Destiny World Online - September 5, 2021 [Preschool]

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[Music] uh [Music] hello destiny world we are so excited to bring this week's lesson to you in your homes here's trey all right let's go over our core values i am destined i am effective i am strong i am teachable i am intelligent i am noble i am yours lord and now let's welcome pastor cora hey y'all it's pastor core jax coleman and we are back again so that i can give you your word for today and i am so excited about this text one of my favorite things to do as you know is pray and that is what we're going to be talking about today and before we get into it i want you to know or rather i want to tell you a story um about prayer one of the first times that i ever got to pray in our sanctuary my father had just got finished preaching a sermon and he called me up out of the blue completely surprised and asked me to pray and i was so so so nervous because there was so many people out there and i didn't want to mess up i didn't want to make a mistake i didn't want to sound like i didn't know what i was talking about and i remember getting up there and grabbing the mic and saying dear jesus and all of a sudden like everything in me just kind of saddened because i felt like here you are this teenage girl and you have just opened up your prayer with dear jesus but there was such a sincerity in that moment that i overlooked looking back now i see that there was just a sincere heart in that moment where i just really gave my intimate relationship with god my closeness with god to those who were listening and it may have sound like a little girl but i suddenly remembered in that moment that that is how god wants us to come to him as a child he wants us to be able to know him as a child and him as our father first and foremost this text kind of gives us a format if you will of how we should begin that relationship of communication with god through a form that we call prayer because that is all this really is prayer is not something that you have to have a degree and mathematician you do not have to have a whole bunch of stuff to be able to have a communication with god and so today we're going to talk about that i want you to go with me to luke 11 and i'm just gonna read one through four but i am using the whole foundation here of 1-14 and um if you have it and you have found it it will say one day in a place where jesus had just finished praying one of his disciples requested lord teach us to pray just as john taught his disciples so jesus told them when you pray say father hallowed be your name your kingdom come give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who sins against us and lead us not into temptation as luke is teaching this moment in this experience with them i want you to consider what the steps are what we're seeing first and foremost is an acknowledgement of who god is to the person who is praying he's teaching them first you must be able to acknowledge god so when you are striking up your communication and your beginning your relationship with god through prayer the first thing you want to know is who is god for me in prayer sometimes god is going to be a father sometimes he's gonna be a friend sometimes he's gonna be a comforter sometimes he's a disciplinarian sometimes he keeps us in favor sometimes he keeps us in fruitfulness and joy sometimes we go through hard times and he teaches us how to endure and be strong in those moments but all of those things are encompassed of who he is and so you get to decide as a child of god you get to decide what is our relationship going to look like and so in the prayer he starts off with father he is my father first and foremost sometimes when you hear me pray i may say father sometimes i may say spirit of the living god sometimes i may say jesus sometimes i may say jehovah there are so many different attributes and names of who god is that we get an opportunity to decide how he's going to directly connect to us and then we get to develop and make that relationship fruitful in our own lives and so that's the first thing i want you to acknowledge what is this relationship and then bring adoration to that acknowledgement whenever you are a little baby your mom or your dad give you a nickname my baby's nicknames are too good princess baby girl pumpkin head you get these little different nicknames because they are developing an intimate closeness between you and the person who is creating this nickname and so as you are developing and acknowledging who god is going to be for you then i want you to call him by that name if he's going to be your father then when you are praying i want you to bring adoration to the acknowledgement that he is my father so i call him father i want you to bring acknowledgement and adoration to he is my peace so i call him peace he is my joy he is my strength so i call him my strength and then when you are done with your adoration and your acknowledgement of who he is the second thing that this text teaches us for prayer is our thanksgiving he tells us to give us each day our daily bread being thankful for this daily bread that we are getting the things that god is blessing in our life the things that he's pouring down in our life incidentally i would say that in another version we would hear confession as the next step in this particular version we hear a request as the next step and you can do your prayer and your communication however you like but let me just gear off a little bit from text and kind of give you kind of how i do i operate from the lord's prayer from john's perspective and in this perspective that the next step in prayer would be our confession our ability to come to god lay our sins at the table come to god and allow him to wash us up our sins so after you've acknowledged him after you have given adoration the next thing i want you to do and move in is god forgive me forgive me of my sins that's that next thing god forgive us of our sins forgive us of what we've done or said or thought that has not been pleasing in your sight move us from these ideas that we know are not good and put us in a place where we are thinking righteous and moving in things that are holy and that are cleansed and purified and so you get an opportunity in your communication with god to not just talk about what you want to not just go into requests but to be able to say god forgive me before i even ask of anything let me acknowledge who you are adore you for that for who you are and then let me confess my sins to you ask you to cleanse me ask you to restore me ask you to purify me and then i will ask you to give so then i begin to thank him for what he's going to give thank him for what he's already given thank him for what he's going to do in my life i begin to give him thanks and there is so much power and your ability to be able to say thank you before we say please i've taught you about that before and so after we've done our confessions then we go into thank you we go into thank you god for