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that is very profoundly a part of my life and has been for the past couple of years it is um it is something that i uh have been experiencing uh since i wrote the last book that i published real magic last summer and um some very strange and wonderful things have been happening in my life in this period of time and when i finished uh writing uh you'll see it when you believe it and it published that and i felt that i it was my effort to sort of unmuddle the metaphysical and make it available to all of us and that's some esoteric practice that uh you have to sit in a cave and figure out for yourself that it's something that we can all apply and live with every day in our lives i really thought that i was through with uh writing for a while um and had decided to uh to do some other things in my life to go into disguise almost to disappear and uh i've taken i had taken up this practice of meditation no now five or six years and what happens when you get on this path is that you think that you're sort of in charge of your life you know and you think that you're doing it i remember reading carl jung's great line um and he said that at the same moment you are the protagonist in your own life and you're making choices there's also a paradox he said at that very same moment you are also the spear carrier or the extra in a much larger drama and he said you are you put it this way which is really the ultimate paradox you are doomed to make choices so there's really sort of a self-cancelling statement in there if you're making choices then how could all the choices be made and i talked to ramdas about this and he said it's the reason for the smirk on the face of the buddha you know if you can get that paradox figured out that yes indeed you do have a free will and you are making choices and they're all being made for you all at the same time like living with those opposites and cleaving those you know that dichotomy it's a very powerful notion but what happens is that you get on this path and you start moving along and i didn't really want to take the time to face 500 empty pages again uh because i don't write books like most people do i uh they all come right out of inside of here i don't go to the library i spend a lot of time looking up what other people have said about it and then putting it in different words i uh it comes out of my consciousness somehow and it became very evident that i was to write about this thing called miracles about creating miracles and what i have written about and what i'm sharing with you here today is exactly what i'm doing here on this stage right now it is something that i'm going to ask you to take a real hard look at in just an hour's time or so and that is um how can you [Music] surrender and let go and become detached from the outcome and the stuff that you seek after in your life how can you do that and still have the things that you want come into your life how does that paradox work one of the things that i have learned in my own speaking is to let go of the outcome to be unconcerned with the [Music] the reaction and what's in it for me and indeed to uh just surrender and in my meditation before i speak i always repeat the mantra endlessly over and over again and i find myself doing this more and more in my life and something that i urge you to do i ask the question how may i serve just how may i serve how many i serve how many i serve there are a thousand people there how may i serve them it's like getting the focus off of what's in it for me and how do i look and whether i say the right thing and whether people like what i say whether they buy things that i have or whatever and instead like letting all that go just letting that go and getting the focus of your life the centeredness of your life on this business of serving and the irony of it is is that when you get to that point where you're able to do it and let go of that outcome all of the stuff that you chased after and worked so hard for and figured you had to have back here begins to chase after you and show up in your life and it isn't any you're no longer on the treadmill it's like a surrendering and so that's what i do when i come on stage and it's almost as if god says to me it's like as long as you stay on purpose you'll never stumble you'll know what to say when you get off of that and you shift your alignment away from that then you won't be able to do what you're doing and the same thing happened in the writing of this uh real magic for the first time in my life i experienced what has become what i have come to call automatic writing where i left home and uh went off to maui and sat down and uh and in eight weeks time just uh produced this book without any struggle whatsoever not one moment of struggle and it just seemed to be there and it seemed to flow and i can type like when i sit down and type uh a letter or a contract or anything that i might have to put out on a typewriter i'm one of these kind of typists and i just look around i can do it rather quickly but i have never had the formal training and typing but when i write at this little typewriter i can go along and close my eyes and write at 70 and 80 words a minute when you get into that automatic and i cannot i can't tell you how i do that it just and i can my wife will walk by where i'm writing because i read my own little place and she can walk by and tell when i'm writing and when i'm just resting and um walk by she said the typewriter must have been smoking you were going so fast and it was like that for eight weeks of time just because i had completely let go and i wasn't concerned with whether the editors liked it how it came out whether or not it was a bestseller whether people were going to buy it whether the reviews were going to be nothing it was like very very and it's a very peaceful place that i'm asking you to look at and get to in your own life just before i left for uh australia a couple weeks ago i was on the uh on a show on cnn called sonja live and sonia and i were went to school together i mean we've been friends forever and we sat down to do the interview and she said to me wayne dyer it says here that um that you haven't had a cold in 15 years she said uh now i've known you for a long time she said very frankly i don't believe that well that's sonia that's the way she works that's fine i love sewing it um and there was a time when if somebody said that to me on national television i would say well wait a minute i'm going to now i have to defend myself and i got to get into that position of them call my doctor right now or whatever and start defending yourself and when you get to be free you don't need to defend yourself you know you just have this knowing and i said that's all right if you don't believe it and i said like next question there was no anxiety about it there was no i don't care if millions of people are watching doesn't make any difference i'm not attached to any of that it's like i know i know that i don't get those things and it's fine if you don't believe it you don't have to i'm not living my life for that reason it's like being self-referred rather than object referred and i can do the same thing even with criticism there was you know i now get letters when i get letters of criticism which you do which everyone does and i even tell my my uh my own children over and over again when they worry about their reputation all that i say forget your reputation it's not located in you you go out and give a talk to a thousand people you leave you have a thousand reputations what am i going to follow every one of you home did you like me did you think i was all right what did you think did you some will think great some not somebody's like yeah he's you know he's got more hair than bernie so i'm going to say well maybe you know you can't be consumed with that i said the only thing i tell my children is forget about your reputation because it's not located in you and if it's not located in you let it go don't be attached to that but you can be concerned with your character who you are and just be that and get your life on purpose now i must say to you very frankly