Descript Review + Demo // Is Descript worth it for podcast & video editing ? Honest, non sponsored

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hello and welcome to the live stream whether you're joining live with us now thanks for being here or if you're watching us on the replay so today's video is a really exciting one and i'm going to be doing a demo and a bit of a review of an incredible piece of software called descript and this is an unsponsored non-biased view i pay for descript on my own and i've been using it for the last couple of months now good part of this year on and off and it's an incredible piece of software that allows you to edit your podcast edit your videos and really has changed the game in how i edit my software or i it on how i edit my podcast and it has changed the game in making it faster than ever before and it's incredibly easy to use so i wanted to talk through what it is how to use it and i've got some really cool features really really cool features that i'm excited to showcase to you today so for those of you who don't know me my name is sarah newan and i help you grow your business using video on social media with ease and make sure that you check out the links in the description because i will time stamp everything so you can jump to the relevant sections or go back if you've missed something so all the fun happens in the description so let's talk about script there's a lot to talk about so i'm going to jump right into the demo so what you see here is the very um i guess basic look at dscript now i use this group specifically to edit my podcast but i'm going to walk you through what you can actually do with it so what you can see here is i've opened up dscript and you can add the audio in a couple of ways one you can record it directly so if i go to add voice recording i can literally go voice file oh and i can add like a file or i can do an audio recording which is what i want to do here so you can actually like plug in your microphone choose the microphone that you want to record from and then when i hit this little uh record button here i'm going to just read a sentence you'll see what happens here in my view there are a couple of things that are essential for becoming a successful youtube creator and entrepreneur and then you'll see what's happening here at the bottom is that it's transcribing so there's some transcribing action happening here and just give it a couple of seconds i've just recorded the audio it will record directly the audio file that i just spoke into the software and it will also generate a transcript as well so that makes it incredibly easy to actually oh there it goes it's going there so now it's populated that so let's just play that back so it's generated um the voice the transcript of the the recording that i just um read into it and now i'm going to play it back so you can hear it you'll see what happens here in my view there are a couple of things that are essential for becoming a successful youtube creator and entrepreneur so you can record it directly into the software or you can upload a file to record as well let's go and actually add a file so i've got a file that i've prepared earlier um where is it here it is is it yes no i hadn't yes i have the file here so if you have a file you can literally drag and drop it onto the software and once again transcribe it and you want to transcribe it it's a magical thing that allows you to edit it really easily so you can record it directly into it or you can um your own files as well so once it's transcribed the magic really is in the editing process now traditionally when you are editing a podcast whether whether you're using specific audio editing software or you're you're a bit like me and you just play around using video editing software and chop it up that way what you need to do is you need to listen to the whole thing and then chop out the errors but as you can see here so this beginning section here um i didn't actually want that to be included in the podcast so what i'm going to do is i've highlighted that section that i want to trim out and you see it's also highlighted it here on the timeline as well and when i hit delete it's removed it right so now that text is actually gone so that's how easy it is to edit and that has changed the game significantly because i don't necessarily have to listen to the whole thing stop cut it and then make sure that i've listened to the correct section i can like edit it by cutting out the bits on of text so i can do it when i'm not actually actively having to listen to it i can do it while i'm multitasking and watching television or something like that so now if i play in my view there are a couple of things so it's cut it out and it's clean and i've got rid of it so that makes editing really really quickly so you can either add your audio by recording directly into it and if you've made a mistake just go back and cut it out like literally highlight the section and it will cut it out in the file as well making it incredibly quick or you can add a recorded file and you know if you've made a mistake in the recorded file do the same thing you highlight the section that you want to remove um hit that delete key and then it removes it which is such a time saver and i think one of the biggest things that really made me fall in love with this script and how fast it was to edit edit a podcast and you can do this treatment for video as well i'm not going to cover that because i feel that that deserves a whole video on its own but it's incredibly easy now the other thing that you can do is yes you can record um order your audio directly into it yes you can add a audio file like let's say you've recorded it