Derail Valley - 800T Steam Haul

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I go school here and welcome to another derail Valley video now in this video I thought we'd do a bit of a challenge I thought would try to hold something very very heavy and use the steam train to do it and also attempt to haul it out of a place that is quite hilly so what we've decided to do is take a job from the coal mill up to the steel mill sorry the coal mine up to the steel mill the coal mine actually if you're looking it on a map is located in the top right the corner you need to set up a little blue squiggly thing and this track as it as it leaves the coal mined it climbs very very steeply and actually the gradient increases as it goes along and then just before it makes a left turn there it starts to level out now on route to the steel mill we will have to negotiate quite a Hailie descent which brings its own problems which is obviously down to breaking and not derailing because if you follow this line out of here on the map as you make that left turn there and you go to the north side of the oil well you can see that it spirals down through a tunnel and then we've got a head down to the middle map which is where the steel mills located so we've got a couple of challenges on our hands not least of which because this particular cargo I can select it is 800 tonnes the Train mass is 800 tonnes which is you know I've seen people say they've really really struggled to get this out of here they've not been able to do it they've tried three times there are some tricks that you need to employ in the steam train in order to make it hold this kind of mass there one of them is just down to momentum in other words getting a bit of a run up onto this hill making sure you've got an adequate speed and then the next thing basically involves getting the maximum power out of the engine which involves opening the vents underneath which blows air into the fire which causes the temperatures it goes up and it produces more power but it also means you're going to be shoveling coal like a madman so you know as we get up there it gets pretty busy once we reach the top oh and we'll probably need to deploy sound as well because there won't be enough traction friction on the on the rails to to keep this thing going it's tricky it is tricky there's no us about that once we make it to the top things calm down we close the vents and then we bake our descent down and making it descent down is all about negotiating speed it's about keeping the momentum to a point where the train doesn't derail I mean the game does call itself derail Valley for a reason you know this thing we will derail if you learn it too first thing we need to do is we need to ratify the job but if I do that it will start the clock so what I'm gonna do is get the Train all fired up and warmed up and then let's just check all the points we shall make sure the points are set so we can that's gonna go in bar that's find reverse we're gonna come forward here and then we're gonna reverse back that way so that's gonna go left that looks fine yeah I think it looks like correctly left left and then right that's fine so let's jump into the actual loco and we'll start the fire up get our ship we'll go in and we'll start loading up the old coal here now I've heard I've not I've still not tried this gaming video but I have heard that in VR this is actually quite tricky which just surprised me because I mean it is a bit finicky in with the mouse you can see if you don't click on the right place and trust me when you're furiously trying to you know throw coal into this thing and look out the window and see where you're going and you know everything else it gets a little bit messy so let's let's cloak not let's open that because we're gonna need to get our light around get the lights out now it would have helped if I'd have actually lit the lighter before I did that that would indeed help there we go so we'll close that and what we'll do is we'll open this thing here this is the blower and the blower is useful can we hear it anyway the blowers use for one was stationary because it helps blow air over the fire which builds up the temperature a little bit quicker which is nice normally when it gets to about 400 or so that's when you'll be able to get something out of that which means you've got some steam pressure going to steam pressures here of course we'll need to open the water valve so fire out the injector that's the injector now a little trick for you a couple of things from my previous steam video there we go what we'll do is we'll fill that up a couple of things right so as some of you pointed out the engine actually or rather the boiler actually has a release valve on it so you don't actually need you don't need to mess around with the steam valve here can you hear the blower see gives you like an audible closure it's actually a blowing you see the temperature coming back down now one trick you can employ so you'd only talk about that we'll leave that closed if it reaches maximum if it gets to to high pressure it'll just vent itself anyway but what you can do is you can leave the water valve this thing you can just leave it open a little bit and it will basically trick or water into the boiler which means you don't have another thing you have to keep worrying about another thing that you have to know shoveling coal you're looking out the window you're trying to negotiate there you don't have to keep looking around over here and just adding water