ArcGIS Hub: An Introduction

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hi everyone thank you for joining us today for arcgis hub and introduction my name is morgan sapia and i am an account executive on esri smart city solutions team and i am joined by matt viverito a solution engineer on the state government team we are so excited for you all to be at today's session so let's get started today we will give an overview of community engagement and its challenges with an overview of arcgis hub we will look at some customer success examples and we will go into what's new in the product and we will finish up the session with a demonstration and q a so with that let's dive in every community wants to be smarter they want to be healthier safer more prosperous but as they evolve and grow they are facing some pretty complex challenges and engagement and collaboration is not as simple as it once was so the question is how how do we get to be a healthier safer more prosperous community well through collaboration and community engagement that are focused on initiatives community engagement is more than just another step towards the completion of a project or checking a box it is the meaningful active involvement of key stakeholders in the decision-making process as it relates to real outcomes that make these safer healthier more prosperous communities when it comes to the idea of engagement i'm sure many of you are familiar with engagement patterns and milestones within these patterns the idea of these milestones is to ensure that valuable collaboration and engagement is being sought out and implemented milestones are a point in time and keeps our attention on the initiative at hand milestones like the ones you see here really are to identify opportunities for stakeholders and to keep initiatives on track so what you see here is pretty simple you know first start by building a strategy around your collaboration and engagement this collaboration could be for vision zero reducing homelessness really any initiative your organization is working towards once you build a strategy you can choose activities around it maybe you need more focused feedback from a select group of individuals or maybe you need broader feedback you can choose activities based on the initiative you are working on then we need to focus on needs effective collaboration and engagement should be focused on community needs by focusing on overall community improvement and being clear on the outcomes of these engagements more may be willing to actively participate and collaborate next establishing objectives is essential in keeping these initiatives on track engagement just to engage won't be beneficial to either the government organization or stakeholders related to it identifying and staying true to the reason and purpose of the work will lead to successful collaboration in which you can measure the value of it however we found that often there are many challenges that come with engagement and collaboration around initiatives there are many challenges associated with community engagement both internally and externally and these challenges i'm sure many of you are familiar with over the next few minutes i'm going to be explaining these challenges but how different organizations have overcome them using arcgis hub the first challenge is governance governance is a challenge for any organization whether it's related to community engagement or data governance governance not only provides transparency but it holds everyone involved accountable and defines how these initiatives are set and achieved this idea is really about ensuring that people that need to make changes have the access to do so for example if a person in gis is aware of arcgis hub for coven 19 outreach but communication staff doesn't know about it there really is no direction as to what information should be given to the broader public achieving proper governance is important to help build the community develop trust and ensure there is accountability while moving towards initiatives however it's extremely hard and how are we meant to do it virtually the second challenge is resources resources have been and always will be a concern in government which affects community engagement so often we see that a common barrier to effective engagement and collaboration is resources it starts at the first step of engagement building a strategy lack of time and staff to effectively put a strategy in place and continue it throughout its life cycle often lead to the biggest obstacles that organizations face the third challenge is community building at its core building a community encourages different areas to work together on tasks that provide a better future really this idea is about replacing the notion that individual communities are alone community building takes time but can be extremely rewarding it can bring government organization organizations so much more than trust it can help drive every aspect of these initiative goals and provide valuable data intelligence and ideas that allow cities counties states etc to grow the last challenge is accessible participation ensuring that all voices are heard despite demographics location and other factors is so important in engagement you might want to ensure your data is representative of all residents especially in various broad forms of engagement quite frankly young people don't want to go to town hall meetings anymore they want the cliff notes version of it so there should be both in-person and online engagement options or if a person isn't physically able to make it to a town hall meeting perhaps they don't have the resources to get there themselves how are their opinions meant to be heard so then how do we address these challenges with collaboration and engagement in mind using the tools that you already have with arcgis hub an all-inclusive community engagement platform you can address these challenges while effectively engaging with stakeholders collaboration is engagement plus interests we understand the kind of actions you take depend on your focus area or depend on your interests so this is a way to show how people can do engagement these are the types of collaboration that may be sought after depending on the type of initiative work that is being done and this collaboration happens in four different ways with focused feedback with transparency and feedback reinforced messaging and working closely together to explain this let's dive into some real examples first work closely together with collaborators such as consultants policy makers or technical working groups to address the issue of community building close collaborators such as technical working groups both internal and external can help steer collaboration sessions and drive engagement forward to build the community an example of how this solution worked is with washington dc one of dc's initiatives is called move dc a citywide capital improvement project in which they have huge projects like bridge redevelopments and small projects like road diets which means changing a road from four lanes to two lanes and part of that is to have community or public engagement typically they hired out contractors who actually does the road improvement and design and those contractors would actually run website