Deploying Virtual Desktops with Windows Server 2012 R2

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hey guys welcome welcome for those individuals have tuned in this afternoon Sunday uh what is it September 4th I think my September I think we have some time before uh thank you so much for joining me I know it's Sunday afternoon you guys should be hanging out but you're hanging out with this guy thank you so much so we're going to be dealing with today is VDI virtual desktop infrastructure within the Windows environment and there's different ways to do VDI Citrix has their own version with VDI VMware has their own version with VDI but today I'm going to be dealing with um Microsoft way a VDI eventually I'm going to do Citrix and VMware so stay tuned for that so what I have in my infrastructure I have two virtual machines I have an active directory and my active directory right now is running if I do a win V er oops sorry still have wind V er I'm running Windows Server 2016 technical preview v and I'm running my active directory on this platform so within my active directory I created an organizational group core V desktops we're going to be needing that pretty soon that's the reason why I had that there hi everyone what's up what's up thank you for joining thank you so much for the support like I said before I'm running everything with Windows Server 2016 tp5 technical preview v and within my active directory I created an organization a group called V desktops okay I will explain why I created this organization a group later on because we're going to be dropping our virtual machines in here and I have another machine and this machine is going to house our hyper-v and our VDI stuff okay I did before I started the livestream with you guys I installed hyper-v if you guys don't know how to install hyper-v we're going to do a quick quick through right here so installing hyper-v so the first thing that you need to do is open up your server manager you go in click on your manage click add roles and features you're going to get nice little dialog box to begin click on next you want to do a role-based or feature-based installation click on next you're going to pick your your server for me it was my BJ - VDI machine so I clicked on next on that and from here I picked hyper-v and once you pick hyper-v you're going to get another dialog box that you need to install additional roles and features ok you're going to add all those roles and features click on X and then click Next I did install any additional features you're going to click on next again and within hyper-v this is where you're going to start configuring a little bit of your hyper-v stuff so you're going to click Next here if your server most likely if you're deploying hyper-v within a virtual infrastructure or a hardware infrastructure you have multiple NIC cards for me I already have one NIC card so I assign the NIC card that's already within my virtual machine which is only one best practices you would use maybe two or three because you could designate your DMZ your WAM and you land within your you know virtual infrastructure quite a question how are you going to be able to install hyper-v inside a virtual machine that is an awesome question so I do have my hyper-v already installed let me finish this off and I'm going to show you that is it is running up and it is running within my virtual machine and I'm going to show you how I got it up and running so we're going to click Next on here and a migration I'm not going to do any migration steps here I'm going to click on X I left the default but best practices you most likely have a partition or file share or San or an ass that you want to drop this into you don't want to have your virtual hard disk living in the same machine where your hyper-v manager is that you want to want to have it in a different location where you can actually backup for this like Shing I have everything in one machine I know click on next to the confirmation door restarts and then that's it you get to go it's restarting and you can login to your machine now one of the questions is how did I get it to work so this is my virtual machine right here I'm actually using let's go to about VMware I am using VMware Workstation 12 Pro and within workstation Pro if I right click on my video machine I go to settings and I go to options there's an option right here that says hyper-v unsupported so when you pick the version okay when you when you're creating your virtual machine right I'm gonna show you guys so let's do this let's cancel that let's go to file new virtual machine let's go to next next when you get to this point right here and you go to the Microsoft Windows you click on the drop down there's an option that says hyper-v unsupported ok and when you do that you also got to make sure that you right-click on your virtual machine and there's a couple of things that you guys need to do I'm trying to remember off the bat on the process so you got to make sure that you click on virtual eyes intel vt-x or EP T or AMD - V you got to make sure you enable that for it to work properly ok so that is how I got hyper-v installed within my VM machine so let's click on my hyper-v which is installed and the first thing that you need to do to get this VDI stuff up and running is you need a template you need an actual template a machine like a golden image that when you start creating your pool of virtual machines that people are going to use that's the template that you're going to use this this machine you install all your applications the updates and then you have to sit prep it ok hey how you doing guys uh what's up dr lady and our gaming what's up so I went ahead and already created a virtual machine it's kind of boring you basically going to create our new new virtual machine click on next given the name click on next for my template I make sure it was a generation 1 you click on next you give it the memory now for this to work properly do not give it 5 12 give it about a gig or more up the safe line is again big butt you could give it a little bit more for me I just gave it a gig I played it safe and you click on next you give it whatever Connection you want and click on next from here if you have an eye or soul uh actually this is where you create your virtual disks for me I gave it a small little virtue this let's click on I'm gonna give it 20 I'm not going to create it anyway and click on next from here install you can actually install the operating system later which that means you got a double click on your virtual machine and then attach the DVD or the ISO whatever and then you click finish and your virtual machine is installed ok that's how I got that running I'm doing it as Windows 10 so I'm going to right click on this guy and I'm going to connect and I'm going to power it it on so this is the machine that we are going to sit prep I still have the DVD installed on it so let's go here and release that let's release that let's release that DVD ok released it awesome so it's going to is going to go inside the Windows 10 if your sit prepping a Windows 7 or Windows 10 most likely when you start creating your virtual machine you want to get into the audit mode the way that you