Depression and the Three Ages of the Brain - Dr. Harry Barry

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firstly thank you all very much for coming out tonight and I'm going to try and discuss with you tonight depression the three ages of the brain which is which is an area which I'm very interested in how how we changed throughout our lifetime so I'm going to explain what the three age of the brain are I'm going to go through what is major depression and a brief review of its treatment and then I'm going to have a discussion really on the differences in the causes presentation and treatment throughout these three phases because I think in some ways we forget a depression is a condition which can affect us at different stages of our lives for different reasons so just a brief tour the brain some people who may have heard me talk before so bear with me but this is just give you an idea of how the brain works well the brain is around a billion neurons and about nine billion helper cells so we have each neuron is attached to each other but there are the most extraordinary connections between them all between around 40,000 and the million connections sometimes in one year and to multiple other neurons so the brain is up to fifty to one hundred two hundred trillion connections so sometimes I think we human beings take our brains for granted this is one most extraordinary and plastic organs that we have and in some ways the number of connections is almost beyond our comprehension so it isn't it's no wonder that we get into difficulties at varying times in our lives now these keener ons form key pathways and these pathways traverse our brain performing all the crucial activities of our lives but from from our purpose we're really interested in those connected to mental health and there are the connections between our emotional and logical brain and the key thing is our brain has the ability which we call neuroplasticity which is to expand or shrink to number of connections which in turn can change the pathways and it's this magical plasticity which is present throughout our whole lives which is how we change our thoughts emotions and behavior so it's really really important in terms of of how we function and it's really important to understand that this process is going out through all of our lives particularly to the three ages of the brain and this is a key thing urines that fire to get a wire together in other words the more often we do something the stronger the connections in our brain get so for example if we get very anxious the more anxious we get the more the connections get stronger so they get stronger and stronger and stronger so that's why we get into difficulties neurons that fire were that far apart wire apart so in other words the less we use of something the less air the weaker it gets so for example if we begin to get some assistance in dealing with panic attacks for example we can suddenly find that these parties are beginning to weaken and suddenly were not having as much trouble at all use it or lose it is an absolutely key thing in other words the brain is only interested in in practical everyday of stuff so if we're not using stuff for a long period of time then we begin to it begins to drop away in pathways get quite a week so that this is a key thing that the mind is a function of the living brain and we all have an emotional and logical brain and an emotion logical mind and those psychological illness are due to a breakdown of communication between these two brains so this in some ways is the most important slide we'll see tonight as you can see you have a logical brain at the front and an emotional brain in the middle so the logical brain is situated at the front of the brains called the prefrontal cortex and makes up around 1/3 of the brain this is our rational logical problem-solving part of the brain it helps us to be creative to analyze situations and plan situations heating it's in charge of our emotions and behavior very important it's in charge of our behavior because any self impulsive self-destructive suicidal thoughts or behavior come from this part of the brain and it's crucial as well in all our social relationships and in empathy which is how we relate to another or emotionally so you can see the emotional brain is in the middle of the brain it's in charge of our stress system it has a key function in how we process emotion store all emotions particularly the negative ones like anxiety depression but also ones like a joy it's crucial in the creation storage and retrieval of memories so it's very disparate of the brain a part it is part of the brain when it goes down is why we get Alzheimer's and it's involved in how we enjoy food sex and our code and I always say our young people are experts in this practice part which are always bigger yeah I think I think it's this is a really important one here because if you notice the arrow coming from the emotion brain Bracton logically brain is bigger than in Reverse so many assume that our logical brain is more powerful than our emotional brain but in real life and in practice for me when you're a scientist went in and examined the connections between neurological brain and affirm that the connections were much much stronger going one way coming from emotional brain backwards than in Reverse so this is really key to our lives because our lives are ruled more by emotion than by logic and every decision we make is is kind of a combination or a balance between the two and a very nice example of that is it's it's 3:00 in the morning and the young person is is 20 years of age and they're they're out with a girlfriend it's flog and rain howling wind freezing cold they don't work on them and their logical mind is saying for God's sake will you go home and get hello it is so you're going to get pneumonia then you're emotionally and what to hit their emotion - in Alan were and I always said today is stop saying the more I'm leaving Ireland okay and so I think it's it's key that our emotions will regularly overrule our logical brain so when we're well these two parts of our brain are in harmony but when we run well and this is where we get into difficulties emotions can overwhelm the logical bread and the tactically example is depression another one is anxiety particularly panic attacks and third one is