Detailed Face Rig with Joysticks and Sliders - Tutorial

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hey everyone welcome back to camp keyframe my name is boss and in today's video I'm going to show you how you can create this detailed face rig so as you can see here I've made this face rig using the plugin joysticks and sliders so if you want to follow along to this tutorial that you need to buy that of course you can find a link down in the description below and you can also find a link there to download the project files for this video so you can open my project up and see how I did this so and here you can see I have this face and I have these little posit here of these four joysticks and one slider and these joystick this is the movement of the head the movement of the mouth the placement and movement the eyes and eyebrows and a slider is for blinking so I have this clean slate here with all of my layers in it and I'll go back to illustrator to show you that what I have made here we have this different kind of poses for him let's see here we have the sad face and it's this is only for me for reference for in After Effects so the eyebrows are a bit like this and the mouth is a bit smaller so this is a sad face kind of a curious face with a raised eyebrow the normal happy state the angry state and a worried face and of course also the placement of the face and the head and where he is looking up or down or to the side also adds to the emotion of the face so over here on illustrator we only see the eyebrows and the mouth different just for a reference for me to recreate them so I imported all of these layers separate by using the overlord plugin you can also of course save this as an illustrator file and then open it in other effects in different layers I have this neck here his shadow I have this front face and his bottom face on his upper face we have this front hairpiece and his back hair piece here this is this normal shape and we have the eye and ear and the ear stripe in it we have this glasses and then we have the rest of the Fate elements and these two dots are blush on his face so I've imported all of them and to start off with a blush effect I added a first box blur to it so let's zoom in here so it's a bit more blurry like that and then also added the noise alpha effect put it on 18 percent just to make it a give it a bit more texture and let's see here let's just close it all up we have our background and all of these which is locked on all of these elements I'm going to parent everything correctly first so first off I'm going to parent the bottom face to our neck and the next shadow to our bottom face I think yeah and okay let's see this ear and the ears Travis pair with the air stripe to this ear and error right to the lower part of the face and do the same thing with the left ear there we have this back hair let's parent dead to our upper part and they had upper part to our lower part again the sideburns to our upper parts we have this neck so that's the base layer okay the blush that's parented to our lower parts and the eyebrows oh yeah and I have made an unknown object here let's turn it on just this empty null object and I caught that face elements and I'm going to parent our eyebrows our mouth the eyes and the nose and maybe the classes as well no not the classes these ones I'm going to parent this to our face elements so if I move this this whole face that everything moves along with it and I'm going to give some separate joystick controls to the eyes and the mouth and the eyebrows as you saw earlier so I'm not going to put a keyframe on them on them for this Joe Jack's and sliders right now so just parent them all to our face elements we have our glasses let's parent debt to our head upper part and the hair shadow or there they are not in the illustrator file here I just duplicated this hair here and I put it below it and just or to shape a bit and give it a set matte effect so it's only visible within the head upper part so it doesn't go out of bounds and I just give I think I gave this opacity owner just a darker blue color than his face parent a2 is a head upper part as well and the hair to the head upper part as well so if I now go back down here and move the neck everything I didn't put it to the neck now I'm going to parent this to the head upper parts so if I move the neck now everything moves along with it okay great so now we have everything parented to now they're ready for putting key frames to them because I've made a different tutorial about this as well about a more basic rig with joysticks and sliders you need to create five different extreme States so different poses so we're gonna start off with him looking at the camera with our normal pose here so I'm gonna press you on my keyboard to open all the keyframes I've made earlier so I've made a keyframe on the position for the face elements the position scale and rotation for the hair I don't know if I'm going to use all of them but I just wanted to have them in there and I put the anchor point for the rotation of the hair there so maybe if you look to the right of or up it can like maybe turn a little bit I don't know let's try it out the glasses there are if I open them up is this one group with all of these different shapes in it so they all have their different path properties so I just keyframed all of the paths because I want it when it's looking to the right I wanted to move a bit to the right as well like little 3d effects like it has depth so I'll give them all keyframe for the path we have our brush just a position because I don't want to parent them to our face elements I want them to position a little bit less than the face we will see that later we have your head upper part we have the path there because I want to change the path when it's looking to the right or left just to alter the depth effect a little bit we have our air stripe and our L or air only position and with the other areas of course and we have our lower part for the face also the position and the rotation because I maybe want to any look is looking to the right I wanted to look to the right a little bit like this and then maybe turn a little