Dependency Injection, The Best Pattern

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dependency injection is a term I don't love because it sounds a lot more fancy than it is dependency injection is simply when you have a piece of code which uses another piece of code and instead of using that code directly it's passed in instead when you pass something in to be used we call it injection we inject the dependent code into the code that uses it while this part is quite simple it unlocks some very powerful side effects that we're going to cover we have a business app where users can chat with their co-workers they can also send pictures and files to each other when a user sends something the file gets uploaded to our attachment service the attachment service is responsible for storing retrieving and processing all attachments we're going to build up this whole service using dependency injection and we'll see what it enables us to do [Music] when a user sends a message with an attachment the message text gets sent to our standard chat service we want people to receive their messages almost real time so this service is all about speed the attachment on the other hand gets uploaded to our attachment service there's an endpoint in our node service attachment slash upload that the app connects to and uploads a file the attachment gets stored on the disk temporarily process in a few ways we'll talk about and then upload it to its final destination the default storage location is an S3 a part of Amazon's web services it's a simple storage service that lets you put up files and pull them down we have some code here that takes the uploaded file and then uploads it to S3 unfortunately simple and elegant doesn't always like to co-exist with business while S3 is nice and straightforward and most of our clients are okay with it we have a few firms that don't want us to permanently store their data this means we actually need our service to handle multiple storage locations then depending on which company a user is from we need to put their attachments in the right place most of these picky clients just give us an SFTP server to connect to but one really wanted us to use webdev our first thought might be to Simply extend our upload code with some if statements and then have the caller of the upload method pass in where to upload the file this is awkward for a few reasons first this one class has a ton of responsibility making the code pretty ugly the code for SFTP is intermingled with the code from AWS and web dev even though they're pretty different there's a lot of paths the code can take and that makes the code harder to understand second using the class isn't very simple we have this one upload function which needs a bunch of info for where we're going to upload the attachment but what info it needs is very different depending on where it's going if it's AWS we need the AWS keys if it's SFTP we need the address and private key and webdav needs a URL in auth key so we're kind of forced to have a bunch of these optional variables that need to be filled out in certain cases and then comments to tell you which ones to fill out this makes it pretty easy for the caller to make a mistake and finally the part of the code that actually calls upload over here needs to have all of this destination specific context to perform the upload but really at this phase it just wants to upload the part of the code that knows best which company a user is from and can deduce where the file should go is up here at the beginning of the request but right now we're forced to pass all of this information around let's see what happens if we use dependency injection instead let's create an interface that represents our attachment storage which contains a key upload method that does what the request Handler wants to do upload an attachment then we create three different implementations of the storage interface the configuration for each is passed into their Constructor there's no more optional variables that sometimes need to be set we require exactly these values and you get an error if you forget one so now once the user is authenticated and we know which company they're from we create the storage that the request Handler should use instead of the configuration needing to be passed all the way to the request Handler only the storage is passed to or injected into the request Handler it's not aware of which storage is passed in or where the file is going it just knows that it can call upload that said this construction code is still a little too complex to put here so let's see if we can clean this up if we look at the input here it's really just this company configuration and the output is the storage which conforms to the storage interface so we can just move this out to a factory great but saving to the final storage destination is the last step of the process we have all these other stages that the upload goes through foreign each upload through a virus scanner this checks the files for signatures of obvious viruses then if the file is an image we scale it down to a Max width of 2500 pixels this is what we display to the user when they click on an image because it uses less bandwidth and loads faster [Music] then the file goes through preview generation this is basically the thumbnail that pops up underneath an attachment in the chat so the user can see what the attachment is without fully downloading it then the last step is encryption if we're storing the files on Amazon's S3 we pre-encrypt the files before setting them up that way if there's a security breach at Amazon we can say they're encrypted when we have to send it one of those we were hacked by the way emails so let's see how we can make each of these requirements fit cleanly into our service for the virus scanner we currently use a scanner called threat protect however Synergy security scanner has much better detection kpis and our plan is to switch to it but sadly we haven't finalized the deal with Synergy we're only allowed to test with it in