Destroying Limiting Mindsets with Olakunle Soriyan | Q & A with Yemi Davids

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[Music] [Music] okay thanks for joining in all over the world from whatever city all over the world you're welcome to this service and many of us are on site in any of our locations you're welcome to this communion service we have collection in the house my first question is can we just know who you are okay i wanna also have a video introduction before myself okay can you who who are you okay thank you thank you so much pastor emmy first of all i need to celebrate you know pastor yamiya paso bimbo davis for you know all the represent i i can spend all my time um articulating my value and the premium i place on my host anytime i am not the kind of person that people want to host easily i've accepted that um and i celebrated myself i don't want to be delivered from that actually um so when i find people who have the visionary strength to identify with my work to celebrate it and to see it in their work i i don't take it for granted it speaks to what they understand and the level of understanding that they have and the capacity that is available in the house and so first of all i want to congratulate you all for being located in this house my what i would challenge you to do is that this type of thinking and this type of leadership are authentic one of the most rare experience you can have in the christianity of today is authentic leadership is so rare and i know what i'm saying and so when you find yourself in a ministry with authentic leadership you want to plug in um don't just warm the peels find what you can do join the workforce get important there's so much that we have to do we are not many and we have to recognize that and invest in the literal results that we have and expand it um intelligently so thank you sir and thank you ma i want to thank all the leaders and all the guys behind the scenes the workers the choirs thank you all for the work you do god bless you um so you know my name i am a futurist um the interesting thing about a prophetic gift is that it has expression within the church and beyond the church so a lot of prophets are not able to shape culture because essentially they think within the limits of what god is doing in the church they forgot that god is actually their monarch of the universe and that it has agendas both within the church and in the culture popular culture i mean so there's a skill called strategic foresighting which is what futurism and futuristic about and that is a lower resolution of the prophetic gift right and so when you function with a gift of god prophetically you are able to easily zone into that um strategic foresight so i'm i'm that i'm also an iconoclast it means that i consistently check believes um held home beliefs [Laughter] iconoclasts that is i-c-o-n-o-c-l-a-s pastor knows he just likes to tease you know you know him so iconoclast so and what we do essentially is just to take a second look at long-held beliefs and to see how relevant they are they might have been true and they may not be they will still be true but no longer potent or relevant in the form that they wear and it is our duty to upgrade it change the software and bring the new software um right so that is what i am i'm also a global influence strategist i help people find their place in the world um um whatever that place is um that's what i do and of course i'm a minister of the gospel and i love that more than any other team thank you sir are you putting your hands together for the futurist and the global strategist now one of the one of the things actually uh pulled me or dreaming close to you was mindset you know when i was on campus i started a fellowship on campus and the course scripture we had was romans 12 2 that do not conform to this world will be transformed by the renewing of your mind that someone cannot change until you change the way they think and one of the principal work of god's word is to change our mindset unfortunately some people have made a religion out of that and it's not really working so when i meet people that are able to help people change the way they think i am excited and because any limitations we have is of the mind yes so i and i know you work with people within the church and the secular system i just wanted to speak to that limiting mindset at the top of them you know like the top two or three things that you notice limit people you said it you know at the conference but want to hear it again and i'm sure the holy ghost will breathe through you amen in the way that i tell you it will reach you amen thank you thank you persuade me so like you said there are countless of these beliefs that we have to take a second look at every time one of them is the idea that the human spirit can find his completion outside in or find his highest misery outside in as opposed to inside out so you find people place a lot of premium on material things you know a car a house you know good clothes and all of that because fundamentally in their mind what they don't know is that they have prioritized their impact you know of having their meaning and their purpose essentially from what is outside him forgetting that the human spirit itself is designed to only be regulated inside out and not outside in and what that means is that when you miss that little line you begin to disempower your own self internally and empower things that are outside of you that are designed to be tools of what you come into terms with inside of you so that is why people believe that you know their destiny can be you know um edited by some force somewhere and i think i need to say this is very important there's no spirit in the world that can edit your life or edit your spirit your life and your destiny is actually read only it can't be edited let me tell you what i mean tonight i don't think i'm just using technicality you see i guess jesus is our perfect theology pastor yeah it's a perfect theology you can look at the life of jesus and you can determine everything you should believe from there and whatever is not in his life is you is human made it may not be wrong but it's a human invention right so if jesus if i ask you who is the most important enemy to the cause of the devil it will be jesus right so the most important destiny that the devil wants to stop in this life is jesus is jesus destiny so let's look at how the devil will attack jesus how the devil attacked jesus is a clue to why you will attack because your life no matter how complex there's no resolution compared to the life of jesus that's right so so it's what you do is low resolution etc it's equal although we are all children of god we are all god god is inside of [Laughter] so so if you understand that so let's look at what the devil did if your enemy is coming they said the greatest enemy you have has four guns and he was killed and all of our own enemies have three three guns we should go and ask the person who killed the one with four guns how he did it right so if you go to the to how the jesus was attacked you can understand a lot human beings with a skill remember the three the wise men they were not three but the wise men were not spirits they were not witches they were not wizards they just had a skill of astrology and they studied the life of jesus so much that first of all they saw his star they interpreted that star enough to know the weight of jesus destiny they knew this is the messiah they knew that without being witches or wizards it's just understanding interpreting dynamics and they were able to put it together they did not only know the weight of his destiny they actually traced it to his location so there are people who by some type of awareness can find out all you are about everything you are about a year you know and all of that they can find out everything you are about number two they cannot just only find it out they can actually trace it to exactly where you are sleeping wow but when it was now time for jesus to be attacked they had to abandon the spirit realm and come down to the physical and think and strategize because they now said anyone age two and below kill every attack against christ was strategic by men amongst men