AMAZING Pina Colada Cake | Cupcake Jemma

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[Music] hello welcome back to the cupcake Jammer Channel with me Gemma now don't get too attached to me because actually this is Dane's video and Dane's cake I'm just a lowly sous chef well actually Sous chefs aren't only they're very very important in the kitchen I'm very important but actually Dane's doing the bulk of it he'll tell you more about what he's making later but he's asked me to make some pineapple decorations and pineapple jam so I'll show you what I did I sliced pineapple very very thinly about half a pineapple's worth and I've just put it on this cooling rack over a tray and I'm putting it in the oven but it's a very low oven it's about 90 degrees C put that in and I'm going to cook that for two hours to dry out and they're going to become really pretty little flowery decorations next is the pineapple jam and this is really simple I use the rest of the pineapple it's about 600 grams I've chopped it up popped it in a salt pan I'm gonna add 240 grams of water I'm also adding 420 grams of caster sugar and the juice of a whole lime that just needs to be heated over a low medium heat for about 45 minutes to an hour you want to stir it every now and then make sure it's not catching on the bottom and sort of burning definitely don't want burnt jam and when it's finished it will be golden and syrupy and the pineapples will have gone kind of translucent so hang back for that meanwhile over there Dane is going to tell you more about what this amazing cake is Dane over to you thanks Gemma well today we are making a pina colada cake which for me is the celebration of the summer and I know last video I was doing I said that the minimalist effort with the maximum results well this is like maximum everything it's quite a project but you're gonna love it and it's incredible so it starts off with a coconut sponge and it's nice and light and fluffy and then it's filled with a rum Swiss meringue buttercream which is nice and silky and then we've got a sticky sweet pineapple jam that is just incredible and the sponge is soaked in pineapple syrup as well and then it's decorated with the pineapple flowers that Gemma is making and just some more Swirls and good stuff so let's get started with the sponge and I've got some really soft unsalted butter here which is going into the mixer I've got 330 grams of this and then I've got 500 grams of caster sugar and 135 grams of vegetable oil I'm just gonna pop the paddle attachment on there and beat it together for about five minutes until it's really nice and light and fluffy whilst that's whipping up I'm going to crack eight eggs into a bowl ready to go into the mixer I'm just going to add a couple at a time and then beat it for about 30 seconds in between each addition fabulous this looks really nice and silky and I'm just going to give it a little bit of a scrape down just to make sure there's no egg at the bottom and there isn't very well mixed and next I'm going to add some flour I've got 400 grams of self-raising flour that's sifted and then I've got some desiccated coconut which is going straight into the mixer and then I'm just going to pop the mixer on a slow speed until it starts to come together and you can't see any more flour any bits of flour that are around the edge of the bowl I just give it a little tap for them to get Incorporated in there and then the next thing we're going to add is a little pinch of salt to give it a little more flavor and then also some coconut cream because this is a coconut cake although it's got the desiccated coconut we're going to boost it and this is the liquid that's going in the cake so I've got six tablespoons here and then also I'm just going to add a half a teaspoon of vanilla this you can get from as we say all the time it's like the best vanilla in the world it's very very seedy look at that very CD going straight in mix that around and the batter is ready and it's nice and fluffy and whipped up and we'll get it into some tins if I can get that off sometimes the smaller paddles are like so tricky to get up I don't know if you guys find that as well with your mixes at home but is that and we'll just take this off and then give it a little extra scrape just to get any bits of flour in there so that is all Incorporated now it's time to get our tins prepared and I've got four eight inch round tins here which I'm just going to grease with some handy tin release spray and then I'm just going to divide my batter equally putting two scoops into each chin that's that and then I'm just going to level it out using a small cranked palette knife these are all smoothed out and now it's time for them to go into the preheated oven which is at 170 degrees and these will bake for about 26 minutes just give them a check with a skewer and then they'll be fine so now it's time to make the rum Swiss meringue buttercream I've got my hop here and I need some eggs and also a pan with some sugar thanks Gemma that's right I've put water in this one you've got