using your you know iphone or whatever but you can also do a bit of mixing multi-track mixing so let's just say i've got this podcast that i want to record and then i want to add some music so i would literally add the file to the track the timeline and you can see now like just as i would i don't want to transcribe it because it's a music file um just like i would i can move the file along like i just want it to be in this last section here um i can change the volume of it so if i can let's make this a bit larger so you can see increase or decrease the the the volume of that audio track so and then i can also trim it as well so if i wanted to just you know get rid of this section here i would simply just trim it like that so it's really easy to use software and now i've got some music over it as well so let's play this so you can hear it oh over here there we go let's play oh it's hard and i want to be here to help and guide you so it's added that music track to it as well so incredibly easy to use lots of drag and drop features which we all love because they save us time and you could essentially create and record the entire podcast from the software like this and edit it as well i absolutely love it i absolutely love it now i've i've covered how to add audio tracks whether you record it directly or whether you add um a file i've covered how to add like a multi-track like music on top of it to you know the intro or the ending of your podcast as well the thing that has me the most excited about the script that other software providers of the same nature haven't quite done yet is something called overdub now let me just make this a little bit smaller so what is overdub now you may have heard a little bit about it but overdub is a feature that descript have where they allow you to make a deep fake of your voice using machine learning now what does that actually mean so in descript itself um you have the ability to record your voice so you they give you a very specific voice training script and there's um about half an hour of reading to do and it's a very very um specific script and with this you re you literally read it and record it into their software and then what happens is they you can then use this to generate audio of your voice without you actually having to record so let's go back to the software and i'm going to do that here so i'm going to literally type um some fresh text and then we're going to use that to make a a deep fake voice so i'm going to retype there are a few things that are essential for becoming a successful youtube creator okay so i've typed the text here um oh actually i need to take a step back so um in order to add over double uh deep fake you need to click on the plus icon here you need to click on overdub um and i'm gonna and then and then you start typing so i kind of jumped ahead of myself there are i'm just gonna do that again there are a few things that are essential for becoming a successful youtube creator all right i'm going to delete this lot here and then i'm going to choose my own voice because i've already um programmed it here and as you can see at the bottom it's creating the overdub um at the moment so um as it's creating the overdub it will just stall a little bit and you'll see that this this sentence here um the one that i just created is now done now let's have a listen to this so this is the um deep fake voice that i just created let's have a play there are a few things that are essential for becoming a successful youtube creator so that was the descript deep fake voice generating that sentence for me so that is an incredibly um i think game changing feature because you know you have times where you record the actual podcast and maybe a piece you forgot to say so instead of having to go back and take out all your gear and re-record it you could actually just type it and then let the machine or let dscript generate this deep fake voice for you and i thought that was pretty cool i really really like that feature um i don't know if i would record an entire podcast using deep fake but i think as a tool to help you like patch pieces where you've made a mistake or patch pieces where you have forgotten things it definitely is a game changer which is amazing and incredibly exciting as well so let's talk a little bit more about some other features that they have so you know typically with the vid with the editing software you can do things like you know just whether you trim it out from the the text here you also have the option to use the timeline and trim out sections using you know the blade here so if you've got bits that you want to cut out there as you would a normal editor as well so you don't have to do everything from the text you can use the timeline and edit from the timeline as well which i really love um you know they've got options to increase and decrease the size of things it's really easy to use i think overall it's quite intuitive um one of the one of the other features that they have which is kind of in beta but i actually really love it as well is that they have this option um for one click studio sound so what that enables you to do is to go into the track that you have so let's go into this track here um and then you can literally click on studio sound and then this will apply their magical filters over your audio um and give you like just that boomy um clean strip background you know stripped stripped of all the background noise audio which i absolutely love so let's play the last two years have been harder than any of us could have anticipated and i can see how easy it would be to throw in the towel so that's the actual audio with the studio sound applied to it so everything is like really easy