Deploying AWS Elastic Load Balancers | ALB and NLB

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Hey guys, in this lesson I'm going to cover ALB   and NLB deployments in a bit  more detail. So let's start. Looking at an Application Load Balancer, with ALBs  and NLBs, we always have target groups. And that's   where we can register our instances. The target  groups define the target type. So for example,   is it an instance? Is it a Lambda function? Is it  an IP address? And the target protocol and port. The target protocol and port is the protocol and  port on which the application is running on the   instance itself. So if it's a web server, it's  going to be HTTP 80 or HTTPS port 443 by default. Next, we have the VPC that the instances are in,   and health checks. So the health checks define  which port and protocol is going to be used by   the load balancer to check whether the  instances are available and healthy and   ready to receive connections. And only if they  are, will it forward any connections to them. And then we've got the registered targets  themselves. So we can register the targets   manually, or we can attach the target group  to an Auto Scaling Group and they'll be   registered dynamically as they're launched and  removed when they're terminated by the ASG. We then have our load balancer. On the  load balancer, there is a listener. Here   we get to define the protocol and port  that the load balancer listens on. And   this can be different from the  target group protocol and port. We have routing rules for an  Application Load Balancer,   and we can assign certificates for encryption as  well. We can also define the network mapping. So   which availability zones and subnets are  our instances going to be registered into. Now when we do that, when we actually  define those availability zones and subnets,   the load balancer deploys its nodes into each  availability zone that it's mapped to. So these   are the actual deployments of the load balancer  itself. They're added to each of these AZs. Now we can actually send traffic through  to our instances in the Target group.   Let's have a look at the supported  configurations for ALB versus NLB. For ALB, the target type can be instance, IP  address, or Lambda function. The protocol must   be HTTP and HTTPS. Also, the health check protocol  must be HTTP or HTTPS as well. You cannot use TCP,   even if you specify the correct port number  like TCP 80. You won't actually be able to   see the target group when you create  the load balancer through the console,   and you won't be able to attach it by any means. You can also define rules for advanced request  routing with the ALB, but not with the NLB. Now, the NLB has targets which  can be instances, IP addresses,   or Application Load Balancers. The reason  ALB is in there is because you can put a   Network Load Balancer in front of an ALB  that might help you with connections. The Network Load Balancer provides very low  latency, so it's great for large numbers of   connections with very minimal latency. And then  you can have your Application Load Balancers   behind the NLB. The target group  protocol must be TCP or UDP for an NLB,   and any health check protocol is supported. You can also define the elastic IPs per subnet;   that's something that's specific to the  NLB. So now you can have a static public   IP address assigned to those nodes that  are running in each availability zone. Now, we have advanced request routing with  the ALB. Let's have a look at how that works. Here we have instances across multiple  AZs and organized into different Target   groups. The target groups are used to then route  requests through to those specific instances,   which may be running different  components of an application. Then we have our load balancer,  which has a listener. ALBs,   as you know, listen on HTTP protocol  or HTTPS. With path-based routing,   we can actually specify rules, and  the rules will look at the URL. So remember that a load balancer, an Application  Load Balancer, is a Layer 7 load balancer,   and so it can look at information in the HTTP  header at Layer 7, and that includes in this   case the path. So we can route requests to  different Target groups based on the path. Here we got or /orders,  and they're going to different Target groups,   different components of our application. That's  path-based routing. With host-based routing,   we have a different host  header:,   and the request is going to forward  through to Target group three. So   we can combine these as well; we can have  host-based routing and path-based routing. And there are several other  different mechanisms we can   use for advanced request routing with  the ALB. So with host-based routing,   we're routing based on the host field in the  HTTP header, essentially the subdomain. In   this example, targets for the ALB can be EC2  instances, IP addresses, or Lambda functions. Next, we have the Network Load Balancer. And  here we have two target groups. In an NLB,   we can assign elastic IPs in each subnet that  the load balancer is connected to. The NLBs   will listen on TCP, TLS, UDP, or TCP_UDP. The NLB  does not support the advanced request routing that   the ALB does, but you can create multiple  listeners and listen on different ports. So in this case, a separate listener on  a unique port is added, and then requests   for that specific application running  on that port number can be forwarded   to a different Target group. You could  do that on ALB as well; you can have   multiple listeners with different ports. And  they always do have to be different ports;   you can only have one listener per load  balancer for an individual port number. Here, requests are routed based on the IP protocol  data. So what is the port number that we're   connecting to? Targets can be EC2 instances, IP  addresses, or ALBs as we mentioned before. Targets   can also be outside of a VPC, so for example,  they could be in an on-premises data center. Now, here's a question: What is the source  IP address that the application is going   to see? So connections come into the load  balancer, and we want to understand what   is the source IP address of the client. It  comes up in exam questions sometimes. Also,   it's important to understand if you need to  log that information; potentially, you need   to do some kind of screening as well. It could be  for licenses, it could be for security purposes. So let's say that the client's IP address on the  Internet is A. And here we have the load balancer;   the load balancer has nodes, and  those nodes have IP addresses. So   let's say that the node that it's being  forwarded through is B. The CLB and the   ALB use the private IP address of  their ENIs as the source address. So in this case, the application  is going to see IP equals B. Okay,   so it's going to see. So the application  running here is going to see that the   client is actually the load balancer itself.  It doesn't see the address of the client. With an NLB, again, we've got the IP addresses:   A for the client IP addresses, B for  the nodes of the load balancer. Now,   if the instance is specified by instance  ID when you add it to the Target group,   then the IP address is going to be A. So the  application is going to see the IP address of   the client. So that could be useful for logging  purposes or other security purposes as well. Now, if in the same circumstance, however,  the only difference being that we've   specified the instance by IP address  instead of instance ID, in that case,   the IP address seen by the application  is B. Okay, the load balancer nodes. Now, what I've just shown you with the NLBs is  applicable when you're using TCP and TLS. If   you're using UDP or TCP_UDP, then the IP address  is going to be a little bit confusing, I know,   and it really depends on the different ports and  protocols. But there is a great link, which I'll   share with you, that you can follow to the AWS  website where you can read a lot more about this,   and hopefully, it will make sense once you've  been through that as well as watching this video. When using an NLB with a VPC  endpoint or Global Accelerator,   the source IP addresses are the  private IPs of the NLB nodes. Lastly, the X-Forwarded-For can be used with the  ALB to capture client IPs. X-Forwarded-For is a   type of header. What it means is if we enable that  header in our application, then we will actually   be able to capture those client IP addresses.  So they are actually there somewhere in the IP   protocol information that's being sent through,  but we need to enable this specific header.
Channel: Digital Cloud Training
Views: 959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, Amazon Web Services, AWS Amazon, AWS Certified, AWS Training, AWS tutorial, Amazon AWS, free aws, free aws tutorials, AWS Cloud, Cloud Computing, AWS for beginners, Introduction to AWS, AWS Solutions Architect, AWS ALB, AWS NLB, AWS Elastic Load Balancer
Id: 4RfWO07ZY0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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