Dennis Prager | American Greatness and American Culture

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thank you for being here I the college is well we're finishing in a few days god grant our hundred and seventy fourth year starting one hundred and seventy fifth anniversary celebrations in October we're gonna dedicate our grand new Chapel which I urge you to come see justice Thomas is gonna speak in dedication of it on October 3 we're in the exhausted part of the term right now actually it just got better on Monday cuz like last week and the week before whatever friction and crankiness there isn't a college comes out right at the end we're all dragged down a week ago those kids all look like members of the cast of The Walking Dead and so they're quarreling about this and that you know and making a fuss and we tell them to shut up but then Monday they all stop because tomorrow's reading day and final to start on Thursday and so now the atmosphere is panic and I'm surprised that Jim was willing to come down here for that with all those kids cuz they got to go home and work and because we're not fooling around at Hillsdale College I want to tell you something that you know first of all can you tell I love them you know and all of them right you should come see it the greatest thing in the world is to work with those young people and their teachers and it is in fact the activity that will save the world its nature they come they look like little kids a lot of those are seniors it's probably only about 6 music majors among that group right there and there's 85 in the orchestra and there's probably 10 that are music majors and the rest of them do it on the side and everybody has to take the core and when they show up they're high school students and when they leave they're grownups and they come into themselves and you know these days we forget the massive force of the nature of things in fact we obscure it we make war on it all the time I'm gonna talk about a thing I read about tie what's going on at Williams College it's disturbing there's a smart man there I think he's a big liberal I don't really care but he's smart and he has studied that thing and he's written it up and it is horrifying it is the death of civilization so thinking about that as we do at the end of the academic year it seemed just right that we could have somebody who is I think on the radio the greatest defender of civilization I've known him for a very long time I admire him very much he's a scholar and a thinker and he talks on the radio every day several hours a day as long as I've known him he stood up for that idea of nature and God and the essence of the human and you know all the time that I've known him I've tried to do that too and mostly we've been losing but I will tell you that if he's right Thomas Jefferson is also right you can drive the nature out the front door with a pitchfork but it will come in the back door before you can even turn around and the revival is coming and to help with it as Dennis breaker [Applause] I came all the way from California to have Larry Arne introduce me so I'll just take questions now really I mean that's a big deal usually people have to wait for a funeral and then they don't hear it so no I'm very I'm very serious I'll be to uh to get such a accolades from Larry Arnaz he's to me a very big deal and obviously to you because you know what he's doing I know what he's doing as well we have a sort of symbiotic relationship Hillsdale and my radio show the major sponsor of the show for which I am deeply grateful and I push with great passion that people learn about what happens at Hillsdale Hillsdale dot e-d-u ask me anything I I know the ads by heart by now I know the courses I've had so many of your professors on so if they were listen they were a hundred hills dales we'd have a different country that's that's the fact you know you spoke about the death of civilization so I'm preparing I write a column every week which is many many sites on the Internet in addition to obviously my own been for about twenty years and I'm going to be writing about Philadelphia and its war on civilization it just turns out to be coincidental but it's when you can narrowly focus something and I will just use that an example and then I'll get into it's really this is part of the topic but I always speak about what I'm actually asked to speak and the give you with three examples of what is happening in in Philadelphia I have some friends in because I conduct as an avocation I conduct orchestras I conducted at the Walt Disney Concert Hall Hyden symphony last year so I'm very involved in music as an avocation so I follow a musical life in the United States one of the greatest orchestras in the world is the Philadelphia Orchestra the Philadelphia Orchestra has just held tryouts two for the position of assistant conductor 500-plus people submitted conductors submitted their resumes to be the assistant conductor the Philadelphia Orchestra is a big honor and they finally chose and they chose a three women and a black man and they had already announced their their more committed to diversity than anything else there so they've they've also announced they're going to play far more women composers so what this means and I'm prepared obviously I'm going on record I know anything I say publicly is heard publicly and may go further than the room that's fine I I think we should be held accountable for what we say I don't believe that those three women in that black man were the top four candidates they may have been but I don't believe it it has nothing to do with my view of women let alone my view of blacks it is simply very unlikely given that the vast majority of those applying were white males and they just didn't want a white male and I know members of the orchestra who know this it's everybody knows it it's the Emperor without clothes so what the one of the greatest orchestras of the world has announced it does not choose conductors or leased assistant conductors by excellence it chooses them by gender or race that is the end of Western civilization as we know it which is entirely based on excellence that's the only criterion if if it weren't I mean I'm a Jew and I loved vogner's music vogner was a racial anti-semite not just the regular anti-semite but like Hitler or race-based anti-semite but I I believe that it is okay for the Israel Philharmonic to play Wagner's music I understand that they were Holocaust survivors who associated music because it was such a popular music under Hitler and they have emotional reactions to hearing it I get that but otherwise beyond that specific issue it is an homage same with the statues a Peter Stuyvesant every every Jew knows and any historian of early America knows Peter Stuyvesant the first governor of Manhattan was an anti-semite I don't want his statue taken down because there is no end there true and by the way there is no end there will be no statues except for contemporary black lesbian poets and I and and and the reason I raise that is is it is I have nothing against black lesbian poets if their poetry is excellent but the reason is reason number two for Philadelphia the University of Pennsylvania took down the the English department which and it's an Ivy League school for whatever that means and to me it means nothing but I'm just noting it and it they took down the Department of English took down the mural of Shakespeare and replaced it with a black lesbian a poet whom the very few people have heard of except in the black lesbian poetry world which is I don't know how big a world that is and I'm not a member of it clearly but it's nevertheless that is what they did because he is a white European