bit as well so also put the anchor point down there okay and we have our ear strap yeah I told thought about that the next shadow is just this this this shape here where you go here is only the path animated any position so let's see what we're going to do with that and we have the neck position and rotation so I've made keyframes for all of those so now I'm ready with the first state this is our first main state so I'm going to go to the next keyframe here and select all of these layers and I'm gonna open up my joysticks and sliders panel and I can click this tool this button here origin and it copies all of my origin keyframes to all of my to this second to the second frame here so we're gonna click origin so there you go and now we're going to have to make the right state so it needs to look at the right that's like the order way things work in joysticks and sliders if I hover on this button it says create a new joystick representing the front right left up and down extremes and he says lightest is going to fill in all the places in between we only have to make these extreme so now he's going to look to the right so let's start with our neck and I want this term out here I want this to rotate a little bit so my rotation tool and put the anchor point down there and I rotate it a little bit to the right like that not too much that's like a 3% that's fine and a position as well it's just maybe hold shift and then push arrow key once just to make it go a bit to the right and if I you a hold option or a sorry command on my keyboard and press the arrow keys left and right I can switch between frames so I can see how much I moved and I'm happy with this so the neck is done the next shadow I'm going to alter the position a little bit let's just put it to the right a little bit not too much and then maybe get my pen tool here and then click this and maybe make it a bit little bit different too much like it's bit different shadow we have the air right and I'm going to place death turn that to the left here so I'm gonna drag it in a bit here because it's it's when the when he's looking to the to the right side his air is kind of falling behind his face a little bit so I'm going to put that to the left while he's looking right put it to the left the arrow stripe there is a position on there I don't know why because we don't actually need it so because it's already parented to our air so I'm just going to delete that and not go further and also with the air left stripe here let's just delete that as well don't actually need that and you're right okay then we have the lower part I'm also going to give this a little bit of rotation just a little bit here on the second frame and a little bit of position maybe yeah it's pretty good couple to the left and I see it moved my next shadow which is now overlapping so let's put back our next shadow here like that okay so now just looking between again like this go to the right that's fine the Aaron left I'm going to put that a bit to the left here because when he's turning his face to the right side his ear maybe kind of pops out a little bit more from behind his head and then we're gonna go up to the head I had upper part and I'm going to put I did not create a position keyframe because if I could to position it looks a bit weird so I'm just going to alter the path here so I'm gonna take my pen tool and just drag this out a little bit here and this make this curve a bit different not too much maybe take this in a little bit so the the sideburns here get a bit more exposed so then we have a little bit rotation and 3d effect in the hair as you can see that this sideburn here is visible and then now it's less visible to even make this a bit more extreme has put it a bit more to the right yet so now we do see the sideburn a bit but it's a bit less and this sideburn is a bit more visible so which gives it a nice a little depth effect so that's that the brush going to position them to the right a little bit not too much and do the same thing with our let's go first with our face elements we're going to hold shift and then press the right arrow key to place them to the left here okay so that looks good looking to the right here mm nice and then we're going to go to the hair let's do it as well it's going to burn a bit to the right here and let's maybe rotate a little bit up let's see how that look if he looks to the right if hair moves up a little bit and maybe give the hair shadow some rotation and position as well although so let's copy them there yep and then rotate it a little bit up as well yeah like that that's great okay and now is glasses and what I'm gonna do here is if I select my pen tool and click on one of these I don't want to alter this point and this point because they're staying on his ears I only want to select all of the other points so I'm going to select this point and then I'm going to click my eye rock tool again and then kind of drag this selection box over only these middle points here without this both of these ends and I'm going to put it to the right a little bit just like it like there on in the middle on his eyes kind of like that so now he's looking to the right quite nicely and so now I'm going to go back to I'm going to go further into my third frame here this one select everything again and I click again click on the origin button so it's going to copy all of the first keyframe here on this frame to my third frame here so they are exactly the same so I can start with a clean fresh plate and just have them have him look to the left now so I'm going to skip ahead through this part quickly because it's doing the same thing over and over again just putting the guy as you can see here to the left and then copying the the origin again to the fourth frame and turning him up look making him look up and then copying the origin to the fifth frame again and making him look down and as you can see now I'm done with all of these I have these five key frames on every layers we have the normal set looking forward to the right side looking to the right looking to the left looking up and looking down so I'm going to select all of them and then click on this button here to