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the vault of glass returns next season and with it many secrets will be brought back to life and maybe even some new ones unearthed as we venture to take out atheon today we are going to dive into those mysteries at the vault of glass and try to uncover the lost history of the characters like pradeth who may still be out there in the depths of time let's get right into it the vault of glass it is one of the vanguards greatest triumphs the destruction of times conflux a victory over the vex collective mind from deep in that vault we've received a signal laced with an old vanguard vex technology disrupts the weft and weave of time itself if a guardian has become lost unstuck in time we must return them home the vault of glass is an enormous structure created by the vex on venus here the past present and the future all meet together to converge inside the vault itself and this of course if you don't know was the first raid released by bungie for destiny 1. the goal of the vex here was to free themselves from the constraints of physical reality weave themselves into the fabric of reality itself and become something more something divine we came across many different enemies first there was the templar and the oracles the oracles were said to be essentially supercomputers within the vex network they would search and scour through all these different timelines and tell the templar which one of them they could win in so they can progress forward with their plan so the whole goal of any guardian who entered the vault was one to destroy the vex threat and stop them from doing the stuff with time and two make sure you didn't get erased from time itself something that happened to previous explorers we'll talk about that in a little bit within the vault there's also these weird-looking harpies called the gorgons if you remember this encounter this was a pretty cool one it was a stealth encounter where you had to get to the end without any of these gorgons detecting you now story-wise you couldn't let them see you because if they did they would erase you from time these were also super computer type vex enemies and if they seen something they didn't think belonged they would erase it from time boom it was gone the vault was controlled or ran by atheon times conflux now some may pronounce that atheon as the speaker said in the age of triumph cutscene or whatever but i'm just gonna stick with atheon so atheon was the final boss of the raid itself he had the power to control time within the vault sending guardians to different timelines during his final encounter and he was the big man in charge of trying to diverge all of these timelines before we ever entered the vault though there was another fire team that made a last-ditch attempt to stop the vex they ventured into the vault on their own and things didn't go so well so this fire team of three went in some of them were erased from time but one managed to escape sacrificing themselves for our guardians to take out atheon once and for all with the knowledge they gained so there is a full fire team of guardians that entered the vault their names were pradeth kabir and pahanen khabir and his fire team entered the vault and got as far as the templar before suffering their fate kabir was said to have carved a path of light into the vault allowing the traveler's presence to be felt this was the only way they could have a chance at survival and go in there in the first place i guess around the templar kabir crafted some armor with some of the vex bodies that were just laying around and as they tried to find a way to take out the oracles and progress forward this armor began to corrupt kabir take over his body and consume him from within his last words were apparently this no one can open the vault alone i opened the vault there was no one with me but i was not alone kabir made a sacrifice and in that sacrifice he created the aegis a shield wielded by our own fire teams in the raid allowing us to take out the vex and stop them for good something kabir's fire team was unable to do the next guardian was pradeth a guardian believed to be a myth by many because he was erased from time i have no idea where i am my name and i is a member of kabir's fire team i just hope i've heard that name before scattered pieces of gear references in the margin of the text he is real we only know what happened to this guardian from a mission i believe titled paradox where we learned his fate pradeth was of course dead killed during this encounter with his fire team but there was evidence that he may still exist in another timeline these bones are centuries old there's a faint echo of light this was a guardian once i cora i'm sorry we couldn't bring him back do not apologize guardian you have reclaimed his name from oblivion in a way he lives again in the vanguard archives caber empire prayedeth and the vault of glass because of you his tale will be told lastly there was fahanen the only known member to survive this vault of glass encounter so we are unsure how they did this but they would eventually venture back to the city i believe and then was killed by dredging yore some time later so these stories are incredible the sacrifices of this fire team allowed us to take out atheon some time later everything they did led to the reason that the times conflux was killed but there's some questions pradeth may still be alive in fact it's even implied that he is in another timeline but may only exist within the vault so will we see more pradeth in the future perhaps maybe even next season when the vault returns i mean we've been through the infinite forest and explored the many timelines in the corridors of time so could we technically meet him one day if we don't see him or bring him back in the vault according to some lore from the season of the undying which was the vex season we had a while back it seems pradeth is looking to escape one line says pradeth has watched from his cell for longer than he knows how to quantify sitting inside looking out he's seen so many different timelines there's no way to know which are real from a certain point of view they might all be so this whole book seems to be talking about the effects how they view time travel time itself and pradeth either trying to explain to us how this works or getting sort of visions from his past and then other guardians so we all know about the ishtar team that got stuck in the evex network while experimenting on that one goblin i believe in this book prayeth recognizes that these team members are in the network and pradeth also happened to be there so they could have worked together in trying to formulate an escape so regardless of what happened in that book it seems that pradesh was trying to escape being stuck in this vex prison he describes it as next in bungie's post a couple of weeks ago the vault section is labeled pratis revenge so this could be some more hints right there that he could be coming back getting his revenge or it's just a nod to the weapon title from the first game with the vaults return next season it seems we won't be getting venus a community manager i believe from france noted that we are getting the vault and not venus so not sure if this means the first encounter won't exist maybe we get teleported inside the vault itself or perhaps it does exist it's just that we aren't going to explore the rest of venus only this starting area and there'll be barriers around so about four months ago there was a leak on reddit now this doesn't seem true given the things that have unfolded currently but who knows maybe some information here got messed up i figured i'd just read it in case it does come true because i think it'd be pretty interesting it says the vault of glass returns next season in the season of time which we know didn't happen the last wish raid has been updated with new time-gated secret puzzle containing oracles which unlocks a new story mission with related lore implications so we do know there has been some oracle sounds in the last wish raid not sure if bungie has commented on what that was but perhaps this user heard those sounds and then just tied this into the leak next they say the vault of glass will have stasis infused vex a heroic difficulty and return all gear from the original raid including a stasis-themed vex mythoclast so again that's a leak believe what you will until we actually see it but having some of that gear return maybe even the age of triumph stuff which looked epic and maybe even the vex mid the class would be pretty awesome but guardians that's all we got for today's vault of glass mysteries video do you think prayeth is going to return and how will the vault of glass encounter change into destiny 2. we know the raid itself is mostly going to be the same but will they throw in some new secrets will there be stasis infused enemies or what's gonna go down if you like to see some more mystery videos just like this one be sure to subscribe to the channel anyway thank you very much for watching my name's evade and i'll catch you guardians in the next one
Channel: Evaze
Views: 322,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 vault of glass returns, destiny 2 vault of glass, destiny 2 season of time, Praedyth, destiny 2 praedyth, destiny 2 praedyths revenge, destiny 2 vault of glass lore, vault of glass lore, vault of glass secrets, vault of glass mysteries, vault, of, glass, lore
Id: UmRC8VuP0bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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