Deliverance and Healing (5 of 5) - Casting out of Spirits

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okay let's just come back to we have a look on page 15 section 5 we're obviously not going to get through the whole manual but we'll just do what we can in the time that we have and sometimes it's better to see some things than it is to just teach a lot about them so I'll try and contain the teaching a little bit because you've already seen some of the things were about to talk about you've already seen it take place so we talked about Jesus ministry we talked about the whole work of the Holy Spirit and deliverance we looked at Jesus teaching on deliverance we looked at an example of him delivering someone then we went on to look at how demons get into people's lives we found some of the main doors of entry we also looked at particular bondages of the heart that create avenues or ways people can be kept in bondage and what it takes to break those now we just want to look at a couple of things or look at the area of the casting out of spirits just the simple dynamics of what to do and then we'll look at just the area of the heart and just dealing with some of the issues of heart how you would just a a way of going about doing it remember there's no one way of doing anything this is the way the VIII ways to depend on the Holy Spirit and be led by him ah-ha-ha-ha and all the rest is people's opinions on how it could be done so different people have different ways of doing it and there are a variety of ways like for example we we have most years an encounter retreat we have what's called a freedom retreat and we have a restoration retreat which pastor Lynn runs and these are encounters so they are set up for spiritual encounter so over the space of a Friday night and Saturday maybe into Sunday every meeting is geared for an encounter experience and in those experiences where faith has lifted up often there's a great atmosphere with God news and a lot of things happen that sometimes you didn't even teach about or anything it's just God is moving so encounters are great ways of getting freedom however it's also true that process is important and once we're free we still need to stay free so another way of doing it is the process that pasta Sarge and his wife just have been running and that involves systematically going through some teaching getting insight around the various blocks of the heart leading up to identifying main root causes and then ministry and of course when you have that you learn the process then of how to identify and track your problems to the roots that's also very powerful way and various other people have different ways of doing it so I just think we just just take what we share with you and then begin to explore opportunities to prime minister to people and none of us at this level of experts we're all just we can handle just the basic things and that's good so so we want to cast out spirits so what is involved in casting out spirits so I think probably the first thing is you've got to diagnose the problem you have to find the problem first of all without diagnosing it to diagnose something is to try and find out what are the roots what are the doors of entry that create the problems and so how do we do that these are the kinds of questions you could ask you might like to jot them down what is the problem that's the first thing what is your problem what is the struggle or difficulty you having you notice every case that Kay every person that came up I ask them well what is the problem second that question to ask is how long have you have this problem how long have you had it because if it's lifelong problem then you know it's possibly generational root cause you notice when I asked Amy ghen how long is the problem six months we were then able to say what happened about six months ago oh ah my mother died and and often we don't connect an event in our life or something that we did with the problems we're subsequently having we just don't connect it because it doesn't look like it's connected so always ask what is the problem how is it affecting you how is it affecting you how long have you had it those are good questions what's the fruit and the symptoms how's it affecting you and it's also helpful if you ask have you been to anyone else haha are you currently going to anyone else because I found that someone may already have done a lot of work with them and then they wanted them to repent of a sin and they didn't repentance now that have come to you for a different story and so it always helps to find out if anyone else has been dealing with the problem and you know I hate it when they come in and said I've been to twenty counselors now I'm coming to you I tell them I can't solve your problem only Jesus can and you've got to meet his conditions so let's keep you talking about Jesus and the meeting is conditions haha so the next thing is what possible doors of entry what possible doors of entry now we've given you a list of possible doors of enter it's helpful to keep those in mind generational curses and iniquities things in the family that a family origin we looked at the area of sin habits or patterns of sin we looked at a range of other areas sexual sin occultic areas and some of the various kinds of trauma and so on so we looked at a number of ways that evil spirits can get into a person's life looked at quite a few of those and then the the last one is what possible heart bondages are there because this I have learned over the years ace to just confront the demons and deal with the legal rights but we need to not only deal with the legal rights we need to look at the issues of the heart where demons are attached because I've a when I used to go to Asia in my initial days I found that we had a tremendous number of people delivered of spirits because of idolatry and generational curses and the whole emotion of the culture in in idolatrous roots but what I've observed in the last 10 years is an increasing number of people with major problems that come out of relationships and the family and so I've realized that it's not just the legal rights issues around generational spirits and so on it's also the things that have gone on and the heart in terms of reacting to how people have been treated and so I identified a little while ago these some of these bondages of the heart which you need to be aware of and need to address we've just gone and prayed for a few people so you can actually see that it is real that there is freedom comes afterwards that there's deliverance involved in it and there's also some kind of bondage you have to break so there it is what is the problem how long have you had this problem what is how is it affecting you then what possible doors of entry and we begin to explore their background and so on and then what possible heart bondages so you'd keep a piece of paper and identify those things i don't always pray for people after the first time I've met with them I say well look I've observed a few things here and this is the things I've observed what would be good for you just go away and pray and prepare your heart for ministry and so in other words give God room now that we've talked about the things to work on the person's heart and life so I found it very helpful to do that sometimes I pray straight away but often I don't often I say once you just have a little bit of time to pray and ask the Lord and prepare your heart there's maybe these people to forgive maybe there's some issues of grieving so given better home it to go and spend some time before the Lord every day and maybe do some journaling and ask them to prepare themselves for ministry then when they come then we're ready to go and when the person arrives probably one of the first things they'll ask is what has God been saying to you what is in your mind what is it that's on the top of your mind at the moment and often the very thing that they will talk about is the key to get into their life it's quite extraordinary that one thing that's just at the top of their mind the Holy Spirit is brought there so always we depend on the Holy Spirit so how would we how would we do the ministry session I would just