desktop-waifu| How to fix Error: Token is invalid

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hey guys today I'll just show you guys how to fix this error token is invalid um since car AI need needs ID token now to authenticate uh you need to update character uh node character AI so to do that um you make sure you're in the know make sure you're in the wifi environment of course right here if you don't know how to then it's simple go to the folder CMD start the bad and once you see this your virtual environment is now Wu just terminate it using control+ C and just press Y and that's it now in here just type in npm I so it updates it there you go up to date close this and we're not done yet now you need to go to the site I'll be linking this in the comment section below so all you need to do is go to client.js and then just copy the code copy the raw file there we go and then go back to your folder and then locate character under _ Ai and then CLI the JS open that up and then contr all a select everything and paste it here that's it so now that's done we need to go back to our folder which I accidentally closed uh now we need to go back here and character AI of course and then go to runner. Js and then scroll all the way down till you find authenticate with token now there should be a token here uh in my last video I did put my token here but for the purpose of this video of course I'm not going to put my token or I'm just going to blur it out so to get your node uh your ID token as well as your um token access token uh just go through this um instruction right here I'll be using mobile of course since it's very easy Go to b um I already did it I already did mine so now just copy the copy the token access token and then go here and you can delete your token if you want to since it's easier for you to see then do this another colon and that's it so there should be two columns here one comma and now paste in in the first bit make sure to copy or access token and then paste it oh what of course this button doesn't work and then paste it your token here and then after that you go to your ID token and then on the second um I really forgot what where it is quotation marks um in here past it here and then save why is it opening this and I'll close it that's it uh it should get it fixed of course I close my folder again so now let's test it out um let's test it out now CD start at that virtual environment connected And Then There She Goes character name greetings character id I'm fully authenticated and that's that's how you fix it hope you guys find this helpful um yeah bye by why
Channel: Maple san
Views: 139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2W2i4P_fcx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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