get into animo when you get to the point when you need to I believe insert your username and password when you're creating that user account I think if you do ctrl shift escape it will restart the Machine and log you in to audit mode and that's where you do all your tricks and tips and all that stuff for this livestream I'm not doing that approach I just created a local account that I want my my machines to have and but most likely your machines that you create within your VDI is going to be part of your Active Directory so I'm going to logged into this machine okay once you log into the machine you do everything that you need to do you install all the applications that you want you push out all the updates make you also have to take in consideration depending how big the virtual machine gets that's how long is going to take the VDI to create your pool of virtual machines and from here I'm not really going to do much alright so hopefully you guys are technical enough I know you guys are technical enough because you guys have helped me in the past and gave me tips and tricks and helping me out and you should be able to go in there do your autumn okay great push out of it push out all the updates and then sit prep it now before you do even sit prep the proto sit prep the virtual machine you need to install the integration services for hyper-v now I did it with Windows seven and I had a bunch of problems when I was creating my pool it was giving me a lot of errors and I did a little googling and I figure out that you needed to install the integration services for hyper-v within your template and then use it prep it and then before you sit prep it make a checkpoint or you Kurt a checkpoint before you start the hyper-v so I should have done that beforehand so what I'm going to do is let's close this up I'm a right-click actually I'm gonna let's get back into that machine right I'm gonna just look at that no I don't want to update onedrive so I'm gonna just shut it down let's shut down this machine okay I'm just going to shut it down because what I want to do is I want to create a checkpoint I want to clean I want to have a clean virtual machine it hasn't been touched even though I started it up right it's been touched but I haven't done anything special to it so let it shut down I'm gonna close this up awesome I'm a right-click on it and I am going to create a checkpoint okay so if I mess up during the sip prep approach I can always go back into my checkpoint and do it again right so we're going to right-click connect again and we're going to start the machine again all right I'm sorry about that it's just completely forgot about that so those are little little baby steps that you normally forget so once you create your virtual machine within your hyper-v you want to shut it down create a checkpoint and then you log it into the audit mode so right now I'm not going to do the audit mode so let's log into this machine and I'm going to install the integration services so from here you're going to go to action and insert integration services start up set up this so let's click on that and hopefully it's just start up there goes you can click on DVD drive we're going to install the hyper-v integration services we're going to get that annoying user access a control dialog box click on yes and I believe once you install the integration services you probably need to restart the hyper-v machine not the hyper-v much not the server but the virtual machine so the computer is already running the current version of integrated services version blah blah blah that's great ok just make sure that you confirm that you have the integration services installed because for me I had problems now the next step is you install all your applications your updates and you make sure that good stuff is running I'm going to keep it real short in this live stream I'm not going to be downloading Adobe Premiere in the office and getting all that stuff and installing you guys should know how to do that ok please you should know how to do it if not I will take care of it in a future video and show you guys how to do all the audit mode installing all the applications from here what is the virtual machine about I'm curious what is this virtual machine about ok cool so this virtual machine the reason why I'm creating a virtual machine within hyper-v is because this is going to be my template within my VDI infrastructure I haven't installed VDI yet so you have to take care of the hyper-v stuff first so during the process of me building my VDI lab there's a section that tells you where is your hyper-v template and this is where you're going to be creating your pool of virtual machines that people are able to access those machines ok so I'm hoping I answer that question just let me know in the comments so I can know I answer that question ok so from here we are going to run the zip prep so I'm going to go into a file explorer you know used to be Windows Explorer we're going to go to these dis PC let's go to the C Drive we're going to go to Windows we are going to go into the system 32 and we're going to look at the sip prep okay there we go double click on that we're going to double click on this we're going to do a generalized and from here we're going to leave it in two inter system out-of-the-box experience we're going to leave it as this is because join the VDI approach it's actually going to do all that stuff for us and add our virtual machine within our active directory and all we have to do is log in within an Active Directory account and we're going to do a shutdown not a reboot and we're going to click OK and it's going to do this thing and if everything works out it should shut down I'm going to take a little water break you guys have any questions leave them at the comment section I'm checking out the comments right now and try to answer them as much as I can I do appreciate all the love that everyone has joined today Sunday uh afternoon hanging out with you guys I love it I love you guys I love you all you guys are my tech pros and what we're doing is we're doing this live we're learning together I'm learning myself this is this is something that I'm constantly learning every day I don't know all this stuff and I'm learning it I'm learning it I'm implementing it in my lab and then I implement it into a real-life environment some of the stuff that I do with you guys I don't do all the time because it's not best practice but I do tell you guys this is not best practice don't do it this way you know you don't want your virtual machines to live and the same server where your hyper-v is you want to want to drop that inside a different server like a sand or an ass right so hopefully this works it should shut down once I shut down we are going to start installing the VDI stuff interesting so up let that do its thing let's go to active directory because I want to show you guys I don't want you to thank all you did magic behind the scenes and asked what everything worked out I'm doing everything live I'm gonna reach I want to refresh this right here there's nothing inside this oh you at all right it's nothing in here and uh I am running if I do a win VR I'm running Windows Server 2012 technical