Adding extra battery to EcoFlo Delta1300 hack - Live

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[Music] [Music] there hey there welcome to my channel you might have seen that I recently yesterday reviewed this Delta 1300 this is a 1.3 kilowatt hour battery it's pretty good watch that review go watch that video hopefully here in the little bubble up here the one thing that is not great about this or the missing feature that has is the ability to add extra battery to add a battery extender or yeah just to add an auxiliary battery right so it's not after our testing showed that you can only remove about one kilowatt hour and that's good if that's all you need and this unit is gonna be amazing it's gonna do great but if you just happen to need more than one come on out then there is no ability to have more in here and so then this unit my network so today I'm going to show you how to add more battery do a hack a DIY hack and build a battery's gonna look like this right and this is gonna be an extra 1 kilowatt hour you put it in the air yeah I'm little connector you connect it in there BAM and then you'll have two kilowatt hours right or three you can daisy chain any more of these right but I'm gonna show you how to build this right now to date so let's get in alright so here is what you are going to need you're gonna need this ammo box this is twenty dollars you can find at an Amazon up with a link in the description and then you're gonna need all of these boards here look at that oh yeah let's take them out I three assemble all of these but I'm sure you guys like it here there we go let's put this box out of the way for them right so there we go there are five and five of these boards that are assembled you know on top of each other and then there they have plastic lakes on the bottom the little shorty ones and then these long ones on the top all right so that's Jeannie and then the is the center one which is two of the battery boards and two different BMS stack back-to-back right here and the reason you need that is because well this is gonna be a 48 volt battery this is holy or old addage so you need to have these boards are 24 so you'll have to have you know a group of what is this one two three four five six seven so seven boards on one side seven books on the other side and then have them connected in series so that you can make two of these groups that are 24 volts into 48 so that's what we're gonna do here let's start with this because this is the one that's more technical and so then yeah we'll have to adjust it a tiny bit so there we go let's take this sports car hopefully our batteries in our cameras batteries these have to be plastic because obviously these are electrified right so you can't have positive and negative both in which is the a giant short so that's what you can have them in a plastic okay we'll leave that one there because you don't need to take it off okay so here we go these aren't just a regular BMS that you have there are a bunch of videos showing you how to put these together from the kit form and even these ones right here is there gonna be length on the description of this video but let's just starting now with all these board it's assemble ready to go this is how you would assemble these now you're gonna have to modify this right so we're gonna have to remove one of these yeah we're gonna have to remove one of these guys but only the one leg I guess I let's do that here we go I have my thing here it's good you're gonna need it to get hot right so then 200 degrees you see this two degrees you want it like the max which is 400 degrees and it's RB feet chunky cables in here so it's quite a bit of work to get them out you have to get this really hot sometimes it helps to add a bit of more solder in there and then you start heating up the thing I might comment alright guys this is Jay whose subconscious while I'm building this battery I can also be talking to you guys and answering some questions let me know if it sounds good do this and there we go you see all that solder ends up there on the table and then and then you're good you don't have to fight that side there we go so we just connected a negative here on this other one when they disconnect the positive watch me yeah by the way Jade doesn't know what he's doing he just likes to sound like he knows what he's doing but yeah you guys shouldn't pay attention to he's just confused as hell right now trying to figure out how to connect these two boards okay so this one also the negative okay you'll see why right now yeah comma come on come on all right so here what I'm doing guys is because these are sold as kids or they're going to sell this kids and I had a pre assembled them and certainly so then I'm having to change them but of course these are available as open source so you can get the parts yourself and so you can do this from the first time you don't have to undo some of this work right and I'm thinking maybe else so this is a kid also now that I figure out so better every time that I build one of these boxes it just gets a lot better because I figure better easier ways to do in it and so even this one's not perfect but I think it's much better than the previous one that I built and this is the 48 volt one is by far the the hardest one because this basically you have to have two of these battery packs in the same box and then have it connected in series right so that's what i'm doing here i'm doing the BMS is a connection in series and then having to come out through the single one XD ninety port and so if any of you guys out there have already been messing around with building with these sports you know you're kind of familiar to how these are put together or whatever and and so you're yeah you're just probably looking at this clinic yeah I know what that is like and then yeah of course look you guys know that this are beefy connect connections right these are what 10 gauge needles are 10 gauge cables so then you need a lot of heat it just takes a while to get that going they're all waiting for winter news I don't know well yeah so those winters I guess nobody wanted because I didn't kept track of who won I was literally just called out names to names and since there's no audio then I don't know who I mean I was gay just go back and look at who were the other two winners that night and so because I there's no no record of that then I guess nobody you want out justice I will do more giveaways coming out the finally the the winner of the the winner of the actual Delta did email me and they're from Denmark so I absolute winner there's nothing there was nothing fishy about that I've had email conversations so yeah I guess we're gonna send that if I can sent it to Denmark then it's going to Denmark and so hopefully they're gonna enjoy it and use it over there it's tough but here's the thing on today's live event here I'm gonna give away this box that I built right because that wasn't part of the original giveaway and this is just a 48 volt box that just happens to work with the Delta but also it's just as a 48 volt ammo box with you know one kilowatt hour worth of batteries inside so that I'll give that away today again we'll just till I can figure out a better way to give these it's just gonna be completely random comment from whoever is here today so there's a hundred and fifty of us here today so the odds are not that bad there we go now let's go listen back to Jay who could see might get offended if you're not listening - yeah this one has a clump of soldering that's why that little stand off is not stainless so we have to yeah a bunch hopefully that's that's gonna be good enough so now I have to do oh yeah someone asks web solar panels to use for this Eco flow system and I would use the hundred watt panels that are flexible semi flexible or whatever I didn't show it cuz they were I didn't have a way to show it in my review but last night I tested it with this battery that I built here and I connected it straight into the solar port because it's within the voltage range except that this can push out you know up to a thousand watts and the Eco flow didn't the Delta didn't charge any more than 300 and like 80 watts or something so that that shows us that that is the max that that little solar controller solar charge controller built-in can handle it goes all the way to 65 volts my battery was just below that but it was up there was like somewhere around 50 years fully charged and it could push up any as much amps as that thing could pull right so that means that you any more than 400 watts you're just wasting your money because this little unit can't handle more than that right so if you pick you know like 3 P and then you can add 3 panels in a row because that goes over the 65 volts so then yeah really you shouldn't buy anything bigger than like a hundred and 50 watt panels because then anything else if that'll be wasted yeah well maybe mean I mean maybe if you get 200 watt panels maybe it'll work up to 380 or whatever it is that it maxes out and then if it's cloudy or the Sun it's got too much angle maybe it'll it'll keep the 380 so the max charging rate for the longer so maybe maybe that's the only time I think that would be worth having those bigger panels right so but I wouldn't go to much better because then you pay a bunch of money for stuff that you're not using and also they're bigger so the the 300 want ones that the 100 watt ones are very popular and they're nice size they still semi portable kind of thing other than that the Eco float comes or they they have a a set of solar panels that comes with it and they're not too big they're like the 80 watt ones that we I was only seen like 50 watts kind of a midday Sun on that so this guy's together to mock up the cable people is gonna be one of these things that right yes I'm putting two batteries together in the same box to two systems right because my boards are 24 volts so I'm putting two of them and then in series so that they can work at 48 volts and yeah as you can see here that's what I'm doing I'm putting the part where they're going to connect in series and that is gonna be the BMS and I'm doing them the BMS side by side like this because this is the best way to to be really - lucky - what what is that the be very efficient with the space look at that in the space of one board right so 25 millimeters did you have both of the BMS s in there and they don't touch and you if you use those plastic standoffs in between there then you know there's there's no connection there's no electrical connection between the two and it's just seems to be working so far I've built a few batteries this way so yeah you'll get to see how you can build a 48 volt battery using mice board systems on a tiny battery it's this diamond box is not that big so of course it's only 700 seven boards per side right so it will only handle what is it so two and a half times seven what is that whatever that is that's the amount of amps so about a thousand it's about a thousand one kilowatt hour battery pack in it so you can get continues about a thousand watts you can do you know bursts of more up to two kilowatt but then after that then though the fuses will start blowing so that's the thing about my boards they're very safe because they have multiple layers of fusing everywhere so this is great for beginners because then they just blow fuses and they won't hurt themselves right but you know but then they might get discouraged because then the battery doesn't work as you will see here I myself blew some fuses while I was building this I don't even know how but it's a good thing the fuses blown is good thing there it's kind of a hassle but there was it prevents you from getting home melting stuff and you know hurting yourself and the Navy you know making your house catch fire it's tough so there we go [Music] yeah this battery it could work for anything it's one kilowatt-hour right so it's almost the same battery that the eco-floor has inside is just rehouse a little bit different than this DIY setup you can run c p-- apps you can run anything with an inverter a 48 volt inverter or in this case if you're gonna do that with your own inverter it's probably better to set it up as a 24 volt because there's much they're smaller there's really no small 48 volt inverters unfortunately and so then you'd have to do and that's the reason why I'm keeping these births that way so they're versatile so they can do 24 volts and 48 at the same time because then you can use it for anything no 12-volt unfortunately but you could use a 24 volt 220 to 12 volt DC to DC they do exist they're kite common because sometimes our beasts have 24 volt systems and then you have to step down to 12 but then they're big and chunky and expensive so it's not ideal to try to use 24 volt equipment on our 24 volt battery right it's better if you can match your your battery to your equipment either replace your battery or replace your your equipment to match so that you can use less electronics and less failure points in your system so that's the simpler the systems are the better it is because then there's less things to go wrong so is there only a hundred and fifty is that the towners right yeah that's the right distance to go so I just still have to make this cable so I'm gonna mock it up okay around there no officially this is a live video this is you're just listening to my subconscious I'm I'm that awesome that I can be doing two things at the same time talking criticizing myself critiquing my work and also be building have my head in the actual project okay so here we go one two three so this is really useful too just to kind of show you what goes in the process of designing one of these batteries right these are kind of Legos you can use them in so many different ways I designed this board to be super versatile you can do you can have the connections in the front you can have the connections in the back as a say you know connector with the pigtail like that or and directly into the board a ninety thing or you can have those little ninety terminals with the m4 terminals right so you screw terminals there's all kinds of ways so sometimes when you have too much features and too many ways of doing one thing it can be kind of confusing even it for me right so I have to kind of sit there and just look at it and think about it and play with it and mock it up there's a lot of these mock-ups that happen so that's what I'm doing here I don't have batteries on here because I'm just drying things is like and I'm gonna be able to connect this are these wires gonna be this way and one of the things that I really haven't liked so far is the wire routing this this ribbon connector cable thing is great when you're doing straight lines right from one board to the other one but as soon as you just gonna have to start like routing the nighties and stuff then it becomes real messy