and all the rest of it it's one less thing that you can just effectively automate now we've got enough steam pressure so we can basically put the reverser if you like into forward now remember about this reverser top and bottom and more power and the middle is more speed if you actually refer to the manual it's this thing here it shows you on the manual thing there you go at the bottom of the page there so the the cuts office it's called if you've got it in forward position it means maximum power middle position means maximum speed now that's important because as we climb out of here we're going to want to pick up some speed on this bit so we're gonna want it in the middle position but as we start to climb as the gradient increases we're gonna have to increase the power which is going to increase the torque to the wheels which will also introduce slippage on the wheels at which point we need to throw the sand down now it's all you about the vents this is the lever here as we do start making a climb we will need to open the vents to get more power at that point the fire will burn quicker and hotter and we'll be shoveling coal all day which reminds me that's quickly yeah that's the bell to remind me that we need to put more coal in now one last thing we need to do is move the train over and then we can go on ratify the job and we can get going so release the brake why some the regulator don't forget the speed gauges down here so you want to watch that the speed gauges is pretty critical in this particular one because obviously if we go too quickly like above mark 20 or 30 or so going downhill and will derail the whole walk I think 20 is a safe speed on the descent it's quite a long descent but if you get a little bit impatience and pick up too much speed it's just game over okay do it brake switch to the flip over so it's going back the other way jump back in stick it in reverse release the brake open the regulator now level account this slide Shimon we got all our points set correctly we should find ourselves hooking it left zone and then we should be on right turn just before we hook up I'm going to stop the train and we'll go and get the job picked up and then we can reverse into it although we'll check on the water in a second just to make sure that it's you see again a little bit balancing then don't do that I see notice the waters fully topped up which means the waters doing its thing there's maximum pressure in the boiler what you see our vents so we don't need to worry about that it's got an automatic dump system but that will do for now let's just quickly run down to the station here we'll get stumped take the job on and then the clock will start ticking okay this is a job you once validate we don't need to worry about that thing it's just the time 40 odd minutes is what it reckons it should be but what we will do is I'm pretty certain this is the job that I've just lined up on but will or double check I'm lost where am I there we go over the top of the hill it's easy to lose where you are in this thing let's go see the other side if you can so these are c BK oh oh 9 c BK 0 0 and if we look at this whole nine Sue's there was a zero so that's fine it's the right amount of cars the right serial numbers release the brake I'm just gently looking for about five K's something like that no more than ten enough to connect not too much to cause damage okay just take the brake on okay right let's concentrate we're gonna open it up try and get some momentum going so we're gonna put the opening regulator without causing wheel slips got to be careful and then we're gonna bring the cuts off back open the Reg a bit more cuts off back a bit more so it starts to build up a little bit of speed just be careful through this point switch that we don't derail if you want to coach just knock off on the your regulator bar so you don't want to go too fast because they're still going through that Junction but it's important to just keep the momentum going it's a bit more regulator alright looks like you're clear alright let's try and open her up a bit now we're watching for will slip we're gonna listen for the grande sound all the while is going to manage this this is war it gets very very hectic especially when this thing doesn't want to click Brooklyn let's close the go on that it's a little bit faster okay I'm gonna go for maximum top speed now as we start to pick up momentum within 40 KS now some point we're gonna have to start bringing that into the forward position we're gonna have to open this Vince right now let's just try and keep the momentum going that is gonna start to climb down shortly does this gradient increases here you can see it though returned White's over this bridge but we're holding 40 right now so were all good Jack everything's good at the back looks likes it so click open now the speeds coming down we're gonna open that vents which is like a turbo button on this thing and you can hear the engine started to struggle to get more torque out of it and while we've got a little bit of down time we're gonna very quickly start shoving small coal because this thing will be swallowing coal right now I'm gonna go for maximum torque come on click in-law shut that caller pressures good started to struggle we've got maximum power maximum torque this is all she's got so if she can't do it she can't do it listen out for wheel slip I don't hear any book we'll drop a bit of sand down just to make sure we've got the friction the speeds coming down we're on maximum power there's nothing