male the fact that he wrote the greatest English language and probably the greatest plays in the history of the world since the Japanese translated into Japanese and Thais translated into Thai etc and that but that doesn't matter so again this is this is Philadelphia a third example was Professor Amy wax University of Pennsylvania Law School wrote a piece in the Philadelphia Inquirer where she said you know what some of the values from the 50s really were good like how about this that you should get married before you have a child she was called a racist for it 200 fellow professors of law have demand that she not be allowed to teach her introductory course in law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School 200 I didn't even know there without many professors of law at the law school 200 virtually nobody defended her I had her on my show a number of times look it up Amy wax and the fourth example is the Philadelphia Flyers I forget her name who was the the the famous Kate Smith thank you Philadelphia Flyers hockey team has removed the the statue of Kate Smith the great singer from the 30s who was always they used her recording for god Bless America but it came out that she sang a song which by the way so did Paul Robeson who was it was a left-wing Stalinist and and I'm literally Stalinist I got the Stalin prize in Moscow well he didn't they didn't let him go to Moscow but he was given it in Moscow so this is this there is a war on Western civilization and when President of the United States said in Warsaw that we need to protect Western civilization the New York Times and other left-wing sites used to be liberal it's now left-wing I always make a distinction between liberal left-wing Allender she which is liberal and he hates the left he fears the left more than the right you will see him say that in the film with Adam Carolla and myself coming out later this year no safe spaces so the this is what people stood for in the past and we are no longer we no longer affirm these values this is this is a war when the president said we have to protect Western civilization the New York Times said that it was a dog whistle two white supremacists that the words protect Western civilization really are a euphemism for protecting white supremacy that is what Western civilization means now at your local university and high school I might add and increasingly elementary schools so I note by the way in a column that I wrote about that that Dwight I act not the right Eisenhower excuse me that of Franklin Roosevelt who is the the the great beloved president of liberals he spoke regularly in World War two not only protecting Western civilization but Christian civilization can you imagine if a president today said protect Christian civilization and I'm a religious Jew telling you I'm ok with that this Jew wants to protect Christian civilization all right just for the record for if for no other reason what is the alternative what is the alternative Marxist Leninist civilization fascist civilization communist civilization secular civilization which produces no wisdom no wisdom and just increasingly produces what you have at the University of Pennsylvania secularism almost inevitably leads to leftism almost inevitably not inevitably there are secular conservatives after all they are my allies they are my friends I treasure them but they don't realize that America is also based on in god we trust' which i will come to in a moment the topic the topic is that for me or god just kidding by the way it's very funny when I signed my Bible Commentary and how often I'm prosign best wishes god you have no idea it is a very funny thing would you please sign the Bible I'd be happy to sure or on behalf of God Dennis Prager I I just there's so many funny things that come to my mind but if you get my book and want me to write on behalf of God that is very difficult II will so you assigned me American greatness American culture and this is I want to talk to you about America's greatness so let me begin with a very sad a realization that came to me not immediately in life but I don't know maybe just about halfway and I realized actually the truth is not I think of it I partially realized it very much younger this is it seems irrelevant to you when I realized it but it's not completely irrelevant as I will explain but the I realized this is the the crisis of of America and the West and Christianity and Judaism is that the people who believed in it forgot how to advocated that is in a nutshell we are we are 50% of the problem the left is 50% we are the other 50% not 4950 the average Christian has no clue how to make the case for Christianity the average American conservative has no clue how to make the case for America and the average religious Jew has no clue how to make the case for Judaism well when you don't make the case for something you lose it when there are alternatives when there aren't alternatives you have it by inertia and in the past there weren't alternatives that's correct religious Jew living in an Orthodox Dental what was the alternative there was none you kept kosher and you kept the Sabbath and you kept the holy days and you kept all the laws because everybody else did you didn't have to make any rational reason for living that life Christian living in Christian America everybody went to church on Sunday it was socially one full everything was nice I have to make the case for why God is necessary for ethics give me a break never it never occurred to the average Christian that they'd have to make such a case let alone for Christianity specifically Americans Americans totally forgot what's distinctive about America and I realize this as I said halfway through life but I realized that actually earlier not exactly directly I remember I began lecturing a very strange life truly strange life I began lecturing at 21 years of age which is pretty rare and the reason was Israel sent me into the Soviet Union when I was 21 years of age they they found out about me through friends in Israel it's a long story which is irrelevant to you but they found out that this kid knows Judaism knows Russian which I studied in college knows Hebrew which I studied from Jewish school from early age and so I was the perfect person to send in the Soviet Union to smuggle in religious items and smuggle out Jews names who want to do to defect from the Soviet Union so I was sent in for a month and I came home I was at the Russian Institute at Columbia University so I had quote-unquote an academic credential and I was sent all around the east and half of the country to lecture on Soviet Jewry so I began a very early age about three years after that I called up a place that I had spoken to and I said hi this is Dennis Prager remember I was the speaker I was 24 years old now I was the speaker at your Hadassah group it's a women's Zionist group it was very big at the time and I said you remember me I'm the one who spoke on Soviet Jewry oh yeah you were wonderful I said well I'd like to come back and speak well we already you know we've heard you want Soviet you were said no no I want to speak on something else and I'll never forget she said you can speak on something else I sort of had a reputation of an idiot savant in in Jewish life where he you know this is kids terrific but all he can speak on a soviet jewry so I said yeah I can't so anyways they so they I told them what I could speak on anyway so they said how much do you charge that I remember I actually dripped sweat on the phone I was so nervous asking for money all those other speeches were for free so I said $35 it was a group in Queens I was still living in New York and Manhattan and so I was totally prepared for her to