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Just watched the video and wanted to know if anyone has gotten the HPV vaccine and if 25 is too late to get it if haven't gotten it before.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Matur24 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2021 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
worst thing you can do for your skin is go tanning not only do they cause skin cancer but they also accelerate aging rapidly hi i'm dr maniv shah and this is skin support [Music] so at young forehead great username should you or shouldn't you pop your pimples i'm trying to settle a debate all right let's settle this debate right now anyone who follows me knows i am very much against popping your pimples they can lead to infections it can lead to scarring we have to think about what causes the pimple or where is the pimple in your skin in general it's actually stuck inside your hair follicle unit or basically inside your pore so this pimple is a little pus ball filled and stuck inside this pore now it's restrained there which is fine it's not going to cause any scarring at this point the second that you pop it you actually rupture that hair follicle and it damages the surrounding collagen because of all that inflammation so that's where you get scarring so definitely don't pop your pimples if you don't want scarring if you don't want that post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that sticks around forever there are so many good spot treatments out nowadays that eliminate your pimples pretty quickly without you having to pop them magumbo ink asked why is there no cure for hair loss i wish there was because everybody including myself suffers from hair loss we don't have an answer yet hopefully one day in my lifetime we will have an answer but all of our cells go through basically a programmed death cycle they can only live so long they're all meant to replicate a certain amount of times and then eventually die off and our hair cells are exactly the same way and once they die off you really can't get them back and so we have treatments in dermatology that can actually stop the hair loss process slow the hair loss process maybe get you a few hairs back but nothing that's a complete cure at this time hopefully one day we do but if we ever have a cell that were to continue to replicate forever and ever and never die off that's exactly what cancer cells do so we don't necessarily want that we need to find something in between that lasts long enough that we can produce hair shafts forever but not last long enough that it turns into a cancer rocking it for you asked how safe for tanning booths i used to go tanning all the time as a result of that i ended up developing skin cancer at the age of 31 when nobody in my family has ever had skin cancer and i went tanning probably over 100 times so we know the tanning booths are going to increase your risk of skin cancer we know that it's going to accelerate aging as a matter of fact you have uvb radiation and you have uva radiation now uvb radiation uvb b stands for bad that's the one that damages your dna and mostly causes skin cancer and then uva mostly causes aging well our tanning booths are actually mostly uva so not only do they cause skin cancer but they also accelerate aging rapidly so that's why people that use tanning beds often look much older than their age and so they're not safe they increase the risk of skin cancer and if there's one thing that i do on all my social media platforms and when i get on here and i talk to all of you is the worst thing you can do for your skin is go tanning cujo pd asked hey siri how do i get rid of genital warts probably not tweeting to everybody about your genital warts would be a good start uh genital warts are actually caused by the hpv or human papilloma virus and that human papilloma virus can cause cervical cancer in women and it can also cause penile cancer in men if you do have genital warts that's something you want to get treated and it's also something that you don't want to spread to other people especially your partner who could end up with cervical or penile or anal cancer as a result of that but once you have it we do have several ways to get rid of it including freezing them with liquid nitrogen and using other topical treatments like amiguamod which is a prescription medication and others that can get rid of them but i would have them treated and not try to spread them to other people but you have different types of hpv vaccines that are very effective at stopping you from getting this in the first place now the hpv vaccine is approved up to 45 but it probably has even benefit beyond that there's actually a new study that showed that up to 87 percent reduction in cervical cancer in women so it actually makes a huge difference if you get it and i actually recommend it highly to people especially at a young age to prevent getting hpv in the first place next up dr che had asked how the heck does accutane work goodness gracious so accutane is actually no longer on the market but i actually use that word still myself it's actually known as isotretinoin so isotretinoin is a vitamin a derivative but to understand how it works we have to go back to what causes acne in the first place so there's a few things that cause acne one your skin cells basically stick together too much and basically clog your pores two you have bacteria that's stuck in those pores clogging those pores three you have increased oil production that's trapped inside your pores and four all of that bundle creates inflammation so basically four main things that causes acne accutane or isotretinoin targets three out of those four very very effectively it decreases oil production decreases skin cell stickiness and decreases inflammation and is the number one best treatment for acne the problem is that it does have some side effects that we do need to monitor so it's not for everyone it's not the answer for everyone's acne but for people with really bad nodular cystic or scarring acne it is an absolute obliterating medication and life-changing medication for people that have acne next up we have gigi rimmon why does my skin break out when i have stress as if that won't stress me out more ah this is such a good question so when you have stress physiologically it actually causes you to break