Demonic Oppression & Mimics | 10 True Scary Paranormal Ghost Horror Stories (Vol. 30)

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back in 2011 my little brother 12 to 13 at the time started getting sick on Sunday mornings before church we thought he was just being manipulative in order to sleep in stay home and play video games then he began to vomit violently every Sunday morning consistently things escalated and he began to get sick during the week as well vomiting and missing many days of school my mother and stepdad took him to see many doctors ordered CT scans and MRIs and traveled out of state to see specialists none of whom could diagnose him eventually he basically became bedridden and had a withdrawal from seventh grade due to excessive absences in the beginning he acted like his usual self a somewhat surely but occasionally communicative teenager and contented himself with playing Minecraft for most of the day he didn't eat much but he's always been very thin and eating was never a priority as time passed he lost a lot of weight and became extremely gaunt with a greyish complexion looking back at pictures from that time he looked terrible his personality underwent a change as well and he evolved from angsty teenager into bitter spiteful and hateful he no longer tolerated my presence in his room and would hardly speak to me I'm an 18 year old female at the time my parents were consistently taking him to the doctors and he was receiving medical attention all throughout this time so please don't think he was being neglected he was diagnosed with kidney stones which were pulverized and eventually passed but that's just didn't account for all of his health issues we looked into cyclic vomiting syndrome but that didn't explain everything either Church and everything to do with religion or spirituality was out of the question for him at one point my parents were watching the 700 club downstairs an unusual occurrence but it was an interesting episode about the dangers of dabbling in the occult there were more cheerful segments too about people who had died and claimed to have seen heaven and Jesus my mom wanted my brother to see the episode so she tried calm down from upstairs I believe he came halfway down the stairs but he wouldn't come any further they went back and forth for a while it was extremely temperamental during this time and would pitch fits about anything he didn't want to do in response to my mom telling him to go to the living room and watch the show he screeched like a banshee it was a horrible sound finally somehow he resigned himself and joined me in the recliner at some point during the show mom looked over at him she told me this later he looked back at her with black clouds where his eyes should have been she stared back until the clouds dissipated then he smiled occur and was himself again at this point obviously my mom was convinced this was demonic oppression rather than a medical illness she read lots of books about demonic oppression and how to combat it we got rid of any questionable possessions including supernatural movies and native-american artifacts for fear that they had some kind of link to the demonic and were attracting negative energy we heard about these two women with a prophetic spiritual gift who were coming from South Africa to speak at a nearby church it took so much determination but somehow my mom and I managed to get my brother in the car with us and we made the drive to this church the two women began speaking over members of the congregation laying hands on them singing to them and then describing the image that God put into their brain and explaining what it meant the church members began queuing up in order to be prophesied over I remember being nervous to the point of nausea because I feared the woman could somehow read my mind and knew every bad thing I'd ever done we waited for hours and hours until the women reached us we went to the pulpit and began crying because the emotions were so strong the women put their hands on us and said to my brother the devil is trying to steal your life the red Bible verses to us that I can't remember and they gave my mother a small vial of anointed oil and they blessed us and we left the church feeling so light and overjoyed we ate lunch together and got home still on the high of it all that night my mother had a friend over to discuss everything that had happened they were talking in her room about the prophets my brother's health and so on eventually the woman left and my mother was in her room alone she went to bed before she fell asleep she saw a reptilian demon like entity standing beside her bed mocking her she described this to me the next day she said it looked like it was laughing maliciously she made a mental note to cleanse the house of the holy oil the next day and somehow I don't know how simply rolled over and went to sleep with the thing still there the next day we all went through the house together blessing each room and anointing each doorway with the oil honestly everything is a blur after this but my brother remained ill for a few weeks after one day we basically dragged him to church with him shrieking all the way when we walked through the doors he doubled over with stomach pain he remained doubled over throughout the sermon and we couldn't help but