HOUSE TOUR MARATHON | The Best of Season One

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[Music] people typically hire me for I think my use of color and I think it's the ability to sort of create a fresh story every time we do a project I love classicism and I love tradition but I sort of love it when it's reinterpreted and so I guess I would describe it as Fearless traditional my name is Liz Khan and this is my home in Chestnut Hill Massachusetts [Music] we've done a wide range of projects from very neutral and much cleaner and minimalist to layered and colorful and a little crazy but I think that we can do both pretty well and I enjoy the process so much this house is very classic it's very traditional it's from the 20s there's lots of small rooms they all have a purpose I wanted you to walk in and notice that we sort of reversed everything we put Black Walls above the wainscoting I think it helps people let their guard down and I think that's the goal you want everyone to feel comfortable and I think when they see something funny they're kind of like oh just a little giggle the kitchen was very tiny originally and I was trying to create a kitchen that didn't look like a kitchen one of the main things I wanted to accomplish was to make it feel like a warm kitchen that also felt appropriate to this home so we opened up the back of the house and added on a three foot by 15 foot addition and it's all glass and that helped give the illusion of more space it also gave a lot more light to the space one of the choices I made was to have an island that was not an island you sit at we decided to put all of our glassware my China all of my serving dishes all on the side of the island on the other side of the island we had all our everyday wear so everyday dishes bowls we have containers that we store things in and then everything that relates to sort of cooking is on the cooking wall including all of our utensils so it's actually very streamlined I did need to get rid of a lot of things so I decided instead of having you know three different everyday types of dishes we went down to one and I brought all my China up and we actually use it on a regular basis thank you the dining room I love this room we probably shrunk it by 30 um during the renovation and weirdly kind of a big win we just didn't use the dining room when it was a formal dining room so I wanted this room to actually be really comfortable for any time you can eat breakfast lunch dinner you can have a formal dinner party there you can have a casual dinner party there you can have a cup of coffee you can use it as a workstation it's actually this fun room that can become pretty much anything you want the sofa that we're using as a bank out in there was my mother-in-law's it was a Chippendale sofa that we had recovered in this really kind of pre-antiaged velvet which is durable and it shows nothing and it's only going to get better with time we reused our old dining room chairs we just recovered them and we bought a beautiful table [Music] the priorities in that room were to make it comfortable and inviting and able to do a lot of things foreign [Music] is a really great collection of things I've acquired we did some minor changes we changed the window treatments we changed the furniture layout we used all the furniture we had this room I feel like is a great representation of how I think about design in terms of this kind of Suite but modern and handmade wallpaper paired with like army green curtains so there was just this sort of like a masculine feminine moment for all the color that's in this entire house is represented in this room in one way or another and in different proportions it's a lot like a recipe but this room is comfortable it seats a lot of people and it's curious sometimes clients inherit furniture that they don't know what to do with we've used the secretary that we inherited was to turn it into a bar it's very useful it stores a lot of things and it's a fun way to repurpose something that has a meaning it's actually a big Workhorse for the space and it's kind of like a mini Butler's pantry and there's all these little drawers for your stationery we filled them with you know maraschino cherries there's cocktail and napkins there's multiple ice tongs all those types of things are all stirred away in these drawers and we'll organize this so that this is very functional and the marble protects the surface of the chest [Music] the sunroom is our family room it kind of serves a lot of purposes you can read you can watch television it's really for kind of anything and anybody it's the room where we sit and hang out together we watch TV we have friends over we have drinks this room is broken up with a lot of Windows as you can see there's not a lot of wall space so one of the first decisions I made was to really paint everything one color so it's this high gloss paint from the crown to the floor and that helped unify all of the edges and keep it clean this is a Rogan from Morocco these are some you know honestly inexpensive tables I acquired years ago and I still love them I layered a lot of patterns together and hung one of my favorite pieces of art over the window because I don't actually have a wall so the window is it this desk was my husband grandfather's desk and it's where I house a lot of my design books where we use for inspiration and research after we lacquered funny enough the ceiling just sort of fell flat it was white and it just kind of wasn't really standing up to all the other elements happening in this room so that's a good case to wallpaper your ceiling and so I chose this great um Cloud wallpaper I know it's popular it's just I think such a winner and this room has a lot happening and the ceiling needed to join the party I think stairwells are sometimes overlooked and they're actually really important kind of almost like a ribbon that ties everything together stairwell from the rug Runner to how you treat I don't know your banisters to the walls I think is really important and there's a nice way to um I guess connect the dots I strategically wanted to make this a gallery space so we have you know white wainscoting and then we did the Black Walls and hung all the art on the walls I had this Runner made by Meredith it's an undyed natural wool which is so durable and beautiful and it's gray so it's just this gray undied natural wool and then we did this Orchid border that's woven into the rug it goes from the first floor all the way to the third floor the continuity of all of that I think helps tie everything together my oldest son Henry's room is on the top floor and so it has a lot of ceiling lines and the ceilings are really low the room's been painted before and it never really looked great we chose to wallpaper the entire room and this is a nice trick I think when you have a lot of again visual disruption with the architecture you can actually or lack of architecture you can actually cover the whole room and envelop it in one pattern so we did this big buffalo check we actually took a fabric had it paperbacked and then applied to the wall and it's not a poster and it's papered but it's sort of this nice way to add some texture [Music] this may be one of the world's smallest bathrooms ever but we have a limited amount of space and so when I was designing this we've decided that we needed to use every square inch I did choose a floating smaller vanity it was more beautiful so that was kind of the other tip is to choose really beautiful materials I chose to do two medicine cabinets it's more mirror it's more space my husband and I each have our own this is my family home so my goal was to experiment a bit I wanted to include all the things that I sort of loved and have collected over the years on my travels I wanted this house to feel appropriate to what it is architecturally but I also thought it should be interesting and inspiring and have a little humor the goal was to really create a home that was warm and inviting I wanted people to come in and just feel comfortable and welcome and curious I want people to explore things and ask questions and I think it's a conversation starter [Music] I think people typically hire our firm they like that we have like an edgy approach I think to design and that we incorporate a lot of beautiful art into our design that you might not typically see and we take a lot of risks so I think people looking to do that are very intrigued by our work my name is Zoe Feldman and I am the President of Zoe Feldman design [Music] our clients often describe our work as colorful but really I think what we're typically doing is we're using color as a way to modernize our spaces to take classic designs and make them feel a bit more modern so a classic silhouette and then using Color to modernize it [Music] So today we're in Chevy Chase Maryland which is an amazing suburb of DC it's very Metropolitan still but it's just on the cusp of Washington DC so I chose to focus on this project for the designer home tour because I had so much fun doing this with Susan Tynan who I am obsessed with and has become a very dear friend but also I'm in awe of because she built this beautiful business called framebridge I'm such an enormous fan of Art and the idea was like how can we show art in interesting and different ways [Music] there were a few different goals and there typically are for any given client and in this case they were moving from