else we can do not hearing we'll slip what we've got we know the engines gonna struggle here we're pretty much at its limit that's fine the important thing is just keep this thing fed keep momentum but you can see without opening this vent here this would not make it but you would not have enough power but as it stands with the momentum we've got and with the extra boost we're just about able to get it over this hill but it is so touching going this is why people really struggle with them you see that how quickly the coals going down it's unbelievable it just swallows coal like you need two people in this in this cab really you need one person just shoveling coal and the other person governing the engine and looking out now the speeds picking up as you can see which is great it means we've got through the worst part of the gradient so I'm just gonna back off slightly not much I just want to keep that speed under control don't want to speed to one you want you want to be in control of the speed you don't want the speed to be control of you as then you don't want to be losing out and momentum and you don't want too much momentum to pick up because both are really bad one will just stop you dead and you can't he'll start raised then the other one will lead you dear a link so it's just about controlling the speed if you ever get a free few seconds use it now the will stubborn you hear that as we took that bend you could hear all that will stop coming in and that caused us to lose quite a bit of speed so I threw the sand out and we've got it back under control now this is what we're gonna have to negotiate the turn it levels out the speed will pick up very quickly you want to close the vents back off on the regulator because we're about to start going downhill but just remember that when you're here all that cargo behind you is still on the gradient okay I'll do close that now probably close this turn the sand off back off on the rag and now we're in such controlling the speed the other way which is the descent so we're at 40 which is gonna cruise for a second waters good it's no time for checking : fortunately but we don't need much coal down here I'm gonna apply the brake now because picking up too much speed just be careful that you don't arrest too much of the momentum going down here I just want to keep it under control there's no points to worry about at this particular point it's back off on the brake as we're losing so much speed well we've got a spare second guess what we're going to do I'm going to shovel a bit of coal in LA we don't have to watch what we're doing for a second I can hear the speed picking up so I'm gonna back off hit the brake get it under control I'm looking for like no more than 30 absolutely no more than 30 because the brake is constantly on that white you're probably looking at 20 to be safe down here it's just back off the street a bit more there we go now just got to find the right brake setting so mate to keep the speed consistent and I'll just have a quick look at the map while we're here so you can see where we are we've got a point change coming up potentially as we start turning right now if you have a look out the side of the Train just have a look how the carriages of behavior if you see them starting to kind of violently move around it's a good clue that you're going too quickly but I think under 30 I think is manageable okay now we're gonna have to set the points to a right turn if they're not that's already so that's another thing we have to watch out for the good thing is at this point we are not burning coal very much so we don't have to keep spamming coal just making up speed a bit you don't see got to keep your eye on pack it kind of reminds me of an old trains have got very little to do with planes but it reminds me of when you fly airspeed is everything it reminds me of the same that's second correctly set that's a white signal set point sense you should say yeah you know particularly when you're flying and you're coming in on the approach and stuff your airspeed is critical you got to keep your ear on speed under control and it's no different here you've got to keep that ground speed under control route 30 and the trend is upward so I'll just put a bit more break online see it trending upwards there's trending back down now can ask it now I know it in a future update they're gonna be putting speed limit signs up on the track and I think I've really welcomed that because right now a lot of this is is guesswork in a way you know yeah it's just look out the window almost and decide what kind of speed you think you can get away with and it's very very hard very hard this is discern gradient you can't feel it you have very little visual feedback on whether you're going up or down just watch the speed because it's this thing it's trending downwards now as we'll back up on the brake so this bit must be flattening out we'll just kill the brake a second so I've got no brake now I just want to get a feel for whether we're going down on all looks like they are trending upwards so chub right back in keep it under control don't it to go more than 30 quick look at the map and you can see where we are now this is a long spiral clockwise spiral descent down to the junction goes through a couple of tunnels same with the speed okay that's going up once again get it back under control add the gradient pick it up I was about to put some more coal in it just reminded me anyway so we are still burning coal of course like with the other fire doesn't