say it was too much and I was gonna lower it so I so she said fine and then I said plus taxi which ended up costing more than the speech the taxi was actually more than the talk anyway that was my first paid talk and I remember what I started to tell because my life until 32 was overwhelmingly in the Jewish world and I'd written two books on Judaism by that and I so I remember telling them you know your generation said we're gonna you're we are going to give the next generation that is my generation everything we didn't have the trouble is you didn't give my generation anything you did have you didn't give us religion and you didn't give us an appreciation of America and a whole host I listed all the things and then I broadened it out when I broadened my own life out I realized that is that was Universal in America the greatest generation as it is called and I think there were many great American generations but let's utilize that title was was the greatest generation in terms of the the Depression and World War two and Korea but it was not the greatest generation in what it produced it produced the most narcissistic generation in American history the baby boomers my generation and the reason was that they in fact gave what they didn't have money and peace that's true but they didn't give them a love of America or a love of religion and the results are what you see in America today the reason this is also important therefore is that you can lose everything in a generation if you don't teach it to the next generation therefore one of the greatest lines in the Bible is and you will teach these things diligently to your children when you walk by the way when you lie down and when you rise up if you don't teach these things constantly you will lose them and we have lost them and it takes one generation to lose it so it's funny in the very beginning not only even the beginning but many people would say to me on about my radio show or then about Prager University which had a billion views last year so it really can't hold true nevertheless say you know you're probably preaching to the choir I always had a really good answer to that fine with me the choir forgot the melody I'm totally happy to preach to the choir because if the choir can sing it's over and the choir doesn't know how to sing the conservative choir the American choir the Christian choir and the Jewish choir don't have a clue how to sing I my first radio experience talking about the Christian issue my first radio experience I was it was KABC in Los Angeles ABC radio in LA I was there for 17 years and that's how I began radio and I was asked to be the the host of one of its it's truly most popular show interesting news I already inherited a popular show and it got even more popular later when I was the moderator for ten years and that was a two-hour show each weekend religion on the line we're in a rabbi priest and minister they didn't go into a bar that came to a radio station and different ones each week and I I got four PhDs in Christianity thanks to that show this is Shiva boy learned Christianity really really really well so well that by year five on occasion I would actually answer the attacker's of Christians on behalf of the priests and the minister by the way on occasions the Christians helped out the Jew I'll give you one great example my favorite guy calls up calls the rabbi this was a liberal rabbi in that that the evening and calls him up and starts attacking Jews for believing they're the chosen people and I knew I knew my I know my fellow Jews really well and I knew the guy actually agreed with the caller this guy believed in chosen is like I believe in Pluto so but to his credit he felt he was a representative of Judaism not just himself so he tried to defend it he didn't know how so the Catholic priest then says Dennis may I may I answer the caller I said father please because this is father so-and-so that the Roman Catholic priest God chose the Jews get a life [Laughter] and that ended that doubt really the guy had nothing to say he hung up and got a life it was a great answer that's exactly the right answer by the way cuz the Bible gives zero reason why Abraham is chosen we don't have a clue so that's it he could if he chose a mongolians you know why did he choose the mongolians and it's same problem okay so it is what it is so one night a guy calls up and he starts giving the the Christians a hard time I can't believe he you believe God has a son oh my god honey you've got a kind of primitive belief is that came to earth died for our sins what the hell is wrong with you you believe in some you know magic in the sky so the poor Christians you know not used to examine exactly to answering that so I go may I may I offer a thoughts so I said to the caller look I'm a Jew I'm not I'm not a believer in Christ but I gotta tell you something it sounds to me like a pretty powerful idea that God wanted to identify with human suffering and came in human form and suffered with us and there was total silence and the guy had no answer so this Jew gave the Christians a good answer just like that Catholic gave the Jew a good answer but a lot of times nobody has a good answer what's special about America beats me the average conservative didn't have an answer people who died for this country or who risk their lives I should say the people who died can't speak they didn't have an aunt well so why'd you risk your life for America I love America I have Allegiance maybe they'd say love Liberty maybe I'd say I don't know I was drafted but they they didn't have answers you need answers you got to give reasons meanwhile the left is giving all the opposite answers America was founded by racists built on genocide and Americans don't know what to what to say to this stuff we inhabit the greatest country that was ever created and I don't say it cuz I'm American I say it because I believe in truth that's that's the reason I'm not a chauvinist I don't American isn't an ethnicity there's no ethnic solidarity here but it is the greatest country that was ever created and and it is it is so because of ideas give you a very touching example and powerful example about how this plays out I speak a lot of college campuses so I spoke at Berkeley last year and I knew there would be protests because they protest every conservative and so I don't care about Pro that means nothing to me it only means something to me if they don't let me talk cuz they scream during the speech which I have not had by the way but I thought I might have it at Berkeley so I said look I'll tell you what I'm not gonna give a speech I'll simply debate the two best left the students you guys can find which I'm very happy to do by the way conservatives always win debates against leftists always and there's a reason not because we debate better because we know every one of their arguments and they know none of ours that's the reason we always win we we read them we watch them we hear them we study under them they don't hear us they don't watch us they don't study under us it is all new I debated a left-wing Jew at a San Francisco temple year ago and it was I'm very courteous I and I'm very keen on never humiliating anyone so I didn't humiliate him but I defeated him I mean I I know I did I know when I when I do well I know when I don't so I I I won the debate so to speak and I here's the proof YouTube put it on it put it on its restricted list that's really that's awesome it's actually funny half the remember they putting half the time a man of the left is speaking why would they put it on because it was obvious the guy the guy didn't look good he was not and he was a bright guy he's a sweet guy all of these things but he had