Georgetown which is typically very small living and in the center of Washington DC they're a family of four and so it needed to be family friendly the children are quite young and so it was sort of how do we engage this new large space and make it heart adult and part family friendly our process to start is typically with what we call Concept development so we get to know the client well they just say a bunch of words and sentences to us and then we interpret them we also use a lot of inspirational imagery to communicate to the client and understand how they might want to use color how far they're willing to go so we really just start with a bunch of informative interviews and pictures the entryway is interesting because this is where the whole project actually started we found this amazing photograph that they really responded to with this bright entry Susan was a bit more hesitant to engage the color but her husband Peter was like yes let's do it and this color was one of the first choices we made it's obviously got an enormous amount of personality so it helped to dictate how we would engage the rooms off of it the dining room in the living room I thought this would be a great way to Showcase a lot of the art and show that you don't need to have white walls as a way to help modernize the stairs and create a little more impact we blacked them out with this sort of it's actually more of an off black it has this kind of ashy grayish black tone and we painted as you can see the Treads the risers the ballast or the banisters the whole thing and put this cool it's actually a polypropylene Runner and so they don't have to worry about the dog and the children and spilling so now we're in the dining room the clients were concerned that this room was very small I actually love a small dining room because it creates a deeper sense of intimacy so rather than trying to make a small room feel large we did what we call creating a jewel box effect where we took a moody color in this case a beautiful blue and we painted all of the woodwork and this deep warm blue and then found this great wallpaper that almost reads as a solid but has this sort of light feather touch to it we brought it up above the woodwork and then actually wrapped it on the ceiling so you feel ensconced in the color in order to sort of break up the moodiness of the room we wanted to have a few unexpected moments so we engaged these blush chairs which created some levity and also found some pop inside of this existing cabinet that hadn't been dealt with in a really long time we knew that we needed to do something with this because it just felt very dated so we engaged the interior with this like beautiful saturated fun yellow which repeats itself actually on the light [Music] now you're in the living room foreign this room to me was the most challenging from a construction standpoint and from how we Engage The Room prior to engaging us the room did not have these built-ins so we created these built-ins as a way you can see it's a very long room with somewhat low ceilings which can be hard to deal with and so we separated the spaces and created a more intimate space with the built-ins and offer more of an opportunity to showcase framed art in an unusual way and it also created a nice little vestibule to walk into the back of the house and also to go outside we ripped out the old mantle that was too tall and too uninteresting and we put in this beautiful vintage Carrera marble mantle that has sort of an homage to like the old Brooklyn Brownstones the leopard rug was one of the first things we found that she fell in love with we knew we wanted to use that and so that became sort of the foundation for how we selected all the different textiles and fabrics and textures I think that most people agree that leopard is somewhat of a neutral even though it has a bit of a chaotic crazy pattern it's also great because it hides all of your spills so it would excel in two areas both aesthetically and also functionally we layered in a whole bunch of decorative pieces as we often do we really like to Showcase books and art and vases and you know pieces from their travel to kind of like bring personality into the space so it really feels like their home so now we're worst room slash family room which is the heartbeat of this home in particular everyone's always looking for storage and we're always looking to offer storage so prior to this being here there was just a sort of funny storage piece that didn't really make a lot of sense and didn't hide much so it created this beautiful piece that is really functioning as like an additional Pantry additional storage and also hiding some things that aren't great looking and can't be moved and then off of it we created this um breakfast nook we used a vegan leather which is an incredible piece of Machinery essentially and for anyone who has children or pets I mean you can paint on it my children do and then just wipe it off so it's amazing and it will never fail you foreign I think one of the questions we get asked a lot is all right I don't have a huge art budget so how can I have art in my home and for people who have children or maybe like nieces and nephew they're very close to our grandchildren one of the things that we turn to often is children's art because you can see it's actually incredibly artistic and one clustered together like this in a gallery wall it really personalizes the space it makes the space feel very warm and like happy and so I would encourage anyone to don't just throw those out like I often do save them and frame them and make them into a cool art installation [Music] now we're in the family room which we knew was the most important room especially from a functional space for the clients they really wanted to become here they love to watch television they both have crazy hectic jobs and TV is really a reprieve I think from their natural life and so this became very important we anchored the room with a large sectional you can see there's lots of like whites and linens it needed to feel very light and Airy similar to the architecture of the room in the powder room we did really a complete departure which is what we typically do in powder rooms because it's just a moment like many jobs the client fell in love with a wallpaper these like cool Chinese dragons and this became the foundation for the room we pulled up the existing floor and it's so small and not too expensive to do a tiny little room like this so we use this beautiful marble Mosaic and then we found this really cool cement sink and like this mint green it just kind of finished off the space and it's this cool little spot I would summarize the end result of this project as having this beautiful tension in the design and by that I mean in the front of the house we have this very moody feeling in the dining room layers of dark colors and even Moody art and as we move into the living room it feels a bit lighter and then as we move into the back of the house you get a feeling of levity casualness with cane and linen and it just makes you want to lay on the sectional and watch television foreign [Music] static is really based on classicism and Timeless design my goal for each and every project is really to return 5 10 15 years later and for it to still be valid and amazing and a truly Timeless interior my name is Robert pasal my company is Robert pasal interior design we're based in New York City but we do projects both nationally and internationally I often say that art and accessories are what make a house a home that's what breaks interest to a space we do lots of beautiful custom rugs and Custom Upholstery we're just about really turning houses into homes [Music] So currently we are on Lower Fifth Avenue in New York City it's a building that is in the Flatiron District of New York City it's across from Madison Square Park it has incredible views and incredible light and there's incredible architecture all around us this building was originally a printing press I believe and has been converted several years ago into a very luxurious condo the brief that the client gave me was that they wanted it to be soft and approachable yet Chic he wanted and a space to watch the game to work from home she wanted pretty but not too pretty she's an added reader so she wanted spaces where she could just curl up throughout the apartment go through a book and have a date herself [Music] we took on this project it was what we call Builder ready we came in and resounded the floors and really created the architecture that you'll see throughout the space my job was a to create an architectural environment and then to decorate that environment [Music] the kitchen is done in a blonde bleached wood it's a bit of a Scandinavian feel to it island is somewhat cantilevered it does have a base but it projects far past the base since it is so pale and the space is so pale we paired it with bar stools that have this really beautiful soft pistachio toned leather it just quietly sings in the space the living room dining room is really created as a contemporary space you know where it's all in one living it's not as though you have a private dining space and a private living space this is a peer editor so the client visits maybe once every other month so what we did was we floated A Center Hall Library dining table in the middle of the space right now is loaded with books and accessories and you know living in Manhattan