pages for these projects this costs money though to run and manage and after the project the page just kind of got left around and the city couldn't really update it or edit it so there were issues of out-of-date data unofficial reports and just old information so the city has now mandated that all projects are going to use hub as its communication channel with residents every project will have its own initiative with pages which will be ran by the contractor but now it's within the infrastructure the city already has and is connected to their open data which explains why the city is doing these projects so when the contractor is done and leaves the city can still maintain and access that hub site and data keep up with the authoritative information and work closely with these technical groups within their own environment so really they have transformed how they are planning engaging and collaborating within the city they've created templates so when a new project comes down the line they can quickly spin up these project sites so it's maintaining consistency in branding consistency and data and consistency and engagement tools for the broader engagement strategy and working closely together the next collaboration is transparency and feedback with the broader community communicating with the community at large creates transparency and builds trust while addressing the issue of resources as a central source of information hub enables people to gain a better understanding of initiatives and stay informed of its progress the city of fullerton's stakeholders can easily log in to participate in collaboration activities or even review materials the public can also sign up for events activities and even email notifications the city of fullerton's planning team wanted a way to engage with the broader public so the public could gain a better understanding of the new plans that the city is putting forward the planning team launched their first initiative and used their own branding for their landing page which you're seeing the site gives an overview of what the city wants to achieve why they're doing it and what it means to the community and their guiding principles the city created a second initiative which gave planners a collaborative space in hub to edit access to stakeholder involved initiatives clear easy to read content is crucial to effective communication strategies to create a quick snapshot of the city's current housing situation the team built a demographic flash card using arcgis dashboards each flash card features data from the living atlas which is a data which is a database of global data that is available alongside arcgis hub in arcgis online fullerton's hub has so much more to offer like interactive maps to build transparency and receive feedback while using streamline tools to reduce the amount of resources needed to produce such a strong engagement system the next solution we have is reinforced messaging to address accessible participation for this type of collaboration you would want to use project champions to spread messages to ensure key key stakeholders are heard project champions are well known figures who will have broad connections within their communities such as city council members partners at advocacy and nonprofit groups faith-based leaders and healthcare organization representatives by partnering with these individuals teams can gain champions who support key messaging around the organization's initiatives and can bring greater awareness to it through their own communication channels for example the city of escondido in southern california is using hub as part of their engagement to reduce homelessness a city-wide initiative as mentioned previously a major challenge with engagement is accessible participation you know getting the right people in the room escondido is mitigating their barrier to participation by collaborating with stakeholders like businesses but also partnering with non-profits and healthcare organizations who also focus on reducing homelessness to achieve the ultimate goal arcgis hub plays a fundamental role in the communication and collaboration between these different stakeholders to address this initiative the city not only has this public-facing hub site that explains the city's efforts and their collaboration with partnering organizations but they could also use hub for content sharing with the use of arcgis hub they have the ability to share data or content between these different stakeholders and give them access to create their own engagement tools for strategic outreach we know that engagement strategies don't work for every group or demographic these project champions within these organizations can reinforce the messaging that the city wants to give by creating activities they know those communities will participate in the last uh collaboration pattern here is focused feedback focused feedback addresses the challenge of governance key stakeholders can help identify gaps in messaging and you know niche communities who are uniquely affected by the initiative or project through an executive order the governor of montana wanted to rewrite the forest action plan and one of the changes was that it had to be more community oriented prior to this a plan would be made written then put on a bookshelf in a closet so to speak however due to this executive order an advisory board of residence was created to help with the action plan this was new so there was no way to collaborate with the state agency federal agencies general public this new advisory board and everyone that was involved the montana forest action gis team looked a hub as a central location for this content they use hub as a way to share powerpoints pdfs and informational products with these different stakeholders to one central environment this addresses governance by ensuring that every stakeholder involved has access to the content that they need even when the montana forest action plan needs to be rewritten again this hub site has become a living document which they can update ensuring that proper engagement milestones are being met the advisory committee that was appointed had a key role in testing different gis applications and ensuring the usability accuracy and overall information of them montana used visibility settings to share testing content to this advisory committee without having to make the applications public government employees learned from this expert advisory committee on what application would be best and use it in their future engagements so what is hub hub is an all-inclusive community engagement platform that hosts data sharing establishes citywide initiatives and leverages the broader community and what this really means is that it extends gis and brings it into communities so that they can work more collaboratively and we've focused on making the system really simple to use it's browser-based and sits on top of your current arcgis online so all of you with arcgis online have this ability social economic and environmental issues have all become so tightly interconnected and all of them are community oriented so to address smart communities challenges the arcgis hub plays a fundamental role in communication information sharing and processing data and even the transfer of data between different