Derivatives... What? (NancyPi)

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Hi, guys! I'm Nancy. And I'm going to show you what the derivative is, the definition of the derivative with the limits and how to find the derivative with the definition. And I'm going to show you all the important parts step by step so you won't miss anything. And I know that for some of you that may sound like a threat, but don't worry it's not that bad. I promise. Let me show you. So what is the derivative? Long story short it's a function that tells you the slope of the line tan gent to the curve at any point. It gives you the rate of change at any instant, the instantaneous rate of change at any point. And we're going to figure out the proper definition of the derivative with the limit. But if you just can't wait to use it to calculate the derivative, you can skip ahead and jump to the time in the description. Or you can go down this rabbit hole with us. But say you have a random curve. The derivative tells you the slope at any point on your curve, the steepness or rise over run - the slope. But really what it's telling you is the slope of the line tangent to the curve. So a tangent line is a line that touches at only one point on the curve. It skims the surface, grazes the curve and touches at only one point. And every point on your graph has a different little tangent line. So if the derivative's supposed to tell you the slope at each little tangent line, how can we know that slope if we only know one point for sure on each tangent line? And you know we need two points to find the slope. Very good question. We don't know how to do that yet. I mean if we had instead a straight-line graph a linear function like that, we would know the slope everywhere because you could pick any two points there, use the slope formula, get a number for slope and it would be the same everywhere that slope. You'd be done. But life is not that simple usually. Our graph is curved and the slope is changing everywhere. The tangent line is different everywhere. So how can we know the slope everywhere if it's always changing and we only know one point for sure on each tangent line? Like I said, we don't know how to do that yet. We are not that sophisticated yet. But we can figure it out from things that we do know and we can make the actual definition or formula for the derivative. OK, so for the derivative if we want to know the slope of this tangent line at any point call it x we can start with what we do know the good old slope of the straight line between two points. Pick a second point somewhere on the curve and draw a straight line through. And we know how to find the slope of a straight line with the old-fashioned slope formula, which is a throwback to middle school probably. So finding the slope between two points has come back to haunt you. But you have to know your points. So let's label them. If this second point is some distance away horizontally, let's call that distance h, then this point has an x coordinate that is h more than x or x + h. We want the actual points the x, y pairs. So for this point, for the x, y pair, the x coordinate will be x. And the y coordinate we'll call f(x) which just stands for the y value that the function will give us. So that's that point. And for this other point, for the x, y pair, the x coordinate will be not x but x + h. And the y coordinate will be not f(x), but f(x) + h. And just humor me. This is all going somewhere. We have two points, which is great, because we can use those two points in the slope formula that you know and love. OK, so here's the slope formula it's the rise over run or vertical change over the horizontal change. It's y2 - y1 all over the x2 - x1. So let's use that for our two points. OK, so this is the slope we found for the secant line. I did some simplifying and you could cancel 'x's in the bottom but this is the slope and it ended up being the difference in the 'y's over the horizontal difference, the h. So it's the slope of the secant line. And it's also known as the difference quotient if you hear that because it's a quotient of differences. Very original name. This is the slope of the secant line. And we are halfway to the derivative so bear with me. So we are almost to the derivative. And we would be there. We would be done if we had a straight-line graph. A linear function, then this slope we found would be right everywhere. It would be enough. But we don't have that we have a curved graph. And the straight line secant slope that we found it's actually an okay approximation for the slope at that point x. It's a rough estimate. And that's a big part of calculus is estimating something nonlinear with something linear. So it's a rough estimate, the slope we found. And it's not great but it's decent. But let's not settle for decent. We don't want an approximation of the slope here. We want the exact slope, the real slope there and not some wonky approximation between it and some point nearby. No, we can make it exact if we close in on x by narrowing h to zero and picking a right point that is closer and closer to the left so that the horizontal distance gets smaller and smaller. And the closer those two points are together the more accurate our estimate is for the slope at that point. And we can make it perfect if we make h so small - make h infinitely smaller by taking