AWS Network Load Balancer (AWS NLB) with Elastic IP Address

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Hey guys, I've got a great lab for you. In  this lab, we're going to launch a network load   balancer with an application running on a custom  TCP Port. So the topology will look like this:   we have VPCA with a couple of instances running  in a Target group. We're going to have a network   load balancer, and then we're going to assign  elastic IP addresses to the subnets in these   two different availability zones. So that  means the network load balancer will have   static public addresses. Now, bear in mind that  AWS does charge for the use of elastic IPs,   whether they're used or not. That was a  change that they made to the pricing. However,   for running them for a short period of time like  this, shouldn't cost more than a few pennies. On the right-hand side, we've got VPCB.  This is where our client is going to run   that wants to access the application. And  we're going to use a network ACL so I can   demonstrate whitelisting IP addresses. And this  is what the network ACL is going to look like: Now, most companies would not allow our custom  application on Port 8181. They will restrict   all outbound ports from their VPC or from their  Network. And what we need to do then is open up   the specific ports. Now, some standard ports  like web services ports might be open already,   but 8181 is a custom Port, so it should  be closed by your security team. Then,   when you go to the security team and say, 'I want  you to open this port,' they're going to say,   'Well, I don't want to open it to everything every  destination on the internet. Give me the specific   IP addresses that we're going to allow access  to over this port number.' And in this case,   we can give the elastic IP addresses for our  two subnets here on the left-hand side. Now,   because we have a standard allow  for everything in our Network ACL,   and I don't want to go into the complexities  of allowing all the different individual ports   and bidirectional ports that we need,  I'm leaving that allow rule in there. And I've got a deny rule here. Normally,  if you have a very secure infrastructure,   you'll deny this port by default, but I've had  to add in a deny rule. So we're going to allow   using these two rules, and then there's a sort of  blanket deny. So we should only allow traffic to   the elastic IPs of the network load balancer  using this particular Port range. So now,   with all this in place, our client  should be able to access the network   load balancer and the instances in these  two subnets. So let's go and build this out. So we're back in the console, and I'm going to  head over to the EC2 service and head down to   launch templates. We need to create an ASG, so  we're going to need a launch template. So I'm   going to call this one custom SAS. Scrolling  down a little way, I do want to choose the   AMI. I'm going to choose the first one here,  Linux 2023 AMI. Scroll down a little further,   instance type is going to be T2 Micro. Key pair  I don't need, so I'll just leave that and do not   include for Security Group. I'm going to select my  web access Security Group, and I'm going to have   to make sure I have my port open in there. We'll  do that shortly. And then I'm going to scroll all   the way down, head over to advanced settings,  go to the bottom, and we have some user data. So in the course download in the Elastic  Load Balancing directory, you'll find the   NLB user data shell script. This one is going to  create a simple Flask application using Python,   and it's going to have a port number of  8181. When we connect to it on that port,   the success response should be that we see a  simple welcome message here. So I'm going to   copy all of that code, bring it back into my  user data, and then create my launch template. So now I can head back up to EC2, down  to Auto Scaling groups, create one,   and I'll simply call this ASG. Select  my custom SAS app launch template,   click on Next. I'm going to put this one  in the default VPC, and I'm going to select   availability zones in US East 1A and 1B.  Click on Next, no load balancer at this   point in time. We're just going to go through,  select 2 for desired capacity, 2 for minimum,   and 2 for maximum. And that's all I need to do.  I'll skip to review, scroll down, and launch. And my ASG is launching with my applications. Now  I want to make sure that my security group has   the relevant port. So I chose the web access,  go to inbound rules, make sure you've got the   port number here. So let's see, I've already done  it for mine, so I got Port 8181 from any source. Make sure you add that rule. The next thing we  need to do is we will need elastic IP. So let's   see, we don't have any elastic IP addresses.  So I'm going to click on allocate, leave the   default settings there, click on allocate. Do  the same again and now we have two elastic IPs   available. Just remove that filter there, I  can see both elastic IPs. I now need to create   a Target group. So let's come down to Target  groups. I'm going to create a new Target group,   the target type will be instances. I'll call  this tg-NLB so I know what it is. And here,   we're going to set to TCP and then 8181, so that's  the protocol and Port. The health check is going   to use HTTP slash. We don't want that, it's not  going to work. Change it to TCP and then it will   by default use the custom port number or you can  override it if you like. Okay, so let's click on   next. And I've got two instances, so let's add  those, select both, click include as pending   below and then create the target group. And  I've got my instances. Now I need to create the   load balancer. So I've selected load balancers,  create. We're