against a man it means that the destiny of jesus itself was read only they can leave your destiny but that's it if they have to attack you by any sense they have to come to this world and they have to start thinking the limiting belief is you overrate that ability to leave and so when you want to respond to the devil you are also trying to respond in this no the spirit rhyme is to see what is going on the physical realm is the platform of engagement and so you see to act he reveals to redeem the revelations in the spirit the redemption is an act of man that is why jesus did not die in the spirit he has to come and die here there's no way the redemption of man can be completed in the spirit they can plant in the spirit god planned for thousands of years in the spirit he did everything but when it was time for the eventual ultimate eternal redemption of man god has to come down here so in your thinking about the devil it's easier for you to think of witches and wizard and miss legislation one legislation one government law if you look at the gay movement for example i'm not trying to put out anybody all of this did not happen it happened through human laws so we have to come back here and begin to ask ourselves god what do we need to understand and as soon as you are done with that the next question is what do we need to do about what we understand that is freedom right there wow legislation because i remember last year when the pandemic you know and then yeah churches should not meet yes like legislation looks like the devil you know but i was out of church physically for several months that's never happened okay and even jesus the attack on jesus was never successful anyway he was an angel that moved him out against him so with instruction and even the instruction god gave jesus it was move yes it was a physical movement it's true it's true you know so so we have abundant capacity in the spirit to have full knowledge of whatever reality is because reality itself is untrue and it's incomplete so if you define yourself by your reality you're going to miss the truth because the data available in truth is superior to fact so truth is a positive reality beyond the facts the facts are minimal that is why you can be dead broke and say you are a billionaire because the truth is you are yeah you know but the fact is you don't have a dime in your pocket so to be able to relate beyond those limits we require that we understand that our senses our minds are uh i mean the bible even says that those who through senses have their those have their those who practice yeah they have their senses trained to deserve good and evil so our senses can interpret divinity on a lot of levels and there's a reason why god gave us those senses and the soul and the mind and the human spirit and so when we think like that um it's limiting i don't know what i need to say to us very importantly is the premium we place on speaking in tongues i cannot over emphasize that a lot of people come to me they say they want to touch me they want to get my handkerchief i oblige because there is a theology that supports that but deep inside of me i know that these guys are missing the main idea because the biggest idea that we have in christ jesus that evil makes touching the ancestors make sense that makes touching you make sense it's the holy spirit holy spirit it's the holy spirit without the holy spirit touching and catching and carrying it around is the abolishing it is the holy spirit in the picture that makes it spiritual that makes the anointing to work so understand that and when we therefore see the gifts of the spirit i i can't help but to explain this every time the gift the ability to speak in tongues it's not just a recognition for example of a spiritual exercise that acknowledges your position in jesus so that when you are born again you can then speak in tongues that is not what it is what it is is one of the greatest advantages that we have you know in science we have what we call encryption have you heard about a christian because yes that's what speaking in tongues is speaking in tongues is an encryption it is a conversation between two ends coded that nobody else can interfere understand or relate with yeah except the true ends that are communicating yes yes yes right yes so when you understand that you want to bring your most important conversation there into that realm because english language can be interpreted yes friends can be interpreted so because he said when we're speaking to he that speaking in tongue speaking not to man but to god for no one understand our behead he speaks mysteries to the world known to god and let me also go further that everything in the new you know is a completion of what is it what is in the world right so at the tower of babel remember that men manhood i mean the human race was at its highest level of strength because the bible said whatever they imagined in their togetherness cannot be held away from them right and then when they began to mess up because they wanted to grow vertically as opposed to expanding horizontally that god asked them to do what they now did was they wanted to construct the building into heaven and then god responded by scattering their language and when god scattered their language and gave them diversity of language it is that diversity of language is a limitation the reason why we have many languages is to stop our ability or hinder or contain our ability to collaborate and to imagine at the highest level so the advantage of language was not a blessing it was a limitation god gave us many languages to contain our excesses now we carried all that journey all our life until the indwelling of the holy spirit speaking in tongues is the restoration back to the zone of one language one tongue before man ever had diversity of language now the world is still perplexed and that's why the united nations can never organize the world together because the reason for diversity of language is to limit their collaboration so the ability to work together is hindered the league of nations failed the u.n will struggle but the unitedness that we have to experience is that you are igbo i'm outside i'm french and whatever and god is in heaven now when we say liberal sacrament there is a unity a unity but most importantly there is a shift to your most creative zone that zone that they wear that they said nothing they imagined could be without from them because of the gift of one song it's what you're coming to so you don't speak in tongues and you're just you know doing casually creating and in that moment you are in your power zone yes even if it's for one minute you are in a power zone it frees you beyond your logic it frees you beyond your understanding the goal of academics is regulation and order the goal of education is strength amongst men academics is what you are taught education is what you are what you teach yourself revelation is what you are given yes so teachers and human beings can help you observation can help you within academics and education but revelation is the strength of the christian yes and that comes through a walking talking relationship with the holy spirit based on their word and most importantly understanding those truths we have been given of which speaking in tongues is a major word okay hallelujah i i thought i should say that yeah because i in our devotions this week i've been talking about that oh holy spirit that you know praying in the holy ghost it's it's it's our advantage it's a super advantage that we have and any businessman that takes advantage of that can can do anything yes i mean if you understand the innovations that can come from it we ought to be better than joseph better than daniel better than all those guys because of this opportunity to include what do you call it encrypt and and and and converse with god and the enemy is just looking i cannot do anything cannot interpret it only you and god understand that and things are happening okay now um you've been to places in the world yes sir you've lived in nigeria for i don't know long time yeah so other things you observe that also from a christian perspective also that as limited us as africans yes yes so i asked my friend who is um white and i