it becomes like real hard and it's just when you stand back and look at it you're like now that looks like a like a toddler did that you know and so I for some reason I just I can't just build a battery that looks messy and there's something really trying to figure out different ways to to route that cable and make it look like it's a professional thing that was designed by someone and you know that it was built and I don't know maybe by the end of this build you you'll be able to look back and then look at the final battery be like ah that looks like it's a neat cool thing hopefully I achieved that on this one but for now I'm kind of showing you the process this is what it takes for me to build this battery and maybe that some of you guys aren't there are better than me and of doing this but for me it took me off it's taken me all day to build his battery rights up oh yeah by my shirts if you want to support the channel just buy the shirts nobody's buying the hoodies but that sure doesn't like six months it's up the hunt the only dark way around with my board oh it really adds a nice little level of loser to me but that's okay I'm not afraid to be a loser dork that's just me I've been doing it for 40 years okay so here we go [Applause] also when I look at myself back working like this I realized that I go like one step forward two steps back a lot of the times you know like I'll go and spend an extra ten minutes trying to put an extra fastener there just so that for no reason at all just because I'm my old CD or so in error I'll clean the table in the middle of every hole that I drilled you're like come on can you just drill the holes make all the mess and then paint it after so I don't I'm not the most efficient when it comes to work and I don't notice it while I'm doing it but now playing it back like this you're like what is wrong with you Billy you just not be stupid you know sometimes it's useful to watch yourself like this on video we need these type of things here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but we don't have forts on the bottom okay okay it's just gonna mock it up so then that one goes right oh let's put one over here just a case doesn't move around here's the example where I spent I don't know two minutes putting that extra little pin I'm like why why just put it out there mock it up like you're trying to do your trap I was trying to work on the cable and the rivet and routing the ribbon and figuring other ways to make it look neat at some alan spending time putting that extra little screw in there link come on oh yeah the smaller boards on the right there are are going to be for that skateboard project that I have that is one of the projects that on my head more so than behind I just need to make the video well there's a bunch of them that I have they're pending that I need to do the video but yeah those are I have them already I'm gonna be releasing that video soon I kind of I had the holders from but I have to use them for the other but another product that is actually moving right now so so I'm I come out of that and I have a pending order from China to cumference for those holders but yeah that's coming up okay so here what I'm doing is in order route that ribbon to to the next thing again like I said once you start going night II and having to bend it and fold it it looks real messy and I just don't like it and then it just it just doesn't look like so now what I'm attempting to do here is to actually do the strands so that I so they can be around just a round table with a bunch of strands instead of this ribbon thing and that's that's what I'm doing here so I'm cutting into the in between the little conductors right and so that I can split on kind of like you know and and that's just in an attempt to to make it the final product look better look like it's you know like it's not just thrown in there without much thought I don't know if it's worth it to do all this stuff but it kinda is because once there's no room in this box right once you put the lid on it that lid is right on top of those boards and so it's a kind of an efficient amass as efficient as I can be with this system that I guess could be argued it's not super efficiently comes to space right because the major feature about this is the fact that you can bolt it together and then you know just snap the cells in place where everything else you have to make a custom battery that are that the that the cells are like welded in place right these are not welded you can snap them in you can snap them out you can change the cells on this thing if you want it to I don't foresee that actually being a big feature but if once you know these batteries and once you work with them you realize that no one's out there changing batteries you have a multi you know like a large multi cell pack like this you you build it once you forget about it just use it after that right yeah I guess you're only messing with it if you see problems and you only see problems if you did a really bad job designing the the battery in the first place if you did a good job you just don't think about those batteries just need to use it you charge it this charge it just charge up this target and so this is mostly more for ease of a initial assembly not so much for oh it's good you can go and change batteries when they go back most likely you're not gonna do that even though you could you totally could do this with this system you know down the line two three years down the line you're like you know what my batteries not working as good oh I can just buy new batteries you know cuz you have act by then maybe they're gonna be super cheap and you'll be able to just replace them use the same system if you didn't beat it up too much so here we go let's see yeah you see that that's the problem that this has to be like this okay okay I am thinking of some kind of a workshop put it in here I didn't have space before but now I have this space right and I'm trying really hard to not just fill it to the brim with junk and and be wise about it and so I do think I do plan some kind of a workshop here I don't know if it's gonna be these small battery boxes maybe it'll be as you know refresh or something it's just to begin with to get you guys thinking into the thing but mo I think mostly it's gonna be for di Y electric cars I want I think I think that crowd will would be more invested because it would take time you're right and I'd have to somehow monetize it right because everything costs money and my time cost money so I think people that are going to want to learn how to make a car they have a much bigger investment in the thing and so I could proudly charge them more or enough for me to make it worth my time and in you know like you know coming up with the the right way to teach someone to do it and I the way I want to teach someone that is just to do it so if I get some people in the room and we're gonna build some batteries you know or we're gonna build an electric car and that's how you're gonna learn you're gonna hold the thing you're gonna go back and try to solder the thing and if you can't do it you're gonna sit right next to someone that that can do it and then you know you're gonna yeah you're gonna play a part in the final bill so that's that's my aim when it comes to having a workshop for the longest time I didn't want to but now I'm oh yeah I'm I kinda like feel like it's time to do that and I very least I should experiment with it and you know explore that and if it's a thing that it would be useful if not then you know like doing these videos kind of works better for me because I kind of get to work alone and I tend to do better working alone and a lot of people I reach a lot of people right there's you know there's a hundred and sixty of you guys here live right now but an eventually these videos gonna probably end up getting more than ten thousand views and many people are gonna order these parts and then they're gonna attempt to do it's gonna serve as a reference also for people hopefully that are watching it and then they're gonna follow along and build this one project here and then build batteries and then you know all that stuff kind of generates a little bit of income for me which is good because I can't even make money so I can't so I'm not as broke as I've been in the past few years and like I'm helping people so that's primarily one of the things that that all of my projects have to do right I always have a checklist you know it's like they have to do this they have to you know and one of the things one of the top ones is that yeah they have to add something valuable to the community to the world you know I have to be fixing a problem and sometimes it's not the easiest thing to do sometimes it's just there's stuff that it's just like very lucrative and I'm like yeah but that doesn't fit any of the other boxes right so so that's why I'm not doing some of those stuff it's not like I don't know how to make money like there are very lucrative ways that I could make money but they don't check all the boxes if I'm not you know helping in a positive way or adding something fixing a problem right then I'm not doing it that's why you know like I I wouldn't go and invest in the stock market right because I don't think those people are doing much good I mean they're they're helping some companies or whatever but I don't think most of those people are doing it with that outlook I think most people are just like what can I do is just to make money and I think that's the wrong look outlook on life right so I think all these projects do that right when I'm doing I'm they're not that super lucrative but they fit most of those boxes so that's why I'm doing it man you know even if I struggle a little bit doesn't matter it's not all about money life's not all gone money okay let's listen to what this guy's saying cuz I think sometimes he says something smart some smart things but can I just do the thing let's see if we can treat you this [Applause] [Applause] okay now here I'm just doing the thing I am that up putting a little shrink tube in there to try to keep that together so you guys tell me what that looks like if that looks better than if I don't know into my view it I think it looks better it's just like little cable that crosses from one set of boards to the other one as opposed to just some ribbon thing that is has some weird folds that doesn't stay on and there I don't know what the reason is that they have this it's got to have like two three folds on the one side the way the ribbon needs to set that's the reason why I haven't liked it I haven't figured out a cool way to do that and other than this so I think this is gonna be my prefer way of doing it for my battery boxes most of these are probably gonna end up being 24 volts anyway so that then that's not gonna be such a big problem well they do have to jump from one stack to the next one so maybe oh look at that RV eastcoast thank you for the $20 donation how I have no electronics knowledge my wife and I have a Delta 30 her for a travel trailer there you go we could use the extra battery however if it goes to someone else is all good so here's the good thing about this battery I hope you win it - I'm just gonna you know do it randomly so you stand a chance to win here and it's not that many of us here so 173 so the odds are one in 173 as of right now right the cool thing about this one battery is that the way that I'm going to do it here as you will see later it will require you to like modified your Delta but you don't have to you could also use it as a solar charger right so this battery you connected on that port on the important that goes on your on your Delta and you could charge it the only thing is that then you'd have to figure out an external way to charge the battery the way that I ended up doing it with the hack here then yeah it's it just becomes a next tension of the bath of internal battery and so you can charge it with the Delta with the Delta charging either from solar or from the car or from the wall or whatever so that's pretty cool and the mods are not that difficult actually so I forgot to include the little link for the for the actual connector the connector that I ended up using was one that I had laying around and it's not available I couldn't find that it but there I found one another one that it's equally as good maybe it's gonna be harder because you always want the round connectors or the round panel mount adapter connectors because then you can just use the drill bit to make a round hole anything that's like square then you acted like you saw or something which just kind of adds complexity to it but what happened oh you put me up with Aaron on the corner by the way that is what my subconscious self looks like it's slightly different I'm always wearing a poor Rico strict for some reason on this one I'm not adding a meter but I will have a like I said a version a 24-volt version of this that will have a meter it's just a tiny little thing that says like percentage you know 10% 50% 100% kind of thing I it's the easiest one that I can find that that works and it works for 24 volts so that's probably gonna be part of the of the 24 volt kit the ammo box kid right and yeah unless I can if that's the only thing that I can figure that can fits in there but it's like I said it's pretty tight in there look at how much room you have on that and then that actual lid kind of goes lower than that grim of that more so I mean that space is at a premium on this battery here and that's why it's taken me several tries to actually get it right or get it to this point you know so then what you do is you kind of just measure you can do it visually it's not that critical but if you do get it too short then yeah you're not gonna have fun time trying to connect those in there but just really that's were yeah I'll put links to the panels that I have that I used to test it those worked out pretty good they were they were doing I cut 200 250 Watts on midday Sun and so that's that's pretty good and then I'll put those in a kit calm or kit that code listing thing and then also what did they say Oh someone asks how to charge the battery this battery so as you will see later you will be able to charge this battery from the Delta so you the same way you charge the Delta you this one will just charge along with it and yeah it just works like an extended battery it's it's pretty cool that one was a little bit tight yes but nothing too bad at that forum which is this guy do I need this one for anything else no I mean maybe for tonight maybe for the monitor [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a terrible sound I don't want to hear that sound anyways yeah as you can see that is taking shape there look at that battery look at that battery box with the ribbons going on there and I always hate to cut those ribbons the extra cuz I'm