Designing Sites & Pages in ArcGIS Hub and ArcGIS Enterprise

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hello everyone and welcome to the esri geodev webinar series about three years ago we started this series as a way to continue engaging in developer related topics and discussions in between dev summits speaking of which we have our next developer summit coming up march 9th through 11th we have a lot of new topics advanced features and additional functionality to share with you over the coming months so be sure to stay connected with us through our geodev webinar series page on geodev or any of our social media accounts at esri geodev we would love to have conversations like these taking place throughout the year so that when we do meet at one of these dev summit conferences it will be as though we never stopped we hope you get as much or more out of this webinar than you anticipated now we would like to introduce you to today's webinar designing sites and pages in arcgis hub and arcgis enterprise before we get started i'd like to go over a few items so you know how to participate in today's event we've taken a screenshot of an example of the attendee interface you should see something that looks like this on your own computer desktop in the upper right corner you're listening in using your computer's speaker system by default if you would prefer to join over the phone just select use telephone in the audio pane and the dial-in information will be displayed you will have the opportunity to submit text questions to today's presenter by typing your questions into the questions pane of the control panel you may send in your questions at any time during the presentation we will collect these and address them during the q a session at the end of today's presentation i would now like to introduce one of our presenters patrick hammonds let's get started shall we patrick yeah sounds great thanks amy hi everyone um as you may have mentioned my name is patrick hammons i work on the product team for his hub um and today we're gonna be talking about uh two different products uh arcgis hub and access enterprise sites um so introduce those products to start um a little idea about kind of what the what the philosophy is between the two um and then we're gonna walk through building a basic site um we're to be doing every all the demos today are going to be in hub but the same flow applies to our js enterprise sites if that's what you're interested in we're then going to talk about how to curate engaging content specifically leveraging a few of arcgis's solutions and how when to bring them in and how to use them in the app and then we're going to talk through i think the main piece today is talking how do you do design a complete web experience and so we're going to be looking through the application to kind of show how you can use hub to make a great web experience for your end users well that let's uh get going into introducing the products so first enterprise sites arcgis enterprise sites is a capability that allows you to create customized websites and web pages to feature content from your portal to non-gis users um similarly but uh different in terms of product we have arcgis hub which is an easy to configure cloud platform for organizations to collaborate with their communities to accomplish information driven initiatives so as you can tell in the product statements they're kind of similar it's a little bit of differences and we'll talk about that now starting with arcgis hub is accessed from arcgis online um arcgis online can use uh services and and content from many places including enterprise portal um but the application itself arcgis hub is accessed from arcgis online um there's two different licenses there's the basic license which allows you to create sites and pages uh provide data in either open data or private data um showcase apps and build apps use dashboards for tracking engagement with your with your content as well as um creating feedback surveys uh within the hub um what you get for premium for an additional a yearly subscription fee for your organization you have access to pre-configured initiatives which is basically sites and pages combined with various applications to address specific goals you also have community identities which is a separate arcgis online organization to house people in the general communities who might want to follow your initiatives and content you create and as well as the ability to schedule events and form specific teams to collaborate on different pieces of content within the hub but today everything we're going to talk about for the most part is is in arcgis hub basic uh you'll see a few different things referencing um some things like initiatives and community identities and teams um we're gonna be focusing just on site building and layout editing today so uh everything should be applicable to you regardless of licensing that you currently have your organization also we also have a resource you want to check out if you're wondering about the differences between the two licenses this is our product page and there's a pricing section with a great table to kind of see what features you have access to and that's available um at the url on your screen also if you look up our github pricing it should come up with on google so similarly enterprise sites um allows you to build sites and open data it's accessed from the enterprise portal um so it's a separate application and it's if you're in a portal environment um on rxs enterprise you can access it there there are fewer features so you can see it's just sites and open data and applications main reason for that is it's not public it's not um on the open web in the same way it's hosted on your servers um so the dashboards and feedback and communicating all that is is not quite it's not possible in uh enterprise um we people often ask when to use arcgis hub versus enterprise sites and if you can tell by the bullets on the left um arcgis hub offers many more features and many more capabilities so in general if you have access to arcgis line at your organization we recommend using arcgis hub there's no credit burn unlimited downloads for providing data we host the infrastructure on amazon web services the feature release also leads enterprise sites we release on a weekly basis sometimes more frequent depending if there's a fix we have to ship faster but we ship every week as opposed to enterprise sites we package up once a year and then we do quarterly updates or or patches if there are bugs that come up um so just a much slower release cycle on our price sites hub is also optimized for the web um so from cdn or packages available via cdn as well as seo so you don't have to worry about managing your