you have to be multifunctional this table has two leaves and can seat eight for dinner so there are basically four chairs and two Ottomans pull up to the table and you can easily have six to eight for dinner [Music] if you are entertaining or if you just have one guest you have an intimate space like this it also opens up to really having a party or having multiple people here incorporating televisions into Living Spaces is really not one of my favorite things but we have found a way to do it where it looks great it's functional and it makes everyone happy including myself so this is a SORA Sora is the name of the brand it's a mirror when you turn the TV off this is a 55-inch television it's a custom frame that we made but you can frame it with any frame from a standard framer and it's just a wonderful thing because it makes everyone happy when we're working with couples that have opposing taste we try to incorporate a little bit of each of their interests so sometimes we have a husband who's a modernist who doesn't want too much clutter and then you know the wife will be a traditionalist or you know she wants just softer and prettier and so we're really great at juxtaposition for me it's the perfect formula to help people that are kind of Polar Opposites [Music] this is the media room of the home and it is one of those monochromatic spaces where we repeated the same color or tones of the same color so the bleached Walnut was done in a tone that basically balances all the chocolate brown and then it's layers and layers of the same color [Music] my client really wanted the bedroom to be a sanctuary she wanted to just be enveloped in it how this cocoon is exactly what she asked for so we did that by creating the space that is almost uniform in color so the walls are done in a silk fabric that we had paperback and we made the curtains in a similar fabric it's a it's a wool but it's a very very similar tone and the shades lounge and everything in the room very very warm cream colors and it just creates this beautiful beautiful soothing kunish environment that you know you most never want to leave [Music] when we're designing window treatments I always feel like it's one of those things that can make or break a space so we designed three layers the actual curtains are blackout lines so if the client wants to sleep in or really wants to have a very private moment they can close the curtains the Roman shades are what we call Belly Romans and they're mostly decorative and we install them to really take the edge off of all the angular architecture in the space and then below the Roman shade we have this really beautiful woven shade which it provides privacy which is really important when you have a building you know 30 feet away but it allows the light to filter through so it's one of those things that is really really functional and it's one of an essential when you're living in New York City [Music] so the primary bathroom you have this floating tub in the middle of Manhattan that literally faces you know another building where people can see right in all your bathing so that's kind of fun my client loves pearls and so it's her birthday we had looked at this chandelier and her husband he's like let's get her the Pearl chandelier for her birthday let's not tell her and when we do the reveal you'll surprise her so that's what we did and it was really fun we had it custom made it looks like a beautiful strand of pearls [Music] so this dressing room was originally a white box that was slated to be a walk-in closet women and men these days really love dressing rooms so what we did was we created basically half closet half dressing room and we did that by creating these linen wrapped panels all the panels have an inset mirror and a little bit of a brass detail we used a gray mirror so that the mirror wouldn't be so overwhelming and this is the Cabinetry that is wrapped in linen and lacquered and like turned out beautifully but basically I lost a lot of sleep over yeah it is a lovely home people feel comfortable in it is so curated and it is so detailed yet it's so approachable you know and it's so personal [Music] [Music] people come to us because we are not trying to change the way they live we want it to be a more beautiful thoughtful version of themselves I'm Bella Mancini from Bella Mancini design we are based in New York City and Sag Harbor New York we like to take a deep dive with our clients very early on in the project and find out how their family really lives so things like where do your kids put their backpacks when they come in the door and are you a shoes off house if there are pets living there we need to know about the pets and are the well-behaved pets or are they naughty pets those kinds of things really help us develop a plan for the project and figure out how we best think to approach [Music] today we are on the upper west side of a client's pieta Terror it is a fairly expansive home that it has three bedrooms a beautiful den and a great space for living dining entertaining this project was completed for a fairly newly married couple and with adult children they wanted a home in New York City where they could entertain they could stay here and feel like they were in a super luxurious hotel suite this is the developer condo and we had to come in and make modifications to the home to make it a little bit more elevated the kitchen is from small bone and we were able to customize the island which has a walnut base and a beautiful Calcutta gold marble counter and what I love about it is it's it's a kind of a square room and the kitchen sits directly in the center and as we all know the kitchen is really the heart of any home in this particular home they eat out a lot when they're in New York but they still can set up a really great cocktail area appetizers up at the bar it's a really nice place to sit and have breakfast together and I really love the materials the pendant lights that we wanted to add a little bit of color into the room and the other materials in the soapstone backsplash and countertop in the back counters are also a favorite [Music] the living room which is the room we're sitting in now for me is like made for cocktails I feel like I have had cocktails in this room and it feels really good and it was just designed to be a conversation pit there are two giant marble coffee tables that Center it and there's lots of places for people to sit and lots of small tables for people to put their drinks down the challenge is with this apartment was that we had to order a lot of the furniture before the building was actually complete and we knew going into it that when we ordered the dining table we may come across problems getting it in and we really didn't want to have to shut this street down and have it hoisted over the balcony and we were able to I don't know pay off the building workers to get it ridden on the top of the elevator thank you I have a hot tip for those of you who are worried about your dining table getting stained if you're a person who is not going to be able to handle having a ring mark on your table or worried about red wine or oil or something leaving a stain I highly suggest putting on a marine layer onto any sort of wood surface so this table you can put down a sweaty glass you could pour red wine you could have olive oil spill on it and it won't permeate through to the wood foreign is probably my favorite room in the house which is funny for a girl who doesn't watch a whole lot of TV but they wanted to have a room that was just super dark super moody kind of club-like and so we wrapped the walls in the Philip Jeffries wood veneer wall covering the sofa is a dark chocolate brown velvet from Max Alto and the draperies which are for me one of the highlights of of the whole apartment is they're a beautiful Pierre Frey ombre fabric [Music] dark rooms can be incredibly soothing and it's not like I would suggest doing a room this dark for say for example your breakfast room but this room is really a room that gets used at night and so for this client we did this really beautiful dark palette and it just kind of creates this feeling this atmosphere that you just want to kind of cozy up and watch a movie have a cocktail maybe some popcorn the client is very specific in the color she likes she prefers warm colors so that is started the driving force behind most of the rooms the primary bedroom gets a little bit cooled off in the dark green [Music] the primary bedroom is really a space that we worked very hard to get right we delineated the room between the closets and the sleeping area by customizing built-in closets and it creates a a wall for the television to sit on and then also a dressing area for the husband [Music] I think the result of this project is exactly what the client wanted they wanted a place that felt luxurious and clean and contemporary and like a very luxurious hotel room [Music] thank you [Music] people discount being inspired every morning when they wake up and being more productive because the lighting is Right stepping on the right rug that feels soft we're not trying to make a home that looks like a designer has been there we really want to take a clients home they have great taste you know elevated a little bit my name is Everett Brown my name is Lisa Walker Brown and we work at Everett Brown design we work on projects throughout the United States Los Angeles Martha's Vineyard New York of course we'll