asked him sorry um who is a christian and and speaking tongues just like us pentecostal like all of us like white white okay it's white so i asked him sorry if you if you eat in your dream what does it mean how do you feel i'm happy i'm giving you true life story should i go there so i said if you eat in your dream what does it mean he said wow that would be great i've never thought of that i've never thought of that i said you don't know what you are saying that would be great people are calling their pastors people are calling their imams they're calling their prophets when they eating their dream so i realized that we have what we call parallel universes you know what the parallel universe is it's a scientific theory the idea that you can exist in different places with a different level of understanding wow in multiple zones all at the same time so for example parallel universe is that you we are here in pasayamina all of us are here but we are also seated in christ right now in the heavenly places yes yes we are seated there yes now there are some christians who resist parallel universes and the theory of parallel universes because they don't understand that science is the gift of god for the advancement of the human condition but when they see science the doubters are those who don't know science then scientists are the greatest for them of science but science in itself is a gift of god for the advantage of humanity and so anytime i see anything scientific i know god gave them so quickly i'm looking for so god what was your thoughts and he leaves me there quick real quick because i know that there's no idea that it's independent right so part of what that means is that you can actually exist in your highest form of awareness on a particular issue and be dead ignorant completely in another universe on another issue and you can profit so massively from the knowledge you have within the universe of the particular thoughts and you can also be suffering miserably between under the weight of the ignorance you have within another universe what has happened is that those guys at the other end have a different perception of evil and they have a different perception of the devil i can talk about so many things in the popular culture in society and how we live every day as africans and people in the west or in america but i can even talk about the critical difference between how we faith and how we contain our spirituality and how they do theirs with the same bible with the same scriptures for different understanding and when you understand that when just was jazzed when juju was juju you were colonized so if you understand that about the fourth the fourth month so you will colonize and then if you fight by higher juju less by higher juju because and if you want to be more humble if you want to be more humble you don't realize that the weapon that colonizes you is gun powder which is no longer recognized as a weapon in warfare today we now have surface-to-air missiles rpgs um ak-47 assault rifles we have nuclear weapons a damn gun that colonized us it's no longer recognized as a weapon it's not it's not in history that this type of superiority existed right but that was enough to conquer shanghai so it was then gone that conquered yes it was he was then gone so but that was enough to humble the entire essential history of the power that we understand now don't get me wrong there's power in our history it's just weak psychology right but all of that has gone forward to where we are now what has now happened is that these guys don't see evil in areas that we see evil and i found a lot of liberation in that and i'll give you an example password if you permit me i'll give you a quick example a guy who is an executive here went to a church in scotland went to scotland to minister and when he got to scotland no no for a board meeting of his company he's a big boy here but it belongs to a congregation in nigeria where prayer is a it's a big deal i will mention names yeah so he went in there and under his hotel a church was there on sunday morning so he was hearing worship oh so he said oh great let me go and watch it with these people so he went in when he got into the auditorium they were praying during the prayer time so the pastor just said okay so this is the prayer point let's pray and he went on it he just went on in his own way of praying he just went on on true life story so an usher went to him and tapped him so he said he was excuse me he said do you need coffee true live stream so he went like coffee then he realized he was the only black person in the room so these guys must be discriminating they've seen that i'm black why is he talking to me about coffee we are praying everybody is praying and he's asking about coffee so he went on the guy why are you talking so the guy said i'm so sorry i'm so sorry please forgive me i just went to the guy by the way he said from that moment he couldn't pray again he said once he tried to pray the holy ghost we asked him why you and why coffee he said if we bind it i banged it because no why you and why coffee and he said throughout this service all he was hearing in this video was why you and why coffee so at the end of the service he said he went to the guy again i said excuse me why did you say the guy said oh i said no no no i'm sorry i was upset i want to ask you two questions why me and why coffee so the guy said oh you know um the way you were moving you know i just told me you were battling cold you know um so i wanted to know that we have coffee dispensers in the hall because it was winter so you could have some coffee so he said what you didn't think i was praying i've never seen prayer like that before you know i saw the god talking he said you know if that was pray it's like there's an announcement from god that i will not hear you and then you are saying no you must hear me and then the bible jesus himself said they think they will be heard for their many words because they now assume that they need auditory strength to communicate authority that is why in africa we shout on our staff we shout on our friends and our wives and our husbands because to us we need auditory strength to connect with drummers in this area [Laughter] so so this is the thing the problem so if i want to fire you right now if i need to fire you in my office i have two two ways i can say you are fired get out i can say so that's too much investment because i am not only losing this up it's bad enough i'm losing this stuff i'm not losing myself all i can say you are fired i can't even smile and he doesn't need to believe me you know once security comes and letter comes you know that there's fire because the moment i say you are fired authority has gone forth and that is why jesus could do those big miracles with ease because what activates the miracle is not your drama right it is the drama in the power of the holy ghost that goes forth regardless of the intensity of you now don't get me wrong okay because i'm there to balance that yes there's a place of favorability yes but what is driving the favorancy is it that you're doubting god exactly you understand that's balance yeah because some of you come together father thing no no no no and then there must be that understanding yes of your place yes if there is vibrancy then it makes much power available yes but if there is no understanding and you're just directing and which i think a lot of people do every time i don't doubt out of fear condemnation anxiety yes yes you know pressure and that is the energy for what we do right and with understanding you know there's so much more that we can do so i found out that the the premium we place on evil here is essentially based on african what we call atr african traditional religion so there is a lot of drama even our names you know bad boy by me you know and you know i'll idea you know our every that's drama which is fine what is our culture but we must understand that the gospel the god the gospel transcends the limits of culture if the gospel is not cultural at all the gospel is a divine experience visiting man and heavily experienced heaven touching earth basically so we have to graduate really understand at what level we should be in our