loosely explain to them look this is I want to explain to them how to cooperate I need you to cooperate with me this is not about just me setting you free this is about us working with the Holy Spirit so we talk to them about how you can cooperate and what their part is in it and say the first thing is you have to take ownership this is your problem and even if there are demons it is your issue to bring to the Lord with faith in your heart believing for them to help you it's Jesus that can set you free and would explain the grounds to be set free that there's got to be repentance you've got to bring sense and creates the legal grounds so explain to them you need to confess them to the Lord has to come to the cross otherwise the legal grounds remain there I tell them about the need to release forgiveness that forgiveness unforgiveness will keep the person in bondage the need to renounce or speak words to cancel bondages or agreements with demons and then to be quite proactive in resisting quite proactive and resisting and so I'll tell them then as we begin our ministry time I'm going to lead you in a prayer to acknowledge who Christ is what he's done for you and to dismantle the demonic legal rights afterwards I will pray for you at that point stop praying Center your thoughts on the Lord and just cooperate in the process of deliverance and I found it quite helpful if people cough often just the act of it it often can trigger off deliverance coughing does not deliver you many people coffin they're not delivered but coughing can be an act of faith in that kind of environment that I'm resisting the spirit so I tell them just to cooperate not be passive waiting and letting me do something to them you know it always faith in the Bible always had a dynamic active element to it you know they always did something so then we begin and we start the ministry prayer so commit our time to the Holy Ghost ask them to release as gifts and anointing and we're ready to go all egos we just welcome you here we need you we depend on you we just invite you to come with power with revelation to help us and uncover and see the things we need to see anoint us so we can minister freedom they're quite simple and not a very hard thing then I lead the person and prayer you notice each time I got the person I got them to pray something first of all so if I was just going through a deliverance process was prayer led you through is the kind of prayer I'd use so it's broken up into these parts quite easy to remember first of all acknowledgement of Christ father I come to you in Jesus name I confess Jesus Christ as my savior and Lord I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ from every curse every evil spirit all the power of sin I belong to Jesus Christ now that's far more important than you realize it's a confession or profession of your faith it's a standing up inside and saying I'm in the kingdom of God Jesus is my king I'm into his Dominion I belong to him everything around my life belongs to him I believe that what he did is enough to set me free so it's a statement to the spirit world of where you are and I have found it many times when I've ministered to people they manifested right at that point so it was just at that point that stuff start to come up and so so number one I get them to acknowledge Christ and acknowledge what he has done number two I get them to speak and just confess and father I just ask you to forgive me for this this and this and this I just repent of the sin I ask you forgiveness and I receive forgiveness now person needs to not only ask for forgiveness he to receive I thank you Lord for your forgiveness I receive your forgiveness I forgive those who've hurt me maybe a father a mother or someone who's hurt them I release forgiveness to them and I and I forgive myself where I've been involved sometimes with sexual some people need to forgive themselves so number one the confession of faith to the center shoe 3 forgiveness issues and then for renouncing I renounce every generation because I renounce agreements I have made my family have made with evil spirits I renounce them I cancel them I put the cross of Christ between me and the family line and it's quite helpful to do that that makes clear statements if there's any agreements I'm cancelling them right now those words are very important demons listen to the words and they react sometimes angrily then I get them so now lord I call on you to set me free I say I resist the devil Satan go from my life in Jesus name I've just found that helpful other people do it different ways there's no one way but that's quite an easy way to remember it keeps in mind the Foundation's repentance release forgiveness renounce resist and reach out to Jesus okay so how when it comes to ministering to the person what are you going to do where do you lay hands well ask the Holy Ghost to show you where to lay hands you could lay hands around the head like that you could lay hands on the belly often demons are around the belly area or around the head area or maybe just on the back but if you're going to lay hands on someone just tell them what you're going to do it's going to lay hands on you as I begin to pray and and ask people treat people with respect ask their permission and then the first thing I tend to do is to break the the agreements I tend to break the areas of where there's agreement so for some many times I'm praying for people as agreements with Freemasonry there's agreements with idols there's agreements with dedications they may have had curses spoken over them there may be soul ties over their life in Jesus name I just break that agreement I break that soul tie I break those in about speak and break things and as you're breaking it remember what I talked to you that that as you imagine you open your inner man to what you're imagining so I just see in the spirit I see like this is chords around and I'm just cutting them with the Holy Ghost and cutting them with a sword of the Spirit I'm breaking them as I speak that word so I sort of see it that that's what I'm doing I'm doing that I'm breaking that thing and so we break those and then and it's done very simply in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I just break I break soul ties I break them I break them ISM and if you repeat yourself I break them I break them now you don't have to speak loud you just lose your voice if you yell out demons don't care about loud what they care about is Authority that's why I was talking to you about putting yourself into your words you've got to believe that what you say will take place okay then so we break the bondages generational curses and whatever it is that we're dealing at that time then you must command the spirits to go so you can do it with your eyes open or eyes shut it's just a matter preference if your eyes open you can see if anything's going on and observe it so in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I command you come out now just raise the tone and energy of your voice and speak right into the person what it is I just get a few people up here the second show what I mean I just need a group of people to come up just just group of you could use come up for a moment just so I can show you what I'm meaning just it's constant you have to do anything except stand okay you're the first stop here we go come and stand right in front of me there there we just stand in front of me there the others come around put your hand on the shoulder you're the demons come on another demon that's right go another one there bring another lady come over that's right okay all right there now it just helps to understand I want just create a visual picture what you're doing because when you're so what we're doing now is we are we're praying and ministering to our sister however she has it visible spirit beings that have got a grip and hold on her life and the whole they have is through the legal rights or the traumatic experiences and reactions that go with it and that's how they're attached so what we're doing now is this when we are leading her through the prayer to release forgiveness what we're doing is we're breaking the holds of the demons one at a time