to use or one click to do everything and i and just absolutely cuts down the time that you need to edit a podcast edit a video i haven't as i said used it as much to edit a video but i find in terms of editing a podcast it's it's absolutely a game changer now the other thing that you can do with descript is you can create little audiograms right so you know those little clips and we're going to do a demo in a moment where you see on instagram and they've got text and they've got audio those are incredibly highly engaging so if you um create a little snippet of your podcast create little snippets of your youtube video um people really like to use that will view that because they're typically viewing your content and reading it they're not necessarily listening to the video all the time but definitely having the text there for people to read is a great thing so you can also do that using descript so what you would do is you would simply um highlight you know the text that you want to create the audiogram for or the section so i'm going to highlight this section here and as a highlighter i can see that it's 24 seconds worth of audio then i go to share and export and then i can go to audiogram right and then in this section here i have the option on the paid plans to change the background but they've also got templates so as you can see here um i've got this uh you know sound wave and i've got the text here going i've also got you know this slightly different variation of the text and sound wave so i get to choose how i kind of want it to appear and then once i've done that i hit publish and this will generate a video file for me um that i can download and i can publish directly to instagram or i can bring it into canva and add some more design elements to it as well so i absolutely love this feature as well it's really quick way of creating extra content and repurposing your content and i'm so excited to be able to use incredible software like this like you get to edit the soft edit your podcast really quickly you get to create extra pieces of content from it you get to fix your content really quickly with features like overdub so it really is this game-changing piece of software which i absolutely love so now that we've got that done let me show you that file that has been produced so this is the file let me bring it up so this is the example here of the file the last two years have been harder than any of us could have anticipated so you know i've recorded a piece i'm creating all the extra bits and pieces for social media really easily and it's really easy to do so i really love that so that allows you to do it there now let's talk a little bit about pricing before we wrap up now that you've kind of seen um the beauty of dscript now dscript has a couple of plans there's a free plan so you can get started with trying it out and seeing if you like it editing using the text to see how it changes your workflow then you've got the creator and pro plan and then enterprise um and they have annual and monthly plans i use the pro plan because i love the ability to create audiograms i love the ability to use overdub like the extended uh version of overdub to create the content and fix the content faster so they've got the plans on creator for 15 a month um and they've got pro for 30 a month but i think in terms of the time saving which is why i you know recommend looking at software solutions to save you time to buy you back some time um it's definitely worth investing in and as i said this is an unpaid review and demo of the software i pay for this myself i'm just a strong believer in the software and hence why i wanted to showcase the software for you today so um that essentially wraps up today's review of dscript i walked you through how you would edit it adding your own audio files i talked through overdub i talked through the sound the one-click sound studio filtering that they have as well as creating audiograms and the pricing of the software now let me know in the comments section below what do you think of dscrip do you think that you can make the move to change to like this different workflow of um editing your software or editing your podcast sorry using software where you edit it by the text as opposed to cutting up the actual audio file can you make that change i was really hesitant to actually do that but i'm excited to see that this is so easy to do so really really pumped now if you did find this video useful please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven't already where i do lots more tech reviews software demos social media training to help you grow your business create content with ease and if you haven't got it already make sure you grab a copy of my youtube scripts so i've got these swipeable youtube script templates to help you create content on youtube really really quickly there's a free link they're free and you can download them by the link in the description or on the screen had a blast thanks everyone for joining me and i'll see you in the next live stream bye for now
Channel: Sara Nguyen
Views: 599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: descript tutorial, descript review, how to use descript, descript overdub, descript podcast review, descript app, descript video editing, how to use descript for podcasting, descript app review, descript software, descript transcription, what is descript, descript software review, descript for mac, descript video app, descript video editor, descript how to, record a podcast with descript, descript podcast, descript, is descript good, podcast editing software
Id: 3zF1X0XsJwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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