Delicious Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes | Cupcake Jemma

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hello everyone and welcome to my kitchen at home and today I'm going to show you a really simple cupcake perfect for the summer we've still got a little bit of it left and even if you don't want to use this in summer you can use all kinds of other fruits to make it and it is my strawberry cheesecake cupcake now we do a blueberry cheesecake cupcake in the shop and that recipe is actually that recipes actually in my book the cake book which you can buy from my website cupcake jammer comm along with a load of other really cool merch like my oven blurbs and my lovely apron etc but I have switched this up just because I love strawberries in the summertime to make a strawberry leave strawberry blueberry strawberry cheesecake cupcake so it's really simple and I'm gonna start by making my buttery biscuit base and this base I'm gonna make with Hobnobs now these are very very British biscuit normally I would make my buttery biscuit base with digestives if you're an America you could use graham crackers these are a kind of Ooty sweet biscuit and I'm going to be using half a packet of these these packets are generally about 300 grams so around 150 grams is what I'm putting into my food processor if you don't have a food processor you can do this simply by putting them into a ziplock bag and just bashing the hell out of them with a rolling pin until they're completely smashed to smithereens that should do it so I'm gonna cheat by using a machine all right that's perfect so it's really fine it's quite kind of like fanned so I'm gonna dump that I gotta dump that into my o'hare and then I'm going to add 45 grams have already melted butter which I just melted just over the hob do that in a microwave um and I also have one and a half tablespoons of golden syrup and that is the stuff I use quite a bit in in baking it's a very British thing it is an invert sugar it's a kind of byproduct of the sugar making process and it is really really yummy it's got a really unique flavor and smell and it's very syrupy corn syrup if you're in the States or somewhere else is a an alternative which you could use maple syrup and honey or a little bit not only too strong in flavor but also a little bit runny for this so trick do try and get your hands on golden syrup if you can it comes in tins if you're overseas you might find some kind of British website which will ship it to you it's really good stuff I used to have it on my porridge when I was a kid and it is yummy anyway so pop that in and then you want to mix that really really thoroughly until it's a kind of wet sand consistency and if you were to take a handful out and squeeze it it would kind of hold its its shape so now that that is all mixed up really well I'm now going to put it into my cupcake cases so I've got my twelve whole tin already lined with paper cases as huge and before I start making my batter I want to put this buttery biscuit base into my cases so I'm going to put a tablespoon using my tablespoon measure I'm gonna put a tablespoon into each hole and then I'll be packing it down super super firmly you could use the end of a rolling pin or something similar to something nice and firm and flat that you can really press down with and now I'm going to put that to one side and get on with making my cupcake batter now this is going to be a simple lemon cupcake but I'm gonna be using a little bit of cream cheese instead of the liquid I would normally use them normally when I would use when I would make a lemon cake I would use a mixture of lemon juice and milk but today I'm going to just use a little bit of cream cheese so I'm going to start with my butter and I've 125 grams of that it's nice and soft I also have 125 grams of caster sugar and 128 grams of self-raising flour I've already sifted that and then I have a quarter of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and also I'm just going to go straight in and smooth you out of the way I'm gonna go straight in with my lemon zest I'm using the zest of one lemon and finally grating it you want to do this over the bowl because you don't want to lose any of those lovely essential oils if you do it into a bowl first and then put it into your mixing bowl you can lose so much of the flavor so I always do it directly over the batter and then I've got two large free-range eggs as well that's not an egg later lemon and then just get that beating on a medium speed for about a minute [Music] and that's looking really good so now I'm gonna put my liquid in obviously it's not liquid because it's cream cheese if you didn't want to use cream cheese you could just use milk or lemon juice or a combination of both which is what I like to do so this is actually two tablespoons of cream cheese I'm going to whack that in and just mix it again for another 30 seconds until it's really well combined mmm that's looking really good so now I'm going to put it into my cupcake cases now normally you would put in let's say 3/4 full of batter but because we've got a little bit of that space already taken up with the battery biscuit base you want to be quite careful about how much you put in because you don't want it to overflow so and that might mean you have a tiny bit of batter left over which is all right and if you want to go ahead and make more cupcakes and please do so I am going to just I'm still going to be filling it 3/4 full but remembering that it's a bit less batter because of that small and ours BBV at the bottom and now these just need to be baked at 170 degrees C for 20 to 22 minutes now that my cakes are out of the oven and cooling down I'm gonna make the topping which is of course gonna be cream cheese butter cream cream cheese icing I've done this a few times I've even done a cream cheese icing masterclass that you can check out it answers some of your questions about how to get it right it also