we're breaking the the parts that they could grip the person's life so now instead of actually being able to hold her and gripper and move around now we've broken those things often now I've got to speak to the spirits now what you will see with the unnatural eyes is just the person standing there what you've got to be able to see the eyes of your heart or your imagination is that there's an invisible spirit being I'm about to address now so when you're talking with the person I'm just talking with you but when I come to ministering and dealing with the demon now I will talk differently and I'm in confrontation mode of a spirit something inside her so I will speak like I'm speaking to a specific person speaking to a specific person speaking to them and in Jesus name I command you to go so it looks like you're just talking to this person here but actually inside you believe firmly you are talking to a demon being and you are engaging it now shaking her hitting her doing anything it's not going to do anything to the demon there's a lot of abuse of deliverance that's why it's created such a bad name because people shake them and I think by shaking them or whatever it's going to make the difference to the day and there is only one thing that will deal with the demon and that is the anointing of the holy ghost it and and so Jesus said the words I speak they are spirit and they are life so Jesus spoke words he meant and the life of the Holy Ghost within them now you have to speak words and you must mean what you say so you speak to the demon in Jesus name come out so maybe spirit of idolatry and you command that demon to come out loose come out in Jesus name is quite simple very some no long words or any other come out come out outs in Jesus name and don't just add Jesus name to say in Jesus they means I am his representative so I don't have to tack it on to everything I say in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus you know the blood of Jesus it's like it's like superstitious you understand I'm just actually representing Jesus I am in his name and nature representing him and so I don't have to keep using that in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ come out and speak strongly now initially nothing may happen just keep reinforced just speak your come on over more than once and sometimes demons may actually start to manifest now if a demon manifests it will show up in the behavior of the person now some people shut down all manifestations so nothing seen and it's all very quiet it's okay I just noticed that when Jesus did it lots of stuff happened maybe he had a reason for that I don't know and I don't mind if there's a bit of manifestation doesn't worry me too much but I manage it I don't let it get out of control so when we start to speak to the demons it says in one case and Luke for that the demon through the person to the ground and then came out it looked like he was dead and in fact one case the child was turned to go thought he's dead everyone said he's dead he just got up again like that and so it often looks like something dramatic has happened whereas in fact all this happiness the Spirit is protesting so just keep so when you're speaking keep speaking strongly forcefully to them and come out but out arise inside and you're being pushy and tell me you're being pushing you're pushing against something that's hostile probably the best way to describe it is like this it's if you saw a child and there's a dog beating the child biting the child you would you would feel very angry and upset by that and you'd run enormous without regard for yourself and grab that that dog and begin to beat it because your concern is for the child and your concern for child is so great it overcomes your fear of the dog and for you know you're in there beating up on the dog or hitting the thing and trying to get up and then out towards you think oh my god what I just do you know so in a way we're beating up the demons you know you're speaking the Word of God to them commanding them to go so just keep it up oh go in Jesus now now expect that as you speak that God will give you the names of the spirits and you'll already have an idea because of what you've asked the questions on spirit of death spread of this and that so just and listen be willing to have a go what have you got it wrong they're worried about getting it wrong you probably get more right than you get wrong just be better to have a turn and ask the person after it's a twin so sweet now if the demons start to manifest that can be a bit of a problem now when a demons manifest what that means is what was invisible becomes visible the demon actually begins to express itself through the person so if you just put your hands back on her again that's right yesterday I got a hold of right there now so if a demon began to manifest its presence I've got them on they're all shaking of they're like that that's it there you go okay now what would happen is if you keep your eyes open you can observe things so these are what you're observing you're looking at the eyes now when the demon manifests through the eyes there's some things you can have happen one is they get full of height suddenly you'll approve there was a nice lady what happened you know there's somebody else in there you know and the nice lady wins and there's suddenly there's something that's got cold eight like a wild animal that's the devil that's an evil spirit and that's what it looks like cold and furious and full of hate or alternatively son the eyes fill with tremendous fear it can be fear or hate those are the most common ones that I see or sometimes the eyes will just flick up at all you can see the whites of the eyes the demons trying to hide does not want to look at you because remember you are representing Jesus Christ now you may think you're just you but the demon sees Christ you are Daniel is hid with Christ in God so you stand to minister in his name and the anointing is on you the demon just sees a blazing white light now you read in the book of Revelation John saw Jesus and his eyes were like a flaming fire so great to pray thought I thank you your presence is in me and my eyes are like a flaming fire why not they are I was talked to one person she said she said I can't see you I said when she's standing here that klutz with their eyes open says I can't see you I can't see you I said what do you see she said I see a blazing white light and I can't see anything else then amazing so you may think you're just you but when you're standing in ministry you're representing Jesus and the demon see something different they see him in you Christ in you the hope that his glory will appear and even if the world hasn't seen it yet the demons can see it and they hate it they're scared of him okay so sometimes you see it in the eyes all right the next place to look for it is in the hands now what you'll find happen is this your hands are just relaxed like that but when the demons start to manifest you'll see a couple of things that might happen one is the hands go like a claw shape when they like that that never to be is witchcraft or some occultic power it can go quite like a claw or sometimes you'll find they'll clench up and you see them closing up like they're about to just break out and rage and fury which they are and it you know then there's hate and anger and rage it's just all starting to manifest in the person at that time don't be frightened of it you may find that their body starts to stiffen up mm-hmm like that okay or you may find some in the mouth now what can happen in the mouth is that sometimes I've seen a tongue go in it you've seen those snakes I've seen exactly that with a human tongue more than once more than one and so that and it's manifesting you know when it's like that you know it's a cultic of some kind it's a cultic softn the way the spirit manifests reveals a little bit about what kind of spirit it is and so sometimes it'll be like that or sometimes the person may begin to roar there's a crazy roar to try and intimidate you or they may scream or they may threaten you or they may speak to you so all kinds of things can happen through the mouth like that and