premium of the devil um so part of what that means is that a lot of energy is invested in saturn you know fighting satan experience of worshiping the graciousness the mercy the favor all of what god has prepared for us the way they are matters of spiritual exchange so you have people know more about the devil actually and they know about god yeah right yes you know and and i want to advise like i say every time because all of what i'm saying will be meaningless if he doesn't do one thing which is drive you into the word of god if pastor says anything that you've never heard before don't be excited about what he's saying when i say anything you've not had before don't let that excite you two things you will do first of all greet knowledge not with acceptance but curiosity if you greet knowledge with acceptance of view you'll be prejudiced no matter the knowledge be like the berean christians who after listening to all that once said we'll check it out what paul said went to check it to see that all said was true but equal to that is to realize that if i've lived in this world for 40 years and i've been a christian for 15 years and somebody's saying something new it just tells me that all i know is what i've studied and there's so much more i still need to know that i'm here to study and so when you hear revelation it should unlock your humility to study more and to stay in god's word it's not to get excited but to understand that wow there's so much newness in christ on a daily basis that should never get us to be so comfortable and this is what i believe pastor and i believe this very strongly you can be more prayerful than you are full of study yes because a lot of your prayers will be intelligent because the bible then says we pray i miss yes yes when you stay in the world as the foundation don't get me wrong pray you must pray i pray more than most people pray i fast when i multiple fast but the foundation of that is the word which gives you spiritual intelligence to navigate that's why we see scriptures like order my steps in your world because it's not just to be around but to be present and being present requires navigation and navigation requires clarity and intelligence and that intelligence is the holy spirit that teaches us all things thank you wow okay now um the pandemic showed up last year and i remember when he showed up i was scared or confused and i and the holy spirit said well whatever you define the season to be is what you will experience and he said i remember that there was that inspiration in my heart that define it on time because it's going to get intense so i remember i started saying things like it's my best moment my best opportunity things like that so i believe the pandemic ought to be a blessing if we have the right perspective can you help us with certain perspectives from the pandemic that will help business people or career people here yes sir sir before i answer that question i just remember something i want to quickly say yes sir africa is plagued with their drive to travel abroad yes right everyone wants to get out and then japan is getting gaining traction and scaling real fast yes and then um plan b is scaling real fast as a world you know yes and all those things are scaling yes because scripture says flee all appearances [Laughter] so this is what i want to say if you travel abroad because you want to respond to your economics you want to respond to your economics and to your welfare you are celebrating an escape that's what you are doing in other words survival is your drive you will never outgrow that drive you will land in america no doubt but you'll be so small such that you will eat all that can be eaten you will look good and look fresh you will drive good cars but that would be it fools do that too and even people do that too and people of all of all types have cars and have good clothes and they feel you can't leave your location because of survival because look destiny itself is location sensitive repeat destiny itself is location sensitive it said i have appointed your i have determined your appointed times and the boundaries of your habitation if perhaps you will grope for me for in me you leave you move you have your being he has determined your appointed times and the boundaries of your habitation that is the greatest one that people say they don't want to be in the church they are receiving one i don't understand it the whole of that's why you have a house you have an office the whole of life is location sensitivity it's community services absolutely you can't be in this world and say you don't want to be so how can you be the king of the church it's location sensitive but you don't have been in church but being in your church your church you can't function in every church yes because that's why you can't function just like fruits don't grow apple cannot grow in ghana right you don't just plant apples because there is soil you will plant apple in lagos it will not grow nothing there is soil there is water you will wet it it's not designed for such manifestation it's going to crash it's never going to grow no matter how much you put water you need put fertilizer it's not designed for that environment so there's an environment for you more than that too visa is not the will of god guys visa is a human invention in response to human unguardedness [Music] it was not so at the beginning i don't understand no yes i will explain that so what i mean by that is when the bible says be fruitful multiply feel the when he said it there was no desire in the world and he expected you to be able to obey that instruction okay without the approval of a thought party yes yes yes because it's his command yes he was commanded by the nation yes and then he said um you shall receive power when the only way shall come upon you and shall be my witnesses in jerusalem in judea in the remotest part of the world okay and when that was said as well there was no visa in the world visa was created by human beings in response to human unguardedness now this is the thing the reason why god said we should move horizontally therefore essentially is because there is a penetration and a dominance resident in us that we have to communicate and that communication is hindered by a lot of the economics that move us around and so you must understand somebody say what i do in the united states i say what is toyota doing in lagos what is microsoft doing in lagos what are all the big ideas doing everywhere in the world have you noticed that the most prosperous countries are the ones who are able to put their ideas everywhere in the world attracting purchasing power from all over the world and bringing it to headquarters in tokyo yes headquarters in silicon valley yes headquarters in lagos what is japan without honda toyota panasonic um you can go on and on what is korea without hyundai kia um samsung lg what is germany without bmw opel eineken sap volkswagen you could go on and on the united states all of us can name a u.s brand here and will not exhaust it that's why the most powerful country in the world because they are the ones with the highest number of brand collecting purchasing power from all over the world and bringing to headquarters when you run out to build economy in a host country you weaken that very idea you betray the very spirit of expansion and conquest and dominance and territorial penetration so you can run to a country and go and hide and stay in the corner because you are missing because you cannot pursue more than you see if what you see is economics your stomach your bank account you want to have your house by time you are 40 as the proof of god blessing upon your life you are such a small fiber that your business is created by the media that you control you run your own press so you lie to yourself recklessly unguardedly and you keep a curriculum that is untrue but true in your smallness so actually you are a slave please close your eyes so the way to go the way to go is not to think of an escape but to think like bill gates bill gates is in silicon valley he comes to africa to do whatever but he returns to his base so we have transcended relocation when you take your ideas to the level where you can move around in the world