stop ids lost something for combustion just backs off and you stop using fuel with it with this setup the fire just keeps on raging okay so this is my preferred although this gives us a better view of the track my preference is always to stay where the speed is tell the water takes care of itself and we don't need to worry about the pressure the temperature is good if the temperature comes down you can just drop that and it will it'll give you a boost which we just saw a bore my preference is always to be on this side of the of the engine just so that we can keep on that because that is critical and so far everything's go and want so far famous last words such more break I think the gradients going quick look at the map you'll see the crossover point if you look down here the track effectively kind of loops through this mount and it comes back around though you go who's kind of back around on itself just kind of cool and also crunches off that way touch more break now you can probably do 40 on this stuff like this bit here is quite a straight section so strictly speaking we could allow the train to pick up speed but I am always super cautious because you know I've done this and I've had it you just get to a bend and buh it's all over and once it derails it is all over now we've got a time limit but frankly safety I think is more important as long as I've got a decent pace you know a little stop or anything okay backing off on the brake backing off on the brake okay we've got no brake down that's all so we're kind of at a flat spot yeah there's the tractor so Mike on the brake again you know what if you just do this in real life imagine what it's like when you go into a tunnel and you've got all the combustion all the smoke the soot and it's just coming out that stack in front of you and then it's just you're driving straight through it basically I imagine that gets quite nicely I'd still love to do it though I honestly I would still love to have a girl with like a heritage steam train I think it'd be so much fun I know it takes a long time to train for a woman and if you want to be a driver of one of those things they have on a massive waiting list late you pretty much have to wait for somebody to retire or pass away before you can even get in the driver's seat you've got to work your way up through all the other menial jobs you know you can st. like 10 years just to become the driver but you can also pay just to have like to go it like somebody take you out for speeds picking up breaks so I'm just you can't see it but I'm just looking at that speed needle and you know just increasing or decreasing the brake just to keep that speed at roundabouts 30 just micro adjustments really and whilst it seems to be quite steady though and there will be a good time what they keep the coal going once we exit the the descent listen to the engine as well you can hear what's going on like I could hear the speed decreasing take take the audible Clues once we once we get through this descent here but won't be coming that way by the way it's a different God was gonna say oh yes once we get through all those descent the actual rest of the route from the roughly the junction that we're gonna hits all the way towards a steel mill can be flat but if I remember speed if I remember there's a bit of a climb up to the steamed milk steel mill and that's why you can get caught out the most is like a decline is not so bad it just means I need to stick some brakes on got an incline if you didn't build them immense enough before the incline that can be a real issue and I guess that's a bit of map knowledge I hope they put some signs out at some point to show you that you know an ink lines come in and you know even if it said what the gradient was even that would be helpful yeah from from a driver's perspective it should be a relatively boring journey it sounds ridiculous but like right now everything is calm and under control and that's kind of how we want it really again better spare time just do the things that need to be done you never know and it's gonna be a bit of panic they're backing off on the break month so about halfway around the circuit there's no brakes on and the speed seems to be stable and not trending to either white I'm gonna bring the foots off back to speed because I'm just gonna bring a little bit of regulates and we're actually losing speed so I'm just gonna wake up a little bit of power it kind of feel like we're slamming our here okay back off the regulator so we're going again it's all nice and sunny I look forward to when they bring the weather into this - loud the speed to build up a little bit here because it's quite it's relatively straight so we'll just cruise down through here check the map map showing that we're gonna come up to some points pretty soon so although we don't need to switch the points in any way we don't want to go to smashing through them either we'll just keep it maybe 35 I do like the challenge of this game it must admit I do like the fact that you've got all this kind of management to do can be a handful and there is a bit of a learning curve to it but I like that I here's the points we don't need to worry about tell me if you come in the other way okay just bring the speed down a little bit because this is a turn here looks like it's earning dissents I'm just gonna apply some more brake so quite a shot so any dissent yeah that you see that would easily catch you out if you're not worried about like if I wasn't looking out the window paying attention