerator okay so you could see that this is actually a 2021 refrigerator and not for nothing it's really efficient so hit pause check that out and we're going to start the refrigerator test all right it's about that time it's about a minute before 10 pm now the refrigerator is uh unplugged sorry Brooklyn and we are going to turn this on when it hits 10 o'clock which is any second now and then we're going to see how long this thing will last powering our refrigerator we get a hundred percent charge right so will it go for 10 hours will it go for 12 can it go for a day I don't know I mean it is this is the river 2 Pro so let's turn on AC and watch just the power for a moment okay and let's watch this startup wattage 165 [Music] that's it went right down to zero now guys if you saw the specs just a little while ago this refrigerator is very new it's a 2021 it's a really efficient and so it's already cold and that's the reason why it doesn't really need to do much but from time to time it's definitely going to kick the compressor in so it is 10 o'clock we've got a hundred percent charge and this thing says 48 hours but that's based off of nothing right there's no output at this time so we'll check back in the morning when we wake up and we'll see all right maybe about eight o'clock in the morning or seven o'clock in the morning all right let's see what happens and yep it's 1001 and I forgot to open the refrigerator and show you it's actually being powered so there we go I'll see you in the morning all right good morning it's a 10 hours in 10 hours in it's just about 8 A.M in the morning the fan is on on this thing I'm wondering what we got it's using 43 Watts and we've got 40 percent left on the battery wow this thing is on of course says we've got about five hours left but that will probably be more so 10 hours in 40 percent left on the battery and 41 Watts going out to the refrigerator here we go I got a minute shy of 12 hours let's take a look 25 using 41 Watts there you go 12 hours 25 using 40 Watts one thing I like about the ecoflow app is I don't actually have to be by the power station I can actually just look at the app to see what the battery percentage is 14 hours in let's take a look and see what we got all right 13 battery 14 hours in quick Fourteen and a half hour check and just to see what we got here 10 percent 40 Watts 43 Watts being used all right I call this one the 15 hour surprise where are we at in 15 hours wow seven percent battery left nothing going out and 15 hours in seven percent I guess we'll see how this ends 15 and a half hours and we are down to two percent no wattage going out 15 and a half hours two percent and she just turned off 15 hours and 50 minutes and now I got to plug this thing back in but I'm impressed 15 hours and 50 minutes great job all right now it's time for our pros and our cons and we're going to start off with our cons so we can always end on a positive note and I will tell you that there are very few cons this thing is Built Well ecoflow has continued to improve okay so my first con there's no LED light and I've always liked having a built-in LED light so see our recommended accessories and you'll see that we are recommending a light if you want one but no light the second thing you don't get a solar cable right and I don't know why it's like 30 bucks and I wish they could just put it in in the package included in the price because really like you need a solar cable you know most people are going to recharge this with solar last one no expansion right you don't have any expansion so the battery is a little bit bigger in this newer model but no expansion now let's go ahead and go to our Pros so let's cover our pros and we've got a nice list of Pros here so not in order but it is amazing to think that you can charge this thing to a hundred percent in 70 minutes I am I'm amazing and and 900 and what 30 40 Watts when you plug it into AC it did well even with solar you know I mean it did a good job charging its solar but plugging it into AC and getting it to a hundred percent in 70 minutes is phenomenal our testing did well we really didn't have any major hiccups you know we were able to achieve that 800 watts right and um you know when we used uh the X boost we were able to you know power devices that were a little bit more powerful this battery is amazing right this lfp battery 3 000 life cycles and after that it goes to 80 percent you still have 80 of the battery lift think about it so this thing will last years and years and as long as you know how to maintain the battery by the way right because if you let this sit at zero for a very long time that's going to cause some damage if you let this sit at a hundred percent for a very long period of time that will cause some damage so that's important that you really know how to maintain your battery now I love this new flap top I really do and and even mower Joe look at him he's excited you know I love this uh flat top you know you can put stuff on it you've got your handle which is really nice and Built Well I didn't feel like you know you just can't feel like this is flimsy this thing just works so I like that I really do um no AC brick to carry around right it's built right in so I love that the ecoflow app you saw us we reviewed that in the video and if you didn't go check it out you know it's a wonderful app right Bluetooth Wi-Fi you know remote control stuff like that you can turn on Outlets you know things like that so really like that you know I I still have to say Eco flow support in my own experience ecoflow support has been phenomenal and the last thing I will say is you know the older unit had two year warranty this has a five year warranty you know so really really nice all right so guys I really hope that you found this video helpful in some way and if you did if you did please give us a thumbs up it really helps the channel Superman and mower Joe are watching definitely give us that thumbs up okay we'd really appreciate it also if you're new to the channel take a moment and subscribe love to have you as a family member you know come check out our videos we just surpassed 450 videos in just a couple of years so we've put up some good content it keeps getting better and you want to know why because of you we read your comments we interact with you so we appreciate that and let you 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Channel: Tech Made Easy
Views: 14,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @techmadeezy, tme225, #techmadeezy, @techmadeeasy1, DETAILED REVIEW EcoFlow River 2 PRO Review & Testing solar generator, ecoflow river 2, ecoflow river 2 max, ecoflow river 2 pro, ecoflow river, ecoflow river max, ecoflow river pro, solar generator, lifepo4, ecoflow delta, ecoflow river max plus, ecoflow delta mini, ecoflow delta pro, ecoflow delta max, ecoflow 220w solar panel, bluetti, jackery, ecoflow river pro 2, river 2 pro, river pro 2, delta pro, river mini, river pro
Id: h735FBa9uvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 40sec (4240 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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