find that everex homes he's done in let's say 20 years ago and you can't tell because they just look like they were just done yesterday Timeless and always accessible [Music] Welcome to our home we live in Yorktown Heights which is in Northern Westchester and it is a shingle style home I think a good place to start is the payment it changed everything yeah it really sets the mood yeah and can really change your perspective of not only how you're going to use the room but how you might lay out and design the world and in fact we had the builders and designers of this home here after we painted and they said oh my God now you can see the architecture the kitchen is the party room that is the soul of the house and we have had as many as 100 people in the kitchen because it's big kitchen fortunately it has a great Viking stove and a great Sub-Zero refrigerator that have been you know like around for 20 years and they just have held up so well we have a chalkboard you know everyone is welcome to ride on we haven't done much of the kitchen other than do a new counter the sarin and table seats eight to ten and the pendant is Galveston the dining room is very fun and got even more fun when we used Window Treatment from the shade store to totally change the mood in that room and I literally thought I would never shut these drapes in shears we almost always keep it closed foreign contemplating adding window treatment I struggled because I was afraid of losing the views what I didn't realize even though I work with window treatments every day is not only do you use them for privacy but it also changes the sound in the room as well as the look so when it's closed all of a sudden you get this very base very calming feel which is really great for entertaining in the evening as I say it feels like a speakeasy but then morning comes and you want a brighter look you want to have your coffee you open it up you now have your layer drape and Shear the drapes and shears are from the shade store silk drapes sheer and linen and then my favorite is to create a triple layer so having your drape your sheer and your views thank you we love the dining table it's by Johnny Pooks it's a walnut wood top with stainless Lakes that's anchored by The Big Bang pendant by foscarini we have a sideboard and of course objects and accents between the talking room and the library these are my two favorite rooms and they both happen to be pretty analog so I'm not sure what that says about me but the library is full of books it's full of objects and accents and probably one of the most important things that are in that room besides the objects and accents that I love are pictures of family and friends we have pocket doors in this room so you can actually shut yourself off to the rest of the house and literally just disappear go on a journey wherever you want to go the room we're sitting in now I affectionately called The Talking room the talking room was inspired by a two-year-old and a five-year-old you can come in this room only to talk and read if you want to play you got to go to the playroom or the family room it's really about conversation and having parties we've danced in here cut cakes often I hear clients who I'm not going to buy this I can't do that because of my children what I have found is if you raise your kids in the environment they learn to respect it and they understand it they appreciate it and so as they mature into adults they're already comfortable with it they're just things they're just things and even if there are no kids involved they may get broken and you know what I remember girls have yeah [Music] the family room is where we lounge and watch TV I mean it's literally where we flop you throw your shoes off you turn the TV on and that's the place that we just kind of regenerate if you will and there's a wine bar yes and there's a one before we turned it into a bar when we moved into the house it was actually storage organized storage great places with plenty of boxes I think this is more fun you pull out your Collectibles vintage glass gin tequila and a bar is nothing without your mixing tools and so we have different mixers that room was challenging because it has the windows that sort of curve out so it was really interesting because the way it was set up when we first came in it was really odd there was no real focus on the television we have not only the TV but there's a fireplace and the views so the master bedroom and master bathroom are now my dream and my respite the bedroom was originally a seating room bedroom our ceilings I think are 20 feet high up there and so there was a loft which we never used what we realized is that by having the two rooms we were actually missing The Gables the cathedral ceilings which are fantastic in that space I got to be the client which was really exciting because I was able to talk to him about what I really wanted in a master bathroom and you know like we got to disagree a little bit I wanted something dark and that's not typical and then one day he showed up with this dark tile and I loved it I ended up selecting a 24 by 24 because I wanted to have the least amount of grout as possible I went with a darker color because I wanted to create a Japanese spa or tea Cafe a fill I also always wanted a Zero Entry shower I don't know what vacation I went on where I you know there were no doors I really wanted to just be able to walk in the shower and walk out if it never changed I'm thrilled this room I would never change I love this room it's perfect and our bedroom I would never change again it's perfect now but if we got a piece of art I mean it would be hard I'd probably investigate changing a little he's really good at what he does and any you know almost any change I'm happy with [Music] people come to me because they know that I love a maximalist aesthetic but one that is versatile and Timeless and can work from Project to project home to home and it's really Timeless investment pieces that work for each client's needs with clients that tend to steer more into a minimalist Vibe I will show them pops of color more so in tones that are not so dramatic like blues and greens and pieces that you're not going to necessarily get sick of or feel that it's too vibrant and dramatic but still elevates the space a mixture of antiques and contemporary pieces are definitely one of my signatures I love to layer different time periods and provenances my name is Christina Nielsen and I am the founding designer of Christina Nielsen design based in New York and London [Music] today we're in my home in Clinton Hill Brooklyn I wanted to kind of make this space an Ode to Old World Brooklyn New York character purchase and decorate with pieces that maintain that English aesthetic but also had a contemporary twist in terms of a brownstone obviously you have the beautiful bones in character but at the same time that comes with a lot of work we luckily did not have to do that much work in terms of overhauling the space it was more cosmetic but I would say that the number one issue in Brownstones is very narrow spaces so you have to be very in tune with that and work off the floor plan prior to purchasing anything because it can very easily become cramped I wanted this home to feel just very welcoming and warm where people could come because we entertain often with family and friends and I think that also is very important not just in my own home but in all of my projects this is my first home with my partner so I felt like it was great to kind of start from scratch I really started with bare bones I sold all of my furniture from my previous apartment which I lived in with my sister so it was very much a bachelorette pad I found this sofa this is our first purchase at an estate sale and it was falling apart I could see that it had the roller arms and the wooden legs and the brass casters and had very much that George Smith feel which I love so this is the first purchase which I then reupholstered which is the case with a lot of pieces in this apartment just estate sale finds reupholstered making it my own I knew I wanted the living area to be closer to the windows where there's natural sunlight and I wanted the dining area to be closer to the kitchen I also wanted to create a divide and have the fireplace act as the divider between the living area and the dining area when you first glance into the living room everyone loves the rod that holds the three different pieces of artwork in a vertical line they also love the antique Egyptian architectural prints over the green sofa because they're such high ceilings it really elevates your eye so you can appreciate the height of the space the trickiest thing for me in designing this space is finding something that could function as a media console but also didn't look so overtly like a media console it was one of my favorite antique dealers in Maine I was lucky enough to purchase this from him I love it so much because it has the marble top so it doesn't feel as precious as just like an all wooden dresser but at the same time it's very versatile I can store my tableware in there Linens plus it hides all the awful TV wires the kitchen since it's a rental property I was not allowed to make any changes outside of cosmetic ones so luckily the cabinets were already painted a really nice charcoal gray with acrylic knobs so I really just wanted to elevate the space and bring in some more color I also wanted to