no answers to anything I said cuz he never heard anything I said he's on the left every leftist lives in a cocoon every single one if they don't live in a cocoon they stop being leftists the university the university has become in the vast majority of instances just a left-wing seminary the only difference as I have said frequently between University and and the Christian seminary is this there's only one difference and that is the Christian seminaries are honest and the universities are not Christian seminaries acknowledged our task is to produce committed Christians universities lie to their parents because their task is to produce committed leftists and they don't admit it that's why they are reprehensible if they said the truth we have a lawsuit Prager University because they put a hundred of our 400 videos on YouTube which is owned by Google on a restricted list which means if you have filters against pornography you can't see Victor Davis Hanson teaching the history of the Korean War in five minutes all our videos are five minutes you can't see Alan Dershowitz a Hillary Clinton supporting Democrat liberal talk about Israel's founding because anything pro-american pro-israel is immediately put on the restricted list at Google YouTube so anyway so I said to Berkeley oh I'm not gonna give a speech just have two of your finest left-wing students and we'll have a dialog debate they will love the idea nobody heckled it was a perfectly open evening you could see it it is not on the restricted list maybe I didn't win so but you'll judge for yourself so I I have a motto on my radio show which is so powerful that people and I thought that I've told people you should adopt it in your marriage it will help marriages I prefer clarity to agreement I do not argue with callers and I do not argue with left-wing guests I clarify where we differ it is unbelievably powerful gets the other person off the defensive all I want to do is I want it I want to just say okay so you think the earth is flat thank you I just wanted to establish where we differ I think it's round okay fine so that's what I did with the Berkeley students my last question you could zoom to the end I said to them do you believe people are basically good human nature is good and because they're leftist I knew exactly what they would say yes it's part of the reason you cannot be a wise leftist because if you believe people are basically good you cannot be wise it is not possible I'm sorry if I offended any of you I don't even care I just want you to know you cannot be wise and think people are basically good you certainly can't be a committed Christian or Jew and believe that so it's so stupid a belief that there was only one possible explanation and I said it to them I said to them this do you know why you believe people are basically good because you live in America where people are for the most part good America has fooled you because it is so decent that's correct by the way it is possible for people to be good even if human nature is not good obviously or the whole enterprise of trying to make a good world is stupid of course you could make good people but that's the biggest task of society to make good people that is what Judaism and Christianity at their best are in the business of doing making as they used to put a god-fearing people anyway so that's what I look they never heard of course they heard that idea you believe people are by the way if I if you go to I've been through a hundred and thirty countries I ask people around the world you think people are basically good they laugh at me you think in West Africa they think people are basically good of course they don't because they know how much corruption is in their societies this has nothing to do with Africa it's true all over the world Americans are that other are among the few to believe that people are basically good because they're surrounded by good people by and large like Minnesota nice ok Minnesota nice now there's no such thing as New York nice I acknowledge that and and nobody in New York thinks people are basically good they probably don't actually anyway that was a powerful moment about America's goodness and decency when I explain to them that's why you believe something so foolish and I say to Jews in fact one of the the biggest international Jewish journals Jerusalem report my column I they asked me for an article I never wrote for them before I don't know where they just asked me to write and I wrote what have Jews this is the title what Jews have learned what have Jews learned from the Holocaust answer nothing most Jews believe people are basically good after Auschwitz that's really stupid because people believe what they want to believe for the most part anyway so this is a very big deal Americans are decent give you one more anecdote anecdotes are powerful well powerful anecdotes are powerful we can octets are weak I want the there's always a voice in me correcting myself so you're the beneficiaries of that self correcting thing by the way you know why I'm interesting I figured out why am i I know I'm interested I were they just thing I wouldn't make a living doing what I'm doing alright it's not bragging yeah you know you have to be interesting like you have to pay on pitch if you're a violinist but I realize why I just because I have this voice would be that's outside of me and I remember in my first lectures and I began lecturing as I told you at 21 in what lecture I'll never forget that this other voice in me said you're boring me I'll never forget it as long as I live I was boring me and I thought holy crow this is bad if I'm boring me how are they surviving so I got interesting right after that because I get bored so easily it's a blessing that I get bored easily you're the beneficiary of it so here's an interesting anecdote I wrote on this too it's in it's a column that I wrote when I moved to LA where after fleeing New York there were those who moved from New York I fled New York so after moved from New York to Los Angeles in my 20s and the 70s I so I moved there and I I moved to a place a call which now you heard of but was then unknown Simi Valley California outside of LA and it was basically it had it had one pizzeria that was it it was it was nothing and I did it because I was brought out through to be the director of this gigantic 3200 square acre or 3200 acre Jewish retreat center which was located in Simi Valley so that's why that's why I moved there and I lived at this place for three years in Simi Valley I immediately joined the Rotary Club I was about 25 years old yeah 26 years old and I joined the Rotary Club I was the only Jew in the semi Valley Rotary Club and I wrote about this it's online you could read it it's a I think it's an interesting article this was transformative for me in in my my falling in love with America I fell in love with America I didn't start out in love with America just like most people my generation because we weren't taught to love America but I fell in love with America and the Simi Valley Rotary Club is one of the reasons what was fair I knew Jewish history really well I'd already written a book on Judaism and I taught Jewish history at Brooklyn College City University of New York so this this is I have a strong background in that and I I was I marveled at the fact that my being a Jew in in a in the semi Valley Rotary Club ready meant nothing and nothing I was Dennis not Dennis the Jew in France it would have been Dennis the Jew danila Sharif in Holland it would have been Dennis the Jew in England it would have been Dennis the Jew in every country on Earth that doesn't mean they're anti-semitic no no no I'm not charging them with anti-semitism I'm