Deploying a simple website to Vercel (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

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Let's deploy a basic website with HTML,  CSS, and JavaScript to Vercel. So,   Vercel is a frontend cloud, and we support 35-plus  different frontend frameworks. But sometimes,   you want to deploy just a basic website that  uses good old-fashioned vanilla HTML, CSS,   and JavaScript. And of course, we support  that too. So, we're going to show that   today. We're going to show setting  up basically the most simple website   possible to get you up and running. Let's  get started with our HTML starter template. So, this is a very simple template  that just uses a single HTML file   that's going to help you get online very  quickly. So, on,   I found this template. I'm going to click  'Deploy'. Now, I already have an account;   I've already connected to my GitHub repository.  So, I'm going to make a new private repository.   Let's call this 'HTML Starter Video,' and I'm  going to click 'Create'. This is going to copy   that code into a newly created git repository, and  it's going to kick off deploying our application. So, in just a few seconds here, we  took our HTML file, deployed it,   and uploaded it to all of Vercel's Edge Network  regions. And now we see our site is online. So,   if I click out here, I can open up this new  application. So, we see 'HTML Starter Video'. Every deployment gets your new domain. So, this is already online,   it's already set up with SSL, so we get this  secure URL. And there's a lot of things inside   of this template I want to dig into that  are just kind of already set up for you. But first, if we go back to Vercel and we click on  'Continue to dashboard,' we're going to see this   new project that was set up for our deployment.  So, if I click on 'Deployments,' for example,   we see we had this one production deployment. It  took 8 seconds for us to deploy this application   out to production. We see the domains, we  see the environment, we see the outputs. So,   we have under here, we have one Edge Middleware,  which we're going to talk about that in a second,   and then we also have an index file, and then  there was a readme as well. If we wanted to,   we could even ignore that readme  from being included in our deploy. Okay, let's talk about what's included  in this starter HTML file. If you want,   you can always go in your browser and view the  source if you want to see the underlying HTML   that's being included here. We're going to talk  about some of these things individually. So,   let's start at the top. First, we have  analytics that's automatically set up. Now,   there's only one file right now, but as you add  more HTML files, you can have some nice traffic   analytics as visitors are coming in, and you  don't need to add any additional third-party   scripts. So, this is entirely first-party;  we've already set it up on the page. And if I wanted to just go back over to our  HTML starter video project and go to analytics,   I can say, you know what, I do want to  enable Web Analytics. This all sounds   great. I'm going to turn that on. And I don't  even need to use any special packages here,   because this is just included through a good  old-fashioned script tag. Now, this does require   redeploying our site so that it can understand  that we have enabled Web Analytics here. So, I'm going to go back to our deployments,  I'm going to go here on this deployment, I can   just click 'Redeploy'. So, we're going to redeploy  this. That's going to kick off a new deployment,   and now on the next deployment that we have,  when I make requests to our site (granted,   again, it's just one URL now), that gets  alias to ''. So,   I can just refresh the page here a couple  of times, that all looks good. And now,   if I go back over to our project and I go to  analytics, it says, 'Hey, we've now recognized   there's been some traffic to your website.'  Let's start taking a look at what we have here. So, we can filter by the different time, we  can filter by the different environments,   we can disable this if we want, we can add more  things as needed. But we see that we're starting   to pick up traffic here, and these numbers can  update in real-time. So, we see that there's, you   know, one online now, and as the page views start  trickling in, we can see that number increment. So, that's all it takes to get set up with some  basic traffic analytics. Another thing that's   great about this template is that you want the  simplicity of just having a basic HTML file. But   as you make changes to your site, wouldn't it  be great if you could automatically update your   domain, update your live deployment with those  contents? So, if I go over to GitHub, for example,   I can see this single HTML file that was  created. I can just click the edit button here,   and let's say I want to call this 'Vercel HTML  Starter Video'. I'm going to commit my changes,   we'll just go directly to the main branch  for the sake of this video. And now,   if we go back over to our application,  we click on 'Deployments,' there's a new   production deployment that's kicked off, and it's  taken in those new changes based on that commit. And now, if I go back over to here, it's  finished, I see 'Vercel HTML Starter Video'. So,   we can iterate really quickly and push changes to  our application, see them live in production. Now,   the next thing on the list is fast gzip  compression. So, by default, there's going   to be gzip compression on all of your files. So,  that's really great; helps speed up the response   coming from our edge network. You can also  use Brotli compression if you prefer; that's   even a little bit better. So, you can opt into  that using the headers that you forward along. The last thing here to talk about is advanced  routing configuration. So, we included it in   this template. You don't necessarily have to use  it, but sometimes it can be nice. So, you can use   a Middleware file that's going to allow you to set  a bunch of headers on your files. Now, Vercel also   has a static header option for this, where you can  include it in a vercel.json file. But sometimes,   you want to write this through code. So,  let's take a look at what this looks like. Okay, back over on GitHub, we see this single  middleware.js file that was created in the   root of our application. Basically, all it's  doing is taking in the incoming web request,   and it's saying, you know what, we're  going to produce a web response, and we're   going to include some additional security  headers on here. This is a trivial example,   but you can do a lot with this, since you have  access in JavaScript to the web request and   response. And we have a bunch more documentation  and examples if you want to use Middleware. So, the last thing I want to talk about in this  template is actually how it's being styled. So,   if you look at the output here in the DOM,  you see that there's a bunch of HTML elements,   but there's no class names. We're not assigning  any of these elements and class names. So,   where is it getting these styles from? Well, I'm  actually using a single CSS stylesheet. Sometimes   they call these CSS Zen Gardens, basically where  everything is styled just directly referencing   the actual HTML element. So, all the <p>  tags are going to look in a certain way,   all of the <h1>s are going to look a  certain way. This is a really easy, small   thing to do that can give you a decent-looking  website without having to do anything extra. So, I like to use these little simple hacks when  I'm just building a very, very basic website. So,   I don't even have to write any custom styles  myself. Just a fun little thing. But that about   wraps up creating a very simple HTML, CSS, and you  could also throw in some additional JavaScript in   this file if you wanted to, as well. Maybe even  some jQuery. The world is your oyster here, and we   showed how you took this and deployed it to Vercel  in, I think, it was 6 to 8 seconds. So really   easy to get your first site online, make some  changes, add some analytics, add some additional   customization, really whatever you want to do  while deploying on Vercel's global edge network. So, this is going to be fast, wherever your  visitors are in the world. If you want to see more   content around more basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript  sites, maybe even some HTMX, I don't know, we'll   see. Just leave a comment down below, and we can  make more videos on this. Hope you enjoyed, peace!
Channel: Vercel
Views: 6,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oIsf9zE-TRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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