that i wasn't always this way particularly about criticism now when i get letters of criticism from people i send them a free book another one yeah or flowers or i just i don't get i don't find myself needing to defend myself i didn't always do that for 10 years but after i wrote erroneous owns and pulling your own strings 10 years i used to have a form letter that i would send to anybody who wrote me a nasty letter then i would just sign my name at the bottom and i got it from h.l menken it was a great satirist of the early part of this century and he had this wonderful and i thought what a great idea so i would write this letter it said i am sitting here in the smallest room in my house with your letter in front of me soon it will be behind me [Music] and i would sign my name so i must not still be in the place i'd like to be because i still find that kind of funny you know but i stopped doing that a few years back so this surrendering process is uh is really just crucial and what i'm going to ask you to do see um i am in the process now of uh putting together in my own mind ideas for something i'll probably write a year or two from now uh and i want to share it with you here this evening and i haven't shared it too much in public uh since i'm working on it in my own life um and it's this like if you really want miracles to show up in your life you have to uh you have to be able to do these three things all right and i'm gonna just sort of there'll be three but i'll probably get to the third one two minutes before i finish but it's okay because the first one is is the toughest for people and i'll get to that in a moment uh and this three-part sort of paradigm is what i think of as the the secret formula to create to manifesting miracles in our lives see i began to write about miracles not because i thought it was time to write another book but because i couldn't stop myself from doing it it's all it's the only thing real magic is the only thing that i've ever written that i don't take credit for that i really feel was uh written through me that i was a messenger in this case and it was uh and so as i talk about it around the world now about this business of being able to create something for yourself that is truly miraculous what i'd like you to do is to just get a picture in your own mind of what it is that would constitute a miracle for you you know something that you may have walked in here today uh not believing was possible for you to do or in order for it to occur it would uh require some kind of special divine intervention or some kind of luck or great happenstance and all the cosmic dice would all have to flow it's exactly right perfectly uh in order for it to occur i'd like you to just be able to uh just picture what that is and it could be anything i mean there might be people in here most of us when we finished today we'll get up and walk out and go to our cars and drive home there are some who will not walk out there are some who've been in a wheelchair for the last whatever and to just stand and walk would indeed constitute a miracle so your miracle may not be somebody else's for some it may be an enormous healing to be able to rid ourselves of something that we have believed was not possible certainly after hearing bernie seagull you would you would begin to doubt whether or not there was anything that was impossible in the way of healing in touring with australia i spent the last 11 or 12 days with deepak chopra and stuart weil the three of us toured these these cities and deepak's message he and i have teamed up on some tapes now and some writing projects and so on um gives us an indication that within each one of us is an enormous power that i'll be talking about shortly and your miracle might involve something to do with uh well relationships with manifesting prosperity getting the right job losing the one you got getting the right partner getting rid of the one you have moving raising your talent level getting the right connection whatever it may be just sort of uh get a picture of it and and the first of these three things for this paradigm for miracle making i call banish the doubt that's roman numeral one even if you're not writing if you're listening on tape banish the doubt most of us have been raised on doubt most of us have been raised to believe in what we can't accomplish in order to be able to get to the stage of creating for ourselves this area that i call real magic you have to get rid of the doubt that it's possible for you and this i spend the most time on because it is the most difficult for us because uh we somehow haven't got within us this knowing that we are divine and that we are capable and that we can create for ourselves virtually anything that we want to you see there's two parts to this physical journey obviously there's the physical part which was handled for you in an instant you know in one split second one microsecond one drop of human protoplasm collided with another and everything you needed for this physical journey was handed to you it's just like and there you are out of something out of nothingness your life is what i call a parenthesis in eternity it opens parentheses at the instant of your conception and it closes parentheses at your death and it's surrounded by eternity and when your life opened parentheses everything that you needed in that tiny little microsecond was handled for you and then there's the part of you that has been watching this whole journey there's the eye i heard someone saying at an airport the other day that someone bumped up to them and he said watch out that's my arm here pumping and i stopped to think about that and i wondered now whose arm is that really i mean if you say this is my body whose body is it i mean are you your body or are you the owner of this body or you're the observer of this body there's this eyes like i i have the sentence i was saying to myself well there's two people in that sentence there's the i who is saying and then there's the physical who is the self so i am speaking here today in terms of creating miracles about the i the owner the observer that invisibleness that is inside this physical package this ghost in the machine that you can never escape you see when the moment before you die you close parentheses if they were to just like uh come in and bring in a big scale like this cosmic scale you know put everybody on it just before they didn't weigh you you know and then an instant after you die then they weigh you again now here's you when you're alive and it weighs 150 pounds and here's when you're gone it weighs the same weighs 150 pounds but it's not you i mean it's just something that they're going to burn we're going to bury it's going to be warm food i mean they wouldn't treat you that way it wouldn't burn you with that i mean there's laws against that so who you are i mean what it is that constitutes your very light is weightless you can't weigh it you can't see it you can't touch it you can't get a hold of it like you can go in and do an autopsy on anyone and you can find the command center inside of you that says i think i'll wiggle my finger and you say i'm going to wiggle my finger on you wow where's the command center that allows that to happen and you cut open the brain and you look in the nervous system and you find the cortex and you find the cerebellum and you look for the synapses and the neurons and the connectors and you say this is it and the scientists are pretty sure about this this is it this is the command center that says where this is all allowed to take place where you do all of your thinking but there's no autopsy on this planet that can ever reveal the commander in the command center who says i think i'm going to wiggle my finger or this is my arm or this is my life or i think i'd like to have a miracle that part of you which is the part of you that creates your entire life is uh the part where the doubt is and banishing the doubt really means coming to a full and complete awareness that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience but indeed that it's the other way around that every single one of us are spiritual beings having a human