suicide and one of the ways in which our emotion logical brains are connected because they have to talk to each other or two through three mood cables which are almost like little telephone cables running up between the emotional logical brains and we all hear about serotonin all the time and at a 1-billion urines less than fifty thousand neurons belong to our serotonin cables so actually a very small number even though we hear about it all the time we hear nothing but serotonin in practice very small amount of neurons are actually part of this cable but it's a crucial one because involving our mood sex sleep appetite impulsive behavior so when this goes down for example we get more impulsive and more self-destructive our noradrenaline cable is crucial for energy sleep driving concentrations so you'll see later why these are important and our dopamine system isn't is involved in our whole sense of of food sex and anti gas it gives a pleasure it's also key by the way in young people in how they learn so male versus female brain this is really really important the there are fundamental differences between boat and they're actually set up in the womb so before you even begin the the brain is actually been already moved into either a female or a male kind of basis so in general men have slightly bigger brains more neurons but women are better connectors so men workout to the right or left saved hemispheres but so they're in time to be intensely logical intensely emotional which raise women mad women on the other hands can interconnect between both hemispheres and are well able to be board logical emotion at the same time because drives men mad so men have fewer language and emotional centers in women so when they're in difficulty unfortunately men were talked to themselves but women would be more likely to talk to each other so it's kind of early set up before we start would we often hear why Ghazni demand not come Fortin and talk to each other when in trouble but we're already almost hardwired that way and this is the key to me Elsa said I think it's a creates a key factor so now we're going to move on to the three ages of the brain so I think what's really important is that the brain is constantly evolving and changing from birth to death but there are three big phases the developing brain is covering the period between Burt and 30 the mature brain which I call the wise brain covers the period between 30 and 65 and this is the phase where the brain has perfected his connections and pathways making them as efficient as possible so a key factor is here that the person who's 35 will do a job so much more efficiently than the person of say 50 they look at the job done but the person 235 would do it so much more quickly and efficiently the aging brain is from 65 and we could probably push that up to 70 now where the brain begins to lose its neurons and connections from aging with some potential deterioration and our mental functions so let's look at the developing brain because in many ways an awful lot of problems occur during this phase and we see that with depression so at Burt the brain is only around 10% formed which is quite extraordinary with sex hormones having decided is going to be made of femur from nought to 12 we can get this incredible explosion of new neurons and connections in the brain which start to shape the future person but a tort dean the real fun starts because the brain at the stage has this jungle of connections which are totally inefficient and it knows that it's going to have to try and put a bit of order on them to just try and prepare the person to become an adult so it starts at around 13 with the help of our sex hormones and it begins to prune the connections so it's like pruning a rosebush and it begins at the back forehead with our visual area and then goes into the centre of our brain which is our emotional mind or emotional brain and then moves aren't finally to our logical brain and it only actually reaches a most of the work is done by 25 of the final connections or myelination only happens around the age of 30 so we're actually are our brain is actually only fully mature at around 30 so a key to this is dbid this is ability of the brain to reshape its connections towards what is is what helps us to kind of create emotional behavioral pathways which which really decides who you are this period I think is a key period it's a period between 12 and 16 is you know where you plant it suppose you go out and you buy a new plant you plant it and there's a certain key period of time where the plant is terribly vulnerable where it hasn't rooted down its connections it's not really settled it was very vulnerable to things happening in the environment well the brain between 12 and 16 particularly is highly vulnerable and it's particularly vulnerable to substances so smoking alcohol and drugs particularly can have a detrimental a devastating effect I'm doing some research at the moment for a book hopefully will be out this year and even even I who have known some of this work you know I'm quite a standard as some of the information is beginning to come out now so they can have a devastating effect before the age of 15 in particular because these pathways probably formed and are key so what happens is they increase greatly our chances of developing illness like depression psychosis and addiction and what about other factors we've been coming back to some of those there we be coming back particular depression later but just to tell you that for example if you drink really heavily before the age of 15 you're five times the chance for starters a developing major depression that's just for starters so other crucial factors in healthy brain development are diet exercise and learning how to open up and deal with our emotions and negative factors like bullying in any form and again I'm doing a bit of work on this looking at this at the moment bullying and severe stress during this key period of time can absolutely cause chaos and setup real trouble for the long-term so these are the kind of stress triggers that we have to worry about any form of abuse sexual abuse verbal abuse physical abuse emotional abuse invalidating environments all of those any form of significant abuse can really harm the developing brain bullying in any form any form especially funny enough pure bullying