Amazon Web Scraping Using Python | Data Analyst Portfolio Project

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another video today we are back with another data analyst portfolio project where we will be scraping data from amazon using python [Music] now you may be asking do i need to know web scripting to become a data analyst and the answer is no you absolutely don't need to know it but it is a very cool skill to learn and in fact i have used it in my job in the past and so it is useful but you really don't need to know it something that it is used for is kind of creating your own data sets and we're going to be looking at one where you can create your own data set today but there are a lot of other uses for web scraping and i'm sure i'll talk a little bit more about that while we're actually walking through the project one last thing i want to say before we get started is that this is most likely an intermediate project so if you were just now learning the basics of python this might be a little bit challenging for you but i still recommend going through it because i will do my best to walk through everything every single step of the way and kind of explain all the concepts and so you can still learn something even if you aren't super good at python right now with that being said let's jump over to my screen and get started on the project all right so we are going to get started and if you didn't watch the last project i had people download anaconda we use jupiter notebooks and i'll show you how to get to that in just a second but i'll leave this link in the description if you haven't done that already and you are just doing this project but you'll go you'll download anaconda you know download super easy and you're going to open up jupyter notebooks i'll launch it right now i already have it open but i'll open up another one just for you know the purposes of demonstration what we are going to do today and what we um what people voted on i mean there's like there's like 8 000 people that voted um in the poll that i made of what data you wanted me to scrape there was like amazon cryptocurrency weather uh something else i don't remember overwhelmingly i mean like 70 percent of people maybe even 80 percent i'd you know don't don't fact check me on that voted for amazon um and so i'm gonna do it now there are many things that you can scrape um off of amazon just a ton of stuff and i am going to show you how to do it i'm going to show you how to make it useful how to make a data set and it's going to be really interesting but there are lots of other ways to do this and so i think and i have already kind of created it i'm going to show you how to do it off of this page when you're actually in an item and you can scrape you know basically anything in here and i'll show you how to do that another thing that is a little bit more advanced and that's why this first video is starting off i think on the more easy side it's not easy but it's easier the next thing the next video that i'm going to make is how to actually do basically do multiple items right so this item this item this item this item and then traverse through the different pages so there's 20 pages um you want all of that data how do you get all of that that'll be the next project um i don't know when i plan on doing that i have it like 90 of the way done um but i had this one completed and so i wanted to get that out to you guys now but that will probably be the next project i think that is much more difficult um and so if you can understand this one and you get it and and you understand it then the next project you should be able to understand too is just a little bit more complicated so with that being said um we are going to actually get into the project i'm going to delete one of these all we're gonna do is go to new do python three it'll open up a new one we'll call this um amazon web scraper um project that's what we'll call it i spell it right perfect um the first thing that we need to do uh or that we should do is upload um or or import our libraries so i'm gonna say um import oops what am i doing it's off to a terrible start there we go import libraries now i'm not gonna write out all the libraries um i have some things that i'm going to be copying and pasting throughout this i won't there's only a few things that i'm copying and pasting you take a quick glance some of the things that i just don't always time on um because this could be a long video i don't know i don't always time on stuff like this um and so you know i'm just gonna copy and paste it you guys are going to i'm going there will be a link below if you haven't clicked it already that will go to the github page where you can literally have all of this code already written i do recommend writing it all yourself because you will learn it much better i promise because then you'll make mistakes and you'll figure it out and all that all that good stuff but you will have that code available so just go copy and paste it that's what i would do but what we are we are going to be using today is something called beautiful soup requests um then we're going to be using time and date time and a potential one if you want to get and i'm going to show you this at the end this is not really part of the project it goes above and beyond but this library right here is for sending emails to yourself and i'll show you how you can use it if you want to i already have the whole code written out you can just steal it and try it out yourself and see if you can get it to work but this one is not as important i'll put it down here so um let's move on now one thing i want to say before we get too into it is that well give me a second is that right here