experience and the quality of that human experience in the physical world is dependent exclusively upon how we connect with and use that invisible part of ourselves that part that you cannot find in an autopsy that part that you cannot weigh that invisibleness that is always with you that is the observer and you've got to get really comfortable with this observer and you've got to understand the seven words i think that were most important ever strung together came out of proverbs in the old testament as you think so shall you be as you think so shall you be now it doesn't say as you be so shall you think even though that's how most of us run our lives those words are really all out crucial because once you get it and understand that what you think about is what expands as you think so shall you be is what rules the universe once you know it then you start getting real careful about what you think about real careful because all of those thoughts all of those doubts are the things that will manifest themselves into your life now it's real simple matter to shift around and begin to pay attention first to the spirit the invisible side of you and secondly to the physical part of you most of us don't do that and it's such a simple matter i can give you a just like a real brief example of how it works most of us are as you be so shall you think kinds of people so that when things happen to us in the physical world whatever they may be we allow our inner world to be affected by them and so between my office and my home it's a 17-mile drive that i make every day twice a day now there was a time when i would get in my car when i was an as you be so shall you think kind of person when i didn't understand the simple words that james allen wrote in the last century when he said circumstances do not make a man they reveal him the circumstances of our life reveal the kinds of choices that we've been making and i used to get in my car and drive to my home and dependent upon how the traffic went or whether there was construction or whether there were delays or whether there were difficulties or struggles or problems i would then allow my mood at home to be determined by that and then i learned how to shift that and how to first begin to visualize in my mind what it is that i wanted this trip to be like for myself and i do this every day now before i get in the car i get a picture of how it's going to be in the next half an hour very peaceful it takes me about a minute and a half two or three deep breaths this is going to be a peaceful wonderful trip home i'm not going through any yellow lights the little lady who drives that 1977 cadillac in the left-hand lane she's had the seat removed from her car she sits on the floorboard and you can just see this little head sitting up there she assigned an oath to drive around aimlessly delay me she's in divine order she's exactly where she belongs i'm going to bless her today instead of being mad at her i'm going to understand that this is a perfect universe and that it's all in order and that i don't have to rush and if there's construction it's supposed to be there there's no accidents there's no accidents and i'm going to take my time and i'm just going to be very peaceful all the way home as you think as you think so shall you be and then i get in the car and there she is sure enough about two miles from the house and i waved and i thank you for being here if i were to try to go around you like i used to i would probably have a head-on collision or there's an officer there to give me a traffic ticket or whatever i bless you for being there and i get hold and i don't go through any lights in the yellow light don't rush don't change lanes very peaceful and i get home at the same time every day same time as i used to only i'm now allowing myself to understand a very simple premise i learned it from a good friend of mine's name's edgar mitchell edgar is a man who uh was this the apollo uh 14 commander in 1971 he's a neighbor of ours and we have dinner a couple times a month my wife uh marcy and edgar's wife sheila are very close friends and we spend a lot of time with it and i was talking to edgar one time about what was it like to be on the moon because for me whenever i meet anybody uh who's got who's very unusual or done on things that very few people have done he's one of 12 human beings in the history of the of humanity to walk on the moon so i want to know about what that's like and he told me about this experience he had he called it a satori which is where i got the idea to write about that in real magic everything i needed just showed up for me it always just when i would when i would need information about a certain area i would be just slightly wondering where i should go in the mail it would be there the book would be there the conversation would be there it was like that kind that's what happens when you get to the surrendering place and he told me about being you know this is a guy who's got a phd from mit in nuclear physics that's as left brained as it gets okay and he said he was walking on the moon and he looked to his left and he could see an infinity of heavenly bodies hurling through space at thousands of miles per hour and he looked to his right and he could see this blue quarter which is what the earth looks like from the surface of the moon blue quarter and he said he realized that on this blue quarter was all of the problems we've ever had in the history of the whole planet every single problem is on this little blue border one little sort of dot in another infinity of them hurling through space all of your struggles all of your problems all of your worries whether you know everything that you're concerned about been on and everybody else genghis khan adler the hun and napoleon all of them all all on this quarter and he said he had this this uh what we call what they call in zen a satori an instant awakening and in this instant awakening he realized that this is an intelligent system that we're all a part of there's an intelligence to this system it's not some accidental fluke and he's and i said edgar wouldn't you think that you would have been aware of that before you got in the capsule he said no we had always been taught that we were to master it rather than to become to get in harmony with it and he said that instant changed his life forever and he left the space program the apollo program when he came back and he founded the institute for noetic sciences and has been lecturing all around the world about the spiritual consequences of space travel and what how it can really dramatically affect your life when you get out there and see that this is an intelligent system that we're all a part of and if you know that if you know that this is an intelligent system that we're all a part of then you know that your life is also a part of that intelligence and that the same intelligence that flows through those planets and alive allows them to align and allows the galaxies to stay in place and allows us to move at thousands of miles per hour which we're all doing right now even though our senses tell us something different we're all hurling through space at thousands of miles per hour as einstein said all things you know it's like it talked about relativity it all it's all relative nichii had a great conundrum that'll help you to understand einstein's theory of relativity he said all things being relative what time does munich stop at this train that'll get you going so this intelligence this divine intelligence that this invisibleness this uh organizing intelligence that flows through everything is also flowing through you and through everything it's not like there's a separate intelligence for you and a separate one for me a separate god for you and a separate god for you it isn't like that this is a yunnan one verse song a one song a una verse it's all one and there's an intelligence about it all and so in order to be able to banish the doubt about your capacity to manifest miracles for yourself in your life you have to know that your life is a part of this intelligence and that it like everything else from the tiniest little microscopic dye to the galaxies