preview 5 I haven't had the chance to style vdi within Server 2016 which I am going to and the machine that I'm housing my hyper-v and everything I'm going to right click on run and do a win VR and this is a Server 2012 r2 and I got a question are you unseeing two servers on on all one server are you huh unseeing two servers on all one server I don't really understand that question can you rephrase that D Matthews I apologize for that so right now the way that I have everything built is I have two virtual machines one is in Active Directory because one you can have Active Directory and hyper-v installed in the same box you have problems I try to cheat I was try to have one virtual machine house my hyper-v uh my Active Directory my VDI I was trying to cheat because you know resources but I had to create an additional virtual machine and to house my Active Directory and the second machine is where hyper-v is installed and I'm going to also install the VDI stuff but I believe best practice is you have a hyper-v machine by itself and then you have your VDI stuff by itself but using are you using two servers on all ones on all one server now I'm using two servers two servers I gotcha I'm using two servers so one server is my active directory one server is my active directory and my VDI is one server which I'm running hyper-v and I'm going to be running my VDI stuff okay that's okay cool no worries no worries no worries I appreciate you typing and clarifying that and hopefully I answer your question so i'ma say it again my lab is running two servers two virtual machines one virtual machine is my active directory okay and the second machine is going to be running the following services is going to be running my hyper-v manager uh my VDI it's also going to be housing the hyper-v machines and it's also going to be housing the Remote Desktop Services features and roles ok so just two machines if you want it if you want to play it safe you could actually have I'll say a three four machines is really up to you hyper-v is one machine second machine could be your VDI stuff and then you know most likely you have Active Directory by itself and sip prep is still doing this thing it's taken a while see let's see over here still running is doing a staying come on come on sip rep do it staying I did it the last time that I tested it out was on Windows 7 this is the first time I'm actually doing in a Windows 10 yes I'm doing everything just just going for it so I'm hoping it works oh man I'm scared I'm scared people I'm super scared because um like I said I haven't I haven't tested this out within Windows 10 I tested everything out with Windows 7 so Windows 7 again gave me problems within the VDI when I was creating the templates I was giving me all kinds of errors okay so BAM it's done that's a good thing we're going to close that up and remember we took a checkpoint the checkpoint is clean it's not sit prep I didn't I didn't do any installation so if I do mess up on anything I could just go back into that checkpoint so I'm going to do is right-click on this guy and I'm going to do another additional checkpoint right just it just to be careful okay and we're going to close out hyper-v close that guy up and then we're going to do is open up our server manager so this is where the fun starts right so let's get this load up okay it's finished loading up okay it's takes it while because apparently with Server 2012 r2 or Server 2012 even in 2016 when you open up the server manager you gotta allow it to finish loading up if not you unite but to do anything else how many VDI machines are you going to create in the stream ah great question now it would take forever to create a lot of virtual machines so I am going to try and do maybe two all right let's do two ways to - let me see how much space I gave this machine I gave this my server right now is only running 77.1 gigs so uh let's push it to two or three you guys want me to do at least two or three virtual machines within the VDI well you guys think I do to three you know I probably do - lets do - yes no anyone anyone there anyone out there all right should I just do one for now should I do two three I don't want to do a lot because I don't have a lot of space within my virtual machine so I'll probably just do one just play safe right let's click on manage and we're going to do add roles and features within here you're going to get the nice little add roles and features wizard everyone has seen this we're going to click on next now from here we're not going to pick role-based or feature-based installation we're going to pick Remote Desktop Services installation says it right there VDI virtual desktop infrastructure to create a virtual machine based on or session based desktop deployment that's what we want click on X and we have a quick start and we have a standard deployment for this livestream I'm going to do a standard deployment so he wants to all right got it we're going to do two to it take too long I know - will take too long so let's just do it one everyone agrees to just do one we do want trust me I try to push my machine to do for them and it took a while it just took a while because it's it creates one virtual machine once it's done it takes another one it takes another one takes another one again if I was doing everything on a hardware base it had been like that but because I'm doing everything on a virtual machine infrastructure don't get me wrong then the server that I built that I'm housing all this stuff is really fast I just don't want to I don't want to take a lot of your time right guys so from here we're going to do standard deployment and we will click on and we want to do is a virtual machine-based desktop deployment ok virtual machine-based desktop deployments allow users to connect to a virtual desktop collection that's what we need to create pretty soon that includes published remote apps programs and virtual desktops ok thank you everyone being respectful agreeing together so that's awesome thank you this is what I'm talking about so we're gonna click Next a nice little summary the following Remote Desktop Services roll services will be installed and configured for this deployment all right if you're going to have the remote desktop connection broker web access and virtualization host we're going to house everything in one server ok if you want you can actually host all three server all three services and different machines but for this license do everything one machine right let's click on next and we only have one machine so we're going to drop it over and you're probably saying to yourself if not or I probably said to myself why don't I see Active Directory here well you can't really install VDI with an Active Directory so that's the reason why I don't see that that machine there and within my Active Directory I only have well I have a couple of virtual machines but I like different videos that I'm going to be doing for you guys but this is the VDI right here BJ view and composer actually turn off if you guys can see over here Oh actually I kill those guys so let me delete these I won't delete them but the only one that's live right now is VDI let's go back here so we're going to click on X and