Designer And Client Create Incredible Condo Transformation | Design Inc | Abode

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i'm sarah richardson this is steven this is steven's new space and this is what steven's new home looks like thanks to lots of help from design inc design inc is headed out of town steven has just purchased a waterfront condo three time zones away and has asked me to help him make the most of it it's been a while all right so let's see it we've got a great view steven is an entrepreneur with a flare for design he takes possession of this place in a few days on this exploratory trip i discovered that this is going to be a gut job everything's coming out okay floors cupboards bathrooms in order for this to work it's going to require close concise cross-country collaboration are you thinking just rip up all the floor finishes all of it everything yeah get rid of the mirror doors i think i'd prefer to have hardwood throughout the whole place except for the master bathroom okay what about the kitchen here okay this is um like so old and native i thought if we kept the walk exposed concrete that could be really cool it feels like it's good quality space in here like it's nice and the spaces don't feel too pokey it just feels like they need a whole new level of finishes it totally needs to be updated steven's goal is to make the most of the view which wraps around all rooms of this condo especially the living room seems like in a space that's as compact as this because what is this about 15 by 18 something like it's not that big that you should just try and sort of maximize the view the light and simple as possible i like things fairly sparse too okay as for a spare room steven's thinking of an office with a place for guests i'm thinking something completely different what if we just blow out the walls entirely and create one big living dining space well that would be very cool okay so how are we going to deal with this stephen and i being creative types doesn't mean we're always on the same page email phone and courier will have to do for the most part just the kind of control no one likes to give up on such a massive gut job so i figured out the assignment of all the rooms which is quite exciting jessica you're gonna do a cottage monkey for karen the best person to handle this project is natalie nat is gonna do steven's condo in addition to her stylistic talents natalie keeps us all organized and can juggle many tasks at once so we're gonna do a cross cross country design project um tom this project is a little different from most in that stephen has a keen sense of design another plus is that he owns a furniture store filled with pieces that are suited to his taste a great jumping off point can you do this as a sectional yeah you can that'd be nice the creamy stuff is actually quite nice this color is not bad but it's a bit cocky yeah we can do white nice that would be nice and one of the chairs they're the original white that's a glossy light right okay that's pretty good i mean why do you have to have one plane of mirror right no i think that's a good idea while the dust flies at stephen's place he's camped out in a 400 square foot bachelor pad so we're wasting no time getting this project done is this the sort of color you were thinking of that's exactly it i think this is an engineered floor so this is just a thin strip of wood on top of a plywood basis see this okay so you have plywood and then you actually get real wood so it's not like a laminate floor which is just a photograph so it is real wood i think it's probably still better to do finished on site although this is a nice dark color so can you have finished on site the good news is we can get an engineered floor which can be sanded and stained on site giving us the color we want the whirlwind tour continues next stop steven's sources for tile and fixtures for the kitchen and bath tiling the walls in the bathroom no i'd rather i'd rather just do the shower on the floor you want to do a like a big rain shower or just a high pressure head well what i thought was if we could just do a couple of different um heads on all three water coming from everywhere totally okay that was very nice i think that's the nicest looking system yeah so would you just run one of those right down the living room yeah or maybe or maybe take it so that it's along the one wall or something okay steven's quest for the best brings him to design inc headquarters i collect these but getting anything that he buys home is another question entirely i've been trying to get in touch with you to ship these products [Music] designing goes cross-country to do a condo gut job everything's coming out okay floors cupboards bathrooms everything too my first visit was two short days and we checked out all of steven's sources now he's come to design inc headquarters to visit some of my favorite haunts but not before he brings us up to speed on the renovations back home oh my gosh have you seen these natalie ridiculously they put a pipe right through here holding everybody's cable okay but my contractor is great he's like you know what i'm just going to cut everybody's cable off and they won't realize it and the time they realize the cable they call the cable company all that reconnected and again until they watch this show okay so you know this is where the glass block was great get this stephen's chosen an ostrich look wall covering for one of the bathrooms and snake skin for a wall in the bedroom the ceilings throughout the entire space will be stripped to bare concrete quite the imagination great i