out this is actually something that's really well documented we have a hormone released from our hypothalamus called corticotropin releasing hormone and it actually acts on the sebaceous or sweat or oil glands within the hair follicles that actually causes acne so that stress hormone acts on your hair follicle to create the oil that causes acne that's like the worst thing ever right because you get stressed you break out you're stressed out more because now you have acne and it's just a vicious cycle and you can actually get in your own head and make your acne worse this is actually true for hair loss too that stress can cause hair loss or telogen effluvium and you can end up in this vicious cycle where your stress is actually making your hair loss worse i could just tell you like don't be stressed but i'm stressed myself so i don't really have a good answer for you but you know some meditation in the morning you know exercising can really get your mind off things and just stick with a regimen that works for acne and then that will help to improve it but i can't eliminate all stress in life i wish i could mini pulley me asked while we're talking about stuff like this is antiperspirant more dangerous than deodorant so good question and a lot of people just consider these two to be the same thing but they're actually very different so antiperspirants actually block equine sweat from happening so they basically occlude those ducts the other side you have deodorant which actually doesn't do that it just is basically perfume essentially for your armpits deodorants in general are gonna be considered to be safer because there is some risk that people speak of regarded aluminum if you talk to most dermatologists and most people in the scientific space they'll tell you that that risk is unfounded so there is some concern that aluminum can cause cancer right now that's unfounded so we definitely need more data now if you're someone who's concerned about this i think it's reasonable to just use deodorant now personally from my personal opinion it's not something that i'm worried about i always make my recommendations based on what i would recommend to my mom my sister my dad my wife based on my recommendations to my own family members i'm not currently worried about antiperspirants or aluminum-based deodorants that may change as more data comes out but if you are somebody who's concerned i think it would be reasonable to use deodorant that doesn't have the aluminum in it so sunshine r kayla asked okay i have a question skincare friends i've been having issues pretty consistently with breaking out on my cheeks just the lower part i haven't changed anything in my skincare routine but it's frustrating so this is a really good and common question hormonal acne can affect any part of the face but specifically we find that in women specifically in their 20s and 30s outside of those teenage years seem to develop acne along the jawline we don't necessarily know why this happens some people think it has to do with different receptors in the skin at these levels but we do know that people get hormonal acne specifically in this region the treatment over the counter is going to be identical so you're going to look for those acne fighting ingredients salicylic acid benzyl peroxide adaptolene or retinoids that's all you can do for it over the counter it's when you see a dermatologist that we're going to treat your hormonal acne different then we would treat other forms of acne so what we would essentially do is go after the hormones instead of going after other things that we usually treat acne with we instead go after the actual hormones and we give medications that regulate or normalize your hormone production to get you back into balance so room aesthetics asked why does skin wrinkle with age you have to think about volume so you have to picture yourself essentially as a grape so when you're young you're a grape when you get older you start to lose volume your volume starts to head in the direction of gravity and you develop wrinkles or you become essentially a raisin and the number two thing is movement now you have to picture yourself as a leather shoe when you get a brand new leather shoe it's got no creases in it but as soon as you start to move and walk it develops essentially a crease in it and that's what happens when we move the muscles in our face you develop wrinkles because of that so it's volume and movement and basically all the treatments that we have in dermatology aesthetics plastic surgery actually target one of these two things to eliminate wrinkles you got to ask yourself hey is this anti-aging cream actually gonna work for me it has to target one of these things it either has to stop movement which we don't really have any topical treatments that can really do that effectively there is a topical treatment called argireline that may have some benefits similar to botox to stop movement but beyond that we're thinking about how do we restore volume so the first thing you can do is protect your volume so one thing is to actually wear sunscreen we know that about 90 of the aging that happens to our skin is actually due to the sun and so by inhibiting the sun effect on the skin by using sunscreen that's going to do most of the work the other thing is you could try to build the volume that you lost by building the collagen and support structures in your skin the number one thing for that as far as topical creams is going to be your retinols or vitamin a derivatives smart solarium uk asked how dangerous is sunburn can one case of severe sunburn give you cancer so sadly yes in a way because the way that skin cancers are formed is basically a mutation in your dna must occur and that dna mutation leads to rapid replication of one cell so you really only have to get one bad cell for this all to happen and so a really bad sunburn could damage your dna to the point where you get an abnormal cell that does turn into a skin cancer now that is relatively uncommon but we do know that just a single sunburn during childhood can increase your risk of skin cancer by 50 anytime you get more sunburns it's going to be even worse for you so not just melanomas but you can also get squamous cell skin cancers basal cell skin cancers you can't reverse what you did in the past so you can't go back in time and stop your sunburns but what you can do