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[Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you are new here sorry that's gonna look like so on purpose I've been getting migraines every single day for like the past week so I wear these um so my light sensitivity doesn't act up you guys are gonna have to ignore my background I got my suitcase that's not even my TV anyways long time no see actually I've obviously been making videos the past two weeks or so but you guys haven't actually seen my face so hi I have no idea if this microphone works um it hasn't been my friend recently I don't know how to edit audio which you guys probably know from any single video on my entire Channel I normally record my voiceovers on my phone I literally use The Voice Memos app and every single time I recorded a video of my face I normally use my camera and I just put it on top of my screen but this time I have a webcam that I've had for actually like a year and I've never used I'm just all over the place so I also don't know if this camera is very good but we're about to find out I feel like that's enough disclaimers so the reason that I'm doing this video I'm going to be going through every single one of my plots because I have been doing a lot of realism builds and those things are expensive so I don't want to keep spending my Robux to buy money so I'm gonna go through all of my plots and if there's things that you know I just I need to move past I just need to delete and then I will delete those get the money and then I can make more builds in the future because I have a lot of really big plans that I'm super excited for that I can't do with a hundred thousand dollars so okay before we start I want you guys to comment down below how many plots you think I have think about the fact that I have almost 300 videos on my channel and most all of them are building I'm actually really curious because I I will say I don't have that many okay so the first one on here I also started this video because I was going through my plots yesterday and I was just thinking like okay I need to delete some things and so I scrolled through and I actually quickly went through some of them and I was like okay what is this and then I realized I should turn into a video so I didn't actually go through any of this you can tell by the name this one is Five Nights at Freddy's which is hilarious because I've never played the game I think I've watched one person in the past play it like probably someone like Markiplier is he the one but then I hated it like I thought the game was so boring so I never actually played it so this is the plot that I started I remember this slightly but I do think this is about two or three years old clearly this is before we had Vines I'll pop a picture on the screen of what this is supposed to look like so you guys can kind of compare you know what let's just hop on inside here okay I can already see the grass on the inside I clearly did not get very far at all I didn't do any of these decals honestly it's not bad it's getting spooky okay I got this stage up here I didn't do any animatronics yet is that what they're called I actually will say I have seen on Twitter don't know how long ago but I saw someone make animatronics there's a little table what's on it there you go party hats all right so this is the whole build would I be able to salvage this honestly the fact that I don't even like Five Nights at Freddy's shows that I shouldn't be recreating this anyway is this my first delete guys okay let's do it let's do my first delete I want you guys to guess how many plots you think that I have I'm going to show you guys after this because I feel like we just need to know and then I want you guys to guess how many you think I'm gonna delete 65 000 not bad at all it's done got some spotlights I actually am gonna need those for a build that I'm planning now let's do empty one I didn't even spell empty right go into the main menu see how many plots that we have I'm gonna do this in my head not out loud foreign how many plots I have 41. what is wrong with me we're gonna have to skip through some of these okay this is a house that I haven't used I don't think I'll ever use this this is ugly and old delete if you want to build this go ahead these are these are the dimensions I'm gonna have so many empty plots I'm not gonna know what to do with oh wait that's not that's not that's not how you do it now we rename it spell it right this time this is way more than I thought now this plot I will say I remember in the last video that I said this is one of my favorite builds ever um at this point it's now like five years old it's no longer the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life I do think it's time to delete this but honestly do I need to see this is my dilemma it's only 97 000. that will get me about seventy thousand dollars but like this was like revolutionary for me like I felt really creative because I came up with this like second level like I don't think I had seen it before so I thought I was so cool doing it now it's so easy with just basic shapes it's not good like by any means by today's standards it's not good let's go downstairs I remember there being a jail down here yeah like it's so bad guys it's really bad but I'm not gonna delete it I feel like this is one of those things that I have to keep forever and maybe I'll make a new one and we can compare this loading screen time is gonna be the death of me I'm not even kidding I've been here for a minute first house okay