collect these it's great to have steven in my time zone it gives us a chance to get on the same wavelength seems a bit chunky to me this is 6x42 which is huge right can you imagine how long it's going to take to fail good this is actually really nice in a chrome and look have you seen this actually i really like that a lot it's really really simple yeah this is exactly what i was thinking the square square sink this is awesome so that's when you entertain and you've got all those pots they'll fit in there okay a little bit of a purple undertone let's see what they look like here with these absolutely what about that one is it too green for you it's not bad actually it is a little tacky well that's missed that's nice yeah that's beautiful that's expensive that's not this one stephen has expensive taste you can easily walk in the store and he'll go right through these things the most he just found the most expensive kitchen sink in the store so we get two of them you can get that in the crumbs two of them in the master like doing one long yeah so you put those in i thought that with the you put these in the wall just like this yeah they're just a little parks right oh so i thought this would be great and uh and they were like little bullets in the in the powder room and the powder they're great like the ostrich to follow ostrich yeah it's always more fun to shop when you're away from home but let's face it a range hood makes an unwieldy carry-on it's really weird doing this cross-country design thing with steven because i'm ordering everything and getting it all selected and sending it out and here we're always there to receive you know to meet the tile to pick it up to make sure everything's right and sort of blind faith it's like i'm calling everyone and ordering these things and they're being shipped across the entire country steven how's the job is everything there really oh my god has any of the lighting come i'm really getting let's go for these people i ordered these light fixtures so long ago and i've been calling trying to get them shipped out and apparently they're all in stock and i've called for about a week and a half now and no one will return my call all i want is them shipped i would really really appreciate a call back i've been trying to get in touch with you to ship these products getting things from point a to point b is only one of our worries and this uh bright screen 90 gg bermuda three walls in the living room you're kidding i think it's time for a cross-country check-in and perhaps a color consultation 4 40 and it's now midnight it's been a long day it's good design inc is working on a condo 3 000 miles away it seems like in his face it's as compact as this that you should just try and sort of maximize the view did we mention that this sort of thing rarely goes off without a hitch the most annoying thing is that you walk into a store and you order four thousand dollars with a product and say can you ship this and then i call and email and call call the owner of the store email call call finally i left this message saying where the beep is my product yeah and then i get a message the next day saying oh yeah well can i get that address and i'll ship it it's like well could that not have happened three weeks ago when i've been bugging you every single day it's been a few weeks since steven was in town we've made a lot of progress on the design scheme for his condo and i'm totally comfortable that we're on the same page natalie do you want to talk about um steven's paint colors they're quite fabrics so i'm having a bit of a problem matching them up the ones with the dots are the ones he likes i'm just gonna grab them so steven sent these yes steven sent these what are stephen thinking of these scholars for tell me where this fancy fire truck red is going uh in the bedroom i just i'm just reading it okay in writing it's called correct yes yeah and and this uh bright green 90 gg bermuda okay yeah sorry three walls in the living room you're kidding it's a five hour flight to check in on the progress see what our team needs to do to finish this thing and find out what steven's thinking with those colors let's talk about those paint colors oh yeah what makes you think about those uh well i like color okay yeah i like um fun splashy bright right bright colors like i like so when you said blue in here which wall did you have a thought about what wall well we're talking about doing one of the darker blues on this wall then we'll bring the lighter blue in here right and on that wall just on this wall yeah right in the bedroom and then i was also thinking like the orange just in this electrode right here um i thought we should do testers of some of them so here's just another along the same sort of lines so these are just ever so slightly different there's my little color chips i brought you a little rainbow thank you very much keep that it goes with your shoes there we go i can just put your shoes on it totally does there we go oh my gosh that's hilarious well it's bolder than i would have gone but hey i'm not always right and this isn't just about my vision the good news is this place is turning the corner the ceilings look amazing it's great so when they stripped everything off do they have to do anything to prep them no they just came out with the sandblaster so is that like a quick and easy process well yes more or less quick and easy process just like the windows what happened to the windows the windows got sandblasters you see there's just a faint tint of blast you know just to maintain a faint etching on all your windows so we