shows you a really good recipe for chocolate cream cheese icing if you want to mix things up again actually that's really really nice I'm gonna start by beating my butter and my cream cheese together so it's nice and soft my butter and I've got a hundred grams of that I've also got my cream cheese now I've got 160 grams and the last time I used cream cheese in something I got a surprising number of people writing in the comments box what is cream cheese or what do I need to look out for in the supermarket and I suppose I just take it for granted that everyone knows what cream cheese is but if you don't it is basically in the supermarket it might be called a full fat soft cheese Philadelphia is probably the biggest brand that you will find in the available in supermarket and this works really really well if you're going to a supermarket they might have their own brand and it would be called full fat soft cheese always use the full fat one you could even use mascarpone and you can even use things like ricotta if you really want to bump up the creamy cheesiness of it all and with cream cheeses like that all soft cheeses like those the big getting part might look a little bit strange so for example the mascarpone one it breaks down a little bit when you're whipping the butter in the and the cream cheese together and it kind of splits liquid out from the solids and it's very strange and you might think oh no I'm ruining it but it's fine you just keep on going and when you add the sugar it's absolutely fine but Philadelphia is a really good old solid you know reliable cream cheese so you don't have to worry about any of that but I've got 160 grams of that here and I'll beat those together for a couple of minutes just to make sure it's really really well combined and smooth alright that's looking pretty good it's looking nice and white and fluffy so now I'm going to put my icing sugar in and this is 560 grams which I've sifted already I'm going to put it in in two stages beating very well after each date [Music] that looks so yummy so this is ready so now I'm gonna just clear the decks a little bit put this into a airtight container until I'm ready to use it otherwise it will start getting crispy and dry and horrible and then so I'm back and I've just taken out the middle of my cupcakes using an apple corer as usual which is great because it means I get to nibble on the inside of the cupcake the cream cheese has made these sponges really fluffy and light I don't know how it works it just does I bet you're wondering where in this strawberry cheesecake does the strawberry happen and it's gonna happen now so I have made some strawberry goo as you know I love strawberry goo or any kind of goo really it's basically a quick Jam I make it by using either fresh or frozen fruits like raspberries or strawberries or blueberries etc and obviously in this case strawberries and I tip them into a saucepan normally there's about 300 or 400 grams per bag and I use anywhere between 80 and 100 grams of caster sugar depending on the sweetness of the fruit and I let it simmer I bring it to the boil and I let it simmer for about 20 minutes and with the strawberries I actually use the potato masher just to give them a squish to really really get those juices released and I let it sit there for simmering for about 20 minutes to really reduce and thicken up and it is this lovely lovely thick consistency and I just love it so I'm gonna put that into a piping bag so that I can fill my cupcake so I'm just using a little piping bag here a lot of you asked me where I get my piping bags from and I just can't really believe that you haven't found them because there are so many cake decorating websites online and shops but but online you can get pretty much everything so I would just do a search for clear piping bags or non-slip piping bags a lot of you like my non-slip ones which are the pink ones just you know shop around google it guys and we use big suppliers in crimson doilies so I'm and I'm not gonna tell you where because they only sell really humongous quantities so the best thing for you to do is just to google it there you go and I've got it in my piping bag and snip off the end [Music] and now I'm gonna top them with my cream cheese icing which I've already put into a big old Heisenberg and this has just a big round nozzle on top to give a nice round blob and it's not finished there because I'm now going to decorate them in the same style that we do our blueberry cheesecake cupcakes in the shop by putting a little blob on top of each cupcake and wiggling it about with a cocktail stick and here it is the finished strawberry cheesecake cupcake it is looking pretty good and of course like I said we do these blueberry cheesecake cupcakes in the shop we use mascarpone cream instead of cream cheese and they are really delicious and they are big hit so you could do that as well you could do it with raspberries if you wanted you could do with any kind of soft fruit flap do you so please give these a go I will be back next week with another recipe in the meantime if you haven't checked out my merch then please go and check that out at wwm doilies comm there's loads of cool stuff on there and you can also get my book which has the recipe for the blueberry cheesecake cupcakes and 49 other recipes so it's pretty good you can also buy signed copies Hey so I'm going to cut into this and have a little bite so I will see you next week until then happy baking [Music]
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 442,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cupcake, cupcakes, ckae, cakes, bake bakes, baking, how to make, recipe, strawberries, strawberry, berries, berry, cheesecake, cheese cake, philadelphia, soft cheese, full fat, home baked, crumbs and doilies, goo, jam, filled cupcakes, summer, bakes, cupcake jemma
Id: i4_RU5yAIvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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