stakeholders to enable collaboration and engagement so with that what can hub do so let me quickly go over some common patterns and you can think about where or how your organization may want to enable hub to digitally engage with your residents the first hub arcgis hub is used to communicate important topics arcgis hub allows you and departments within your organization to quickly spin up project pages with feedback tools communicate changes and help explore new visions or goals that stakeholders want to achieve as so many of those examples showed it's easy to inform the community on changes that may be happening in your area this is really beneficial for sharing out content to non-gis folks or even non-gis people within your organization non-js people can create these sites without any gis knowledge you can also create custom urls as an added bonus the second use of arcgis hub is to connect and open the data it's the ability to share data on a common platform that's already integrated into your arcgis online which makes data collection and organization more streamlined and efficient for you all government employees as i mentioned before you all have this capability today with your arcgis online the third deliverable is that you can capture information and feedback arcgis hub play provides better collaboration within communities governments and universities by supporting feedback tools and events so community members can evaluate goals and provide feedback on the on those goals and know when events related to an issue are happening within this your community members can register to sign up for updates from the city or county or you could share specific applications or data with secure logins through community identities and last arcgis hub helps enable collaboration hub provides a modern approach to community building it's a platform to encourage people to be a part of a community-wide initiative like reducing homelessness or increasing feedback for a project and this framework also allows you to create and share templates if you create a site that matches all of your city's branding guidelines with the right fonts colors and overall look you can save a template of that initiative and other departments can use it for their own initiative work so the basic version of arcgis hub comes with arcgis online so anyone here with arcgis online has access to arcgis hub basic with this version you can create some beautiful sites and share information and share information on them and also share out data openly or privately so again that's included with your arcgis online to extend hub to include the community and have initiatives events teams and to have a more engagement framework there is arcgis hub premium so that's an additional fee arcgis premium has the engagement framework and tools to collaborate with stakeholders in an environment that you all already own and if you're curious if this is available behind your firewall there is something called enterprise sites enterprise sites gives you similar functionality to arcgis how basic with enterprise sites you can build out sites and share out data and content so now let's dive into what's new in arcgis hub since maybe the last time you saw it the first are new content views the new content views feature an immersive full screen display for better views of data this immersive display also provides better readability for pdfs or documents you can also apply filters and there's an improved download experience so let me show you what that looks like often people want to go and search for different data and what we did was leverage geography and location to make this very immersive while still making it easy for people who are seeing this data for the first time so right away people see a map of it with prominent metadata about when it was updated and you can also explore the data in a table there's a bunch of different ways to filter the data down and these are leveraging the arcgis components which is making it a really easy way for people to filter or subset the data so you can see as i filter the data it's also updating the homelessness by counts of different places then of course as always you can download this data we provided a download experience for the whole data set or even a subset of that data set we support different ways of downloads right so we have csvs kmls shapefiles shapefiles geojson what's really great while you explore this data is that there's metadata as well behind the scenes so for people who really want to drill down they can they can learn more about the metadata information attribute values and we're also making different cause of action to explore similar data sets or even see how it's being used so this data set is being used in this map or you know what recommends different data sets it's kind of like a shopping experience for data in a sense and again we are making very prominent calls to action saying all right now i want to make a map so they can start simple by using the mapping within hub or use the new advanced arcgis online map editor they could also start creating a story map they could even go into the apis and pull this into arcgis pro or other tools they could also build apis for applications so you know if you want to integrate this data set we have a simple way to walk these individuals through you know different options and they can use the api here as a feature service url that you can copy so the focus here is to enable developers um to use this authoritative data not only is this good for data but it's also good for documents fema uses hub for their geospatial resource center they are linking out to different pages dashboards applications and it's really great because they're bringing this all together in one central location but they also have simple documents that they want the public to view so i'm you know kept here by looking at this um at this document view and i can see who authoritatively you know publish this i can see who created this document and again this update is an immersive experience to share data maps tabular data applications and so much more the second feature update is enhanced row visibility settings this is the ability to control what users can see what content in the past you could create a hub site or pages and have it be either public or private but now you can take it one step further so instead of having the entire initiative or page be public you can now edit rows to be visible to certain individuals so you may have a public hub site but a row that's only visible to certain groups of users so what you're seeing here is the same site just one person is signed in and added to a team who can access this bright yellow row whereas one person isn't signed in or isn't a part of that team so they can't see it and this is really easy to configure so once inside of the hub builder when you're looking at your hub site you can choose a row and select that you want to limit the visibility to a group and then you kind of get that dynamic viewing experience another update is gdpr compliance something arcgis hub has supported since its launch is tracking activity on hub sites so we have dashboards where you can track spikes and declines of your site's traffic to really monitor and evaluate how the site is doing you know maybe what