charging them with differentiation whereas we don't it meant nothing and they all knew I was the head of the Jewish retreat center they they all knew it maybe Dennis isn't a Jewish name but there were Jewish retreat center it was a Jewish retreat center they all knew I was Jewish it didn't mean anything it wasn't good it wasn't bad it was a non-issue and if a black joined it would have been a non-issue and if I'm Armenian joined it would have been a non-issue and then and if it Albania enjoined or a Japanese join it's a non-issue the left makes it an issue because they are truly racist but for the conservative American it means nothing who are you having opening at Hillsdale Larry aren't mentioned it who are you having opening your your new chapel by golly the man is black that must be shattering kind of concern out of the conceal faith when they see him I've asked conservative groups of a thousand and more I've asked them this question so here's your choice for the Supreme Court nine white male Christian liberals or nine black lesbian conservatives you're laughing because we all know exactly how we'd all vote give us the black lesbians Eddie day we're thrilled with them cuz we don't care they care we care about your values he's one of the greatest Supreme Court justices in American history period that's why you're having him he deserves to be honored he's a magnificent human being and a magnificent judge and that's all that matters to us there the racist everything is backwards in the u.s. we're not the racist which brings me to another part of America's greatness we are the least racist multiracial country in human history there is nothing close to the United States and their left I wrote about this and I again it's a column when you write twenty years of columns a lot of columns out there and I wrote this at a column the greatest libel since the medieval blood libel let me tell you about the medieval blood libel for a second Jews were killed on mass and expelled from England because of it in in the 15th century I believe it was or 13th century 14th century and that was the charge that arose that Jews slaughtered Christian children for their blood to bake matzah on Passover which is it's known as the blood libel because and by the way it was actually it had an interesting effect on Jews and I know this as I said I told you which history in college level it had a very interesting effect because when you're hated a lot you start to think maybe the haters are right people just think that if everybody around you says X Y or Z maybe some of it is true but every Jew know knew this was the greatest lie that they could possibly hear Jews have been prohibited from animal blood from any blood since the book of Genesis it is one of the things God instructs the human race in fact even non-jews according to the Bible should not be eating the blood of animals so they all-news a lie and that said uh-oh maybe they just are liars and and it had at least and had that salutary effect the second biggest lie in my history and as I know I wrote is that America's racist that is how big a lie I consider it is and Akala me on America like it was a calla me on Jews to say that they slaughtered Christian children for their blood there was there was no truth to the first and there was no truth to the second are they're racists of course they're a racist so what so what that doesn't mean anything there is everything in America that's like saying if you periodically get a cold you're sick if you get a cold and I ask you are you sickly you would say no I just have a cold it'll get over and I'm back yes the the racist in America are like a cold that they exist but they don't define the body the body is not racist that is America it is truly on racist so why does the left call America racist well it does so because it hates America liberals do not hate America leftist do and and that's that's a very important I make this distinction liberal left all the time liberals give you a great example liberal started the Superman comic liberal Jews invented Superman Superman was as patriotic and American loving why don't remember truth justice and the American Way that was the motto of Superman it was Jewish liberals in the 30s who invented him Jewish leftists ten years ago were the new writers and owners of Superman they had Superman stand in front of the UN and renounce his American citizenship he is no longer an American he is now a citizen of the world that is the difference one of the many between liberal and left liberals did love America leftists loathe America all the world's left this love by the way this proof I have the simplest proof if people think oh that's not fair to say leftist hate America left this do hate America I'll give you a proof not an argument they're that they're different Barack Obama who's a leftist not a liberal Barack Obama said for five days before his election in 2008 to a cheering crowd I am I am depressed to say he said we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America so let me ask you a question if you met a man and said how do you feel about your wife private conversation you know I I would really like to fundamentally transform her just out of curiosity clever you it is not possible to say you love something you wish to fundamentally transform it it's not possible I love my husband but I want to fundamentally transform him then you don't love him you love what you can imagine him being under the fundamental transformation you wish to see come about they don't love America they love some vision of a fundamentally transformed place that's different liberals did love America so what they do is this what they what they do is when they say America's racist they they do so a because they they just hate it that's that's one reason but there's an and there's another reason there is a childish aspect to leftism it's a it's an immature mode of thought and one of the ways is you compare the reality to utopia like John Lennon's Imagine that's all leftists they're always imagining and they even use the word like I have to imagine a a with a place with no racism and no sexism and we're we're men will strong and powerful but not toxically masculine none toxically masculine and they will only see women as fellow human beings never sexually but of course if you meet such a man there's something wrong with him okay or he's gay in which case there's nothing wrong with him but it's old those are the only two possibilities if he's heterosexual there is something wrong with him because gay men see men in sexual terms the only difference between gay men and straight men is the object of their desire but the the the essence is the same they see what they want in sexual terms that's the way it is we have to grow up but what you're taught if a man sees a woman like that oh my god then he can't respect her what are you talking about who made up such a stupid line what do you think you really think we're stupid we can't see you at sexual terms and respect you at the same time that's worse than walking and chewing gum at the same time I mean it is so easy to do you have no idea hello I do it all the time just Kay my doctor is very cute but I did not choose her for her cutit ood I chose her for her medical knowledge so I can balance the fact that she's cute and I see her in sexual terms and the fact that I go to her because she's such a good doctor isn't that amazing the juggling that my mind my male brain has been able to achieve mind boggling so this is childish aspect so why is America racist because they hate it and because there are three reasons because they hate it because they want the black vote every happy black is Republican every grateful