the limit as h approaches zero. So we're going to do a better and better approximation until it's spot on. So the secant line becomes the tangent line as this point shifts toward x. By the time it's the same point as x, this line is accurate. It's the tangent line slope. So the secant line becomes the tangent line. The slope of the secant line becomes the slope of the tangent line. In other words, the limit of the secant slope is the tangent line slope when it's only touching at one point. And so this limit is the slope of the tangent line. And surprise, surprise that limit also defines the derivative. This is the definition of the derivative. So we have finally arrived at the definition of the derivative. So this is the definition of the derivative. When that limit exists, this defines that that's the derivative. And this notation you just read as f'(x). It just means the derivative of f. Also I should say because that slope, tangent line slope, can be always changing in different places - it's variable. It can be variable and that's why the derivative is a function. It is itself a function just like the original function also a function. Just to reiterate the derivative tells you the slope everywhere - how steep, rise over run, slope, slope number, at the risk of sounding like a broken record derivative is basically slope. And to be honest this might not really click and make sense until you see it used in something like physics where if you're looking at something moving in time, the position changing in time, a curved graph would mean that the slope is always changing. The velocity is changing and not constant because there's an acceleration. Whereas if you had a straight-line graph, the slope would be the same everywhere because the velocity is not changing because there's no acceleration. But anyway, this is the definition of the derivative. Now the question is.. how do you use it? OK, so say you have to find the derivative using the definition of the derivative or by the limit process, this is what you use. You use the definition of the derivative but for your f(x) - whatever you're given. So to find the derivative f'(x) it's going to be equal to the limit as h approaches zero. That's there out front. Limit as h approaches zero. And then we fill in this part of the formula. f(x) + h means take your f, and in place of x, you use x + h, like all of x + h in place of x everywhere x appears. So let's do that. The f(x + h) part... which looks like this 3 times (x + h)^2, instead of x^2, plus 12. Then you subtract f(x), but you're subtracting all of f(x) just as is however the f(x) looks, but make sure you use parenthesis when you do the subtraction so you get the right signs. So we have minus all of f(x). And then it's all over h in the formula. Now we can just do some algebra and simplify. OK, so here's all the work to find the derivative. Our answer was 6x but in the work, I foiled. I distributed. I factored. I canceled terms. At one point I factored out an h so that it would cancel with the bottom h. And in the end I took the limit. And I was able to take the limit by plugging in zero for h. And I got 6x which is a beautiful, simple result after all that work in algebra. The derivative is just 6x. f'(x) is 6x. What that means is that the derivative of this function 3x^2 + 12 is just 6x. And anywhere in that function f, the slope would be the number you get by using 6x at any instant, any x. The slope is what you get from 6x at that instant. So that's how you find the derivative using the definition with the limit. Just remember that... that's the only tricky part is that this part f(x) + h means that instead of x, you use x + h. So all of x + h in place of x. And at this point, I should say, just FYI, as a public service announcement, this way with the definition and the limit is good and all. It's correct and illustrative, but in reality, it's pretty tedious. It's a lot of extra algebra and in practice, that's not really how most people take derivatives. So if you're taking a lot of derivatives, all this extra algebra is, what's the word... a disaster. And there's a faster, simpler way. And if nothing explicitly says you have to find it using the definition or by the limit process, you can use the derivative rules, which are a faster, simpler way. Much less extra algebra. And I have a video on how to find the derivative with the derivative rules. So you can jump to that for that explanation. So I hope that helped you understand the derivative. I know calculus is exactly what you want to be doing right now. It's OK. You don't have to like math... but you can like my video! So if you did, please click 'Like' or subscribe.
Channel: NancyPi
Views: 661,254
Rating: 4.9434986 out of 5
Keywords: derivatives, calculus, derivative definition, limit definition, difference quotient, derivative, differentiation definition, differentiation, derivative rules, definition, differentiate, find the derivative, limit definition of derivative, first derivatives, calc, what does derivative mean, definition of derivative formula, what is a derivative, secant line, instantaneous rate of change, slope of tangent line, precalculus, khan, patrickjmt, how to, intro, how do you, math, help, nancy, nancypi
Id: -ktrtzYVk_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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