bring the speed because I could hear the carriages starting to bash I don't if you heard that funking sound but when you hear that funky sound it means you're very close to the railing keep at roundabouts 20 take it nice and steady through okay little bit of power show the brakes are off suddenly got very busy with our England that I couldn't see so yeah that that pretty much caught me out which is what can Apple we've still got a good pressure but that pretty much caught me out laughs because it went from a very sharp descent and then it flattened out and it immediately sort of picks up into a climb but she's weird cuz it's a spiral decline so that was very odd but we didn't completely lose momentum which is the important thing it's gonna back off a little bit you later don't lie to me please I cannot speed again yeah talk about tricky like that initial Bend that started that we could easily derailed it turned very sharply and descended very quickly and he could have derailed us I think 20 was probably a safe speed through though so quite look at the map you can see we're coming up some points that we're gonna have two left Turner so we want to go through the points like definitely under 30 20s you safe speed safe we've got speed under control not too close to the points now's a good time to quickly take the opportunity just in case is a climb after it okay back on the brakes speeds picking up now it's it get ready with the remote signal because as soon as I think we come out of this tunnel they'll be pretty close to the points yep there it is you see how close that was like seriously okay speed him to control that can really catch well not only to switching the points but having so much momentum to go through them brakes are off little bit of powers coming in easing it Chapman mark max has been gone the right way back off on the regulator's just cruise at 20 through though remember the back of the Train is going through the whole points at the moment so I'm gonna keep that speed but a break just keep that speed down it would be kind of nice if we could see so that just that marker if we can actually see roughly worth like if it drew the whole length of the Train of the map that we kind of Andy now we've got a letter right turn coming up at the oil well which means possibly another points change ok the games just throw me up there it's reading that's the weird oddities that it does don't like it in those thunking sins back off from the regulator quickly friends in coal come on game don't frame like okay brakes are going through faster put them up check all right some to the naked eye it kind of looks like it's going downhill slightly it also looks like a very short band so I'm gonna bring the speed down I can hear the carriages jostling which is a bad sign so we'll just bring it down to sort of 20 ish I don't know if they fixed the bug in the flatcars there was a bit of a bit of an issue with the flatcars being very unstable and if they fix them nice steady speed quick map check the girls will not let a junction yet brakes the fully released and breaks it on back on yeah we're still gonna decline I'm just gonna keep the speed this is walking okay right now the antenna mast up on top of that hill one quick mark check we've got a left turn then we're going to be looking for that Junction a fairly stable just releasing the brakes a little bit I hope this is I hope this is helping in some way this video I'm sure there's a large majority of you've already mastered the whole thing and probably gonna be posting comments telling me that I can go quicker and etc but is expect there's also quite a number of youth really struggled with this and this may be helping explain just how to manage this situation because it isn't literally about managing the situation particularly that climb and then the descent there seems to be relatively calm right now check to the map okay signals coming up want to come on up you should say okay that's that's already switched correctly so yeah lesson 25 through the points I aim for now I think not these points but the next ones I think after that you see when it crosses the river and that I think that straight section after the river if I remember that's a straight climb but we need to have momentum going at that point I think I've only been on the ones perhaps twice but I've got a feeling Atlantic line I kind of feel like we're left with an hour here I'll turn the brakes off just to see for actually losing speed and I think we are so I think we're already leveling hell yeah I'm just gonna bring a little bit of regulator in set for maximum salt that's fine just look here for a steady speed really as more and more of the carriages go from gradients of flats we have to compensate by adding more power because gravity is not helping does it stop pushing us down anymore so we've got to start picking up the slack so far so good but yeah if there was some maximum speeds published like particularly on the points and stuff it would greatly help okay we're looking for a right and switch I think yeah that's gonna a sec right before us let's worry about that one there's a relatively straight better track and then it turns rights over the river and then sharp left for the climate thing let me pick up litter speed here I don't see how sharp the right is the right sound looks like a long right and then a sharp left is what it looks like I think maybe like I can probably do 30 through here no more to slow down for the left-hand what I don't want to do is get cocky at