and the cosmos all has a purpose there's a purpose to it all and now when you get that and banish the doubt you begin to realize that everything that has happened to you up until this moment right now is a part of that intelligence it's all part of that see what you have to learn is that i read a wonderful line when i was down in australia by an actress it was talking and she concluded it with she said if you want to make god laugh tell her your plans [Music] see god's plan works essentially and yours doesn't basically it's like becoming a spiritual being really means shifting away from your plans and allowing yourself into this divine perfection and when you do that one of the first things that you do is you let go of everything that ever happened to you up until now as being anything other than perfect see if you if your life has a heroic mission and it's a part of this intelligence and it showed up out of nothing you see a heart starts beating inside of a mother's womb six or seven weeks after conception and it's a total complete mystery to everybody on the planet we have no idea where that life was before what it is what how it's going to become what it is i hold my little boy's hand up he's five years old now and his hand is like oh about a third the side of mine and i look at his hand and i say you know it's not like that hand is going to grow and become the size of mine i mean it isn't going to grow he's going to need new bones in there he's going to need a whole new hand isn't he he doesn't what he's got is just going to get bigger that has to die and it has to be replaced and replaced and replaced and replaced and eventually he'll have a hand like this and it's going to come out of what you know this is the 1993 model of wayne dyer that you're looking at here today it's very different than the 1958 model that graduated from high school as a matter of fact that model in 1958 is dead every single cell in it is gone and died and been replaced and replaced and replaced and replayed i don't have one cell not one molecule left in me that was there before you can't find any of it all new and yet here i am with some knowings that i had back then the knowings that i have are not physical in nature they're metaphysical they're beyond the physical someone defined life with a great definition as a sexually transmitted incurable disease i mean it just just keeps dying and dying and proof of life after death is that you're here today so you don't need any more proof than that the whole physical you has gone many times and yet here you are and why would you think that when it leaves for what you think is the last time that life itself this invisibleness that has no boundaries in no form wouldn't proceed and continue you can't kill that which has no boundaries can you getting to this awareness that your life has a mission means that everything that has happened to it up until now was leading you to that mission so that all of the people that you blame and all of the things that you think shouldn't have happened or wouldn't have happened or couldn't have happened all of that is just a lot of nonsense it all did and even the abuse and the struggle and the tough times and the fact that your mother liked your sister better even if you don't have a sister she wanted one she would have liked her better you know blame her for that you're a middle child you're a youngest you're the oldest you it's like you signed up for all of that i mean it's a nice way to look at it just get back of it and say hey i signed up for all of this even the abuse even the tough things i spent the first 10 years of my life at an orphanage and in those 10 years i was moved around to a lot of strange places but i believe that for me my purpose obviously is being being actualized to this day and it's about helping to teach people self-reliance and magic and miracles and and a whole new way of looking at things that's what my whole life is about and you don't learn these things through instruction you don't learn these things by somebody else telling them to you've got to learn them through the direct experience of it it's almost as if god said all right here you are you showed up and you want to teach people about self-reliance get your little ass into an orphanage for 10 years and learn how to do that learn how to rely on yourself become inner directed become self-directed and don't complain about it and don't whine about it and find something beautiful and that's what we do when we're children we don't wake up when we're an orphan and when we're a child every day oh my god i'm an orphan again today it's wednesday i was one yesterday now at tomorrow when is this going to end you don't do that you wake up and you deal with what you have to deal with and you get on with your life and now you can look back at your life and most people look back at the experiences of their life and say to themselves if only it would have been different if only and there is no if only in there it was all in order life gives exams bernie and i and joan had dinner together last night and we were talking about the variables that we see in highly successful people and we got to talk and and each one of us sort of told little stories about things that all people we knew were about ourselves and i beg and i said finally i said you know there's a thread that runs through all of it there are people who go through life and have really tough experiences most of the time when you read about people who abuse their children and you interview them you find that what they were abused as children i mean it's something that you all know you can shout it out and then there are some who were abused as as a child i was one not viciously but on some occasion and while this is happening you make an inner vow that this isn't going to be anything i'm going to partake in and i would never do this to one of like you learn from it or you repeat it the highest functioning people take all of the things that happen to like i spent a big hunk of my life around alcoholics my father was an alcoholic and he finally left and abandoned it my mother remarried 10 years later life gives exams if you don't get it she remarried my father in a different body another man who was abusive and abandoned and who who was an alcoholic another man who was abusive and abandoned and who who was an alcoholic so i spent a lot of my younger years around that and for me it was easy i saw what booze did to people and made the choice not to have that as a part of my life whereas my brother who was with me through all of this made the choice for many many many years to be an alcoholic like you take the things that come along and when you get to that spiritual place in your life you begin to see that these things all have great lessons in them and instead of saying to yourself why is this happening to me isn't this awful poor me you begin to say what do i have to learn from this because you have banished the doubt that this is some sort of freak accident that you're in and you begin to see that this is an intelligent system that you're all a part of and understanding how to banish the doubt really starts with knowing the difference between that which you believe and that which you know you see all the things that you believe all of your beliefs are handed to you throughout your life they come from outside of you so when you are born and then you go to uh you go into it into a family and in that family you get you then you go to school and you go through religious experiences and you have all of your friends and so on and you're constantly being given a whole set of beliefs and you can see the the the real trauma of that on the planet today in yugoslavia and herzegovina in bosnia where young people are taught who they're supposed to hate from things that happened hundreds of years before and the hatred is so bitter with people who don't who've never even seen each other they have this you know and you can see it in the middle east and you can see it you can see it virtually in all the places where there's enormous conflicts it's called prejudice pre-judging so in order to understand how to get past this you have