seo from the site it's it's completely it's in the same package so people should be able to find your sites on google there's also three different subsystems that enterprise sites does not support and that's things like custom domains with https uh certificate generation the expanded download system and caching over the platform as well as an improved search experience we have two different apis that we manage ourselves that provide additional functionality and that's not accessible from enterprise there's also additional licensable features for external community engagement so if you ever wanted to do community engagement and invite people to events you wouldn't be able to do that in enterprise sites um but if your i.t policy prohibits you from using arcgis online then by all means use enterprise sites so we've had a lot of customers who are in disconnected environments and they really love being able to build sites for their internal and external stakeholders you will or if you need to be able to control the web server that's a great reason to use enterprise sites cool so now we've got the kind of the product differences out let's talk through um how to build something with before we get into planning a site we can just start using the app um to make your first site there are a few things you need to set up in arcgis online um you'll need a creator user type with essential apps enabled so if you're trying to create if you're going to give access to others in your organization to hub you make sure they have that creator user type enabled with access to essential apps you'll also need some privileges including create content create group share to group view org groups and view org items a couple nice to have privileges if you need additional access or things like create group with update capabilities which allows you to which allows you to share editing rights to your site to other people in your organization or administrative access if you want to have more control over um being able to put people in groups as opposed to having them approve an invite so if you want to set up a workflow where different groups are working different parts of your hub site you'll you'll want to have administrative access to control that access i define the app um they're both found in the app drawer for the different environments so on the left you're seeing um the the app launcher from arcgis line and on the right you're seeing the app launcher from enterprise um one's hub one sites they're very similar looking icon and if you click those that'll open up the hub application or the site's capability um another option is our arcgis online if you click create from your from my content there is a section for sites if you click create sites it'll take you to the hub application you'll be able to do everything you see today when you launch the application what you're going to see is the sites or the hub overview depending on your environment this is a useful place for making new sites and seeing your already created work and being able to jump to it quickly there's also access to different pieces of content that have been shared to the site so you can see org-wide what contents um in your org and shared to to sites and if you're in a premium environment you can also access community features so on the left screenshot you're seeing the community the community tab as well as the community dashboard which is tracking who's accessing the um the content externally and cool with that we can start creating our first site so today um this is what uh hub looks like this is the premium version if you're in uh if you don't have access to premium it'll look like this it's basically a stripped down version that community stuff is gone we're going to be i'm sticking with premium today and i'm going to create a new initiative um and this initiative is is going to be specifically trying to increase um our population with with people who have dogs so we're having more dogs i'm from philadelphia i love dogs want to make sure that dogs feel welcome when they come to philly so we'll call it more dogs billy i hit create initiative and my initial creation process has started it's activating the initiative which what that does is it creates a site it also creates a series of groups that it's the site needs to manage some of the content flows um and now it's complete i'm going to land on my site editor and first thing you see is a get started helper which kind of shows you different things you can do as well as some links to documentation if you need some help there i'm going to x this out and i'm going to point out a few things so one our url has taken the name that i have created um it has this it's attached to the org name if i wanted to create a custom domain i can do that i'll show you where to do that in a second but two things to point out we've got the the our site navigation and what this is is a it'll handle anything you need to do in the hub if you go to the drop down you can see all the different pieces of content you can edit on your site including uh there's the dashboard there's teams there's events feedback community content library and groups manager we're gonna be talking mostly through content library and the initiative site editor today um but um there there are other pieces of content on our youtube channel if you want to know more about um any of these other parts now additionally there's the overflow menu or the more menu that allows you to get different access so if you wanted to edit the system line that's where you do that and there's the sharing controls which is very similar to access online there's sharing level as well as edit access that you can control here and there's the save button which we added this recently where you can actually make drafts and preview drafts and publish drafts so you'll have to click this twice to be able to publish it finally but that way you're not you can see your changes um without nc drafts and share drafts without it being live all right and so go back to this this sidebar here is a big part of editing so if you go through those settings um this is where you do things like update the um the domain so if you had to if you want to create a custom domain you can do that here you might have to publish it build it to do that um but if you have a custom domain you want to buy and set up that's how you do that and um the two things we're to be spending the most time in today are the layout editor which um what this is is this sidebar allows you to bring in different content it's a drag and drop experience so if i if i drop a an image here it'll automatically drop i'll show you i'll talk about more about how this grid system works but um that's how you add content and the theme we'll