it is not relocation phase it's restoration you have been restored to that man that was told to fill the earth wow with his ideas with his thinking which is what these guys are doing every day so if you don't have a dream to take out and democratize and ship around the world anywhere maybe you are not ready for your next level yet your next level is to conquer your local so that your global can run to you that's the way it works and i need to say that but then pandemic i think that speaks to the pandemic because what the dynamic did was even make that easy yes sir yes sir yes sir and if i'm going to speak to the pandemic i'll tell you a few things whatever you do whether you're an actor a musician you are a an entrepreneur an innovator a fashion designer whatever it is you do understand that the pandemic is not a coincidence you first of all know just what pastor said nothing really happens here on this side of heaven without some permission from the monarch of the universe himself so even when ill or evil or core is not occurring away from god's side yeah if that is possible then all of us are miserable because that means god is capable of after thoughts yeah and once god can do after thought we are all miserable because he can come tomorrow yeah i didn't think through this is somebody it's a tough testament so it means that all experiences in christ jesus are perfect and complete right if that is true then eliminate coincidences so god sees everything as it is in 2018 january i run my conference where i told whoever care to listen that by 2020 there were and i documented it it's in the city by 2020 um the world 2020 and above the world will be visited with a disruption it's on it's online i posted it on my on my on my social media accounts the idea that the world has been due for updates software's around everything in the world when your phone is due for an update and you don't update it one it's open to viruses it can be attacked faster then it malfunctions you just be slow it will be malfunctioning until you update we have been deal for a new update since 2017. how did i know fury not the csd not theory the theory is every 500 years something unplanned unprecedented hits the church first goes into the world to shape culture okay every 500 years go check it google it it's not my idea the last 500 years was 1517 the martin luther reformation yeah people forget that that was the beginning of democracy as we know it that was the beginning of little governments as we know it inquiries public inquiries transparency as we know it began from there it disrupted the church theology but then it went on into the world to shape culture and give us the system as we know it today well 2017 was the end of that 500 years you know the bible says we should learn to number our days so now we can understand we can apply our hearts to wisdom the whole world is a game of numbers you know how one zero one zero creates pictures for you on tv you know everything you see on tv is created by two figures one and zero those just two numbers creates all the pictures that you see on the screen that is how everything you are seeing in this world through is governed by numbers and the moment you are able to understand the numbers in church which we know several number of perfections we know five is the number of grace we know three is number of the trinity we know these numbers and there are numbers that govern everything so the bible says teach us to number our days why so that we can apply ourselves to wisdom it means there is a level of clarity wisdom we will never attend to except we learn to understand the rules and the governance of numbers now every 500 years that has happened 2017 was a new beginning for the whole of mankind and 2018 was supposed to launch that newness we took our time if pandemic did not happen zoom would have been bought by now i can assure you of that if the endemic will not happen you will not know stream yards there are so many companies you now know today you will they've been there they were punching for life they were almost going to die because their time had come but humanity was taking his time to accept it wow so the pandemic not from god just like are they known they would not have crucified the lord of glory you must understand that some of your next testimony cannot be started by god the devil must start it amen you must understand that it's not every blessing that god starts there are some blessings that are overdue and they have components of evil limits that god does not do evil it has to be activated by the one whose ministry is to kill to steal and to destroy so god hides his agenda in the character of the devil such that as the devil is just being himself god is achieving his agenda in areas he cannot reduce himself to perform him so god cannot reduce himself god cannot reduce himself and begin to kill people or to kill christ a new christ must be killed because there's a higher principle that says without the shedding of blood there's no reception of sins so he knew that christ would be killed he doesn't kill and he doesn't tempt so somebody was killed christ some people say why didn't god kill the devil garden of eden if god had killed the devil man would have been because who's going to kill christ who's going to crucify him he's going to arrange all of that so the devil is a partner he's busy executing at a level and let me tell you you must also understand this will enmity enmity is bigger than pain in at the highest level of power there's no enmity in the world that's right people see the biggest um discovery of a plan for terrorism for terror in russia was not discovered by the kgb it was discovered by the cia and the cia shared the intelligence with russia with russia i thought they were enemies i thought they shouldn't because you should be happy the hell they're going to attack russia let's be happy let them kill them no because there are bigger agendas that if it occurs it affects you and i am so they have to say so we have to find a way to collaborate the difference is god uses the devil to to achieve agendas that he has no idea about yes so he didn't know what was about christ his own decision is anything that makes sense and that is valuable i must kill it steal from it or destroy it so he was read only read only he could read the destiny of christ he could understand all of that and he said i'm going to destroy him but the agenda of heaven he could not see because he can't edit it so what did god do god plucked his agenda into that the devil walked two times and when he was done god said it's finished the devil said i'm finished god said i'm finished you can't be finished you didn't do anything i did everything i killed him i finished him fair because every time you work so hard i achieve everything i want you have never been able to walk independently if you read the story of job devil works so hard but at the end of it the bible says the latter end of job was better than his beginning and he known he would not have crucified he would have persecuted you as well if you knew job will expand you would have left him in the level he is but god needed to promote job the bible said job's food come at the side of his food the bible says what i fear has come upon me job has always been afraid of his billions of dollars meanwhile god wants to give him trillions and god says that if you run with foot men and they wear you out how do you compete with horses if you struggle with 300 million dollars how do you deal with a billion dollars that thing in you that cannot contain a billion that that overpowered ties 300 million has to go so i don't take it out i don't do evil so have you seen my son joe and then he knows how to try it god tried to heal so the devil got him there and attacked an attack and attacked and just when he was done god was done are thy known is a virus god has been using me for the devil because the virus not only works it can't be you written it's anti-memory so when the virus is at first you can't remember its last operation so that is why it will use it for the devil a million times they will still do it a million times because the virus cannot be contained you know you know a chemical experiences when you put a video