this one's the my Pinterest build where I built the first house that I found on Pinterest I still really love this build I think it turned out so good honestly slay this is so low quality how did I ever get away with that why would I keep that is that an accident this is a cool build I also really love the layout of it oh cute what does that say cool that's the house I love this one it's pretty expensive yeah 207 000 but this is one of like my favorite builds I think this is my first house that I built using realism Vibe obviously it's not perfect but like I think I should keep it will I ever use it for anything in the future no but maybe I'll sell my account one day don't take that seriously I'm not gonna do that okay this one this is a hard one I don't want to delete this first of all you're gonna have to ignore the fact that the ground's grass I actually went through this like a week ago and I was like do I really need to keep this I spent so much time on this like just look how big it is whoa glitches the main reason why I don't want to delete it is because it is worth 564 000 however you have to keep in mind that almost all of the things on this plot are limited they're seasonal so you can only get them during Christmas and you can only sell them for money during Christmas so maybe I'll Circle back to this Christmas time and decide if I want to delete it but for now I'm gonna have to pass because I'm only gonna get about two hundred thousand dollars for it which is a lot but memories oh this is the one video where I made the first house that I landed on on Pinterest I still think it looks cool I did want to go in and make my own little City kind of around it am I going to I actually think it would be cool if I made like a castle in the background and this is just like a little village on the floor on the floor you know what I meant I think I'm Gonna Keep it because it's it's giving me like inspiration one story no game pass on you like why did I save this if I ever want to recreate it I'll just go back to this video and I'll know exactly what it looks like perfect now we got empty number three this is my modern mansion I hate it but for whatever reason it's like the most popular build on my channel I do like things about it um um why does my pool look like this okay I'm gonna ignore that maybe I won't delete this maybe I will just give it a makeover will I even do that like actually being honest with myself you know what I have 40 plots I think we can salvage this moving on okay sorry about that oh my gosh I remember this one okay the Hanging Gardens of Babylon you're gonna look at this and be like that's so underwhelming but I okay yeah now looking at it this is really underwhelming I mean like it's fun like what is going on here guys what is happening in the background what is going on okay this plot is like cursed or something I'm not enjoying it oh my gosh what's going on in the background okay I'm gonna leave I think I'm just gonna keep this oh my gosh this Summer I Turned Pretty this is like full circle I feel like I did this like a year ago but I recreated the house from the Summer I Turned Pretty I might have to leave and change the server because this is happening I'll do that after this one um you're just gonna have to ignore it where's my soccer ball for soccer ball so this is the house so fun if you guys have not watched this show I totally recommend this will bring you so much Nostalgia I also think that there's another season coming out yeah I don't think I'm gonna delete this just because it did take me a long time and I love recreating things from TV shows I think it's so much fun this was very expensive though just in theory I heard a bulldozer how much can I get 452 000 you know that would solve a lot of my issues no okay next up we have the hotel I actually haven't looked at it in a while there is going to be a sneak peek because I know I was working on something so every time I look at this I have really mixed feelings about it like I think it's a super cool building I don't love it maybe just because of the coloring like I put myself into a color scheme that I'm like not really excited about but I will show you guys the sneak peek my gosh okay I was making a little Buffet over here but I will show you guys what I have gotten done in here the Halls are flooded so this over here is the arcade all of these were based off of tick tock videos I think okay I'm not positive but I think the coin pusher Skee-Ball and the basketball were mine right I don't know it doesn't really matter and then over here we have a little cafe obviously I'm not gonna delete it I will slowly make videos finishing it I promise modern work in progress what is this this is awful again if you want to recreate it for yourself there you go [Music] okay prep the apartment I literally just did this one if you want to see go check that video out it's actually super cool it's one of my favorites sorry my real life bedroom okay which one is this I think I've recreated my bedroom multiple times oh this is my old College apartment I live in a house now but this is my old apartment this is what it looks like oh this is like nostalgic because I I haven't lived in this apartment in like a year I should delete ah no because this is like my one memory that I have this is like my my old apartment and I'll never be able to see it again so I'm Gonna Keep It call it apartment Trixie Motel okay I don't know if you guys know what this is Trixie's a drag queen by the way I also don't watch any drag queens um I've