like oh I could use that for a meter right like if I want to put a meter like where do you connect the meter that you have power well they're both sides of that ribbon the farthest connections have the full power right the board's so you could use it as a metering thing obviously it wouldn't make sense to do it there because you would want to know if the BMS is on it or not so the BMS turned off you would want the meter to go off I guess so you might want to get the yeah your signal from after the BMS but if you wanted to know the actual voltage of each individual battery group right of the seven dollars on this case 14 battery groups then you would need that cable so I always end up kind of leaving extra so it's just like oh I'm gonna do even though you know I don't know some most of times once you finish a project like this you just never go back and change it too much so yeah it's always I still haven't perfected this boxes using this system yet but every time that I do another one I get a little bit closer I think right I get another idea I'm like oh let me try that oh let me do this learned and then hopefully I think soon will will have something something that is good so here we go here's the part where now we have two boards now what you want to do with these boards is you put them like this right and then you put up towards the bottom not towards the top I meant the mistake of doing that [Music] right and you put them towards this turns the sides then you space the middle one in there and then what you do is you just mark those right you mark that and what that you mark that mark and then the same thing on these guys right and then that's where you drill your holes you do the same thing on the other side and then drill the holes and then when you slide those in there then you'll be able to close art in that line and then you put screws on there I don't have my spoon gun right here it's in the shops and new shops so I can't do that to show you this but does that's the easy part of this bill so now let's test the to see of the BMS s work what you do is you start taking this apart from this edge right here right do this that you leave that last one in there put in there Oh actually no these tighten these don't over-tighten cuz that's plastic and you can strip them out real easy so you do the same thing on this side you remove all this so once you design one of these boxes like that then it's just easier you don't have to do this whole thing that I'm doing here right like going back and forth thinking it out putting it again you know just seeing how it's gonna go do the cable you know once hopefully once I have these kids or whatever then you don't have to do all that thinking you just you know oh that's the cable it needs to look like this is gas to have three of these little things here and then a gap of six inches and then you know so that's it then it becomes really easy to build these boxes it's just the first time that you're doing it it's it's hard because you have to figure a bunch of things you have to try a bunch of different things and obviously this is just a small box but this this the same goes with the for the bigger box it's like I'm I'm getting gearing up to do the big ones those white ones that for the longest time I've been showing pictures and stuff now on I'm ready to like do the step by step and I'm gonna be using these m26 --is the LG m26 cells right that I've had for a long time they're now that right now that they're available again there's a link on the bottom of this video for you to get home from from eBay there's a seller on eBay guy selling them so and they're really cheap right now so get them right now while you can cuz I'm buying a bunch of them too so you're competing with me eventually there those are gonna sell out but I think there's there's plenty of them because those companies are kind of going out of business so of course here I'm using this little tester I like to go and test as I build right because ye find out that there is a problem later rather than you know or yeah yeah later is a bigger problem you're just you have to right now you can fix it if there's a bad cell oh that don't use that cell that lost power or it discharged itself or whatever or one of these boards has a you know trace fuse that went bad or who knows you know what I mean like and then this way also you know that you're loading all the cells the same the right way it's so easy I mean you'd think it's like you it's 50/50 chance you're gonna put them right away or the backwards put them backwards and I do it all the time so this is one way to eliminate that by having a little meter there and you visually see that you're loading them up and it's the right voltage and then you get to see the full voltage of that board is twenty nine you know just a little bit under twenty nine or a little bit over twenty nine and if they're all landing around that same thing you'll be able to you know assemble large battery packs of four hundreds of these boards without much problem there's less likely 'no cévennes is blowing because then you're not going to be trying to you know with differential voltage then that's when all the problems start happening why not 14 s forty eight it is 14 s it's gonna be two these boards that are seven s in series so then it becomes 14 s 48 volts 69 cents per cell are those legit yeah those are pretty legit those are those LG's those were purchased in the millions the invested billions of dollars all these those major companies right uber lyft and lime and bird those four companies they're invested billions of dollars into these little scooters I dropped on all the major metropolitan areas in the United States and in many other countries in the world and most a lot of those are being either the Commission now because they're I guess they didn't they really didn't know how they were gonna make money it was kind of a scam they wanted to try this out but they'd really before they could figure out how to make money on those cents so I think now those are hidden the the recycling centers these battery packs and by the thousands I mean it's crazy and so a lot of the times those batteries didn't get much used because those scooters got beat up zakat abused so much that they were direct and so then they were in using the batteries I bet you some of those have like a few hundred like a hundred cycles or something and then they're still when you take them apart and you test the cells data they still give us like you know ninety ninety-five percent of the original capacity so they're very good cells and at sixty cents a cell you can't beat those you can't beat him right now so I don't know how many that guy the Bay has I don't know how many of them he has but I don't think I think they're going fast you know I order a bunch of them and I'm probably getting order more this week so yeah I would jump on them you can if you have the money buy them plastic okay there's the same thing just wanna get the plastic ones so those are not Power Cells those are just kind of like energy there's even energy cells they're just kind of like middle-of-the-road cells but they're good enough to power like little scooter right so that I think they can do 10 amps without getting too hot so they're right at right in the middle they're perfect perfect for doing power walls I would like it for them to have more energy being a little bit more energy dense oh okay so I'm gonna check here [Music] and it shows volts even though it shouldn't write this BMS should be on real voltage can be okay so here's a very important thing even this right here and I got I've got a lot of people this shows a voltage of 52 volts in here right even though these this are not connected like the the BMS s don't have any feedback from the individual groups of cells because these cables are not connected so there should be no power in here but this shows 52 volts now is not a real voltage at all this testing here this is a grid tie inverter that can accept voltage DC voltage of all the way up to 62 volts so this pack right here has 52 volts then we should be able to see it right here right well look at that it doesn't wait so that means that this voltage here it's real but it's not real real it's called phantom voltage it means that it doesn't have any power behind it it's it's just the MOSFETs that are leaking voltage the MOSFETs are these things that are switches that are supposed to let power through but whenever they're off they're not a hundred percent off they let just a little bit of voltage through and that's why you see 52 volts it should be somewhere around 60 because each one of these packs was twenty nine point something right so it should be at fifty eight volts instead you see 52 so if the voltage doesn't match then usually that's just leakage through the all these MOSFETs there's a bunch of MOSFETs in here you should be able to get about 50 amps at 48 volts here so but as soon as you were to plug in these right here then you should be able to have voltage let's see if it does that there we go just put another one here we go am I going to blow a fuse here cuz this is gonna try and pull about a thousand watts and these are not gonna be able to put a thousand watts let's just well let's just do it see what happens if I blow all these fuses on me no let's not do it let's just disconnect this guy I'll connect this once we have all of these batteries connected together so there we go so now at this point we should have somewhere around fifty eight volts here according to this things yeah you see that fifty seven point seven seven volts so that's a real voltage there now because these batteries are all connected to the PMS so the BMS is turned on already so that's those that can handle some load in here where the other ones don't as soon as you connect any load it just goes down to zero so uh before we move forward here let's just load up the batteries on this one here and then we'll connect the whole thing and then which is tested so we have to take this part so I get that question quite a lot from a lot of people's like a these BM s's are not good because they they're on when they're not supposed to be on but it's it's like I said it's not real voltage it's just leakage voltage and you know by connecting a load into it and if it can power it then yeah those BMS is are on but if they can't power it then it's not so that's just you know one of those things that your meter your multimeters much it's too sensitive when it comes to you know testing the switch if it's on or off it's shows that it's on when it's not on its off right so I will eventually show you how to you know powering that you know unit yeah I do yeah I'm gonna show you powering that unit it's just I didn't want to do it just with with two boards on each side or four boards because obviously that would exceed you know the the load would exceed that what those boards could do it so I was going to end up blowing some fuses for sure and so I didn't I didn't want to do that other than that yeah let's go keep watching here I thought I had I saw another question here um anybody else have a question from me for me well we're doing this because I don't think I'm doing that but interesting here I'm just building the another stack of boards and so I'm just showing you I'm just showing you how to you know just how to go through the motions of doing that I don't know there are a hear from people that say that you can modify VMs that are made for other like other amount of cells and you could still successfully I never done it so I don't I can't tell you for sure if does there the problem with does is that there's so many different variants of vmss they use different chips they use different configurations that hmm I couldn't say for sure right and so try it that's what that's just make sure that it goes off when it's supposed to go off that's mostly what you have to test with the BMS is its to make sure that they go off when they're supposed to right because they're supposed to be on and if they're on but if they're not on when they're not supposed to be on they're not that thing because that's their only job is to turn off when a certain conditions are met like when the batteries are too low when the batteries are too high when there's too much power or load going through them or there or the temperatures out of range it doesn't then we have from yeah if the BMS doesn't know what the voltage of all the cells groups then it should be off because then that means that there are others there zero right and it should be on I mean it it's kind of like unlikely thing to happen because it needs power from the cells to turn on the MOSFETs and so all the cell groups are zero then there's not gonna be power to turn them on right but if any of the cells are off then the cell groups are too low then it should be off and so yeah if it doesn't have a little ribbon connector on it does be a messes shouldn't be on the masses shouldn't be on and if they are then there's something wrong and I've had I've actually burned a few these BMS where they stay on and so that's kind of scary because you're like what you you ruin them and they stay on permanently on like how does that happen right and so that's not a good thing no these are in series this is a 7 series board so each one of these boards is its own individual battery pack it's a 7s pack 1p and when you stack them next to each other then that becomes two batteries parallel together but not just parallel at the very end it's parallel all the all the sevens cells in series are also paralleled by that ribbon so it's a 24 volt battery and that's why you can just put in series then becomes a 14s and becomes a 48 volt battery that is the beauty about this particular design is that you can use it as 24 or 48 or higher I've seen some people go higher but I wouldn't recommend going much more higher than 48 volts because I don't know how well those moths it's on the BMS will handle I mean without the BMS you could do it then you'll just be a mess the entire boards in series you could you could totally do that yeah yeah I mean that most ebike packs are you know a bunch of well parallel there no they're not yeah yeah they're a bunch of parallel right there like whatever they are they're 13s there's thirteen thousand series but then they have some parallel cells on there and they're being charged with the worn BMS so yeah that's that's how multi cell battery packs work you all the parallel groups become one battery essentially because they're electrically connected to each other so they are I guess I just don't know here's the problem it's not that I don't want to make a open source it's just the fact that I'm using people from the community to draw these right so sometimes is it when they don't make the files available to me then I can't make them available to you right and sometimes a lot of people