purchase bar stools that I knew were not too precious or delicate and when I'm entertaining and people are spilling and drinking wine eating I never had to worry about stains so I actually found the bar stools on Amazon which is another secret goodbye I wanted to layer the space with antique prints which I collected on either side of the fireplace there's three total and even though they're all different heritages and provenances they all come together because they're very vibrant and colorful so this is one of my tried and true maximizing storage solutions that I used not just for myself but a lot of my clients it is a console that actually opens up in the center to store those ugly appliances that no one really wants to look at on a daily basis so for example I have my microwave here and then on this side I have a wine refrigerator I make sure that it's Velcro so you can easily open and close if needed the garden outside that was really another blank canvas I wanted to kind of create us a private space upstairs where you can go and have coffee or drinks and feel like you really are in your own garden primary bedroom doesn't have as much natural sunlight it's not just my home so I decided to just layer patterns and fabrics in order to enliven the space the main piece that I purchased for the primary bedroom was a set of silk screens that were framed [Music] the office was an interesting space being a place where I can store all my samples and office supplies without things feeling cluttered so this piece was another great use of storage in an office that I also wanted to make sure was organized looking and decluttered my mom actually passed this down to me this was my childhood armoire and it was originally painted in a very Whimsical white with painted florals on it so I stripped the paint and I tickled the wood and I like that you can see different grainings in the woods which kind of makes it very unique and original I found this panel of fabric that I had the upholsterer installed behind the chicken wire and little do you know you can open it up and exposes all of the madness but on a daily basis you do not need to see the chaos I would summarize the end results of my home as something that is very much me it is layered with pattern and texture and it's very fun nothing is too precious every time I come home at the end of the day I can really just put my feet up and feel like I'm in a cozy English study which is exactly how I wanted to feel [Music] people typically hire me for color and pattern that's really what we're known for and I think the fact that we can bridge that traditional contemporaries both Styles together that's really what people are looking for and that's something they feel like they can't do themselves so they come to us for that specifically I'm Katie Curtis my company is Katie Curtis design and we are based in New York City in Los Angeles California there are three elements to a Katie Curtis design project there's an element of craft there's an element of culture and then there are always things that are collected over time or at least look like they were [Music] we are right now in Midtown Manhattan literally if you took a pin and stuck it in the middle of Manhattan that's where we are we're in the zip code 10019 kind of close to what's called billionaires row we're at a high-rise apartment with amazing light and incredible views which are very important to me I would prefer pre-war but you're not going to get that amazing view so this apartment when I first found it like many of the projects we do here in New York City was totally a white box and my job initially was to de-white boxify it and I think people often come to us in New York City to do just that when I first looked at the apartment I immediately just went to put in the color scheme together with the paint colors in this room in particular is such a great example of how just changing the color can give it a totally different feel the river the sky the urban landscape that was really the touch point for me for the color scheme itself so that it wouldn't detract from that but still you know at night you don't get the colors outside so how does that translate in the evening too and that's something I think people often aren't thinking about the kitchen is the first thing that you see when you walk in the front door so it almost kind of Fades into the background because we have an incredible picture window that looks right out into the Hudson River but what I love about the kitchen is there's a nice complimentary color scheme going on with the Cherry cabinets and there's a glass backsplash and we painted the walls to really kind of match that blue green of the backsplash so there's a nice complement of warm and cool that I think is really Serene and again just lets the view be the star [Music] my living room you're Blown Away by the view the view takes up half of the room so again we had to think about the color scheme as how it would reflect that in the materials that were chosen I felt like it was really important to have window treatments not only to control the Sun but to soften it all the time in New York City with the Florida ceiling Windows everything becomes really hard and harsh and I wanted to soften that up with the floral window treatments [Music] I love to use Persian rugs vintage rugs we have in the living room two rugs that I picked up from India and those rugs are so beautiful but also durable and hide a multitude of sins [Music] it was almost the way the room was laid out was perfect that we kind of tucked the TV in the background so it's there and we watch it I admit it but it's not the main star of the show which is definitely The View so this living room has to serve a lot of functions which is very common in New York City it serves as a dining room it serves as watching TV it serves as the entertainment room so we have a lot of different seating the key to having a lot of seating though is scale and how it's placed so these pool closure home chairs are very narrow they're only 18 inches deep which is why I love them they're art sculptural pieces within themselves but they serve as excellent extra dining chairs when we have more than four people at the dining table sometimes we like to sit and look at the view so we have this Yen's Rhythm chair that's a posted in a cat proof fabric next to this really fun ottoman these can also be pulled in front of the sofa if we have guests and it's more conversational setting as well one of my all-time favorite pieces is an Indian hammered chest [Music] we have two cats and pretty much everyone I know has some kind of animal or child or has parties or drinks coffee or something some situation where they don't want to have to worry about spilling something or a cat clawing things so a lot of our upholstery is actually cat proof this is upholstered in what's called a Krypton fabric so the cats actually can't dig their claws into it the Rhythm chairs are as well and they just look like a beautiful ultra suede you would never know they can't get their claws into it there's no excuse now with all these performance Fabrics to sacrifice performance for Aesthetics at all [Music] it's important to look at colors both in the dark and in the daytime but never ever ever and this is a big pet peeve of mine and the best advice I can give anyone is do not ever put a sample of a paint color up on a white wall and try to choose a color because your eye is going to automatically turn that color darker than it's really going to look in real life just because of the contrast it's the law of color theory because they've seen it on a white background and it looks much darker than it would really look in the entire space foreign Library lately slash Zoom room but this is actually a sofa bed so this is a wonderful guest room for people to stay but we also love to hang out in here as well this piece behind me has a lot of spiritual meaning that I didn't even know I picked this up at a market in Fez Morocco it's an embroidered silk tapestry and this is a carved wood frame you know you could never get this anywhere else and this blue color has so much depth and Beauty to it it just feels so Serene I often feel like people are afraid to use dark colors in small rooms because they feel like it will make the room look smaller when in fact it actually opens up the room and makes it feel more expansive so that was another reason we chose the color for this room and it Blends so beautifully into the landscape thank you the primary bedroom is quite large so we have generous space in there wake up every day to the view sometimes the moon actually wakes us up at night so sunshade and Sun control is a big thing to consider and we do see great sunsets at night as well there really was only one way to lay out the room which again is really common in New York City there's one way to put everything one place to put the dresser one place to put the bed there's a little niche where the bed in our nightstands go challenge of the primary bedroom was that it has very high ceilings so I didn't want our furniture to feel too dwarfed or too small so you'll notice our headboard is quite high you're really thinking about scale and how that responds to the ceiling height is very very important because we have 12 foot ceilings here the key to mixing Styles is to start with base pieces that are also very contemporary so you'll see we have very simple clean modern