Demonstration of Hearing Aid Fitting

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[Music] hi I'm Ted venema let's take a tour through the actual hearing aid fitting process and the real ear fitting system over here is the audiogram of the client you can see the audio grams for the right ear and for the left ear respectively the right ear is shown in red the left ear is shown in blue now we've already discussed with the client the particular hearing aid make model style and type that would be most appropriate for her so what we're going to do now having that that having been done is choose our hearing aid fitting method allow me to draw your attention to the screen here right down where my finger is pointing I'm going to highlight the fact that one can choose from among several different fitting methods we happen to have chosen now - according to now - you will notice on the top two graphs over here you can see the fitting method targets based on now - for her particular audiogram you can see a target for soft speech you can see a target for average speech and a target for loud speech so this is what the software is predicting will happen if I can draw your attention to what's seen here on the table you'll see two hearing aids lying side-by-side here and in the middle is a programming loop the hearing aids are thus being programmed wirelessly to deliver what has been shown previously on the screen so this is the first general step of the real ear fitting process because we've programmed the hearing aids by way of the hearing fitting software the next step is let's verify and prove are we getting what the software said we get we're going to actually physically measure the output of the hearing aids in her ear canals the first step in real ear measurement is to do otoscopy which means taking a look into her ear canals to make sure her ear canal is free of any obstruction and earwax and it is the next step is to insert the real ear pulled tube into her ear canal the right that is read here I hang the loop around her ear and the next step is to insert the tube into her ear canal so that the black ring that I'm pointing at here is right at her tragus so we insert the tube into the ear canal so that the little black ring is at the tragus and you can see that there the next step is to insert the hearing aid into her ear canal with the tube held snugly in place now we're ready to do the real ear measurement on her right ear we should of course insert the tube into her left ear so this is what we'll do now can you turn around so that we can get to your left ear and once again I'll take a look into the left ear to make sure that all is clear all right okay now we'll we'll put the loop around her left ear notice it's blue highlighted in blue we have should we've made sure that the ring is 29 millimeters from the end of the tube inserting this into the ear canal once again so that the black ring is at the tragus now we can take the left ear hearing aid insert that in place so that it does not move the tube hook it behind the ear moving the little probe into or the dome into her ear canal and now we're ready to begin really our measurement on both ears okay now she's sitting in place in front of the real ear system with both hearing aids in place as for me on this side of the screen you will be able to see what the hearing aids are doing in her ears as I'm speaking live and in time ears are hearing levels for the right ear hearing levels for the left ear and you can see what the hearing aids are doing to my speech they're literally lifting my speech above her hearing levels so that all of my speech is audible can change any kind of sound you want ooh look at the Loews anything that I'm making so now if you can see what's happening with speech now in this next segment let's show what's happening in the real ear let's find out what this is really looking like in her ear canals we've programmed the hearing aids according to her particular hearing loss and according to the fitting method that we chose and you saw the results just previously now let's verify and prove are we getting in her ear canals what the software said we'd get and this is real ear measurement the right ear is her is red the blue is her left ear and you can see this is her hearing levels in her right ear her hearing levels in her left ear the asterisks are loudness discomfort levels and the area in between is called her dynamic range let's have average input speech and let's find out what's that mean how that's being amplified a carrot is a long reddish yellow vegetable which has several thin leaves on a long stem and which belongs to the parsley family carrots are grown all over the world at Gardens and in the wild in the fields a carrot is a long reddish yellow vegetable which has several thin leaves on a long stem and which belongs to the parsley family carrots are grown all over the world at Gardens and in the wild in the fields there you can see that that carrot passage you can see that that average speech has been amplified so that it is meeting the targets of the nal - fitting method let's find out what happens for soft input speech here are the targets for soft input speech are shown in pink or purple and once again you can see that we're fairly close to the nal - targets for soft input speech now let's find out what happens for loud input sounds and making sure that these do not exceed her loudness discomfort levels [Music] you can see that loud sounds coming into the hearing aid were never amplified so as to be above her loudness discomfort levels we have literally mapped speech soft average and loud sounds soft speech average speech and loud sounds coming into the hearing aid you can see that the maximum power output has never exceeded her loudness discomfort levels soft speech has met or I should say average speech has met target soft speech has met target this is called speech mapping this is the objective part of the hearing aid fitting we follow up by of course discussions with what types of peripheral devices would be bundled with her hearing aids what kind of programs we choose listening in quiet etc but real ear measurement verifies what the manufacturer software predicts and in that way we make this a hearing science in addition to be adjusting an artful hearing aid fitting it takes both thanks in conclusion I think I want to summarize by saying it's most important to verify manufacturers software predictions with real ear measurement in other words verifying things real ear measurement is a preferred practice of audiology and should be done at every hearing aid fitting kasia thank you very much for sitting with us and being part of this demonstration much appreciated it's very important to do real ear measurement i underline this is the way it should be done thanks [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ear Health Canada
Views: 40,613
Rating: 4.7769518 out of 5
Id: galGAsX7BsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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