don't want the Gerber files they want the actual project files and I'm like I don't know how to give you those cuz I don't even know what to do with those files so yeah all the stuff that I'm doing in essence it is open source but you might have trouble getting it for me because I might not even have it and I have no use for some of these files so I don't you know you might have to go and try to get the original person who created the files and then try to see if you can from them so yeah it's a can Michaels be used in a power-law they're just different chemistry's there's really not much different except that the lapis can they have much more power density so these are the tiny little batteries that can put out a lot of power and you don't need that on a powerful power all is different it's a giant battery that she's supposed to last a long time right and so they're they're not particularly suited well for storage applications which is what a power wall is it's a storage battery you're supposed to store energy there for to power stuff you know later and hopefully for a long time and so you could use lipos and that is battery right it's just they're not the best suited ones lipos usually don't have long cycle life because you essentially is just torturing them when you when you put them to those you know twofer them to give you all their energy in a few minutes you know they can do it but that doesn't mean they like it so you pay the price and you pay the price by actually killing the battery really really early and so most of these lipo batteries usually they can't get much more than like a hundred cycles that's their normal life expectancy because essentially you're just torturing them right and just the fact that they can do it and they can do it semi safely because lipos are also kind of these things that sometimes they blow up on people you know that's just they meet that requirement that used to exist on or it still exists on the RC world that's what light poles are the best by the way here what I'm doing I'm adding those little pigtails there because I forgot that we needed those and that is gonna be to connect to the one stack of boards to the next stack of boards right I remove that one cell so that I saw that it wouldn't be a lie board right because if you if you you know I'm essentially soldering it into the input/output port of each board you don't want that to be live while you're soldering so by simply removing the one cell then you you make it so it's a dead board and then I just added it back on all recorded what you're doing table is pre-recorded but the little screen oh they're confused my mind could be in two places at the same time people I'm that powerful I can be building the battery and I can be talking to you mister sours I'm level to her let that what guy said about Elon he was like I'm I'm level two genius I'm and he was like hey Ilan you should give me a job because I'm like you and I on level two genius or something some guy that press conference tip I'm a level two genius of you know deal with it then the capacitors dissipate into the batteries a certain rate no I never did because our batteries are very well equipped to do that so unfortunately we don't need caps cabs are these amazing things and no one needs I mean a very narrow portion of industry needs them but it's not us it's not as that I need batteries that are using cars I mean there's Scott there is there are large banks of passengers in our cars you know the-the-the come that kinda the controller has a bank of caps our Chargers have a bank of caps right but it just they're tiny they're like little they don't need much you know it's like little thing a few caps here in there and they think other than that they suck at everything else they suck at all the things that you did people post look what to do like batteries can absorb all the energy that comes out for the region no problem right it was just you shove it in there they charge the batteries have a problem absorbing that energy when they're next like very close to fully charged right but whenever they're somewhere in the middle you can dump hundreds and hundreds of amps in there right and then they'll absorb that energy they'll take it right back so no I'd never again I just I don't see the need for them so that I don't yeah I haven't messed with them too much because I kind of understand think I understand why they don't why we don't need them like they don't work like a little like a little floppy thing Oh Christmas oh thank you for joining the channel by the way guys if you want to support the channel there's a multitude of ways to doing it you can buy one of my shirts that know what he's bought in six months you didn't look like me or you can join the channel by becoming a member and I don't I don't actually know what you have to do if you click on the button and you join and I think you give me money it's like five bucks or ten I think you specify how much you want to give me or something but that is one way to support the channel there is quite a bit of members in the channel believe it or not I want to thank all of you guys and by the way you get that special little icon next your name is that battery icon so not everybody gets that I got only a few people only the cool people oh I'm drew and robot a shirt look at that alright I mentioned above I bought a shirt 20 minutes ago what did you did you capacity test the tested yes you see how they all have writings on them see it right there that one that I'm putting in rather this is 2,600 2,700 they're all like 26 2,700 some go to 2800 I think but those are mostly just the cheap chargers that weird capacity testers that were using that are a bit optimistic on the optimistic side but I'm basically putting that last board together with those connectors and then after that we should be able to put the that battery pack and test it load test that bear attack not because I don't do that often I actually don't solder it very often anymore but if I were to do this and do a large amount of these boards yes I would actually know what we had one here yesterday I have little extractors that just have a charcoal filter on it just grabs all that nasty stuff and then it just keeps it away from your face essentially yeah do that if you're if you're building a large amount of these just make sure you you'll use an extractor but you don't you're not gonna have to because pretty soon we're gonna have these populated boards already I already have them by the way these are depopulated boards that are coming that I'm that I'm having made in China right I just didn't want to say that in the video although I guess I am saying it now in the video because I'm not quite ready to you know sell them yeah then I building them around this the batch the big batch is coming right now and the guy told me ten days and now he's like oh sorry it's not gonna be till April I don't know what I'm like okay jerk it's the last time I order from you but it's hard to do that because you trained this guy you're like you get a little order this is usually how it goes from China you order something and then they mess it up well but you order a tiny little batch right and you're like no this is now how it's done you do it like this you do it like this you do change this change that and they're like okay and then you get another second little batch and then you're like okay yeah it's better but you still make this menu and then then finally get it done right and then you're now months in back at fourth a million times and then you place a giant order and the guy who's like okay yeah it's gonna be this time and then he's late and you're like that's it I'm gonna go find someone else be like oh I can't do that cuz if I find someone else I'm gonna have to go through months of back and forth trying to get up there so I'm kind of backed into the corner this plane this guy is just gonna take however long he's gonna take until I can spend a few more months trying to train someone else to do this but okay so the the the week the limiting factor and these boards are those little Springs the the spring contacts and those can handle about four or five amps so by design I think right they did that because they're they're gonna put batteries and they know that the largest battery in 18 650 form-factor are about that about thirty four hundred million in power so they're usually one or two sees so yeah the I wouldn't do its a1c system that's why I rated it at 1c continuous the old handle to see you know bursts of 2 C 3 C or whatever but yeah that's why I also I'm putting fuses of 5 amps on each board 5 infuse so it'll handle five amps 6m7 amps for you know short periods of time but after that then that few starts blowing that's just so that all these holders are not you know you don't push your battery so hard and then you come back and no you're like what's that smell you know and then you come back in here like all your holders are melted cuz that would happen but it won't happen with these because I have those fuses now your batteries just turned off and you're gonna be angry because I'm like what stupid battery doesn't work but in reality what just happen is that I'd saved you from melting all your batteries okay what's happened here is that I'd realize that these boards are dead what what happened somehow I restarted the video okay so we were like over here yes we were right there sorry guys I like para never started there's no video this is life what am I talking about it's the time continuum the continuum time shifted command that I went to lower or higher the volume and it just this is bar this stupid bar on the Mac God as soon as job died this company just wanted to help terrible anyways what I was saying is that at this point I'd figure out that two of these boards were dead and somehow I knew those fuses change use now let's check and test to see if we have power I'll ditch 29 volts right so that's what it was here's the thing I might have blown those fuses when I connected the ribbon on those disaster remember I put that load right I had the thing and I put the ribbon on those two sites so if I did that that means that BMS would have turned on and it would have been well but it would have been in line in series with the other BMS that was off so it wouldn't have made a complete circuit so no I mean that's that's the only thing that could possibly have been that I blew those fuses but somehow I blew those fuses right and so what you do is you just get extra fuses and then when you're building the stuff you're just like what there's blue okay but then see that's other part that I don't really like is the fact that we're soldering these fuses in there and that's because well I haven't been able to figure out how to I wonder the Chinese guy can do it I'm gonna ask him because what if he can do that the problem is that that little holder for these fuses is a surface mount component and these are all through-hole components and those are easier or harder I mean I know that China can solder surface mount components no problem they do it all day every day that's they do right but I gotta ask my guy that's right I gotta put in my notes mental no mental no gotta ask them about the surface mount cuz there is a holder that exists for these fuses so it'd be cool to have that on the bottom and all you do is like Oh blown fuse pop it out pop in the new one you don't need tools you just need like little pliers you don't need to solder these are yeah okay you got 210 people watching oh yeah well I chose 198 right now but yeah I knew that it was over 200 it's still kind of know what's going on here is everybody going back to work everybody's watching Netflix I don't know but you can go to Mike it calm or kit dot c o /j who Garcia and or J who Jim Garcia or Jacob I think it's a thing is Jay who or Jane Garcia and you will be able to see all the tools that I'm using here I have all the stuff listed in there that's a good one it's kept cheating it's not super expensive but it's got all the features it does up to 600 amps the clamp does up to 600 amps and AC and DC which is kinda high I don't know if it's very accurate but who cares the fuses on the ribbon those are trace fuses and yeah it's from time to time they also go off but whatever they go off I'm like just get rid of the boy you should just Chuck the board I know that's kind of wasteful but there is a way you can fix them I just made a video not too long ago of what it takes to fix that you take a tiny little strand of wire you put it in there you soldered and then you're good to go but yeah usually I just don't waste my time I usually I'm just like chuck it you know throw it in the box what's going on here let's see I think there might be something no all right all right what happened so we can test them oh no oh yeah yeah okay these guys oh yeah okay this is what we're doing right I guess I'm showing you what those batteries looked like but guy doesn't know he's doing it later stupid idiot so so these are two battery packs right and then I'm not gonna plug those on there but basically yeah all right those are gonna be plugged in there these are gonna be plugged over here but it's two battery packs this is a 24 volt battery pack one two three four five six seven eight or seven boards plus one BMS and seven boards plus one BMS and then those are connected in series that's what we did this little thing here and then that's this is a 20 to 28 volt output cable right so so let's do the math here it's seven words right and each one has 2.6 empowers should I get six amp hours dude it doesn't even know how to do math don't listen to him that's about 18 point two amp hours right so that means that each side here could do about 18 amps 18 point two times 48 volts phenomenal so it's about 873 873 Watts right that's one C we can do about a thousand watts or no problem here continuous without stressing this system too much this is a 1 C system right and it's 800 watt hours is it it's an 81 hours yeah so because each one is 71 hours right each each one of these boards and there's 14 of them times 14 it's more like 980 so it's almost like a thousand watt hours of one kilowatt hour ear so you should be able to pull about one kilowatt hour or one kill one so let's see here we'll put this on the amps we're gonna do just want to test it see how well they would handle a thousand watts we burn up all our little No so let's see what's a thousand right so thousand watts divided by OTA so it's gonna be about 20 amps right 20 amps divided by seven boards that's it's three amps each board right so each board is gonna see about three amps it's within it's got each one of these boards has a 5 amp fuse so it's gonna be able to handle that load pretty good so here we go oh you hear that noise that's distinct so hopefully this is not a giant spark okay so 57 Oh 22 amps so 922 watts right now