never seen RuPaul's Drag Race I don't know who Trixie is I just saw that they had this series um where they renovated an entire old motel in California I think so my plan was I was gonna recreate the hotel or sorry the motel as it was before and then I was gonna renovate each room like I was gonna like recreate the show essentially it was so complicated one of the rooms the only room that I started on um this was like the before it was so ugly I don't think I'm gonna ever finish it so unfortunately that means I will be deleting it that was hours of my life gone this one literally says can delete on it I remember this I was recreating I think Khloe Kardashian's house in Calabasas but will I ever finish this no and it literally says can delete on it why did I keep it I don't know oh that's kind of sad now I'm gonna have so many empty plots cute home oh okay this is the house that I kept because I was making Renovations on it using Tick Tock hacks I think yeah so I actually made a second video a part two to testing Tick Tock hacks and then I never posted it I don't think I was done yet I don't think I'm gonna post the video um I made this door for the office honestly that was a big slay do you guys remember when this was a thing I literally popped into bloxburg again for like a couple weeks and I saw that everyone was doing this and so I tried it and then by the time I came back there were normal blankets in the game so this just cracks me up I'm gonna keep this for a while and see if I make any more changes to it not gonna I don't feel like I'm going to maybe I'll make my own Tick Tock hacks because I've been making a lot of custom furniture follow my tick tock something's not adding up did I ever post this video if I haven't posted it yet there you go you can make it but let's go ahead and delete it now this kind of sad like I probably worked on this for a couple hours and I'm just deleting it just like that like it's gone now blush Mansion okay I remember this this is a really old build as well I don't know why I've kept it I mean I guess this is the same like I'm keeping the houses that I've made recently that I really liked now I can delete the old ones out with the old and with the new I have the video to show for it so I don't really necessarily need to keep it if you guys want to recreate it it's called blush Mansion I'm assuming because that's what the plot's called rest in peace see how much you get 107 000 awesome okay ultra realistic house this is the house that I'm working on right now I'm doing the interior it's almost completely done however I'm not going to show you guys that okay underwater this is an underwater bedroom you guys prepare yourselves I don't even remember how I did this I'm gonna have to watch the video back because I could make a sick underwater bedroom okay so this is it is it blurry did it always used to be blurry underwater then swimming animation's so funny okay well that's really depressing like this is kind of hurting my eyes is it hurting your eyes Okay well I'm Gonna Keep it because it's dope if you guys want to go look at my video where I made that you can see what it looked like before beach house 2020. because the three-year-old house oh I like it what's this mountain doing though it's kind of random placement since I don't hate the outside right do we hit that side no because like this looks like a very basic beach house maybe I can remodel this one using like realistic things Versace okay this is the Versace Mansion in Miami it's super super old this is before like lighting was changed if you guys were here that long I think if someone made this now it would be so cool this is one of my specialty builds that I think I'm okay with deleting best in peace Versace I need a montage of all my loading screen faces because honestly is kind of funky so what if it looks like for real it looks crazy yeah this is awful you guys I think I'm gonna delete this that's kind of depressing but like it's really bad this one says it was a Pinterest to bloxburg house however I don't think I ever finished this it's a cool layout though where did it come from where is the recording and why didn't I finish it unfortunately I think I'm gonna delete this because I don't like the outside but we're at 750 000 that's wild my morale is getting low okay I remember these two were made after the gardening update came out so I just made a little teeny little house and then I made a greenhouse on the side I still love this I think this is so cute I love The Vibes I do think I'm gonna delete this plot unless I use this as my gardening plot look at my skills guys I want you guys to see my skills gardening is level five can you see my work too yeah honestly 37 is a really high level for what I was expecting I've never done any of this clearly okay I think I'm gonna keep that plot so that I can maybe one day in the future up my skills and then this is the second plot that I made with a little flower shop I think this is so cutie I made the sign I forgot about that there's a little Bakery inside of it oh my gosh so cute how much is it oh actually if I delete this it's gonna give me a lot of plans to my inventory I think I'm Gonna Keep It Meep City guys I remember this one so I recreated the meepcity map I don't know how many years ago this was it might have been like two years ago so I don't know if it looks exactly the same I'm gonna have to ignore the water once again but look do people still play meepcity I don't know I think it's cool I feel like there's not really a reason for