is very destructive and a big big issue at wormed is cyber bullying and text bullying very often in relation to a sexual em for example suggesting the person is homosexual for example would be a typical even though the person may not be homosexual but just putting it out there might be enough to destroy a young person and turn turned our brain into real negative mood I think it's important to really stress I I've had a thirteen year old and a 15 year old the 13 year old at try to hang herself the 15 year old took a massive overdose of paracetamol and then went down and took another one to make absolutely sure in both cases they had been cyber bullied for about three months the parents were totally unaware and a destruction was causing in the lives of the of these two children it was incredible and I have to say one the scariest things I've heard in the last five years was a little thirteen-year-old who and I asked her would she not have talked to her mom about it and she said well to be honest I didn't want to upset my mother so it was easier to hang myself so I think it's key that we understand that these do affect these young people under developing brains and can do so in an incredibly negative way I think last is a very very important one particularly traumatic lastly say losing a person to suicide or losing a person to a road traffic accident or losing a key relationship for example mother and father separating at key times of one person getting separated can be a key thing I think a lack of hope which is an interesting one due to difficulties again the employment and long-term prospects can be a very important exam pressures remember most young people are writer trying to conform or perform they conform because of their peers and to perform a hazard apparents thought for the day misuse or abuse of alcohol and drugs which we talked about poverty and growing up in disadvantaged homes can be very significant las identity of the young Irish mirror I think is something we all need to think but and last a belief in traditional structures and political and civil stir our young people are totally cynical and can be blamed we haven't left and much to be positive about I think increased rate of family breakdown is a key issue the number of separations in the last 10 years is unbelievable young people get very very caught up and ease and very destroyed but I think this is the next one is a key one an increased move into the world of technology but all those potential risks because these kids are losing themselves in this world there are major issues as well with body image and both boys and girls from as early as 12 and I think the last ones an interesting one reduced resilient due to over protection by well-intentioned parents who want to protect them from life so I'm just going to quickly go through depression itself firstly I think it's important to Singlish between the emotion depression which we all get a common simple human emotion we get it when somebody dies or relationship breakup or where things are not going well in their lives and I think what's a Keating in the developing brain young people feel emotions far more strongly because their emotional brain is remembering hyperdrive and our logic brain can't switch it off so if they have a breakup it's the end of the world it's far more intense all their emotions are more intense however depression with a big D is a different animal and this is where we get a classic combination of physical and psychological symptoms it affects around 50% of the community possibly around 400,000 people in Ireland don't nobody knows because half them will never look for help many will suffer in silence many of our young people under 35 sufferance someone's self Harmer and 60,000 and some will die figures are always quote around to five hundred certainly myself and many others believed her closer to 600 to 650 per year and about eight percent are men and by the way depression affects women two to one which is an interesting I just go through the symptoms I'm sure most people here know these but I'll go through them low mood is not just having a bad a bad day or a bad week it's like being in a dark hole dark down a dark well where you're looking up the sky and you wonder how in God's name you going to climb out of the darkness to see the light again and many people would describe it as a deep emotional pain much worse than childbirth anxiety is kind of like often like an agitated anxiety fatigue is just as total exhaustion it's not just again and being tired is this mental exhaustion where you just cannot find you don't know how you're going to when you get up in the morning you're going to see see to the end of the day poor concentrations on I'm very interested in I think we actually missed is completely in depression concentrations all about our cognition which is are a bit our ability to kind of focus attention on things true to remember things to problem solved all these kind of issues but poor concentration is very easy found out by asking the person can you read a newspaper because if you're if you're very down you're often find a person can read it but can't focus on what the words mean and can put them into a kind of so that kind of draw down now this is a key one because if you're a student a young person then of course you may end up in difficulties because you're not going to be able to follow your studies and then people call you lazy and then you find yourself read in yourself is even more worthless than you already do poor memory is very important because people with depression their down memory is affected short and long-term sleep difficulties particularly it's particularly going to sleep a particularly waking up in around 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning because your sleep your dreams like dream cyclist in depression is turned back to front your REM your dream sleep is literally turned around back to front and that means that normally do all our dreaming in the second part of the night but because the person not able to duh they wake up in the calculator sleep last drive including sex loss of appetite binges you very careful for watching for loss of uploading young people it might be the only thing you'll see weight loss and loss of appetite in a young person that might tip you off tutor they're in trouble