we're pulling off of this battery okay so there we go it's working twenty-two [Music] point two and divided into seven so about 3.17 amps per board all right okay so we just I just wanted to test that quickly there we go it works now let's put it into its own box now that we know that it works we put it onto this box right here let's push this one sighs we will have to drill these holes here and I thought I didn't have the tools to do it but as it turns out I do like that I do have them so let's start with these little holes all right okay that's to start drilling and making a bunch of noise there let's just do what are you guys talking about here let's see while that dude is drilling holes stop button oh I'm using I'm using six twenty amp PMS is in that pack so yeah they're in their path three of them are parallel so I'm getting I'm able to get about 60 amps off of each one of those stacks but because I don't need to cuz I'm only putting in 20 years 22 amps yeah I'm just writing a bunch of vmss in in parallel so yeah watch the the build on the BMS one you should be able to get a better understanding how that works future but that could help the evite billion people fine uh yeah I just these boards are not the greatest for ebikes but because of the whole vibration thing right but I yeah maybe I'll do something else I know we have some packs we have those SP I am Oh weights that are probably great for e-bikes so I just received a bunch of those right now I have a bunch of them so I think I'm gonna do some builds and also I'm gonna do this also putting in sort of like in boxes like this you know cuz I think people need to have batteries but they need to be safe and they need to kind of be in a case like this and the problem with the other cases the the the pelican style cases they're too expensive like something to house this much it's like 50 60 $70 something and you're like what this I'm a boxes literally like 20 22 dollars or something in Amazon link in the description down below so go get up and so this much is much cheaper right so that I kind of like it and it's much more compact to it just it kind of worked out I was trying to find it took me a long time to find this one because there's a bunch of these ammo boxes that are actually used and so they come in all kinds of different shapes and you know conditions sometimes they're all beat up well yeah I guess it's not that bad right but the problem is that again because you guys are watching this video so many of you and you're building it I can't have something that is not reliable that I can't like even like this even when I'm you know linking to big companies that have like hopefully a lot of stock of each of the product it still sells out and then kind of my video you know if there isn't work because you guys are still watching the video I still keep getting views and then I'm just instead of me getting like a thanks for being helpful and giving you a how-to and links where to buy the stuff I'm like all this stuff sold out stuff sucks and I get yelled at right so I've tried to not do that as much and so this one seems to be a brand new box ammo box that is why I think it's widely available it's at Amazon buy things by several sellers I'd saw and hopefully won't run out super quickly and you'll be able to order it and you'll be able to build this this box what is the what Star Search oh I doesn't it did ramps up rather really slowly so there's no there's no research on it I mean there there was a spark when I connected it the DC side because I think because it's got caps but yes but they're always there plastic I guess I have to look at them I am this like you know before I even play with them so yeah I got I got a look at them because maybe those are great okay what's all Berta what's this over something to start fighting it over this there's oil there to Flecha didn't wait a minute didn't he win something didn't you win something Alberto to say that oh yes you want something to the other Alberto because it's another Albert the same asking like the whole time we've been on oh really he's big trying to get you to say like important get people to say they don't think anyone actually won and like how is there bring everyone's like whatever I'm just a scam a box and buy you Russian box oh there you go see yeah I'm they're battling it out oh yeah man I mean I'm sent quite a bit of stuff I have a list right now batteries to send out but yeah people get all butthurt if they don't win and that's remember I used to give a lot of stuff away back in the day too and I stopped because of this cuz there's I'm just just a lot unhappy people yeah just because I was here because they're yeah and you're just here because you're just trying to get some free you're in the wrong place although watch my videos likes and thumbs up please share my video alright I think I'm saying something semi-interesting here let's see nope [Laughter] it's just dumb stuff oh yeah coronavirus that's doh oh don't worry stay tuned we will have the death toll count later on [Laughter] yes and the conspiracy theories don't worry well I'll have those so at this point I'm marking the other side here the only thing that I don't know is that most people are not gonna have three extra boards so does that mean I have to include three extra boards I have to figure this out either either I have to create a kid where may I have to pre-drill it for you so you don't have to do this or I give you the tools so that you can do it so you can just mark them like this I don't know anybody has any ideas I could also just make like some I mean these these are cheap boards they don't cost much and it would be great if it was one board but it's kind of a kind of a waste to have a board just as a guide to drill these holes hmm I don't know see the struggles of designing things oh should we get some food this is going where are we let's see 140 men or word well actually no we're three quarters of the way this is this a long bill just to build a little box and then eventually we get into the Delta guys it's coming or we where we actually are you know hacking into the Delta we're cutting it we're drilling it Matt she's not this not that bad but yeah we do we do modify it that's a tiny bit so that we can install this battery and then I ran a couple of like little cycles we don't see much here on video but look at that yeah we should get some food you can turn those boxes into little stoves it can take the heat oh yeah I've seen that people using for all kinds of stuff right I love the idea of battery ammo or ammo battery right Oh paper paper template for killing the holes you're right paper template I think of that yeah that's simple you don't need to have an actual physical thing just something that marks it in there yeah okay watch it be like a weird size box no fit Taco Tuesday is it Tuesday it is to Z ha yeah it's weird what's what's open around you guys have you guys been eating out does anybody even matter everybody staying home not eating okay a YouTube rival viewers made way what made one of these and used and Amazon plastic and Volokh an Amazon plastic envelope in the interior what what do you mean what does that mean so they used on plastic ammo box okay they did a work was it cool those PCB boards same as yours as being so on Aliexpress they have a lot of versions you just need to populate it with batteries yeah those are those are that's my design there I mean it's an open-source design so it was only a matter of time before the Chinese which would start in it and it's a very successful thing I have a lot of haters right because I'm kind of opinionated and sometimes my opinions on the line with everyone so I remember there was a bunch of people there like yeah these sports are stupid no one's gonna use them you stupid you know and I'm like whatever now literally I myself have shipped out of here or shipped out like 30,000 of these portals that's not counting the all the words that you guys are ordering directly from the factory because I give you all the links so you can go and get them right so very very very popular board and obviously the people in China are like what what is this one like board that it's open-source and there's like literally tens of thousands of them being made and being shipped to the United States and around the world actually so yeah it was only a matter of time before the they would you know start reproducing it and making it and whatever I don't care you know I mean it's an open-source board that's what I wanted I just wanted to make a thing that it could make it easy for people to to make batteries right and there are other systems out there that are I don't know maybe better I don't know I I don't I don't haven't seen something but I'm biased because I made this one up you know my judgment it's always gonna not be completely unbiased right so yeah those are the same boards that you see an Aliexpress but here's the thing though I just I talked to someone yet last time I was talking to him and he was telling me that he's doing like everything he's doing the board themselves I'm like oh you're actually producing the boards you have like a machine yeah you know so I'm like oh yeah I don't know they're the same designers mine but I there might not be the same quality right I'm like checking to see you know like which vendor sells the best holders because by the I mean they're holders and then there are holders there are some really cheap crappy holders and we went through that already we you know we're like no don't sound as those holders that brand sucks and all don't send us from that Factory get us some other holders then also the board's we I haven't seen any boards that are bad but I know that not all boards are made equally right so I'm ordering from a reputable company that makes uh you know millions of board so I know that they can they can do good quality work now this dude that is selling Aliexpress he himself is actually manufacturing the boards can he make good quality board I don't know right so you're kind of taking a chance there you're right I mean Chinese not what they're doing but also they they they're known for not always you know shipping quality stuff so yeah just be careful order of a small batch sample batch and before you go crazy and build something right or a cardboard template even better the ass Taco Tuesday I'm hungry everyone hit the like button like Christopher Wood says yes come on guys help me out here I'm giving away a battery today that battery that we're building I'm gonna give it away today okay but we gotta have some likes on the street and by the way where are people well whatever it doesn't matter then the less less of us here the better the odds of one of us winning this battery right just Joe print the drilling guy on paper yes my god think of it DIY projects David pass oh yeah David pass did do no but that was in a plastic one that was one of the ones that tom has but Tom bought a whole like container full of animal boxes and we were supposed to do this a long time ago like last year like oh yeah fifteen months ago and I kind of got tired of waiting on him so that's why I just went ahead and bought my own ammo boxes and then started doing this right and it's a great idea I I think I don't know who thought about it but whoever thought about this ammo box is genius I I it took me a while to warm up to the idea like a metal box square and then you know then little by little like oh wait a minute this is not perfect my boards fit right there by the way took a long I went through a bunch of them to find one that was available again and that it would fit the boards my boards in a certain way because not all of us fit like that right there's not a million sizes hell no not eating out only at home there you go whoa I can take you some tacos from Juanita's what he does I don't know what he does is that uh yeah many places are closed but there are a lot of places that are open like again like the we were never Institute instructed to you can't just close everything right this is not where ad yet oh you even though we should but I work at a restaurant it's closed scot-free damn that sucks I'm coming in late how much for the total kid I don't know I haven't worked out all those prices yet uh I did a while ago in a piece of paper but I don't have it in front me so I can't tell you how much it would cost out of the top of my head but I will do that work I'll put it in the comments or in the description I know I don't have all the links for all these parts but I will and I promise this is will become a kid because it makes sense to make it a kid right so I will make it a kid and you I'll give you the link so you can go buy all the parts yourself or you just order the kid from me for a little bit more money you know um rice and curry is it possible to make 12 volt high amp output hack with the Delta it's possible to make a 12 volt high amp output would be nice to power an electric trolling motor with it I see um no I yeah I know I mean you could but it yeah you'd be spending so much money and work that you just be better off just making a battery like this and then just put in a DC to DC to go down to 12 volts or building a lithium iron phosphate you'll be it'll be much less money and it'd be a lot less work to do it so yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't suggest ya trying to do that with this oh he didn't drill holes he wedged it in with plastic envelope oh I see what you're saying huh I guess I don't know that might work I I don't know I thought that they needed to be time secured in there I don't know if that's just me I guess I need to find a lower profile screw with wood lower profile heads because it does I can only put them on one side with that with those screws currently so if I find lower profiles then I will maybe build that on both sides so it's still not perfect I'm still working on the design there you should drop that Makita I get him in walking tall walls yeah I've never been a fan of Milwaukee but I think maybe that's just because I never used to them and I think those are like really high n right they're really expensive and probably because they're good Makita I started cuz I could afford it back in the day when I was in the trades and they were the first ones that I saw that had lithium batteries and you know compared that to the the vaults that everybody had I'm like look at my thing and it was so powerful and little did I know that there were five 18 650s in there and that's what you know but I even then I was like berries I wasn't super interested in batteries yet but I do know that they made a huge impact in my life because I didn't have to carry this giant drill in my hips right on my tool belt or whatever all of a sudden I can get this little Makita that was twice as powerful as the ones before that I had and with super light batteries it was crazy it was