we're going to get into the section of Rd web access again we're going to do it on the same machine all three services are going to be dropped into one box I'm going to click on next on that and our last one is the Rd virtualization host we're going to click on the little arrow to drop it to the other side and click on X you're going to get a nice little confirmation which is loading my now come on work for me there you go the following server may restart after the role service so this machine needs to restart I don't ok so let's click on this we're going to click restart the destination server automatically if required and we're gonna click on deploy awesome this should be quick I think the last time that I did this is like like that but uh let's see let's see how long it takes for those that are joining me thank you so much I have to I appreciate you guys so much for the love and the support happily a happy Labor Day for all you individuals that are not working are working tomorrow again happy Labor Day enjoy the beautiful day tomorrow with your family which I am I'm gonna be hanging out with my son and probably do a couple of videos later on I don't know which one I know there's gonna be a bunch of MDT stuff because of you guys just keep on shooting request after request with the MDT things I'm trying to get away of doing NDT and I'm trying to get myself into SCCM and integrate that with MDT but you guys keep on pulling me back with the MDT and w WDS stuff I don't mind doing it that's but you know without you guys this channel is whenever exists right it's awesome so right now it's installing the Rd connection it's halfway through its installing the Rd web access hasn't start doing the virtualization host role yet it's installing right now I think it does 50% and the rest the other 50% is when it does to restart when I just when I test this out I had a restart manually I don't know why even though I checked it off to restart automatically so what we will see you see what happens so how's everyone doing everyone that's tuned in how are you guys doing leave a leave a comment right below let me know you know let me know what you guys are doing hi how you doing today oh great great question so I did plan to do NDT within the surface pro okay the problem with that was the surface pro I you know a lot of the reviews that I do for you guys uh is already I have one vendor that supports me all the way and you probably got you guys already know and that's Lenovo all right this company has they sent me review units I I do my honest reviews for you guys and I push out the videos a lot of companies like Dell Sony Microsoft I don't know what I don't know what the deal is they don't really you know I go out there I sell myself to get these products so I could do these videos for you guys but I haven't landed up purchasing I just don't have the funds to purchase the surface pro I can tell you that much half of the things that I do is I goes out of pocket in my job we recently we purchased the surface pro but the surface pro was for our CEO so I came and actually grabbed it from him say a way I need to do an MDT video but once that gets available I'm definitely going to start the MDT for you guys with the surface pro because I know I started a video on how to get your MDT up ready to deploy to a surface pro with installing all the drivers and creating the task sequence I know I did that for you guys in the past but I never continued it because I didn't have an actual device to do it and I'd be awesome hey Microsoft hey Microsoft from right here send me send me items so I could do reviews and do these and do this stuff for my people my people want to learn this stuff so I own it I'm only asking as the company I work for has bought Wow six thousands of them holy crap that's a lot of them Wow you should send one my way make it five five thousand nine hundred and ninety nine I definitely do the video for you I send it back I definitely send it back I don't want it I got too much technology let me see let me see what happens III think we have an extra surface Pro at the job I have to check the inventory and if so I could probably check it out and create the video for you and do what you want you know that is that's that's up I'm not going to guarantee you ninety a hundred percent but I will say 75 percent I could try do i'ma try to check out the surface pro that I do have at the job and test out my testing within my deployment and do a video for you guys hi how you doing so okay so we are going to open up our server manager and rambly I'm just rambling because you guys are you know doing uh questions we're going to open up our server manager our there goes right now it's finishing off we should get those green checkmarks I'm hoping we get those green checkmarks because that's always a great thing it's still doing its sting I'm getting this annoying remote desktop licensing I'm not going to take care of that now so just going to leave it because I think we have about a hundred and some days to take care of it right now it's configuring I'm going to move this to the side right here as you can see we got our Remote Desktop Services option within our server manager which is awesome and it's finishing up awesome so pretty soon we should see green check marks indicating that everything was installed successfully and is there anything special about deploying surface except for the ue5 oh well yeah there's a bunch of there's a bunch of drivers that you need it to work properly uh you probably need to install damn I forgot because I did a video for you guys and I was a while back you need to install the Bluetooth you got to make sure that you have the correct NIC driver for it um because it doesn't have an Ethernet port you're probably going to create a specialized USB to boot to it that basically that means that you have to hold down the power button and then I think the volume at the same time to boot into the USB because that's what I had to do for my CEO when I had it deployed the customized operating system I did it did it possible to connect via mobile did it possible to connect via bubble what do you mean VDI is that what you're referring to are you able to connect into your video infrastructure within your mobile if so you are you could probably get like certain apps that allows you to remote or but I'm not going to get to that point within this livestream when I'm going to get the lab upper money to deploy a pool of virtual machines using hyper-v and your Remote Desktop Services I think later on I'm going to show you guys how to make your machine accessible outside your land and all that good stuff okay so our VDI stuff is installed which is awesome we are going to click on close beautiful and from here we're going to go into Remote Desktop Services and I'll let that load up Oh awesome I call the it's pretty and we need to get into the deployment overview and we click on task and we need to edit the deployment property ok from here let's go to active directory from Active Directory you're going to pick that organizational group remember that organizational group that I showed you guys at the very beginning I don't have anything in it so I'm gonna right click and I'm