start solving because we felt so helpless about it all the pastor asked the congregation to surround us and lay their hands on us and pray it wasn't immediate but in the following weeks he began to get better even attended a church camp and was baptized at the end of it which we all attended I know it's out there but I firmly believe it was the combination of the prophets the laying on of hands anointing the house and my brother's eventual salvation and baptism that lifted his sickness I no longer live with my family but they have only had one other paranormal occurrence since I moved out a mom and brother were leaving to the grocery store or church or something and both of them saw a shadowy figure seemingly passed through the kitchen wall out of the corner of their eye they both assumed it was my stepfather and neither said anything it wasn't until they had been driving for a while and they asked each other did you see that and realized my stepfather wasn't home at all [Music] to preface this my husband and I love dorky YouTube videos such as Charlie the Unicorn Lamas with hats and asdf we have been using some of the jokes from these in our relationship for years the one used the most is from Charlie the Unicorn number two when the two unicorns that are terrorizing Charlie make their silly bloob bloob bloob tongue noises back and forth we do this randomly but 99% of the time it's in our own home so I arrived home at about 9:00 p.m. I stepped out of the car and heard someone go blah blah blah ly behind me my husband goes to work at 9:30 p.m. so this is around the time he waits for his ride outside I turned around assuming I just hadn't seen him but there was no one there I stepped at the end of the driveway and looked down the street then there was absolutely no one around I was a little weirded out but brushed it off and went inside the house my husband was still home so I asked him have you heard anything weird he said no and I just let it go he left to wait outside and about five minutes later he text me that was you right immediately I say no but I heard it too I asked him if he was still here and he said no but now the lubglub sound was loud enough to be heard from inside the house I walked to the window to look outside and just before pulling back the curtain it happened again right outside the window loud enough to make me jump back at this point I'm officially freaked out I called my mom because by now my husband had started work and I have no one else I can speak to this late I double checked all my doors and windows and made sure my alarm was set it continued sporadically every 2 to 5 minutes for almost an hour my mom had the police on speed dial just in case I built up the courage to look outside a few times and no one was ever there we just had fresh snowfall this afternoon other than mine and my husband's footsteps there's no sign of anyone else having been in my yard the most terrifying thing about all of this is that the has been an inside joke shared personally between me and my husband for years only my close friends and family know this sort of hurt us do this they all know that I have an anxiety disorder and would never do anything to exacerbate my condition or cause a panic attack is something listening to us I wonder it's been stopped for about an hour without a reoccurrence if it starts again I don't know if I just deal with it to recall the cops who will probably think I'm insane I'm honestly looking for advice what do you think this could have been I'm just hoping that whatever it was had moved on [Music] this is less of a spooky paranormal story and more of a comforting account that our loved ones may not be completely gone when they die it focuses around my granddad my mother's father who died 22 years ago he and my mother had a very close relationship and she always talks about him and how he was such a gentle person whom everybody loved I was only 2 years old when he died but I have always felt very close to him and my mom's family says this is because we are so similar in our behavior in our looks about 18 months ago I finished university and was looking for a job I had to move back to my parents place and I was working in a retail job and was in pretty low spirits because I had applied to so many places for six months and heard nothing one night I had a really vivid dream that I was lying in my bed and my granddad came into my room I looked up at him and he just said don't worry within two weeks you will have found something I remember waking up and feeling really calm and relaxed something I hadn't felt for a while due to the stress of job hunting two weeks to this day of that dream I got my first and only job offer I was telling my brother about this story and he is a very logical quite narrow-minded kind of thinker and I was surprised at how he reacted he told me that seven years previously he had a serious back operation and was lying in bed for three weeks covering as he couldn't move due to the pain during that time he had a dream similar to mine where our granddad came into the room and spoke to him upon waking up my brother said he was relieved of all pain and was able to stand up and walk about as normal he said this lasted for about 15 minutes and slowly the pain started to come back so he laid back in bed and was bound to the