on instagram and then it disappears like it never existed so the virus is ephemeral like that so it comes it operates and then it disappears and you don't have the memory of video game and nobody who comes to that scene can understand it so that is exactly how the devil operates now the implication of that is that um in your life the devil will always walk to turn kneel the pandemic represented that so the pandemic came the devil thinking is attacking the world not knowing that he's advancing the world and the church into his highest level now let me tell you this and i prophesy in the name of jesus the next ten years will define the rise of the church at a level we have never seen listen everything you are seeing in the pandemic is not about the world it's about the church the church is the issue in the pandemic it's not what is happening in the world affecting the church it's what is happening in the church affecting the world the church is the game center we are the restrainer first of all even of the antichrist is the church yes governance of the church and so at every point in time we are the contest the devil is fighting that reality now the reality is the church is coming into those of you are criticizing pointing fingers cheaply at pastors pointing fingers cheaply at the church there is no church in human history that has ever experienced perfection never that church has never been born will never be born that's why the church depressing that can supply perfect behavior can never be born including you such that in your personal affairs if you insist that only through perfect behavior when you have peace you will never have peace but of your wife or of your businesses of your staff they will give you imperfect behavior forever they will disappoint you they will let you down the goal is not to time people's behaviors but to be mature to handle them whatever they do that is the place of god and the holy spirit and that's what we are called into so my advice to all of us is that the pandemic has come to do two things to introduce you to you you know when people get into government they say they change they lie they don't change people rarely change they are revealed so when they got into government government put them under pressure and the thing inside the pressure now bring out is inside so the person is meeting himself for the first time we are meeting him for the first time both us and him are meeting him for the first time it will surprise how can i be doing this there is a social critique hello let me go because of time there's a social critic who was criticizing government all his life yes then he brought him into government i won't mention names yes when he got into government he met himself and all of us met him for the first time you know when you step on cockroach can blood come out why there's no blood inside there's no inside when you squeeze a car can milk come up no foil water oil and metal that's all come up when you put pressure on the thing the content of the thing is revealed when your wife says something nasty to you and you are angry if you slap her it's not because of what she said is this life because so somebody else in your situation will hear the same thing i responded will be as angry as you will be as leave it at you but because he doesn't know how to slap he will pick his jacket and go for a walk you slapped because you're already a trained slapper whatever trained you in your upbringing made you a slapper so this is the thing this is where i'm going this is where i'm going this is where i'm going when the when life tests you you only supply what is inside of you so it's a revelation it's your revelation yes that that we will experience how we behave under pressure yes reveals who you are to you that's what the bible says if you fail in the days of adversity your strength has been low you just didn't know whatever fooled you that you have occupied strength has now come to an end today is that the day you now know the true weight of yourself and this is what you need to upgrade so the idea is that the pandemic has come to introduce you to you but bigger than that is that the pandemic has come to fast track the whole world into his place in the clock of heaven the antichrist is coming we are closer to that i don't want to mention some things but i think by all the signs that we see i doubt if humanity has more than a particular number of years nobody knows that number but i can't we know the times and bible says we can know the signs and we can have an idea so the urgency of evangelism has come upon us like never before the pandemic has come to remind all of us that you are not out of you are not in control of nothing nothing yes and the software that runs the whole world is always independent of you we call it cia credible independent actions owned by god managed in heaven deployed on earth by the holy spirit when you understand that you can't lead any change whenever people say in business school we are leading change they're talking nonsense nobody leads change you can only align with leverage and leverage because the very beginning of change nobody sees it it's a noiseless effect when a woman gets pregnant the day she gets pregnant go go go she didn't know she had sex like before got up like before she left but from that day a new generation but she didn't know she didn't have bones come together i think i'm pregnant when you kiss somebody who is um you kiss somebody deeply with covet positive you don't hear an alarm noiseless effect everything looks normal in a couple of days or weeks fourteen days they're about you're gonna feel it when david was anointed king he didn't have the crown for over a decade yeah when saul was rejected king was nice effect the crown was in his head for another 17 years yes meaning that the withdrawal of value may not be physically understood yet does not determine does not come through the reality of the withdrawal when virtue left something the bible said he rose up like before because he wasn't aware of the withdrawal so the crown on your head does not even validate your position it's just the limits of the human eyes and the clock of man when god initiates his own clock it transcends the limits of the human clock and so a new clock has come into humanity led by the pandemic it has brought speed so as a business person five questions you must be asking no matter what you do five questions you must ask number one where is your new value new value if you're a business person you can convert that to new money if you are an innovator you can see what's your new idea or your new value whatever it is but where is your new because you can pour new wine into old wine skin so whatever it is you have known now old wine scheme there's a new that is coming and it cannot be contained by your old so where is your new money your new value who is holding that value when i say who you i mean human beings communities the demography are they young are they old do they sleep do they not sleep what do they eat what do they stay how do they work your customer base may your market might have changed and you're not aware and you're still preparing for the old market because of time if we had a conference here for another maybe four hours i can explain to you actually how every market has changed in the world and how your view of your old customer has been disrupted on many levels right and that the pandemic actually gave the whole consumption community in the world a new taste and new preferences and every time you have a new taste and a new preference you also have prejudices you know what prejudices are conclusions without justifiable explanation i am white i'm better than you that's not true there are black people who employ white people but your prejudices can make you believe so i am short therefore i can't find a girlfriend prejudice i am tall that's what i'm father none of you i have straight legs i've found all of you prejudice you can't justify it that's prejudice now there's a lot of prejudice in how we think it defines our elimination our smallness so my advice is understand your new market your new followers your new demographic your new audience that even if they have not changed physically their thinking