Departure to Mars - Conquest of a Planet | SPACETIME - SCIENCE SHOW

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since time immemorial humankind has looked to the stars the universe has always been a source of fascination and of mystery how was the cosmos born what else might the universe contain and where do we come from mankind is fascinated by these questions and by the search for answers it is also fascinated by the idea of traveling to our neighbor planet Mars Mars holds a magical appeal for us humans is there life on the red planet could we live there welcome to space time featuring astronaut and scientist Ulrich Volta and an expert on surprises the universe has in store for us August the 2nd 2048 a spacecraft has just reached Mars the crew have landed on the red planet one giant leap for mankind seventy-nine years after the first moon landing man has set foot on another planet this is a fictional scenario but men on Mars will become a reality [Music] inside Argus second 2048 is a date that should be highlighted in the calendar why that's because that's probably when a human will set foot on Mars for the first time yet why so late you might ask because there are still lots of hurdles to overcome but these hurdles can be overcome and then human beings will fly to our neighbor planet [Music] and Mars has always fascinated humans but interest was only seriously kindled in the last century when a certain Giovanni Schiaparelli observed Mars through a telescope and thought that he could make out canals built by human hand thereafter people had visions of small green Martians entitled War of the Worlds a new novel appeared in which Martians visit earth so as you can see at the start of the last century there was no shortage of vivid imagination Mars has fired human imagination ever since it was discovered the conquest of the red planet by Earthlings in an inevitable battle against Martians over many years millions of cinema-goers have experienced the arrival of Martians on earth never friendly and usually green humans on Mars as conquerors or as in the Hollywood blockbuster the Martian as peaceful researchers in the struggle against the hostility of our neighbor planet it's a recurring theme in novels and films [Music] we have known ever since the 1960s what it looks like on Mars dozens of probes have visited the Red Planet and sent back photographs and data there have been reports of storms and barren deserts in the end we are left with more questions than answers especially the burning question of life past or present on our neighbor planet only a manned mission to Mars will solve the riddle once and for all when scientists and engineers research the Red Planet on the spot it is very clear to me that those manned missions sue to Moon and Mars human missions will happen but I don't know when they will happen that's a decision of society that's that's our decision the technology is almost there we can decide now that it's important for us to do that and it is important for several reasons to do that but we need the decision as a society and once we do that we're ready to go basically NASA was already thinking about manned flights to Mars in the early 1960s so far only unmanned missions have been undertaken to Mars explorers in an alien world launched by the Soviet Union the first probe landed on Mars in 1971 in 1975 the Americans followed suit when Viking 1 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet the million dollar question is whether Mars even had environmental conditions which made life possible was their second Genesis on Mars schema above all the search for life on Mars means a search for water he is the first pictures were fairly disappointing it looked like it does on the moon completely barren and empty but we know that at one time there were huge oceans on Mars so that water must be somewhere and it can only be beneath the surface the realization that put Mars in the spotlight in July 1997 Pathfinder landed on Mars on board the u.s. probe was a robot sadena became the first Rover to explore the surface of Mars as newer and newer robots have arrived it is not only the planet itself which is being researched a landing on Mars represents a huge challenge the atmosphere is so thin that ordinary parachutes would fail so along with the robot missions engineers are also developing technologies for a future landing by man but why why does everyone want to go to Mars it's quite simple let's take a look at the planets in our solar system this team huh there are the huge gas giants as they're called they don't have any solid surface because they're comprised solely of gas you Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune all of them just gas are we interested in them then there are the four others known as the terrestrial planets because like the earth they have a solid surface but the temperature on Mercury which is closest to the Sun is as high as 430 degrees Celsius Venus a little further away from the Sun has an extremely dense carbon dioxide atmosphere and thus a surface temperature of up to 500 degrees Celsius are they of interest to us not really the earth is lovely but we know it and now we get to the point the planet which is closest to the earth and thus reachable still lies within the habitable zone the range in which temperatures are just right in today however the temperature on Mars is around minus 50 degrees Celsius so it's a bit too cold but we know that many millions and billions of years ago it had oceans and looked almost exactly like Earth so the question is did it perhaps also support primitive life back then and that is why we want to go there conditions on Mars have been so well researched that a manned