bed for another week or so in addition to this every Christmas for the past 15 years or so when my grandma takes her Christmas decorations out of the loft a red admiral butterfly flies out of the box this happens each year in the middle of winter in England what is even stranger is that the butterfly will appear in my parents house too and will sit on the photograph of my mom and granddad several years ago my brother was going through a divorce and it was a hard time for the family he was visiting with kids and the butterfly appeared again this was November time and was flying around all of us my mom loves seeing the butterflying gets really emotional when it appears it's always alone and has the same markings one time my mother put on her father's favorite album some Nat King Cole record and the butterfly appeared once again and was flying around like crazy in the living room over the last 15 years or so we have seen the butterfly around 20 times or so sometimes it appears regularly for a short while and other times we don't see it for a year or two [Music] last November my husband and I suffered the loss of our son Noah by way of miscarriage well the night I actually miscarried I also hemorrhaged and almost died as they lay there bleeding out in our bathroom I could feel this overwhelming sense of sorrow and heaviness but the weirdest part was that I could smell my mom and I just knew she was there I don't know any other way to describe it other than I know she was with me even my husband who was not a believer by any means said it felt like she was there with us she's been gone for almost four years now but she always comes when I need her most just like she said she would and she passed [Music] I'm an 18 year old male recently I began interning at a local metal foundry in the engineering department as my future goal is to be an engineer this internship has done nothing but put some money in my pockets and completely deuterium in the engineering field however the extra $20 a day isn't bad for a high school kid it is nothing but boring and I have spoken to my internship director about this but for only two hours a day to get paid to be bored has motivated me to stick with it more backstory until I get to the real point here my job is to look for parts and write their serial numbers down on a paper for 2 hours a day I have been doing this for months every day I work in a tool crib with several rooms all filled with shelves full of small or large parts of machines in the foundry in my town around a hundred years ago there was a circus in the company that I worked for bought the old circus building in the 70s the old room that is still in its original state is what we call the loft to be exact it was the room that the circus kept the Lions in Rochester meadow products the business I worked for no longer has lions believe it or not so we keep parts in there instead not as cool so the spooky stuff at my internship I never believed in ghosts because I had never experienced anything paranormal before however two times now while I have been working I have seen a strange woman dressed in strange clothes sitting in the single chair we have in the tool crib drinking a glass bottle of coke never has she said anything to me nor me to her once I said something to my supervisor about who she was and he had no idea what I was talking about it didn't bother me much though as RMP is around 400 employees and it could have been anyone anyone who works in a factory we will know that not every employee is full of class possibly a little off upstairs however this isn't the worst thing that has happened to me once when I was in the loft looking for a part the lights suddenly shut off they quickly turned back on and I thought nothing of it until I began to smell a very odd smell being in a small town been in many barns that smelled like an old barn filled with animal stench and feces the lights turned off and the door I could hear slowly shut with no windows the room was totally pitch black my heart pounding I was hoping that this was only a mean prank by a supervisor it wasn't until I heard a low growling that I became panicked it was faint and eerie and the room became cold that was frozen in fear I heard whips and chains very loud all of a sudden and I was shivering due to both fear and how utterly cold it became the door was opened and the lights came on I was faced with my supervisor asking me what I was doing up there with all the lights on and how I became so sweaty I have decided that $20 a day is not worth it and have flunked out of my internship no one knows why as far as anyone knows it was boring and the engineering field is not for me [Music] this story took place when I was 15 or 16 I had snuck out to smoke and chill with the boy I liked at the time we'll call him James James and I were at this local elementary school where kids our age would go late at night to hang out in the playground and smoke and kiss or whatever it was around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. I live in Oklahoma and unfortunately there isn't a lot to do here even though I live in the capital city at this elementary school call it West Lake Elementary School has a big field separating the playground area from a huge dense forest so we're sitting on the jungle gym then James tells me he