going to refresh it's nothing in it ok so let's go back into our VDI and I'm going to pick that V desktops because this is where all our virtual machines are going to be dropped into we are going to click OK ok this is yep that's good ok awesome so let me double check that again edit properties active directory active directory VDI especially our domain is configured with the proper permission to automatically create new virtual desktops oh yeah you know what happened you're supposed to apply it and because I already did it in the past the virtual desktop organize get organizational group already has the permissions it's ok so we're going to do is right-click we're going to go to new we're going to click on organizational group and I'm going to do V let's go let's just call it VD Island let's call it VDI I like vvd on right the VDI let's call it that as a click ok awesome let's go back in here let's go into town and edit deployment properties go to active directory and it's not populating why is it not populating should I restart the machine should I restart the machine is it something that I have to restart the machine I don't think I need to restart the machine let's see I don't think I need to restart the machine will this be available later my connection is sketchy yes this will be available later and I have a bunch of notes right here these are my notes my notes will be posted at my sites and you guys can check it out so let's go to remote desktop again let's go to task edit deployment properties let's go to active directory there goes just how to restart it awesome click on that and this is what I want it and the reason why I want I wasn't getting this little warning is because again I told you guys I tested this out within the windows 7 environment so that V desktop folder that I have within my active directory right here already had the permissions so it wasn't locking in ok so we are going to hit apply because you're going to get this nice little one in this specific at the directory domain services or going to organizational unit is not configured with their proper permissions to automatically create virtual machine desktops to configure the proper permissions click apply ok we're gonna click apply and it's going to do this thing ok yep I know I do apologize for the sketchy connection hoping you guys are able to view everything with no problem you having issues the stream is going to be available later on I am doing a local copy of the video so if anything happens at the YouTube thing I could just replace it with the local copy but again if you guys have to leave because of the connection I do appreciate the love thank you so much thank you for joining and hopefully you know stay tuned is more and more from here we're going to click OK because we're done and the next thing that we need to do is connections or collections not connections collections and we're almost done we're almost done from collections what we need to do is click on collections and we're going to click on tasks and we want to create a VDI collection or create a virtual collection from the we're going to get this nice little wizard of creating your collection so this is our first collection and we're going to click on next sorry guys talking too much drink some water I stay hydrated so ok let's give our collection a name so let's keep it nice and simple now it says the virtual desktop collection name is displayed to users when they log on to a remote desktop web access server it's me where I'm at ah it's ok it's ok I do appreciate you staying staying there viewing uh but you know I apologize for that man I wish I could control the internet and give you guys like fiber connection straight off so we're going to give our collection name a name let's call it the bth DVD I write and you give me given a description this is my collection of VDI machines sup to you it's it's really up to you we're going to click on next now the collection type you have two types the two types is a pool virtual and personal personal is actually you have to configure everything manually I don't want to do that manual even though you have more control to build the way that you wanted to you know to act within your environment for now for this live string I'm going to do pulled virtual desktop as you can see automatic creative manager virtual desktops that's what I want if you click on personal you this is your new virtual desktop creation base of virtual desktop template it's going to permit user assignment to the virtual desktop administrative access on the virtual desktop if you do the pool it gives you all these options and set these two but you still have options to do the the user assignments and stuff later on okay we're gonna click on next and there goes our that goes on virtual desktop that goes our template that we created together so I'm crossing my fingers because again I tested this stuff out within Windows 7 and it worked with no problem this is the first time that I'm testing it out with Windows 10 with you guys let's knock on the wood knock on wood and see if it works out okay and if not we got the troubleshooted or we could create another Windows 7 machine and do it that way let's click on next awesome this is this is where oh yes it worked oh yeah when I tested out the windows 7 thing I see this error on I never popped up before this and it basically said I forgot what was the ever but I googled it and it was the fact that I needed to get into the machine install the windows the hyper-v integration services first before doing the sit prep and you have to do that before you do the sit prepping because if not you're not going to get you're not going to get past this part so you have two options you can provide an unintended installation settings which are going to definitely do within this live stream or you could use an existing sip prep answer file this is where you can actually customize it the way that you want it I'm not going to do it that way I'm going to do it this way for now because I don't really have a sip prep I don't have an internet XML file configured yet but if you guys do want me to show you guys how to configure a sip prep answer file and then implement it on my VDI let me know at the comment section or shoot me a twit you know twit twitch or go to my Twitter and send me a twit or whatever and just shoot me a comment let me know that you guys want this I some of the I think the chatting stuff doesn't stick with the live stream which sucks s I don't know why YouTube does that so we're going to do is unintended I'm going to click on next we're going to set the time zone my time zone right now Eastern Time we're going to select the organizational units which is going to be your act your domain and your domain you this is where you pick where you want it now the cool part is like I said before my V desktops folder I already had that implemented when I um was testing out within the windows 7 environment so I still see it Hey but I'm going to use the V VDI folder that we created together and the permissions were created together we did that together and I want to go into my active the right three go inside my video I'm a right-click and we refresh because I want to show you