mission is now plan about the probes and robots are the scouts for future explorers not efficient or bottles from assume the various robot Lycians have already given us a very good picture of the different regions on Mars at fine mapping has progressed considerably we know how often sandstorms occur we know all about their density and temperature naturally having all this data is of vital importance to survival it is now regarded as certain that they used to be water on Mars evidence has also been found of methane an indication of life as we know that there is water on Mars in frozen form but we still have no idea what lies beneath the surface of the planet's mass these issues now intrigue us far more and we still lack detailed knowledge of the composition of the atmosphere whether there are still traces of life there or what effect life has on the atmosphere ice has already been found ExoMars a joint Rosso European project will it is hoped provide further answers March 2016 ExoMars sets off on its search for life on the Red Planet over the next 10 years I think we will see further robotic missions to Mars the ISA has launched a mission to our neighbor planet on arrival the lander will detach and enter the Martian atmosphere to gather important data by Vietnam over the next few years the orbiter will circle Mars and make a detailed analysis of trace gases in the Martian atmosphere this excursion to our neighbor planet will be spread over several missions and cost two and a half billion euros the main objective is to determine how we actually fly through the Martian atmosphere the satellite is equipped with temperature sensors we have an acceleration sensor which measures the retardation and we have a small camera for pictures in the second stage of the ExoMars mission a robot will land on the surface and search primarily for biological material [Music] we deadside miss you and identified on the second mission which will follow in 2021 plan to drill it to the surface to find out whether something akin to life exists or existed there exist yet how has Mars changed over the last few million years why did a planet full of oceans become a hostile desert such questions still preoccupy scientists what have we gained so far from the numerous robotic missions to Mars we know every square centimeter of Mars we have mapped it with great precision yet we have exact knowledge of the chemical composition not only of its surface but also of its atmosphere which is mainly carbon dioxide one thing we don't know however is the answer to the essential question of whether there is or was life on Mars even in the most primitive forms no robot can tell us this we need an experienced biologist to look through a microscope and say that's it that's something I've never seen before it's extraterrestrial life and that's why we have to undertake a manned mission to Mars the question is no longer if or why man should fly to Mars but when Amaka man has always been driven by curiosity that is why he will also travel to Mars and beyond for sure a manned mission to Mars would be mankind's greatest adventure since landing on the moon if it's possible we should do it it doesn't have to be because we might bring back something fantastic that would make it all worthwhile the game will be given that we can do it you can this the explorers of the 21st century will travel through our solar system and set foot on an alien planet the scientific benefits of such a mission would be huge I'm sure we can always send all kinds of robots to Mars and have everything analyzed there that's all possible the fact is though humans are still a thousand times better than any robot it means ultimately the whole time [Music] in my view today it's no longer a case of whether to send robots or humans to Mars but of sending robots and humans because one thing is clear robots are very good at performing repetitive dull and dangerous tasks but we're exploration is involved and the creative mind of a researcher is called for humans are vastly superior but before man sets up home on Mars a few problems still have to be solved and to naturally we know all the basic technical requirements for getting to Mars and surviving there but there are so many technical details that still need to be solved so far when we land on Mars for example and naturally we will do so with the help of rockets but what exactly will the lander look like it hasn't been built yet and then the dot yata Langley and if were to live on Mars for several years what form will our life-support system take I'm mad we don't know when we can't how are we going to get the fuel necessary for traveling back to earth we still don't know that all has to be designed and yet there are still a few people saying that's of no interest to us we're just gonna fly there you no matter what in 2012 a startup company and the Netherlands really caused a stir within the international space travel community it drew up a project named Mars one which promised nothing less than the colonization of Mars modern-day pioneers from the earth are going to populate our neighbor planet with no chance of coming back our plan of course is a mission of permanent settlement so the crew are the crew is staying on Mars and instead of trying to bring them from Mars back to earth which is practically impossible and we're going to send additional crews every two years a one-way ticket to the future living and dying on Mars if NASA is going to send humans to Mars they they can't leave them on the surface because for a country to say we're going to send some of our citizens to Mars and leave them there that's that doesn't work so that's the feedback I get from the masses that they will never be able to do