talk about later which is the ability to control what colors show up and and as as well as the look and feel with fonts but the main thing is with a couple clicks and a name i have a starter site where i can i can start building my my focus out and this layout is guided to kind of help you think through what kind of things you want on your site with that let's talk about um some of those basics so um what was just done when we created that app um is it created a footprint in arcgis online when you create a site or an initiative in arcgis online um what happens is you're first creating a hubsite application or a site app depending on your context and there's two groups that come along with that as well which is the content group and the core team group the content group is for anything you add to the site the core team group is for any people you you add to be able to edit content on your site if you're in a premium license context you also there's an item that's called a hub initiative and that adds um additionally a group for site name followers so basically anyone who's following your uh initiative or your content on your site um they will be in that group which is separate from people who have access to edit the content additionally if you create pages on your initiative or your site you'll have a hub page or a site page created and that's just an item arches online and if you're in premium and you create a new event a new group is made to to house event attendees so you can see um a hubsite inaudible your content there's a hub initiative um and then there's in the groups section there's the core team group content group and the followers group if you're in premium um you'll also see like i mentioned the event group and the new page item if you create those pieces of content all right so now we've got some of the basics let's talk through what kind of content we want to feature on this site hub it's it's one hub but you have mini faces there are many kinds of experiences you might want to showcase so you start with hub you start with your your your launch site and then you have different experiences you add so things like story maps for creating narrative experiences operations dashboard for more at a glance key performance indicators an experience builder for more full-fledged or more customized web experiences and then server 123 if you want to get feedback from your end users and you can feature all of that on a hub site for things that a great site has and again you can adapt this as necessary for your needs uh great sites and form they listen they convene and they monitor we're going to talk through a bit about what that means now so in sites inform when they communicate goals and measurements they educate convey policies share data and facts encourage citizens to follow what issues matters most to them and encourage best practices and behavioral changes um there are also esri solutions that that meet that help with these concepts including things like maps and scenes story maps experience builder web app builder arcgis urban and different configurable applications and all these can be used to inform your end users so this is a experience builder and you can use experience builder to design more than just data and this is a way to show people where to eat in san diego you're seeing a web app builder application for traffic counts but it has an address search and so you're allowing users to really search themselves and put themselves in the data you provide and you've seen transit access in pittsburgh and you can use analysis to make static data more interesting and again all this content can be on your hub site and um you know used to inform your end users or you can use story maps to show kind of a why for the work you do one of the things that's great about hub is that you can embed those and it it keeps the look and feel of your site and people don't necessarily know they're leading to new content because they're they're seeing the same url they're seeing the same header it looks um it's it's rendered right underneath the header um and this is a story map you created sort of in addition to the work you're doing hub and it helps you keep context um just a heads up when you create a new initiative this is on by default um but if it's not showing up when you're doing your work um it's in the site settings and you can enable that by turning on the app page toggle all right great sites also listen and um uh listening involves soliciting data with follow-through uh survey for opinions and ideas um other ways to create two-way communication or directing people to workflows that may exist already within your organization um those can be accomplished through different esri solutions including server 123 crowdsource reporter quick capture and geoforms you can listen for all kinds of things including data you can listen for opinions i mean just trying to get subjective information about how safe people feel on a bike you're driving in your city or you can use surveys to help with scheduling and that connects to convene so great sites often convene and um to convene you can you can create events where the community can meet uh you can form initiative teams to help work on your content and you can create solutions together and the way we do that in um hub is through events we're not gonna be talking a lot about events today um but that's it's a great way to be able to schedule and bring people together it provides easy scheduling attendee registration with the community identity as well as event counters and embeds so if you want to be able to show people what you're doing in the community when they can come attend or attend virtually um that can be done with events and again that is with a premium licensing um you can also make engagement your goal so what's great about the way we've made hub is that when you when people attend your events you can track how many attendees go to your events and then you can use that to highlight that on your site to kind of show the impact you're having in your community great sites often also monitor and that's being able to measure how you're progressing against specific goals and how your outcomes are looking over time as well as to help you as an organization learn what actions and policies make the most impact for your community we've got things like operations dashboard experience builder and also different cards and hub sites and pages like the summary statistics card and the chart card to show how you're addressing um issues with numbers and there's also um google analytics which is a way to track how people are getting your site and how how much they engage with your content so this is an example of a site with that's been using the summary stats card