Desktop GUI Automation using Python | Automate your Desktop Applications | Automate Your Daily task

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[Music] hello guys welcome to my channel party Medicare today I'm here to demonstrate how can we optimize text of gear applications using Python program guys this only place where you can get all the informations regarding you take some QA automation using Python program so you don't need to for such the entire internet for getting the information staggering like give you have grey automations so you guys stay tuned and if I'm not subscribe my channel yet please do subscribe my channel so that you can get such videos frequently so I'm going to automate FileZilla server so this is the FileZilla server so I'm going to automate by automatically connecting to the server creating a new user creating a new shared folder and then we've created group will create a group and we'll add the user newly created user through this newly created group this da da basically I will be doing today my automation let's guys go and write the script for this I'll be importing a model called 5 in Auto so this is the model which I'm going to use for automating the text degree application and I bet guys this is a very simple one and it can be most of the other give you oughta machine tools so input 5 in Auto so if you're not installed this module just go to command prompt and the install is aging pick 3 instant 5 in Auto ok since I have already instance I have this module already installed so I will be not installing this further so I've been stewing importing this time the next from 5 in Auto application import application next four piece or five in auto top keyboard input sand - please okay so this the modules are imported now now let's see now for starting that application we have this form aware of this thing up equal to application not start see come online come online equal to you so when that no fiber file is located this fibrous override let's see where is this properties so this is my target location so this is where I'm going to use this so second CC I've sent a path let me maximize this and then of this closest bracket it should be you okay now next line time dot slip emits it will take some seconds to lose the application so now what we'll go is like app dot let me run this I'll show you how it works so I'll just run this you see like we have this window open here now next what I need to dislike and to present connect so what I will do is like app application out of there provisions open application app dot this window title enter server to administrator so without space enter server administrator administrator dot connect dot okay so next it will this connector into this place okay to talk to a server okay so let me cancel this and run the program again I'm sorry it should be correct Connecticut to connect that click let's run this program now once again no if you see it is opening and disconnecting so it says I logged on now next what we are going to be is like we need to create the we need to click on edit and from there we need to click on users for that what I need to do is let's see I have to go to the app dot FileZilla server this is the window so application dot file Jilla server dot what I need to do next is menu item because those are under menu item so menu item am caps I should be caps next warrant to do one of the items are to select this I have to select if you see edit menu item edit and then enter script for users so how I'm going to do is like you and edit this again I will be having an and ten users so this so I'm going to select the users then fit and you keep your options I'll be trying it that with some at some other stage then app dot users so once I click that app I will have the usual spin dope and so let's let's see that also see I have the users window open so in the users we know what a little bit like I am to select add so what I'm going to do is like I have dot user start add dot click once I click this window I will have a window up and I will have a window up and that's named s add user account so AB dot I have another window up and let's see what windows open for clicking add if I clicking add I will be getting a window called add user account so I am dot and user account dot then I need to edit this fill with some name what are you get it is please enter the name of the user icon that should be added please enter the name of the user account that that should be added edit just an edit field ok this one you need to remember then type this type underscore key what key you need to enter and tantor set test one this one it should be entered there now once it is entered over there what I need to do is time to go for ok once I enter something here and to go for ok here so AB dot add user account dot ok dot clip shuttle click it so once I'm done this so what I need to do I dislike this password for this I wish take the checkbox password and then I need to enter some parser for the particular user okay let me get this say something example gonna test for example and for this example I need to create a password ok let us see how how can we write that code for this now AB dot u that's one cyclical so we'll be back to the users window I am that user start password this support an actual check button so password dot click so it will check that pass impossible it will automatically check that password button check button then next what I need to do is like I had to write the password once it's check but it enables automatically I'll have the electrical enabled so AB dot users dot edit edit dot type underscore peace just say for my example is a Python at the rate one two three so this is my password for the particular user now we'll take time step one one second gap today okay next what I'm going to be is like I will be having I'm reading some counts maximum count say I will be adding a count of ten and I will be I will be giving care connection per the National Party should be twenty so what I'm going to do is like AB dot users dot sorry AB door users I am going to maximum maximum connection counsel maximum connection count dot edit start type kiss five then similarly I will have the same thing for the next one I'll just copy paste AB dot user start connection limit variety connection per IP type case say - so it will limit only two connections per IP so now next what I'm going that I will be checking this option force TLS for login so AB dot user start force TLS per login right what is allowing force TLS per user logon dot click this is all check button so once we click there it will automatically check the button now next once this is done I have to go to the shared folder this shared folder is in free structure right so if we need to have some kind of tree structure formula so a dot F dot users dot preview dot get underscore item okay what is the item shared folders shirt folders so it will such that tree folder there I will click on shared folders once it is clicked on share folders what I am going to be a slag and click it that I have to add a directory here okay so I will give a time dinner once again here I'm not sleep so one second because it is it will be it will now move to the next tab right so let me give some time delay then app doc users add what I need to do add so you add just like that okay should a cordis I don't like this it should be shared folders okay next so I'm using the ad so once I click on