in front of me is a different laptop now it took me a solid i would say you know 10 hours or so to write all of this it took over the course of like two weeks in my free time i'd pick it up it took me a solid you know two weeks on and off an hour here an hour there to finish this project um and i made a ton of mistakes and messed a bunch of things up and i finally got it to work um you know after a bunch of revisions that's typically how things go when i do projects and so uh i'm about to give you a streamlined version of this because i have all the code right down here and so i'm going to be glancing at this a lot just so i don't make this video 20 hours of trying to remember all the code off of my head i haven't ran out already i already did the project it works it's beautiful it's a good project so um i don't want to waste your time and i just want you to know that you know you nobody should be able to do this up top their head in an hour most people won't um it takes time you make mistakes um but uh let's get started on the project now in this uh in this what we're gonna have to do is we are going to have to tell beautiful soup and requests where we are actually getting this data from what websites what is our computer you know some information from our computer i'm going to again there's going to be a little copying and pasting in here because you don't ever you will never ever ever need to know this um but right here we're going to basically connect to the website so i'm just gonna say connect to website and we're gonna say url is equal to and let's go get our url so we have this right here so literally just go up here do you know uh control a copy that oops that's the actual project get rid of that uh paste it in here and that is our url we will use that in just a second uh what am i doing let me just get some room here and then what we're going to need is something called headers now again you will never ever ever need to know this so i'm just going to say headers um what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this i'm going to show you how to get this really quick but is something called headers so let me show you how to use how to get this and why you don't need to know any of this so what this headers is is this something called a user agent you need to do this for your computer um and you can do that by going to this link right here so i'm going to put this link in the description so that you can go and get that and there's something right here called the user agent so all you have to do is copy this just like this do copy i'm going to go back here and i'll show you that it's i'm going to copy it in it'll be the exact same so there you go it's the exact same um all this extra stuff except encoding except um this html stuff connection close all the you don't need to know any of it i promise you'll never come in handy ever in life actually there will be one person who that becomes in handy for and then they'll message me um but we are now connecting um using our computer using this url and then what we want to write is you want to write page i'm going to say equals and this is where we start using these libraries so we're going to use requests.get and we are going to pull in that url and we're just going to say headers is equal to our headers right here so uh we have this and this is where we're going to actually start getting the data bringing in the data and it's not going to look like that at first but i'll try to print some stuff out as we go along the way so that you can kind of see what it looks like and how we're going to kind of make it more useful because it comes in very dirty when we first get it and some of the things i'm going to show you will just help clean that up um and before we actually go any any further i don't want my head to be here for the entire time i'm gonna get rid of myself so you can just see the page uh i just it less distracting uh i hate when i feel like people are always watching me so i want people to just focus on the code so i will see in a little bit let's get back into it alright so what we are going to do is we are actually going to start using the beautiful soup library all right so we are going to say soup 1 is equal to and this is where we actually start bringing beautiful soup and you guessed it you're going to say beautiful soup and then in parentheses we're going to do page.content and again these aren't really things that you need to remember or need to memorize we're just pulling in the content from the page that's really all we're doing right now and it comes in as html so we're gonna do html.parser and let's see if i can print out actually let me just do soup one i don't like i don't like doing upper caps and stuff let's see if anything prints out real quick so we are literally pulling in all of the html um and let me go show you really quick because we're going to get to this in a second anyways um if you come here this is this is a static page basically written in html um if you have never seen html before um you know actually a lot of this is you know just stuff that most people will never use uh it's just good to know some of the stuff is good to know so as you see i'm scrolling on this right side by the way i did right click and inspect or ctrl shift i whichever one works better for you but as i'm scrolling over this you should see it kind of highlighting different areas it's hard to kind of get what you want let's say we want this title what i can do is i can click select element go right here and then we can select like a type the the header or the title of the the page now i just want to show you though of what we're pulling in so we're pulling in this doctype html all of