guys there's nothing in there there's no magic you know it's not me pulling tricks and and and you know I don't want you guys to test this stuff I don't want you guys to test this stuff out in your environment and it doesn't work and you be like wait a minute but I follow Bernardo I follow his steps and he got it to work all right I don't want you to think that I'm cheating you guys I if something is wrong or some if I if I F up I'm going to tell you guys look this is why I messed up this is how I fix it okay because this is how we learn together okay uh once you pick your Active Directory your domain name and your oh you you're going to click on next you're going to pick add the user group that should have access to connect to the collection this is really up to you this is where you kind of you can create a a security group that only these particular users have access to this to this collection I'm going to pick domain users I'm just going to go for and pick all the main users virtual desktops to be created in the collection okay I'm going to pick one because again we were we were talking between the chat and it's just going to take a little take too long creating two of them and and the virtual machine right now that I have only has about uh seventy six point six gigs left two machines is going to kill it I think when I was testing it out I did it with four machines and it just took forever it was crazy right here you can actually customize the prefix of how you want your virtual machines to be configured I'm going to leave it as BTN let's actually do BTN HD let's go BTN HD and it would be the prefix of that awesome so we're gonna click on next and there goes memory size of the virtual machine is going to be eight gigs this is the default I think this is a d4 I don't think you're able to change that and it tells it the processor that I'm using in existing virtual machines is one virtual desktop okay we click on X awesome so where to store your virtual machines your VDI stuff I'm going to store it in the default location within my Rd virtualization host but I really recommend not to do that I don't recommend you storing it inside your Rd I recommend you either do it inside a network share which is probably a separate server away from your hyper-v and your VDI keep-keep your virtual machines away from where the manager lives because you never know so for this livestream you're going to do the first one the default option and we're going to click on next it says automatically roll back the virtual desktop when the user logs off this is a cool option this is if this is like every time a person logs into a machine it goes back to the original state that means if a person saved something on the desktop that stuff gets removed and when they log back into that machine it's clean it's up to you if that if that's what you want to do I'm going to leave it as that and we're gonna click on next user profile user profile dist or user profile settings and data in a central location for the collection now as you guys know when a person logs into a computer and you go inside what is it if you go inside the C Drive there's a user folder and you have a bunch of folders with the name of the user the log into the machine that is they user profile if they're going to particular sites or if you're using like Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer and they're saving their favorites and stuff and you want to save that stuff for them you could you could do it and you can actually give it a size limit which is pretty cool so that means when the person logs in into a machine the profile will get loaded up with all their settings this is really up to you if you want to do it for this video I'm not going to do that I'm going to say screw it I'm going to disable it for now and we click on next you're going to get a nice little confirmation and this is where the fun starts okay this is where it's going to start creating the virtual machine when I start the win7 machine um it took a while it looked like a finished but it really didn't finish it was just took forever so we're going to click all create is going to create us cross the fingers let's cross the fingers because this is where I also had issues to everyone cross your fingers is exporting the virtual desktop after does that the virtual desktops are being created in the virtual desktop collection so cross the fingers hopefully everything works out again this is the first time me testing it out within a Windows 10 environment you know this is the first time actually using a Windows 10 machine as a template the last time I used a Windows 7 machine and I had problems so I'm hoping I don't have problems I'm hoping everything works out okay so let's recap all right because we're almost done hopefully we're almost done so let's just recap how everything is going so first things first we're creating VDI so I have a nice little free summary these in my notes again these notes will be within my sites for you guys can go check out so VDI gives you the bit the ability to store and offer full virtual machines with operating system applications and data on a server which may be accessed by multiple clients or devices that is what we're creating right now VDI is a lot of companies are able to do well let me go back to our problem ah so VDI could be implemented in several ways Microsoft has their own VDI version Citrix has their own VDI version and then where has their own VI VDI version well the well the video Auto join domain or you have to sit prep everybody I know now when when this guy creates the virtual machine it's going to be dropped inside that organization a group that we created is going to be dropped in here as Laura is already going to be part of Active Directory so you don't have to worry right so if I gave it five machines if I were to hold the remote desktop services to create five virtual machines those five virtual machines will be already part of within my Active Directory and will be inside that organizational group that you create for yourself okay so you don't have to sit prep the only one that you have to sit prep would be your your template okay that's the reason why I created a check point for my template so I could go back to the original the original state or the stable state of that template customize it push out whatever updates I have to push out to it sit prep it again and then you can create another VDI doing it that way okay all right it's exporting is creating virtual desktop awesome I haven't really played around too much so one of the question that comes in my mind that you probably guys are asking yourself we're probably too afraid of asking which is okay is how do you update the VDI machines right I don't know so I actually have to do a little research on that so meaning if you have like 20 or less let's keep it realistic 2020 VDI machines that you create doing it this way you create a collection with 20 virtual machines and you know there's a crapload of updates that being pushed out applications that you probably pushed out like Adobe Reader or whatever office right how do you keep your VDI machines up-to-date I don't really know I haven't got to that point of doing research yet