found an app that has really creepy voice ringtones he starts showing me a few when he gets to this really scary one that I can still hear perfectly to this day it's a ghostly voice that sounds like it's coming from all around you whispering I see slowly and menacingly think Deathly Hallows part-2 when Voldemort gets inside everyone's head at Hogwarts to tell them to bring Harry to him or die it really freaked me out seeing as how it was late and dark as I'm telling him to turn it off something makes me look up towards the big field in the forest crossing the big field and all fours with unnaturally long arms and legs was what I can only describe as a humanoid shape walking with the exact same grace and slinking movements of a lion or other big cat only it had a human shaped head and clearly human arms and legs and freaky hands it was probably 30 feet away from us but I know what I saw it's not even the craziest part though the craziest part is that this thing was like invisible or camouflage or something please stay with me here this is 100% honest real account of something that terrifies and perplexes me to this day the only reason we could see this thing walking or whatever it was was because the light and fences would move around it as it passed by I wish I could explain it better but that's all I can think to say James saw it too and we were both so terrified barely speak we sat in dead petrified silence says across the field and disappeared into the forest I don't know if it didn't see us or didn't care but nothing ever happened the only time I had ever been that scared and really felt I was about to die was when my friend and I had a gun pulled on us the kind of petrified wood is going to happen next fear I've looked into local legends and haven't found anything I know that sounds crazy but has anyone else seen anything similar to this luckily I had James with me to witness this or I would seriously question if I saw it at all we both saw it though and we were both horrified [Music] so a little bit of backstory my dad is very prominent in the medical community where I live some of the highest-ranking doctors and surgeons go to him for classes he's the first person people refer other people to when they need medical classes this includes CPR BLS ACLS PALS and other first aid classes he's constantly teaching and he really enjoys it he used to be a fireman and after leaving the fire department he became an EMT so naturally he got some weird stories about ambulance runs he's been on his stories range from delivering babies to removing coca-cola bottles from areas of people's bodies he'd rather not say and worse so he swears on his life that that story is true he said that one day he was at the station hanging out when they got a call to a barn and pretty much the middle of nowhere it took him and his co-workers about half an hour to get there now my dad is not a very superstitious person and he's not a big believer in the paranormal or supernatural but he said that as soon as he stepped out of that ambulance he felt some presence that was not human it takes a lot to scare my dad we both love horror and everything that has to do with it so we've become practically numbed jump-scares and ghosts and stuff so for him to get creeped out just by stepping onto the property says a lot he said that they didn't want to go into the barn but his job required him to they swung the first aid bag over his shoulder and him and the other EMTs walked into the barn it was a fairly large barn larger than a regular horse barn the whole time my dad was walking in he experienced an increasingly eerie feeling the further he went in he says what happened next gave him the chills and made him go cold he said there was a laugh coming from somewhere in the barn but not a normal laugh a demonic raspy threatening laugh he said that the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he froze in place him and his friends all looked at each other stuck to where they were standing the laugh continued for about 20 seconds and it paralyzed them as soon as the laugh stopped they darted out of that barn jumping back in the ambulance and he said that it didn't care if someone was hurt at that point because he planned on coming home that night this was about 12 or 13 years ago and he still to this day has no idea who or what that laughs came from it gives him the chills every time he tells the story and he doesn't even go into full detail every time he tells it if anyone has any explanation for what happened that night it would be greatly appreciated for me and my father I am from Europe Lithuania I am a male 27 years old and I came from a smaller city to capital Vilnius some years back let's start from the beginning I came to the capital when I found a good job so I needed the place to live I was looking for some rental apartments and I found one it wasn't a very very bad neighborhood and my house lived a lot of ex-prisoners drug addicts and people who were almost homeless adding to that the house was around 200 meters from the place where gypsies are living all they do is criminal stuff like robbing and selling drugs all in all it was a terrible place to live so I contacted the number of an apartment owner who was renting it for a long time and we agreed to meet near the house to look at the place if