create a new joystick I'm going call this head movement okay and it takes a little while and then it's creating these two new elements as you there it deleted by the way all of the keyframe here so we're not nothing on there anymore and we have this shape here let's put it over there with this just little bounding box and we have this null object here and I can see here I can move this around and the face then follows this movement so we've only made the right face or for example and the top face but it is calculating how it should look like in between so to the right and up a little bit so we can turn around there so that's really cool so what I'm going to do as well here just to keep it nice and clean it's create a new text layer and call this a head let's kill it up a little bit okay and I'm gonna place it above here so I know that this is my head composition or my head null I'm going to click on right click and make this a guide layer as well just like these two so they're not visible when you would render this video for example I'm going to parent that as well to our blue bounding box here so this now is our whole head control layer so now we have our head finished I'm going to put this above here and make this like yellow so it's nice and bright and make these two gray and lock them and so now I know that this yellow thing is my head movement here turn off these face elements so I don't see it so that's looking good and now we're going to add a new joystick to only our eyes so our eyes let's see here we have the IR and il-1 go to our first keyframe again our first frame and we're going to go to position and what I'm actually going to do maybe yeah I'm going to create a new null object so command option shift Y and I'm gonna call this eyes I'm going to parent this one to our face elements and parent both of these eyes to this I know so now the eye parented to our face element so it still moves along with everything but these eyes are gonna give get their own separate positioning so let's go to the P for the position for the first frame air for a normal state then look to the right so make them look to the right then I can just copy and paste I don't need to use this button here and then to the left and then let's let's see I'm gonna copy this first one again here and now I gonna go up that's a bit too much and a base at an end down there so now we have these different eye positionings and we're going to select this layer and create a new joystick here I'm gonna call that ice all right so that's nice so we have the same thing here this thing oops that's great yeah put it over there and I'll call this or and make a new text layer I will duplicate this one duplicate it and put it above and call this ice oh yeah and don't give it the same name as your bounding box because then it kind of scales down it's something weird so let's call this nice placement maybe like that so that then doesn't happen and rename this to eyes so I can rename the layer just renamed text to ice but don't rename the layer name because that's still that's now called ice placement but it says eyes here so parent that to our eyes origin and I need this one to be yellow and these ones to be a gray and let's lock them here as well no like that okay so now I find let's say not have this head look to the right and I could also have his eyes look a bit to the right more so that's nice now we're gonna go create our mouth or our eyebrows let's go with the eyebrows first so select the eyebrows right then I'm going to go to my contents group one path one and then give him the path here and content group one path path and press you on both of them so we only see that one and this is our normal happy state and by the way these are just shape layers with or just a stroke layer so I can alter them in here so go to the second frame and on the second frame of recording we're gonna determine the emotion that he will be having so let's go back to elsewhere here and let's see we have these different emotions so let's start with our example sad so when he's looking to the right side of the screen I want this I want this these eyebrows to be sad looking so let's go to the second frame here and get my pen tool and create these different shapes here just not going to do anything with position just the path how the path looks those are kind of little sad eyebrows then to when he's looking to the left let's make him angry so again go to our next I don't have to copy and paste our origin here because that you can use alter the shapes here let's make him angry so let's turn this down like that's like really angry and of course you can determine how angry you would want him I browse do a lot for the emotion of someone's face so if you make them like this there are evil angry and like this or like normal angry which is good like this alright then the next we're going to be looking up let's maybe have Fame worried so these are turning the other way then the sad way so let's let's see let's put this point up here this one down and I make them like this I said the more extreme you make these eyebrows the more common key or extreme your character will look or the more emotional he will be so that's worried and then let's give him this kind of curious thing like one raised eyebrow which I like so I'm gonna go to this one and just make it look like kind of normal looking like this and this one will be raised but it's slightly different than whoops don't close that yeah that's a bit extreme but it's fine so now we have these five different poses here so we want to select both of them and go to a new joystick and then call this eyebrow emotions let's call my pet okay close them up and we have these new ones here again same thing and let's place it there and let's make this one yellow as well and let's put that one down there and I'm gonna go to our head text layer and duplicate it and place it there and call this eyebrows and place it down I put this up a bit because if I move this eyebrows around and you see the path moving but I'm going to use this differently because I'm going to make I'm going to actually use the only use the extremes that we just created so if like if i duplicate