data is being downloaded things like that this new update by default has optional tracking so when a user comes to a hub site they can accept or reject the tracking so if they so if they choose to reject it stops tracking that user throughout the rest of their activity you can also turn it off and disable this so if a user comes to the site they don't see that pop-up and what's really great is while we have this out of the box pop-up you can also customize it so you can provide your own language and terminology and even provide links to your own organization's privacy policies another update are the templates and so the first thing i want to mention is that accessing templates that have been made by the public is now available to all hub users whether they use arcgis how basic or arcgis have premium everyone now has access to templates the ability to create a template is still a premium functionality but again everybody can use these templates as a starting off point for engagement for example the state of arizona created a template for their open data sharing so if you want to you could launch the template that arizona created and customize it for your own organization these templates can really save on time and many of these templates also integrate with arcgis solutions so many of the solutions like citizen problem reporter include arcgis hub for engagement and collaboration so now it's accessible here in the template gallery again these are jumping off points to save on resources to allow you to quickly spin up initiatives and start collaborating lastly there is more information on those templates it's kind of like metadata for templates you can see what's included in the template and what would be launched through the template activation and there have been so many other updates to hub as well there's now out of the box accordion features that you can use this accordion feature is used a lot for frequently asked questions or even to showcase different applications if you want to access this feature go into the text card and choose the plus button every site has theme settings located on the editors panel but now you can access some of these settings when editing individual rows rather than navigating back to the theme settings you can now select a theme color in the row settings that was predefined in the theme setting originally we've been integrated with our survey builder survey123 but now it's easier than ever to change the sharing settings of those of those surveys sharing controls of survey123 are now available in the side panel when editing a survey for easy access these settings can configure closed date submission editing multiple submissions and even result privacy and the last new feature is the people card add this new card into your into your page to highlight the stakeholders or collaborators making your initiative a success visitors can learn more about each of the members by clicking on their name and viewing their profiles these are some of the tools that have been released and you can learn more about what's new in the uh what's new hub blog that's linked here at the bottom of the screen i would now invite you to take our survey of this session we'd really appreciate your feedback you can use this qr code with your phone camera or you can just type in the address uh the yellow address that you see here into your browser and we'd like to know if you'd be interested in leveraging arcgis hub for your projects based on what you've seen today and the type of work that you're focused on most you know do you see your organization using this and the second question is whether you would like access to a 30-day evaluation as you may be aware evaluations are a little different from some of the free trials that you can find an evaluation may you know allows us to make sure that you have right access for arcgis hub premium in your organization and make sure that the duration is long enough for you and finally our last question is to let us know if you'd like to meet with us to discuss the work that you're doing it would be great to discuss your work with arcgis hub um or discuss how your work could be supported by arcgis hub whether it's emergency management city planning land records whatever it is i'd love to chat with you about it so with that i will now hand over to matt who will do a demonstration of arcgis hub and dive a little deeper into into the technology over to you matt thanks morgan that was a really good presentation i'm always interested in hearing about how other agencies are leveraging the hub to support their workflows so before i get started on my demonstration um i'd like to introduce myself my name is matt viverito i'm a solution engineer for the state government team at esri and i get to work with a lot of state agencies across the southeast region helping them implement the hub to support their their own workflows the workflow that i found interesting and that i wanted to do a presentation on or a proof of concept is was the connecticut adopt the park program so i did some research in connecticut i'm actually from connecticut i grew up in a small town outside of hartford where when i was a child we would often hike the state forest in our town um and i noticed that they have you know we would find litter out there and and and when i did my research i noticed that connecticut had an adopt a park program very similar to what you would find across dots where they have adopt a highway program and so the reason i thought this would be a great hub implementation is there's three key points that i think the hub is very advantageous for this to support this program and the first one is it's a great tool to provide that collaboration so connecticut needed a landing page or a website that you could go to and find information about the program but i also wanted to use the hub to allow users to actually volunteer and sign up to become members through the hub the second aspect i thought the hub would be great for to support this program was the ability to provide tools and resources whether that be training videos documentations but more importantly the hub allows you to use the tools that esri's platform allows you to access such as quick capture or survey123 so um being able to provide those those tools to the volunteers because they have a named user account or an identity given to them they can actually access information and and and resources that maybe the general public can't access and finally i wanted to be able to create a a tool or a way for the connecticut staff to monitor and manage the actual program so as their volunteers are going out in the field and collecting data i want to be able to take that data and put that into an information product where they can make better decisions they can see the results the actual results of what's being collected out in the field and also a way for the connecticut staff member to staff members to communicate easily uh via email to those volunteers so as i said before connecticut has an existing program they actually do have a landing page already that explains a lot about their adopt the park program and it's got a lot of great information on here why why should you adopt uh who can adopt where can i adopt um and other ways that maybe you can if you're