this stage and start rushing it and then just derail the whole thing but toot how many other locos are gonna add its this game because like the internals at weight obviously they're gonna operate the same way but all the levers and dials and if they're all going to be different to each model different places and stuff and the whistle of course is gonna sound different yes this is the right turn right here the carriages jostling so I think we're okay from that point of view just watch out for this left so for quick look at the job it's a hole into the steel mill and uncouple it's a ten by ten steel pre-selected this is the ML I ten is on the right right so if you're coming in from the Northeast it's the second left okay we are coming up to a sharp turn but we don't know how sharp it really is so God decide what speed to go around it out I'm gonna back off and say we're gonna go at like 30 I'll bring about a breaking I'm gonna say thirty maximum I've got to be careful about killing our speed when we're not going downhill just get your speed back is tricky - trending of winsome okay it's not quite as sharp as it looked on the map but a safe and sorry isn't even really on the map is it I'm gonna start accelerating now because I think we're gonna have to climb that's just going off memory in any event it's quite a straight piece attracting their self and because of roller cuts off back up to speed remember to pick up a bit yeah already got it bro already go to there's something in beside my head is like a mental alarm clock it knows when let's flick to the map this feels a bit like a client well it's a slow left than a slow right and then we're going to start thinking about the steel mill entrance which given that we look to this so we're coming in from the bottom of the map there because that's in north east entrance so we don't want the first left we want the second left in media try for I think too much over 60 hates it when it is the scenery loading jump and 40 because this curve is a little bit show bring the power back in and hold it for today yeah that looks very tearing like an ink lines in there if I could climb up to the steel mill I think so we'll just keep that momentum 50-story listening to what the wheels are doing okay it's struggling at the brakes you could hear it jangling around you don't want that 50 was too much 40 seems to be comfortable okay there's the junction or the point disjunction get the gas on keep it under control nothing's a switch on the points side of it yep okay there's appears to be some kind of climb coming in let's get it salt back on yeah look we just got caught out by the gradient that we couldn't see it made a very sharp left turn and then immediately climbed and that's killed momentum it's important to just detect it happening and get it under control quickly maximum talk get the power in get the sand down get it back under control and the points are coming up I'm just gonna let it cruise now I'm going to quickly have a look at the Junction's so we've got to ignore the first one go on to that station map then take the next left so back off or back let's just cruise in now so it's not this one it is that lot of thing the girl writes here we go left bar and then we go immediately right so that should be set for i-10 I believe I'm just gonna head brakes cause I don't want to go in through these points to put them a little bit cold framed sometimes looking for the Sun this is i-10 might send there we go so we're on the i-10 it's just a matter now of where we stopped well steal a look at this attention to one the back of the train stops going through that give us a clue or there you go that's the last carriage though that's now just entering i-10 so you can probably stop down here and then go on get paid jobs are good and right okay back off on the regulator not maximum brains just enough to start to bring it to the stop all the trots off bank maximum break was the pressure valve steamed dumpling L that is why when you see steam trains pulling at the station you always see that is the basically steam dumping looks like the station where's the entrance okay finally data okay 43 minutes bonus time we did it in 89 minutes which is a complete or not to lie how could we possibly have done it in 89 minutes the video is only 60 minutes so far so that's a lie but still we got paid some money why are you still beeping I think to actually take my cash I suppose that's far drop the wad and take a look at that 47 grand get in so let's see base 25k bonus time nothing no damage to anything at all so yeah we did get any bonuses but we got paid I mean 25 grand to do that I'd do that for 25 grand on you and there we go that is how you haul 800 tons up an incline and manage it going through a decline and through points and stuff I hope that video has helped you in some way or at least been interesting but yeah really fun challenging gamer I really enjoyed that hope you did too give me a thumbs up if you did sub if you're not subbed until the next one take care guys happy training
Channel: Squirrel
Views: 406,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulator, gameplay, commentary, walkthrough, tutorial, asus, derail valley, train simulator, train sim, train sim world, vr, virtual reality, htc vive, oculus rift, wmr, steam train, locomotive, old school trians, realistic
Id: -o75rJZ0P6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 59sec (3299 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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