black any black who says I'm grateful to be American votes Republican so you have to make sure blacks are not grateful to be American but actually have contempt for America then yet they stay Democrat it is a disgusting disgusting and unbelievably destructive thing to America and to blacks to raise children to think that whites hate you is so it is truly a form of child abuse and the third is they compare America not to other countries but to utopia all leftism his utopian all that's why their children children believe in utopia adults don't I walk around amazed at how good America is not disgusted at how bad American is that's why I'm not on the Left that defines the difference in a second I know other countries not only because I was at a hundred and thirty countries though that helps but because I read history this place is amazing it is amazing it is so none not non xenophobic it's people come here and they blend in if you want to blend in you blend in nobody's telling you I live in an area I work in it specifically in an area Glendale California which has more Armenians than any city on earth outside of Yerevan the capital of Armenia alright I mean hey after people you bump into are Armenian and they I have zero problem with their sending their kids to Armenian schools learning Armenian language I would said to a Jewish school I speak Hebrew fluently I learned my Bible they learn their Bible I think it's great but they become American like I became an American I was taught how lucky I was in Maya Sheva to be American I was taught it where with George Washington plays when they were still George Washington's birthday some of you or all of you over 40 or 45 perhaps know the date of George Washington's birthday no one under 40 knows his birthday Presidents Day yes honoring Franklin Pierce no offense no offense sure he's a sweet good man his wife loved them I don't know what damn thing about Franklin Pierce but if you say Presidents Day now might as well be Franklin Pierce they're all the presidents they've compared America not to other countries but to a utopian vision where all men have no toxic masculinity where there is no difference between male and female where there is everybody loves everyone and life unconditionally don't start me next time you have me if you want I'll just do a 35-minute attack on unconditional love a term which has no basis in Judaism or Christianity none even though many Christians believe in it many Jews do too but for different reasons and by the way if you look GU GLE has a very interesting chart the use of terms since 1900 until today unconditional love was never used before 1950 and from 1960 to today it has skyrocketed in its references in literature unconditional love which is in it but that's that's that's a big thing that's what they imagined there will be a world in which you don't earn love I'm a believer in earning love okay my favorite verb in English is not love my favorite verb in English is earned the best word that exists any kid who grows up believing he has to earn everything will be a better human being that's how you produce good human beings you've got to earn your money you've got earn admiration you've got to earn a trophy you've got to earn an award you've got to earn happiness earn is a conservative word and by the way it's almost uniquely English very few languages have the word earned in Spanish and in and in and I know I know French so French its gun a Gagne means to win it is very different or a gun got the gun yah I think it is organ our right this what is to swim in Spanish huh Naggar is gun our ganar right so it means it means to win winning an income is very different from earning an income winning is luck earning is deserved big difference we earn not win so they compare America to to utopia then it stinks I agree compared to utopia America is is sick Serb sexist intolerant xenophobic homophobic Islamophobic racist and bigoted that is correct that is what it is so I've said it so often I have it down to an acronym oh but there are there many more since then transphobic there's a whole host of phobias by the way you'd never notice there's no krysta phobic nobody hates Christians isn't that awesome the most murdered group on earth today for its religious convictions but there's no hatred term for it byxis the left owns language how God is anti-semites as anti-semitic there's Islamophobic there's no krysta phobic that amazing the scum who slaughtered almost 300 to Christians in Sri Lanka on Easter by the way they didn't rebound the truth is according to the left they really didn't kill Christians they killed Easter worshippers right for all those of you who worship Easter I'm sure you're related to it immediately this is the world we live in I could do this for hours because it's endless it is endless the assault on truth that that we have the American Trinity is unique and that is another reason for its greatness it is a big reason I told you conservatives don't know how to explain America to their kids so I have I have a great formula for you and it is that we have a Trinity just like Christianity has a Trinity American Trinity I didn't invent it's on every coin liberty and god we trust' a plural cinema there's no other country in the world that has those three that is unique to America Liberty that's unique to America limited government is a unique there is no other not Canada no one the United States alone had was founded on the belief of limited government for and this is one of my mottos we even have a bumper sticker that has this phrase the bigger the government the small or the citizen we want the citizen big and the government little that is our that is what we stand for because the citizen is created in God's image the government isn't big difference so we are for liberty the rest of the world is for equality Liberty is a value never ever think people yearn to be free they do not they yearn to be taken care of and where did I learn that in the book that taught me most of the wisdom that I have the Bible which is why I'm writing the rationale Bible I have no compunctions about telling you to buy it for the following reason and that is no one writes Bible commentaries to get rich is that fair are we on the same page on that one oh the guy's a millionaire he wrote a commentary on Leviticus no kidding oh there's a there's a pot of gold or at the end of that rainbow why didn't I think of that Genesis is coming out next week Exodus came out last year these this is my lifetime of teaching from the Hebrew for people of every background read the reviews on Amazon you'll see it does touch lives it's called a rational Bible and I'll give you an one of the many examples of life transforming ideas the Israelites are freed by God himself right splitsies 10 plagues amazing stuff takes place and within within weeks they are in the wilderness fed every day by the way perfectly well fed by manna from heaven or from Earth but manna and sure enough what do they say they say let's go back to Egypt better in Egypt because the food was better that is what they say in the Bible by the way the one of the reasons I believe that the the that at least the first five books I which have a special status in Judaism and Christianity known as the Torah and our divine is that the Jews had depicted so negatively if Jews wrote it and not a divine hand they never would have depicted themselves so awfully no no I'm totally convinced i-it's actually one of the most persuasive arguments I have for the nonhuman authorship of those books and and anyway the Jews look like jerks but they're not jerks they're normal people rather be slaves who were well fed than free people who have boring food and they