that worldwide hundreds of thousands of people have applied to participate in the Mars one project fully realizing that they will never return like robots cruda a student from Darmstadt mr. Ives I'd like to achieve something up there as part of a team in other words take humankind and technology a step further I'd also like simply to explore Mars and find out whether or not there is life up there young healthy no family and an IT student cruda has the best prerequisites for a future settler on Mars he is among the last hundred applicants still being considered extinct I believe the moment will come when I really will board the rocket there's a lot that I will miss but it's the path I want to take living on Mars life enclosed in a container stepping outside without wearing a spacesuit would mean sudden death no forests no lakes no new book a life focused solely on survival we are very clear about the fact that this is a permanent settlement mission a one-way trip so our crews will have to decide for themselves is this something that I want to do or not and those people who don't want to do that they don't apply for our mission and they shouldn't go and of course at any moment until departure the teams can drop out and I would not be surprised if the first team that we select climbs the rocket and one of them says sorry guys I changed my write I don't want to do it and what is still totally unclear is how the new settlers on Mars will feed themselves mars-1 thinking is focused on green houses in the accommodation containers tests are being carried out to see if and how plants could thrive on Mars the lives of the settlers would depend on them a vegan existence should the harvest fail or the plants die it would be the end the settlers would starve to death a biologist at bargaining and University in the Netherlands is studying the possibility of growing plants on Mars the atmosphere on Mars is totally different in fact the planet has hardly any atmosphere no my love is actually it's extremely cold up there normally 60 to 80 below so growing anything outside is simply impossible a boardgame what we will do is go underground build a house and grow vegetables in it that water is present there in the form of ice and that's what we will use to grow our plants cress radishes rye the first experiments have been promising even Tomatoes grow on the simulated Martian soil yeah it's amazing how these carrots have grown artists that we never expected it things are looking very good and we're expecting to have a very good harvest we've also got Martian soil here the produce really is edible only the spinach is struggling a bit the composition of the artificial Martian soil was provided by NASA I skipped a schmear me the soil also contains heavy metals so we have to be sure that it doesn't get into the potatoes or the cress and make us ill a Maas meal would consist of vegetables and cereals herbs could also be grown and perhaps fruit too we haven't gotten around to fruit yet we'll give it a try next year because strawberries are very tasty there's radiation on Mars and although the settlers will be protected against it eating strawberries will be an added help so next year we'll also have strawberries the concept for financing Mars one is in tune with the times the plan is for the money to come from reality TV shows living on Mars in a big brother' container I think it's ethically irresponsible to send people to Mars or wherever without it being clear how they could return in an emergency [Music] how did that's for me stock tip table I find it unacceptable in our modern-day society makes a big difference is that the pioneers who went to America hope to find a better life if we fly to Mars we know we will have to live in tin cans and no one will be able to provide help for me that's unacceptable that's finished but Mars one has generated public interest in missions to Mars I think that every great journey undertaken by our generation every grant project realized by our society begins with the same thought what if so Mars one might not be successful but even so it will help get people to Mars just like in this film the settlers would face unexpected problems which could probably not be solved with their minimal equipment and they would have no chance of returning to Earth not leaving aside the ethical problems can Mars one work does that depends somewhat on exactly what we mean by work as my personal opinion is that the risk of me dying on the mission must not be greater than 10 percent seen but since so let's look at Mars 1 again under this aspect become the settlers fly there in a rocket and have to land but the technology isn't yet fully developed I put the likelihood of them actually landing safely at about 20 percent so he's fond say pretend that's not a lot and there's also a second problem the plan is to launch a flight to Mars every two years and with each flight an accommodation module will be transported and docked on to the colony but the bigger the colony gets from year to year the more probable it is that something will break down but they won't have any repair tools or spare parts left in other words and sooner or later this snowball system will collapse in my opinion in three four five or six years then at the latest it will all be over for Mars one the concept does not foresee a return to Earth as long as the company exists supplies could still be provided but insolvency perhaps from poor viewing figures would kill the project and shortly afterwards no doubt the Mars colonists to amass want Mars one is an extremely ambitious program perhaps even too ambitious because I'm afraid that the colleagues who are running it have not quite grasped the magnitude of such a