another thing that they may try to do the hands clenched up the person may try and choke themself it's like the demon is trying to stop if you think a patron I will kill her I've heard them say that I'll kill her I've also said I'll kill you more than once now you just don't take any notice of what demons say just persevere continue be quiet Jesus name continue your work of deliverance don't be distracted by any manifestations just of neaby command them to be still and carry on with the job of commanding the demon out once the demon manifests you know you've got it beat already and so I find sometimes they'll be incredibly defiant and you'll almost be like I've got it you're in one another's face just looking at that demon and then if you'll just hold your ground you have to arise inside and hold your ground you'll find suddenly the demon look like this this way that way and then they're gone go I got you and I just many times and when it comes to that point well if you feel like there's two people having done all your just standing and then suddenly it begins to waver and then I push a bit harder it's gone just like that so in your deal you've got to see it to actually experience the other way to see it is you've got to experience it to see some of these things happening so it's the person I try and choke themselves so just restrain them pull the hand away from themselves I've had them also try and rip their clothes off which has been unfortunate and so it helps if you have I'm with you because it's hard to explain what happened so ministry is best done in pairs and there's a safety comes if you operate as a team rather than trying to do it alone because one you have a joint witness about what happened and what didn't happen - it's safer for the person concerned because there's another person involved 3 you have joint strength as where two or three in agreement there's there am I in the midst of you and three you have the the anointing flow increases when you're working together in unity like that and of course if you're working in a team one is praying and interceding and helping and assisting the other is taking the lead you can't have two people leading if you have two people giving instructions the demon just shuts down and nothing will happen so one must lead the other supports you can change roles if you need to but at one time one person leading and so I found many times everyone's having a go and it's just useless they come be quiet all of you just one person speak the others just in 2c idea so another thing that the person may do they may be going to shake so sometimes the person is unclean spirits you may find that they just go like this and they try like they're trying to shake the demon out sometimes the person will just fall over on the ground both of them doctors drop to the ground it does not mean they're delivered it can mean the demons just trying to get away from you so you just go back down on the ground and you lay hands on the person continue to pray until you feel the holy spirit shown you okay there we go well thank you be very helpful and thank you for the demons give him a big clap they did a great job here hahaha okay then so sometimes there are there are significant resistance particularly there's our cult the key thing is if you can remove the legal grounds the deliverance proceeds reasonably easily without too much happening so those are some of the the manifestations that they can take place and I've had people jump I've had them slither like snakes I've had all kinds of things have them jump around have them even try and jump out of a window so lots of things can happen I quite actually enjoy it when things happens great however some people just speak and shut down all forms of manifestation whatsoever and I don't think is the right way or wrong way of doing it but you do of all the things preserve people's dignity preserve people's dignity treat people of value don't get caught up in the power kick on deliverance so how could you know if the spirits are gone what would you do to know the spirits have gone it isn't always easy to know but there are several several things first of all deliverance can be progressive in other words you may have more than one session or one time like peeling layers of an onion off to think in terms of groups of spirits rather than just one spirit that you're dealing with at one time there's often a group of them three how you can tell if they're gone this three ways I know of one is ask the person as it gone now tell you yeah oh no the second way that you do that is is you feel the release it's like you're pushing against something and it suddenly quits on you it's gone then you know it's a release and the third way is the Holy Spirit just gives your witness that the demon is gone you have a sense inside of peace comes and that term walls all gone now in any situation well I encourage you to do just keep praying in tongues would you handle me they keep praying in tongues one things I've done sometimes just look them in the eye say look at me look at my eyes and look in the eyes and I rise up if there's any demon still in there it'll immediately manifest so I think this comes with experience being a lord that out now it isn't always easy to tell the difference between an evil spirit and emotional that always easy to see which is which all I can say is they look a little similar however when it's demonic it's got an ugly edge on it it just looks something not right it looks something really out of sorts and it will yield if you speak to it if a person is just manifesting emotions and their grief and anger or rage or whatever then it's got a feeling of it's it's an emotional expression it doesn't yield commands it reels to the person's will so if someone gets very emotional or it gets very upset just calm the person down deal with the roots again some of the heart issues and deliverance should be quite easy to do so how come some people don't giggle of it and there's always some that some don't get delivered somewhere get heal and that the area's fall into two groups one is problems with the person who's receiving ministry and the other one is problems with the person ministering so they remember we're not perfect at all of these things we're not no one's perfect at all these music we can go to grow into these areas and if you wait to be perfect you never do a thing so some of the difficulties that arise from the person ministry remember Jesus the disciples came and said we couldn't cast that demon out how come he said because of your unbelief so clearly preparation of the heart of the minister is quite important before your ministry so sometimes it's just lack of experience you just didn't know what to do and that's okay learn the much as you can from it ask someone for some input and advice and learn from there sometimes it can be just lack of faith this just isn't the faith in your heart and prayer and fasting Jesus said is the remedy to that spending time with God that's why the period preceding ministry is quite good to proceed it with prayer and fasting because the person connects with God and you connect with God when you come together everyone's anticipating God working sometimes it's an unresolved legal right or sinner shoe in the person's life sometimes it's just something they didn't tell you and you've got to ask God to show you what it is that's hindering that process or ask the person it's the Holy Spirit show them something because God can reveal in the process the issue quite simply even remember when I was praying with one person here I suddenly remembered something came to their mind so the Holy Spirit can just Pretz his job to bring things back to mind sometimes the reason the person doesn't get free is because the foundations have been laid lack of forgiveness lack of repentance those are the big ones stints and still their unforgiveness still there the person doesn't get set free okay then so the second is the area of the person themselves now I have found I guess when they're dealing with people that prime reason I've seen people not get set free as they just did in front up and deal with sin or they didn't forgive those are the big