add what is going to happen is once I'm going to create an act I'm going to create get a separate window it's a different window not under files the server so it's totally a different window so for calling this different window I have a different the method to call it let's see so I will I will give a click so let me start that how we can read how I can write the next window sit up you on the square handle equal to 5 in Auto but fine windows so once the window is opened right so I mean I will write a program to find the window name browser folder so fine underscore windows with titles title exact brows or for love so this is one you should be finding in any open window with named browse that folder now window equal to application once that is app dot window handled on under circle to drop down the sky handle next we'll just wait for some time in dot dot wait Ready Set you wait for will wait for the way to getting the window to be ready next window three view so is this destruction simply rewrite this PC so my root folder is desktop on the desktop we have this this PC so under this PC I will go for Windows see it's actually I'm this SM folder I will be making it as shared folder for this okay so how I'm going to District three u dot get underscore I am space break it photo stack stop not click so I don't think they start event so desktop I have to click the end to click that stuff okay next on a desktop I have a I have this PC as my subfolder so next will be I'm just coffee testing it window desktop this DC so it will stick for a mix next option then next thing would be like Windows this PC double slash what is that external HD T C Drive so make sure it should be in the same format else it will not if we were to throw an error singing at the particular folder name is not over here external HDD space see now in to expand it right it will select it but I need to expand it if I click it is just clicking it here so I have to expand it dot P and this is going to expand it next what I need to do is after this I will go for agent so it should click on s in next and then it should select ok amp dot browse for folder dot ok dot click so once once it is selected that folder and it should quit ok then it should be saved there once it is click it should be saved here so next once I went directly right here I I need to give some permissions for this directory like we can write user can write and also until it also so it's just the check button so it's the same thing AB dot user start right click similarly we have AB dot user start till now till this it is done now I have created directly I check these options and I will just select an OK and that users dot ok dot say to fill the ok button once it is done here no I did to go for again edit and create new groups here so let's see it's a simple simple thing again I will go to the final just copy paste the same file name say I will coming from her Abdullah got server so next for example for this of edit underscore groups so this is what I'm going to do it edit and then I'm committing on groups after clicking on from Shalini twister and just like this adoption what I need to do is like AB dot group start at click so once I'm clicking this add option what I'm getting add user group is the new window a new dialog box delegate a title I am and user group break-in what's the thing I need to please enter the name of the user cook that sugar please okay I did dance and kiss Sam so type kiss kiss what is the thing SEC testing so this is my group that is for testing now this has been done now what I'm going to do is length AB dot and user to dot okay dot look yeah okay so once I'm done with this it will close this close dialog box and I will have then even to know add that groups up okay AB dot oops okay okay so my this window will also get closed off now again and it open this window at dot edited users for adding the new user adding the new user to this particular new group how I'm going to do is like I will have the same thing again here I'm data centers users not click the next one understand I've got users list so now like this in list format so AB dot users list box users and break it it's set after users start list box this is Alex box item and select what I'm going to select this and under select the new user what was the new user that we have written over here is test one is a new user so test just one so it will select this particular item from that list so that will two items they arrive in this list I will do a test test one so I need to select the test one from here that's the test one now I am dot users dot combo box now this is a group membership is a combo box so there's only one combo box so I will very clear it's a combo box combo box dot select what's the connector twisting two-step testing yep next I'm dot user start okay okay now let us see better in the program where how the program runs in great syntax okay after the user start mr. box okay ah sorry it's not being this it is directly address please let us see how the program runs see disconnected it is clearly the new user it clear the new password for still s ok there is one error I can see it says for the tree format please start with pot this is ratio let's see once again should be connected together quickly the user password then is commit will get the directory here okay we have seen another issue here let's see what are they what is the issue here now shared folders you just don't add know what I'm getting here is like okay here right what we need to do is like since if you see if you see this line is line a TD means a and D D okay this and a few c - below this DC that means a and D D speaker since there are two IDI ad is the right so because of that to differentiate it we have this a a and D D so let's change that where we have this users right to you II and didn't so let's let's end the program once again it's connecting test one it's clearly passive use the password I'm going to share it folder then let's go yeah let's square the directory and standard in my settings this team is not in the list okay I think testing ok if you see that we don't have space here but I since I've given the space so it is not finding it ok so test him so it will not have spaced or whatever the case so that's third space so let's run it for the final time and hopefully it should work fine let me get it directly let me delete the group also now started for the final time let me give a time we love skip here one second interval so I don't really put here one second interval let me put here instead it's a final time let us run this program yep here you can see like the settings has been done successfully and it has been connected Vangelis agua hope you understood this video if you have any doubts regarding this video you can always write down to me my email address or else you can comment me out in the pillow of this email below of this video and then let me know if that is an issue I will really there I will be there to help you guys and if you have liked my video please press like button and for more videos please subscribe my channel thank you for watching
Channel: Rafique javed
Views: 19,553
Rating: 4.8820057 out of 5
Keywords: Python, Desktop GUI automation, Desktop Application, Automation, python script, GUI application automation, Easy way to automate desktop application, pywinauto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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