mammoth project I wish them all the best it's a bold undertaking but I'm afraid that in the foreseeable future apart from logistic and moral questions we will not see anything which will remind us even remotely of the Mars one scenario don't ensue come on to be perfectly honest I regard it as unethical to go there with basically nothing and then say fine I'll end my life here if you cannot be in the interest of space exploration for people to be left to their fate home scientist Malloy to da-jung chic sudden evilest as we have seen then the success of a mission depends on the quality of its technology engineers described this as technology readiness level or TRL TRL and TRL runs on a scale from one to nine for example if I merely have the idea for a new technology it starts as TRL 1 that's when the idea slowly develops and I have a laboratory prototype which shows me it can work and then I met TRL 6 and if I really have a flying model and it's in space nominate that many fact the highest stage is 9 in that case the technology has proved itself in space over several years take for example the present state of driverless cars they can be seen on the roads already but they have not yet proved themselves over several years so we're talking about level 8 what then is the situation regarding a life-support system on a Mars mission not even a laboratory prototype exists for the moment all we have is a well developed idea that's level TRL 6 so you can see that the lives of the astronauts depend on the level of development and since the life-support system alone is only at TRL 4 at present such a mission would not work at all cantata can continue but the technology for a manned flight to Mars will exist in the near future the journey would also be a challenge for those participating in the expedition they would be travelling for at least two years cooped up together on probably the most dangerous excursion in the history of mankind Oh naturally they would have to be very strong-willed people because they would have a number of deprivation to contend with Agatha they would have to cope with critical phases over a period of at least seven months in these and for long stretches in those seven months they would see nothing but the pitch blackness of outer space during that time they would still have to function well as a crew and on arrival they would doubtlessly have to contend with situations they could never have imagined beforehand for the pod for strength weightlessness would be a major problem for travelers to Mars tests are already being carried out on the International Space Station to see what effects long-term missions have on the body cabin fever is a further problem [Music] sukhiya mounatin calm down month after three or four months or so everyone has a downer matzah slice and stop it usually becomes noticeable through someone gorging themselves at breakfast and saying scarcely a word default caucus when we see that we give the person a bit of encouragement didn't crack a joke or Pat them on the back with its journey to Mars program NASA is not only developing the spaceship and the corresponding rocket it is also having to create Martian accommodation from scratch various prototypes are being tested life side by side for the astronauts in the most confined space is also being simulated we noticed that over the 30 days in which a spaceflight was simulated communication within the group dwindled considerably tired of these so who imagine the crew travelling for an entire year would probably mean no one talking to one another and that's not a good prospect for such a lengthy mission more successful by comparison is the most current long term project involving a journey to Mars a lava landscape on Hawaii formed the background to a special experiment three men and three women lived together for a year in a simulated Mars station under the direction of NASA and in cooperation with the University of Hawaii the six test persons experienced Mars for 12 months living together functioned the biggest problem was boredom but considering a real threat from genuine Martian conditions that would perhaps never even arise now Fishman's naturally interpersonal issues are also a factor if I send mixed crews there will be certainly some corner that will not be captured on camera I think that's perfectly normal and it shouldn't be prevented either however the consequences also need to be planned in I would not like to hit a mission where six fly in and then seven want to return thus the International Space Station is also a laboratory for social competence NASA is studying the effects on people who have no privacy basically what we're looking for are people who take a very balanced view of things with a generally good sense of humor but also the ability to work within a team they can have off to face kindness when in teams's I'm my wife and being able to tolerate a high degree of physical strain is something that has become a little less important no rocket will be able to transport people and equipment to Mars at the same time consequently a mission will consist of several phases NASA is already working on a transporter Orion as it is known will first fly material to Mars only later will it transport passengers to the Red Planet the American company SpaceX is also working on a master the dragon has room for seven passengers and can land solely with the help of its engines the later version will it is hoped also be able to fly to Mars scientists are working flat out on the development of the space vehicle and its rockets do we in actually need the huge efforts being made by NASA and SpaceX yes we do and we need even more from them because each of these Rockets can only put 100 tons in