or the chart card and this is all powered by feature services on the back end and you can configure these using the data you have and you can see that they also look great on mobile um or if you have more full-fledged in-depth um dashboard needs um the geodashboard is a great um our operations dashboard is a great application to use and you can embed that on your sites um and you can track um engagement uh in the old-fashioned web way using google analytics all right so now we've talked a bit about what makes good content let's see how to do that on sites um in arcgis hub all right so i'm back in my site editor if i click that drop down i'm going to go to the content library oh let me save and publish my changes real quick all right that folder successfully all right now go to my content library and there's nothing in my site because it's just a brand new initiative um platelets i can do this i can either click create new content or in the nav bar if i click the new drop down i can see all different new content i can add um i can add applications content which are things like data or documents and i want to share with the community feedback which are it's a version of survey123 that we have made part of hub as well as new events so i'm going to go to a new application and so what we're gonna do today um i'm gonna create a survey and i'm gonna create um a web and the web map is gonna be to show parks and the survey is gonna be a pre-configured survey to um get information about what people want in their parks and we're going to try to guide it towards towards having more dogs in philadelphia i'm going to click new web map and when it creates that app that's green that web map um it's creating a fresh web map it's going to redirect me to the edit experience and it's going to look really pretty similar to what you might see in arcgis online it's just a map editor um that is interactive online i'm going to go back to the um log in again so i've created that web map um it's showing up in my content library which is great and if i um go to new application again i can add a survey that's gonna that i can use to to get feedback about our parks one what's great thing this is a premium capability if you go down to browse templates there are templates that have been pre-configured that you can actually create yourself to share with your organization um and i and you can actually access templates that are available worldwide so i'm going to click all i'm going to go world and i'm going to look for parks and there's a survey that's been created about parks and i click activate it'll act it'll create that survey and add to my content library um save time because we're we're in a webinar i'm going to go back to the content library and just add in the existing an existing survey that i set up ahead of time so i click add existing content i'm going to do my content i'm going to look for feedback oh actually when it's in my world and i'm going to add the survey to my site what that does it just shares the item with the content group that we talked about earlier and if i go back to the initiative site i can go to layout and survey and i can drop that survey i just added right into my site select survey and then people can either take the survey in a new tab or if i go down to the feedback header i can go to embed and it actually embeds the survey that i've added and there's even settings that you turn on if i want to make sure it doesn't show up on mobile like turn this on and it won't um show up once they get too small i have to publish that to happen all right and uh oh while i'm here i'll also add uh the web map so i can show people where where parks are in philly and i'll drop that above because it's a little too claustrophobic all right and we'll uh we'll ignore the the um the orientation of that map for now all right um so we've seen how to make content and add content to your sites let's talk through um layout fundamentals and um how you how you can put up more of a bow on all that work you're doing with the site editor um so remember on in the internet you have five seconds to capture someone's attention um so you really need to make it personal let photos speak for yourself stuff wow let photos speak for you um encourage participation and overall keep it simple hub sites out of the box are configured to be to drive towards a specific goal so we place things pretty high up on the page so you want to think about what's the one thing you want your community user to do or see um and how can you place that highest on the page um and a lot of times that may that means just creating a very simple site um so this is showing rain totals uh in japan and it's just um it's just a chart on a site with two tabs um or there's um we have our r d center there's ways to search for for data and tools um but the only real driver here is being able to follow uh that follow button you're seeing tips from our design folks is to before you build a site um sketch it out before you even open the application uh sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in all the things you can do um when you just have a pen and paper you can focus on what you actually need to do for for your work um so some site vocabulary to get out of the way um header uh that's referring to the very top of the page and this is where the nav experience exists kane's useful links sign in branding and home link here's the theme which the theme is referring to the colors and fonts that are used on the site and those are the main drivers between the look and feel of your site there's a row card the row card is a way to organize cards on your site and they're it's a card that all other cards go into you can also use these to uh override theme and different display options um cards are placeable that drag and drop thing i demoed earlier as a placeable piece of content on the site's main layout there are many different kinds of cards uh to support many different design choices um and we'll talk through some of those today um and there's the footer which is just opposite of the header it's the footer bottom of the site and this is a really good place to to put extra resources or things that are below the fold so if you want to list out your department list or access to different documentation that's a place a great place to put it the we use bootstrap 3 to um organize the site in terms of the the grid so a quick overview bootstrap is it divides everything in width wise into little boxes 12 basic columns so as you move through it's going to divide that into three and it also allows you to make sure that different devices are accessing it in a way that you can have control over um there's a link to documentation here we're in the process of upgrading