what you've given thank you for who you are thank you for what you have put away thank you for the things you've blocked thank you for what you continue to do in our lives and then we go into our request or it's also known as supplication and so this practice that i've taught you all today from this particular text is called acts so it's our adoration our acknowledgement to god our confession what we confess to god that he would cleanse us of our sins our thanksgiving giving that thanksgiving to god and then our request our supplication the acts of god and if you want to go in even further you could go into intercession and so we do x i and you go into intercession and that is when you go into prayer not just for yourself but you're standing in the gap for somebody else and i'm sure that those will be steps that we can go into later so let's just start with acts and then we'll go into deeper later i will be back after these messages [Music] all right let's go [Music] [Music] i am not afraid nothing is too hard for you with you i can do very big things god with you i can do very big things i know it's [Music] i know true true [Music] [Music] i am feeling brave when you are with me i am not afraid god you are with me so i can be strong cause nothing is too hard for you no with you i can do very big [Music] things i know true [Music] [Music] [Applause] i can do very big things [Music] i know it's [Music] it's true [Music] know what time it [Music] fun we'll is learning together [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hey friends i'm poppy i'm going to my grandma's house for sleepover let's see i have my pajamas oh and i'll need to clean my teeth so i need to bring my toothbrush [Music] i can't wait to do all this fun stuff all my cousins are gonna be there there's my cousin ellie she loves to dance my cousin willow will be there too she finds the best bedtime stories for us to read and i can't forget my cousin shay she thinks of the best treats for us to make i can't wait to do all this fun stuff and then i'll get to sleep all cozy in my sleeping bag on grandma's floor except i've never slept anywhere but my own bed [Music] that's why i'm taking mr bear if i'm afraid i can cuddle him super tight and he can help me be brave it's ollie hello poppy going on a sleepover at grandma's are you hey ally yes i am i'm super excited but i'm also afraid sometimes being brave is hard it's true but i know someone who can help you listen to this story just follow me through oh follow [Music] well hello friends i'm aisha welcome to my cupcake food truck i'm so happy to see you today do you want to see my latest creation [Music] aren't they cute each one has a little baby cradle on it because today's story starts with a baby are you ready to hear it if you're ready for the story on the count of three y'all tell me a story one two three tell me a story [Applause] [Music] okay so today's true story from the bible begins like i said with the baby and his mom look at how sweet he is his name is baby moses you can tell his mom loves him so much but there was a mean king and he wanted to get rid of all the baby boys in god's family everyone say oh no oh no moses's mom wanted to protect her baby she knew that god was always with her and would always be with baby moses that helped her be brave so she and her daughter miriam went down to the river and hid moses in a basket in the tall grass then miriam hid and watched to see what would happen let's help moses's sister watch tell me if you see anything do you see something oh it's a buddy hi bunny okay keep watching do you see something what is it it's a jumping fish how fun keep watching i think i hear someone oh it's the princess do you think she's going to help baby moses look she's holding baby moses she's going to bring him home and keep him safe but wait she needs someone to help her take care of the baby moses sister miriam came out from behind the tall grass and told the princess i know who can help with the baby it was moses's mom moses's mom can help this is so great baby moses is safe and he still gets to be with his mom hurry thank you god you were with her the whole time do you know what no matter where you go or what you do god is always with you too god is always with us did you like the story if you did give it two thumbs up two thumbs up hey there ollie tell me who is always with you god is always with me yes it's true now let's hear it from you tell me who is always with you god is always with me that's the truth friends you better believe it bye so there's your story and it's all true god was with moses and his mom and god is always with you and me too thanks sally goodbye to you who [Music] wow god was with moses's mom and helped her be brave and god is always with us too i think i got the story did you get it if you did say got it get it good i'm still taking mr bear with me but i don't need him to be brave because god is with me i'm ready to go see you all next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we have the lord our god to help us second chronicles 32 8 we have the lord our god to help us second chronicles 32 8. [Music] wonderful you're back i am so glad that you got an opportunity to give god your adoration to give him your acknowledgement i am sure you probably even struck a deeper communication with god in prayer and in worship and in praise and i'm so glad that i get to be the pastor to help facilitate that before you go let me pray you into your week and send you off father god we just thank you right now we call you our father we call you our peace our joy we call you our love we call you our pureness we call you worthy we call you holy and we thank you for being that for us oh god we confess right now for anything we have said thought or done that has not been pleasing in your sight god we ask you to cleanse us of our sins we ask you oh god to come into our hearts be our savior god we confess with our mouths and we believe in our hearts that you rose from the dead and you are coming back again god we thank you right now for who you are we give you praise for who you continue to be thank you for being our light thank you for being our hope thank you for being our redeemer thank you god for raising us and mending us from our broken places and we thank you god for who you are we ask all these things god all that you are doing god we ask for you to continue to pour your blessings continue to pour your love continue to pour your favor on us god and we give you praise glory and honor for we believe it is so and because of the blood of jesus and the name of jesus so it is amen now remember i want you to wash your hands take a stand remember to keep loving your plan and wear your mask i am loving you have a fantastic week until we meet again [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 3,725
Rating: 4.6853933 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village
Id: sCCg-UT3Qn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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