a game-changer it was crazy that was back in the 90s [Music] I those guys to give you 1% of the profit which ones which guy this live stream is actually fun with us just having our own sub J 2 conversation yeah I'm sure there's something going on there let's hear it let's Ben you shorted out he's thought no big deal it won't catch fire it's just your petty not gonna work and gonna be scratching your head going why didn't it work so probably let me think about this which what should you connect first come on I mean I guess it doesn't really matter I guess it doesn't really matter which ones you connect first if something is wrong you're gonna be blowing other times this is no matter what so here we go it's just connected that all those fuses seem to be fine you can visually see them right as you're connecting them here you need to have access you have visual access to each one of the trace fuses there so if if if there was a short or something then you would you would see some lights there you see some there we go and no light show which is good shouldn't be a light show and when it's kind of going crooked so check it out and then put it on there again there we go it seems like that's connected there so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to shove this thing down there for now okay and then we'll figure out what to do with this guy soon so that's that one you should be able to now connect this cable with this side here goes nothing okay that was good no no sparks that's what you want no sparks no crackle no nothing just silence now let's do the other side I'm pouting no light show please okay so far so good well okay that's the second one tell me to disconnect this one I could do this one is kind of short BAM then you have access to the bottom side and you could see the fuses that they're not blowing up as you're connecting this there we go so now what you do with this one remember this this thing right here is live so it'd probably be a good idea so there we go the the PAC is taking to form finally we're almost there I'm just looking for some tape to cover the ends of those ribbons ends there so that they're not expose or whatever there we go we're using tape electrical tape okay actually not really okay that's what it's made for but it's usually saying someone doesn't know what they're doing so you cut a little square now I wasn't that bad this is all low voltage stuff you know there's only at the very end it becomes 28 volts and it's actually much closer to 50 55 or something that but there when you're messing around there it's all it's all 24 right so then you connect these guys does nothing all right there we go no sparks look at that good so far so now we just need to put yeah we're I'm just gonna put some so that's what I end up doing most of the day just looking around for stuff oh my god I have to thing there that's that old people do right apparently I'm getting old because that's what happens but look at that that is not too bad I can live with that right you you if you open up a box and it has that you're like oh okay someone designed this and put some thought into it it's not just thrown in there like with gum and look at that and even good how is that possible color-coordinated zip ties I didn't I didn't mean for that to happen I just it just happened I just happen to the want the right size were the right color to match the cells that's crazy it was just meant to be I guess [Music] can you get shocked so you can get shocked DC you you kind of have me like a lot of voltage above sixty volts to start feeling it if your hands are dry if your hands are wet yeah yeah you're gonna feel it much lower than that even at forty volts thirty volts or something heater like start feeling tingly have you ever got a big shock from your battery packs yes around nine hundred and thirty volts and it it didn't hurt that much it was weird because I've gotten shocked with the AC before AC voltage and that hurts you can feel every single one of the things going back and forth but DC is it feels a little bit different let's see let's see do you wear do you not wear protective glasses when I'm working with high voltage yes this stuff doesn't scare me this is like you know this is 48 volts again my stuff is all double and triple fuse this system is super safe of anything it's kind of a wimpy battery if something goes wrong it just you know fuses blow and then you're like oh my god I got to start all over again it's more so annoying if you get it right then the battery works but if you get it wrong that's just the little fuses go off okay but yeah when I'm working on my cars you bet you bet for sure I'm wearing gloves and face shield and all kinds of stuff I've never yeah I don't mess around with that stuff and again maybe that was really useful for me to start with something that was dangerous right and because then I kind of developed a kind of you know a nice healthy what respect for voltage right but then once you kind of know this this is nothing just as long as your hands are not wet you do not even feel a thing if you short something out then you might heat feet you know my feel heats for example right so that that could be then she could burn yourself or whatever but as long as you're not shorting things out then you should be good what's happening here I'm talking about something but I don't know it is electrons going back and forth now that doesn't mean that this is not dangerous it could be dangerous they're talking about that quite a bit power here this could put out about 50 amps right for a small amount of time it would push out 50 amps and so you could do some damage you could burn your hands right away if there was something with enough resistance right our hands alone don't you know they're not as conductive enough to create a problem here so just gonna shove that down there like this so at this point of course this is like a three hour video right build so I was I was going like a and B camera and so but I wasn't paying attention to I'm like just throw in there and put some a and B shifting back and forth that's why some of those shots does it don't make sense they're actually don't work the bad the bad angle and I'm picking those because I was in looking I cooking you know I was doing this last night kind of getting prepared for this and I wanted to try this live stream like this show a build but also kind of be out here to be able to see you know kind of chat with you guys and talk about it and maybe do like a voiceover because when you're in the build you just you're in it you know and that's just I got my kind of a one I can't multitask very well so I'm just doing the one thing and sometimes it's either builders either do a live chat you know or do a a thing an interactive thing and I thought well maybe this is such as I would work for me to do both right I can do the build and then also kind of be out here talking answering questions by explaining better what I'm doing because sometimes when I'm building I'm not explaining too much is there room for a gauge uh just for a tiny one and I have one I I found the one that best 24 volts but of course this been a 48 volt I could just put it on one of the packs and it the one that I have is basically some little lights and it basically tells you like 10 to 50 to 100 percent right and so it'll give you an indication of what the voltage is for the battery like where where the state of charge is at look at that and it's nice and small I just need to drill a little hole and then take the wires in and connect it and that will be part of the of the final kid so yeah that's interesting that's the thing you have to do does the other thing that I'm having trouble figuring out how to put the external connection there's not even room to put a connector on this thing see how back that thing is there's nothing so he you know posts I did posts binding posts on the last one that I did but yeah people were saying no island now you can't stack them you know so if you wanted to stack them you can't because now you have posts in the way and you're like oh yeah you're right but you know whatever you do then it's you know it's I mean it's it's a compromise no matter what right not to take out the power from within sight this is you know because you can yeah these are good they're whether I think that they're watertight or something so yeah they have a rubber thing and a rubber thing over here too so yeah but this should work I think I'm gonna do it right here right on the Sun let's see if that works hopefully that works and here is the deal I'm gonna use just a regular pigtail right this is the female the male right so the cable inside of the box it's already this female so we're just gonna put an extension there I mean it's in a perfect world this would just stick all the way out and it would hinge with the door there but because these already come like this then yeah we're gonna have to add an extension just to get it out of the so before we solder this together or we have to put it through the glam out right but then if we solder this here then it won't get through this hole so we have to drill the hole put it through there install it and then the last step is to solder this so now that we've marked where we want it we'll drill it that's it's drilled this guy that's a terrible sound terrible sound what time will you do the giveaway I'll do it at the end sorry I just I can't do it I just figure I will do a fool like live build this is like literally what it took me I mean I kind of edited this video but I didn't take out much right all I did was kind of mixed up two camera angles and that's about it so that yeah it kind of gives you an idea of what the time the time would take especially if you're kind of designing as you go right and yeah and even this right I could have cut this you know if you cut this and it seems like nothing but you're like no it took 10 minutes to drill that hole you know I'll be back in another hour habits are good did a paint job inside once John 20 AC I had to remove the sockets to paint slightly under forgot to turn the electricity I blacked out for a while when I accidentally touched writers yes dad yeah hopefully this this kind of works out although even it was a lot of work though maybe next time we can do it better we could just record everything do this like live mixing live and record it and then and then come back and then do it and then be here - do they handle the live chat and stuff maybe that's the way these work right again is just some kind of experimenting to see how this would work well more drilling no no no more yeah it takes a while to drill this stuff right especially I had a I don't have the right setup like I should have like a bench with the thing so that I can clamp it on there you know all that stuff but I don't have it so yeah this is this kinda gets kind of dangerous when you're doing these big holes and then that's super tough metal man it's like double layer on top it's crazy hey J who will this have any negative effects on the existing battery on the Eco flow uh no I don't I don't I can't foresee one it anything will will lessen the stress on it right so because I'll show you later on when if you're running you know so like a 1500 watt load on on the Eco float then not all of it it's coming out from the battery now it's you know portion of it it's coming out it's being shared between the two new batteries so then it just it sees a an easier life and so therefore your your batteries your internal battery might last longer which by the way I think that battery on the Eco flow would last quite a bit it turns out that they go from 4.1 fully charged I tested it you know because now by having the access to the actual two-term battery terminals then I tested it and it yeah so they charge all the way of four point one volts and then they go down when it completely stopped working at 3.3 volts so they're very conservative with the with the battery with the cycle right so that's pretty good that means the battery's gonna last a long time many many cycles because they're not totally killing it have you ever been back for an e-bike now no II bike belts yet maybe in the future yeah would that work for an e-bike I don't see why not I don't know how well they would do with the with the vibrations because these are spring-loaded you know cell holders right so maybe with the but the vibrations it would kill them it would break the the holders I know that there were some cheap holders back in the day that which is break from the having batteries spring-loaded in them he would come back a few months later and write what we're those so cracked open in the way so I don't know if these ones these ones seem to be much better quality and we're buying the best ones that we can find but under vibrations they might do the same thing they might just fall apart and so I don't know I haven't tested it someone test it if whoever wins this tonight maybe we can put it on an e-bike and then let me know six months down the line if it survives did you ever read it announce the second winner no there it turns out there was no winners because I basically just read two names and then if the sound is not there I don't even know I didn't write about I was just gonna go and look back at that video and see so if there was no there's no there's no record of those winners and the nobody won yeah I mean the I gave away the something else that night and that's there recorded so that I can give it to them right and I by the way I'm saving up oh you guys are getting back to me with your emails and your addresses stuffing them we're probably gonna ship those what's today - yeah this week we'll get all the stuff out this week it's just we're kind of setting up here in this new office right now and figuring out all this stuff I could use that for someone that's on oxygen therapy yeah that would work definitely you would need a 48 volt inverter which they do exist but probably would be better for the 24 volt which is gonna end up being the thing yeah there's uh yeah we could start we can we can undo it redo it oh by the way I just found out that if I this is the last OS that will handle 32-bit apps and and I'm like do I have any 32 bits and the only app that I have is that QuickTime 7 which I still used to do like time lapses yeah so if you if I update that won't be easy I have Mojave no Catalina yeah some so that still supports 32 yeah so that's it so I'm like what are people using what are you guys using to compile a bunch of pictures into time-lapse of see dessert I'm sure it's not it's an easy thing to do is not like mind blowing but it was really easy with QuickTime 7 and I turns out I'm not really using if I want to update it yeah yes sound cut off last time on the second of their winners yeah so apparently there is no second third winners because I don't I don't know we'll have to give