a near Earth orbit but we need 300 tons so what's the answer we would have to make three launches with the present rockets and then assemble things in space but we've never done that before it will involve new technology and only after assembly could it check out be performed followed by the famous trans-mars injection burn in other words departure for Mars only then would we be on our way there the journey to Mars would take almost exactly 200 days you could say my goodness how boring but you'd be wrong there are some problems to be solved first of all the cramped space with six people in one small capsule you'd have a much closer eye on your colleagues and sometimes emotions would boil over NASA knows this that's why it likes to choose women it knows that with women on board almost everything runs smoothly so I'd like to bet that one or two women will be taken along and then there's another huge problem as cosmic radiation hard particles will batter the astronauts from all angles and in addition there are the solar protuberances or flares destined particles which would irradiate the astronauts and destroy their DNA from mrs. so they need to be protected through the construction of shelters but they have never been built before that's here not neat about the logistics of a mission to Mars would be enormous especially because of the duration of the expedition people will travel to bars with only the basic necessities after all they'll be traveling for quite a long time at least six months everything they need on Mars will already have been sent their research into food production as taking place with a view to supplying Mars explorers over a long period for example the space agencies are testing various methods of growing plants in zero gravity conditions in August 2015 the crew of the ISS enjoyed an extraordinary dinner salad had been cultivated on the space station for the first time convience ms as things like crisps and potatoes will have to be grown at least as a supplement to classic food I don't believe that would constitute a full diet because the risk is too great one case of fungus infestation and everyone would starve to death flowers to have already been grown on the space station and they blossomed entirely without natural sunlight on a Mars mission however they would be suitable solely as a gift should the team encounter Martians after all 3d printers are more practical and they too are being tested on the space station they would enable essential spare parts to be produced the print material would be provided by the planet itself thus 3d printing is regarded as a key technology for a mission to the Red Planet [Music] and NASA has got even more planned in preparation for a future mission to Mars the US Space Agency wants to land an unmanned probe on an asteroid and collect a large rock around six meters wide and weighing some 500 tons the probe would then park the rock in a lunar orbit then on a second mission astronauts would visit the rock orbiting the moon and examine it on the spot one aim is to find out whether in space raw materials from an asteroid can be broken down these could be used for interplanetary missions above all though NASA hopes for an essential technology boost which would only be made possible in the first place by a mission to Mars I'm taking a small asteroid close to the moon and then landing on it and utilizing its resources doesn't make a lot of sense when we have the moon itself it would be better to land on the moon and then use the regolith for example for producing oxygen which the astronauts need for breathing the same thing would later be done on Mars so we're talking about building a factory on the moon and using the regolith to produce the oxygen astronauts need for breathing the moon would be the perfect place to practice for Mars for the moon and that is precisely what the Russian space agency Roscosmos is planning in cooperation with the European Space Agency ISA together they plan to search for water on the moon the moon's a cottage in the Sun but the moon is highly interesting because it can serve as a springboard to outer space and when did you rely so much can be possible there over the next few years for example a lunar base could be established for refueling rockets for a flight onward to Mars in some ways the moon could be seen as a little kids swimming pool it's relatively easy to get to and if something goes wrong a rocket can simply bring people back to earth right away so far we dog dad when the International Space Station is decommissioned in 2024 the moon could serve as mankind's new scientific outpost in space inflatable pressure bodies would constitute the base robots would then cover them with layers of regolith autonomous 3d printers would provide the necessary support structure the covering layer of regolith would provide protection from radiation and the impact of tiny meteorites [Music] from wound rental money in the event of an emergency people could come back from the moon in a few days we could learn how certain systems for bio regeneration for training and so on could be optimized and then the big leap to Mars could take place that really is in a different category scientists and engineers want to create a complete moon base an international research station for developing new technology and at the same time a springboard for a journey to Mars a joint project for the further conquest of space we think as the question is I think whether mankind because several nations are participating wants to beer the cost of such a mission is technologically I'd say it's a goal that really could be obtained in the near future in our comforter I thought the space industry hopes for a tremendous boost