going to choose to create a network   load balancer. I'll just call it NLB, it will be  internet facing ipv4. Default VPC is selected and   I want to select US East 1A and 1B. This time I'm  going to select the option to use an elastic IP   address and it's chosen one for me. Do the same  for US East 1B, make sure it's not the same,   it is for me. So I need to go ahead and make sure  that we've got two different elastic IP addresses   here. Then make sure we got the security group set  up correctly. I'm going to use web access again,   it has the correct rule there for me. The  listener should be 8181 TCP. Okay, so now we   have these different options with the network load  balancer. We're going to choose TCP 8181. Select   your target group, now we can go ahead and create  the load balancer. While that's all launching,   what I will do is open up EC2 again in a different  window and so that I can use a different VPC. I'll   just change to a different region, so maybe I'll  change to US East Ohio here and we'll use the   default VPC again. So here I just need to launch  an instance and we just want to have an instance   that we can connect to using instance connect and  then run a curl command. So Linux 2023 T2 micro,   don't need a key pair, do need to allow  SSH, so I'll just leave that option and   then launch the instance. Now this is  going into the default VPC here in Ohio. So what I need to do is just head over to the VPC  Management console, and we're going to inspect the   network ACL. Okay, so let's go to network ACL's,  making sure I'm in Ohio. Now I've only got one VPC   here, the VPC is the default one, and we can see  that in the outbound rules for the network ACL,   we have a rule that says 100, and it's allow.  So the number's 100, and then it's an. So what   we'll do now is click on edit outbound rules,  and we want to create basically what I had in   the slides. So back in the slides here, we've  got 97, 98, and 99. Remember these are in order,   so it's going to check. We're trying to connect  to 8181 with a specific destination IP address,   it's going to allow it, and then it's going  to check the next one. If the IP address is   a different IP, anything else for that  port number is going to be denied. Um,   but all other port numbers will be allowed  by default. So let's put this in place. So what I want to do is add a rule. It's  going to be 97. Port range is 8181, and the   destination is going to be one of those elastic  IP addresses. Back in the load balancer here,   if we go to network mapping, we can see the  elastic IPs. So I'm going to select the first   one, come back, paste, add in the CER block  ranges sl32. Okay, that means an exact match,   that's all of the bits available in the subnet.  Market ask next will be 98, also 8181, and then   let's come back and allow this particular elastic  IP address sl32. The next rule is purely just to   make sure that we are denying to any other address  to prove that it's working. So any destination,   this is a deny, the others are all allows. Okay,  so let's save the changes, and it's going to order   them for us. So if I come back to outbound rules,  we can see we now have the correct rules in place. So let's see if we're able to connect to  our application now. We're not going to   use these specific IPS because we know that  the resolution will happen through DNS. So   what we can do is copy the DNS name of the load  balancer. So what we'll do now is we'll connect   to our instance using EC2 instance connect,  and this should all work because we do have   the relevant connectivity enabled through the  security group. We haven't modified anything   in the network ACLS either to prevent this access.  So now what we want to do is run the curl command,   and it's going to be to the DNS name of  the network load balancer, colon 8181,   that's the port number, and let's see if that  works. Says welcome to my custom SAS app. And so I can keep rerunning this command, no  problem. It's all working. So we just proved   that we're able to whitelist these two individual  IPs, and I can prove it to you for sure by coming   back. Back, and let's just change these two. Let's  just remove those two rules, and now we just have   a deny for that Port. Let's come back to the EC2  instance, run it again, nothing's happening. Okay,   so we just broke that access. So we were able  to whitelist those specific IP addresses. Okay,   hope you enjoyed that one. I have finished  with this particular lab. I will go back and   just reset my rules so I don't leave anything I  don't want in place. I'll remove 99, and I need   to go and terminate my EC2 instance as well. So  let's terminate this one. The other thing you'll   need to do is back in US East where we started,  I'm going to delete my load balancer. We have to   do this before we can release our elastic IPs,  but I don't want you to forget to release those   IPs. So I've done that. I'm also going to delete  my auto scaling group to remove those instances.   So give it a few minutes, then under elastic IP  addresses, select the address and click on release   and release again, and it should successfully  release that address. If it says there's still   an association, just give it another minute or  so, refresh here, and then release your address.
Channel: Digital Cloud Training
Views: 2,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AWS, Amazon Web Services, AWS Amazon, AWS Certified, AWS Training, AWS tutorial, Amazon AWS, free aws, free aws tutorials, AWS Cloud, Cloud Computing, AWS for beginners, Introduction to AWS, AWS NLB, AWS Network Load Balancer, Elastic IP addresses, AWS Solutions Architect Associate
Id: scxqbgzs5hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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