this and make this angry let's send her this text by the way and make it a bit smaller 90 and that changed color to a different one little darker a little darker pink okay angry and then we have what he's looking to the right he was sad if I'm not mistaken yeah let's call this sad and then when he was looking up he was worried and when he was looking down he was kind of let's let's call it curious and they're all okay and this is just for me just to know what these what these poses mean when he's looking to the right or left or up or down the eyebrows so because when we have this in-between shape here it's not really defined it's a bit between worried and and sad so you can even alter a little bit like how sad or how worried he is but I'm just going to name these extremes here so I'm going to place them down here again as well and just look I'm all for now so I can't touch them so now we have the eyebrows done now let's go on to the mouth select the mouth here where is it FML open it up Group one keyframe and also just of course the normal state is the happy state so you just remember that their arm I can also put a text in here that says happy purge going to remember that the normal middle state for this is happy so now I'm going to go to our mouth and this is not our happy mouth this is our worried mouth and where it was up so that's let's say one two three that's our fourth keyframe one two three four I'm going to place that there and then on our first keyframe we have happy we have this little mouth here that I'm going to recreate so I'm going to select the mouth and then the path would look like that okay just recreate that a little bit just alter the shape here this is happy this is very happy okay nice on the second frame we're going to go to the right which is sad and our sad face looks like this so it's you know it's copy the first keyframe and place it there and I'm going to make it really sad sad little boy yeah okay some acting going on over here just method acting when creating this then on our third frame we have angry copy the first keyframe again an angry was this little boy now we're going to copy the second keyframe because it was a bit more close to angry so we don't have to alter it too much angry see how that looks if I put this to the left yeah he looks angry that to the right it was worried and to the know up goes worried and down was curious and I think we have just this you had this little kind of kind of the same as our or this one but then a little bit let's make it like semi semi neutral put it down hmmm yeah it's fine it's not really curious but alright it'll do so we have these five mouth states and I'm going to select the mouth and then click on this tool again call this mouth mouth emotion click alright again like that boom put that down there and make that none make this hello and then I'm going to select that's all select all of these text layers here and duplicate them and place them down there because they're all the same I'm going to parent them to our mouth emotion origin so we can drag this down a bit like that alright and I'm gonna call this then mouth of course now with an F okay so then we have our mouth and again the same as the eyebrows I'm not going to use these corners here because I think it gets a bit weird I'm going to go to our sad face or curious or angry or worried face here right and then one thing we also of course have the sliders button in here and you can use it as for a whole lot of functions that it's like turning things on or off for example or sliding from from left to right or whatever you want I'm going to use it for a really simple thing here is blinking of the eyes so what I'm going to do for that is go to the eyes layer here eyes left and right duplicate them by pressing command D and give them a different color seafoam and I'm gonna give these a scale of let's say 105 and give it the same color as this nice okay - how give them a different color because I can see them and I'm gonna go to this one this one I'm going to lock the glasses here and go to my rectangle tool and then I want to create a mask but first select this button here to create mask because if you don't you're just going to create a new shape layer within it but I want this to be a mask here so I'm gonna go to the middle here like this and then it goes up like that and I'm gonna create a new mask you can select the shape again okay again this button don't forget and we're gonna go do the same thing here to middle there and you're gonna give these both of these above keyframe pause yes thank you it's like British and American combined my language let's see them both and I'm the second frame I want them to be closer than the first I want them to be open you're gonna select these points and turn them up and these ones down so now they close like that right and I you could also of course make the eyes scale to the middle but I like it more like this where you have a bit more control with eyelids like this so create both of them and have to copy these masks here press command C and select this shape and press command V and now and then put keyframes at the same order again first a second and we have the same effect so I'm going to select both of them and then create a new slider tool here and let's call this eyelids control okay creates a null like this and it doesn't create this nice little thing here because but it creates this null with this effect on it and we have the slider control here and if I slide this to the right we can see that it's closing and like that and by the way why I made it a little bit bigger than 100% adjusts because I scaled them up a little bit the eyelids because if you don't you get these little black lines around it so if you just make it a little bit bigger like that then it's all nice and covered so that's why I did that let's give this a different color purple or something and but I can use this null here select it and then could put the slider control over there but if you want this you I kind of think just like these things select this layer select this slider control and then click on this button here create and it creates your UI thingy there so I'm