Reynold Poernomo's Dessert Challenge | MasterChef Australia | MasterChef World

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sending a pressure test is an opportunity  for chefs at the pinnacle of their powers   the height of their creativity to bring in  a signature dish for you to recreate we've   had many exceptional chefs walk through those  doors and now imagine what it'd be like one   of you joined those food greats and today that  dream comes true for one former contestant he's   an internet sensation pop-up restaurants  in Sydney have taken the city by storm if you are proof the bar chef can  change your life need look no further please welcome from koi dessert bar in Sydney [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]   [Music] master chef has really changed Reynolds life  seeing him opening his own dessert bar and   living his dream is something that clicks for me  he's living proof that I can achieve that as well you see welcome back let's be back he knows it's weird it's a  weird gun sign over there how does it feel better how she does give us a sense of what's what's happening  these I have to pop-up restaurant that went   pretty crazy my emails just went for within  five minutes so our brothers and I start to   collaborate together so we've got a dessert bar  that's him down in Chippendales Sydney that's a   very big cloth rental some very big disease this  is one of the signature dishes and archaea it's   one of my favorite dishes today we've looked at  it and I think Gary's line was all that looks   like finale game so you know keep those nerves  under control but Reynold maybe you should   to the deal it's a lot with this now I am  [Music] so today you'll be cooking my dessert [Music] boss see what I mean about  being a finale dish it just it looks   so beautiful and so perfect but I can  see even from where I'm standing that   there are so many elements on  the plate come forward guys so go through the elements quickly you're  pointing out everything great Drive Belafonte   it's very fragile down there I've got  a Apple Blossom pearl pistachio sponge   cake and the cream here the ones there are  the butch acremant nitro yogurt foam apple   sorbet and the pool there it's a star shimmers  coated it much up and inside it is a cattle gel [Music] it's amazing it's so perfect inside  caramel is gooey but it still holds   its shape and it smells incredible right  ice digging make sure you clock all those   flavors all those textures make sure  you look at the way it's played where how's it going oh my gosh you have no idea what do you think us it's amazing like a party in  your mouth it's insane there are so many different   textures like you've got the really crisp  perfectly tempered chocolate you've got the soft   creamy mousse and then the caramel in the middle  it's incredible this is definitely out there on   the list of best things I've tasted but now I  have to try and recreate it right you should be   tattooing the inside of your your palate with that  flavor yeah because your backs gonna be against a   wall doing this dish and having understood flavor  is very very important come and you you love   desserts and new jersey great is that I'm gonna  have fun doing this I just hope that everything   comes together for me what does it feel like  standing so close to Reynolds gonna be excited   she thinks he's very cute the mums are in this  desert here on a scale of one to ten how difficult   probably give it a hope you 9 out of 10 Wow where  you look to do yeah but you can do it [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 21,752,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Mehigan, George Calombaris, Matt Preston, Moss Dessert, Pastry Chef, Pressure Test, Reynold Poernomo, cooking show, masterchef, masterchef australia, masterchef australia season, masterchef world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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