those away what was I giving away there but I was announcing the winner for the Delta okay so yeah by the way the the winner for the Delta was been confirmed now I posted it over there in the video I'm in contact with them via email so that that the deltas going if I can send it which I don't I don't know if I can send it as going to Denmark so so there you go but this pack here that um that we're building here by the way yeah oh yeah look at this I'm soldering those cables this suck the soldering these big cables yeah that's it tests your uh your your patience you're gonna see me struggle there for a little while here trying to do that have you ever build your own power station with different ports USB yeah I yeah this there's a video that it's got half a million views I'd have to redo that video and do it better because I think I can do it better now it's that that design wasn't as green time to go to Windows never no Windows Windows sucks I mean max or Stein sucked too but still better yeah I took a picture of the runner up to Delta so in case that doesn't work out me sending it right orbs yeah then I could always go through the backup the backup is there we'll announce that one but it seems like the original winners legit and fair's fair so they're they're getting it they getting the battery no I'm sure they're gonna go for the testers yeah they're not from district oh yeah which is a key key dad cuz the windows open here and our new shop yeah local drama selling the car you took a pickup yeah so that's for today there's a Chinese guy that builds power pads with two batteries do you ever thought of trying one of those builds what's a Power Pad what is that oh man this is de suck this thing though is not scrolling up oh look we lost 20 people good they're not gonna win just froze up who won the thief died really refresh Apple is root of all evil well I must be evil to them because I'm enjoying it and it's letting me work without learning how to do anything it's it's awesome to have a backpack that would super multiple voltages yeah what's going on here in the video now let's see oh there we go I'm still struggling with the thing hey what's up we're in a live stream right now but Oh too late people that's my brother right there no we're gonna grab something later on keep it sweet oh yeah yeah keep your things where are you going but you're gonna bring it right yeah I can't go eat anywhere what do we have hey you got my text [Applause] nowhere oh you don't know okay ooh yeah they are do their major their major businesses uh they need some more food takeout food event who likes Thai food by the way anybody likes Thai food no Mexican Taco Tuesday yeah Thai would be cool although it's kind of messy when it's takeout is you're like all kinds of stuff and you're like it's a major undertaking what's going on here did I just finish the battery yeah what do you mean oh let's see what do we got 28 methods yeah no they said they're going then they're gonna bring over yeah we're gonna bring the food here and then we're gonna eat here red curry there you go yeah actually I just saw someone make green curry oh yeah I've been watching all these cooking shows man the chef you seen the chef I know you talked about it dude it's amazing I don't cook for again now you don't cook it I don't can cook anything I can't boil eggs but I totally love watching people cook all kinds of light vegetables and the the curries are really like elaborate there's all kinds of stuff in there you're like man I've got a lot of work goes something like all these meals and you don't never notice it cuz you're just like you just eat it right but I don't know I don't know if we've ever had that that quality of food you know I mean okay here we go did I just finish the batter bucks look at ours just like the food nobody notices how much works goes into that battery do you get to see the livestream like this see you use the right tool for the right thing look at that you like my hammer so then we can test to see we have it's quite a bit of work to make a battery yeah if we have there even simple batteries like this all right there we go 5750 seven point seven seven volts hey why isn't my thing charging what's going on okay so there we go this is a one kilowatt Oh next project must be before we finish this oh you know the most important thing right there Brandi okay so how do you tie this battery into this that is the question that we need to answer how do you add this battery that needs to built into this well it's pretty simple we don't have to take that part let's take this apart here you're doing taking this out like this yeah was cramped in that room that's why I have to get this other space cuz I'm like I'm like a million projects in there that I can't even find it's like all stacked on top of each other so now I got this big place I hope this place doesn't look like that eventually I'm trying really hard not to let it get that way but anyways here we go we're getting to the good part there's the go taking it apart and then so I connected it again I connected it through the solar charge port and it works you could totally dump all the energy on your brand-new battery and then just dump it into the Delta but then you have to figure out how to charge it right so then you would have to get an external charger which by the way they make they make 50 what is it the 58 volt fifty eight point seven volts I think that's what it is it's a 14 s charger right and you just have to put you don't even have to put an extra port you just use the same Eckstein ID connector and plug it in there it's that battery is pretty safe it's got BMS is in there so it'll balance up when you're charging it and they don't you know if it gets to the voltage goes out of range or whatever then it's a safe you know so but the problem is that I was like no there's got to be any a better way something that doesn't require you to go and buy an extra charger you know can we charge because because the Delta is a pretty decent charger it's a 1200 watt charger and so can we tap into it and can we make it oh by the way I kind of have to talk to this whole thing because there's no sound cuz I accidentally recorded slow motion so then I just sped it up to normal speed but there's no sound here yeah so all I'm doing here is just taking it apart so that I can expose the terminals the battery terminals and if you saw the other video then you can I already saw me take this thing apart but it's not very hard yeah 58.8 says Ethan Lagoon that's 14 as you just type that into to Amazon or Ebay and stuff and there's a bunch of oh so there we go we take that cover off right and is the back cover whoa you have mail so if you use this battery with DC to DC convertor to get out put 12 volts with the losses be too big to make the viable or would be better uh no I mean you could yeah you there would be some losses I don't know if they would make it a deal-breaker but definitely if you're trying to power something big it would have to be a big piece of equipment DC to DC there has to be big there's gonna be a box about as big as this yeah because essentially what this is this is a DC to DC that also does AC so okay so then took the cover off and then what happened here I don't know it was like late my brain wasn't working anymore so I put it back on I was talking of course but there's no sound there's no sound in here I guess I'll leave the sound on so one day so I know when it comes off I came here mostly to see how was going to tie into the Eco flow not how to build a random 48 volt battery well that's what you get that's what you got so I hope you're happy what you got so you got the RIC into the battery to charge well yeah you can do it like that but the way that we're gonna do it here is just yeah basically connected and there's a little caveat you have to have the this battery here is kind of smart the way that the Delta turns the battery on or itself on is by turning the battery on so the BMS turns its MOSFETs off that's when you press that little power on and off button that's what turns on and off the MOSFETs on the BMS so the terminals there the battery terminals basically have no power when when you turn the unit off so if you if I were to tie in a secondary battery in there then that would make the unit on right so it's this weird thing so basically it's God I think they did it that way so that it would also be as service a form of pre-charge circuit right so the BMS can ramp up slowly turn on those MOSFETs and then pre charge the bank of capacitors on the you know on the unit and so if what happens is the unit is off and then you have because that's what we're gonna do we're gonna installed an outlet that is just connected straight into the battery post right this is before the BMS or after the BMS between the battery and the BMS right so what happens is that if you were to plug a brand-new battery in there or your external battery when the unit's off then you would get spark which I actually did because because then you don't you basically have to pre charge bank capacitors and so in order to get around that what you do is you turn the unit on which then pre charges the bank of capacitors and then it come those two those two cables now that are that you're gonna plug into and are electrified which is actually gonna you it's kind of backwards you would think that if it's better if it they're electrified then they're not electrified but if they're not electrified they're basically just a really harsh load because they have capacitors there to run the wires right and so there's a flat spot here which is gonna drill a hole dare put this install that in there and then run the wires and then it's run them to the battery here and then do some tests to see if that's the way to go about this let's get started so here's the thing here's a drill bit so here's the deal with that little connector that's a panel mount or flush mount panel mount adapter for an XD 3064 next e60 I couldn't find that same one I don't even remember where I bought it but there are other ones now available online I will I will again I got I will find them and I will link them on the video here right and it would just it will slightly change you know the process of what of what I'm doing here I here this one is cool because you literally just using a round hole right and then it's a little adapter so it's super easy to make a round hole because you just used to drill bit so if you have to make that little shape of the thing then it's harder and I think those are the ones that are available online right now the ones that you'd have to make the shape but you could do it I mean you just use a sharp knife and you know it's not gonna be as easy as this one obviously because you just you just drill and you see I mean you see how I'm sticking that giant step drill bit in there so there's quite a bit of room in that part of that Delta and so it's actually quite easy to do like that let's see what else do we got going on here in the comments what would you change on the eco flow ah I don't know it's pretty good Oh little is here here I think a switch there so here it is all installed switch I mean the plug so we just installed the xt60 plug in there now here are the cables I added a 35 amp fuse here which is like 1,400 watts so there should never be that much power in there going through this cable unless there's a problem so there's more than 35 that blows up and then you know just for safety so this is the battery right this is a bad this is the the battery and then the BMS this is where the terminals are so we're just gonna connect it in series in parallel with what that existing battery right soon I don't know how that's gonna work I guess we're gonna find out now because I think this unit turns on by turning the BMS on if the BMS starts the MOSFETs turn on then the units on so if we do this and we connect an external battery even if this battery's off the unit might come on which I don't know if this is gonna create a you know just a conflict there but well let's try it let's see hopefully you don't blow anything up let's try this guy so I disconnected this yeah so that's why there's no spark it's because it the battery's turned off so there's no power here right now that the unit is off that's pretty smart so smart way of doing it so here we go maybe move it this way there we go that should be pretty good so that's the positive now let's do the negative side and this is the same thing yeah this this unit might not have warranty because this is like this is a review unit so yeah they didn't buy it so he probably don't have rights to some kind of warranty anyway so as long as I don't kill it things should be fine it's an experiments unit there we go we just push this guy over there I think I'm gonna put the just put a purple yeah if if the batteries are too far apart from each other the voltage what's not a good idea right but it will start transferring you know from one to them so whatever whichever one is higher state of charge will start charging the other one and as long as it doesn't go above the you know 35 amps or whatever it should be fine because both of these batteries can handle quite a bit of that level of power right each one of these batteries can deliver well the internal one can deliver you know almost two thousand Watts right continues where the the external one can can deliver about the thousand Watts continues and to about two thousand one you know for short amount of time so yeah it'll just they'll fight each other but then eventually you know whichever one has more power or higher voltage will eventually maybe he did sell it gets Burt nothing gets triggered he came back without a car so let's see here I wanted to test to see if we have power ten minutes right we're almost there there should be no power there right now and if we turn the unit on yeah Eco flow should totally add an expansion port it's not that hard right I would I would like to have a more safety like a real a honor that we don't turn on and are turned off there's seven volts right now seven volts so I think if we connect our battery there there might be an inrush what I do for the views 5 volts let's hope that it doesn't yeah so here's where I made the mistake of connecting it when the unit was off and see and made a little spark and you don't want sparks because DC sparks kiss just melt a beep everything right so but then all I did so within what happened was the unit turned on see the units on all right so just it woke it up but as you see now the the batteries are not so far from each other that when I hook them up there's absolutely no spark no nothing as long as you know to make us us longer cable to connect it but there we go put this back together so you could connect this battery in the other and the other xt60 plug on this battery and it wouldn't hurt it at all it'll just actually