were well fed it was just boring manna manna manna manna but hey we had meat back in Egypt so why do I learn I learn a truism about human nature people don't yearn to be free people yearn to be taken care of that's the left the left one of the reasons it's so popular the left all over the world is it it corresponds to human nature that's why Liberty is a value not an instinct that's the key this country's founded on values not instincts a pluribus unum from anyone we don't give a hoot where you're from what you look like that's not to say Americans never did or no Americans did of course we had racism obviously but the the value is we don't care we violated our own values okay simple as that but we had the value that is the value from anyone and now what the left is doing is from many many black dorms all over the country black dorms George Wallace wanted black dorms the racist Governor of Alabama wanted black dorms and now the left wads Blackthorn's it's mind-blowing black graduation that that Harvard black graduation that's disgusting a pluribus unum and in god we trust' because you can only have small government if you have a big God Jefferson knew that and he was no a devout Christian Franklin knew it and he was no devout Christian every one of the founders knew it you either have big God or big government this stuff hasn't been taught to the next generation this is all news is new to most of you and you're committed conservatives I don't blame you if you haven't been taught it how you supposed to know it that's why I feel such a if you will a missionary zeal to get the word about America out while I still have time on this earth because once you understand that it goes oh my god that now I get it now I know why In God We Trust if Europe if you are an atheist conservative you should value in god we trust' because ultimately if God dies government grows that's the way it works like in Europe people have to be accountable to something and unless you were fool it can't just be to their own conscience so it's either gonna be to the police and the state or it's going to be to the God of the Ten Commandments the God who said love your neighbor as yourself the judeo-christian conception of God from the Bible so that's it that's that is America and if nothing else you now understand this trajectory in my in this just this one individuals life I have fallen in love with this country I am truly the opposite of the leftist I just want to improve it but I don't want to fundamentally transform it thank you very much thank you so much thank you thank you everybody thank you very much [Applause] thank you all a very kind it's very sweet appreciate it a lot I earned that because and I'll tell you how I know because you didn't start with one a lot of places I thought so I got a standing ovation when I begin and I go I can't do any better this is terrible I can only disappoint them so this was a better feeling you know you started out to get me a polite applause where like you showed up but did the end so I felt you got to earn earn is the best feeling there is that's why we didn't teach kids either that's what's why that's why entitlements are so horrible it's degrading to the recipient it's so terrible so and by the way I do have a belief I truly believe and I never exaggerate I took a vow 35 years ago when I began a radio not just never to lie that's a given not to exaggerate I believe this literally I think it is harder to get off addiction to entitlements than it is addiction to heroin that's how bad it is the the Democrats and the and the left are drug pushers they're drug dealers with benefits and they should be regarded as such they are indistinguishable from drug dealers in the harm they do to the recipients do some people need need government handouts yes some people need some equivalent to heroin like in and opioid absolutely and they should be given it no question just as some people should get the entitlements but the vast majority live you get free lunch and free breakfast and when they did the vectra's I announced on my radio show when I have a big LA audience I said any parent who cannot give their kid breakfast is a defective parent period there was something wrong with them as parents and of issue I am NOT going to facilitate such Parenthood how much is a an egg McMuffin seriously I'm not joking how much is it huh what Oh three hours and 58 cents and it's damn nutritious I'm not joking egg I'm Pro egg by the way there's nothing wrong with eggs don't give me a break please alright alright let's go - where's yeah and we have people coming up mics we we have time for a couple questions please raise your hand and wait for the microphone to be brought to you there's one back there and one right how many microphones do we have - all right it may take five minutes to get to over there but that's fine I don't have a problem I'll tell you what I think about hiding mall Arena and are we okay as there it is that's a different time zone that's that area is Larry it seems to me that there is a vicious war going on between those who want to attack traditional culture and those who want to defend it such as Hillsdale College for me traditional culture has six aspects faith marriage family individual responsibility work ethic and patriotism each of these values is viciously attacked if the other side wins what I'm going to have a whatever attitude what do you think I review yes I love those six I I just want to say what will happen I'll tell you what will happen the I have finally come to realize and it was only thanks to my finishing my Genesis commentary well I wrote a book explaining leftism Americanism and and Islamism it's called still the best hope and I pointed out if you ask a Christian give me the book that essentially describes what you believe say here's the Bible is that fair okay there's more obviously there's so much great theology but that's basically it if you ask a Jew is the Bible maybe the Talmud as well but fine ask a Muslim here's the Quran and the hadith ask a leftist how do i what give me a book so I'll know what you believe they have no answer so it's not a Karl Marx right yeah the number of left to suit read Karl Marx is is equal to the I'm trying to think of something scarce the number of delta smelt that I raise in my home aquarium if you don't know about the delta smelt you're lucky but anyway it's an endangered fish that is the size of your finger a half your finger for which reason there is a lack of water in the Central Valley in California okay but it's okay so anyway I realized something it took me till this last commentary what did God do the six days of creation I don't care whether you believe 24 hours or not it's not my point but the six days of creation what a God do we think create well as it happens the word create has only used three times God made a lot created a lot what God mostly did is make order by making separations between for example of course day and night light and darkness human and God a human and an animal male and female it is and and remember Genesis 1 is in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:2 is and the earth was and the Hebrew Toba Volvo who is not fully explicable but essentially means chaotic God spent the six days of creation making order out of chaos chaos is the natural state the left wishes to reinstate the chaos that's why there's no book describing their beliefs because they're that they don't even know what they are if you would have asked the leftist 15 years ago are men men and women women or so are you nuts of course so how did they change their minds that there's no such thing as men and women and you allow male bodies to run against female bodies in