bootstrap for um but we're still on bootstrap 3. um how this actually works when you're editing your site is you'll see on the hover you'll see a little little arrow that pops up and that allows you to adjust how that grid is allocated on your site all right and let's uh see that in practice i'm gonna go ahead and remove these for now just because they're clearing my my my uh layout i go back to layout and i drag in a image card you can see that the um the grid has been divided that's in in six and six um i'm going to bring in an image of my dog one second all right so see if i get my dog i'm going to crop that to be a little tighter click done now it's been cropped and the text doesn't look so great so far i'm just going to change the text up so you bring your pup really needs more dogs and i'm going to change some of the layouts here actually move this over a little bit and now that i see it i'm going to move it to the left and then i can adjust the size depending on how i what i think looks best and that's pretty good to me so far you can see how that lay how to change layouts it's pretty straightforward just hover over the content and click the arrow in the direction you want to move it and um and we'll leave that there for now all right so now we're going to go through all the layout cards that you have access to and when to use them um so first is setting a theme for your site that's going to be in that sidebar that i was mentioning first thing if you don't know where to start your organization probably has brand guidelines on some level so look for those um make sure you avoid dramatic fonts that are hard to read um it might seem like a great thing to give your separate identity based on based on a really interesting looking font but i think the fonts are really hard to read often um and you want to be able to test every page in your site not just the layout and that's places like dataset page or the item page search results and any page you create or link to the site um and often you can just find the person whose job this is and either consult them or ask them if they have some guidance as far as theme all right and so i'm going to quickly show how to do that so um we're in philly so let's say i was working for the city of philadelphia there's a cider to me they have a really great design group there that that manages their brand and so what you can do is you can inspect different pieces of the um of this website and just use colors and um and styling there so i'm going to go down find the color copy that in if i go to the theme part of my sidebar there and i'm going to change the global nav background color it's kind of changed a little bit i'm gonna change the header to white to kind of match that same style um and then if i wanted to go down and you see that the blue is a little bit different now which is cool come in here and do the same thing as i did before looking a little bit more philly um and go back to the theme i'm also going to quickly update the fonts so let me see if i go to site here i can i can check out what these fonts are this is the first i'll find the body which is at the bottom here select the element if i look down i'm seeing open sans so i'm going to use open sands for body and then should show me where the come up here i'll inspect this element and it should say monster rod i think yep monster out so i'm going to use monsterat and i'm going to use open sands so i go down to the fonts i can go we support google fonts and these are our free fonts that you can get at so i'm going to look for monsterat and i'm going to select this style actually i believe it was 400 so i'm going to use the 400 just to be sure select this style and actually i think i can just use the link directly let me paste that in oh i have to do that one so i want to use this as the header so i'm going to go over to heading font hit preview looks like it's working and i'm going to do open sans and then do open sounds here preview and hit apply and you can see it started it started to update things the fonts have changed so it has that look and feel of that site i'm not going to go super in depth because we don't have enough time but that's how you would go about building the site using an existing example site to help all right um the row card uh it's a great card that allows you to get control of your layout um it's great for edge-to-edge images um where you know you have focal point control um edge edge images will look very different depending on the device size so you're going to want to test those out on different devices this can also be used to override theme for the text and background color as you might have noticed some of the the rows weren't for taking the font that i applied that's because they have a different font so many to go change that if you're trying to use custom fonts um you can also set wide versus box so if you have a row something that is more full screen like an app or a map or video you can turn that on to wide or if you have something where it's just containing other cards you can use the box setting and one of the best things is the row class name so what that does it allows you to access different bootstrap classes that operate different on different devices and we'll show that um right now all right so i'm going to do is i'm going to go into my layout editor i'm going to find an application i'm going to drop it in and i'm going to select the application and it's going to be a dashboard all right so dashboards are great unfortunately they don't always look great on mobile so as you can see it's pretty congested as it is but if i start changing the the size of the view it becomes harder and harder to see what's great about this though with the row editor is you can actually come in access the row and add a row class and it'll be it's uh hidden and then you add the um the view pane that it's hidden at so i'm going to say it's hidden at for medium devices so i do that the whole row goes away it's not just the item it's the whole row can be hidden so if you have contents not looking good on mobile at all you can just hide it and it won't show up when you're on mobile so great thing to use when you're trying to control different access especially depending on different device sizes um text cards are also a great um thing to use um you um they call you to do a lot on on hub sites um and it supports the most advanced layout choices um so you actually can edit um the html directly in the card using that advanced code mode and there are also bootstrap examples that we've added and we're adding more all the time where you can actually add different elements directly into the sites of things right now it's buttons wide cards cards and an accordion option which is great if