this is coming in so that's what this is right here this doctype html and we're pulling every single thing in that is what we're doing right now uh so let's get or let's go down a little bit let's do soup two we're just gonna do a very uh you know an upgrade to soup one basically we'll do beautiful soup again and then we're going to do soup one so we're pulling in that content again so that's soup one and we're gonna do dot predi pretify if you don't know what that is it is common in a lot of different languages and a lot of different stuff it just makes things look better that's really all it is uh i don't know why i'm using double quotes i i don't know why i can do you can do single ones if you want um and now let's do beautiful soup too and it should just be a it should be better formatted um and let's see if that's true and it is so before if you did if you can tell it didn't have basically any formatting it has a little bit of formatting now it'll help in a second and you'll see that but now what we want to do is go back and we want to actually get the data that we want now you can get any data you want i'm going to show you simple things really really easy um in my in in my opinion it gets more difficult the more complicated stuff you start pulling um and you'll understand that as we go into it so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to select this and i'm going to select this the title i want that and so if you do span id it's equal to product title so we need to remember that class we don't need to know class i believe we're going to be using that id this id equals product title so that's what we're going to be using class will come in in the next video when we start looking at these but not in this one so let's remember id equals product title so let's go back over here so we have this soup too it's basically all of that html in it right down here that is what we're pulling in so we need to kind of specify what we actually want so let's say title that's what we're going to be getting um and we're going to do soup 2 so using taking all that content we'll do find and we're going to open parentheses we're going to say we want to find that id where it's equal to product title and then we're going to do dot get underscored text and then we'll do open parentheses so now let's um let's print the title and see what we get all right so that is exactly what we're looking for it's funny got data mis t-shirt that that is what we're trying to pull in so that's perfect that's exactly what we want we don't uh let me let me just do this save me some time later on we don't only want the title we are also going to be pulling in the price so if you can guess we'll be doing some a data set on the actual pricing um and so let's go back here we're going to again use this right here and we're going to go to this price and it says again we're going to look at this id the id equals price block underscore our price so fairly easy you can copy this i'm just going to write it out we're going to say price is equal to soup 2 dot find and then it's going to be again id is equal to and then it's going to be price block underscore our price and i saw it right excuse me there we go and the exact same thing dot get underscore text parenthesis uh and there's a get text there's a get all or get all text so you know that get text is a specific thing that we are using you we might use a different one later on um but that that is what we have so now let's let's print the title and print when i why do i have all this too much uh too much space so let's print the title and print the price now let's see what we get okay so we have our title and we have our price i mean you know i don't know what all this white space is over here um but it looks like there's a lot of white space over here we'll have to get rid of that uh in a little bit as we clean it up a little bit you can if you want do things like um you can get and this is up to you i'm not going to do this right now but i'm just going to show you how to do it you can get this where you're pulling in the ratings um which is you know if you want to look at like how the ratings over time or or what ratings are for specific products that can be really useful um you can pull basically anything you can go down the product details and look at dimensions anything you want on this page it is static so you can go in here and pull anything it just just have to pull it from the html know where you're looking pull it in and now when we go back here excuse me i'm going to show you now kind of how to use this right because we have this but how are we going to use it that's kind of the important part i think first thing we need to do is clean this up a little bit because it it just is you know if we try to use this it wouldn't be super useful because it'd be it's just a little bit dirty it's not super clean um so what we want to do is let's start with the price why not we're going to say price dot strip and that's just going to take basically the the junk off of either side and so let's run that real quick so this is what we have but what we can also do is i don't want that dollar sign i just want the numeric value later on we're going to be putting this and we're going to be creating a process to put this into an excel file again we're trying to create a data set i don't want you to have to copy and paste stuff it's all going to be automated basically to input this data into an excel file for you or a csv file for you so you know think about making it useful in a csv or in an excel later on so what we can do is do a bracket and we're gonna do one and then everything after that so basically it's just gonna take everything from the first