ones however sometimes the person is quite passive shut down and they just come up okay I've been to 20 people now you do your thing this is not going to get anything from God there's there's just a lack of faith and expectation sometimes we have not dealt with the foundational issues in their life and that's why the up with root system so sometimes that's why it's there sometimes the person is just too passive they stand there and they're passive and you can tell you know what I can tell when people are hungry and drawing faith has a draw faith draw something from God passivity the peasants will is not engaged they just all here we are just see what happens and sometimes God will surprise them but most times nothing happens because God does not work he works with this faith expectation the idea okay then so those are some of the reasons after deliverance you need to just recognize you will be a bit tired your body gets a bit sweaty and whatever you get tired so have a good shower and have a good have a good meal have some protein so you replenish deliverance takes energy out of your body have some good protein and have some good rest your spirit if you do a lot of deliverance I found sometimes I get soda fired from or how many hundreds of people I just get sick of it I just feel dirty and grubby and horrible and I think I never want to pray for anyone again it's true just feel like that and it's just because your spirit is shocked by the engagement with the clean and the violence and all the stuff that goes with it the grief turmoil zargo in deliverance ministry so I found it's very helpful if you like that to just spend time in worship time with the Lord rest and refresh but of all the areas perhaps the one that's the difficult one that people forget is the area of your soul your emotions now when you get involved ministering to people it's not only draining spiritually and physically it's actually draining in your emotions and so I find often after ministry I'm quite vulnerable and quite drained and I don't really want to talk too much to people I want to actually recover and everyone is going to learn how to recover your soul you know he restores my soul it's not just deep deep kinds of you know issues we've had it's also just being reflected refreshed and your soul and I have found that to go near nature or to go to the sea deeply refreshes my soul and so I can move in the spirit better after a good day sleep and a time out in the boat better than if I spent a whole day in prayer that doesn't sound right does it but actually if you understand the flow of the Spirit comes through your soul if your soul is in turmoil then there's the flow the spirit is affected by that so I have found it's important to properly restore your soul or you've become vulnerable to temptations vulnerable to oppression you feel often quite down and sometimes quite rejected after ministry time it's quite an unusual experience once you've had a time when you prayed for someone extensively you'll understand what I mean and so it's important it's your body to have a good sleep get something good food inside you and then secondly restore your soul get something you enjoy doing nature craft something is relaxed doing besides just be sitting in a hot ball some of it may be done just do some shopping or they may do so ever it is that restores you soul I found movies seldom restore your soul unless it's comedy come get your laughing and that can restore your soul but dramatic movies just distract you but don't restore and so often after ministry I find I'm just so out there I'm just watch television but it does not restore my soul it just helps me come down a bit and so Jorge say what are you watching so don't know I don't know flicking channels I think I'm just I'm trying to I'm just coming out of where I've been because I've been ministering for too long and been in that realm for too long I just find I just need a way everyone's got to learn how to manage their body soul and spirit now the last thing I'll touch on there is what about demonic attack do you get attacked by demons do we get attacked by demons of course you're in a war you're attacked by demons whether you like it or not you're living in a warzone so doing deliverance am I likely to get a bit more yes of course you get a bit more so what would it look like well if you're going to get pressure from evil spirits you'll get it three places or three different timings one is before ministers during ministry and was after ministry so how about that however it's just because they don't like you doing this they take offense that you would dare to invade their ground so in getting involved in deliverance you're declaring war on demons of course they're going to fight back I'm going to walk away they're going to push on you to see what you got what are you made of let's test you out a little bit here's the thing God says you'll never be pressured or tempted above what you are able so there are some things that you need to just be aware of so let me just give you a few of those things I've got to be written down here I may have them let's see if I've got them written down I won't I haven't got them written down but it's okay I can just explain them to you so before ministry this is what often happens before ministry high levels of agitation high levels of agitation so what I mean by that your spirit gets on edge you get edgy and you get irritable so if I'm in if mice how many know that you can have different sensations in your spirit how many of you have open up and you were singing a song that's a worship sensation you've been engaging God and your sleep in your spirit and now you're in a place of worship you wake up singing alright okay how many you have had a situation where you're on high alert in sight and agitated or slightly anxious but not sure why that's spiritual conflict you're in a war the fact you not to tell what it is where it is doesn't mean you aren't in one it means demons have come near to you and they're about to push on you or are pushing on you and that the feeling you have in your sense is to be agitated inside and on edge edgy so whenever we have anything of significant spiritual things happening in the church I'll find times when the prophetic edgy or get a little there's a sort of a stir inside in you you're on edge and you don't know why you this like something is about to happen but you've no idea what's about to happen and you can get a little tense and a bit short with people so when you get like that you need to be where you're on the spiritual attack and the remedy is just to pray in tongues and rest in the Lord you've got to learn to just speak in the spirit and rest on the Lord speak strongly subdue whatever's there and rest in the Lord so the other thing that can come up is you can have this overwhelming sense I don't want to get involved in ministry why did I ever think I should say yes to that person I should never have done that and you just don't want to be involved so all of that is the kind of stuff you can have and then things go wrong so like for example the last two seminars I think we'd all right this time you must have got the breakthrough then but the last two seminars the machines broke down you know what we will run hundreds of things through the machine and nothing goes wrong you put one of my manuals in and it produces up a bit the rest is blank what is that all about and you can't get it to come right until sides and prayed and then it came right we have problem in the sound gear you know sound people do well in the world you know they learn this stuff and they do this to have you coming to the church and it's just got something else to it then no one told me about it's called demons and something can you know something can go well and then you don't even touch it and it suddenly changed you want how did that happen is a spiritual influence around what we do and so often when we have meetings like this I'll have unusual pressure come on me through the week Lynn would know the sergeant oh there joy knows that we all know we're have been around a while we just know oh yeah we've got a meeting coming up demons are getting agitated must be