but I am going to do the research I am going to play around with it within my lab and I am going to do a future video for you guys because now I'm interested on that I'm gonna write it down I'm gonna I'm going to write it down my hair because I definitely want to show how update update VDI machines all I'm definitely going to write my notes or how that's the question that I'm asking myself because I want to know how can I keep my VDI machines up to date I do it in one shot it has to be a way to deploy automatically right even though the machines are part of your domain and you probably have like a WC so you could probably push out the updates that way but how about the applications oh well you probably have a CCM or another tactic to keep your application within your network to keep your applications within your network updated you have like SCCM or whichever way you have you probably push it that way but there has to be a way a simple way that I could actually do an offline update that'd be pretty cool I need to do a research on that so who knows oh so we got a nice little warning not a warning but information status the virtual desktop and the virtual desktop collections are being created depending on the size of the virtual desktop collection this may take a while to complete you may close the wizard and monitor the progress by right-clicking the collection in the collections tile and then clicking task status details cool so let's close that up all right cool oh it's right here cool cool cool let's go awesome so the status right now is creating awesome so let's refresh that is still creating says I can right-click and go to task status see how that looks it's in progress awesome is still in progress is this still doing things so all vdi will have the same computer name good question so I think thus the surface that I did the BTN HD you're going to have that and I think it's going to generate a specific number so I haven't really let me see if I right click here and do a refresh there goes I am awesome this is good so this is how it's going to work out so that means if I created additional machines it had been BTN HD dash 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 this naming scheme I kind of like it because then it keeps track what virtual machines that you have if you have like uh I don't know if you have like letters or names to it it will get a little confusing if you have ok vdi 0 Oh a if you within your team you say hey Bernardo di 5 is having issues or I already know where VDI 5 is at random like oh hey Bernardo uh virtual machine uh and why - 5 5 7 6 what that's too much right so this is what you're going to get I don't know if you're able to automate the naming that should be that should be the real question right there are you able to automate the question I mean are you able to automate or change the name of your virtual machine I'm gonna write that with my notes because I'm gonna do a little research on that uh Thank You Dee Matthews for shooting that to me and making me scratch my brain because I definitely want to know if you're able to change the vdi names right is that what you're asking right are you able to customize the computer names because if so I definitely gotta get back to you and definitely gonna do a future video on that so it looks like it is working but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna stop that I'm gonna I'm not going to stop the livestream would be like ok we're done because it popped up here we're done we're done no we're not done we're not done until this se is completed and it says one on one virtual desktops were successfully created and then I'm able to get into my hyper-v so within the hyper-v manager this is where you're going to see a BTN HD or whatever name that you gave it so let's correct let's close this up we're going to minimize our server manager and we're going to open up a hyper-v there goes awesome awesome awesome so this is our this is our machine it looks like it's running it's already running I don't have a status that it looks it doesn't have a status indicating that it's um you know running awesome thank you for confirming d Matthews I'm going to definitely get back to you because now I'm interested I'm scratching my brain that would be cool if you're able to change the naming scheme from for what I saw it kind of like it's real simple you gotta add a prefix I don't know if you're able to do like a variable within the prefix like you do like a % computer name % and it would take the boy wait a minute it's a virtual machine if virtual machines normally give you like like gibberish stuff attached to it but I'll definitely want to look into it because I'm scratching my brain I definitely want to learn and know that myself so uh so let's uh right click on our virtual machine which is our VDI see this this is this is the weird thing this is the virtual machine that was created and let's go inside the server manager because it still se is creating let me refresh it let's refresh it it should see it's still saying creating why are you saying creating if it's already completed so let's right click on it and let's go to tasks and it's still saying in progress which is this is where I find a little strange because when I go into the hyper-v clearly the hyper-v imma close I'm gonna close everything up when I go to the hyper-v uh it's already it's already up and running and I'm able to login into another I'm gonna leave it alone let's let us not bother it just not bother it at all right I don't want to touch it but it looks like it's up and running and install Windows 10 it's already part of the active directory I should be able to login using an Active Directory account so let's do that let's I'm a right-click here I'm going to go to new I'm going to do user and let's type in Batman I'm a huge Batman fan and Batman so Batman is gonna login into our VDI machine because we I want to test it out so in click on next we're going to give it a password confirm it nope and password never expires again this is a lab but I don't really recommend you doing password never expires it's not a good thing click on X finish and Batman is created that user account is the one that we're going to use to log into our BT and HD - 0 which is our VDI thing let's go back into our VDI server it looks like it's running some of the question quite good question I'm glad this is all working first time I know I know tell me about it that's like luck how often do you start doing IT and it works like that and left and I'll be honest with you guys I practiced this stuff before I did the livestream I practiced this stuff a week ago and I reverted all back I reverted all my virtual machines back and this is fresh as you guys saw I install everything live in front of you guys the only thing I did not test was the the Windows 10 machine I tested everything within a Windows 7 I didn't want to do a Windows 7 template because it makes no sense we're not using Windows 7 even though everyone loves Windows 7 I'm a huge windows 7 lover a little fan but I had to test out with Windows 10 because that's what you guys are implementing right now within your environment right you have to stay current you have to push out