you're trying to do things like an faq for your site bootstrap tables are also supported so if you wanted to do tables you can see there's a table icon there very similar to other rich editing experiences for building those tables there's also other examples you can find using google some useful bootstrap classes i talked about hidden already but image response is another great one if you have images and you want to make sure that they they don't just chunk they don't respond um any kind of more of a chunky experience that they actually resize you add image dash responsive uh they'll shrink and um enlarge as you change the view size there's also a lot more resources you can find for custom html and bootstrap we use calcite bootstrap as a great place to start additionally you can google bootstrap 3 plus the thing you're trying to do and a lot of our users end up building some amazing things doing that as you're customizing your site one thing you really want to check for is your accessibility so if you want to change your check for contrast there's the link that you can see in your screen and there's also chrome lighthouse audits and we use that every time we release just to make sure that our accessibility is staying within a range that we we need it to be um there's also plugins for um chrome and firefox um i have the the ax extension on my firefox um and you can basically even audit your sites and pages when you're using the developer tools um just heads up not all of these issues are yours to solve some of those things are for our team to fix and we're we're investing a lot of um developer hours into accessibility um the main thing you have control over is alt text so when you're adding images make sure you add some kind of description for that image so screen readers can be able to let different users be able to hear um what what site that is what the image is representing uh image card um it's great for images that aren't edge to edge so if you need edited images again use the row card but for images that are alongside other content the image card is is what you use um make sure that you're using https um so it's not getting blocked by cross-origin issues um and there's if we select scale image to fill that's that's that image responsive class that i spoke about earlier and again don't forget you're all text and what another thing is that if you have images hosted in arcgis online they're going to keep the same sharing level of the slider page they're attached to so you don't have to worry about people being able to access different images if they're um if they have access to the site or if they don't access the site they won't have access to image or they will depending on their sharing um some ideas about where to find good images um your organization probably has some good images to start um but if they don't you can also screenshot the content you're creating to just um and be able to kind of just put that there um also heads up unsplash and pixels does not require attribution but if you're using images from flickr you do need to attribute the images in your footer um in addition to icons from now on project uh if you if you pay for the items or the icons noun project you don't have to attribute to them but if you don't then put that in the footer um so when you're showing curated content in your site you you have six different card choices um so if you have to think through um if you have a lot of items that you're putting on your site ie more than ten you can combine the category you can you can use the category card which basically allows you to create a query using search that um using tags or groups will lead people to a list of of items in the search experience that way you can push users to the experience to to all that items you want within the search interface um you can still use a gallery card if you want to show your your favorite featured content um but and in general avoid making a gallery card with more than 10 items because it just ends up looking like a kind of yard sale of content and it's very easy to overlook for most users if you have a small number of items that you want people to see then the gallery card is a great thing to use or if you have users visiting the site and you just want them to experience one application or map then the iframe or the app card on a full width row is a great way to go and you might even want to use its own page depending on the experience you're going for all right so using the gallery card um we spent a lot of time making sure sharing works really well for this so if i come in and use the gallery card drop it in i can use dynamic mode which is basically select it's constructing query for different item types um and it will just they'll keep updated as long as people are tagging it or sharing it to the right group or you can use manual if you want to manually select the content we're going to use manual today and select a few items here and you see they're they're embedded here um i have some control over appearances i can i can change if they're using icons versus thumbnails i can change if it's square or rounded i can add a drop shadow if i think that adds to my site and i can control if they're open in the same tab or in a new tab but what's great about this is if i have shared content with a small subset of users and they're authenticated and logged in they will see their content that has been shared to them but if an anonymous user is accessing the site they're not going to see that content unless it's also shared publicly um and the whole set will the the cards themselves were dynamically rendered based on uh sharing access so it's a really great way you can use one page to provide access to content for a wide variety of users that's what we call hiding in plain sight all right so you can also extend the hub um so if there are um things you want to highlight on your site um that are more advanced uh the iframe card is a great thing to use um just heads up that you you're you are responsible for making your iphone content responsive um so for example if you have a tableau visualization there's a setting called adaptive layout which will make sure that your visualizations are responsive there's also other ways that people have extended sites with custom hosted code like our friends in johns creek who have put all their expense data um as a table on their site and that's uh they've hosted that themselves and i turned that in we also have chart card which i spoke about a little bit earlier a great way to summarize attributes for your future services with bar charts pie charts scatter plots or custom charts um and you can also um where we built that on cder so if you need to extend and have um you're not seeing the functionality