Detailed Diet Plan Should be A Part of An Overall Cancer Care Plan

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welcome to Integrative Medicine perspective I'm Dr Wiley Lou a detailed stepbystep nutritional plan should be a part of an overall Cancer Care Package uh recently my colleagues and I uh published our research findings in the journal of clinical oncology oncology practice our study primarily focused on whether using a dietary method to prevent one of the uh side effects of carop platin chemotherapy uh namely hypo magnesium IIA meaning low magnesium levels is a phys approach the results of the study showed that using a magnesium reach diet to prevent such a side effect uh is not only visible but also effective so I will include um the link to this article below for those who are interested in Reading More today's focus is table one in this article this table serves as a guide for patients on how to select active foods to ensure adequate magnesium intake I believe that this table not only provides guidance for patients undergoing chemotherapy um it can also help anyone uh ensure enough magnesium U from their daily diets um but first let's discuss why we advocate for a dietary approach rather than um use magnesium supplements especially when magnesium supplements are are readily available and relatively inexpensive um there are several reasons for this firstly uh Platinum chemo agents can cause various electrolytes imbalances with hypomagnesemia meaning low magnesium levels being the most the common and severe uh so simply supplementing magnesium cannot prevent all electrolyte imbalance of side effects secondly the absorption efficiency of magnesium supplements is very poor only around 1/3 the unabsorbed Magnesium acts as a laxative in the colon when diarrhea occurs more electrolytes and even proteins are lost which can outweigh the benefits of magnesium supplementation magnesium from Foods however is more easily absorbed uh and Foods offer uh a wide range of choices which can be adjusted according to individual gastrointestinal condition thereby avoiding side effects like chronic diarrhea or constipation thirdly the foods have the significant advantage of being more nutrient dense with proper planning multiple deficiencies can be addressed simultaneously now let's take a look at uh the information in this table and how it can be applied clinically and in our daily life this table includes five categories of Foods uh beverages nuts vegetables grains and legumes yogurt is the only Animal product listed here indeed animal foods are not particularly rich in magnesium a diet mainly consisting of animal products is prone to magnesium deficiency this table not only lists the serving size of foods and their magnesium content but also provides a specific guidance at least two servings of whole grains two servings of vegetables and one serving of legumes per day it is obvious in this table that hemp seeds are very high in magnesium and consuming 5 to six tablespoons of hemp seeds per day is sufficient to meet magnesium uh needs this method is certainly much easier and more convenient than the special guidance provided in this table why didn't the study solely rely on this simple and convenient method of using hemp seats alone the main reason is to ensure a complete and balanced intake of nutrients instead of satisfying magnesium requirements alone the guidance of selecting various Foods further ensures an adequate intake of multiple nutrients by using hemp seeds alone while it may satisfy magnesium requirements its manganese content is too high and and calcium too low among other weaknesses therefore when using this table it is important to pay attention to the variety of foods chosen I recommend this table not only for its food selections but also for its specific guidance on uh usage in terms of nutrition it is important to point out that this table does not satisfy all essential nutrient requirements for instance protein vitamin B12 B6 and palatin uh may be insufficient which would need to be uh supplemented with animal derived the foods building upon this table adding eggs meats and a small amount uh fruits completes the intake of essential nutrients here I will use an example from a previous video on magnesium Rich diets to illustrate um this is a meal plan for a day with the magnesium content of each food item marked let's take a look at the intake of uh other essential nutrients potassium is rich in spinach bananas uh lentils tofu broccoli and green peas spinach and tofu are high in calcium uh others fairly rich in calcium include lentils broccoli and green peas uh clearly eggs and chicken provide relatively deficient nutrients in plant-based food such as protein B12 B6 and Bon I hope this table I introduced today will be helpful for planning daily diets um by using this table along with a moderate amount of eggs meat and fruits it is not difficult to achieve a complete and balanced intake of nutrients finally who may encounter problems when using such a table uh one group uh includes those with digestive disorders such as slow gastro intestinal motility uh irritable Bell syndrome Etc uh another group involves individuals with impaired to kidney functions since the kidneys play a crucial role in electrolyte balance processing diets reach in electrolytes like the one in the table can be challenging for insufficient kidney function if you do have digestive or kidney function issues it is best for you to consult your doctor or nutritionist to determine how to select the foods from this table based on your physiological characteristics to achieve nutritional goals and at the same time avoid uh digestive problems or electrolyte imbalances that's all for today's discussion please leave comments and questions I will see you next time
Channel: Integrative Medicine Perspective
Views: 165
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Id: tsyQXypkGfc
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Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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