need to fix that that's great so how do you fix that only windows exactly super not with your bargains not my expense yeah it works really well smaller it is feeling now but you know what what is a bedroom for sleeping and sex yeah well you gotta say come on it's a family show there's action happening in the bathroom yeah it's looking good beautiful i love the dark shower most people always think that they want it white but i think it's yeah i think it's great i think you really notice the variations in all the stone and it looks really sparkly i think it's fabulous on it's gonna be beautiful kitchen we need to the doors need to be hung on and the counters have to be delivered and then painting of all the accent walls installing all the lighting moving in furniture toilet does not sound easy yeah compared to what we've done so far it's pretty amazing because i mean we really ripped out every single wall in this house you know the amazing thing now is though is to see it and i'd say the spaces in this what used to be a condo space function more like what people would want out of a loft than any loft space you could go and buy it's actually worked well i mean you guys coming out here today for this whirlwind trip it's fun and i'm sure more exhausting for you than me well working with steven is just a dream he's the best client i mean having somebody who's savvy when it comes to design what would you possibly ask it's proven to be a terrific collaborative adventure i got up at 4 40 and it's now midnight it's been a long day it is good i'm not looking forward to tomorrow we pack up for a last visit to stevens crunch time to get it done this is so not the right piece i'm gonna go make a phone call it takes all of our efforts for a successful final push i think between the three of us we've done an awesome job [Music] how many cross-country plane trips does it take to redesign an entire condo really it requires patience oh my god a firm grip on logistics has any of the lighting come and being open to new ideas let's talk about those paint colors oh yeah what did what makes you think about those okay so i've been back and forth to steven's condo a few times aside from a few glitches and some color questions we have all especially steven been handling the renovations very well now part of the design inc team has hit the ground running to do the final load-in and make steven's waterfront condo dream come true oh my gosh the floors look fabulous i'm so pleased because all i've seen is pictures the whole time so it's really fun to actually be in space finally all the fixtures sinks etc have made their cross-country trek successfully whether it's the right stuff is another question entirely so we're missing all the crosses for all these pieces and the trim plate is not compatible with the rough gun oh so what you've been chip doesn't all go together okay hold on here what we're waiting for is a transformer for the led lights for the bathroom and like i said in natalie i'm not putting that on my tub yeah this is so not the right piece i'm gonna go make a phone call we've got a really weird assortment of plumbing that's ended up here as far as handles go you know when you go in to buy something all these guys tell you that oh yeah there's not a problem when you get to you in 10 days and four weeks later you're barking at their door and they're ignoring you they've got your money and the stuff will be coming yeah it's coming yeah it's coming but it never gets here until the end [Music] this is either gonna be really exciting or a total letdown guess what it's exciting and we can move forward [Music] did you know that this is my buddha that i had to ship from thailand okay can you see someone down here [Music] he's good at this what do you think of the paint colors well i love them i specifically chose these colors for my art as well as the colors remind me of warhol which i really love [Music] steven love your man purse he's got a little sheer number here if you look at somebody's wardrobe you can tell a lot about what would suit them for their home so steven's not afraid of bold fashion which means he's also not afraid of some really bold colors in his home snake skin looks amazing now was it difficult at all to put up all the vinyl no it cost a lot of money but it took him 45 minutes i wish i was making that forever i think between the three of us we've done an awesome job what we took was a really standard condo and we stripped it back and it ended up being a show stopper i love the concrete ceilings i love the fact that it's a condominium that has beautiful hardwood floors throughout i love color but i'm not quite as bold about using as much color as steven wanted to use and in the end it was the right decision so i feel like i brought a lot of the white and the light and he brought the vibrant color and when it all came together it was a really exciting sparkly mix [Music] so [Music] foreign you
Channel: Abode
Views: 115,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abode, attractive design solutions, beautiful house renovations, budget-friendly design, contemporary house makeover, creative design ideas, elegant design aesthetics, functional home design, home improvement ideas, home renovation inspiration, house upgrade ideas, interior decor guide, luxury home transformations, personalized home decor, personalized touch ideas, refreshing home decor, room makeover, room transformation, stylish room arrangements, trendy home makeovers
Id: OTxGAmr9iMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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