you need and what we've built you can extend it yourself and there's links in here for a documentation about that but just look up at every seeder charting on google and you'll you'll find the documentation summary statistics cards also really powerful way to show very specific numbers uh especially if you're trying to show things like kpis um it's like the chart card except it summarizes to a single metric instead of showing a metric by a value it supports filtering and you can also if you want more control and you want to do something more than what you see the chart card is doing uh you can iframe in an operations dashboard widget that just are an operations dashboard app that says one widget which uh so our friends in brampton have done so you can actually see um this this is an operations dashboard it's eight different applications with one widget and that way they're achieving um more of this control that they wanted to do for their display uh there's also the media card if you have videos that you hosting your youtube or vimeo for organization you can host those on you can display those on the sites just by pasting a link the video controls options will differ depending on your provider we currently don't support third party files but we have plans for that in the future a social media card is also a great way to highlight different content you might have so if you have a social media person who has timelines pertinent to your initiatives you can embed that content either in single posts or tweets or in timelines and you can also embed things like facebook events pages and again those controls update depending on the type of content um we also the banner card manager is one of the first cards to be made available and it's um great for a jumbo tron experience you have a big heading and a search bar below it we have added more advanced options with some updates we did the search cards and text cards in recent years so we generally recommend using that and you can have much more customized possibilities using the text card and search card combined all right with that let's uh and some resources and get qa so first place to check out if you need more ideas for your sites and pages uh check out the gallery on our product page that's hub pages gallery you can also access learn lessons and more of a how-to experience on we have a few um hub lessons there um and all this is linked in the hub overview as well so we ever run into issues we've tried to make documentation as clear that can be from from the app itself and with that i think we're ready for questions all right thank you patrick we're now going to begin answering the questions submitted during today's presentation we've received quite a few and we will try to get through as many as possible but whatever we do not get to today we will address in a geonet blog post after this webinar as a reminder you can still submit questions through the questions pane in your attendee control panel our first question is when developing the hub site is there a way to use versioning somehow so that multiple people can work on different parts of the site then merge that work back into a master version so to speak or is it simply last save wins potentially overwriting previous saves by others that's a great question so uh short answer is no we don't support versioning in that way we recently added the the draft experience that was in the last few months and that allows you to share drafts of people to get feedback but there's not the full what you're thinking of probably in a collaborative way of being able to see edits that are made and track those and then merge changes we have talked about that we have plans for that in the future but it's um it's not there yet all right thank you is it possible to build a hub site for a client and transfer ownership to the customer when the project is completed yes it is um if you're working between orgs you might need to use something like an external um process we often use there's an application ago ad administrator application that a person has recreated a few years ago um that's great for copying things over the one thing you have to know is that it's really easy to break things and the relationships between content are kind of hard to bring over so in general if you're working with a customer um or building a site for someone i would try to access their org so it can live in the org it's gonna actually exist in permanently and then you can just transfer ownership and arcgis online and or add them to the team or just they can own the items once you're done all right thanks is it possible to clone a hub from one arcgis online account or enterprise portal to another yeah sort of similar question um they're that's the reason why we created templates um so you can actually create templates now um if you go into hub and you create a site and you think it looks pretty good you can make that into a template and then if you make that publicly available i believe i haven't tested it out recently but you should be able to clone that template and then start from there um but yeah it's a kind of similar thing the last question is you need to copy the whole thing over there are some external ways to do that between orgs but it can it can get kind of hairy depending on the relationship between pieces of content all right is it possible to have private m public data sections in the same hub yeah um it is so we you can have your public and private data alongside each other um and and a lot of our customers end up doing that um and if you wanted to feature some of the content on a site or page like i was saying with the gallery card um if people have access to private data it will show up if you've added that counter card for it and if they don't it won't show up so it's we've tried to do as much you can to make sure that um you can have one experience um well one entry point to multiple experiences and that your data is not being accidentally shared publicly all right thanks um can you use any survey from your org or can it only be one of those facebook feedback surveys yeah you can use any survey in your org you can add pretty much any piece of content you want to to your your website so if there's an existing survey that you really like um you can add that directly into your site awesome is there a june online community q a forum for learning and asking questions there is and that's actually um the bottom bullet there um is a great place to get in touch with us if you have questions or you have feedback or ideas we are very active on on geonet so go ahead and post your your questions or ideas there all right how is enterprise hub different from enterprise portal um so yeah that might be confusing with the the naming so arcgis