to understand there are some things that you believe and there are some things that you know now your knowings are different from your beliefs in that your beliefs are handed to you your knowings all come from within everything that you know you know because you got it yourself no one handed it to you like i watched uh the uh winter olympic trials a while back and uh when i was a young boy i was going to become a hockey professional ice hockey player and i used to go skating every single day and then i let go of that when i was 18. i went into the service and spent some you know years overseas and all that and came out and went through all of the things of my life and i get to now where i'm 52 years old and i'm watching the winter olympics with all of my children and my children help me with humility you know i asked my 15 year old daughter if she wanted to come and hear me speak i said i can get you tickets there's thousands of people they've actually paid to come and hear me speak would you like to come she says why so we're watching these uh and i get this all the time right so we're watching the trials and i say to my kids we're all sitting and i say yeah i can do that you see that christy yamaguchi over there i can do those things you can't do that dad come on i said yeah i can do that i used to be a great skater i can swirl and i could scan i can go backwards and i can do figure eights and axles i could do all of that stuff i used to do all of that come on dad you can't do that i said yeah i can i really can't so we have occasion to go to uh up into massachusetts and i'm putting on my ice skates after 34 years haven't been on skates in 34 years and i lace up the skates and i'm getting ready to go out there and skate and uh and the kids are all like oh he's gonna and i go right out there and within within 15 seconds i'm doing what i was doing 34 years ago skating twirling going backwards doing all the things that were just second nature to me when i was growing up in detroit down in the detroit river and the interesting thing is that the body that knew how to do that in 1958 was dead there's not one cell left in it yet the knowing is still there i don't have the same brain i have different cells i don't have the same femurs i don't have the same ankles i don't have it's all different replaced and yet the knowing is still there you see a knowing is metaphysical in nature somehow beyond the physical transferred to the physical through some process that we can't even begin to comprehend the knowings that you have in your life like i know i can swim i know i can dance i know i can make love i know i can walk i know i can do all of these things that i that i uh have knowing about all came from within you and all of the things that you believe in were handed to you so consequently your knowings will never let you down in times of crisis and your beliefs will almost always let you down in times of crisis those things that you believe in are handed to you and those things that are handed to you come with doubt because someone else is giving it to you this is what you're supposed to believe this is what you're supposed to do this is how you do it [Music] yeah that's great and you're good but then there's a doubt attached to it but that which you know isn't now unfortunately most of the things that we know as individuals also are in the area of what we know we can't do we know what is impossible what can't be done so if i were to ask you do you can you be in more than one place at the same time you know could your body be here and can it be someplace else at the same time you said no you can't do that and if i said well could you transport yourself from here to say montana or spain just through the power of your mind you said no you you can't do things like that i said well can you enter someone else's dream you know go into dream consciousness from the waking go into someone else's dream and become a character in their dream voluntarily say no can you fly if you come across a tree can you jump over it can you levitate can you there's a lot of things and those are just some of the extremes but i want to remind you of what one of our spiritual masters said to us through saint paul even the least among you can do all that i have done and even greater things even the least among you can do all that i have done and even greater things just let that into your consciousness because now we're talking about someone who is changing shape and raising the dead and feeding the hungry through the gift of manifestation of fish and loaves changing water into wine the ability to be able to create a miracle mindset for yourself is not available to you if doubt is in your consciousness because what you think about is what expands and if you have doubt you will act on the doubt you can't act on anything else what you think about is what expands the ancestor to every action is a thought so if your thoughts are that this is not possible that's what you will act on deepak talks on these tapes that we put out about living beyond miracles about this placebo effect and the interesting thing about the placebo effect is that if you give an individual a pill that is made out of sugar and you say to them this pill is the latest cancer curing drug take it that your body will begin to manufacture the anti-cancer agents from that pill and if you take the very same pill and give it to someone else and say this pill is the greatest ulcer relieving pill that's ever been relieved and you really know that that's to be true you will start developing anti-ulcer with the same pill and if you say that this is for the elimination of headaches there's never been a greater headache remedy and you know it to be true your body will start to manufacture something different different enzymes being created through the intention of no doubt so that the physical world that you are in is capable of being shifted and manifested on the basis of a new awareness as you think so shall you be your thoughts will create an entirely new reality for you once you have learned to banish the doubt beliefs come from outside of you beliefs always let you down and beliefs are intellectual acts knowings come from within they will never let you down they are metaphysical cellular acts can have knowings in the physical domain and you can have them in the metaphysical domain knowings without doubt about your spirituality and your ability to manifest what you want for yourself in your life see remember that even if you're sitting here with doubt this afternoon there is still a doubter that you can never see there's still so the evidence that there's still an invisibleness there is here in the doubter not the doubt but the person doing the doubting that invisibleness and that is what you have to learn to come in contact with when i was writing the um the opening for uh real magic i look for a display quote and the display quote that i picked for this particular book was written by a scurvy elephant a poet named samuel taylor coleridge those of you who don't know what a scurvy elephant is when i was in the third grade i came home and asked mrs scarf what's a scurvy elephant she was the lady who ran the orphanage she was a saint and she said um i don't know i've never heard such such a thing and she said uh why and i said well i heard the third grade teacher telling the principal that wayne dyer was in her classroom and that he was a scurvy elephant she said yeah i don't know and she got on the phone and she called the principal the principal said no that's wayne he mixes everything up she didn't say that he was a scurvy elephant in her classroom she said that he was a disturbing element in her classroom so i always pay homage to the scurvy elephants of the world because i've learned that there is probably a karmic debt that we all pay and each one of us as we are scurvy elephants in our own life get a couple of them in our own families later on that's the one that you can do nothing with that's the one who's got a mind of their own and no matter how much you cajole and punish and threaten and so on they still have got their own mind and you know after a while that you're