going to lock this and place down here and maybe put this right in between and if I'm gonna click weight this away because I'm not done with that I'm gonna call this eyelids and I'm gonna put it down a little bit and make it on nice and neat I like it when my project panels need and these other controls put them at none as well and down there so now I can move this thing to the right and it will control my eyes there and you can of course if you want to create two of these for our top eyelids and our bottom eyelids if you would like because then you can like have his eyelids closed a little bit only the top ones like he's maybe he's looking at something I don't know you can make the two different ones of them if you would like and so I'm going to let's see go back to our eyelets here where are they eh these ones and I'm gonna give them the right colour boom-boom-boom-boom-boom control origin get away peace so now we have all of these are we done yeah I think we're done so we're gonna animate them give them all a position and the idea stood later and zoom out a bit and like now he is happy and let's let's make him sad so I'm going to make here his mouth go to the right so he's turning sad as you can see we're gonna go give him his eyebrows oops whoops to the right to make him sad as well like that he's already lost our looks here and let's make his his head move down and if you make his eyes go down as well then he's really sad look at that sad little boy give this some easing boom it's a bit heavy maybe and I'm doing this in 4k so so yeah he said there just make it a bit that's fast so there is moving down with everything and he's looking very sad indeed um nice let's copy all of these and let's go to here and let's make him angry or now let's make him worry first so sad we'll move up to worried and I'm gonna give this a curve here because when he's going up he travels a little bit along this happy line again I don't want him changing from sad kind of too happy to where I want to go to from said really in a worried sad corner here so I'm going to make this a curve so we don't touch this middle point say as far as way away from that as possible and do the same with this thing here if this as well and now he's worried and as you let's make him look to the to the left or something oh oh maybe maybe left it up a bit and the eyes as well so now he's worried from sad to worried like the I give this amusing as well and let's copy these and let's make him angry so make this head go to the right make his eyes go to the right like he's looking at someone and he is very angry go do some curve whoops oh he's so angry who and what you can see here is that I'm gonna make this curve I think we have this this stupid do you see that like this yeah but I hate that so it's let your pen tool and I think you can I always struggle with this yeah if I hold option and click on this button here then it kind of solves that but if I take this we still have this move this little ring shape here I could to give a little bow so just drag that in there and you can just make it make the curve over there like that so now or otherwise we get this little weird little bounce in between so now he's good so let's just fix that with this one as well because as you can see if I play this then you will do this weird thing I think yeah like that you can see this this little extra bounce back is because we made these curves and you can just make the curves like this alright yeah so like that let's see and the last ones I'm eating as well if I didn't do that already and so it's going to sad and then too worried and then angry and let's have him go back to our first origin again which is the first keyframe here is back to happy fly boom okay nice and the eyelets very easy let's give this some best position and then we have our slider control here eyelets control oh I at them I made I took the wrong one here this one I need to have this one purple yes thank you very much none turn this off put it down there and this one position and then the exposition was only going to the right a couple of frames let's like the tree three frames put this at 100 so it's to 100 you can also drag this around of course and then copy this one give this some easy ease some easy easy ease link yeah and let's copy them a few times over they're all here and here and then and here you and boom I think we're done yeah let's render let's make this guy run around a little bit so we can see this full animation and that's a really easy way you can create these nice yeah everything it's done looking sad worried angry oh and you see something weird going on over there what was that oh you see his eyebrows we had this little thing here again let's do that down I think this is the problem like that so now it's gone so yeah that's it for this tutorial you can see that it's only took four joysticks and one slider to create like all the emotions we want for this really easily actually I love this plug-in joysticks and sliders I'm not sponsored or anything by them but I just use it for years and it's just it's awesome it's amazing Joe so if you like how this works I encourage you to buy the plug-in and just try that for yourself it's it's really your money's worth and so that's it for me today I hope you liked this video if you did please give it a thumbs up it would really help me or even consider subscribing to the channel if you aren't already and make this Kemp keyframe family grow a bit more thanks for watching and I hope to see you on the next one thanks [Music]
Channel: Camp Keyframe
Views: 76,996
Rating: 4.9841785 out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after, effects, adobe, illustrator, animation, motion, illustration, drawing, art, 2d, 3d, vector, flat, design, designing, tutorial, howto, how to, how-to, learn, learning, artwork, keyframe, camp, class, motiondesign, motiongraphics, graphic, graphics, character, head, face, rig, rigged, face rig, head rig, joysticks, joystick, slider, sliders, joysticks and sliders, joysticks 'n sliders, joysticks n sliders
Id: XZfia8D9ylo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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