I like it possibly signed the papers so I met with a guy walked up to the fourth floor and stood by the door I noticed that on my door was a sticker the sticker means that firefighters had to break in I asked the owner why that sticker was on the door and he said one time when no one was living in that apartment neighbors called the police because they were starting to smell something coming from that apartment so the firefighter broke into the apartment through a window but found nothing well I kind of believed his story but it was weird we walked inside it was just like new floor walls ceiling shower toilets new so I like the place signed the papers and I rented this apartment I have to mention that this apartment was extra small with kitchen sink fridge toilet shower and a place to live it had only 11 square meters or 36 square feet I had no friends in that city no girlfriend so I thought this is a place to start a new life a new place but all the time I have felt weird in there like something was watching me always depressed and borderline suicidal now fast forward 10 months I had a girlfriend my friend from a smaller city came to Vilnius to find a job to find a place to live so I made him an easy start I moved in my girlfriend's apartments and I let my friend live in my rental apartment he was broke so that's all I could do for a friend give him a place to live and don't pay for anything after a week he told me that something is wrong with that apartment he was never that depressed guy or anything he was always fun to be with always doing things but he told me in that apartment he was feeling very depressed and even suicidal actually he even tried to end his own life with a belt and radiator but there was too little space to do that after that he tried to avoid that place he was partying on nights or staying somewhere else but one day he wasn't able to find a girl to stay for the nights or to stay in a bar for all night so he came to that apartment around 1:30 around 2:00 a.m. he started smelling an awful smell he described the smell like a rotting flesh and suddenly all the apartment became freezing he was sitting in the dark ready to go to sleep when he noticed a small bubble of light floating in the apartment he was watching it till it sank into the toilet after that he borrowed some money from his friends rented an apartment for himself and never went back I came back from my girlfriend's apartment and was trying to be calm I am pretty heavy sleeper and I like to go to bed at around 2 a.m. I smelled that smell as well and I felt the cold but I tried have to look anywhere and tried to remain calm later I smelled it four times a week later I stopped renting this place and went to my friend's new rental apartments and we became roomies there sometimes I still think about that apartment I feel really strange about it but I do believe that someone most likely died in there now I live in another place where I actually feel good this happened in the early 90s in a small rural town in the south my grandmother and a few of her fellow old lady friends as she called them had opened a restaurant that served nothing but sandwiches soup and small finger foods you might find at a tea party they rented out an old church that had been through its fair share of owners including a satanic called that set the basement on fire years before this but that's another story the setup went like this a kitchen to prepare the food in the side of the building a few dining rooms an old library room in a hallway that led to a big wooden door that had a padlock on it nobody ever opened that door and as kids we figured it didn't lead anywhere at all because it was just never mentioned it was a towering radius top double door that had been painted white like the walls what ain't so thick it formed a film over the space between the doors in the middle the paint had dried in the crack and stayed that way because nobody had ever opened it after a few successful years of business the few old ladies decided to open up a bookstore in the library of the church they held a few religious books typical for this town and then the rest was almost entirely children's books one day when the restaurant was closed my aunt was alone stacking books on the shelves in the library she felt like she was being watched so she glanced over her shoulder peering over the doorframe to the library was a small boy wearing a teen and 19th century clothing knickers that stopped the knee with tall socks and a cap on his head as soon as he noticed that she saw him he started and ran down the hall bayan chased after him thinking he had broken in or was lost she says that as soon as she made it out of the room and around the corner nobody was there all that was left in front of her was that big door like the kid had somehow slipped behind it and that's all I've got we didn't figure out if he had come from anywhere or if we'd ever see him again so some background in the house I have no idea if it even matters but I'm pretty sure this house has been in the late 70s and early 80s by an older German couple who would later die in the house then it was owned by some lady who had it foreclosed on and that's how my dad ended up here this happened during one summer my bedroom was on the main floor and my dad and oldest brother with his