our development environment not in production no worries we can create a shared interface for our two scanners and on initialization we pick one and inject that one into the request Handler when we launch in development mode Synergy security is initialized and in production the old threat protect scanner is created our request Handler just scans the files but doesn't know which scanner is doing it for image scaling we use the sharp Library in order to inject that we simply wrap it up in an image scalar interface the interface also contains a method which tells us if an attachment supports scaling we injected into our upload request and only scale if the attachment supports it preview generation is the most complex given how many types of attachments there could be we have an interface that represents the different preview generators it takes the input file and then Returns the preview image we have one implementation that handles document files like word docs slides Etc one for videos which extracts the thumbnail from the video and one for images but the image one can thankfully just reuse our image scaler we just inject the same image scaler from before into the image preview generator so we have all these preview generator classes but we only need one at a time depending on which file type is being uploaded the upload request shouldn't need to worry about these details we'll inject a factory which takes on the burden of deciding which preview generator to create the factory takes in the mime type of the upload and then Returns the right preview generator to use so now the upload can simply just ask the factory for the preview generator and then use it and lastly we have encryption we only have one implementation of encryption we use AES but the key is per user and comes from our key service so we inject our key service into the AES encryption and then the AES encryption into the storage Factory then whenever we get a request for a company that's configured to use AWS the storage Factory injects the AES encryption into the new instance of AES storage then the upload request gets this final constructed AWS storage and simply calls upload without knowing that there's this whole chain of connected functionality and now we have our complete architecture you can see that our service is configurable from this one spot which makes it super easy to change once our deal with Synergy security goes through it's just these two lines to change our service want to add preview support for a new file type it just slots in like this no access to the key server when running the attachment service on your local development box no worries we can just use a fixed key when running locally injection basically just lets us pick and choose from our compatible puzzle pieces and then slot them in when we need them you'll notice that the time in which dependencies are injected varies a bit a few dependencies are resolved and injected right at startup this is often the most common scenario in dependency injection but some dependencies are chosen and injected when a request comes in either case their process is mostly the same we have some code that accomplishes something it lists the dependencies it needs and so we fulfill those needs you might wonder why go through the hassle of creating interfaces and injecting things when we only have one implementation like we only have one implementation of encryption well there's one big thing we haven't talked about if you look at our architecture here most of our components talk to each other through these interfaces which are injected in this means that each of these connection points we can control what is being used we've been using this to choose which implementation to use in our production service but we can also make them use no implementation we can use injection to inject fake or mock implementations instead which basically means we can slice and dice up our architecture to isolate sections of code during testing let's say we want to write a test for our AWS storage class we can use a fake S3 which we run locally that pretends to be the cloud service then our task can call upload and we can verify that a file got uploaded to S3 but because of the encryption we can't actually check the content of the file and verify that it's correct and didn't get corrupted not to worry let's inject a mock encryption that basically just disables encryption when the AWS storage class asks us to encrypt a file we'll just hand back a file that isn't actually encrypted now our test is able to verify fully that uploading and only uploading works because we've isolated it away from our dependencies what if we wanted to test encryption well we could mock out the key store to return a key that we control instead of going all the way to the key service or if we wanted to integration test both our AWS code and encryption code together we could do that by injecting our fake keystore into the real encryption and then inject the real encryption into the AWS storage a key thing here is that this is easy to do a natural side effect of having nice code is that it's easy to test without needing to hack around the code structure if you find yourself asking how can I test a private method or I need to set some internal variable in order to test that's a signal that you maybe need to pull some stuff out that you need to isolate some part of it by separating it and injecting it instead foreign I truly think you only learned stuff by trying stuff so for those subscribe to my patreon I'm going to start including some light experiments with videos for this one you can download the attachment service I wrote and I want you to reconfigure the service by changing the dependency injection and then you get to win some aesthetic points if you enter the results on the site [Music]
Channel: CodeAesthetic
Views: 762,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, C Language
Id: J1f5b4vcxCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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