sugar in this one fabulous which is great and share so she's got a little bit of water in this pan I'm just going to pop it on the heat just to get it to like a sort of rolling boil and then we need to separate our eggs it's going to grab the bowl from my stand mixer to make this a lot less a lot easier and a lot less washing up um but if you feel more comfortable to like separate them into a separate Bowl go ahead and then pour them in the mixer Bowl so we just need the whites for this part of the icing so the yolks you can discard well keep them make anything you want like custard ice cream uh what else can you make with yolks CAD there we go everybody degreased this bowl with a bit of vinegar you could use lemon juice and a bit of kitchen roll if you wanted that was the last one separated now we need to add some caster sugar to this I've got 450 grams of caster sugar going straight into the bowl and we'll just give it a whisk together with a balloon whisk until it's nice and smoothish and then we'll pop it on the memory and stir it constantly until the sugar grains have dissolved and it's nice and smooth this mixture has been on the Hub for about five minutes and you can see it's really it's a lot thinner than it was before which means when you put your fingers between it all the granules of sugar have dissolved now we can switch it to the stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and whisk it until it becomes a nice voluminous meringue and it's room temperature and we can start adding some butter and the cakes are ready so let's take them out of the oven and oh turn the timer off don't want that to keep going off right we'll just give them a little poke with a skewer just to see that comes out clean and it does so it will take all of these out and then we can continue doing the icing and on the table already I've just got 600 grams of soft unsalted butter and you want it to be like soft and squidgy but not like greasy or oily or not too hard kind of like this almost like spreadable so what we'll do is just add this in small chunks kind of medium-sized chunks like this until it's Incorporated I've added in all the butter and it's ready it's nice and thick and Whippy like this and then now we're going to add the rum which is the flavoring to make this whole pina colada cake come together so I've got some white rum here like so and it's really weird when you add like a liquid or especially alcohol to Swiss meringue buttercream it kind of just is like sloshing around in the bowl kind of thing and it kind of like separates from the size of the bowl you'll see what I mean in a moment but you can also add quite a lot so I'm going to start with eight tablespoons and then we'll Crank It Up and just keep tasting it along the way so you saw it did that like sloshing around kind of thing just give it a scrape down and then continue to mix and it will come to this really nice lovely silky rum buttercream very alcoholic but if you didn't want to use alcohol in this recipe you could also just add some coconut milk the same it's that we used in a sponge and you just have a lovely coconut Swiss meringue buttercream so I'm just gonna wait for the sponges to cool down so the meantime we can pop this icing to the side just wrap a little bit of cling film around it I'll have a clear down and then we'll come back and assemble everything together [Music] coconut sponges are cooled they're laid out ready to go I've got my cake leveler all my utensils spatulas got the icing just waiting on Gemma to bring all the pineapple goodness oh hello hello your Sous Chef's here I finished all my bits and Bobs bad they look great they do don't they so these are the little pineapple flowers that I made as you can see I've they're bunched up and how I achieved that is after the two hours of cooking was up I took them out took them off the cooling wrap popped them into a cupcake tin and they kind of bunched in like this and then I put them back into the oven for like 20 minutes 30 minutes just to dry a bit more they're so nice I actually ate one oh yeah and they're like they're like pineapple fruit rolls yeah a little bit chewy and then we've got the jam here so this is the jam and this is the syrup and how we got to this point is I strained the pineapple chunks um reserving the syrup and then I put the chunks and half of the syrup into a food processor and just whizzed it up ever so slightly so you don't want to go too far with this also otherwise it can go kind of pale color you want it to stay this like shiny golden color and then we've got the reserved syrup which you're going to use yeah to soak the sponge yeah so I'll just leave you to it thanks you're welcome well I need you at the end to eat the cake so I should be coming back see ya thanks so first thing you want to do is um level the sponges off we're not going to trim these because we bake them in eight inch tins and actually the the size of these are quite moist so we'll get to trimming I'm just taking all of the caramelization from the top of the sponges off and just