me to delete this I was recreating a Brookhaven house a while ago so many other people recreated it so I just put that aside side I'm gonna do something else with it instead do you guys remember when there was that whole Area 51 everyone was gonna raid Area 51 on a certain day what was going on with that I don't know I was just gonna make something up and it was gonna have like an alien invasion so I made this is so funny I literally I'm Gonna Keep it just for fun okay next up we have a 15K house I already know I'm gonna delete it so let's just go let's look at it take a little peek okay this one is the video that I did where Snapchat AI built or decided what I was gonna build so I'm not gonna go through that one next one that we have is Starbucks coffee I love it I think it turned out so fun like I used some cooler textures and then I made like a little brass wall like SB on it I feel like I have to keep it but how much is it worth I'm gonna pretend like I didn't see that we don't need the money this was my house three years ago doesn't look totally accurate it looks kind of a little squished you can see there's a little sun room out there the inside was not finished like I didn't I didn't do much this was so old and I'm not gonna finish it so I think I'm gonna go ahead and delete it I'm going crazy this loading screen we're almost there this is like an open back doll house that I made super tiny build I don't even know why I kept it in the first place it's fun but like what am I gonna do with that nothing so let's delete it okay the next one this is my dream dollhouse build this is also brand new on my channel I think kind of I started it like a really long time ago but I just finished it so go check that out it's also on my Tick Tock if you want just a shorter version of it now this one's my restaurants was just a restaurant and then it was just two restaurants and then it was two restaurants and a store and now there's a nail salon and I was building an apartment building back there nothing really is like cohesive with each other but like I put them all in the same plot this is one of the cafes this is the second one that I made I actually love it so much I love the colors I love the vibe this is the first restaurant that I built um it's kind of boring it's just like a modern restaurant and then over here we have the clothing store there's a bunch of little high heels and purses oh my gosh the water I loved this wall I think it's so fun this is kind of giving like aurizio Vibes is that the one there's no windows in the dressing room you have to go outside to look at it I also think it's so cute I don't know why it's called Addison I don't even know in Addison but this is it okay this one is something I started so long ago I'm not gonna show you guys because I do think I'm actually gonna finish it I'm remaking the first build that I've ever done on this channel and I think it was my first house I ever made in bloxburg in general stay tuned for that I did start it over a year ago I think or maybe about a year ago so there are some things that I have to like play around with and fix I started recreating my college bedroom now I never finished it maybe I will when I go back before I move out are we on the last one we are on the last one okay so this one I will give you guys a little bit of sneak peek for so I don't know if you guys have watched the new Bama Rush documentary it's not even that good if you don't want to watch it tick tock's better to get your information from but you guys have probably seen Bama Rush on Tick Tock I'm not going to show you any more than this but I started making my own bloxburg sorority I think the exterior is completely done but I am starting on the interior now and it is taking a really long time but I have some fun planned but I'm not going to show you so I like my character so that is all my plots I don't know how many I deleted but I'll put the number on the screen somewhere over there looking at my money now I am very mad that I didn't hit a million but I did get about 830 000 or so from deleting all these plots which is amazing this is the most money I've had in so long I refuse to work I did do really well considering I definitely have attachment issues and I've had some of these plots for way longer than I should have and I did keep some that I shouldn't have kept all in all I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys had fun maybe seeing some builds that you've never seen before looking back on builds you might have watched make three years ago I have had this channel for seven years I don't know if any of them are that old thank you guys so much for watching all my social medias are linked in the description if you guys have build ideas I actually have a lot so I maybe don't want to add more to my list but do you guys have something that you want to see me do or redo or anything let me know in the comments sorry I'm kind of going crazy I don't suggest loading and unloading your plot 40 times in a row it takes a long time and it makes you go crazy I'm gonna go put these on so I don't get a migraine thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Ayzria
Views: 318,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, bloxburg, sims4, building, speedbuild, ayzria, welcome to bloxburg, sims 4, speedbuilder, aesthetic, affordable, family home, roleplaying, roleplay, roleplay house, challenge, all plots, facecam
Id: n3boQNJF8qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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