going forward is wear sunscreen every day and really try to get shade when you're out in the sun at the beach coffeeologist asked what is the optimal spf that i should use on my face right now i have spf 15 but i'm not sure if it's protective enough perfect segway here so this is a common misconception because the fda actually recommends spf 15. spf 15 blocks about 93 of uvb radiation we find that that's really not enough in dermatology because people don't really apply it thick enough as they're supposed to from the american academy of dermatology we really recommend spf 30 or higher you don't need spf 100 but spf 30 to spf 60 is really going to get you there spf 15 is probably not enough when you get to spf 30 you get 97 coverage if you use thick enough of a layer jungle oh gop asked sos help i got a piercing around a month ago and i've developed an infection in the area what do i do crying face so this is july 15th so i'm hoping they're okay it's been a while hopefully they saw somebody um any type of infection if it's starting to spread or become painful or draining pus definitely see a doctor for this probably don't tweet unless the people tweeting back at you or saying to go see a doctor one of the things that you can do is just clean the area with soap and water clean the area with alcohol chlorhexidine or iodine any wound those are the best things to really clean it with so you can use a topical antibiotic ointment polysporin is a good option especially in the united states clean the area with soap and water if it really starts to get worse and you start to have fevers chills headaches or start to feel really ill that's when you want to see a doctor kc2sjm asked fact or crap wind burn can be more dangerous and last longer than a sunburn is this a fact or is it crap specifically when you talk about wind burn or sunburn this is actually a great debate in the dermatology community there are some dermatologists that don't even think wind burn exists they actually think that wind burn is actually just sunburn disguised as being in the cold windy times my opinion is a combination of both when it's windy and cold outside the humidity is down wind is blowing in your face your skin starts to crack and get dry and it weakens your skin barrier and this makes you more sensitive to the sun because now that top layer of your skin can't protect you from the sun so it's a combination wind low humidity plus the sun that actually causes wind burn the sunburn is actually more dangerous because it's damaging your dna and the wind burn may last longer because it just takes you longer for your skin to heal so it's a combination of the two actually guinot sw18 asks does your skin breathe and does it need to detox some people will say hey my skin's breaking out i need to give it a chance to breathe what the people are experiencing in that situation is that a lot of times their skin care products or makeup is actually making their skin worse they're using products that are clogging their pores or they're using products that are actually irritating their skin and by giving their skin a chance to quote unquote breathe their skin may get better as a result of that so no your skin doesn't physiologically breathe but giving your skin a breather from harsh products that are damaging your skin barrier may actually be beneficial for some people and we need to sweat because it eliminates heat from our body it regulates our electrolyte productions in our body but we don't necessarily need to remove toxins from our skin our kidneys and our liver do most of the job doing that our skin does very little job to detox our bodies our welsh makeup asked skin care question does anyone know why some moisturizers make my face feel sweaty a few seconds after applying it like not just a moisture layer but like i've been sweating when you're applying a moisturizer you're basically applying like a blanket to your face and that increased heat or suffocation of the skin could essentially cause you to sweat a little bit more moisturizers actually prevent water loss that's the main mechanism by which they work so if you start sweating and you apply a moisturizer it's going to trap that moisture that's coming out of your pores right into the skin and so you may actually be locking in your sweat and just feeling a little bit more than you probably normally would next up we have ted talk ideas and if they're supposed to last forever how does tattoo removal work what ends up happening with tattoo is that you're putting an ink underneath the skin essentially into the dermis layer of the skin and it basically sits there and that's what we see when we look at underneath the microscope we see these little particles of black or red dots sitting in that dermis layer of the skin we used to think that tattoos would last forever but then they invented laser tattoo removal how does it work is basically there's a specific laser beam that targets what we call a chromophore now chromophore is anything that absorbs light at a specific wavelength if you have black tattoo ink the laser will target that specific black tattoo ink and really nothing else and that's the chromophore that it's attacking and by hitting that with high power energy laser beam essentially explodes these into tiny little particles that your body's able to finally absorb and get rid of amelia chan asked why does my sister have asian flush but i don't you're luckier than your sister i suppose but it certainly is genetic to some degree so what ends up happening with asian flush or alcohol flush they drink alcohol and immediately they turn beet red and it's actually kind of painful for them it's very very uncomfortable so alcohol needs to be converted and metabolized to basically the inactive forms of it but what ends up happening is people with asian flush they have a mutation in their acetyl aldehyde dehydrogenase gene and that mutation makes it so that they can't break down acetylaldehyde so alcohol is you drink the alcohol it's converted to acetylaldehyde and then they're not able to break it down that acetyl aldehyde builds up in the body it causes tons of inflammation flushing redness pain throbbing sensation and actually people with a mutation in this particular enzyme or gene or increased risk of esophageal cancer when they drink because this acetyl aldehyde is actually really toxic to cells it's actually