from projects like the moon base and the journey to Mars their implementation would give rise to new technologies but no nation could handle projects of such dimensions on its own these are causing these major activities lend themselves to international implementation like the International Space Station's eco Mars is not a national mission it involves Europe plus Russia and the United States and so I believe that in the future to astronautical missions you will always have this international character unfortunately prestige and space race issues now belong to the Past I regard cooperation in the international sphere in particular and in space research as a vital instrument for making a difference geopolitically the cost of a journey to Mars is estimated at over 400 billion euros no one country could afford or even wants to finance such a mission on its own the only way to make interplanetary journeys of discovery possible is through global cooperation let's assume that all the problems facing a mission to Mars including the technological ones have been solved could we then fly off at any time no it's only possible to fly every two years that's because of something called orbit dynamics or orbital mechanics let me show you let's assume that this is the position of the Sun it's in the central body which all other planets orbit here for example is the earth on its orbit yeah a little further out on an elliptical orbit we have Mars M us let's also assume that at a certain point in time the earth is located here and at that moment a spacecraft sets off it would then fly to Mars on an elliptical path mass but I couldn't set off any time I felt like because I have to meet Mars out here so where does Mars have to be located and when roughly here at this point if I set off now both are moving and converge at this point in other words I need a particular constellation between the Earth and Mars me and how often does this constellation occur every two years now something else has to be considered if I plan a manned flight to Mars I'd want to burn as little fuel as possible I'd be helped in this by the Martian ellipses we see that at this point Mars is further away from the earth than it is here so if I start from this side of the earth and if the ellipses is shorter I don't need to fly so far and thus save fuel now how often does this constellation occur the answer roughly every 15 years so actually I can only fly to Mars every 15 years and the last possibility was in 2018 there was no way we could have made it by then the next chance after that will be in 2033 and that the Americans say will be virtually impossible to achieve so the next possibility after that will be spring 2048 we would then set off and land on Mars on August the 2nd 2048 Oh Gustav I tossed a few of the mass London but the countdown for putting people on Mars will begin at least two years beforehand several unmanned spacecraft will set out for the Red Planet taking tons of material to the Martian surface they will also have the landing module on board for the visitors who will arrive later including the fuel for a return to Earth on Mars robots will already be preparing for the arrival of passengers [Music] my theory is that in order to put humans on Mars they will have to be perhaps ten preparatory missions for transporting equipment fuel and supplies to make it crystal clear the aim must of course be to take people to Mars and to bring them back again anything else in my view is not serious space trailer launch complex 39a at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral standing on the launch pad at the US spaceport is an American heavy cargo rocket inside its nose cone is the mass capsule Orion with an international crew on board the start of a new era man's first departure for Mars the journey to our neighboring planet will take half a year Alondra finished the landing will take place from the surface orbit the orbit on which a service module will circle Mars the service module will remain in orbit around Mars because later when we lift off again we will want to dock onto it we will fly around Mars in this direction then the landing module will be released the first thing it will do is release a parachute in order to utilize the resistance of the Martian atmosphere that's relatively low but it's still sufficient to slow down the module some 50 kilometers above the surface perhaps just 20 the parachute will be jettisoned and the retrorockets will begin to the modules speed even more right down to zero to effect a soft landing then when we have achieved that then we will have finally arrived on mars exploration of the planet is getting underway and the fight for survival [Music] before immediate survival it is of course vital for us to establish the basic requirements the oxygen water and power that first have to be brought from Earth because it will take a while to grow anything one problem on Mars will be the long time spent there the space travelers won't simply be able to fly back again and if a nuclear bombs a reasonable path to Mars and back will always mean someone spending between six months and a year on the planet only then are their paths which are suitable because then the vast distance between the Earth and Mars makes even thinking about a journey feasible in the first place [Music] the day of departure has been laid down exactly the astronauts leave the surface of Mars in their landing module and dock on to the service module in orbit they reactivate the spacecraft and start their several months journey back to earth the last part of the journey gets underway [Music] damnit opps teasley the most critical part of the entire Mars mission is landing back on earth unfortunately it