wasting your time you know that like you better stop and be at peace with this person and teach them harmony and maybe step back and learn something from them one of the great karmic lessons that i've learned is that the one that you can do the least with will make you the most proud you know if you can survive them so if there is a karma to all of this i think i must have been an axe murderer in a previous life because i've got eight of them just like that all right all of whom have their own mind and all who's that do have their own mind whom i adore and stand back and never try to take it away from them because we also learned in our studies when i was writing what do you really want for your children about how to apply these principles to the raising of children we discovered that the ones that are raised on blind obedience and are taught to do exactly what they're told and never question anything are the ones who have the highest degree of prejudice as they grow up in their life and why not they're taught to prejudge you know you're supposed to think this way you're a bosnian you're supposed to hate a serve you're a muslim you're supposed to hate a jew you're a hindi you're supposed to hate a sikh it's you know and then you just you raise them to not think for themselves to get into this no think mentality and so i honor my scurvy elephants and there was one named samuel taylor coldrich who took on kings and queens and so on up in the uh eastern part of the united states a hundred or so years ago and this is one of his great poems and i'd like you to just as i just say it to you i'd like you to really banish the doubt i'd like you to just just let it in do what we used to have to do in poetry classes when i was studying english literature we used they used to tell us that you have to have this willing suspension of disbelief you know when you go to a movie theater and there's a two-dimensional screen there and you know that this is just lights flickering on and off in the screen it's just it's not real and you don't go in there and say well this is ridiculous those are just lights and those aren't people and look at this i can put my hand in there you don't do that because you wouldn't be able to get anything out of it so what you do is you suspend your disbelief and you allow yourself for a couple of hours to be entertained and then you walk out and you say yeah that was so phony they didn't do this so while you're in it so what i'd like you to do for the remainder of time that we have is just suspend that disbelief and just listen to this this is what coldrich said he said what if you slept and what if in your sleep you dreamed and what if in your dream you went to heaven and there picked a strange and wonderful flower and what if when you awoke you held that flower in your hand ah what then i wonder how many of you know that such a thing is impossible to bring something from dreaming consciousness into waking consciousness and if that knowing is so pervasive that you can't allow yourself to entertain the notion that even the least among you can do all that i have done that you have it within you as a people as a species there's a collective unconsciousness in the world one of the things that i've committed myself to talking about is a very simple thing that what we all came in here knowing today about aids what do we know about aids what do we know [Music] what have we been bombarded with for the past 10 years about aids if you get it you what you die we all know that you can all say it in unison and you know if you took and looking inside in the new technology today you look at a an atom and they have these electron microscopes now where they can literally take an atom and they can take these you know how they have the electrons and protons and croutons and neutrons and whatever they are you had to measure when you were in junior high school remember you can now take those uh electrons these little tiny subatomic particles that are hurling around through these massive empty spaces and you can begin to align them and as you align them and align them and get them in a line when you get to what they call a critical mass you get to that point let's say whatever it is if there's a billion of them in there and you get to two million you there's this like invisible force that is inside of this atom that all of a sudden overwhelms the atom and all of the rest of the electrons in there automatically align and they call this place they call this a critical mass and they call this in in quantum physics they call this phase transition when you hit the critical mass all the rest of them through this invisible force begin to align and quantum physics is nothing more than the study of how things behave at this sub-atomic level and what we've discovered is that we're made up of these things so that when enough of us as a people begin to think in certain kinds of ways and we reach a critical mass then all the rest of us begin to align that way and the same kind of changes that take place in the history of humanity in one place take place all over the planet at the same time like slavery began to be stopped but the middle of the 19th century not just in africa and here but in asia and in an indonesian all over the planet because the consciousness began to shift that this was no longer something we could tolerate and as people began to think this way it's called the hundredth monkey effect where they would take these monkeys and they will teach them how to wash sweet potatoes over here and all of them will watch each other doing it and what they call a lilometic behavior where they will mimic each other and then when they reach the critical mass all the rest of them are suddenly doing the same thing and then they go over to this island over here 200 miles away where they haven't even had any contact with the same monkeys in the same species and they're doing the same thing that the spread is not a physical property that it's an invisible property that indeed we are all connected but what we're connected with is not something that we can get a hold of as deepak always says quantum physics is not only stranger than you think it is it's stranger than you can think because it indeed what it does is it shatters the illusion of our separateness so that if enough of us begin to believe that something is intolerable and we really begin to act on that and think that way and create that because collectively the same thing is true the state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind and the state of the world is nothing more than a collective state of mind it's a state of mind we act collectively in what we think about and so the massive changes that you've seen taking place on this planet over the past uh three or four years i mean the the falling of dictatorships in the philippines and in nicaragua and in romania and bulgaria the falling of the berlin wall the uh the crises uh were all resolved almost all of them without even a bullet being shed it wasn't as if all the people who were in power suddenly got together and said you know we really shouldn't be treating people this way this isn't nice the new consciousness came about because enough of us began to align ourselves and out of that alignment come new leaders a poet elected to the presidency vaslava in czechoslovakia who was imprisoned just a decade ago for his beliefs malaysia elected democratic president the the solidarity leader in poland elected to be the president and all of these changes that we've seen taking place sweeping across the country and the dismantling of apartheid and another part of the one song and over here in another part a million students in tenement square you think it's an accident it's a spiritual revolution it comes from a new consciousness and those changes that you're seeing taking place are so powerful and indeed we've got to shift that awareness in what we believe about disease and about aids particularly about aids and i've been talking about this now for four or five months and i'm already beginning to see a shift here's carl simonsen and not a new age fufu but indeed a medical practitioner who back in the 60s was