has changed their taste has changed their preferences has changed their prejudices has changed and you have to meet that number three first of all where is the money where is the new value who is holding it how do you now reach them because it has also affected how you reach those people the same way those people change how to reach them has also changed so you can't be reaching them the same way you were reaching them before you you'll be disrupted and you'll be a victim on the casualty of that newness so where is the value who is holding it how do i reach them if i reach them what do i say what is the narrative what is my story ten years ago if you start a statement sir with so so we present your microphone pastor yami davis and they come on the microphone you know today you can start this thing by saying so yesterday you know you can do that now and get together with it 15 years ago if you do that why is he starting with so he's a weak pastor you know why we are nothing so we are all telling the story and every moment in life everything going on is a continuation of the story all of a sudden without nobody teaching us we could come and start a statement and say welcome to a microphone or like on the journey and i would say so yesterday and nobody had a problem with it that was bad grammar 20 years ago now it's accepted as another grammar everybody's starting to take me with so i can just start this one and say therefore because i've been in a story people listen to me at all in a story and at every point in time we are telling stories so what is the story that you are telling what is the narrative you are selling and then most importantly where is the money who is holding it how do you reach him if you reach him what do you say if you know what to say how do you say it do you need to change your vehicle you need to abandon advertisements and go for pr do you need a podcast do you need a free commodity to share with people to to gather data what it is what is it what is your freedom google has a premium facebook has a premium so people don't even know how google makes money so we don't even know how facebook makes money but everything you are doing free on google is their freemium their business model is right behind all of that and they are making so much money around what is free for you your free is a strategy premium is over overrated freemium is the new level that shields premium from observer's view so there's something called deja vu listen to this there's something called deja vu which is when you see something unfamiliar as familiar but there is vulgar day as there is deja vu and that is when you see something familiar and you create newness out of it so that is vujardi is the opposite of deja vu deja vu so the vuja day is the spirit of innovation i can look at this watch and find this next level so it's time for you to lock into your own vuja day which is everything you have known you need to start questioning it and bursting new scenarios from them that is the loudest noise of the pandemic thank you wow freemium that freemium deformed yes it's actually i don't know how i know yourself but it's out there wow i like it premium yes heaven praise let's put our hands together some more for ah i i just feel you need to say something about um kingdom addiction yes sir just some few words what what you think about kingdom addiction yes sir the benefits okay yes sir um i know there is no human being who doesn't desire prosperity if you say money is not important we know a problem you have been defeated by poverty and then in your defeat you have formed a new nature based on poverty therefore you will never experience prosperity that's not the curse that's not the curse you know some people are so poor all they have is money i hope you understand that like politicians right yeah yes their poverty transcends the container of coins and notes they are actually so poor that the only thing valuable in their life is take their money away and they are dead and useless and there are so many people jogging for that kind of life because their meaning and their purpose is regulated outside in not inside out right and that's why they need salaries they need you know pegs official car and all of those things to define their meaning people go to look for jobs and if you can pay them some type of money you really can't take that job because they're looking for the pegs right now they can't find their completion those things make sense and the human condition must pursue them i mean look at myself in person i mean we look good i know poor people you can look at us and know that okay so these guys have some value in their life that crazy economy right but if that is all that defines who we are then we are blind physically and dead internally we have to be better than that because that is what god calls us into and let me tell you what i mean you see in the kingdom two things you must defeat and it's part of the limiting mindset sir two things you don't you know we read the scripture that says anyone who has given away house homes lands whatever for me you will get rewarded in this life and then with persecution of course and in the life to come eternal life right that suggests that you can actually want more money you want prosperity and the equation to the prosperity is go and get land wow give yourself give your money give your things so that you can have what you have in other words you have come to a god come come until you do something quickly quickly quickly you have come to a god who is the bible says he that must come to god must believe that he is but this is what you are doing you want phone in his hands where's your right hand okay so we have that phone don't forget that in his hand you know in his presence fullness of joy at his right hand pleasures forevermore so this is what you want right all you want is here many phones on the right hand that's what you want then you come to a god who has the full okay we rarely come to a god who is so because of the promise of reward is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him it is not what you do something to get rewarding is a definition of his character he will give to you even if you don't want such that if he gives and you reject you are prideful because that is the father's heart given to you it's not about what you give you come to him not focusing on this to him you come to a god who is and then he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him his reward is what he hugs you with when you come when you come to him seek first his kingdom and his righteousness all of that things shall be added like by product so what we do is put your hands what we do is lord lord i love you i believe in you he is here you have come to a god who has and what he has and so you are loving up singing and fasting and doing all of that he said you ask you don't receive because you ask because you want to ask for a means to spend it on your pleasures this is not why you come to god you come to god here now him let me now take that into that kingdom addiction in christ jesus we are soldiers of the kingdom no soldier in every district no soldier in active service entangles himself with the affairs of everyday life everyday issues of contemporary life no soldier in active service there are soldiers who are not in active service yes they entangle themselves with the effect of everyday life when you are a soldier do you know any government do you know any soldier that buys his own uniform his own guns i've seen them they exist i walked into a state laws office some years ago a policeman came to show his trouser he came to show his own trouser so i've seen a policeman in this invaluable buying his own shoes how much for can you sell it for two five he was negotiating his own shoe that we have to go and walk his own black shoe right so irresponsible governments and i'm not mentioning which country please irresponsible governments can actually allow the soldier to buy his own uniform but responsible governments for kitab don't allow in fact if you're in the u.s sermon somebody joined the u.s army while he was you know he has finished training he was he didn't lose his life in battle that's a domestic accident but in