negative thinking is why depression is such a problem because when the emotional brain goes into negativity it's it turns everything into it into kind of a sense of Darkness in other words it looks at everything through a black fail so often young people and older people will will feel that there that there's no point in anybody even coming near them because they're absolutely of no value or of no use they feel there's no hope for themselves and no hope for the world no for those around them they're thinking can be incredibly negative loss of self-esteem is a key one the person feels worthless I also would be a cognitive behavioral therapist so one of the key things here is that the person feels I have no word loss of enjoyment in life is key as well people just young people will tell you that sitting in a crowd and they don't know why they're there they did they're not enjoying anything that's going on around them and suicide talks are key and I think what's important is that the only mistake we can make in depression and not asking for suicide thoughts and it's the way you asked it matters so if you're somebody close to you and you're worried but to never be afraid to say look if you're feeling a bit down it's extremely common to get tours or harm yourself because what you've done is you've normalized it that's key I think there's a big difference door between suicide toss which many people depression will get and genuine suicide planning where a person has like I one lady walked up and down my serger for a week she told me trying to decide when she turned right into the river or left into my surgery or a person might be talking about looking at that rope in the garage or I'm collecting pills or I've had people talking about driving along and getting very strong urge to turn the wheel into a wall into a tree so I think this is key more supposed to depression only lasts between 6 and 12 months there is this image out there that everybody who is depressed is pressed for life that's it and because there is a common misconception depression I think is getting much worse named and it really deserves and I think it's a recurrent illness but most people will only have between 1 and 3 episodes on average in their lifetime it's only a small number of people who would have persist in the current births probably around 20% and there are often two people that everybody else regards as the ones who suffer from depression but in fact all the people would just get simply one two three episodes but a key thing is the more often we get depressed more often we will we will get further episodes and that's because of changes in the brain I think it's important to have a particular statement about spotting depression in the no.25 group particularly in boys it you can't see emotion that's the problem but you might notice tiredness falling behind the studies maybe memory issues and concentration issues loss of weight is key one for me or sudden increase any form of self-harm increased use of alcohol or any form of impulsive angry behavior especially in boys and watch out for students who are being bullied and moving quickly because I believe some students are dying because of the consequences of feeling totally hopeless that they can see no way out of their situations and I think those two young children that I talked about were typical examples of this and can you hear me sue yep yep got it this is a for me I'm just going to talk briefly on the treatment of depression this is something I feel very strongly about that at the bottom of this pyramid is lifestyle changes in empathy because I I hear too much going on all the time about this constant confrontation between do I use drug therapy or talk Turk we gotta start with the basics which is lifestyle changes and empathy because if you don't have those in my opinion you're going to really struggle so just briefly looking at the treatment of depression and I think there's a dog best done with a package and the first one is amperior empathy is the ability to sense for a person's art from an emotion point of view and it gives them the freedom to open up and express or talk to you about how they feel a very good example of empathy is you go into your local supermarket and you meet this lovely girl and she fills her your bag for you and she chats away at you and she she you know she's using you go off and you have this great feeling of warmth and you say what a lovely person and the following day you meet her alter ego mrs. grumps if far is the thing as it throws a change never looks at you know all the time she's talking to you've had a positive and negative empathy experience now a person with a person with depression is hypersensitive hypersensitive to a negative empathy experience so if they open up and somebody doesn't as it doesn't relate them or doesn't empathize with them they'll close down instantly on the other hand if they have a positive empty experience where they feel this person senses for an amount emotionally they will open up and that might be that that might be the opening up that saves them in the long run and helps them to get assistance so I think everybody everybody has this capacity but we need to spot it in ourselves and try and improve it selves lifestyle changes from Yorkie exercise should be the heart of any treatment of depression 30 minutes of exercise a day no matter how the person feels you try to encourage them to exercise and I will often notice that people who come back - we've got back into difficulties have fallen me and fallen away in their exercise regime and I tried to get in to do this for life not just wonder depressed but for life diet I think is very important because people wondered down eat rubbish total rubbish and these very high sugar Tings and the heat how did they take a lot of high caffeine ting like chocolate coffee coke and all of these things are not good for our brain and our brain doesn't function well I think alcohol is a key because the more you feel depressed the more you drink the reason you drink is to feed your dopamine system and the more to try and get a little brief it but that only lasts for a very short period of time and a person who drinks can feel depressed for up to three days that's why some suicides happen not necessarily under night to person drinks but within 48 hours of the person