going to be good you know just go for it so that tough get up and gets down so enduring ministry you can have some demonic pressure come on you as well it's nothing this is all it amounts to in the middle of ministering you can just have this overwhelming feeling I just want to quit and go home I've had enough I'm out of here you'd be surprised that it's so simple but it can just overwhelm you just like that I don't do anymore I've had enough and I've been amazed very often when I've been in ministry calls but almost the whole ministry team quit on me just gave up just left me to it don't you be surprised if you have that little nap near they will give up don't give up and you're fine and you've got hundreds of people to pray for and the ministry team pray for a few and then they quit they gradually walk away and gone they're all gone even what happened I'm just left there with all these people because they came under spiritual pressure and just quit so quitting is one thing a second thing that can happen is you can get an immense block in your mind so you can go up to someone and say hello I'm so-and-so what's your name and I'll tell you well I'm Jeff you know and then about 30 seconds later you cannot remember who you're talking to and you can't remember what they said they came for it's like buying your mind goes totally blank and if it will then you feel a bit dumb have to ask again I've forgotten how could I forgot there and just told me and and but what it is it's witchcraft operating and the witchcraft freezes your mind the witchcraft pressures on you and you just get confusion in your mind so sometimes when you come to pray for people you'll feel all this confusion come around your mind it is just witchcraft and all you got to do is very simply just step back from the person pray in tongues cool bah bah bah but you've got to have to pray laughs just stir your spirit up praying in tongues and reaching out to the Lord again just constantly resisting that demon let the flow of the Spirit come and then suddenly headl clear or you might just do this you might say in Jesus name I take authority over witchcraft and unbelief because that's the other one there block what you call blocking spirits they block the flow and I found sometimes just that was enough to unlock something to happen an interesting there's no then another thing that can happen is you can have the most outrageous sexual temptations what let's treat well in the middle of praying for people he's supposed to be the holy person praying and bringing deliverance and suddenly this ghastly stuff comes into your mind you think did that come from and straight after it cause comes condemnation and the reasons very simple that many of the people are carrying unclean spirits and so you get there you starting to engage them and the way they engage you is they fill your mind with pictures and then straight after condemn you so you to try and get you to lose confidence so you'll either be distracted and give in to the temptation in some kind of way or you'll you'll just get condemned and lose your authority in ministry so it's kind of most people don't talk about but that's what goes on it's what happens it's outrageous I mean you'd be surprised how many times people worshipping in church and suddenly unclean sexual things comes into their mind in one Church they've gotten pulled their hands up and I had about 3/4 you almost all the church for the ex up and they were all astonished could everyone thought I'm the only one who's got that problem I'm really bad can you understand this is the demonic realm they just work in a predictable way so sometimes you'll so those are some of the things you have during ministry and the end of the pressures that come upon you just showing the flow ministry and all you do step back pray in tongues rise up in your spirit and go back again and continue to pray and then the last thing is after ministry so pressure can come on you after ministry and the pressures that come on you after ministry are well very simply because one you're physically depleted two you're emotionally to Peter 3 as although your spirit may be stirred up you do need to recover and and become come for the Lord so the kind of things happen after ministry is you can after ministry here's what you can feel they get this you can feel immensely rejected you can feel a total loser and totally rejected and have no value to anyone or anything and you think that's it I've had enough I'm not going even back to church now you'd say how could it be possible yesterday you were casting out demons and all there's this mighty thing having today your about to cut your throat what's going on well is biblical precedent have a think of Elijah one day he's up there and his far from heaven and he's killed all the prophets next day he's under a tree depressed and wanting to take his life this is demonic attack and so demonic attack after ministry can affect you because you become more vulnerable you become vulnerable and you're emotionally depleted and so what happens is you may feel overwhelmed with feelings of rejection that's very simply it's it's actually quite simple and the remedies very simple the problem is you just emotionally depleted just go do something that refreshes your soul and have a good sleep and you'll feel much better it's all it takes it's nothing really deep just something simple like that when you are emotionally depleted old issues come up much more easily your field of no value and you've just got to restore your value again so but shut yourself out do something nice to do something that makes your soul restored and step back up again and you come right so that's one way and other ways you can become vulnerable to temptation because you've just come on a high of having good experience next thing the Devils on unifor unite you fall into some old temptation and then you think oh oh you know then he condemns you know you know and if I what's the use of me trying to but this is the war that goes with ministry so we once you've been in a little while you just learn okay you can do some ministry before you before you go there you can have a bit of pressure during it you may have some stuff afterwards you may have some stuff wake up it's a war this is what it means to be a ministry son and that's what Paul wrote to Timothy endure hardness as a good soldier of the Lord so those are some of the things that come upon you in ministry now you think you're the only one who has this we have them all the time it never stops I can get sick I can have things happen I had things go wrong I have stuff happens just on my way into ministry you'd be surprised how many times just before I get to minister I've just prayed up in the right place and Sonny some terrible thing will happen and I'm just torn apart with this conflict between wanting to do something for God and this personal thing I've got to face now that's very difficult this is ministry and in ministry you can be having God moving wonderfully in one party you life and the other part it's a total disaster and you don't know what to do anything how can it be like that listen and the temptation is to be preoccupied with yourself and stop doing what God called you to do and there's why so many Christians get defeated by that the devil just puts a bit of pressure on it they have a bit of misery at home something goes wrong as a conflict upheaval and then they quit they don't understand you didn't quit you just got knocked out and ko'd by a devil and you didn't get back up where'd you get back up I feel I was good enough who told you that a devil and you believed yet get up just get up again the steps of a good man are ordered though Lord ye fall though he fall you not be utterly cast out the Lord lifting back up again righteous fall seven times and the Lord lifts him back up again God just wants you to get back up again don't worry if you have some steak failure whatever they're all dealt with at the cross just get quickly in before God put it right get back up again what honors God is you getting back up and getting in the fight again you remember this he left the demons for us to clean up he left them for us to clean up