position onward so let's run that and there we go so let's just say price is equal to price dot strip um and pull uh just do everything after that first that first not value what am i saying what's the word for that i can't remember the word the first space that's not the right word but all right let's do the title um this is basically going to be the exact same thing um super easy so we're just going to do title dot strip and open parentheses um and we can you know if you want to do this exact same thing so now we have it it's a little bit cleaner so this is what it originally looked like and now this is what it looks like so you know nothing super crazy but you know something interesting to know now we are about to in the very next part what we are going to do and let me just add a few of these because it makes me feel better um what we are about to do is we are going to create our csv to insert this data into the csv and then later on what i'm going to do is show you kind of how to um automate this process to pull this data to create a data set right just pulling this one time and putting it into a csv really doesn't do anything you could just copy and paste that and save yourself a lot of time what i'm going to show you is basically doing it over over time and just having it automated in the background that is what i'm going to show you i guess a spoiler but what we need to do is we need to create create the csv insert it into the csv and then create a process to append more data into that csv i'm doing a lot of talking let's do some writing so what we need to do is we're going to use i should have done this at the top maybe i'll go back and add that later on we're going to import csv now in a csv what you want is you want headers and then you want the data right so for our headers and we're gonna call it header we're gonna do um we're gonna do a bracket and let's make the first one a title because that's going to be we can call it title you can call it product whatever you want i'm just going to call it because i've been using title i'm going to call it title and then we'll also have price now we need our data so i'm going to say data is equal to now this is important um right now how our data is and i can do this right here when you type title or no let's do type price so these are strings and that's important to know again i don't want to get too much into you know dictionaries and arrays and lists and and strings and all these things but this is a string and you can't put that right now it's not super usable what we're going to do is make this a list and so i'm doing an open bracket and i'm going to say our data is title price oops price now oops if i do type oops of data i'll just run that it's a list now and this is important because you can run into a lot of issues with this stuff it's really important to remember what's what type um how do i say this how your data is is it a list is an array is it a dictionary um you know what is it these things are important they do play a big impact especially with this type of stuff so just want to show you that really quick but what we are now going to do is create a csv um you're going to create an excel i call it excel csv you know whatever you want to call it so what we're going to do is we're going to say with and we're going to say open and now we're going to name our file you can name this whatever you want i'm going to call it amazon web scraper data set that's real long dot csv and we're gonna do underscore w and that means right um well whoops that's not right just like i was wondering why that was uh in black so we're gonna do w which means write and then we're going to do new line if you don't know what new line is all that does is when we insert the data it doesn't have a a space in between each csv and then we are going to do encoding is equal to oops is equal to utf-8 and that is it and we'll just say as uh let's do f so some of that stuff you don't need to know some of it's useful this w definitely need to know this new line is is good to know and um i'll take it i might take it out just to show you what it actually does because it's annoying if you don't have it i promise um but you know that new lines are boring this encoding you know good to know i think that's why default is it's like that uh anyways what we're going to do now is we're going to uh it's something within the csv within the csv library so we're gonna do something called csv writer and oops csv dot writer and we're gonna do open parentheses and that is that and we'll just call that writer and then we'll do this is where we need to actually create the header so we're gonna do writer is dot sorry dot write row and this is just for the initial um the initial import or or um not import the initial insertion of the data into this csv this is what's important the next one that we're going to write is for when we're actually appending the data which is going to be a little bit different but anyways we're going to do right row open parenthesis and this is where that header is going to go so we're going to the these headers are going to be the title and the price and then for our last one we'll actually write the data which is this data right here and we're going to say writer dot write row and we're gonna do data so this one we are creating the csv and then we are inserting the header and inserting the data so super easy um i think that's fairly straightforward right now let's do this and let's see what happens so i just ran it let's go over here in here somewhere amazon web scraper data set let's open that up and there we go oh geez this isn't good can't verify my um my subscription uh why does it say 6.99 i'm gonna go back and look