won't be possible to land directly because the space vehicle will be arriving from Mars at a staggering 50 thousand kilometers an hour this means hitting the atmosphere which on this scale is only about two to three centimetres thick with millimeter accuracy so I can only touch the surface of the atmosphere this will slow me down and I will fly on back to the moon on reaching the moon I will return on an elliptical orbit and have to enter the atmosphere again once more I have to hit the atmosphere with millimeter accuracy again I hurtle off but this time only half way to the moon if then I will return and repeat the process three four five or six times over a total of around ten days finally I will pass through into the Earth's atmosphere and land somewhere in an ocean in the final phase of the return journey mother earth will take control the force of gravity will bring the Mars travelers back to their home planet on re-entering the Earth's atmosphere the astronauts will be protected by a heat shield parachutes will the capsule even further until it lands in the Pacific Ocean the end of a long awaited mission and at the same time the entry into a new era having a permanent manned outpost on Mars would be a really great base for science because we will certainly not flyer and after collecting a couple of rock samples say whether or not the mission has proved worthwhile we will start to explore new world and have a foot in the door so that we can quickly go out again with little effort and make new discoveries and this calls for a permanent out station it's no good if I have to wait many years for the next flight to be financed many scientists dream of an International Research Station on ma one permanently occupied by alternating teams of researchers and engineers such a station would be the first step towards permanent settlement of our neighbor planet personally I find the idea of colonizing another celestial body incredibly exciting expunged diamond because it would launch mankind into a new era that I Lloyd and kundan then the question also arises of who owns the colony but who doesn't belong to one country or will it be autonomous because then they will be countless chances for Humanity we could say that we won't ship all the national boundaries nonsense to Mars instead we'll try something new something better we'll establish a direct democracy and totally new legal systems which function far better and will weed out all the old junk we've gathered on earth leave it all behind and begin as a new humanity work is underway on the technology needed for a journey to Mars it will be operational in the near future we already have the landing technology we have regeneration systems which are currently being tested on the ISS I think it's more a question of where the mankind because several nations are involved of course is prepared to take on the cost of such a missions Mars lies closer than ever before so close you could almost touch it today in my opinion it will be the early 2030s at least before humans will actually land on Mars Finland vote but naturally we can't predict it that accurately after all technology sometimes makes great leaps but that would be my estimate as things stand at the moment I can imagine seeing humans land on Mars in the 2030s interplanetary travel visiting a neighboring planet taking a walk on Mars settlers leaving their home planet the earth that is no longer science fiction it will become reality I regard 2048 is realistic I believe it will be even earlier but first it's important for us all to agree that men will seize the chance to set foot on the Red Planet's man has always been a Discoverer and a conqueror in the past he explored strange continents soon perhaps it will be alien planets that will be opened up Mars could be a start no one in the world says we absolutely must go to Mars that's the big topic and it's now assuming massive priority there is no competition and that I believe is why it will take even longer than we think what is certain though is that man will set foot on Mars perhaps even in this generation [Music] and so are manned missions to Mars feasible there's no doubt that we have the technologies we know them all but are they sufficiently well developed for the task it will take a few more decades if they're to function really well and the main criterion is that the risk must not be more than 10 percent we must get to Mars and then make it back and the likelihood of me losing my life must not exceed 10 percent otherwise I would not take part look at the Mars one mission that would be an absolute disaster you wouldn't see me on board but journey to Mars doesn't look bad NASA is behind it they know the problems and I'm certain they'll do it not on their own but within an international framework however it certainly won't be a German who sets foot on Mars first but one day someone will on August the 2nd 2048 upon finish the journey to Mars a journey which will mark the point in time when mankind truly began to conquer the universe [Music]
Channel: WELT Documentary
Views: 1,345,416
Rating: 4.5997033 out of 5
Keywords: full documentary, hd documentary, free documentary, full length documentaries, documentary film, top documentaries, spacetime, galaxy, universe, space station, astronaut, Documentaries, documentary (tv genre), space documentary, space science, science documentary, living in space, space discoveries, space travel, exoplanet, exoplanet documentary, planets documentary, new worlds, mars, planet mars, documentary, mars 2020, mars rover last words, opportunity, space, nasa, science show
Id: MgTYAtnxzPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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