not gonna be able to adopt you can support financially they also broke out into three other little sections that link you out to new pages like the facts page or they have a really nice volunteer spotlight page where they can show off um and highlight what the volunteers are actually doing out in the field and give them credit for for the hard work that they do um and then they have um an events uh page where they um provide information about upcoming events that they feel that these volunteers would probably be interested in the next piece is really their process to adopt a park and they do that through a word document or a pdf and this is just simply a application that you fill out and let me go to that now and you can see i can print this out and fill out all information they collect your name the group name that you want to be um known as of you know maybe it's i work for esri and every group is going to go out and collect we can do that as well um if you volunteered before if yes please fill out this information uh when and where and describe the tasks you performed they have other sections uh with a little calendar in here to mark down the days that you're interested in and visiting the parks um and then finally at the bottom they have a signature page and this is for not only liability but also to um you know certify that you know everything that you're stating on this document is true okay so this is the proof of concept or the hub site that i actually put together to support their program and luckily because connecticut had an existing program it was very easy for me to bring that information over but what's nice about the hub is i can also bring over the themes or the branding such as the logo for example very easily or social media accounts i can link these out the the branding the color scheme i can i can apply that to my hub site to match the uh the government's requirements um but you'll notice on this page here i have an overview of what the program is about and then i have my why adopt section and of course i'm highlighting out you know we want to keep our park safe and clean we want to build a closer closer stronger community and we want to of course help the environment i did add some other uh capabilities that the hub has to offer um and this is a really simple uh embedded web map that i added in um to it so i could show what parts are available for adoptions and which ones have not been adopted yet so yes means it's been adopted the orange means it has not been adopted so i'm interested in glastonbury and this is in central connecticut and i can select the park where i used to you know go hiking and fishing in and i can find uh whether or not it's been adopted in this case it has not been adopted so the next stop step for the volunteer would be able to apply so if i'm a volunteer i can go down here and i can actually apply so that form i showed you before that pdf form has now been converted into survey123 form uh and i'll show you some of the capabilities of survey123 uh you know i can auto populate my name my address my phone number and then i can go through and answer those questions uh very similar to the the same questions that were on that application i have those yes no questions as well so if i hit yes it actually expands and now i can fill out the additional information that's that's needed to move forward i also can pre-populate my field so i don't want um everybody to just type in the name of their park i have a really specific naming convention that i want them to use so i can have this in a pick list and i could go ahead and you know in this example pick bolton notch state park bolton connecticut and and that's the part that i'm going to adopt you can see i can add in dates and times when i'm interested in and i can do multiple dates and times if desired i could have this question repeat itself and then at the very bottom uh i have that signature page available so i can sign this right on on the screen here and i'm done and i'm ready to submit what's interesting here with this technology uh using survey123 is that i have included webhooks and what webhooks allow you to do is to provide some sort of notification to not only the volunteer themselves but also i have a notification via email going to the connecticut staff telling the staff member that matt viverito has actually applied for a volunteer position will you please review so if i hit submit an email will be sent to not only the volunteer himself with the next steps but also the connecticut staff member and i'll show you what that looks like here okay so here's a screenshot of the email that was sent after i submitted that survey and this email will go to the volunteer and you can see it says thank you for submitting your application the next step is to create a volunteer adopt a park account here the second sentence says once approved an email will be sent from connecticut deep staff member providing you information on how to enter the volunteer program portal the volunteer program portal is a hub page that requires an account so the first thing i'm going to have to do is actually create this account here so if i select this this link here it will open up the uh adopt the park account sign in page okay so i've i selected that link and now i'm at the adopt the park um sign in page the volunteer account signing page it only does really one thing it allows me to sign up and create an account i do want to point out that on the top right hand corner um i am not signed in so i do do not have an account right now um so technically this is exposed to the public um and but but at the same time it's the only way you can really get to this is through that email so you have to know uh this url but what this allows me to do is create a volunteer account so i can go ahead and sign up and once i sign up i can either use an existing email and put my information in or i can use facebook or google and i'm going to use google to attach my gmail account once i create that account i have a username now in the right-hand corner here and you can see it's called matt viverito eight and now um the connecticut staff are aware that matt vivreto8 has applied and he um is his next step is going to be to um go to the volunteer program portal now the only way i can get into this program portal is if i have a named user account and if the state connecticut state team has allowed me access to this account so the next thing um what would happen is after the account has been uh reviewed an email will be sent to matt rivera 8 from the connecticut staff providing them with that link to this to this volunteer program portal and access to that portal as well so here's what that email um would look like from the connecticut staff and one thing i want to highlight here is that the notifications at this is coming from the hub now so the staff in connecticut actually communicated through uh the hub itself um they were able to find matt viverito eight in there as part of a community member and i could now communicate with matt viverito eight and you can say thank you for becoming a volunteer to view all the resources and tools you'll need to go to the volunteer program portal here and this will link out to that page uh directly so here's the uh the volunteer uh program portal