hub is an arcgis online application and enterprise sites is uh portal capability so that's they're very similar experiences very similar it's the same site builder um but one is a product that you can there's just work just online and one is a product that's just for enterprise um the differences earlier um in the presentation there's a list of kind of the differences there but in general if you can use hub use hub if um if you need something to be behind a firewall or um only available to people over vpn and you can't use arcgis online then use sites and you can build sites and apps you won't be able to do the community features but you'll be able to create sites and make that available to people on vpn perfect thank you can we apply group security to sites group security um so the way content and what control access is provided to different content um in the hub is using groups so we referred to teams a few times when i was talking through earlier um and the there's a content team there or there's the content group there's the followers group there's always different groups and what that does is it allows people to have access to items uh depending on the settings you set so we use you can provide edit access to pages and sites you can provide just view access to edit to pages and sites or different content um on your site um but as far as group security it's using groups on the back end to control all that okay great is microsoft stream supported in the media card i do not know um it's a well i'll say it no it's not um i don't know where it's at in the backlog in terms of when we might support that um right now it's vimeo and youtube that's the part of the media card okay is there support for additional languages and translations in hub sites or plans for it uh great question um so short answer is yes we recently added a translate button um to sites using excusing google translate that project has been deprecated by google so we're going to need to find a new way to do that but we're very interested in making sure that sites are translated on the fly another way you can do that though is if you create multiple sites for different languages like if you have expertise in your organization for language-wise you can create clone the site and translate it and then link it in the header and a lot of our users have done that all right how many people within my organization can edit an arcgis hub project is there a limit ah that's a great question um i don't think there's a hard limit um i am might be kicking myself later for remembering some artists online limitation for you know like you know 200 people or something but i think there's no limit to the amount of users that can edit a site but i can i can follow up in a blog post or a post i'm doing it yeah so when we have an update if you'd like we can we can add that to the blog that we post um another question are there plans to provide the same functionality in sites as there is in hub yeah so we um every time we prepare a new release for enterprise sites we try to bring over all the features we can from the previous year um the only limitation we have are things like um if we we we have apis that we manage ourselves like our search api and our download system and those are things we can't always bring over um and also community identities and that whole concept is it's just not really possible and it's not part of the product so if you have access arches line and you want to do community work then use arcgis hub um but we try to do everything we can but we are limited sometimes by the platform and by the um by the environment that our users are accessing it all right are any of the customizations in the settings or in the available cards tools that are only available in prem in the premium version um there are certain cards that will only show up if you're in premium so for example events you can't there's no events experience unless you're in premium so those cards won't exist offhand i can't think of any specific customization that's not available between the two um it's just that some cards will show up and some won't depending on whether you have have that in your in your licensing all right what user type and user rule do i need if any for simply browsing the data and downloading it nothing you don't need um if if the site's available anyone can access data downloads um if it you know if it's private then you need to be authenticated and aren't just online um but if it's not private and it's just on the public site then you can see it and download it there's no there's no limitations there all right do the summary statistics support rest end point data or only hosted data uh it needs to be an item in arctis online on some level um or in portal depending on the context um it doesn't need to be hosted though so if it's just if you have your own data host somewhere and it has a it's registered somewhere in our just align our portal then you should be able to access it from the summary stack card all right are there backups of the hub site can you go back to a previous backup that's a great question there isn't a versioning experience yet so there's no immediate way to do that if my recommendation is if you want to try something out as a draft you can always clone a site um and then rename it to the old site's name or one of those kind of flows there's also you can create drafts and share that draft out and get feedback before you actually publish it so um there's no way to go back a couple you know a few months and go to the old version though but we don't ever delete anything so unless you actively delete it it'll always be there right and for our very last question is it possible to add some sort of a blog to an initiative like a place where people can leave comments on a specific topic that everyone can see and respond to yeah we've talked about that um so we we are building for our more feedback um and kind of chat experience and we have plans for that in the upcoming year um but currently no um you can you can embed different things using iframe card um there might be some limitations with some of those experiences so you might be able to embed something like that but for right now we don't support it in the hub all right thank you patrick and thank you everyone for attending today's webinar designing sites and pages in arcgis hub and arcgis enterprise if you have any other questions please feel free to contact me using my email address and your follow-up email you
Channel: ArcGIS
Views: 2,615
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Geographic Information System, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Enterprise, developer, design, build
Id: L55QQaVVvuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.