Windows 10 so what other thing are you going to run it from another system well I'm not going to do it within running another system right now uh I do apologize for that and the reason why I'm not going to be running on another system is because I got to get my back-end to work uh before I start doing that uh and then what do I mean I need to configure my router because I want to access this stuff outside I want to show you guys outside world stuff so I'm going to actually have a laptop and I'm going to go outside and I'm going to record everything and I'm going to show you guys I'm remoting desktop into this and I'm using the VDI that's how I want to test this stuff out for you guys I don't want to be in the same environment and testing it out because you know it's going to work out but you know it's going to work out when you're in the same environment you take out the the testing within the outside environment that's the chance that's where it basically shows whether or not it's going to work so I'm definitely going to do that for you guys I'm going to test this environment outside so I just need to do a little bit of configuration and they'll get me wrong I'm going to document everything and I want to show you guys how I did everything on my end I just need to test everything out but for now I'm just setting up my laughs VDI okay I do apologize for that D Matthews but just stay tuned for that I just I can't give you guys everything I want you guys I want to keep you guys I gotta keep you guys you know it's like a cliffhanger I don't want to give you guys everything because then you guys just leave me you know I want to keep you guys there with me so let's open up the server manager because it's really weird I virtual machine is it's finished it's running but it's with an active directory but it was still saying creating uh still loading let's go over my desktop let's go to collections it's still saying creating what is going on let's go to test status it's still saying oh man this is nuts refresh it is all i get i get i get angsty i finish finish thank you thank you jones as as then you could Rd into server and other things too uh yeah you can remote desktop into servers and other things too yep but remember this this infrastructure is you creating a bunch of pools hey Jason Walker how you doing thank you for tuning in uh we're almost done jason walker but i do appreciate you tuning in to the live stream showing some support showing some love I think the next thing that I'm going to do for you guys is I'm going to configure in my in two remote into this infrastructure outside of my network I want to show you guys how that works out how to configure the web access portal that's going to be later on I just wanted to show you guys how to get it up and running how to how the VDI stuff works okay it's still in progress oh let's close that up let's go inside here let's refresh CPU alright let's connect on to this it's still there it's to sign in to BTN HD yeah that means interesting very interesting see I don't want to do anything because I'm afraid of doing anything to this virtual machine and I'll probably mess it up right I have to go now alright Jones thank you so much for joining again it's the videos done I think the livestream is done the only thing that we're waiting is for this to say completed it is just taking a sweet time doing it but it looks like it's working everything is working acted to write 3 we created our organizational group right here this is our machine that we created within our you know Remote Desktop Services we created a collection the collection right now is creating a one virtual machine because that's what we told it to create we could create more but for now we just need one and you see how long is taken just to create one right imagine if I did three of them we'll be here all day but up up probably going a I don't know I feel like just sticking around I really want to stick around and see if this guy's finished ah come on come on finish for me because you're like right there it's like right there right there it's like this is the machine that was created it's like right there all right so still creating Wow still creating it's taking a while for it to create but I think I'm going to end it right here I think I'm going to end it yeah I think I'm going to end it because it looks like everything is working you know Active Directory our organizational group was configured properly with the permissions within our VDI setup we see our computer already in there awesome the VDI we created a collection a pool to house all our virtual machines we already created one virtual machine for now and as you can see is taken forever and I you know and this is a virtual machine um it's crazy because I have a virtual machine within another virtual machine within another virtual machine it's nuts so it's it's it's acting weird but it's it's being created it's just taking his sweet time and if we go to our hyper-v this guy was never there remember we already had the Windows 10 template that's the one that we started with that's the that is the foundation that we use to create this guy right here it is running I don't know why it's taking so long to finish but it is okay and the next thing that we need to do is login to it I don't want to touch the hyper-v machine is because is one of those things you know you you don't have patience and then when you start playing around with stuff that you should not touch that's when stuff starts messing up and I really don't want anything to mess up because it's running with no problem so I'm going to cut the life and cool love it keep up see you in the next video thank you so much D Matthews thank you appreciate it I'm going to leave you guys right now I appreciate all the love make sure you guys share the video the video is going to be up and running pretty soon I have a bunch of questions that I need to answer my cell one of the question is are we able to change the vdi name d Matthews and also how to update the VDI machines how you update all of them so I'm in the live stream right now I am going to take a quick picture when is the status say is completed and I'm going to shoot it to my Twitter account so hopefully you guys follow me at BJ tech news so you can see the picture I'm going to I'm also going to post it at my Google+ and my Instagram so you guys can see it it's completed awesome awesome awesome thank you so much for joining I appreciate all the supports stay safe stay healthy love you guys happy Labor Day for those individuals that are working or not working tomorrow be safe you know hang out with the family and I thank you for hanging out with me today Sunday all right and catch you guys later peace out
Channel: BTNHD
Views: 69,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, VDI, Microsoft VDI, Configuration Microsoft VDI, Installation Microsoft VDI, How to VDI, btnhd, bjtechnewshd, bjtechnews, RDP, Remote Desktop Protoco, Windows Server 2012 R2, Tech Live, Live Tech, Tech tutorials, tech how to
Id: kAVTU0xCOnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 23sec (4043 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2016
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