he said I'm authorizing the church go clean them up sort them out so if we don't do that then we're missing out the privilege this honor have all the Saints it says in 749 this is an honor this is an honor that Jesus won the victory and we would now go out and enforce the victory and make demons yield to us the one they can make say whoa Oh demons are subject to us in Jesus name don't get excited about that get excited your name is written in heaven you're part of a great and a coming kingdom that's going to fill the whole world amen great stuff I don't give a lot of clamp don't you I feel excited already hi-yah we love you learn lowly yes Lord oh ma let's just take a seat come on on the last run last 30 minutes ha ha ha camera man's all laughing okay alright just before we just finish our session firstly I want to just express appreciation to Holloway who has set up and organized the sound and the videos and he doesn't just do the work here he seeks to bring them together afterwards and try to make sense of them and clip them and put headings and tales on it and making it something you can get hold of a DVD later on so a lot of what for one hour here that's about 12 hours goes into getting it all ready so a lot of work goes into that and so really appreciate your horror why for what you're doing in that area and we trust the resources will be available for people eventually oh I won't put a time what four hours is it what but four years I'm going to talk to your wife I think we can shorten that quite a lot also want to thank pastor Sargent for sitting up all room making sure everything was all ready arranging all the things that happened and for giving something printed off all the battles he's had to face getting the things printed off and all ready to go appreciate very much it made all that happen you've just made it so I can walk in and the seminars all here ready to go thank you for everything and getting all that done and for the team that you've had have you had working with you with afternoon teas and Josie and Angie 'real okay dots gone is she okay well thank you each of those that were named they want to give mclamb just appreciate them thank you very much okay now you can see we've just sort of we've only really scratched the surface around all this area but you've got enough to get started you got enough to get going if you wait till you learn at all you'll never do anything learning is a constant journey of experience so I would be praying God bring some people into my life that are ready for me to pray for them in other words they're at the level that I need now I've observed over the years God just brought him into my life and everyone that came in difficult or not difficult was exactly what I needed to learn some lessons and I just learnt I just considered the Holy Ghost as the teacher he's got people he wants me to learn if I'm open and we'll respond and serve people he brings into my life I can learn and wherever you are you can learn and take another step and you know enough now to even talk about the stuff you'd be amazed how many people have spirit experiences and don't know what to do with it so we've tried to focus primarily in this one around deliverance area and touched because you have to deal with heart issues we've had to touch into some of the heart issues and I'm going to get you all just two prime minister to one another shortly before I do I want to just pray miss I'm going to minister to Sharon so Sharon like to come up here and Sharon was sharing an experience with me over the over the afternoon cup of coffee so what we'll do is we'll get Sharon to share the experience and then we'll just pray and see what God will do and we can use that her experience and this opportunity to minister we can use it just as a way of just learning together you happy about that yes like I like to tell me you were telling me about something happened when you were young when I was very little just before I was born I my mother my dad was driving his truck and he went round a roundabout and I was in Truman my mum flew out and landed on her back on the road as they went because they didn't have seatbelts in those days and I was born a couple of days later Pam and I wouldn't nurse very well because I was tongue tired and my mum reckoned I screamed until she put me on a bottle two weeks later when we were reading some the stuff this morn going through one thing this morning I was looking at the trauma stuff and I just started to cry if I know why okay that'll do that's plenty that's enough that's enough right Bruce liked to come up and just be the catcher okay so I thought that it's it's a with Sharon's permission we'll just pray and ask the Lord to touch her because clearly this is not a trauma that she had when she was outside the womb this is actually trauma within the womb and yet clearly the signs of something wrong are there the fact that she didn't bond that there was tremendous conflict between her and a mother over the bonding issue and that of course will have had issues for you all your life and yeah so and then there must have been her mother must have got a horrendous shock in falling out of the vehicle being that stage late stage of pregnancy so there would have been a tremendous shock and fear coming to the mother child would have known about it and then Sharon will have carried the impact of that all her life but often we think that's just how I am and so we don't think or maybe actually something's happen that's affected me and so we need the Holy Spirit to come I don't know all the damage that's been done I don't all it's been done but the Holy Spirit does he brings things back to memory and you notice that Sharon had no conscious recollection of this event I've never heard to talk about in all the years I've known you and yet in looking at the material suddenly it came up and she felt tears that means God is speaking to her tears of the language of the heart so she felt the tears and she was honest enough to share it with me soldiers will just ask the Holy Spirit to come and just help with the situation and it's a great opportunity for us all to learn so just take your hand and just close your eyes now the Holy Spirit we really need you we we're aware that there's been a great shock and a trauma take place in Sharon's life right back there at this point of an accident well where a mother just came out of the car and fell on the ground and well we don't know all that's happened but we're asking you to come Holy Spirit and to come upon her now right to that point of trauma and to begin to start to touch her life make Jesus very real to her Lord we just ask you and invite you to come right now holy spirit gum cooler but um that I'm on Sullivan on and just allow yourself to enter it then what if this tears let the tears come if the teeth what's happening can you tell us what's happening you feel very scared so there's a spirit of fear has come into your life at that point the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I break all soul ties to that trauma I break them I break them I break them I command the fear of death spirit of fear I command you right now coming out of it out of an out come out now out now out out in Jesus name looser in Jesus name right now that's right out out out fear tormenting spirit of fear come out now in Jesus name thank you lord thank you lord we speak to every spirit that used that opportunity of trauma into your life I speak to each of you now I bind your operation in her life and I command you to let it go and release it now in Jesus name let it go I break every lie it's not safe I break every lie it's not safe for me I break it over your life right now in Jesus name the Holy Spirit just come come and bring healing and restoration into a life come Holy Spirit come into that situation just keep looking for the Lord see what he's doing there what are you becoming aware of what are you seeing where are you you don't know but Jesus is reaching out to you you're trying to get it won't you just let him get to you is let him come to you let him come to you what's he saying to you he's holding you he's holding you in his arms it's just a little baby he's