page um and again i can only get to this if i am approved and have a named user account and i've provided some additional information their fax section so this is going to help them the volunteers prepare before they go out into the field so what can they do how long did they have to commit for how often do they actually need to visit the park they typically like two times a month um the type of items that you need to bring um and how do you report um who's gonna be your your point of contact for example um this next section is really what i think sets aside uh sets the hub apart from other um just a common website because this allows you to provide those tools that the esri platform has made available through your named user account and one of those tools is the quick capture so i'm going to use quick capture projects to go out in the field and collect the litter and before you do that though i'm going to give them some training information so they can link out to an actual training video here and then after they're familiar with how to use the tool uh they need to download it so if i select this download link here this will take me to the quick capture resource page and also take me to the setting up section where i can download uh the app to my proper device okay so the next part is let's get the quick capture project um loaded onto my mobile device so i can use my mobile device and i'll open that up now and i can scan this qr code and this qr code is going to automatically load the project to my quick capture application so you can see i'm loading my application i scanned it and now i have this connecticut deep litter reporter application available to me and if i open up this application i'm ready to go out into the field and start collecting information so if i see any bottles that need to be picked up i can select that bottle i could actually add a photo through my camera if i wanted to it's taking um the exact location of where you're capturing this information it's also because i'm using the named account it knows that it's matt viverito that's capturing this and what time i'm capturing this information now i've also included a link at the bottom here where you can jump right back to the portal so you can get some more resources so if i wanted to post a another document that they might need or some other information they can quickly go back to that website additionally quick captures can work both in a disconnected and connected environment so you could select um a attribute here that you're collecting and then submit it once you get into a wired area or internet connected area and then finally i added some tips and tricks how can i best serve my duties you can see you know work in fair weather conditions uh during pork hours always provide adult supervision especially have young kids going with you um and so forth the last piece here is the area where the program um they want to be able to provide a list of events or highlight some events that might be coming up that because these people that are volunteering they might be interested in other types of cleanups across the state and you can see that i'm actually attending already i just selected this button here it says do i want to attend if i hit a 10 it knows that matt viverito 8 because i'm signed in is attending this this event but what is this event if i select the card itself it opens up a more detailed page about the event and i can see that um matt vibrato is attending who's organizing it if i want to share this maybe either through an email or social media i can do that i can add it to my calendar so i don't forget i can get information about uh you know detailed information about the event and then of course a map with directions okay so that was the experience of the volunteer now i want to show you uh how the staff will interact and actually collaborate with those volunteers i'm back at the landing page this is the public facing landing page if i sign in with my staff account so this is my official um connecticut deep staff account id i'm at the same page but there's a difference here so i've allowed um more information to be exposed to uh the connecticut staff from the same url and you'll notice what i've included is a dashboard so this dashboard is showing you all the parts that either have been adopted which parks are available so i can zoom in zoom out really quick to the parks and then also um what's been collected out in the field so i can see as people are going out there in quick capture i can bring that data into a dashboard and really help manage and monitor my my program i've also provided an area for the staff to look at the raw data and this is through my content library if i go ahead and hit search you can see i can find all different types of program information whether that be a document that i want my staff to read and maybe i only want my staff to have access to this and i don't want the public to okay so let's go back to the landing page and i'm going to show you the the back end you see this little pencil here because i am part of uh the connecticut staff that can actually edit this hub page i can select this pencil and edit it and again this is really um a very valuable tool to update your website and it's so easy i'm not a developer so this is low code no code capabilities if i wanted to add text to my website i could just drag and drop this in here and add additional text i could go back to my text and edit it but you can see on the left hand side i got different types of information or cards that i can drag and drop and add to my website really quickly like if i wanted to create a survey i could just drag and drop this over or maybe i wanted to embed that map i can drag and drop this over and now i can search my my website or my rts online site my account maybe i found a map that fema's sharing i could search for that fema map and add this really easily embed it into here so you have a lot of options uh different items that you can add to support the the look and feel of your hub site additionally i have a dashboard so again i can monitor um who has visited uh how many people have visited uh how often they're visiting and how often that they're staying on the site for so i'm getting an average of about 11 and a half minutes in the last 30 days i can also communicate with my volunteers and the way i do that is through my teams so when a volunteer signs up i want to provide them access to that that page that the public can't have but how do i do that well once they sign up i'm gonna see that they're available in my community and i created a new team here called the forced little reporters these are my volunteers and now i can search my community and i can add those members to this community or to this group sorry once they're added to this group now i can share items through the hub specifically to this group whether that be a section of the the actual hub site or maybe it's an application like the quick quick capture application i can share it with only members of this of this team here i can also communicate with my members so let's say a volunteer has signed up i've approved them i've put them into this team now i want to let them know that they've been approved i can create that message saying okay here's your next steps you need