Deltarune - The Legend (Orchestral Cover)
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Channel: Osirois Music
Views: 639,619
Rating: 4.9802966 out of 5
Keywords: osirois music, deltaruneost, delta rune legend, deltarune the legend, deltarune legend, delta rune legend orchestrated, deltarune orchestral, orchestral deltarune ost, delta rune legend remix, undertale 2 music, undertale 2 legend, undertale 2 legend orchestra, deltarune opening music, deltarune intro theme, the legend deltarune, the legend deltarune extended, deltarune - the legend (orchestral cover), deltarune ost, deltarune ps4 ost, deltarune switch ost
Id: BJKzfdpCQDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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10/10 would love and respect Ralsei.