Dennis Skinner and Enoch Powell | Thames Debate | 1978 | Part 1
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Channel: ThamesTv
Views: 182,333
Rating: 4.8904824 out of 5
Keywords: NORMAN ST JOHN STEVAS, JOHN PARDOE, Dennis Skinner, ENOCH POWELL, MARGARET BAIN, REGINALD MAULDING, Debate, Thames Television, Llew Gardner, 1970's, Labour Party, Conservative party, SNP, Scottish Nationalist Party, Scotland, Socialist, Argument, London, UK, British Politics, MP's
Id: 82CmJlf-Deg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Very interesting, thanks for posting.
1978 was quite late-on but Powell's quite 'purist' monetarist stance well before it was conventional in the 80s bizarrely seemed to find some common grounds with Skinner at the end over the conventional 1970s approach to wages and price levels.
All this is reminding me of is that one user on this sub who was an outspoken Enoch Powell fan. Wonder what happened to him
There is far more to Enoch Powell than his Rivers of Blood. I urge you all to go and buy a book I just bought entitled; Enoch at 100. It shines a light on a complex and notable orator and politician.