to go to the portal here i could also say oh we've created a new tool that might help you out in the field this maps uh maps in the trails and parks map uh this is how you get to it and this is a new update i can send that out to my volunteers um so it's really um an easy way to manage uh your members provide them different levels of access and be able to communicate with them uh very quickly and easy okay so let's say you know i received that email um there's a parks and trails map available i'm signed in as mattv8 um now i have access to this this link here um if there's the general public i might not be able to see this map but it's up to you on how you want to expose your your apps and maps um and this is a real simple map but i think a very valuable map that would be useful for them when they're out in the field and essentially what i'm using is the uh the instant apps that ezri provides out of the box that i published a very simple viewer but i can zoom in zoom out i can see the trails i can get information about the trails i can even do screenshots so if i wanted to say a screen that shot this part of the the map and i want to let the staff know i made it through half this half this park here tomorrow i'm going to do the rest of the park here i can do that and do a screenshot for example and send that on but you know a really simple tool that you can quickly deploy um i can um provide a notification to the volunteers and then provide that access to the volunteers to start using the application so to summarize um i think the hub was advantageous in this instance to support the connecticut adopt a park program um you can see that i have the capability to not only provide just a landing page and information to my volunteers but i can also allow them to create an account where they can have access to other items such as quick capture or survey123 and then finally the the hub allows me to monitor and manage the program whether i'm providing information to the volunteers through an email or i am viewing the results as they're collecting the information out in the field but before i let you go i wanted to leave you with this slide here um and we'll have this available for you to access but we have a lot of great resources uh to support you when building out the hub we have our product page of course uh the geonet community this is a great place to share ideas to ask questions um we have some lesson learned some learning plans to really get you started on building out these hub sites um we also have a lot of demos and you can watch some videos of these demos and an example gallery and then of course if you look you can find our blog with uh hub information uh and also follow um social media accounts where we we um provide a lot of you know examples of what um other agencies are doing with the hub and some new things that are coming with the hub so that's going to wrap it up like i said before um we're going to be available for q a at the end of this um and please fill out the survey we'd love to hear some feedback uh about our presentation um and thanks thanks for the time hi everybody thanks for joining us we have matt and morgan here available for your questions i see we have some good questions in the chat but if for any reason we don't get to them right now you can be sure to follow up with us after this presentation by clicking our names in the session and either booking some time or communicating with us so we'd appreciate that um all right let's get started we have a question here that from bt that says we often work with sensitive data not meant for the public can a hub be password protected morgan do you want to take that one yeah yeah that's a that's a really great question um so very similarly to arcgis online and how arcgis online handles privacy or access that's also how arcgis hub does as well so yep if you have if you want you can make a hub site completely private and you need to have a login to be able to access it what's really great about that is that you can share it to your organization you could share it to individual teams or groups as well so you saw a lot about community identities today as well um and so you can have hub initiatives or sites that are shared only to you know individuals with you know very specific uh usernames so i hope that answers your question all right thanks morgan um we have another one from an anonymous uh viewer that asks uh what is the difference between arcgis hub and arches enterprise sites um matt do you think you could answer that one sure yeah arcgis hub is on um well arcgis hub basic basically is on arcgis online and also enterprise sites the functionality is the same arcgis premium some of the stuff that i showed you in my demo that is only on arcgis online like the named users and the events so some of that other functionality and i know brenda isn't there some future um plans for for enterprise as well yeah i will uh talk about that just for a second we are considering moving the arcgis hub premium capabilities to enterprise as well that's um a basic idea an early idea um and we would be targeting enterprise on kubernetes for that work and possibly eyeing something in spring of 20 20 22. so if you are interested in hub on enterprise i encourage you to click my name and follow up with me directly because i'd like to hear more about your use case and how you'd like to use it so thanks matt for answering that um a question about can an organization have multiple hubs i'm sure matt or morgan which one of you would like to jump in on that one i can jump in um yeah so it kind of depends right um hub um so if you have arcgis online you have access to arcgis hub and so it is a one-to-one uh relationship so if you have one arcgis online you have one arcgis hub instance and that also goes with arcgis hub premium as well however if you have multiple arcgis online instances you can have multiple hub instances as well now if you're talking specifically about you know hub sites or hub initiatives you know all of those individual kind of projects that you are seeing you can have um i don't want to see as many as you want i think our limit is what 400 500 hub sites it it so you can have as many hub sites as you want um if that if that's what your question was so thanks brenda yeah thanks morgan um we have a question here about can you track activity to the site or site activity um and so matt i'm gonna hand that one to you if you want to take that one yeah so so the hub comes with the capability to enable tracking so it has a dashboard uh built into it and under your settings and your hub you can turn that on but you can also include google analytics and then um if you want to um add a consent notice for example um to to inform the visitors that they're actually being tracked you can add that to the hub so we added that uh recently and that's all done through the settings tab when you're editing a hub site yeah and just to follow on um visitors to the site can accept or reject tracking so it's compliant with gdpr if people were curious um another question here are there settings to make hub mobile friendly morgan yeah great question um so hub is responsive so that means that it is mobile-friendly um it will respond to whatever screen you are on if you're on a tablet desktop or a cell