but i think i know the issue um but this is exactly what we want now of course we want more data and maybe a little bit more useful data and i'll show you how to get that in just a second but we just created that out of thin air uh that was not i didn't have that saved before so we have this data set and the issue was is that i ran this multiple times so now it's 6.99 if i do it again it's 99 and if i did it again it's got it gets rid of everything so i'm just going to run this again run this again and now everything's back to normal okay so now if we run this it's going to overwrite this amazon web scraper dataset.csv and it will put the data in properly so there we go oh geez guys this is embarrassing i'm embarrassed no i don't want this okay perfect um guys i if you can't tell i'm in need of some um i mean i'm in need of some help here but i'm just kidding i'm new i'm doing fine uh i just i don't know why that uh i don't have my uh subscription activated it's not gonna matter for this video i guess but that's really random um so we got what we need that's perfect now what we want to do after this um i i guess actually what is important is some more useful data something that i like to do a lot when i do this type of this type of stuff is i like to have some type of date stamp um or some type of time stamp to know when i collected this data it usually comes in handy later on um i have never regretted putting it in there i'll show you really quick how you can do it you're gonna do import date time geez i hate having to format stuff like that and what you can do is you can do date let me get date time and you do dot date dot today open parenthesis and that is going to give us this right here and so we're just going to do today that's what we'll call it is equal to this and we'll say print today and there we go so that is today's date is the 21st of august and 2021 so today is now um is now this so actually i'm going to get rid of that i'm going to put it back up here i'm going to put it right there i'm going to run it again let's add this right here we'll do [Music] we'll do we'll call it date and then we'll add today and we'll just run this again and what we can do just to check the data without having to open up the data every single time which is super annoying because we're going to use pandas again i should have imported this at the top i'm just kind of uh i'm not doing this off the top of my head but i didn't have it 100 planned so import pandas and we're just going to say underscore csv and then we'll read it in what you can do or what i often do is i go to properties and i go right here and we'll say boom boom backslash this right here this i am doing off top of my head i don't do this often i think i have this memorized by now uh i i i hope and then we'll boo prin oh no we don't do print we'll just do this uh what do i do r uh let's all actually call this um data frame and we'll do print let's see what happens perfect okay so what we have now is the new our new header our new data that we added in there so we have our title we have our price and we have our date now again you can customize this whatever you want to add go back here um you know find what you want you know do you want to make sure it has a men's option or different colors or you want to pull in this information whatever you want it really does not matter just matters that you know you get what you need for whatever purpose whatever you're making this for this is more of an introductory video to how to scrape data from amazon um the next video will probably be a little bit more difficult and in depth but this is kind of let's get you guys started so we now have this and this is beautiful now something that you want to do when you're scraping data and you're getting um i guess data over time and that's kind of what we're doing is going to be almost like um at price tracker over time is you want to then append data to this so we can't only create it and that's what this does because if i run this 100 times it'll only give me this first row we need to now append data to this so let's let's pull this down here uh again i'm i'm not i haven't added a bunch of notes i'm gonna say now we are appending data to the csv i haven't added a ton of notes i'll try to go back maybe afterwards and add some notes for people who like to read notes um so what we are now going to do is we're going to change this w to an a plus now this is going to be how we append the data and we no longer need the header so we don't aren't going to do the header anymore and there we go so now instead of excuse me so now instead of creating that header again creating that first row of data again we are ignoring the data and we're now going to the next nearest free row in appending data which means to add on data to that and so if i run this which i'm not going to right now i mean why not i can i can run it um and then we can read the sentence so now there there's our data i'll run it a few more times i ran it like three or four more times i run that in and there we go now it's all the exact same data super boring but very very uh you know good to have now we don't want to have to come in here and run this every day let's say we're going to do this daily we don't want to have to come and write run this every single day right we want a way where it does it while we sleep it does it in the background of our laptop um and is easy to do right i don't want to come in here every single morning with an alarm on my phone every single morning come in here i want to automate this so uh how are we going to do that give me one second if you didn't know i have three kids and one of them is waking up i will be right back all right i