holding you in his arms so what are you feeling it's safe and secure you're protected enjoy that feeling thank you lord I just listened for him to speak to you Thank You Holy Ghost it's going to be okay that's what he's saying to you it's fine he's going to sing to you can ascend to yell alibi and it's interesting he's interacting you like you're a child thank you Lord just let him minister to you there's a minister here it is Oh holy cows just come more and more and more and more in Jesus name there we go as I understand very powerful how many could feel the presence of God starting to come and engage and so whenever we have a traumatic experience it's it's retained within our soul and experiences which we have we we remember the experience we have the memory we have the feelings we remember the feelings notice she had feelings of fear we remember how we reacted and we also remember you know what kind of response we make so all of those things are recorded memory the more powerful the memory is the more powerful the event is the greater the impression that makes on the person's life so when it's a major trauma it makes a deep impression and often the soul becomes shattered and parts of the memory go all over and so the person I don't remember a thing and the Holy Ghost just brings it all back together and uh neither they're there in the event and the feelings of fear everything related to the events that's come back again and at that point God overrides now he never takes away our memories what he does do is helps us to see a different perspective so when you're in a shocking event you see it from a perspective you just see what you see like Elisha's servant came out and he saw all of the armies of the Syrians surrounding them and he says all were overwhelmed we're overwhelm we're overwhelm what are we going to do we're going to be killed and the lords and and and Elijah said prayed and said Lord opened his eyes so he can see that there's more for us than be against us know that the Syrian army wasn't taken away but God opened his eyes and he saw the angels and chariots of fire and so now his perception of it is changed now yes the armies are still there but now fear and concern about what's going to happens all taken away because he's seen from the spiritual realm God's amazing provision and it's going to be all okay and so he came to a place of rest notice the the circumstances hadn't changed the perspective changed the vision he saw shifted how he interacted with the problem and that's how God does a lot of healing work he will give us he'll return us back to the picture that we had no matter how frightening it was and we'll begin to feel the feelings and emotions of it and then he comes into it the Lord comes into it and it we see it differently we see it with Jesus there and usually he speaks something and what he speaks is a Rhema it's a Living Word and this brings healing and restoration and shifts us and often of course their emotions come sometimes there are demonic spirits attached around it so you notice I started to speak to some of the spirits at one point but then it was God engaging her and that's how doesn't he notice it was not a lot of praying or heavy work it was actually the work of the Holy Spirit and just facilitating it and she's quite prophetic quite visual so she easily was able to enter into the picture of it and already we know God was on it because he was feeling stirred in her heart at that time anyway so when you go through a course often God can stir things that you'd forgotten about because hits your time to deal with it and then you bring it to him and allow him to come in now what people generally or often do is they remain stuck and they get stuck in the trauma stuck in the grief stuck pain of the situation and stuck in their reactions often tormented by spirits and then they just get stuck there and then all through their life anything that reminds them of that immediately triggers off reactions until we allow the law to help us not to allow the Lord to help us we've got to be willing to go into the trauma again this time not alone but this time with the Lord so I didn't try and tell what was going to happen or how it would happen we invited the Holy Spirit to come and let him do the work and she just talked to me about what he was doing so you could all almost feel and see what God was doing and you notice that when the way Jesus interacted with her he entered act interacted with her as though she was a little baby still because her emotions were frozen at the baby stage that's where the traumas so when Jesus was dealing with her he was dealing with her at the point she had the trauma at the age he had the trauma and that's why it looks like it's someone just handling a baby and holding the baby and and the baby is going to be okay and the reassurance why because that's where the trauma was that's where the memory was retained and so now there be a freedom coming and a shift inside her okay so how it goes she's out with stuff how we doing here with us again or not you're great well settle for great ah well settle for great so since we're running short on time now we have a whole section in the notes which helps understand a little bit about that area the key point are there we go you're back again with us whoa Daisy hello hello okay so how you anyone just tell us was there any further experiences with the Lord he danced with you in his arms how wonderful what are you feeling inside now about that whole event incredibly light that's one of the things that people say when they've been set free as I feel much lighter the burden has gone the demons of God as well we get a lot of clam just thanking Joey so when you when you look into the notes you'll see in the notes we just lay out some teaching around it but you can read all the notes and still not get it it's better that you have an experience of seeing God just doing something for someone and then you can see it happening and it was no big stress you notice in all of it we depend on the Holy Spirit tell someone we depend on the Holy Spirit we depend on the Holy Spirit now okay and just always keep remaining a holy spirit I depend on you keep keep your accounts short with him now of course the thing is when you come to minister to someone the temptation is to depend on yourself I've got to do something no depend on the Holy Spirit so what we're going to do now as we finish our be great to get you just to pray and to minister to one another and I suggest you get in pairs and just yeah why don't you share something you like the person to pray into or to pray for you for can be any area of anything you'd like and whatever you may feel that God has just opened up something you'd like prayer for why don't you just invite the person to just pray for you in that area and if someone asks you to pray in that area just do what you can and depend on the Holy Spirit right okay depend on the Holy Spirit and just be responsive to things he puts into your mind to do so here's what we get into pairs and we just pray in tongues together and each of you share one area it's like the other person to pray for and then you minister to them whatever you feel comfortable at the level you're able to do maybe you just bring some encouragement maybe you feel like you can pray for the Holy Spirit touch maybe you feel that something needs to be broken just have a go we're going to practice okay if we don't do something we'll never know what we can do will we so got to step out somewhere and remember in all of it we must depend on a Holy Spirit exactly so once you get up and depend on the Holy Spirit a great chance to do that
Channel: Mike Connell
Views: 30,170
Rating: 4.8739257 out of 5
Keywords: cast out spirit, cast out demon, exorcism, diagnose the problem, doors of entry, heart bondages, spiritual conflict, manifestation, demonic resistance, healing, miracle, agitation, irritable, high alert inside, encounter, Ghosts, Ghost, Haunted, Spirit (Mythical Creature), Scary
Id: B-2IybFcb3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 4sec (4084 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2013
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