Connecticut high school girls races and win and then say well women want women won given as male bodies that one whether they call themselves women or not they or male bodies that's a fact that's not an opinion that's not transphobic it's real it's reality they are for chaos the the male/female issue is perfect example of chaos that's what they represent there the for God the judeo-christian world that we inhabit or inhabited represents order divine order they hate the concept of divine order they hate it that's part of the reason they hate judeo-christian values and Jews and Christians who uphold it we represent the opposite of what they believe in and they're right they know better that we do how opposed the two are they are a force of chaos you asked what will happen chaos will happen and chaos brings order but not the divine order man's order and man's order is evil you'll get order after the leftist chaos in in it like the Nazis brought order that's the order you'll get anybody else on that happy note we have time for one more question by the way yeah it's hard for you to believe I'll bet I wrote a book on happiness but when I tell you the title now you'll believe me happiness is a serious problem that's the title their their belief in entropy yes but they wouldn't acknowledge it yes this is the last question ok oh oh so where is the question there you are how you doing we talked about leftist and they're investigating Trump on all this money stuff and all that why isn't anyone said one word about the drug cartels that are spending millions and billions of dollars and the Democrats are probably getting this money we need to investigate that because they don't they want open borders and they're getting part of this money I don't care what anyone says that money's coming from drug money and they're ok they're using I am all for investigating the Democrats but I want to answer the the the first part on on tax returns I said from the beginning of my radio career began in 82 I said I am totally opposed to politicians having to give their their tax returns to the public it is none of my damn business about this person's income it is none of my business and what it does you see it's it's all fake the whole world of the left is fake so I have a few questions did anybody learn anything important about any candidate democrat or republican because of tax returns of course not zero nada nothing you learn nothing all we do is humiliate people who run for office and they that left arm our masters of humiliation that is what they do best look at what they did to judge Cavanaugh they only know how to humiliate humiliation is an art on the Left if it we we strip people naked to run for president of the United States and by the way it's a whole things of fraud if it's important to know the tax returns before we elect a president why isn't it important to know them before we elect a senator or a congressman or a governor and by the way if it's important that we know that why is it important that we not we not we not know or no not know I guess the the tax returns of the editors of the New York Times they have more power in this country than any senator does they have more influence I want to see the tax returns if that's what they want to do then that's then then everybody has to reveal them it all it does is prevent a lot of people from running for office you know that to run for office is to be humiliated now if you're willing to be humiliated especially if you're a Republican that's fine I have no desire to know one you know how I learned this this is this is I learned this from my father may he rest in peace who was my accountant he was a CPA was my my account somebody was 90 he retired at 90 smoked his last cigar in 96 which is my aim and by the way just just on that note and then I'll tell you about my father accountant so this was great Dallas Morning News about a year ago had an article on the oldest living World War one veteran I believe it was a black soldier living in Texas he was a hundred and seven is that possible without a would he have qualified for yeah he would maybe would have yeah because World War one ended in 1918 so 100 now couldn't have been couldn't have been World War one anyway the oldest living something couldn't it certainly was in World War two obviously but anyway he's babies just the oldest living veteran how's that yeah I think I got it alright nothing like thinking aloud in front of 600 people okay so the guy was interviewed he's a hundred seven hundred ten whatever he was so of course they asked him the everybody asked the same question what's your secret so the guy gave an answer and he became my instant hero he said that the secret to living this long is God and cigars and I thought holy crow this is my it's my prophet this man is a prophet in my life god that's me God in cigars i I can't get over it so anyway my father smoked the cigars until 96 but he was a count until 90 so in his heyday I remember when I was a kid and living at home he would talk about his work and he had a very interesting thing which I never I put two and two together later he said you know why I love my work boys to my brother and me you know why I love my work and frankly I didn't because I have I never thought for a minute of being an accountant so I didn't know why he loved his work he said I'll tell you why I love my work first I love making sure that people legally pay Uncle Sam as little as possible which immediately even as a kid I thought he was a great man so the the other the other but he said there's another reason he said once you know a person's financial records they believe they can open up about anything and I am NOT just their accountant I'm their psychiatrist they tell me about their sex life with their lives because the most people are more willing to talk about that than their finances how much do you earn is such a secret in society people don't ask their best friends how much do you earn but they may talk about problems in their marriage or with their kids which you would think are far more shameful or or embarrassing or whatever for whatever reason that is considered to be something we allow people to have privacy with regard to I don't believe I have a right to know everything about anyone that's just wrong it's just morally wrong and it's there's no wisdom to it I know nothing about you if I say if I see your tax return so I see how much charity you gave ok so here's here's a fact I give charity but I also give I give a lot of money to people in my synagogue who have no money that's not tax deductible because they're not an official charity that's not on there what about the people who take care of their parents and their whole life is spent they don't they don't have an official charity return do you know how good they are we know nothing from your tax return nothing I don't want to know it but who's gonna say that I don't want to know it the press that wants to run the country wants to know everything and for the left humiliating people is an art that's why I salute this president it's one of about a hundred reasons I salute this president because he does have he has and with this I will end he has the rarest of all the good traits there's kindness there's loyalty there's integrity there's all sorts of many wonderful good traits but the most important of all is courage and he's got that thank you all very much [Applause]
Channel: Hillsdale College
Views: 117,706
Rating: 4.7958331 out of 5
Keywords: dennis prager, hillsdale, trump, american politics, prager, college, university, greatness, culture
Id: y-SCtYSLkY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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