think he is asleep um at least let's hope he's asleep so now what we're going to do is we're going to put this all into uh this check underscore price now you may never have used oh geez what are these things called oh my gosh super used all the time you'll know what i what it is not a function i don't even remember what it's called maybe there's a function um i can't think i'm having like a writer's block or whatever that is we're going to put it all in here and then we're going to be able to use this price check later because we want to be able to automate this so let's go back all the way up here we are going to use this so let's copy all of that in and oh geez all right everything just like that so this pulls in our data pulls in uh or yeah pulls in all of our data down to the title and the price we want to [Music] make it look right so we're going to put it right here so now we have it formatted properly um we want to add our date time just like that i don't know if there's a better i'm sure there's a better way to do this um then we need this right here and just like that like that so now we have our header and our data and then we want to pull this in right here boom boom boom okay so everything that we just wrote out we are now putting into this check price now you can call it whatever you want it doesn't matter but let's run that see if we get any errors we don't so this is now good to go basically um what we are going to use this for um and what this is going to do is we are going to put this on a timer um you know have you ever wanted to like check something once a day once every 10 seconds once a minute whatever you want and you don't want to have to actually pull up your phone and look at it this is how we are going to do that so we had something called let's see time this this library time right here that's what we're going to use right now so we're going to say while oops while true and go like this do a colon we're going to say check underscore price that's what we just wrote out and we're gonna do time dot sleep now this is completely up to you how much time you wanna put in here for the purposes of demonstration i'm going to put 5 seconds which means every 5 seconds it is going to run through this entire process and so let's run this really quick and i'm going to run it for let's say 30 seconds and then i'm going to [Music] pull this in right here so we just looked at it earlier we had four well five rows of data right what we're going to do is in just a second i'm going to stop this you know maybe after 30 seconds or so we're going to see how much data is in there uh and let's stop it right now it's been going far enough um and now let's run it so now we have five six seven eight so i guess i ran for 20 seconds we can that was for demonstration purposes i've never do every any some anything every every five seconds unless it was like black friday on amazon we can put this as long or as short as you want you can run it every second if you want um that doesn't make sense to me but you can what we can do is do a little bit of math uh and i don't know the soft top my head so i'm going to uh do the math with you live pretty exciting stuff got the calculator out so there are 60 seconds in a minute and this goes by seconds by the way and you could do you know you can do some um some string up here i'm calculating this but i'm just going to put in the number because it's easier maybe not easier i'm just going to do it there's 60 seconds in a minute there are 60 seconds or 60 minutes in an hour so that's one hour and we can do 24 hours in a day so that's 86 thousand 400. i believe did i read that right oops did i read that right yes so this now if i ran this and i'm going to this is going to check the price every single day and this is the entire point of this um of this project not the entire point but this is a big part of this project is we want to create our own data set now something i personally really love is a data set that has you know that i can do some type of time series with now this is not exciting it's probably not super exciting for this right but you get the idea that if this price were to change we would then see that reflected in the data at some point you can do this on any item you could ever imagine on amazon it's the exact same process and some items change often this t-shirt will most likely never change and so you know again this is for demonstration purposes the code itself will be nice to put in a project although the data set that you get from this probably won't be the best i would imagine but notice that this is running i can then minimize this and this can run on my computer basically as long as my computer is is working um one thing i will say before i go on to some more stuff one thing that i will say is that i personally when i did this for a when i uh created this i did something similar and i put this in visual studio code and i didn't put it in jupyter notebooks that's a personal preference i would look into that if that is something that you want i think visual studio code is a little bit easier for automating these types of tasks but for illustrator purposes and for demonstration purposes you cannot beat jupyter notebooks that's why i did it so with all that being said that is basically the end of the project now um i'm not going to stop this and read it again but you get the point um we now have um a data set that oh geez all this again that now has um data i'm getting out of here oh geez it's hounding me let me get out of here oh no all right this is embarrassing guys i'm embarrassed we now have a csv file with data in it now you run this in the background of your computer you can do that i have done it i've