daughter were on the top floor you can see every floor of the house from the front basement main and top and every story has a porch with two giant sliding doors on either side of all the porches I happened to be on the phone with my mom like I always do hanging on the main floors porch while I smoke cigarettes and sat on the Sun if you look through one of the sliding glass doors into the house you can see the living-room couch the couch sits in front of the stairwell that ends on the right of it the wall under the stairs goes from the right side of the couch to the left side of the couch where the wall abruptly ends and forms a 90 degree angle into the dining room where the basement door is located anyway I'm outside talking to my mom on the main floor deck that's one storey off of the ground from the basement overlooking a small pond I'm pacing around on the phone like I normally do and I'm listening to my mom and for whatever reason I'm facing towards the glass door into the house when I see my brother coming from down the stairs and a white undershirt like Hanes t-shirt or something I guess it couldn't have been my brother I thought it was because the person coming down the stairs was tiny and my brother is super skinny as I keep looking at the figure coming down the stairs I noticed that it looks like a reflection like mine looks in the glass I could sort of see through it it didn't look like a solid form on the other side of the glass I turn around and look across the pond thinking maybe this is reflecting from someone out in front of the house somewhere but there wasn't anyone outside and the reflection would have been way too far away to be life-sized in front of me whomever would have had to have been on the deck behind me to see a reflection of someone life-sized this was a life-size person coming down the staircase and remember being on the phone with my mom and I was like mom I think I'm watching a ghost straight now it wasn't that it was scared I was seriously perplexed as to what was going on I watched the figure come down the staircase while confronted the wall into the stairs but behind the couch I never saw anything but a torso I know I saw a white t-shirt but the head was so faint I kept looking at the shirt thinking what like how it's easier to see solid colors in reflection than it is to see features and details of someone so it's walking behind the couch and I'm pretty sure my mouth is hanging open because what in God's name is happening I watched it walk from the stairs to the other side of the couch and the figure just vanished as soon as the wall made that 90-degree angle into the dining room it disappeared as soon as the wall stopped of course as this is going on I'm pretty still I guess in like shock I have no idea I didn't think about moving other than when I looked across the pond behind me to see if anyone was there I just stood there and watched of course after this is over for a couple of seconds I tell my mom on the phone what just happened she laughs it off and don't blame her I went inside to find my brother he was still in bed upstairs fast asleep with his daughter he never came downstairs in the morning until she woke up and likes to sleep super late and and if she ever woke up at that age she was at that age where she would scream her lungs out so I know that they hadn't gotten out of bed yet I know my dad wasn't home and this was awhile ago I don't really remember where he was like I've had a lot of weird things happen to me but I am also pretty skeptical maybe I've seen shadow people or the like and just thought I was a crazy person but this is the only time I have legitimately seen a figure and saw it for a somewhat and amount of time they were not moving fast I didn't see it out of the corner of my eye and had my full attention maybe a minute or two while I was looking directly at it I don't hallucinate people moving around me like I said I've had a lot of weird things happen to me but I have never directly seen something that would make me question ghosts or another plane of existence this is probably the only thing that's happened that I can't figure out the plausible explanation for I don't know this experience has always hung on to me and I've never really gotten to share it with anyone half objectively either they know it's a ghost or they know I'm crazy I'll let you decide hey friends thanks for listening if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and be sure to check out my choose your own path horror game on the iOS and Android App Store and grab early access to all future narrations for just $1 a month on patreon links in the bio thanks so much friends and I'll see you again soon
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 93,228
Rating: 4.8387799 out of 5
Keywords: Demonic Oppression, Mimics, paranormal stories, ghost stories, true ghost stories, true scary stories, scary true stories, true scary stories from reddit, reddit scary true stories, true horror stories, true horror stories from reddit, true scary stories reddit lets not meet, scary stories, horror stories, true stories, scary horror stories, stories from reddit, lets not meet, reddit, lets read, user submissions, asmr reading, scary asmr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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