bed with a modern frame where we can actually tuck the bedding into it this dresser is a classic mid-century modern piece from William hen the nightstands Are linen wrapped quite contemporary so the base pieces we have in the room are quite modern and then I mixed them and with some vintage lamps that are lapis inlay these are really incredible an Asian cabinet that's an antique and this incredible screen I picked up from India [Music] I have a story for almost everything we have in the apartment I like to collect art not so much for the blue tip value or increased value of it but just things that I love I think it's the perfect combination of me my personality old and new you know I'm gonna wear a floral dress with a biker jacket and combat boots and I love that combo so it's a perfect expression of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] people hire me because they do offer a little bit of an edge but at the same time I offer comfortable modern Interiors most of my clients I would say are young families people with kids and dogs because I can relate to that since I have my own and I know how people live [Music] I'm Hilary Matt of Hillary Matt interiors and I'm based in New York City [Music] so we're currently at an apartment on the Upper East Side it's five bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms the end goal was to make the kids happy and make them a space that felt like home that use outdoor Fabrics on basically all of the furniture you can fill a glass of wine on them and it will bead right off the kitchen is a space that I think we really transformed we made a brand new hood for the kitchen with brass inlay detail which elevated it we picked Lee Broom pendants to hang over the island we took all of the silver Hardware off and changed it to brass hardware to make it feel more feminine and pretty and then we picked a beautiful backsplash this kitchen is lucky enough to also have a Butler's Pantry with extra storage and also it's great for entertaining to keep things in this Pantry we actually created out of nothing it was a hallway that existed before with this column right here we decided to build it out to make space for food because there was no other place in the apartment storage with drawers and space for snacks and cooking stuff and I think is a really good use of space if you have a spot with a column or unused hallway space it's very easy to just add in a closet like this for food or for any other kind of storage the dining area that they have needed to be casual and also be dressed up because there's not a separate dining room so they use this every day to eat we took some casual aspects and dressed it up with the light fixture to make it feel like it could be more elevated for a dinner party the chairs are white but they are actually wipeable they're a vinyl so anything could be spilled on them and they could wipe it right off and the rug is actually an outdoor rug in the family room the client has a lot of books so we built a built-in where she could put all of her books we used an outdoor fabric for the sofa but still looks good and a beautiful blue Vladimir Kagan chair the coffee table has four little Ottomans that tuck in so you could pull them out for extra seating foreign [Music] space to design we needed a space where the youngest could play but also the oldest could [Music] when you're designing a playroom for kids of all ages and in this family it ranges from 3 to 12. there's a few things you should keep in mind we created this built-in which has extra storage for books and then underneath we have more storage for toys for them so everything can be put away but also accessible and then we also created in this room a custom play table that they can use for arts and crafts and it also has storage underneath it for more books and other things so the youngest can sit here and draw and the oldest can sit here and do homework we have this big comfortable sofa which can be used to watch TV or movies and it also doubles as a sofa bed so we can pull it out if someone else is sleeping over or they need the extra space and then the last part which I think is nice for kids of all ages is we made like sort of a reading Nook or like a reading bench where someone can sit and read and relax or someone could lay there and watch TV two of the kind's daughters share a room they're very close in age and they love the color pink and yellow so we took those two colors and made a bedroom for both of them it shows both of their personalities and they love sharing a room together we picked a very pretty fuchsia cementy looking paper which we thought could grow with them if we wanted to ever switch around anything else in the room and I think it's really fun and gives a great pop of color when you walk in we designed the girls beds in a white color with the yellow piping to add something a little fun and we actually added storage below the beds for extra bedding and other things they wanted to store underneath there and we brought in the pink from the walls with a really cute bedding to go on top of the bed one thing I tell people when designing children's rooms is to not make it so childish so it can actually grow with the kids if there's a couple things in there that they want that they'll get sick of you can change it out but most of it should be able to stay through the years especially the carpets in the girls bathroom we picked a pretty Chevron floor with pearl inlay if you're designing a room and you don't want to spend money on expensive tile I think subway tile like this is the way to go and then you can pick any color grout to go with it to make it pop in this case we use hot pink which I think is so fun and cute for a little girl's bathroom and another plus is it doesn't get dirty um light grout tends to get very dirty so this always looks clean and cool the boys room he's the youngest he has grown a lot since I first did the apartment who's in a crib and then moved to a big boy bed so we had to make sure when we were designing it that it was functional it's young but also at the same time feels mature so he could grow into it the primary bedroom is a very warm and Serene space we put this sort of cool detailed ceiling on it with this blush and then we did a beautiful bed with like a little bit more blush in it because the client wanted a very feminine room and then we found a vintage Fritz Hanson sofa which was in shearling fabric [Music] office space was a very important part for my client because she wanted a space where she could sit and read emails and be separate from the kids so we found the space for her right outside of the bedroom it was just a dead hallway before we decided to put a beautiful desk there to make it visually pleasing it's actually a pearl inlay we got from mecock's garden it's very organized and easy for her to sit there and do her work The Powder Room we wanted a space that felt elegant and that guests could use so we picked a beautiful gold leaf wallpaper to put on the ceiling the client actually found flowered wallpaper and then we replace the tile on the floor of that bathroom and we picked a really cool pattern of brass inlay The Powder Room is like a jewel box and it's the one little space where you can have fun and do something cool when you use it it should feel special and different than the rest of the apartment I think the end result of this space is a family friendly fun yet colorful and beautiful space that everyone could live in and grow in and a space that no one has to worry about getting messed up and will always look good and timeless [Music] Napoleon Cox tends to create beautiful transitional spaces our clients are able to identify with the work that we've created that it's very approachable [Music] they see the spectrum of interiors that we've done it's really taking cues from them and adapting it with the clients that we've worked with it's been a really special process because now we're also moving on to the second generation so it's exciting to be part of the process where you see the evolution of a family and you're able to create a beautiful sense of home I'm Zuni Madera and I'm the design director of Foley and Cox thank you today we're at one of the Villas at the top level at Liberty National Golf Club it's one of the most important golf clubs in the United States and it's in Jersey City overlooking the beautiful New York City skyline and Lady Liberty the spaces were very minimal and we were brought in to really transform them refresh them and add layers of interest and just take into account how they utilize the space for the kitchen we mostly did a decorative refresh we were able to layer in elements of Interest functional lighting over the island a handsome stripe on the counter stalls [Music] instead of adding a sofa back table we added a really beautiful modern shuffleboard we were able to incorporate the logo of Liberty National which adds another Personal Touch we went really neutral with the foundation of the pieces but added a hint of color in textiles and texture so here we have a pair of lounge chairs that are from the fully and Cox Home Collection in this case we did a fabulous plaid that adds a nod to the sport of golf so one way to approach modern interior architecture where there's glass and the lines are straight is to mix in softer Silhouettes we were able to achieve that through the textiles there's a combination of soft wools and high