dumping it into a separate Bowl you can make like cake pops with this we've already got a video for that on the channel here so go and check that out but we are ready to assemble first things first I've got my icing here and I'm just going to pop a little bit on the cake board smooth that out so the first layer of sponge will stick nicely nicely then pick this up nice and gently and just plop it down and don't forget that lovely syrup that Gemma had left from the pineapple jam we're just going to soak the sponge with that what you can actually do if your syrup is a tiny bit thick or you want to add even more flavor into it just pop a little bit of the rum in there and give it a mix and it'll be even more boozy now it's time for the icing I'm just going to plop a good dollop on there we'll smooth it out and make a little well for the pineapple jam to go in [Music] and make sure you're nice and generous with the pineapple jam because Gemma didn't spend all that time making this great pineapple jam for it to be wasted so I'm going to pop a little bit more on and it's such a lovely color as well when you cut into this cake is going to be a golden ray of sunshine that looks beautiful so let's just repeat with the other layers more icing soak in the sponge and more Jam [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] and I flipped it the other way around so that where I was touching the tin it's nice and flat and it's not super crummy now we're just going to go straight into the crumb coat and the crumb coat is just like the first coat it will lock in all the crumbs that when you do the final coat to get it nice and smooth with all that white flush icing on there you won't have any crumbs in there thank you now that I've got the top and the sides covered it's going to go a little around the top with the small cranked palette knives so the best tools for this are the small crank palette knife and also this straight edge part knife I find to go around the sides and then do the top and a little bit of the sides and then I've just got a cake scraper thin bit of plastic but it's a cake decorator's best tool just to go around the sides keeping it nice and Horrors are vertical I was about to say horizontal whichever way you know this way um and then keep it nice and flat to the cake and then we'll just get that exercising pop it in the bowl and then we're just going to keep it at a 45 degree angle just kind of flicking in the sides to make them nice and flat and then what we'll do once this is all done pop it in the fridge for about 30 minutes to set [Music] cake has been chilling out in the fridge Chillin chilling chilling I was going on selection relaxing on cool but I didn't but I did and it's been chilling out and now it's back and the remaining buttercream we're gonna do the top coat so again using the Straight Edge palette knife I've just got a load on it like that so it's like the length of the cake that makes sense the height of the cake and you can get it all on in one go so I'm just gonna plop it on like this and just gently moving back and forth spread that out around the cake whilst moving the turntable and that will give you a nice even layer we'll do that all the way around and then we'll plop them on the top and smooth up top [Music] I'm just gonna do one more swipe and then we're done so you can see that um in between like each scrape from the top I just cleaned off this um scraper so it was nice and clean on the side that I'm using it to press against the cake and then what we'll do is just use the tip of it just to go around the board like this hate seeing a Mucky cake board it's like one of my Bears just clean it off it takes like two seconds right so just do that and it's nice and clean we'll move on to the next part of the decoration which is some toasted coconut now I bought this one online you could just use regular desiccated coconut that you can get from the supermarket but I found that like kind of really sweet fluffy it's almost a bit wet in the packet it's just a bit it's like sweetened coconut it's really nice so I toasted this in the oven just on a baking sheet for about 10 minutes until it's nice and golden brown so all I'm gonna do is just get a big handful and tip it about a quarter of the way up the side because the rest of it we're going to throw on so it kind of makes a bit of a gradient effect to the coconut so now it's a quarter of the way at the side I'm just going to take a little bit and kind of just smatter it off matter it's better whatever you want to say is that in the dictionary I don't know why I just made it up just kind of throw it on the side so it makes this kind of like gradient effect so it's not going all the way to the top but it's just just kind of Fades out I've cleaned off the cake board and now I'm just going around with the crank palette knife just to push in those excess bits of coconut so [Music] coconut is done we'll leave that to the side and then decorating so I've got the rest of some of the icing in a Piping Bag fitted with this nozzle this is a jem127d