ran it for weeks i have ran it for months if you restart your computer just come back in here and restart running this process it's the same for any automated process unless you start using some online um automation service which will run it regardless of your computer they do it you know either in the cloud or on some server so you know that this is a really good option again if if you restart your computer or something happens you lose connection just come in here run this through the script again um except for the one where it deletes all your data don't run that one again only run that one time um and then you will and in fact what i would do is then um i would just comment this out right i'd come in here and i would just comment this out so that anytime i come back in here i would never accidentally delete all my data but that is what this project does now something really interesting something that i have done in the past that i thought was really cool really useful i actually did it for um i actually did it for some watches that i was watching especially on black friday it's when i used it i was interested in a price drop or a specific price change and what i did was as i said and i don't know so what i basically did was is i said if the price is lower than let's say let's say we wanted to drop below 14 it would then send an email um and i'm going to show you the script that i used it still works and if this is something that you are interested in this could be a completely different project i just think it's interesting and i wanted to show it to you although i wouldn't say this this is part of the final project let me just come in here and we're going to create this super simple um and that's super simple we're sending a mail we're connecting to a server we're using gmail we're logging into our account that is my email you will not get my password we're creating the subject the body um we configure or just kind of create this message and then we send a mail so then i have this define uh or this send mail i i'm blanking on what this is called i'm gonna call it a function but that's probably not right so if that price drops below a certain point it'll send me an email i have used this and i used it and was able to buy a watch that was like you know let's say 140 bucks for like 90 bucks um on a black friday sale i was really really happy about that so this can be used in that way as well um not something you have to write into your project just something i'm going to include down here if you want to try it i think it's super interesting something really fun um really fun to mess around with i enjoyed this so with that being said uh this is this is the project um i in the next one and i promise you this one is probably gonna get a lot more difficult if you thought this one was easy which i hope maybe i hope you do then that means you're you're pretty good at python you know in the next the next um web scraping project and i hope to do many of these i might do um even all the ones that i put in that poll but i started with the one that was the most popular um you know if you were able to get through this i think that that is fantastic i think this is a solid project to create um a data set and so use this how you will you can copy my code exactly i don't have a problem with that again i don't think this is beginner there are some a little bit more advanced things and i don't know in advance just like intermediate level things that you kind of learn as you get into it and so um i hope that this was instructional i hope that i explained it you know well and i hope that this is useful again you know when you actually use this you'll have 22 23 24 25 you know you'll see a price change a price change a price change a price change go use a product or go to something that you were interested in or anything you know fluctuates often and there are plenty of those on amazon i promise there are some that literally change almost every other day like down a dollar up a dollar um and then black friday just goes crazy um with these price changes so use this as you will i hope that this was instructional i hope that it's useful i think i said that before you know i'm doing this because i think it's really interesting it's really useful um this to me again was a good introduction a really good introduction to web scraping because in this next one it gets quite a bit more difficult um i would say on a scale of like difficulty this is like maybe a four and it'll probably jump up to like a seven on this next one um just just much more technical or coding heavy so you know look forward to that if that's something that you look forward to with that being said i'm gonna go back over here for my send-off with that being said i hope this was helpful i hope that you learned something um don't get mad at me if it was too easy don't get mad if you was me if it was too hard i'm doing my best over here so i appreciate your patience thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it if you like this video be sure to like and subscribe below and i will see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Alex The Analyst
Views: 21,910
Rating: 4.9644446 out of 5
Keywords: Data Analyst, Data Analyst job, Data Analyst Career, Data Analytics, Alex The Analyst, data analyst portfolio projects, python web scraping, scraping data from amazon, web scraping with python, web scraping with beautifulsoup, web scraping data analysis, scraping data using beautifulsoup and requests, data analyst project
Id: HiOtQMcI5wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 13sec (2833 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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