teaching cancer patients how to lower their remission rates through the use of visualization and imagery and teaching them that they had within them the power to rid themselves of these diseases that it wasn't something that you were assigned to death with and he's being asked this question in an interview on new dimensions radio and i bring it so i give it to you exact he says one of the things i often say is that the media can be damaging to your health he said if you watch or read the news it can be very negative and hopeless encouraging and here's carl simonton's reply to the interview he says absolutely we saw that with aids he said i treated my first aids patient way before 1981 before the symptom complex was known as aids and he had gotten well he said the first two people with aids that i work with got well very quickly yet what came out routinely in the media was a universally fatal disease because it was more sensational it was more dramatic and the disservice this did to people with who were afflicted with this condition was immense imagine that i mean we have been bombarded constantly with a message that we cannot do anything about this this is a universally fatal disease why have we believed that why do we buy into that why would we get rid of something called hope i mean hope is the great healer and if we have that and we have this divine energy flowing through us why would we for a second believe that we can't do anything about it what a horrible thing for us to even begin to adopt as a people and yet we did and we we saw the results and now as the consciousness is changing we're beginning to see i was down in australia looking at time magazine and there's a sub headline and a story about immunity to aids and it says that fully five percent of the people who contact hiv will not get the aids virus will not get it they have and most of them were meditators bernie used to talk to me last night at dinner about this he said i used to carry around names and addresses of people who were healed from aids and when anybody would say that to him i'd say call this person and yet you don't hear about that because we have a disasterizing consciousness we want to disasterize about it we want to make it a catastrophe because it's more newsworthy we've got to change our awareness around there's no one not one person in here ought to ever believe that anything is incurable there have been plagues that have affected mankind since the beginning and we have we'll here we always will because the divineness that is in each one of us has no doubt look if i have a simple tulip ball in my hand and i ask you to look at it and say what is it you'd say well it's just a grungy mass of biological matter i see but look at it more closely and if it gets nurtured in a certain way that is it's watered and put in the ground it will become a tulip bubble why because it has built into it a future pull a future pull that you can't see or dissect or find in any lab it has a future pull a picture that is part of its dna part of its genetic inheritance if you take a liver cell from your liver and look at it and dissect it and it has a future pull it will always be a liver cell it will never be anything else in order for you to be able to manifest magic real magic in your life miracles you must first be able to conceive of it you must be able to conceive of it and that means no doubt and the doubt comes by shifting to a knowing rather than a belief all of the stuff deepak and i are talking now about taking a group making a movie and taking in this movie a group of babies that are that say a hundred of them and as they are born we remove them from the environment that they're in orphans and so on children who are to be abandoned and we place them into a world where there is no doubt where they get past the lie you know we're led to believe a lie as william blake said in his wonderful poem songs of innocence he said to see the world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower to hold eternity in the palm of your hand and infinity in an hour we are led to believe a lie when we see with not through the eye which was born in a night to perish in a night when the soul slept in beams of light all of us are born in a night to perish in a night in the physical world but the soul the spirit resides and sleeps in formless beams of light we are led to believe a lie a huge lie the lie is that there are limitations in our life imagine these little children being raised in a world where doubt and impossible and can't do are never exposed to that anything that they can conceive of in their mind they're able to practice they go to fire putting out school 101 and in fire putting out school here's a fire over here and you sit here and you work on it with your mind and you put that fire out you know what my kids and i do after dinner many times after dinner in the evenings couple times a week we go out we put blankets on the grass and in the blankets on the grass we uh look up at the sky and we kids say i'm going to i'm going to make clouds who wants to make clouds i want to make clouds daddy i want to make clouds i'm going to make a rabbit these my kids all the people in the neighborhood think that my kids are neurotic those dire kids think they can make clouds why not the same intelligence that flows through them flows through the clouds why not shatter the illusion of your separateness and believe that imagine a whole curriculum a whole world in which you were raised to know that there was no doubt and you can transcend that doubt when you do you begin to see that miracle synchronicity become very much a part of your life the second of those three things as i said when i get to the end i sort of rush through the last couple is that you have to learn how to shut down the inner dialogue banish the doubt shut down the inner dialogue and what is the inner dialogue the constant repetition in your mind of that chatter that goes on endlessly it is nothing more than your inventory of beliefs all of which have doubt attached to them and all of the things that you're offended by and all of the judgments that you have you have to shut it down if you want to know god as melville said the one and only voice of god is silence you have got to know that deep within you your mind is like a pond like dropping a pebble into a pond and you drop the pebble in and at the surface are all the disturbances and in your mind that's the chatter that's the endless repetition of the beliefs and the things that offend you and your judgments endlessly repeating repeating and repeating over and over and over again you get to a place where you get peaceful call it meditation call it prayer it doesn't matter make it a regular part of your life blaise pascal the great french philosopher once said that uh all of man's troubles stem from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone most of us can't do that we're so hung up on chatter and our inventory and our beliefs the pebble drops and it's layers and it drops past chatter to analysis a a-n-a-l anal alices all right all that anal retentive stuff constant picking apart the intellectual violence of tearing everything apart it drops to synthesis instead of looking at i can do this once i'm troubled by something i can see the pebble in my meditation just dropping chatter no why did she do that why would she say that wow i would be thinking about why would my wife do this why would one of my kids do that and then i could just feel the pebble dropping and i'll get to a place called synthesis where instead of seeing how things are pulled apart you see how they're held together and now i see that you know my wife and i are one and my children are one and we're all one and this is one family and it's like all of the analysis and the chatter is gone and then you get to a point where the pebble drops a little further and as the pebble drops you begin to quiet your mind and now there's no analysis or synthesis it's like quiet and ultraly ultimately the pebble drops in a place called the unified field where you empty your mind and in the unified field saint mark put it this way to he that know it all things are