drinking because it can lead to very acute sudden drops in mood and an ectomorph risk so I usually I'm helping somebody will look for their agreement to either cease or significantly reduce our foe for a period of up to maybe two to three months until they're feeling better talk therapies are really important particularly counselling to if there's any particular like relationship issues or bereavement issues or even addiction issues I think counselling is very helpful CBT in my opinion is is is it is a fantastic therapy if you if you're able to get your hands on because CBT is all about helping us change our thoughts and our behavior because it's our toughts influence or emotions which influence our behavior so if I think for example when I'm depressed that I'm worthless my my emotion will be depression and my behavior might be to isolate myself at home which makes me actually feel worse about myself so I get into a kind of a negative spiral so the therapist will challenge thinking that I'm worthless and also the behavior and it's a very very effective and a lot of evidence shows that if you have empathy lifestyle changes and at drug therapy were necessary a drug Turbie has a very important place and I think it's important to try to put it in its box drug therapy were not sort of life's problems but what it will do for persons very down is getting back up functioning properly get them thinking better get there get their energy up their mood up the rapid eye drops sleeping better and the person is then better able to get involved in things like talk therapy say for example CBT so a combination all the evidence shows for example the combination of CBT plus drug therapy plus lifestyle changes in the presence of empathy is the kind of package to forget most people really well quite quickly so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to and I'm going to just I'm just showing you the slide one more time because I just want you to think of the emotional brain the logical brain and the connections so what I'm going to we're going to just look at depression under developing brain and the causes okay so first thing to try to understand is that all the evidence now is showing increasingly that in the developing brain particularly the person on the thirty when the vast majority of cases the depression will first appear most them will start either in the mid to late teens or early twenties and I think a very significant number of people will have had a first part of depression by their mid-twenties that's not to say that other people won't get both the depression data they will put in relation to developing brain does this key period say between around 15 and 25 and the vast majority of cases will appear and the question is well why do people get depressed during this period at all and all the evidence is showing though that it's probably a reaction to their stress system being overactive as they're growing and developing changing their developing brain and a lot of that there's a lot of evidence is showing that the more our stress system is overactive the more our emotional brain some time to get negative so what happens is and a certain percentage of people are prone through genes are not bringing to their stress system being overactive and then not being able to be resilient to that so they start to get depressed when life life challenges hit them and the typical things that hit them in their teens as we've seen our peer group issues bullying problems with sexuality relationship difficulties all those kind of issues and then when they get a little bit older coming into college it's moving away from home for the first time having to kind of cope with and not having their support systems of their parents and friends around them and being in a fresh environment some people will make it into difficulties if they move away and start a new job and I really do have concerns about some of our young people are moving away maybe very early on abroad and we don't know how many of them are going to get on so those kind of stresses and pressures can trigger the emotional brain to come into negative mode and the real difficulty is that a when depression hits the person can switch it off so they're emotional brain is a negative mode and logical brain can switch it off and they get into difficulties so most of them will present with it with the kind of symptoms that were talk we've talked about already in terms of treatment I think what the key thing is that you really have to separate a young people from the ages of 12 or 13 up to say in nineteen eighty nineteen and those between 1890 and thirty because they are two completely separate groups the the person who's between twelve or thirteen 19 their emotional brain is running the show and their logical brain is really not getting much of a look in and their emotional brain is extremely sensitive so even even using medications has to be done extremely carefully and it should really only be done with specialist help and there's a lot of work showing that for example CBT is not as effective for example in say young young people in their mid teens which is which is not surprising because if you think about it if your logical brain is not fully formed it's very very difficult for CBT to be particularly effective the concepts of CBT can be helpful but there's unfortunately increasing evidence beginning to show that using us say using using this maybe in school populations may not be as necessarily effective as people might have thought so a lot of work is often done at this group with family therapy and trying to kind of and get family sports systems up and running and try and deal with any particular issues that are going on say at school or bullying ray needles can Bish's drug therapy is only using a small percentage of cases and the communist drug here just uses is Prozac and I think when you get into the early 20s I think you get into a new situation did the kind of difficulties person or facing or different and secondly they are become slightly more amenable to both drug therapy and CBT so the older the older person is getting say into them into their 20s the more effective these treatments may be but in all cases lifestyle changes are important I think in terms of the course I think it is very important that the if we if we get both of depression