the in the military exercise he died wow he was about to divorce they were about to they were in the press of divorce but they have not divorced then the husband died and once you die like that it's 400 thousand dollars to your family are you serious 400 000 don't tell nigerians wherever you lose your life listen so these guys so this guy's family got 4000 dollars the wife will have been so glad that the divorce had not come true but all of that happened wow uniform you have uniform for dinner you have uniforms for breakfast you have the underwears you have to over supply with all that you need right responsible governments the united states government for example if you want to run for election as a for president you must tell us your plans for veterans that's true there's no campaign without explaining yes your plans will if you talk nonsense on that subject you can lose the election like that yes so you must the military we get into a plane it happens to us every time in the u.s get into a plane people stand up and begin to clap for the military people give up their seats yes businessmen we take the man to come and sit in business because in economy yes just to celebrate that man that's why there's so much premium on it because there's a responsible government managing the military now as soldiers of christ you must know that god is not responsible god is faithful responsibility is a parallel experience between two equals so it's man that can be responsible that's why nowhere is scripture did they say our god is responsible our god is a responsible god our god is faithful because faithful transcends the limits of human behavior faithfulness can call even in your faithfulness so god transcends all of that so responsibility is a game of man faithfulness is a divine experience and a divine quantity now god is faithful if a u.s government that is only responsible can so take care of his soldiers that they lack nothing what will a faithful government be doing [Applause] so god is so faithful that he will take care of you that's what i need you i said to people the day you lose the fear that god will take care of you that's where your kingdom begins hmm that's that's the that's the case today you lose the fear that god will take care of me and you do what you have to do whatever it has to take that is when your kingdom begins so what happens is when you are a soldier of christ your shoe is part of your uniform your house is your barracks your briefcase is your uniform it's your gun everything you ask you you can't i can't remember the last time i pray people see me they see expensive things on me i said but i can't remember the last time i was in a store i can wear a watch of god knows how much dollars say gifts those things are sent to me by the government of heaven because they are choose if i have a shoe i'm not going to take it to a club to harass young girls if i have a new car it's not to put my hands under the blouse of innocent girls is to think beyond that and understand his purpose a car is not a testimony it's first of all a tool of effectiveness of speed and efficiency when you receive a car say testimony are you going to touch your house in charge of your car we know you are just celebrating an escape from your poverty because the car is no longer a tool of effectiveness it is now a symbol that represents superiority for those observing you so when you have a car you know you now have something valuable not by its design and its essence and its purpose you have something valuable by the ignorance of those who observe you because in their mind you are better than us because of the car you have so when you come to share your testimony you are rejoicing in their lack not in a true that has moved you forward you are still a poor man and so to transcend all of that is to know that your car is a tool of effectiveness and that when you understand that purpose a private jet will come when you understand that purpose it could not be enough after a while private jet will come because your work now requires a private jet you don't pray for those things yeah those things happen to you based on what i call lpp assignments protective power is what keeps you alive you will die but you cannot be killed long life is no longer a testimony it's a testimonial but it can be compared to the credibility of your existence if long life is the testimony of your christ of a christian jesus was an embarrassment because he died at 33 the longevity of your life if i send you to lagos island i will give you two thousand era to go and come back if i send you to abuja i'll give you hundred thousand there and i'll give you two days to go and come back if i look at the vi i'll send you two thousand era with three hours to go and come back or for four five five hours if i send it to america i'll give you maybe one week to go and come back and i'll give you maybe one millionaire or whatever you want to go and do the assignment i sent you the errand determined how long you spend there and how much i gave you so you must understand that it is your assignment in the new testament that determines how long you live how much you have you can have faith wonder what is written of you if you are a billionaire your dream is running towards you what you need is to focus on affairs of the kingdom okay you need to come to someone else so pastor your me and say pastor what is our goal this year what is our financial budget i want to understand because when you are taught in business because you know you are not supposed to go into a year without doing the budget of your country and for you to determine i said company what percentage of that you want to take so in the same way i come to you and i say pastor what is our budget for the year i want to know what percentage of that i want to take only me wow so maybe you'll leave me this year now i'm responsible for 10 of the entire budget i'll give this global input of global impact when that is your company do you know anyone anywhere that god will play second fiddle to any business the reason why we don't prosper and we struggle and we can't focus on the kingdom essentially is because we are pursuing what is designed to gravitate towards us goodness and mercy shall not be before you to be pursued all the days of your life goodness and message shall follow you all the days of your life not for a while and so your dreams are designed to graffite towards you for you to pursue and when you understand that you take your eyes off this thing and focus on him what you say what you want when you want are we foreshortened i will struggle but all my falling and struggling this debate to keep myself focused on you and when i do that you you don't have a choice it's not what i ask for it's just what you do you wrap me up with all of that so in a sense i'm not investing all i have so that i can get more no i am investing all i have into you because in your presence the fullness of joy whether i like it or not at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore you don't get a tap water a tap a conduit a conduit does not have faith to be wet the job of the conduit is to pass out water to those who are tested as long as he's passing that water to those who are tasty whether he likes it or not a resting view of what is passing out remains inside that place for he that water it will itself be watered so success is not a goal it's an experience it's what happens to you not by pursuing but by focusing on his agenda a christian is not going to succeed it's a success yes and when he sits within the lines of what god sees to do and focus on our fears of states affairs of the kingdom this is his natural experience that is where we struggle with kingdom addiction we keep the fear of whether god will take care of us or not and when you lose that fear that is when your kingdom begins wow thank you so much sir absolutely thank you i mean okay i'll put our hands together for um
Channel: Global Impact Church TV
Views: 13,395
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Id: 4ayPF06FDcw
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Length: 72min 31sec (4351 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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