performance Fabrics that feel suitable and appropriate for indoor living and we were able to incorporate a mix of materials such as leather and wood the paper shade on the beautiful sculptural floor lamp [Music] in the dining room we have a really fabulous chandelier hanging over the dining table and a variation on the woods with a pop of color on the chairs we like to mix the plaids and the stripes they tie in together really nicely because of the proportions [Music] we started this project in Fall 2020. we completed the project in Spring 2021 just in time for reopening the challenge was truly just to completely reimagine the Villas thoughtfully think about proportions and scale in this bedroom we were able to take this wall and really create a feature by implementing vibrant fun art and the geometric shapes is a really subtle touch on the texture of the wallpaper an interesting play on the Euro Shams with these lines in geometric squares so it's just very subtle but little details that pull the design together this bedside is a found piece and we were able to completely reinvent it by adding an unexpected car paint finish not only does this finish have a beautiful reflectivity Sheen to it but it also is very durable and easy to maintain [Music] for the balcony we put together an open plan for lounging and seating it's also great for entertaining this is an extension of indoor living but on the water so the primary bedroom has stunning views full height glass it's very warm and welcoming it was just important to create a Serene space but add a little bit of vibrancy through the art and textiles it feels like you're directly on the water on a boat where you can just come out and enjoy a cup of coffee and absorb all the beautiful views [Music] primary bathroom is a really clean fresh open plan one layer we love to add is a vintage found piece so it's just that element of surprise and character so for example we have a vintage chair here from Foley and Cox home with a stack of towels I would summarize the end result of this project as a huge success we were able to really create spaces that are inviting and feel like a home away from home we've gotten amazing feedback from the clients and the members about how truly transformed and beautiful the Villas are foreign how do you make a white box a glass tower feel warm inviting how do you give it a soul and I think the end result is we've achieved that my name is Alexander Doherty my firm Alexander Doherty design is based here in New York and this project is a New York City Apartment [Music] this was an apartment that was not finished when we first visited it one of the big things that we decided to do pretty much early on was make it all about the views and as much as possible knock down walls open up spaces every landmark in New York is visible and close up from this apartment the client was looking for something very New York and when he saw this he thought okay well that's that's about as New York as you can get one of the most striking things about this apartment is the level of finish everywhere the big ticket number is the gold leaf ceiling in the living room and I would say that that ceiling and the fact that we paneled big squares all of the living room and the library in surroged Oak were the two main factors in setting the overall tone for the space for me once you get the architecture once you get the architecture of the envelope right then you can basically do anything inside as far as you know kind of furniture and rugs and and that kind of thing but the important thing is to get the the envelope right and once we had our ceiling and our walls we were able to move forward this room is not all about the views it's probably one of the very few rooms where we don't have a wall of Windows and so we wanted to get that feeling of encompassment okay and we decided to use this crushed fellas when you hang something like velvet on walls you always see the scenes it's intentional and I love it I think it has a very rich feeling we chose a relatively dark olive green color it makes the whole room feel so warm and cozy of all the time periods that I think are suitable for new construction modernism is a great period to concentrate on so European late 20s 30s 40s all of the furniture from that period works really well in very contemporary construction the other are really strong things about the apartment is the use of stone in the entry foyer for example which we're calling the gallery we put in a three marble floor in a big geometric design again it came out really really beautifully it's it's unusual and yet very harmonious and then in the bathrooms we used maybe not so typical marbles in the library bathroom we used a strong green marble which is called Guatemala Verde but again it came out really well and in the master bathroom we used a fantastic sanctuary the level of marble installation and marble cutting is really spectacular what do you do with with the switches and the outlets there are two ways of dealing with it one you actually use very expensive outlets and light switches that many companies today will provide you with that look great in and of themselves or you're trying to simulate them so in this kitchen for example we did not want to make a feature of the light fixtures nor the outlets I asked my finisher if he could fill finish all of the plates so they disappear into the woodwork and at the same time being as he was here I asked him if he could do the same to the back of this door that door is not Walnut that door has been painted to look like Walnut thank you one of the things that you may notice in the apartment is the fact that on all of the walls we have rods with chains hanging from them and it's the way that we chose to hang the artwork in this apartment all of these walls have special finishes if we started knocking Nails in all of those finishes it would be problematic and so by choosing this very well-known time trusted tradition of hanging we avoid all of that and it is a great way to for you to change out your Rod to upgrade your art to to to move it around constantly without damaging the walls [Music] when it comes to buying and selling Apartments buyers and sellers look to kitchens and bathrooms because if you need to redo the kitchen or bathroom that is generally the big budget items when you do a kitchen or when you do a bathroom it is not an area where economy necessarily pays off [Music] so one of the things that we all face in homes is electrical panels how do you hide them because they're not attractive so in this particular apartment we chose to continue the wall upholstery by making these doors which went open gave us access to those somewhat unattractive electrical panels that can't even be painted by code [Music] I think that the end result is it's really fantastic I think it's really fantastic [Music] thank you people usually hire us because we can provide services from the very beginning of a project concept designing even sites location to the very end interior design and staging as you will see in this home so they do hire us for our design but I also think that they hire us because I'm very direct with regards to the process the costs I work very hard to protect my clients in this journey and I work really well collaboratively with my clients I'm very fast and I think that we deliver I don't think we ever come at any project with the same ideas we are open to developing any style of architecture any emotional feeling within a space but the reality is we go from mountains to fields to water most of our properties are View Property so we're really oriented on whether it's 360 degree view or direct view I am Kathy purple Cherry based out of Annapolis Maryland [Music] we are in Centerville Maryland which is known as the eastern shore of Maryland this was a vision and a dream of our clients specifically while there is a husband and a wife the husbands had dreamed of this for probably the last 25 years he always wanted a Maryland style generational compound that would support his family and his friends for a long time so this project consists of nine structures that are relatively closely located so that they're walkable this client specifically knew a lot about the architectural style of what he wanted that was actually terrific he knew that he wanted a large Georgian style Maryland country home he knew that he wanted painted brick he knew that he wanted the out structures that are on the property at the same time he was very open to allowing input modification changes layering heavy Millwork creative opportunities and I think that's what allowed us as an office to really provide such a special design [Music] the kitchen is a house unto itself it consists of a big island with the whole kitchen prep area it has a six foot long custom made stainless steel sink and three faucets love it [Music] next to it has the second island but the island isn't actually a seating Island it's more like a piece of furniture again custom designed has a zinc top and has painted a different color in a Coastal Blue next to that is a third island table that is a slab of wood that was built and designed into a table with these industrial legs and then beyond that is a casual sitting area against a fireplace it is actually very functionally designed there is a bar area there is a coffee station area there is the working components of the kitchen foreign actually is a Butler's Pantry