gemma's favorite nozzle the key lime pie video as well but I saw a lot of you make that and some of you said you didn't have the nozzle um so you can use whatever nozzle you want or you can like just do a little pile of icing and just kind of make it a bit messy and putting a pineapple bits on but I'm going to squiggle this on and make it look real pretty foreign [Music] and then we have got some of the pineapple jam that is left over and it's popped it in a Piping Bag cut a little bit off the end and I'm just going to do random dots of that on top too starting to look amazing so we've got the icing the coconut the pineapple jam and the only thing left to put on is these really pretty pineapple flowers that Gemma made and you can see we kept it whole because the inside kind of looks a bit like a sunflower I guess it's like speckly like I don't even know I'm not like a hot chocolate what what's the word hold the culture I'm not in that world but if you do let me know what it's called um so yeah we'll just pop these on and decorate this cake [Music] look how stunning this looks pina colada cake complete what do you think I think it looks smashing so beautiful thanks well it couldn't have happened without your pineapple I mean I didn't want to say anything I take all the credit but it does look pretty beautiful thanks to this point it really does but you taught me how to do the satisfy satisfy wow teamwork yeah teamwork now the only thing left to do is to cut into it and have a slice I'm a bit scared no it's okay I've made a little a little opening so we could put like here okay I'm going in guys watch out it's so soft oh I have that little Crunch at the bottom Ready Steady there we go oh look at that oh that's a hefty bit I'm going to turn it on its side oh oh accidental I just tidy that up we're good yum yeah yeah it is good yummy not weight stuck inside here have a fork thanks and have a piece of your delicious cake you go first oh I'll go for this bit all the icing and the jam I love how moist it looks with all that syrup that's really moist and like sweet but in a nice in a really good way like it's so fruity do you know what I was a little bit worried it was going to be a bit too boozy yeah but I'm not really into Spirits you know no but it's just right yeah it's the right amount of like [Laughter] yummy have a bit more oh well you're um chewing I'll tell these guys some news so we've started doing this thing over on bait Club on patreon where because basically after every filming of a video we all sit down as a gang eat cake and chat about it and we thought some people might actually want to see that so over on bait Club if you sign up to vape Club over on patreon you can see that we haven't got a name for it yet no we I thought it was called like after school party or something I'm not too sure but if you do have a name suggestion pop it in the comments below and um we will rename this yes we will um yeah it's really fun because mostly we just get to eat cake and talk to each other which is what we do anyway exactly and also we've got some really exciting news in a couple of days time this weekend on Sunday the 28th of August we've got a meet and greet at C D Soho so you can come meet all of us from the cupcake gang and eat cake hang out talk about whatever you want baking we'll be there for Love Lives 12 until five yeah you set your alarm don't be late yeah exactly and we've got our new cookbook coming out oh yeah recipe book um called crumbs and doilies it's the first crumbs and doilies recipe book and um it's insane it is insane we've got the first layouts just recently and it's going to print and it looks amazing yes and you know this cake on the front you can now purchase this very same cake from crumbs and for all your birthday party needs because it's a birthday cake it's a birthday okay but you know this is a birthday cake I might have one of these on my birthday yeah I'll make you one make a note Yeah March I will well thanks so much for joining us both and thank you Dane for this delightful delectable pina colada cake you're welcome thank you for making it with us oh it was nothing um if you make this don't forget to take a pic and put it on Instagram cupcakegemma you can also tag us cupcake Gemma yeah or Dane Pemberton or mini cupcake Diaries if you want to go private spicy pictures of my child [Laughter] thank you so why wouldn't you um but we've also joined tiktok ouch nearly swore with excitement so head over to um it's at crumbs and doilies on Tick Tock where all the fun continues you'll see as terrorizing Gemma and doing all the trending sounds and whatnot and being goofy so um what do you want after this is that excited right I think that's everything see you all around all over the place and maybe see you on the sofa in a moment oh yeah bye bye take this [Music]
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 74,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert
Id: 8ResCGxR3jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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