physiologically a dangerous thing to have asian flush and drink on at the same time so it doesn't exclusively affect the asian populations it happens to be more common in the asian populations because it's passed through essentially mitochondrial dna which is passed actually from the mom usually you inherit your mitochondrial dna from and so it is genetic it can happen in all populations it just happens to be more common in the asian population next up jonathan asked curious how you can spot skin cancer what does it look like and are there any symptoms like i was saying earlier skin cancer can kind of look like anything but the main thing that i would really want to warn everybody about is something called melanoma which is basically when a mole becomes abnormal and that's one of those dark or brown looking moles we actually do have a really helpful mnemonic for this and we call that the abcdes of melanoma a stands for asymmetry so if you were to take a mole and you were to lay it over on top of itself it was if it was asymmetric that would be one sign that it's not good b means basically the borders are jagged or abnormal c means that it has more than one color so it's not just one homogeneous same color brown but there's specks of black there's specks of brown there's specks of pinks that's abnormal you don't want that either d stands for diameter anything over six millimeters or the size of like a pencil head eraser head that's concerning as well and the last thing is e or evolving so any mole that's changing growing bleeding all of a sudden doesn't look the same as it did before that's something to look for and the last thing is actually become recently recognized in the literature what we call the ugly duckling sign so basically it's when you have one mole that just doesn't look like the rest of the moles on your body if you have any of those signs or symptoms you want to see a dermatologist immediately the depth of how deep that mold goes can be life-changing if it goes too deep it could have already spread if it's very shallow then we may be able to just remove it right in the office so not something to wait on everything else you can wait on if you have a pimple what have you but if you have an abnormal or changing mole that's not something you want to wait on libby asked can your lips get sunburned something about lip gloss at the beach seems dangerous you certainly can get sunburned on your lips as a matter of fact your risk of sunburn on your lips is actually higher than the rest of your skin because it doesn't have that protective top layer of the skin called the stratum corneum so it doesn't have as much protecting it as the rest of your body does and we do see skin cancers on the lips and when we remove them it can actually affect the function of your mouth and so a lot of people don't even think to put sunscreen on your lips but when you're at the beach especially if you're prone to getting sunburned you should really actually put on a sunscreen lip balm next up ex tinabee bb asked hen dermatology twitter give me some good skincare racks wearing an n95 all day has my skin breaking out and it's already a little oily at baseline sos yeah this is a big problem that i saw throughout the year is just mask related issues and that a lot of people contributed it to mask acne specifically but there was this other side of the coin that was mask irritation so just having that mask on your skin all day rubbing up against your face and also trapping moisture on your face was actually really irritating the skin so there's basically two different piles you can choose from if you have true acne and where your pores are clogged and you have inflammatory bumps on the skin i highly recommend not wearing makeup underneath your mask wear nothing under the mask that's actually going to clog your pores because if you do it's actually going to make acne worse another thing is you didn't have acne before so you may consider adding an acne treatment to your routine so something like adaptolene or salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide those are going to be your three top ingredients for treating acne over the counter consider adding one of them not all of them because that can make irritation worse now if you have irritation to the skin you're going to want to change your mask out frequently use softer masks maybe use fabric masks you know change up that regimen and then overnight moisturize use zinc oxide paste that help to repair the skin barrier so two different camps you have to pick which camp you're in and then target the treatment at that redbeard lull asked i have a pretty bad cracked heel from the bad skin should i go to a foot doctor or a dermatologist this is a good question because in medicine we always look at okay you have the heart doctor and they deal with the heart and then you have the kidney doctor and they deal with the kidney when truly our bodies are all one piece right so you have to really look at it from a holistic approach so you definitely have overlapping fields and so when it comes to foot care dermatology and podiatry definitely overlap so your foot doctor is your podiatrist i would prefer that you would see your podiatrist because i'm personally not not interested in seeing everyone's feet we definitely treat foot conditions and dermatology especially cracked feet you can definitely see a podiatrist will both treat you probably equally as well one of the things that i highly recommend for anybody that has that cracked dry feet so anything that has ammonium lactate or urea in it very effective at moisturizing and also exfoliating that thickened cracked heel all right that wraps it up i hope you learned something i know i learned something from all of your questions if you have more questions make sure to hit twitter and we'll see you next time
Channel: WIRED
Views: 3,897,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bed tan, derma, dermatologist, dermatologist explains, dermatologist pimples, dermatologist reacts, dermatology support, dr. muneeb shah, how to tell if skin cancer, muneeb shah, pimple popping, popping pimples, skin cancer signs, skin care, skin doctor, skin support, skincare, tanning, tanning bed, tech support skin, wired, wired pimples
Id: d-97pEeP0LY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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