possible now what does that leave out [Music] nothing in the unified field it's called a unified field of all possibilities you're always in the right place at the right time in this peaceful place within you god will show up and you will know that you're not alone you will know that if prayer is called what you do when you talk to god is called prayer you will know that your intuition is god talking to you you will see and experience and know and as you do you'll start observing in your life things that i call synchronicity where you'll see that a thought that you have about someone or something will begin to be manifested it will happen for you over and over again it happened to me this afternoon when i was running down to venice beach in back a place where they're filled with scurvy elephants and i was thinking about a man named greg anderson who wrote a book called the cancer conqueror which i have endorsed and which i believe in and which i have uh purchased by the caseload and given to people who have cancer and i was thinking about him and i know that he had just been on he's got a new book out and i was he had asked for an endorsement and i had given it he was talking about some of the things i had said on good morning america i was thinking about all of this and i stopped there was a little man dancing over there on venice beach he looked like he had it was up the lid of my baby and uh he had like fingers growing out of his shoulders and he was dancing there for money and i stopped running and i reached into my pocket to uh to give him something and to say hello to him and to know remind myself that the same spirit is in him that is in me that he's not his form it's to me those people and all of us those people who are in those things called disabilities are really wonderful reminders that that our form is nothing more than our curriculum to god and there's the fullness of god as in him and me and i remind myself to stop and share and he was so grateful and this woman said she had been chasing me here her husband and she was all out of breath she said and you stopped and i never stop when i'm running but i did this to them and she started talking to me and she said i just wanted to thank you for my brother my father is greg anderson and he was yesterday on the good morning america show talking about his new vocabulary and it's like that had been in my mind and there was the sister manifested right there for me this afternoon those things become a regular part of your consciousness when you get to the unified field you'll be thinking about your sister and all of a sudden she will call and you haven't talked to her in five years you'll find yourself having these experiences meditating your way through a tennis match one time i was meditating my way through a tennis match and i went for a ball that everyone said was impossible to get and for sure i couldn't have gotten to it it was hit so hard and i just took off and i was in that zone i was in what they call flow where you just get to this ecstasy place which meditation gives you and i just took off and left my body it seemed like and reached out and hit that ball and hit it back for a winter and everyone turned around and said what happened how could you could never have gotten to that ball i said you're not going to believe this but the ball waited in midair for me to get there you see you laugh and it means that there's still doubt there if i tell that same story to a group full of quantum physicist that's not a snicker unless of course because the mind is capable of anything all things are possible even moving mountains in the unified field when you get to that place where you've shut down the inner dialogue and banish the doubt you'll begin to experience these miracles that you visualized earlier and conceived of and finally the third thing and the thing i'm going to write my next book about is call conquering the ego or slaying your self-importance and slaying your self-importance is really about understanding that the ego part of you is nothing more than the action of your beliefs in your physical world he's better than me she's better than they offend me this is wrong i don't like what they're doing i have to be better than somebody else we're number one here it's the endless repetition of your self-importance being put out there which interferes with your ability to be on purpose you see if your life is on purpose and it is an intelligent universe that we're all a part of it means that when you come in you come in with nothing and you leave with nothing so if you can have nothing while you're here the measure of your life is not in your duration but in its donations how you measure the only thing you can do with your life is give it away that's all you can do is give it away to be on purpose you have shifted off of your own self-importance whether you're a salesman whether you're a cab driver whether you're a parent the perfect metaphor for what we're here for is a nursing mother giving of herself and her body freely asking nothing in return asking nothing in return just giving and when you do that in your business and you shift your awareness off of what's in it for me and you get off of your ego and say how may i reach how may i help you how may i serve and let go of all the things that offend you the wonderful concluding story that i have as of carlos castanada tells in the power of silence and he is walking with his student carlos is his student don juan is the teacher and he has been studying with him for years to become inaugural a spiritual master who can do all of those things i earlier alluded to that are impossible changing shape being in more than one place at one time moving about the planet through consciousness all things you'll begin to see more and more of as we change from a doubting philosophy to a knowing philosopher and they're in the mountains of northern mexico and suddenly they look around and there's a jaguar over there to the left and this jaguar is chasing them and don juan says to his student you see that jaguar he's going to eat you he wants you for dinner and when he catches up with us he will eat you and not me and he says well how could you be so sure he said because i know when he gets here that i can leave and you believe you can and for three days they are chased by this jaguar and he has this enormous fear and just when he thinks he's escaped he looks at us a little closer and imagine yourself in the position as you sit here of having an animal that has much more speed and alacrity and who can read your thoughts being this far away and imagine yourself being eaten by this thing to know his level of fear and finally after three days he manages to escape and they get to this clip and they sit on the top of the cliff and don juan says to carlos he says tell me he said during the three days that you were being chased by the jaguar he said were you offended by the jaguar he said no he said i wasn't offended he was just a jaguar doing what he's doing i just wanted to get out of his way and get on with my life he said that's how you have to learn to treat the onslaughts of all of your fellow human beings you have to understand that they are on their path doing what they're doing not be offended and get out of their way and stay on purpose or as thoreau put it you have to learn to advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined and when you do you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours it will chase after you when you get on purpose your miracle that i ask you to conceive of will arrive in your life and more i promise it's happened for me it's happened with my family and i give a lot of examples in real magic when you banish the doubt shut down that inner dialogue and get peaceful and surrender and get rid of your self-importance because my friends when you learn to trust in yourself what you're doing is you're learning to trust in the very wisdom that created you god bless you and thank you
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Length: 78min 39sec (4719 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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