phone um so it will kind of conform to whatever tool you're using but with that being said also within hub itself the different cards that you can add in what you can do is actually hide some of them on mobile so if you don't want people to have to thumbs through a lot of extra white space um but you still want it on there for the desktop users you can actually hide that on the mobile version so that's so we do have some uh settings that you can turn on and off to also make a more mobile responsive friendly experience i'll just add to that too on the iframe card you can have a url for mobile version of what you buy framed in so yeah thanks morgan um the other one is um from emily our organization has lots of data on arcgis online accounts but we only want a subset of it to show up when searched on the hub site is this possible yeah i can answer that so you can set up the hub to point to your data through a groups for example so if i have a group of um you know all my open data i can say okay when we search the hub we want to search only that open data group but i also have some other capabilities i can search by individual categories or even tags so i can say i only search the data that's tagged with flood plain information so you have a little a variety of ways to provide those different types of searching that your end users can access through the hub site thanks matt and then i think this other one is for you too because it says directly to you matt are all are all of the tools items shown in your demo available with hub standard or do some require premium yeah so so good question um when when we when you saw the the named user piece where a a volunteer would sign up for the program that's a hub premium capability um and also the event section that i included um so that named user that collaboration uh between um the you know the the connecticut um staff and with the the users that sign up that's that's where you're going to see the the hub premium capabilities and the accessibility to those those functions all right thanks matt and now one or both of you might want to jump in on this one it says how do you market a hub application so people understand what it is capable of and obtain community engagement slash collaboration so how do you get i guess awareness out there and maybe morgan did you want to take a stab at that yeah yeah definitely um so what we see really um what we see a lot of organizations do who have you know these similar um concerns uh a lot of times when they work with their communications department or the marketing department um or just you know whoever is kind of in charge of that we see that when when they collaborate with those types of groups um hub sites are uh more heavily trafficked right um so they can post about them on social media um you know maybe if a lot of i know during coven 19 a lot of people use tub sites um to give out that information and everything and maybe during news articles or you know sessions or whatever you can call out the url to your hub site right what's really great about hub that's different to some other applications within the esri suite is that you can have a custom url a custom domain and that's also a difference between arcgis hub and arcgis enterprise enterprise sites um so you can have this custom url you can make it you know really quick and really snappy to say you know some of these kind of ideas i think can help market and make your website really successful oh and i just remembered something too is like there's an ability to turn on social sharing on websites too a new feature that if you go into your site settings and it'll make a little widget that allows you anybody viewing the site to quickly share it to linkedin or facebook or any social media so go into your settings and turn on the social sharing if you that might help as well yeah another another thing that i see a lot is when someone builds out a hub site they'll often invite their communication department team in as part of the core team of the hub site so they give them access to it and capabilities to you know change the marketing and the theme and um allow them to have a uh active role in designing and exposing the hub site and one of the tips i know we got from our customers matt that you've worked with is one tip they gave is the gis will go manager will go talk to the communications department and say how can i help you tell your story and communication isn't communications department may not be used to that but if you say how can i help you tell your story then that kind of lights up some ideas um a good working relationship so lots of good tips there um let's see one more of the morgan is it possible for an arcgis for arches hub to house something like a tableau dashboard yeah yep it is um so you can use the iframe card within hub um and you can embed uh tableau dashboards so we do play nicely with others and that goes with all of our any applications within esri as well experience builder surveys everything um another one uh anonymous um what widget or application do you use to collect citizen feedback is like for example survey123 question mark so yeah i mean typically i i like to use survey123 i think that's a great tool to quickly embed we actually in the hub have a card that you can drag and drop and create these surveys directly into it so again if you have someone on your core team like the communications department they don't really know much about arcgis online and creating surveys but with the card it walks them right through it so they can do it really easily without really having that knowledge of the you know the arcgis online system um yeah that's one way we do it um and and again you could use other tools like i mean quick capture is another way or um we track citizen feedback by just by participation in events for example and if they sign up or and and and then the capability the final capability that i like to use and i showed you my demo was those web hooks or the being able to to not just web hooks but being able to use the hub to send out emails and communication that way to get public feedback directly from your users that's great not just because i know later this summer we hope to release some map-based feedback tools where it's more map centric so keep an eye out for that later this summer i know we're getting close to time if we didn't answer your question um please be sure to follow us follow up with us by clicking our names and scheduling some time or just reaching out more generally and we'd be happy to do that so i think we'll think we're at time but um there's anything we could answer quickly one thing i do want to quickly mention is that tomorrow at 12 30 pacific we have another session about managing and collaborating uh your community so make sure you check that out tomorrow at 12 30 pacific thanks everyone thanks
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 258
Rating: 4.4285712 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Geographic Information System, Esri User Conference, 2021, ArcGIS Hub, open data, transparency, community engagement, community engagement platform, public engagement platform, citizen engagement, sites, initiatives, teams, community identities, 13234
Id: q4Qd7liSQ1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.