starting say in the mid teens there's a lot of evidence of some groups that that I would be involved with that basically the earlier you get the person and them and the better you treat the depression at the start the less likely it is from a problem further on during their lives so I do think it is very important we start picking this up particularly by the myth by the early 20s because I think if it gets significantly if the person keeps getting significant episodes is not coming for any helpers and these these episodes will begin to unfortunately become more and more common because they have mega proper health but remember each episode as I said before we're probably only lasts between 6 and 12 months so what about the mature brain well now we move into a totally new group of people and I think the causes are slightly different and because when we move in from say 30 onwards you find people are their brain is more mature and but they may already had births of depression when in their in their teens or twenties so the same predisposition will remain there but the kind of things that may cause some problems might be different for example you may may be in times I postnatal depression you may see relationship difficulties you may see financial problems unemployment or work pressures they're all the kind of stressors that may trigger the petite mature brain into getting into difficulty I think in terms of presentation and all the symptoms that we talked but will usually be present and I think the older the person gets and I think the in some ways we need more if the parent is getting particularly that 20% are getting persists in boats many of them will become almost hopeless about it if they're not coming for proper help so I think it's really important that we try and get a get them again early and try and treat them properly again they were normally do quite well with lifestyle changes exercise CBT etc and I think the course again will depend on really if if they are if they get proper help early and quickly in an episode it can be teared up very very quickly so to move to the aging brain which i think is actually should almost be regarded as a separate group all together because in many many cases yeah the the person may start developing depression for the first time say over the age of 60 65 they may never have a depression their whole lives so something is clearly different there's no doubt that the the group that get depressed in the developing brain a stage and mature brain stage are nearly nearly run into each other you find a vast majority of people to get depression during the mature brain spheres will probably have had some birth of depression or some elements of depression in the developing brain stage but and people who develop depression for the first time their causes may be significantly different and and I think if you remember back to the connections between the logical and emotional brain what can happen is here that if you begin to get says small blood vessel changes in the older person which begin to affect the connections between their emotion logical brain the person could begin to get to press for the first time and people have had say of strokes even small strokes or large strokes particularly affecting the left side of their their brain can also begin to get to press for the first time people will develop Parkinson's because the Parkinson's affects the dopamine system they can get to press for a totally different reason and so I think it's important that apart from people who get depressed for the normal reasons that we already discussed where they have this predisposition during their lives some of those will obviously continue to have depression as they get older but I I would be concerned sometimes that we miss depression in older people I know in if I go into many nursing homes you can nearly pick out depression left right and center and you know that nobody's picking a job and the Communist reads my nobody picks it up is because everybody says other just it's just old age so people miss it and many many elderly people are quite miserable because we never pick it up we never see it so I think it's an area that we need to kind of look at I think it's important that the treatment of depression in the elderly can be again extremely different because they don't seem to relate as well to treatments like for example talk therapies or CBT they seem to be more reliant on drug therapy and lifestyle changes and I think alcohol is a key one in older people because if they're drinking and or down it can convenient a brain a lot and make it very difficult to further them to get better the course of depression in the elderly can also definitely be more difficult and you may find a person because of there are structural changes being created by say vascular changes or other causes may be more difficult so I think it's important that we almost regard this group as a slightly different group so so in summary I think what I'd like you to kind of go away with you with the thought is that the brain will go through you through these different stages that the young person in my opinion is where we need to probably target the first because all the evidence is pouring out now that if we can get people during the developing brain stage if we can if we can get them to recognize depression treat it properly that the long-term effects that running in to say at the ages between 30 and 65 and onwards seem to definitely be reducing and I think we hopefully within the next decade I'm hopeful may be able to kind of pick out a lot better people who are in young people and difficulties we may even have tests to actually pick them out and trained kind of pinned down people who are more rested from those who are who are not and treat them much more aggressively because I believe that in the long run it's the early diagnosis and early treatment of depression in this age group that in the long run will actually hopefully lead to many many people not having anything like the kind of difficulties they're having at the moment you
Channel: Aware
Views: 41,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Harry Barry, Depression, Treatment, Developing Brain, CBT
Id: vwgHZm7UiJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 24 2014
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