start charging it from that port also there we go plug in the battery ring I should probably bring in and I'll show top here what's going on did you finish it oh Jesus come on it was act like three volts or something at that point it was like three volts and then yeah then later on I plugged it back in and I noticed that there was about five amps of energy transfer from one battery to the other one so but it's totally fine five amps is nothing it's like 300 watts so three this batteries are totally okay transferring it either one of these from one to the other one clear I mean they can do up to a thousand watts with no slick yeah it would be but it but it's just much harder than to do it than just than just doing it because if you need to have like a relay you know I don't know I have to find the right so the other court will charge it as a part yeah it won't charge so it's only so the other part will only flow from the external battery into the internal battery but not the other way around so the new port will right so once you deplete both those batteries then you just charge your eureka flow and it will charge the external battery also so that's that's the main difference and that's the reason why you would go through the work of adding a port straight to the battery terminals and also it would keep it yeah it just adds it yes you will see right now on the test that I did it adds it as the battery it doesn't the BMS doesn't know how big the battery is it just knows it measures how much energy is going in and out and then it uses that information to try to so it tries to predict how long the unit will run so what's going on [Music] No so it didn't it kept saying that the the unit the unit would last one hour but it lasted way more than an hour with you so there we go here's the test okay so currently I am charging the unit right it has 70% state of charge and I'm charging it into the wall and so that means that my battery here should be being charged to and it's showing about one amp it was showing more like yeah so the reason for this is the fact that bad battery was charging the eco-floor already so when it started charging in it went down and it almost showed no transfer of energy right so it was a little bit it was hard to understand that at the time to 100% and then will discharge it and see if we can get more than one kilowatt hour off of this because the BMS might be smart enough to not let that happen and might say hey I know I have this amount of battery but there's more there's a problem because there's more hopefully not all right so here's the real test this is a hundred percent charged I'm discharging it at a rate of 1,000 watts or 932 watts it's supposed to only last about an hour because this remember as our test showed only has one kilowatt hour so right now it's got the external battery right so should have around two kilowatt hours so let's see how much energy we can actually remove from it if it goes over one kilowatt-hour then we want and it should be somewhere around almost two so here goes nothing okay update on this guy look at that we successfully have moved one point five kilowatt hours off of this system here so this external battery is working and it's a forty seven volts so we'll have to do the math there to see how far it is but half a kilowatt hour 567 one hours have come from this battery right here so and it's at 9:00 absence removing nine almost ten amps from this battery yeah this meter here gilma join 1% I don't know how McCoy's calculating the what their son that it's got one minute left but I think it's gonna be there for a while I don't think boy seven voice what is that there we go that is the final draw of power there so we were successful in adding more battery now it's it's not as much as it would have been literally this box that that I do we build is it's one kilowatt hour right or very close to 1 kilo an hour but the only reason why we only get to see 700 watt hours is because like I said it's because of the very conservative use of eco flows battery right so it only goes down to 3.3 volts where these batteries can hold much energy right like 300 about 30% of that energy is below the 3.3 from 2.5 to 3.30 them so that's a good thing because obviously you don't want to damage your battery but yeah you could just ASIS chain more of those batteries I mean you can make a couple of these and they stain them and then you can just keep using an end your Eco flow will just take the energy and use it it just it just will keep telling you always got it like even at the end it says like who's got one minute one minute you know I think it was like one minute for 10 minutes it was like it thought it was ready to go so it does have some preset or you know preset parameters as to what it thinks that the battery's gonna do because it just thinks that it's only has the insight right but of course we're changing that by adding the external battery but yeah I mean I this is pretty I think it's pretty useful this is not a nice easy hack yeah sure it took three hours but remember this is actual hours like I didn't speed up any of these footage I didn't delete any of it that's really what it took me yesterday it took me maybe more because I was you know eating lunch in between there I take a break and then the dogs and then they want all that stuff right but that out of actual work time it took three hours to build this battery and then to modify the Delta and then to install it so now that I built it now that I know it works let's give it away I don't I don't need this ferry one of you guys need it so you'll just have to figure out how to use a 48 volt battery if you have a delta you can do that to it right and actually there was some someone that was watching today that has that has a delta so you could totally just modify your Delta so the this one's the biggest I think that Delta 1300 is the biggest their biggest model I think there is one smaller one no I think they said they have the 1300 oh yeah yeah the other one it's like probably butts half the size and capacity out so anyway so how do we do the things these are China and they don't go all the way back so I think the only thing we can do is pick from from these ones it's like whoever's commented in the last okay so whoever's compliment here's the thing if you've been watching this whole thing and you comment it like a long time I comment right now you know because then you're gonna be added to the thing to the list cuz this only goes up so far and I don't know how far I'm just gonna pick a random yeah I randomly pick one right because this is a live chat is so it's not uh yeah there's no comments being posted in this video yet so that's how I've been doing them and I don't know some people might think that's not fair or but hey whatever this mic it's my show my room I get to give it to whoever I want okay so yeah I'll just come yeah come on go for it if you haven't if you haven't come in in a while you coming around because then then that's gonna be okay all right forty-eight volt battery coming up I'm just gonna pick a random one here we go somewhere from the middle how about someone from the middle all right here we go Tommy Kay bingo there we go he wants he want the battery Tommy Kay oh no wait Tommy Kay you want it man I'll trade for tacos bingo did it oh there we go so it's an ammo thing oh really look so it's uh yeah this oh yeah you can put in oh yeah well I'm in the order of Maya drink boba type Thai tea boba sure why not you're crazy Thai tea boba anyways look this is so crazy because this is like this is New Wave right this is a nice battery so it appeals to like the you know the fancy people but it's also appeals to the conservative people because it's in an ammo box so it's you know conservative meets liberal hippie people in the same thing how crazy is that marrying those two people that usually don't get along but here we go we both want batteries lately it's kind of heavy how much is a week but it feels I mean you know I'm a wimp but uh it feels kind of like heavy that's it should be it's one still one hours worth of battery so anyways there we go that's the battery I will make this into a kit I will try and go and put all the links all the stuff that I'm missing for anyone out there that wouldn't want to do this with their little eco flow and then stay tuned I have another unit that it's bigger than the Eco flow bigger battery 1.2 1.5 kilowatt hours other than that I don't know any aspects I haven't looked at it yet and I'm gonna do the review on that one also do I want to do like them yeah why not do a crazy review like this do it through put it through spaces take it apart do the thing try to make it better right cuz that's my thing if you're not making it better if you're not fixing a problem then what are you doing you're not doing anything right so anyways there we go and yeah and then that that battery is gonna become a product eventually hit hard in our cart and it's probably gonna be the 24 volt I mean I already built the 48 so maybe I'll offer it out 48 will do but you know also to make that 48 you just get to 24 volts and then you just put them in a series outside and then you're you you have that also right so again it's the super versatile these little kids that are making and especially now that they're gonna start coming to you know without you having to do all the work the soldering and stuff it's just you bolt it all together the blue Eddie there we go yes that's the one that I'm reviewing next blue Eddie if I get to it and review it sooner rather than later then I can actually compare it we can put it side-by-side with this guy you know not just for size weight but also maybe you know some performance we can try and see if it'll power a certain thing animal I don't think about something there we go he was iPhone guys by the way do they make you could okay so whoever is getting this Tommy Tommy Tommy it's I see Tommy just not Tommy okay Oh Tommy Kay yeah if you wanted to use this one just the way it is you could get those little USB things that work on 24 volts and you just don't plug it in here go inside the box and then plug it into one of the sides enough then but then you're gonna have a battery that's misbalance unbalanced yeah how do we fix that hmm hmm have to think about that there is a way to do it though so anyways look at this this is the final product it's pretty nice did you ask me it's clean clean design why don't cuz I haven't been here yet so I don't know it's empty it's a bit messy we'll figure it out now this place will be nice eventually well no it'll be where like we can come in here and just work and stuff and not have to think about too much I movie yes that was way back in the day so it's kind of tight bit damn okay anyways let's go the hell out here let's go get some well actually we're gonna get some food but I don't know I don't have a thing well actually I do have a scale back there I have a Swiss Cup scale back there but we'll do it thing alright guys thank you for watching we'll see you guys in the next video hopefully we'll do some more life yeah Tommy sent me an email jailor Jack 35 yeah yeah said Ben email actually Tommy it's he not here oh yeah email address there we go yeah Tommy's in the live chat look at that half the time is like the people who I choose they're not here you never hear from a week later they're like oh but here we go Tommy's here Jake wait Jack 35 sent me an email subbing your address we'll send it to you BAM then we'll do the next giveaway next week alright or next time whatever whatever alright guys thank you for joining us live and yeah stay safe build stuff well you guys are yeah hibernating of the coronavirus I will try to do the same I will try to keep building stuff and then yeah yeah we like this combination a video in life there you go I say yeah than me and it's just weird no one's doing these things like people are doing these life things but they're just talking there's a bunch of talking it's it's the thing I don't like about these other youtubers they're full of opinions but they're like based on nothing well based on reading some book or whatever you know and I'm like how about you guys built something you know and no one's doing this no I'm building something live who's built especially the technical stuff no one's doing so this is hard I mean it took three hours to do this one battery and you know and this is like the easy projects now I imagine doing a thing recorded live show and then cuz there's something about that there's something about that thing is that like all these questions come up while you're doing yeah people are like yeah so the here's the thing with the live chats usually I don't leave them up because they're not I don't think they're consumable they're consumable at the time being when they're live but later on they're not so much wrong like I'm just clogging up my channel with all these videos that are not getting views I'm trying to leave this one up and see how well is it if it does dwell then we got kind of you know maybe we'll start cracking up the cracking the or cracking the know the cranking or crack cracking the combination now the combination of whatever cracking the pain figure now the you know the combination to form a out after the algorithm let's figure it out because I do need to get views my channels views are going down and that's not good thing but you know then again I wasn't making any videos that were compelling but now hopefully this is all gonna change right now I'm gonna do some good videos okay let's call quick oh you don't have a thing okay usually I just put some video server everybody oh let's suppose but this is our post okay so we're not used to narrating what I have - okay we'll see you guys for the next one this live stream is just gonna end abruptly bye yeah yeah the things that are behind come on that it ended ended oh do this I don't know I think it's not anything if this is one in I mean it's just going are we Ben three hours ago three hours those are three hours I'm still on yeah I can stop it here just black it'll be just black so one of these days we'll figure out how to end it this is so weird like I reloaded this page and it's just not oh it's that's quite a bit one kilowatt-hour it's just not where did you click well Enright and then I was doing things so then I just reloaded it are you sure you want to yes okay oh so you're ready yeah but this is this is what I thinking because this is this page was like not reloaded in such a long time that that's what I was trying to reload it so you have to just load out my youtube yeah no yeah yeah there's a way it's not easy to find it but I'm not even connected to them
Channel: jehugarcia
Views: 171,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 1sec (11461 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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