with great fun playful gray on Gray brick flooring and stainless steel elements Open Glass refrigerator and that element supports the kitchen but also connects through to the formal dining room [Music] the formal dining room this house is large enough that it wanted a formal dining room this is a 28 000 square foot home and you can see all the way through the house so it's connected but it's formalized by the molding and the mill work that surrounds that space the whole conversation was does it take a formal dining table or does it take a casual dining table ultimately the casual dining table one this particular client also had a 25-year history of collecting magnificent artwork because again it's a feature that makes a house feel like it's truly a home we're standing in the library which is immediately off of all of the public spaces this is what I call a double layered millworked room we asked the client if we could actually do kind of this effort of creating special little moments throughout this room which we did obviously starting with the idea of the two little built-in benches with leather seats that flank the fireplace that led to the built-in bookcases both sides on the end of the home that consists of the billiards table in the bar is also the property owner's office and it is a monochromatic room what a monochromatic room means is that the room is one color and frequently these one color rooms tend to sway into the darker color so it's kind of a dark slate blue and it incorporates warm Browns in the leather and in the flooring and brass and the light fixtures foreign the most exciting part of this room is something that I'm getting ready to show you it happens frequently sometimes these hidden doors actually go into a more functional space that way you can hide your printer and copiers in this particular case this hidden panel goes into a space in which a safe is currently sitting this is basically the game end of the house opposite the far end which contains the kitchen this is the party room this Billiards room what I love about doing an intricate room like this even though you may not recognize it is every intersection of every piece of mill work in detail is actually designed and drawn we designed these with slate insets so that the drinks can be set on the drink rail itself the stools came from first dibs which is a terrific resource the ceiling is a curved Doug fur beadboard ceiling and let's step down into the bar so what's so fun about this bar first is obviously the Chicago brick is used again the horizontal v-groove to give it a more nautical feel and playful feel one of the elements that is a lot of fun if you follow me is that behind the interior wood shutter we play darts isn't that great the double Story Volume was created for two reasons for the drama of the space but also to integrate it back into the guest Suite which is located above there are windows that connect that Suite into this space so I asked if we could do a little hidden stair that went down into the wine room [Music] welcome to the wine dining room this dining room has been designed with all Chicago brick veneer cut and mitered on all the groin vaults that you see in the ceiling this was probably about eight months of masonry work the furniture was set up so that it can be combined together to create one long dining area it was recently used for a wedding in the family and the client allowed us to introduce this very large circular window and dining banquet area so that smaller groups could come down Beyond through the circular window you're actually seeing the conditioned Wine Cellar itself so let's move that way you go into a dark monochromatic built-in room it is temperature controlled and obviously contains a very large volume of Beverage [Music] there is a theater room that's located down in the basement of the home from its level floor that's level to the outside at the door and then you tier a series of wood frame steps that allow you to platform your seating so obviously there is a large 120 inch screen wall all of the elements of Technology are hidden other than seeing that piece the walls are fabric acoustically paneled but we got to select the fabric that was used in those panels which is great this is the mud room of the house it's located on one end of the home and it connects by an open Breezeway to the three-car garage this space is larger than typical for a mud room so we had the great opportunity to actually turn it into a multi-functional room your typical built-in Cubbies for exactly what you see the shoes the coats the gloves Etc small pantry using actually the old time steel screening as a different character here's a small little powder room here with wonderful dog wallpaper we've also brought into this room a large kind of outside potting flower space you can see that it stores firewood but at the same time it's the opportunity for doing a lot of flowers and plants we incorporated all kinds of materials and beautiful light fixtures above the window walls which gives it a completely different character than what you historically think of as a mudroom oh we're in the guest bedroom which is on the opposite end of the house from the master suite the starting point for me on this was that the bedroom obviously the sleeping area usually takes the most significant view so this space is the sleeping area and it connects to the water through the French doors into an outdoor deck this is a piece that we picked up at High Point and I love integrating antique elements and we're not talking about collector elements we're talking about affordable antiques with new components creates a real wonderful warmth to it I love the use of interior windows interior windows are a way to transfer natural light from the outside to the inner core of the home and a way to transfer your view from the inner core of the home to the outside I do a lot of interior windows in my homes then when you enter into what I basically call the functional space this room the fun thing about this room is it connects to the bar so if we turn and look you're going to see all the timber frame so thus the reason we use the Doug Fir collar on the window so that these spaces would be tied together I asked my client if I could elevate a banquet so that if someone was sitting at the table and working on their laptop they still have full view of the water which is what I'm seeing from here as well and I accomplished that by lifting this piece up this is the guest bathroom it is a stunning room completely and entirely encased in Calcutta marble which is one of the most expensive marbles that you can actually use there is no Closet in this Suite these are the built-ins that represent the closet obviously the mirrors used so that it becomes a dressing room unto itself and then further the steel bars are put on the top because this is where you lay your suitcases so as you step a little further and see the tiny little toilet room this is where we use the fun wallpaper although relative quiet it's still a beautiful gray on White and the rain head and wall fixture explode with water foreign this is a laundry room washer and dryer with folding counter above hanging above that as well as built-in storage and laundry baskets hex wall tile but I think one of my favorite components of this house is what I'll call the self-serve open closet as you spin around what you're going to see you're not going to see a closet door you're not going to see an attempt to try to hide this you're seeing a very well organized closet that allows all the guests in the house to come and take anything that they need and should they forget their soap or their Shavers or their water or their shampoo here it is all readily available to them [Music] so you're in the third floor bunk room there are two bug rooms that actually basically match each other one is the girls end you're in the girls room now it's turquoise color the boys is navy blue this is a room that sleeps seven people single stacked singles along the top and obviously a double on the bottom at each bunk is a controllable switch light bunk is not about sleeping bunk is about a party and so to have a party you want to keep a visual connection between the head locations the sleeping ends of all of those bunks so that everybody can tell stories [Music] there's lots of whimsical moments from hidden objects that make the home quite unique the end result of this for my client is the completion of a lifelong dream this is a gentleman who has worked 25 28 years very hard to grow a company from what was a local company to an international company single ownership and through that entire Journey he dreamed of this compound how I feel is incredibly proud and honored to be involved and to be have given the opportunity to use my creative mind at the highest level [Music]
Channel: Designer Home Tours
Views: 584,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: house tour, hour tour marathon, house tour marathon, interior design, interior, interior design house tour, interior design home tours, interior design ideas, interior design 2023 trends, home decorating ideas, home, home tours, home designer, home design decor, luxury homes, luxury home tour, interior designer, luxury real estate
Id: 0CcyYfsm0vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 33sec (5793 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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